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Link Posted: 7/3/2018 5:41:57 PM EDT
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Why am I not surprised?  
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She is a true Klepto-Socialist, she refuses to live under socialism, while seeing it enforced on others.

"At the end of the night, when it came time to split the $560 in tips she had gotten at the bar, Ocasio-Cortez gave the waitress only $50. After the waitress complained to her manager, her take was doubled to $100, a source said."

Why am I not surprised?  
Because Human Nature.
Link Posted: 7/3/2018 5:42:34 PM EDT
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scary, isn't it? this is a good example of why we're so good at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

funny enough these are the same people who will ask "how did this happen" when she's "President Cortez" in god knows what year.
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scary, isn't it? this is a good example of why we're so good at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

funny enough these are the same people who will ask "how did this happen" when she's "President Cortez" in god knows what year.
2020 or 2024
Link Posted: 7/3/2018 5:43:52 PM EDT
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I don't disagree at all with your overall message or position.

All I was suggesting was that the transition of power from old guard to communist firebrand is not a done deal and is going to fuck up their overall execution badly for a while.  It's a major party split.
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BS. Sanders came close to pulling it off. Until I see really convincing evidence otherwise, Sanders and Occasio-Cortez are the face of the Democrat Party.
I don't think he did.  Clinton and the DNC fucked him 16 ways from Sunday.  Sanders uncovered support for socialism and pushed it more mainstream, definitely.

For Democratic Socialists to take the lead, there has to be a power shift in the party.  Communism or entrenched cronyism with the old cast of characters.  Pick one.  I'm not personally sure that the old guard is just going to shuffle off saying, We had a good run, your turn ...
They don't have the support and numbers anymore. The Old School Democrats are going to die off. Demographic shifting is occurring.

Gen Xers and Millennials are reaching positions of power. The 60s are oger and have been.
I don't disagree at all with your overall message or position.

All I was suggesting was that the transition of power from old guard to communist firebrand is not a done deal and is going to fuck up their overall execution badly for a while.  It's a major party split.
The major party split happened in 2017 within the Democrats after the Hillary Rigging.
Link Posted: 7/3/2018 5:44:08 PM EDT
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she didn't run to "represent her community." she ran for the same reason most politicians and almost all democrats do - power. money. status.

her own mother said it herself, she has visions of being the president of the united states.  and our country's political climate is so fucked up and bizarre that it just might happen one day.
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From barista to the fast track for wealth, prosperity, and power.   Even if she doesn't become president, and we will be watching that closely, like Obama, she just won the life lottery.

She is now part of the machine where one hand washes the other.

I really, really despise these people.
Link Posted: 7/3/2018 5:46:06 PM EDT
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She's not shit and will fade away fast.
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I agree. Crowley was the obvious choice and lost for a very simple reason - the Hillary reason. Crowley was supposed to win so no one bothered to show up for him because everyone else was. She won 57% to 42%, but voter turnout for the race was a wooping 12%. 12% isn't unusual in a Crowley election but Crowley was getting blasted by Trump, which probably didn't help him. I am sure the "hispanic factor" and the extreme leftism helped her. At the end of the day the politics of the Southern Bronx and Northern Queens doesn't mean much. This woman is a nobody, her party is the Democratic Socialist Party of America has 43,000 members. She wants to abolish prisons, ICE, and have a government guaranteed jobs - we have a better chance of National Reciprocity and the HPA passing.
Link Posted: 7/3/2018 5:48:11 PM EDT
Open borders this, free shit that, blah blah blah.

Rich girl posing as working class to get votes.

If nothing else, I admire her chutzpah.
Link Posted: 7/3/2018 5:49:29 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/3/2018 5:50:33 PM EDT
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Sells very well in Detroit and the burbs around it.
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That shit she's selling doesn't go over too well once you leave either coast.
Sells very well in Detroit and the burbs around it.
For demographic purposes, the Great Lakes are coastal. They're also tied to the Atlantic via St. Lawrence and Mississippi, so ships and barges can go from Detroit to Shanghai directly.
Link Posted: 7/3/2018 5:55:49 PM EDT
It says allot that she graduated BU and was tending bar at 28. Not that a hot woman can't make decent coin in a major city as a bar tender. She is a wolf in sheeps clothing and blue pillers haven't the faintest idea. I am surprised some dark filth has not come out about her yet.
Link Posted: 7/3/2018 6:00:35 PM EDT
Silly rabbit bitch....    there's no such thing as Democratic Socialism.
Link Posted: 7/3/2018 6:13:59 PM EDT
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She's not shit and will fade away fast.
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Link Posted: 7/3/2018 6:51:10 PM EDT
That Fox News graphic that's getting so much play - I don't get the brouhaha.

