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Link Posted: 11/29/2010 2:46:58 PM EDT
AJAX, I posted this over on the National Firearms Act Trade and Collectors Association (NFATCA) forum. There's not a lot of traffic, but some of the higher up members pay attention.
Link Posted: 11/29/2010 3:04:47 PM EDT


AJAX, I posted this over on the National Firearms Act Trade and Collectors Association (NFATCA) forum. There's not a lot of traffic, but some of the higher up members pay attention.

Don't you wonder if they might be against overturning this law? It would sure

hurt the value of the arms that many have.

Link Posted: 11/29/2010 3:27:38 PM EDT

AJAX, I posted this over on the National Firearms Act Trade and Collectors Association (NFATCA) forum. There's not a lot of traffic, but some of the higher up members pay attention.

Don't you wonder if they might be against overturning this law? It would sure
hurt the value of the arms that many have.

This has been addressed by Tony over on the NFA section of ARF. Those that have bought them as investments have for the most part already sold them, prices are ridiculously low, so most sold them as pries started to drop.

Most guys like Bob Landies and Dan Shea just love machine guns. They're just like us. Most NFA owners love guns because of what they are, not because they're investments. Read a copy of Small Arms Review, and you'll get a sense of the love the guns as machines, the sadness the writers harbor towards the '86, and the urgency they have to getting more old guns on the registry and keeping the ones on the registry intact. Both things which would keep prices from going up.

I hear this, and once Tony explained his experiences in the NFA world, it made more sense than the "investment" theories that abound.
Link Posted: 11/29/2010 3:42:25 PM EDT



AJAX, I posted this over on the National Firearms Act Trade and Collectors Association (NFATCA) forum. There's not a lot of traffic, but some of the higher up members pay attention.

Don't you wonder if they might be against overturning this law? It would sure

hurt the value of the arms that many have.


This has been addressed by Tony over on the NFA section of ARF. Those that have bought them as investments have for the most part already sold them, prices are ridiculously low, so most sold them as pries started to drop.

Most guys like Bob Landies and Dan Shea just love machine guns. They're just like us. Most NFA owners love guns because of what they are, not because they're investments.

I hear this, and once Tony explained his experiences in the NFA world, it made more sense than the "investment" theories that abound.

That sounds good, I really regret not getting one when I could. The problem is that I was

given misinformation about fees and thought I could not afford one. We had no internet

then and I had no easy way to find out differently and I trusted the person that gave me

the wrong info. I learned too late that I could have easily afforded to get a M16.

Link Posted: 11/29/2010 3:42:59 PM EDT
Good stuff
Link Posted: 11/29/2010 3:45:55 PM EDT
Ajax, thank you for taking an initiative to get shit done.
Link Posted: 11/29/2010 4:00:15 PM EDT


AJAX, I posted this over on the National Firearms Act Trade and Collectors Association (NFATCA) forum. There's not a lot of traffic, but some of the higher up members pay attention.

Don't you wonder if they might be against overturning this law? It would sure
hurt the value of the arms that many have.

This has been addressed by Tony over on the NFA section of ARF. Those that have bought them as investments have for the most part already sold them, prices are ridiculously low, so most sold them as pries started to drop.

Most guys like Bob Landies and Dan Shea just love machine guns. They're just like us. Most NFA owners love guns because of what they are, not because they're investments.

I hear this, and once Tony explained his experiences in the NFA world, it made more sense than the "investment" theories that abound.

That sounds good, I really regret not getting one when I could. The problem is that I was
given misinformation about fees and thought I could not afford one. We had no internet
then and I had no easy way to find out differently and I trusted the person that gave me
the wrong info. I learned too late that I could have easily afforded to get a M16.

I edited my post above.

The internet has really helped people get into the NFA game. Look how few MGs there are, now look at how many people on here have SBRs. Those rumors and misinformation persist until this day, however the large voice the internet has created has started to kill some of those old-wives tales. Google "silencers illegal", while there is some misinformation, most people inquiring are given the typical "legal in X number of states, form 4, $200 tax, etc..."

