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Link Posted: 11/9/2017 3:43:31 PM EDT
Just to play devil's advocate here, wouldn't a small town, Southern judge be about the hardest person to accuse if you were molested by them?
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 3:44:21 PM EDT
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So they said nothing for decades  until he runs for a senate seat? I’m no fan of Moore but that smells like BS.
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They said nothing till the Washington Post made it known that they were looking for something on Moore........i don't buy the whole " I couldn't come forward thing"
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 3:45:32 PM EDT
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Just to play devil's advocate here, wouldn't a small town, Southern judge be about the hardest person to accuse if you were molested by them?
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Sounds like he was an assistant DA at the time.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 3:45:57 PM EDT
Haha I don't believe this one. Maybe Doug Jones has started fighting dirty
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 3:45:59 PM EDT
Drudge is sure pushing the democrat revival bullshit.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 3:47:04 PM EDT
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Just to play devil's advocate here, wouldn't a small town, Southern judge be about the hardest person to accuse if you were molested by them?
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Weren't most of those situations taken care of by "hunting accidents" back in the day?
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 3:48:23 PM EDT
Exactly, Statutes of Limitations should be shorter, not longer.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 3:48:31 PM EDT
McConnell has already come out saying the Judge should step down.   Proof the deep state is involved.  Enough said.  I say the Judge should double down his denials and fight back.  This stinks to high heaven.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 3:49:42 PM EDT
Here's the statement in full. It sounds like he's going to fight back which is a good thing:

Click To View Spoiler

Link Posted: 11/9/2017 3:53:16 PM EDT
I don't believe it.  Not one accusation till now?  I know nothing about the guy, but 30+ years down the line? GTFO.  I don't even care if it's true at this point,  but suspect it's not given how much time has passed

I'll wait for /pol to reveal that they are all rabid DNC supporters are "they're with her!"
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 3:54:23 PM EDT
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They said nothing till the Washington Post made it known that they were looking for something on Moore........i don't buy the whole " I couldn't come forward thing"
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So they said nothing for decades  until he runs for a senate seat? I’m no fan of Moore but that smells like BS.
They said nothing till the Washington Post made it known that they were looking for something on Moore........i don't buy the whole " I couldn't come forward thing"
Truely shocking why no one comes forward with these things, especially when nobody will believe them.

33 sources?

ETA: This ad from his primary opponent is certainly much more interesting now.

Link Posted: 11/9/2017 3:56:07 PM EDT
its a disgusting fad now.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 3:56:23 PM EDT
I wonder when we will hear that Doug Jones has raped little boys. The guy looks like it. He has always give me the creeps.

Link Posted: 11/9/2017 3:56:42 PM EDT
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its a disgusting fad now.
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Link Posted: 11/9/2017 3:57:03 PM EDT
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They said "IF TRUE, he should step down"

I hope he stands his ground.   Accusations right before an election should be considered BS.
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Yeah some of them did. Not McCain though he wants him gone just on the allegations:

Link Posted: 11/9/2017 3:57:30 PM EDT
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Yeah some of them did. Not McCain though he wants him gone just on the allegations:

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They said "IF TRUE, he should step down"

I hope he stands his ground.   Accusations right before an election should be considered BS.
Yeah some of them did. Not McCain though he wants him gone just on the allegations:

you 1st asshole (@mcstain)
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 3:58:04 PM EDT
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I wouldn't be shocked tbh. As someone raised in an evangelical home and educated exclusively at private Christian schools there is nothing about this that is surprising. Sexual impropriety was RAMPANT with teenage girls and married women in a lot (not all) of churches.

eta - we need more info before passing judgement, but it doesn't look good.
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As someone who was also raised in an evangelical home and went to private Christian schools, I did NOT observe the widespread sexual misconduct that you’re talking about. 
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 3:58:59 PM EDT
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"Alec Baldwin molested me!" gd- "Kill him!"
"[whoever this guy is] molested me!" gd-"Fake news!"

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It's a question of gain. What did the people accusing Spacey have to gain? They're not suing the guy.

In this case, it's like the half dozen women crying rape about Trump just before the election. Where'd they go? Rape victim groups should sue them into the grave.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 3:59:32 PM EDT
the timing of this makes me doubt her story
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 4:00:26 PM EDT
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you 1st asshole (@mcstain)
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They said "IF TRUE, he should step down"

I hope he stands his ground.   Accusations right before an election should be considered BS.
Yeah some of them did. Not McCain though he wants him gone just on the allegations:

you 1st asshole (@mcstain)
That's basically a not guilty verdict right there
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 4:01:00 PM EDT
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Truely shocking why no one comes forward with these things, especially when nobody will believe them.

33 sources?
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So they said nothing for decades  until he runs for a senate seat? I’m no fan of Moore but that smells like BS.
They said nothing till the Washington Post made it known that they were looking for something on Moore........i don't buy the whole " I couldn't come forward thing"
Truely shocking why no one comes forward with these things, especially when nobody will believe them.

33 sources?
Convenient timing........its real easy to accuse, now prove it.......had a good friend who had his career ruined because of accusations like this......which turned out to be completely false.....surely they have concrete, reliable proof.......or maybe it was Russians
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 4:03:06 PM EDT
Deep State hatchet job
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 4:03:08 PM EDT
This is why the Hollywood allegations are so dangerous.

