Newest CATs have metal reinforcement because the previous CATs windlass would actually bend and deform when you cranked em down on a studly dude.
Average to squishy guys it wasn't much of a problem.
The problem there though is guys were getting them tight enough to stop the bleed but not tight enough to fully remove pulse from the limb so guys were getting compartment syndrome. That is if the CAT worked. A lot of times, especially on a leg, you need 2 tourniquets.
SOF contains more studs and much fewer squishy guys and has used the SOF-T almost exclusively for years (though many an 18D will have his dudes carry both because the CAT is much easier to use on an arm than the SOFT and actually works well in that application)
Remember, if dude needs a tourniquet, he needed one a minute ago. The first tourniquet you can reach is for him. Even if you're wearing it.