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Link Posted: 2/17/2013 6:50:06 AM EDT
Sharpened stick....
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 6:52:38 AM EDT
If i could have only one or the other, i would trade that one for a shotgun.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 6:54:33 AM EDT
Fuck that shit. I want something I can kill a Jaguar with if Im stuck in the jungle for 3 years.

US Rifle.
Cal. .30

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 6:55:14 AM EDT
99% of people responding here have never handled an AK, 50% dont even have an AR.

A lot of folks that dislike AKs on this board have only ever handled parts-kit guns cobbled together by crack-addled monkeys.

The last "AK" I fired, was a Galil, which I am pretty sure was put together correctly.  I just didn't like, the sights, the trigger, the weight and so on.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 6:59:41 AM EDT

correct answer


Stupid answer - not only will shotgun ammo be hard to come by in that AO, it doesn't do real well around alot of moisture...

   - georgestrings

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 7:07:28 AM EDT

The AK will fire more catridges than you're likely to acquire in a jungle (and a hell of a lot more than you want to carry) before it "needs" maintenance, but only a fool fails to care for a weapon on which he's relying to stay alive.

The AK will rust completely shut just by sitting there. IF it didnt come right out of the crate broke.  

If either of those statements were anywhere close to true, there would be a lot more people I served with who were alive today.
But don't let the facts interfere with your fantasies.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 7:08:36 AM EDT
AR.   Aks are for 3rd world goatfuckers.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 7:11:06 AM EDT
the last time my AK broke i fixed it with a nail a hammer an a rock.. Just saying.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 7:13:26 AM EDT
AR with nitrided barrel. That leaves only a few noncritical pieces to rust. The whole AK is going to rust except for the furniture and chromed surfaces.

Yea because an AK gives two shits about rust.

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 7:16:42 AM EDT
Again with this ?  

The gun that does not need a bag of spare parts.  

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 7:17:19 AM EDT
ARs like oil. Without it, they are dead. I have ARs and like them, but I also have oil to maintain them. In the jungle, it is AK, hands down. When my AK gets dry, I can pissin the receiver and keep shooting.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 7:21:07 AM EDT


If either of those statements were anywhere close to true, there would be a lot more people I served with who were alive today.

But don't let the facts interfere with your fantasies.


You do know that even retarded Afghans do maintenance, with oil on their AKs right? In whatever war you are referring to, the enemy did maintenance as well.

Have you ever gotten AKs fresh out of a crate and trained piles of people on them? I assure you folks in the GWOT have MUCH more hands on experience with AKs than any previous war. In any other war the guys getting shot at didnt really get to see what the enemy was doing with the weapons before they shot at you with them.

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 7:24:45 AM EDT
An AR wouldn't look like that.

The only rust you will get on the AR is the barrel, BCG, and FCG.

Since the BCG is in the receiver, it would protect it from most rust, if its chrome plated
even better.

You would be surprised how long a AR will run with no cleaning.


Sounds like people think the jungle is full of CLP trees and one spot of rust will make an AK explode.
Would an AR in this condition run?

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 7:29:59 AM EDT

Nailed it.  Just about anything though, because the first time I get into a gunfight if at all, I am taking the opposition's weapon and ammunition, assuming I survive, and jungle diseases haven't offed me already.

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 7:34:27 AM EDT
No where did OP specify what country.  Hell, HI, FL, E. TN, W. NC, N. ga  and even Southern AK are considered "Jungle".

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 7:35:50 AM EDT
AK. You should know the reasons why.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 7:38:12 AM EDT

If either of those statements were anywhere close to true, there would be a lot more people I served with who were alive today.
But don't let the facts interfere with your fantasies.


You do know that even retarded Afghans do maintenance, with oil on their AKs right? In whatever war you are referring to, the enemy did maintenance as well.

Have you ever gotten AKs fresh out of a crate and trained piles of people on them? I assure you folks in the GWOT have MUCH more hands on experience with AKs than any previous war. In any other war the guys getting shot at didnt really get to see what the enemy was doing with the weapons before they shot at you with them.

Son, we recovered large numbers of weapons - from people who were using them in the jungle. It didn't require a detail strip to determine the condition. We knew the weapons were in working condition and not broken or rusted to the point that they would not work since people had been shooting at us recently, using those weapons.
While the NVA was very good at weapons maintenance, some local VC were not. Despite that they managed to shoot at us as well.
And thanks for trying to tell me all about a war that ended before you were born. Any penetrating insights on the events of the Thirty Years War?
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 7:39:56 AM EDT
AK. You should know the reasons why.