Medicare for all
Great. Sign me up. Tax employers and employees at a rate of ~80% current health insurance premiums to pay for it. Sorry about the insurance company jobs.

Housing as a human right
OK, but...
1) who pays for it and
2) what about the significant number of people that prefer to live under a bridge?

Federal jobs guarantee
I do not even know what this means. A return of the CCC or similar? We can't give everyone a TSA job.

Gun control/AWB

Criminal justice reform/end private prisons
Great. Especially if it means the end of the ridiculous War on Drugs. Private prisons are a terrible idea.

Immigration reform/abolish ICE
We do need immigration reform. I imagine there are a wide array of ideas as to what that should look like and I don't know if Id' agree with her on the details but on the larger point of "we need to fix our immigration system", I agree. Abolish ICE? And what? Rename it INS? What about that Federal Jobs Guarantee?

Solidarity with PR
Is this not a thing already?

Mobilizing against climate change
Pollution is bad, mmkay? Nobody disputes this. The question is how much economic pain you are willing to endure to make the gains you think are necessary. For most folks, that answer is "very, very little."

Clean campaign finance
Citizens United is right up there with Kelo when it comes to shitty SCOTUS decisions.

Higher Ed for all

Womens rights
Because they don't have any now

Support LGBTQIA+
I do not even know what this means any more.

Support seniors
Medicare and SS Retirement are already the biggest items in the federal budget. What more do you want to do? They are already the highest budget priority we have.

Curb Wall St. gambling/restore Glass-Steagall
I dunno about Glass-Steagall, but some Wall St. shenanigans are no good. So hooray. Get along with your bad self.

I'm just not seeing how most of this graphic is all that controversial. Certainly they could have found 'worse' positions to paint her with.
Link Posted: 7/3/2018 7:05:57 PM EDT
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That Fox News graphic that's getting so much play - I don't get the brouhaha.

Clean campaign finance
Citizens United is right up there with Kelo when it comes to shitty SCOTUS decisions.

I'm just not seeing how most of this graphic is all that controversial. Certainly they could have found 'worse' positions to paint her with.
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Those "positions" are off her own issues page, and they are mainstream democrat positions. 87chan spends all of their time bitching about the amount of toilet paper Mitt Romney uses and has no clue how far left the mainstream democrat party is. We also have a LOT of leftists here.

Citizens United was a step in the right direction to leveling the playing field that various leftists - like unions- previously enjoyed. The fact that leftists are still hopping mad over it is delicious.
Link Posted: 7/3/2018 7:23:01 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/3/2018 7:26:26 PM EDT
Yet we should continue to treat her like a joke.

Memes win wars folks
Link Posted: 7/3/2018 7:47:42 PM EDT
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No she won't. She's secured her seat since thr primary was the real race in her district. All she has to do is promise the world and claim outside forces have blocked her to bring progress. She will be the media darling of the Left and get a ton of coverage and she will encourage more like her to run in other Leftist controlled areas.

The Old School Democrats are in for a rude awakening as are Americans. Socialism is on the rise.
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She's not shit and will fade away fast.
No she won't. She's secured her seat since thr primary was the real race in her district. All she has to do is promise the world and claim outside forces have blocked her to bring progress. She will be the media darling of the Left and get a ton of coverage and she will encourage more like her to run in other Leftist controlled areas.

The Old School Democrats are in for a rude awakening as are Americans. Socialism is on the rise.
I hear all too often that communism = socialism. It’s not true.

Look at our public education system, it’s a socialized system. Look at our govt food programs, including subsidies; again...it’s a socialist program.
Look at your taxes, do you have kids? Do you get tax money back for them?
Do you accept that money? You are a socialist by definition because you are taking money from other people who pay taxes and don’t have kids.

Socialist programs by themselves aren’t evil. Everyone likes to point at Venezuela and mock socialism, but fail to look at every single other developed nation in the world.

Take Germany for example, if you test for science, the German Govt will pay for your schooling 100% as long as it’s a science major.
Stupid right?
Look at all of those stupid scientists Germany produces.