The internet has done a massive service to the gun world. Look at whats been happening with the explosive redefinition. No one knows about it and just as the ATF starts the ball rolling, it's on every gun board on the internet with countless people screaming "HELL NO! "

The internet has really flipped many political models on its head. Information about anything can be found out. The other side hasn't yet fully realized that. ATF abuse is finally being publicized, organizations can reach out to their base more broadly, and people are being presented raw data, not spoon fed by the media.

It's why I'm reasonably confident I'll be able to buy a machine gun in my lifetime.
Link Posted: 11/29/2010 4:02:26 PM EDT
AJAX, Your box is full!!

Please IM Me info in order for me to make my donation.


Link Posted: 11/29/2010 5:17:30 PM EDT
AJAX, Your box is full!!

Please IM Me info in order for me to make my donation.




PM to AJAX from LuckyDucky:
Method of Distribution

If you could put the video files on a 2GB flash drive and mail it to me, I would continue to do the same for others.  I'll pay the cost of shipping and for a 2GB flash drive.

I might be able to burn DVDs too.

Also, I'd like to request that any extra money from this project be donated to the NRA, GOA, JPFO, etc
Link Posted: 11/29/2010 5:30:43 PM EDT
Isn't one of the NRA directors a member here? Maybe they'd be interested in helping.

NRA Activism Forum

Go post there I will back you up bro,

ETA: Let me know (anybody who does post) as I dont frequent that forum.
Link Posted: 11/29/2010 6:33:00 PM EDT
Donations Received so far: (as of 7:31pm 11/29/210)

Total in hand ($308.83), total inbound $40, +$100 pledged from a donor at ar15.com

tuolomejim.................$20 (calguns) inbound check
wash.........................$20 (calguns) inbound check
$40 inbound via check

Dr Rockso––––––––––––––$20 (calguns) paypal
Nick––––––––––––––––––-$100 (calguns) paypal
PTK...........................$10 (thehighroad.org) paypal
Ravenslair..................$40 (calguns) paypal
SpringfieldEMP.............$20 (calguns) paypal
41magsnub..........................$30  (28.83 after fees) (thehighroad.org) paypal
Ke6guj......................$20 (calguns) paypal
??????.......................$20 (????) paypal
IngSoc........................$15 (thehighroad.org) paypal
MeiMei.....................$10 (thehighroad.org) paypal
Armygunsmith........................$25 (calguns) paypal

Jdude........................$100 (ar15.com) pending admin aproval for solicitation

Total pledged/donated––––––––-$'448.83

Total needed––––––––––––––––––-$391.25

Amount left––––––––––––––––––––$ Overpaid/overpleged $57.58

So, JDude we only need $42.42, not the full $100 you offered to make this happen.

which should give us $391.25 exactly.

I think we may have this handled guys!

the 2A community is amazing.... I can think of no other group of people who pull togeather to make things happen the way you guys do.

Link Posted: 11/29/2010 6:33:59 PM EDT
Oh, and I cleared my inbox.... sorry about that guys, at one point I was a paying member, so I had a bunch of PM's stored... then I let it lapse, so It was overfull.

Link Posted: 11/29/2010 6:38:26 PM EDT
AJAX, Your box is full!!

Please IM Me info in order for me to make my donation.




PM to AJAX from LuckyDucky:
Method of Distribution

If you could put the video files on a 2GB flash drive and mail it to me, I would continue to do the same for others.  I'll pay the cost of shipping and for a 2GB flash drive.

I might be able to burn DVDs too.

Also, I'd like to request that any extra money from this project be donated to the NRA, GOA, JPFO, etc

I don't want to be in a position where I take in extra money, as I feel even if I donated the extra towards the greater 2A fight it would be dishonest of me to solicit funds for one purpouse and then use them for something else.

once I have reached the exact target, I will not be accepting any further donations.

No thank you funds, no 'buy you a beer' funds...  I appriciate the thoughts guys, but for my own piece of mind this needs to be done strictly to the letter.

If you want to buy me a beer, I'll be more than happy to take you up on it in person the next time you're in NYC. ;)
Link Posted: 11/29/2010 6:49:28 PM EDT
AJAX, Your box is full!!

Please IM Me info in order for me to make my donation.




PM to AJAX from LuckyDucky:
Method of Distribution

If you could put the video files on a 2GB flash drive and mail it to me, I would continue to do the same for others.  I'll pay the cost of shipping and for a 2GB flash drive.

I might be able to burn DVDs too.