Enlighten me.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 7:42:43 AM EDT



AR with nitrided barrel. That leaves only a few noncritical pieces to rust. The whole AK is going to rust except for the furniture and chromed surfaces.

Yea because an AK gives two shits about rust.



Oh look, a rusty AK.

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 7:47:35 AM EDT
I will choose the ar-47.

I am a cannibal as well at times just ask my GF.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 7:51:03 AM EDT


Son, we recovered large numbers of weapons - from people who were using them in the jungle. It didn't require a detail strip to determine the condition. We knew the weapons were in working condition and not broken or rusted to the point that they would not work since people had been shooting at us recently, using those weapons.

While the NVA was very good at weapons maintenance, some local VC were not. Despite that they managed to shoot at us as well.

And thanks for trying to tell me all about a war that ended before you were born. Any penetrating insights on the events of the Thirty Years War?


You're welcome.

Again, did you pull them out of the crate, put thousands of rounds through them, and supervise the training and leading of people equipped with them into combat?

No, some jerk shot at you with them, you do not know how many he ditched after he opened up the crate he got from his commie friends because they were junk. You even say the NVA was great at weapons maintenance.

Guns recovered from the dead or from caches tend to be in much worse condition than ones a live man is carrying.

These didnt look like this before we got done killing the owners:

If people were using AK47s in the 30 years war I would have some insight, but as I have no knowledge of the maintenance required on Pikes or Match locks I dont have any.

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 7:55:38 AM EDT


These didnt look like this before we got done killing the owners:

Dibs on the scoped SVD.

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 7:56:50 AM EDT
AK people are a silly bunch.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 11:15:22 AM EDT
AK. Locals are probably using the same ammo, so I could theoretically replenish my ammo if I had to. And hopefully in the jungle you're not shooting too terribly far. Bullets have some heft to em, to boot.

AK74 is the correct answer.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 11:28:06 AM EDT
People who think the AK will be more reliable need to google rust.

AKs are parked just like an AR and you should see what a jungle can do to aluminum if you think rust is all you have to worry about.

Ok, I'll bite:  WHAT does a jungle do to aluminum

Louisiana is the closest thing in CONUS to a real jungle environment and the only issues I've seen with aluminum have been cathodic corrosion between it and ferrous metals when they're anywhere around salt-laden air.  There isn't some sort of magic microbe in tropical environments which eats metal, just a shitload of heat and humidity, both of which will affect steel much more rapidly than aluminum.

I think there's a lot of merit for this idea, especially since I'd have to lug the fucking thing around a jungle.  Anyone who's been through that or a swampy environment can tell you that there are a lot of times you want minimal weight and both hands free.


Agreed. Uzi I think would be my choice in the jungle. Maybe a similar open bolt subgun. Ammo is everywhere, it's light so you can carry a lot of it, and at those distances a rifle isn't going to have as much of an advantage WRT range as it otherwise would. Also the gun and caliber are easy to suppress, something that important for folks that want to not die while doing their best rendition of Rambo.

Realistically, I'd probably use what the locals do and call it a day.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 11:37:57 AM EDT

Guns recovered from the dead or from caches tend to be in much worse condition than ones a live man is carrying.

Your problem is that you believe your experience is both representative of all others' experience and the only valid one.
While that problem is very common, it's still a problem. I doubt you'll ever overcome it. So few people do.

The people who were using the weapons shortly before we recovered them were usually dead. However, we did take some prisioners. There was no correlation between their status and the condition of the weapons unless they were damaged. The difference in weapons maintanence depended most often on the organization which the former possessor belonged to.

I'm interested in how you were able to determine the condition of the weapons BEFORE you killed the persons who previously possessed them. You have  suggested I had no way to accomplish that. Apparently you have some super power that mere mortals do not posess.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 11:52:01 AM EDT
The reputation of both weapons originated in the Jungles of Nam. The AK has enjoyed a great reputation the world over while the AR has had to mend it's image and dispell myths over the last 40 or 50 years. That being said the only logical choice in the jungle would be 2 gold plated Taurus judges displayed until the natives confused me with one of their deities and made me a King. I think thats how Cortez used to roll.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 1:29:00 PM EDT


I'm interested in how you were able to determine the condition of the weapons BEFORE you killed the persons who previously possessed them. You have suggested I had no way to accomplish that. Apparently you have some super power that mere mortals do not posess.

Because I trained the users, and was there for the entirety of the training cycle, from out of box to broken AK.

Thats the fundamental difference between our wars I am discussing. I trained and led forces armed with AK47s AND M16s.