Now anyone can come forward and dredge up ancient history or just make shit up whole cloth and the jackals will destroy the person  alleged to have done something with no evidence whatsoever.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 4:03:12 PM EDT
This Judge Moore suddenly interests me, for he has the full force of the deep state gunning for him for immediate demolition.  The GOPe has definitely targeted him for destruction.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 4:07:25 PM EDT
The SWAMP is fighting back hard in this Senate special election.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 4:07:41 PM EDT
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This Judge Moore suddenly interests me, for he has the full force of the deep state gunning for him for immediate demolition.  The GOPe has definitely targeted him for destruction.
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X2.  Look at the Republicans calling for him to step down immediately.  Says all there is to say about Moore!
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 4:11:27 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 4:12:13 PM EDT
When racism doesn't work

When sexual harassment and rape doesn't work

Try pedophilia.

Always acuse the other of what you're guilt of.  Taken from Hollywood and thrown into Alabama.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 4:12:14 PM EDT
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IN b4 Gloria Allred turns up at a news conference
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This.  But it won't make any difference.  Moore will be elected by a wide margin as a FU to McConnell and the rest of the GOPe. 
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 4:12:44 PM EDT
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Yeah some of them did. Not McCain though he wants him gone just on the allegations:

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That's rich coming from the guy who fucked over his first wife the way he did.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 4:13:14 PM EDT
DNC is going with the Ned Gillespie strategy.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 4:13:48 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 4:13:55 PM EDT
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Communists lie
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Everything about communism is a lie.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 4:14:57 PM EDT
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On girl claims they had a couple of dates but no sex when she was 14. iirc she even stated he did not know her exact age.

Another said they started dating when she was 18. Another says he asked one girls parents for permission to date her and they refused.
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Welp, even if he didn't rape them that is just creepy as shit.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 4:15:44 PM EDT
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McConnell, Murkowski and other Republicans are already saying that Moore should step down. The Republican establishment is being a little to obvious.
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Add McCain to that list..Shocked I know.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 4:15:46 PM EDT
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Everything about communism is a lie.
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The tactic will be to "Push the lie hard and often until it breaks through and becomes "the truth".

-Saul Alinsky
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 4:16:00 PM EDT
Just heard comedian Louis C.K. has women coming forward alleging abuse.    
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 4:16:46 PM EDT
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There are groups pushing to make more sex crimes "no statue of limitations"
Think about that. Some girl could claim I did something to her when I was in college or law school, and even if I was 100% not guilty and not even in the same county when she says it happened, how would I prove it? How many people do I sitll know from back then? Who has my school or employment records? I could have been sitting in my security guard uniform at a desk with a bunch of cops and prosecutors walking by at the time she says I committed a crime, how could I prove it?
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It has been a while since I did crim pro, but isn't the burden on the accused for a sex crime, or at least in some sex crimes?
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 4:18:34 PM EDT
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Yeah some of them did. Not McCain though he wants him gone just on the allegations:

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And somehow they translated that from his garbled, syllabic mumblings. Because they all speak moron.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 4:18:58 PM EDT
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Yeah some of them did. Not McCain though he wants him gone just on the allegations:

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They said "IF TRUE, he should step down"

I hope he stands his ground.   Accusations right before an election should be considered BS.
Yeah some of them did. Not McCain though he wants him gone just on the allegations:

Man I wish Gloria alred could open up her victim book and get 15 of the minors that I heard McCain molested.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 4:19:17 PM EDT
John McCain sexually molested me 30 years ago.   There, you heard it here first.   Always start by believing!
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 4:20:30 PM EDT
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As someone who was also raised in an evangelical home and went to private Christian schools, I did NOT observe the widespread sexual misconduct that you’re talking about. 
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I wouldn't be shocked tbh. As someone raised in an evangelical home and educated exclusively at private Christian schools there is nothing about this that is surprising. Sexual impropriety was RAMPANT with teenage girls and married women in a lot (not all) of churches.

eta - we need more info before passing judgement, but it doesn't look good.
As someone who was also raised in an evangelical home and went to private Christian schools, I did NOT observe the widespread sexual misconduct that you’re talking about. 
Likewise. 12 years of catholic school etc. never even heard a rumor.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 4:20:32 PM EDT
Why even mention the girls that were over the age of consent and dated openly with their parents permission?  This wasn't uncommon in the 70s. That one 17 year old girl's mother even told her that she "would be the luckiest girl.in the world" to date him
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 4:20:51 PM EDT
Guilty until proven innocent and then your still guilty.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 4:21:48 PM EDT
I worry this is the opening salvo.

seems like this stuff starts with a trickle and turns to a flood of accusations - 

If he did it, fuck him.

if he didn’t that’s a horrible thing to accuse someone of and those women should be punished.

Im not convinced either way.  The timing is questionable, but multiple sources makes it more credible.  I’ll await judgement 
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 4:22:45 PM EDT
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Likewise. 12 years of catholic school etc. never even heard a rumor.
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Just cause your catholic school priests didn't rape anyone, doesn't mean that 10000' of others weren't.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 4:23:35 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 4:24:12 PM EDT
The amount of write ups online, how long has this been in the works?
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 4:24:20 PM EDT
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In light of what's happening now, I tend to believe the accusers.
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1 or a million. Accusations dony mean shit.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 4:24:36 PM EDT
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Just cause your catholic school priests didn't rape anyone, doesn't mean that 10000' of others weren't.
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Yeah, they just raping everybody up in here.
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