Also, I'd like to request that any extra money from this project be donated to the NRA, GOA, JPFO, etc

I don't want to be in a position where I take in extra money, as I feel even if I donated the extra towards the greater 2A fight it would be dishonest of me to solicit funds for one purpouse and then use them for something else.

once I have reached the exact target, I will not be accepting any further donations.

No thank you funds, no 'buy you a beer' funds...  I appriciate the thoughts guys, but for my own piece of mind this needs to be done strictly to the letter.

If you want to buy me a beer, I'll be more than happy to take you up on it in person the next time you're in NYC. ;)

You are in NYC?

After this effort, let's focus some time on repealing NYC's defacto long gun / handgun bans and pistol permit / CCW laws. If we can turn NYC around, we can do anything.
Link Posted: 11/29/2010 6:59:49 PM EDT

You are in NYC?

After this effort, let's focus some time on repealing NYC's defacto long gun / handgun bans and pistol permit / CCW laws.

I'm originally a Californian, but I moved to NYC for school (columbia) and hopefully to get a couple years work to establish myself.

I'm game for tackeling the NYC laws... I have a few ideas along that front.... If you're in the area we can meet up and throw some concepts around....

Link Posted: 11/29/2010 7:22:10 PM EDT


Ajax, thank you for taking an initiative to get shit done.

Someone ought to buy him a team member account.

Link Posted: 11/29/2010 7:33:43 PM EDT
I've said it in other threads, but even if it can be proven beyond the shadow of any doubt that the amendment was added even though the vote for the amendment failed, the Supreme Court will not overturn on that alone.  Because both houses of the Congress voted to pass the bill as enacted, the Constitutional requirement for valid legislation is met.  Congressional rules are purely the domain of the respective house of Congress.  SCOTUS has consistently ruled that the majority vote of the house in question is the de-facto rule.

So in this case, if the amendment was added with the minority voting "no," SCOTUS will rule that in this case that minority vote in favor constituted a legitimate amending of the bill being debated.  Why?  Again, two reason (restating the above).

1.  Each house of Congress voted in favor of the final bill containing the amendment.

2.  SCOTUS defers to the individual house in determining that house's rules only excepting Constitutionally-explicit requirements (such as quorum and eligibility).
Link Posted: 11/29/2010 8:07:13 PM EDT
I've said it in other threads, but even if it can be proven beyond the shadow of any doubt that the amendment was added even though the vote for the amendment failed, the Supreme Court will not overturn on that alone.  Because both houses of the Congress voted to pass the bill as enacted, the Constitutional requirement for valid legislation is met.  Congressional rules are purely the domain of the respective house of Congress.  SCOTUS has consistently ruled that the majority vote of the house in question is the de-facto rule.

So in this case, if the amendment was added with the minority voting "no," SCOTUS will rule that in this case that minority vote in favor constituted a legitimate amending of the bill being debated.  Why?  Again, two reason (restating the above).

1.  Each house of Congress voted in favor of the final bill containing the amendment.

2.  SCOTUS defers to the individual house in determining that house's rules only excepting Constitutionally-explicit requirements (such as quorum and eligibility).

Yep, its a classic seperation of powers issue.

However, having tangible evidence that they took a right from us through deciet has the potential to upset a lot of people who were not aware of the issue or how it occured.

It could get people off the fence and into the fight.... at least make the Hughes amendment a subject of popular conversation...

Even with no legal/judicial recourse its Still worth pursuing.
Link Posted: 11/30/2010 5:11:37 AM EDT
Copletely agreed. I just want people to understand the game and not get overly excited. I would love to see the video proof on display to the nation.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 11/30/2010 5:15:47 AM EDT
Machine Guns are evil.

Just like white shoes after Labor Day, they're prohibited.
Link Posted: 11/30/2010 6:09:20 AM EDT
I'm all for this coming out and exposing the shady nature of late night congress, but most sheeple already believe MGs are illegal to own. This coming out on a broad nature will only
1. inform sheeple that MGs are legal to own under a set criterion.
2. show them that we are pushing to make them much more affordable thus easier to obtain.
3. get them roweled up in arms to push for a full MG ban, because why do people need MGs and we need to ban them for the children.