Do I want some socialist piece of shit gun grabber in office? Absolutely not, but let’s not be hypocritical, because Aat this point we are pretty much socialist.

So all you guys with kids who get free tax money back, and balk at socialism, why do you accept the money?

Insert crickets chirping>
Link Posted: 7/3/2018 8:02:06 PM EDT
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That Fox News graphic that's getting so much play - I don't get the brouhaha.

Medicare for all
Great. Sign me up. Tax employers and employees at a rate of ~80% current health insurance premiums to pay for it. Sorry about the insurance company jobs.

Housing as a human right
OK, but...
1) who pays for it and
2) what about the significant number of people that prefer to live under a bridge?

Federal jobs guarantee
I do not even know what this means. A return of the CCC or similar? We can't give everyone a TSA job.

Gun control/AWB

Criminal justice reform/end private prisons
Great. Especially if it means the end of the ridiculous War on Drugs. Private prisons are a terrible idea.

Immigration reform/abolish ICE
We do need immigration reform. I imagine there are a wide array of ideas as to what that should look like and I don't know if Id' agree with her on the details but on the larger point of "we need to fix our immigration system", I agree. Abolish ICE? And what? Rename it INS? What about that Federal Jobs Guarantee?

Solidarity with PR
Is this not a thing already?

Mobilizing against climate change
Pollution is bad, mmkay? Nobody disputes this. The question is how much economic pain you are willing to endure to make the gains you think are necessary. For most folks, that answer is "very, very little."

Clean campaign finance
Citizens United is right up there with Kelo when it comes to shitty SCOTUS decisions.

Higher Ed for all

Womens rights
Because they don't have any now

Support LGBTQIA+
I do not even know what this means any more.

Support seniors
Medicare and SS Retirement are already the biggest items in the federal budget. What more do you want to do? They are already the highest budget priority we have.

Curb Wall St. gambling/restore Glass-Steagall
I dunno about Glass-Steagall, but some Wall St. shenanigans are no good. So hooray. Get along with your bad self.

I'm just not seeing how most of this graphic is all that controversial. Certainly they could have found 'worse' positions to paint her with.
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Certainly the devil is in the details.  What limits are we going to put on Medicare or housing.  Will they get sex change operations, abortions (these are a bigger sticking point than $$$) etc.   Does everyone stand in line for transplants or high demand/low available procedures.  Is housing a dorm room in an unused military facility or more of the same "housing projects".?

Guaranteed jobs for people that don't want to work.?  Ok, I want to see that solution.  Any drug testing?
Link Posted: 7/3/2018 8:09:01 PM EDT
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I hear all too often that communism = socialism. It’s not true.

Look at our public education system, it’s a socialized system. Look at our govt food programs, including subsidies; again...it’s a socialist program.
Look at your taxes, do you have kids? Do you get tax money back for them?
Do you accept that money? You are a socialist by definition because you are taking money from other people who pay taxes and don’t have kids.

Socialist programs by themselves aren’t evil. Everyone likes to point at Venezuela and mock socialism, but fail to look at every single other developed nation in the world.

Take Germany for example, if you test for science, the German Govt will pay for your schooling 100% as long as it’s a science major.
Stupid right?
Look at all of those stupid scientists Germany produces.

Do I want some socialist piece of shit gun grabber in office? Absolutely not, but let’s not be hypocritical, because Aat this point we are pretty much socialist.

So all you guys with kids who get free tax money back, and balk at socialism, why do you accept the money?

Insert crickets chirping>
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You know that every state in the USA "mandates" state sponsored and supported education.  It's in their state Constitutions.    We just don't insist anymore that they actually learn.  But yes, that's socialism.

Worse is subsidizing mortgages.  Socialism

Subsidies are socialism.

Government grants are socialism.
Link Posted: 7/3/2018 8:12:28 PM EDT
How is okay to be a Democratic Socialist, and not a "White" National "Socialist"? Why do the Dem's find it acceptable to elect a Socialist of any ilk. It's chaotic.
Link Posted: 7/3/2018 9:16:53 PM EDT
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2020 or 2024
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scary, isn't it? this is a good example of why we're so good at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

funny enough these are the same people who will ask "how did this happen" when she's "President Cortez" in god knows what year.
2020 or 2024
She won't be eligible in 2020. She'll turn 35 in October 2024.
Link Posted: 7/3/2018 9:27:47 PM EDT
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She is a threat.
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Link Posted: 7/4/2018 8:49:42 AM EDT
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I hear all too often that communism = socialism. It’s not true.

