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Link Posted: 2/25/2024 3:50:54 PM EDT
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Years ago I had a buddy that worked for an Insurance company recovering boats that were stolen, mainly in the Caribbean. He told me its a huge issue as boats are hard to track once stolen and quite a few people get whacked every year by pirates down there who steal the boats.  

I knew this guy pretty well, I knew what he had done in a previous life and what he was capable of.

If I had to bet I'd say that when he located a stolen boat he simply stole it back.
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Pirates of the Caribbean is different in real life . Poor woman .

Years ago I had a buddy that worked for an Insurance company recovering boats that were stolen, mainly in the Caribbean. He told me its a huge issue as boats are hard to track once stolen and quite a few people get whacked every year by pirates down there who steal the boats.  

I knew this guy pretty well, I knew what he had done in a previous life and what he was capable of.

If I had to bet I'd say that when he located a stolen boat he simply stole it back.

But is it really stealing if the now-previous owners are dead?
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 3:51:25 PM EDT
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All that $ for the boat and no guns?!

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Most of the Caribbean countries are anti gun and you may or may not have a hard time docking in them if armed. Petty crime is fairly common in Grenada. One of the local favorites is called chopping. They’ll slash your tricep and run off with your valuables. That was part of our safety briefing in the late 2k’s. I’m sure it hasn’t gotten any better with the instability in the region.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 3:53:11 PM EDT
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No photos of the pirates? Suspicion confirmed.
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It’s fucking Grenada dude not Sweden. Not difficult to connect those dots.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 3:54:51 PM EDT
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That's the truth.
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Yeah !  Countries like CA , MA , DE , NY , NJ, CT and others .

That's the truth.

There's normally a method of declaring firearms as you enter territorial waters. Most countries have you declare them and turn them in to the local authorities for storage while "in-country". Wouldn't have helped these two but it's common for ocean going vessels to have firearms aboard.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 3:55:44 PM EDT
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I've heard that guns onboard will get you into serious trouble in many other countries.
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All that $ for the boat and no guns?!

I've heard that guns onboard will get you into serious trouble in many other countries.

Like get your wife raped and murdered and then dumped in the ocean trouble?
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 3:59:58 PM EDT
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But is it really stealing if the now-previous owners are dead?
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Lol. I knew him in SOF and he was a "break in case of war" type dude….he was a Southy and prior to joining he worked for certain individuals in that part of Boston collecting debts and whatever else needed to be done . I know for a fact he didn't give a fuck if it was stealing of not….

Link Posted: 2/25/2024 4:00:01 PM EDT
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I've wondered about this. Had always heard that being armed while sailing could get you into serious trouble with local authorities. And one will certainly encounter local authorities regularly whether in port or off shore (local or U.S. CG). So if arms are declared are they ok? If a "problem" occurred how much was an acceptable bribe?
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Once again - it all depends.  Bahamas you HAVE to declare and police are ligit.  Other countries, Haiti, etc. Its anything goes, bribe as you want. Sail to S. America, anything goes - bribe as you want. Puerto Rico, US laws. declare everything, police are legit, do not bribe.

every place is completely different.  But for most part = high seas = pretty lawless.

I lived in Haiti and had a place in Port Au Prince, in Petionville actually, and Haiti you can go whatever you want. Its basically Bartertown the size of a country.

Theres tons of info online   reddit
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 4:30:33 PM EDT
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Like get your wife raped and murdered and then dumped in the ocean trouble?
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All that $ for the boat and no guns?!

I've heard that guns onboard will get you into serious trouble in many other countries.

Like get your wife raped and murdered and then dumped in the ocean trouble?
Not arguing against the wisdom of "always be armed." Was "fishing" for more information regarding what one can and can't do especially regarding avoiding problems with authorities. Posts by "mayday" based on his actual experiences and knowledge contain valuable information.

Link Posted: 2/25/2024 5:14:27 PM EDT
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Well that covers approximately the entire Caribbean Sea.

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They are dead.

Sorry no one taught them about the high seas; it aint the local Whole Foods. I lived and sailed for 9 years when i lived in Haiti; went to Puerto Rico, St Lucia, Barbados.

Its "OK" as long as you sort of stay on common routes. West of the islands its high seas and Pirate rule.  West of St Lucia, and especially North of Colombia, directly going to Haiti and Jamaica is drug runner high seas.  Everyone i knew that sailed from Jacmel Haiti went well armed and all had had run ins with trouble.

We had couple 30 cal rifles; one M1 with AP ammo and we also saw LOTS of FALS.

Problems arise as you have to declare the firearms and sometimes surrender them when you arrive.  OR bribe folks. Which we did. A LOT.

US patrols the area, as do the Dutch; who keep on large vessel in area.  But it can get dicey in a hurry.

Well that covers approximately the entire Caribbean Sea.


What was that old Spanish saying?  No peace beyond the line.  Or something?
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 5:18:20 PM EDT
Not one gun on the boat? There's no F-ing way I'd be cruising the caribbean without protection. Hell, my boat has a gun in it and it's in a lake landlocked in a very red part of the state.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 5:19:17 PM EDT
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Any guns they had would either be in a sealed firearms locker or held by customs.
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They were not the victims of pirates on the high seas, they were set upon by three fugitives at the dock.

Any guns they had would either be in a sealed firearms locker or held by customs.

Do you have to go through a metal detector or get patted down to dock in these countries?