This needs to come out but I'm worried the fall out will hurt more than help.
Link Posted: 11/30/2010 6:21:03 AM EDT

Log out, and then back in...
Link Posted: 11/30/2010 6:51:18 AM EDT
Sorry but be late in the game but what am I missing here? Was the fabled video recording of the vote found?
Link Posted: 11/30/2010 6:56:33 AM EDT
Sorry but be late in the game but what am I missing here? Was the fabled video recording of the vote found?


AJAX22, pm sent.
Link Posted: 11/30/2010 6:57:23 AM EDT
Sorry but be late in the game but what am I missing here? Was the fabled video recording of the vote found?

Yes. Ajax found it in the library of congress. He's been collecting money to pay for the conversion to dvd and shipping.
Link Posted: 11/30/2010 7:00:50 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/30/2010 11:14:02 AM EDT
Here is a copy of the Order form/price quote/use guidelines from the LOC, I had asked for two price quotes, one for the full footage, and one for just the Hughes vote, so that's why there are two of them. (we are getting the full footage, as there may be valuable data there)


Link Posted: 11/30/2010 11:27:21 AM EDT
Tag... I want to see how this turns out.
Link Posted: 11/30/2010 12:05:08 PM EDT
When it comes in, I would like a full copy of the whole thing.

I should be able to get the relevant parts into a short clip.
Link Posted: 11/30/2010 12:18:58 PM EDT
Didn't you say some people had over-donated? Is there enough extra donation to get a rush order?
Link Posted: 11/30/2010 12:38:27 PM EDT
Didn't you say some people had over-donated? Is there enough extra donation to get a rush order?

We actually came in within $2 of target the target, people had pledged more towards the project, but thankfully I was able to get ahold of them before they sent funds. (jdude offered &100 but we only needed $42.67...  And even then he sent 45 to cover paypal fees on the transfer so It worked out almost perfectly.

According to the head research librarian expidited service was not available because of the format of the footage an where it was stored.

So while I would love to get it sooner, we are all going to have to wait.
Link Posted: 11/30/2010 12:40:10 PM EDT
When it comes in, I would like a full copy of the whole thing.

I should be able to get the relevant parts into a short clip.

No worries, copies will be available
Link Posted: 11/30/2010 2:45:45 PM EDT
I would like to be in line to buy a copy from you.

There is a slim chance but it is enough that I have hope that this could somehow overturn an infringement on our rights.  We will never get there unless we try.

Thank you for your work on this matter.
Link Posted: 11/30/2010 2:50:40 PM EDT
I would like to be in line to buy a copy from you.

There is a slim chance but it is enough that I have hope that this could somehow overturn an infringement on our rights.  We will never get there unless we try.

Thank you for your work on this matter.

I won't be selling copies (that would be commercial use, and even if allowed under public domain, I don't want to risk being hassled)

I will however be making copies available to other gunnies who can then run off copies for anyone who wants one.

Link Posted: 11/30/2010 2:52:32 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/30/2010 2:58:55 PM EDT
I would like to be in line to buy a copy from you.

There is a slim chance but it is enough that I have hope that this could somehow overturn an infringement on our rights.  We will never get there unless we try.

Thank you for your work on this matter.

I won't be selling copies (that would be commercial use, and even if allowed under public domain, I don't want to risk being hassled)

I will however be making copies available to other gunnies who can then run off copies for anyone who wants one.

Sorry, I posted that before I read page 5.  I was following this a while back and noticed that it popped back up again on GD.  Do you mind if I cross post this on other firearms forums?

Has anyone contacted NRA-ILA to see if they have the stones to tackle it?
Link Posted: 11/30/2010 3:06:30 PM EDT
Sorry, I posted that before I read page 5.  I was following this a while back and noticed that it popped back up again on GD.  Do you mind if I cross post this on other firearms forums?

Has anyone contacted NRA-ILA to see if they have the stones to tackle it?

I don't think this is the type of thing the NRA generally focuses on, but it would make a GREAT fundraising video for them. Just getting them to look at full autos as an issue would be a huge step.

You can cross post anywhere and everywhere, please just send me a link to the post or post it in this thread so I can keep track when it cones time to post the video up.

P.s. Thank you to whoever upgraded my account to a team member account, it makes managing my pm's much easier.
Link Posted: 11/30/2010 3:21:49 PM EDT





The vast majority of shooters got way more out of the FOPA than they lost with 992(o)

Then...........now not so much.