Look at our public education system, it’s a socialized system. Look at our govt food programs, including subsidies; again...it’s a socialist program.
Look at your taxes, do you have kids? Do you get tax money back for them?
Do you accept that money? You are a socialist by definition because you are taking money from other people who pay taxes and don’t have kids.

Socialist programs by themselves aren’t evil. Everyone likes to point at Venezuela and mock socialism, but fail to look at every single other developed nation in the world.

Take Germany for example, if you test for science, the German Govt will pay for your schooling 100% as long as it’s a science major.
Stupid right?
Look at all of those stupid scientists Germany produces.

Do I want some socialist piece of shit gun grabber in office? Absolutely not, but let’s not be hypocritical, because Aat this point we are pretty much socialist.

So all you guys with kids who get free tax money back, and balk at socialism, why do you accept the money?

Insert crickets chirping>
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States may mandate public school, but the free market provides private schools that are far superior.  If people weren't taxed for the public school they could better afford private schools, more private schools more competition and better results.

Socialist programs aren't evil, they're just ideas. However the unintended consequences of force required to implement the socialist systems are evil.

They all require force and theft by government. This is where evil lurks, gets its root, gains power and grows.

The free market has a better solution to every question asked by socialism.
Link Posted: 7/4/2018 8:53:24 AM EDT
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Yet we should continue to treat her like a joke.

Memes win wars folks
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Ridicule wins wars.

Memes are a weapon not a tactic.
Link Posted: 7/4/2018 8:55:45 AM EDT
I agree.  The anti-Trump message is a loser for Dems and she knows it.  Hopefully America will not ever elect a commie (again).
Link Posted: 7/4/2018 8:57:07 AM EDT
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The GOP needs to do the same. Either Constitutionalists take over or the GOP dies.
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The GOP is determined to die before adapting.
Link Posted: 7/4/2018 9:12:56 AM EDT
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I hear all too often that communism = socialism. It's not true.

Look at our public education system, it's a socialized system. Look at our govt food programs, including subsidies; again...it's a socialist program.
Look at your taxes, do you have kids? Do you get tax money back for them?
Do you accept that money? You are a socialist by definition because you are taking money from other people who pay taxes and don't have kids.

Socialist programs by themselves aren't evil. Everyone likes to point at Venezuela and mock socialism, but fail to look at every single other developed nation in the world.

Take Germany for example, if you test for science, the German Govt will pay for your schooling 100% as long as it's a science major.
Stupid right?
Look at all of those stupid scientists Germany produces.

Do I want some socialist piece of shit gun grabber in office? Absolutely not, but let's not be hypocritical, because Aat this point we are pretty much socialist.

So all you guys with kids who get free tax money back, and balk at socialism, why do you accept the money?

Insert crickets chirping>
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She's not shit and will fade away fast.
No she won't. She's secured her seat since thr primary was the real race in her district. All she has to do is promise the world and claim outside forces have blocked her to bring progress. She will be the media darling of the Left and get a ton of coverage and she will encourage more like her to run in other Leftist controlled areas.

The Old School Democrats are in for a rude awakening as are Americans. Socialism is on the rise.
I hear all too often that communism = socialism. It's not true.

Look at our public education system, it's a socialized system. Look at our govt food programs, including subsidies; again...it's a socialist program.
Look at your taxes, do you have kids? Do you get tax money back for them?
Do you accept that money? You are a socialist by definition because you are taking money from other people who pay taxes and don't have kids.

Socialist programs by themselves aren't evil. Everyone likes to point at Venezuela and mock socialism, but fail to look at every single other developed nation in the world.

Take Germany for example, if you test for science, the German Govt will pay for your schooling 100% as long as it's a science major.
Stupid right?
Look at all of those stupid scientists Germany produces.

Do I want some socialist piece of shit gun grabber in office? Absolutely not, but let's not be hypocritical, because Aat this point we are pretty much socialist.

So all you guys with kids who get free tax money back, and balk at socialism, why do you accept the money?

Insert crickets chirping>
Ahhh welfare. A system which pays people not to work. Public School, a system which burns money and produces drop outs. How many failed schools are there in the country? Shall I point out the issues in places like NYC, Chicago, LA, and Miami?