I saw the AK from both sides, being shot at by it, and training folks to shoot at the enemy with it.

I do not believe my experience is representative of yours, its radically different. I will listen to anything you have to say about the failure of M16s in Vietnam. HOWEVER my experience was fundamentally linked to the training, equipping, and use of AK47s. (As well as being shot at by them.)

As an example, some Afghans still use Lee-Enfields, I can say it sucks being shot at by a Lee-Enflield, but as I have never had a huge sample of Lee-Enfields to train soldiers on and see used en-mass, I cannot comment on its reliability as a combat firearm.

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 1:31:49 PM EDT
Piston AR

I want a DI AK.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 1:33:27 PM EDT
With no cleaning supplies: AK

With a bottle of CLP And a cleaning kit: AR

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 1:35:05 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 1:40:23 PM EDT

These didnt look like this before we got done killing the owners:
Dibs on the scoped SVD.

Dibs on the East German AKs.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 1:42:18 PM EDT
Well I imagine in a third world country Ak-47 ammo is easier to come by, so ak.

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 1:44:10 PM EDT
Anyone that doesn't say AK is full of shit.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 1:45:49 PM EDT
Anyone that doesn't say AK is full of shit actually has experience with it.

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 1:47:20 PM EDT
what ever isn't banned.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 1:51:23 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 1:55:15 PM EDT
The reputation of both weapons originated in the Jungles of Nam. The AK has enjoyed a great reputation the world over while the AR has had to mend it's image and dispell myths over the last 40 or 50 years. That being said the only logical choice in the jungle would be 2 gold plated Taurus judges displayed until the natives confused me with one of their deities and made me a King. I think thats how Cortez used to roll.

^^^ winning logic
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 1:55:38 PM EDT
Knowledge of survival techniques, survival gear, and medication would be much more important than choice in rifles. I could manage with either of the weapons.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 2:00:02 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 2:01:26 PM EDT
I would take a AR.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 2:28:24 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 2:32:32 PM EDT
AKs are for people that like having theirs ass's kicked.........and are to cheap to buy better arms....
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 2:35:25 PM EDT

I came here to post that picture.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 2:39:39 PM EDT


AK - ALL THE WAY  There is no argument that the AK is far more dependable

I'll take my soilid receiver Arsenal first.

Unless you talk to Veterans who actually have seen and even used and trained with AK's in the wild, and know that AK's are just a gun like any other.

Then the "no argument" thing disappears under the scrutiny called "real life".

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 2:40:53 PM EDT

AK - ALL THE WAY  There is no argument that the AK is far more dependable

I'll take my soilid receiver Arsenal first.

Unless you talk to Veterans who actually have seen and even used and trained with AK's in the wild, and know that AK's are just a gun like any other.

Then the "no argument" thing disappears under the scrutiny called "real life".

Dont bust their bubble man.......
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 2:41:09 PM EDT
Piston AR

I want a DI AK.

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 2:47:50 PM EDT
Piston AR

Link Posted: 2/17/2013 2:48:56 PM EDT

AK - ALL THE WAY  There is no argument that the AK is far more dependable

I'll take my soilid receiver Arsenal first.

Unless you talk to Veterans who actually have seen and even used and trained with AK's in the wild, and know that AK's are just a gun like any other.

Then the "no argument" thing disappears under the scrutiny called "real life".

You and all the other veterans on this board are ignorant.  You may have a tour or two in Iraq, but I have over a decade of weapons research on the internet.  It takes a lot of nerve to argue with someone like me.
Link Posted: 2/17/2013 2:49:56 PM EDT

I'm interested in how you were able to determine the condition of the weapons BEFORE you killed the persons who previously possessed them. You have suggested I had no way to accomplish that. Apparently you have some super power that mere mortals do not posess.

Because I trained the users, and was there for the entirety of the training cycle, from out of box to broken AK.

Thats the fundamental difference between our wars I am discussing. I trained and led forces armed with AK47s AND M16s.

I saw the AK from both sides, being shot at by it, and training folks to shoot at the enemy with it.

I do not believe my experience is representative of yours, its radically different. I will listen to anything you have to say about the failure of M16s in Vietnam. HOWEVER my experience was fundamentally linked to the training, equipping, and use of AK47s. (As well as being shot at by them.)

As an example, some Afghans still use Lee-Enfields, I can say it sucks being shot at by a Lee-Enflield, but as I have never had a huge sample of Lee-Enfields to train soldiers on and see used en-mass, I cannot comment on its reliability as a combat firearm.

Well hellooooooooo Mr. Fancypants.
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