Most of FOPA value is gone today.

The first problem is 80% of the FFLs in 1986 were forced out-of-business a few years later. There is a sad irony to that.

Then lots of states ban many of the FOPA goodies - gun shows, mail order ammo, buying out of state. So those benefits are lost.

The states that "banned the FOPA goodies" (like California is doing with mail-order ammo) aren't going to let you own a machine gun.  What "FOPA goodies" have you lost in Texas?

If you guys want to get all butt-hurt about a law, get butt-hurt about the Gun Control Act of 1968.

That was an evil game-changer. Before GCA '68 I could have mail-ordered a 20mm Solothurn anti-tank gun! Or any of the cheap military surplus rifles (bolt and semi) and pistols that filled the ads in gun magazines... And ammo! No silly C&R or going through an FFL. Mr. Postman just brought it to your door (or REA, but the kids don't remember REA).

And I could have gotten an FFL for a $1 and not had to "engage in the business"! Or do private FTF sales to anyone and not care if they were a "prohibited person" or if they even lived in my state.

Or walk into any place in the US and buy a pistol (by the local laws, but other than that).

Or find a MG and walk into the ATF and say "can you help me put this on the Registry" and they would (instead of stomping you down)... even better, you'd be out shooting your Daddy's unregistered WWII bring back MG and the friendly ATF agent at the next firing point would say "want me to get that on the Registry for you?". And he would!

Or fly with a gun and have it in the cabin with you (not checked).

Except I was 14.

Then three political assassinations ruined it for everyone. And one of the most pro-gun Senators made it happen.

And ya'll think the Hughes Amendment was the most horrible thing ever?

Is it true or internet myth that the GCA of 1968 was modeled on the Nazi gun control laws of the late 1930's? I have always heard this and wondered if the internet sites purporting it to be true were legit.

Link Posted: 11/30/2010 3:33:27 PM EDT


Is there any way to get our states involved in this? Being from Texas I would think we could get some backing. If there were enough states pushing this could we have a chance. Oh yeah, tag!

You do realize that Class 3 is illegal in Texas with NFA stamps being a legal defense on the ability to own, don't you? If the NFA went away, MGs, SBRs and the rest would be illegal in Texas.

Link Posted: 11/30/2010 3:34:31 PM EDT

Is it true or internet myth that the GCA of 1968 was modeled on the Nazi gun control laws of the late 1930's? I have always heard this and wondered if the internet sites purporting it to be true were legit.


Not to get too Off topic, but Yes, it was

The Jpfo even found the request by the man who wrote the law for a translation of the original german text of the "law of weapons of March 18 1938"


Link Posted: 11/30/2010 3:34:45 PM EDT



Is there any way to get our states involved in this? Being from Texas I would think we could get some backing. If there were enough states pushing this could we have a chance. Oh yeah, tag!

Its simple, but most posters here seem to have no concept of how law is made at the Federal level (where's "Schoolhouse Rock" when you need it?).

1.  First, a senator or congressman needs to be convinced this is a political issue important to enough people to introduce a bill to repeal 18 USC
§ 922(o).

1a.  To do this enough money has to be raised to create enough pressure on said senator or congressman (but first, they have to care - Chuck Schumer, for example, will never care).

1b.  Part of this money would have to go towards teaching Americans, through TV spots, etc., that "evil" machine guns are not illegal; that they are not "evil"; and that they (Joe and Jane Sixpack) should give a shit about whether you can buy a post May 1986 MG or not.  This is critical.

1c.  Then Joe and Jane Sixpack need to be organized into a grassroots movement (a "special interest group") with lobbyists to pressure other congressmen and senators.

1d.  When enough senators and / or congressmen get excited about the issue / feel the heat from their constituents / get enough donations to sign up as co-sponsors, then

2.  The majority party leadership in the House or Senate sends the bill to the appropriate committee.  The majority party leadership has to see this as something that will get them reelected or critical to the country - see 1a -1d.

3.  If the committee chairman feels enough love / pressure  / money the bill will be reported out of committee.

3a.  It can be amended in committee.

4.  Then it goes to the floor.  Once again, you have to have a majority of senators or congressmen convinced its critical to them getting reelected to vote "yes".