We have socialised higher education. Fullbright Scholarship Program. How many useless idiots do we have getting worthless degrees on tax payer expense and instead work at Starbucks?

Tax returns for kids? An unwed unemployed mother gets far more in benefits and returns than a married working couple. That married couple pays far more than they receive back. Unlike the gutter skank that has rotten crotch fruit and fuck trophies.

You wanf to see American Socialism? Look at Puerto Rico. Look at how vibrant, economically stable and productive it is. Look at how advanced its infrastructure is.

Germany is going broke and can spend their money on socialism since we spend our money for their defense. We rebuilt their country. We did that.... not themselves.

Go piss up a rope.
Link Posted: 7/4/2018 9:17:59 AM EDT
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I hear all too often that communism = socialism. It’s not true.

Look at our public education system, it’s a socialized system. Look at our govt food programs, including subsidies; again...it’s a socialist program.
Look at your taxes, do you have kids? Do you get tax money back for them?
Do you accept that money? You are a socialist by definition because you are taking money from other people who pay taxes and don’t have kids.

Socialist programs by themselves aren’t evil. Everyone likes to point at Venezuela and mock socialism, but fail to look at every single other developed nation in the world.

Take Germany for example, if you test for science, the German Govt will pay for your schooling 100% as long as it’s a science major.
Stupid right?
Look at all of those stupid scientists Germany produces.

Do I want some socialist piece of shit gun grabber in office? Absolutely not, but let’s not be hypocritical, because Aat this point we are pretty much socialist.

So all you guys with kids who get free tax money back, and balk at socialism, why do you accept the money?

Insert crickets chirping>
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That's nice dear.
Link Posted: 7/4/2018 9:19:34 AM EDT
She's a poor little rich girl, who got elected by telling the people of the Bronx that she'll dole out largess to them.  How hard was that?  It won't translate to the heartland.

I think (hope) the Obama experience wised a few folks up.
Link Posted: 7/4/2018 10:30:10 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/4/2018 10:40:25 AM EDT
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"And I was like..."

"And they were like..."

"And I was like..."

"And they were like..."

"And I was like..."

"And they were like..............."
Link Posted: 7/4/2018 10:43:07 AM EDT

Link Posted: 7/4/2018 10:44:04 AM EDT
I am not taking her for granted.

She is a dangerous lunatic commie fuck.
Link Posted: 7/4/2018 10:54:54 AM EDT
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I am not taking her for granted.

She is a dangerous lunatic commie fuck.
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Meh, I don't think she is much of a much at all. Most of her district are lunatic commie fucks. Show me a Rican politician from NYC who isn't.

She is the new David Hogg for GD to obsess and fear monger over.

I'd be more concerned of her ilk in FL where thousands of Ricans have established residency and can now vote thanks to Dem registering efforts.....Funded by a GOP legislature.
Link Posted: 7/4/2018 10:57:44 AM EDT
Absolute wolf
Link Posted: 7/4/2018 10:59:37 AM EDT
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Meh, I don't think she is much of a much at all. Most of her district are lunatic commie fucks. Show me a Rican politician from NYC who isn't.

She is the new David Hogg for GD to obsess and fear monger over.

I'd be more concerned of her ilk in FL where thousands of Ricans have established residency and can now vote thanks to Dem registering efforts.....Funded by a GOP legislature.
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I am not taking her for granted.

She is a dangerous lunatic commie fuck.
Meh, I don't think she is much of a much at all. Most of her district are lunatic commie fucks. Show me a Rican politician from NYC who isn't.

She is the new David Hogg for GD to obsess and fear monger over.

I'd be more concerned of her ilk in FL where thousands of Ricans have established residency and can now vote thanks to Dem registering efforts.....Funded by a GOP legislature.
True NYC is a lost cause.
Link Posted: 7/4/2018 11:13:32 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/4/2018 11:29:57 AM EDT
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I hear all too often that communism = socialism. It’s not true.

Look at our public education system, it’s a socialized system. Look at our govt food programs, including subsidies; again...it’s a socialist program.
Look at your taxes, do you have kids? Do you get tax money back for them?
Do you accept that money? You are a socialist by definition because you are taking money from other people who pay taxes and don’t have kids.

Socialist programs by themselves aren’t evil. Everyone likes to point at Venezuela and mock socialism, but fail to look at every single other developed nation in the world.

Take Germany for example, if you test for science, the German Govt will pay for your schooling 100% as long as it’s a science major.
Stupid right?
Look at all of those stupid scientists Germany produces.