4a.  It can be amended during the floor debate.

5.  Then it goes to the other chamber (Senate or House, depending) and the same process takes place.

6.  If the final result in the other chamber is the same, it goes to the President for signature or veto.  If he vetoes, you need a 2/3s majority in both chambers to overcome it and it becomes law.

7.  If at 5. then two versions are different, then there is a conference committee to adjust the differences, then both chambers vote on it again, then it goes to the President.

7a.  The version the joint committee reports out can be totally different than what each chamber originally passed.

Now, if pro-life groups haven't been able to generate the fire and the money to reform abortion on demand or even limit partial birth abortion when lots of people feel passionately about that, how are a small percentage of firearms enthusiasts going to do it?

Organization and more money than God is the start.  Or the Supreme Court.

Seems like it would easier to get someone to sneak in some wording in a big omnibus and have it passed.

Link Posted: 11/30/2010 3:40:34 PM EDT



Its simple, but most posters here seem to have no concept of how law is made at the Federal level (where's "Schoolhouse Rock" when you need it?).

That is far too difficult.  Has anybody asked what it would cost to get it slipped in without debate with the next bill that gives the Congress a pay raise?



Link Posted: 11/30/2010 3:55:56 PM EDT


I'm all for this coming out and exposing the shady nature of late night congress, but most sheeple already believe MGs are illegal to own. This coming out on a broad nature will only

1. inform sheeple that MGs are legal to own under a set criterion.

2. show them that we are pushing to make them much more affordable thus easier to obtain.

3. get them roweled up in arms to push for a full MG ban, because why do people need MGs and we need to ban them for the children.

This needs to come out but I'm worried the fall out will hurt more than help.

An outright ban would be challenged with an incorporated 2nd. It would not be hidden as a "tax" issue, no telling where it ends up but at least we could have the final argument about the Constitution.

If the 2nd fell, the rest won't be far behind.

Link Posted: 11/30/2010 3:58:46 PM EDT



Is it true or internet myth that the GCA of 1968 was modeled on the Nazi gun control laws of the late 1930's? I have always heard this and wondered if the internet sites purporting it to be true were legit.


Not to get too Off topic, but Yes, it was

The Jpfo even found the request by the man who wrote the law for a translation of the original german text of the "law of weapons of March 18 1938"


Wow, that's messed up. I wonder how the veterans of WWII would have reacted had that fact been made widely known?

Link Posted: 11/30/2010 4:34:56 PM EDT

Link Posted: 11/30/2010 8:04:48 PM EDT
Nazi Weapons Act of 1938 (Translated to English)

Classified guns for "sporting purposes".
All citizens who wished to purchase firearms had to register with the Nazi officials and have a background check.
Presumed German citizens were hostile and thereby exempted Nazis from the gun control law.
Gave Nazis unrestricted power to decide what kinds of firearms could, or could not be owned by private persons.
The types of ammunition that were legal were subject to control by bureaucrats.
Juveniles under 18 years could not buy firearms and ammunition
Link Posted: 12/1/2010 8:08:23 PM EDT
Does anyone have a source of the NRA saying that they were going to fight the Hughes amendment?
Link Posted: 12/1/2010 8:17:22 PM EDT
Does anyone have a source of the NRA saying that they were going to fight the Hughes amendment?

Obviously not a damn thing has been done to repeal this amendment by the NRA.
Link Posted: 12/1/2010 8:25:14 PM EDT
Does anyone have a source of the NRA saying that they were going to fight the Hughes amendment?


Obviously not a damn thing has been done to repeal this amendment by the NRA.

Thanks for posting! I have not yet joined the NRA but I am going to see what they have to say about this first.  Also, like Gunnerpalace mentioned, would it do any good to post this in the NRA Activist Forum?
Link Posted: 12/2/2010 5:42:56 AM EDT
Does anyone have a source of the NRA saying that they were going to fight the Hughes amendment?


Obviously not a damn thing has been done to repeal this amendment by the NRA.

Thanks for posting! I have not yet joined the NRA but I am going to see what they have to say about this first.  Also, like Gunnerpalace mentioned, would it do any good to post this in the NRA Activist Forum?

Very interesting.....

That letter makes a lot of promises that have not been fulfilled.

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