Do I want some socialist piece of shit gun grabber in office? Absolutely not, but let’s not be hypocritical, because Aat this point we are pretty much socialist.

So all you guys with kids who get free tax money back, and balk at socialism, why do you accept the money?

Insert crickets chirping>
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She's not shit and will fade away fast.
No she won't. She's secured her seat since thr primary was the real race in her district. All she has to do is promise the world and claim outside forces have blocked her to bring progress. She will be the media darling of the Left and get a ton of coverage and she will encourage more like her to run in other Leftist controlled areas.

The Old School Democrats are in for a rude awakening as are Americans. Socialism is on the rise.
I hear all too often that communism = socialism. It’s not true.

Look at our public education system, it’s a socialized system. Look at our govt food programs, including subsidies; again...it’s a socialist program.
Look at your taxes, do you have kids? Do you get tax money back for them?
Do you accept that money? You are a socialist by definition because you are taking money from other people who pay taxes and don’t have kids.

Socialist programs by themselves aren’t evil. Everyone likes to point at Venezuela and mock socialism, but fail to look at every single other developed nation in the world.

Take Germany for example, if you test for science, the German Govt will pay for your schooling 100% as long as it’s a science major.
Stupid right?
Look at all of those stupid scientists Germany produces.

Do I want some socialist piece of shit gun grabber in office? Absolutely not, but let’s not be hypocritical, because Aat this point we are pretty much socialist.

So all you guys with kids who get free tax money back, and balk at socialism, why do you accept the money?

Insert crickets chirping>
I'll take this Independence Day as I'm watching HBO's John Adams to proudly say, "Shut the fuck up statist." If that earns me my first black mark on my account in more than a decade on here, so be it.

Log off and don't log back on here again, to put it most politely.

Link Posted: 7/4/2018 11:32:19 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/4/2018 12:09:28 PM EDT
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Being an attractive looking person can get you farther, than being an ogre.
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Shes got my vote, then Ill get on her PSD detail after she wins and fill her with butt puppies.
Link Posted: 7/4/2018 12:27:46 PM EDT
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I hear all too often that communism = socialism. It’s not true.

Look at our public education system, it’s a socialized system. Look at our govt food programs, including subsidies; again...it’s a socialist program.
Look at your taxes, do you have kids? Do you get tax money back for them?
Do you accept that money? You are a socialist by definition because you are taking money from other people who pay taxes and don’t have kids.

Socialist programs by themselves aren’t evil. Everyone likes to point at Venezuela and mock socialism, but fail to look at every single other developed nation in the world.

Take Germany for example, if you test for science, the German Govt will pay for your schooling 100% as long as it’s a science major.
Stupid right?
Look at all of those stupid scientists Germany produces.

Do I want some socialist piece of shit gun grabber in office? Absolutely not, but let’s not be hypocritical, because Aat this point we are pretty much socialist.

So all you guys with kids who get free tax money back, and balk at socialism, why do you accept the money?

Insert crickets chirping>
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So we're a Socialist country?  And Socialism is great.  That about sum up your  points?
Link Posted: 7/4/2018 12:31:45 PM EDT
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This is not a bad meme, but I wish some of the meme creators put a little more effort into avoiding spelling and basic grammar issues.  It diminishes the power of the message.
("how to fund any this")
Link Posted: 7/4/2018 12:34:36 PM EDT
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This is not a bad meme, but I wish some of the meme creators put a little more effort into avoiding spelling and basic grammar issues.  It diminishes the power of the message.
("how to fund any this")
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Half the lefts civil war letters are about mocking spelling & grammar mistakes to reinforce how smart they are and how fat & dumb CONS [that’s the nickname they use for conservatives] are
Link Posted: 7/4/2018 12:46:45 PM EDT
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Half the lefts civil war letters are about mocking spelling & grammar mistakes to reinforce how smart they are and how fat & dumb CONS [that’s the nickname they use for conservatives] are
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This is not a bad meme, but I wish some of the meme creators put a little more effort into avoiding spelling and basic grammar issues.  It diminishes the power of the message.
("how to fund any this")
Half the lefts civil war letters are about mocking spelling & grammar mistakes to reinforce how smart they are and how fat & dumb CONS [that’s the nickname they use for conservatives] are
That's the point exactly.  It's playing into a stereotype that works for them.
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