A glock 19 and a couple mags concealed on my person are not what I would want if I were traveling the Caribbean on a yacht, but I could make do with that if I couldn't have something more serious stashed on the boat.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 5:35:34 PM EDT
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All she needed was a flare gun, coulda shot a hole in their boat
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I know of a boat that has a small refillable fire extinguisher, that has gas in it, that plus a flair gun convinced a boat that pulled up along side to go away quickly.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 5:50:08 PM EDT
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Do you have to go through a metal detector or get patted down to dock in these countries?

A glock 19 and a couple mags concealed on my person are not what I would want if I were traveling the Caribbean on a yacht, but I could make do with that if I couldn't have something more serious stashed on the boat.
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They were not the victims of pirates on the high seas, they were set upon by three fugitives at the dock.

Any guns they had would either be in a sealed firearms locker or held by customs.

Do you have to go through a metal detector or get patted down to dock in these countries?

A glock 19 and a couple mags concealed on my person are not what I would want if I were traveling the Caribbean on a yacht, but I could make do with that if I couldn't have something more serious stashed on the boat.

Searched. They have no 4th amendment
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 5:50:51 PM EDT
I'd hate to get into a shooting match on a fiberglass or aluminum-hulled boat.  Is there any actual Cover available, or is the entire structure basically penetrable?
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 6:05:20 PM EDT
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Cruisers are a trusting bunch.

I'm not saying there is a 9mm and shotty onboard my catamaran.  But I'm sure not saying there isn't.  

Hang those pirates from the spreaders of that catamaran.  Let them swing in the harbor until they rot.
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My wife and I are looking at boats right now, but the biggest thing holding me back is not being able to carry a gun into most countries.

It really sucks that you're forced to be an easy target should you wish to visit some of these beautiful places.

Do you stay in the US, or travel quite a bit?

Link Posted: 2/25/2024 6:08:30 PM EDT
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Gorilla's what?
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 6:11:21 PM EDT
Every boat that is big enough to live on and truely go out to sea has some where you could hide a handgun and a box or two of ammo. Problem is you need a pretty deep hiding spot if your not gonna declare it, if they decide to search they know all the normal hiding places. Then its hidden so deep its not something you get to in a hurry.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 6:13:17 PM EDT
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Because people aren't murdered by animals in this country, ever.

Link Posted: 2/25/2024 6:19:39 PM EDT
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My wife and I are looking at boats right now, but the biggest thing holding me back is not being able to carry a gun into most countries.

It really sucks that you're forced to be an easy target should you wish to visit some of these beautiful places.

Do you stay in the US, or travel quite a bit?

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I don't carry a gun onshore visiting other countries.

As others have said, the Bahamas really DGAF - just be accurate on your round count going in and out.  But if you dont declare them they will never know - literally thousands of boats moving between docks and anchorages every day.

I'll just sat that there are a LOT of places to hide a weapon on a boat.  Personally, I've never been boarded, but I look like the typical American tourist with a family looking to drop money in their country and pay their ridiculous fees.  If I were boarded they would see a can of pepper spray at the door and a huge ass machete knife near the bed and figure that's all I got.  

I live aboard full time and spend part of the year in the US.

But I have solar driven motion sensor lights on my boat.  I have rear facing night vision remote camera to look around if lights go off.  All my hatches are rigged with alarms.  I don't sleep with all my shit open.  I lock the doors.  I also have a dog.  I won't be caught unaware.  

But I mean...these folks got caught by 3 escaped felons.  Shit could happen in Anyplace, USA just easily.  Grenada is safe.  Unless you decide to cruise the waters nearer S America.  Then not so much.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 6:24:44 PM EDT
Tie cinder blocks to the criminals and toss them in.

Beyond tired of treating muderous animals with even a shred of compassion.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 6:40:57 PM EDT
Scary as hell being totally defensless in the high seas. No excuse for it.

You buy a $700 AR15 and put it away with 10 mags of ammo HIDDEN in a compartment that blends in with the boat structure that nobody will find. ( if authorities have no reason to be suspicious, they will NOT start taking your boat apart to look for it) If you see a boat full of dirtbags coming your way, you will have time to arm & be ready to shoot. They may simply turn away. If you need to shoot, it is still better to survive than be raped and murdered. Pirates can't exactly go turn you in to the authorities "We got shot at trying to hijack a boat".
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 6:41:56 PM EDT
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Sounds like life (and death) in an area where government has very little control over peoples lives, and everyone is responsible for their own safety, and no one else will be there to help you. This is exactly the kind of environment we all hope to live in here, once day, when true liberty returns to the United States. I mean, we usually don’t talk about THIS side of the utopia that we’re trying to usher in, but the free access to drugs and whatever other vice we want to participate in more than makes up for a little piracy. Don’t want to be raped and murdered by pirates? Maybe just stay home in your basement.  Freedom is scary, and all that.
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The scenario you're talking about where everyone is responsible for their own safety would generally include people being armed in order to be responsible for their own safety and the gov't not giving enough of a crap to go after you if you shoot a few pirates/home invaders and bury them in the woods/ocean.

The issue in most of those countries is that the gov't won't take any responsibility for your safety but will certainly come down on you hard if you try to provide for your own safety. Sort of like blue cities in the US.

Not the same thing.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 7:34:44 PM EDT
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I've heard that guns onboard will get you into serious trouble in many other countries.
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The same places that allow pirates to prey without interference.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 7:43:50 PM EDT
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Because people aren't murdered by animals in this country, ever.

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Cool story, not sure what the fuck it has to do with what I, or the person I quoted said

He said Grenada is the safest island

Obviously it’s not safe

No one said jack shit about the U.S., but feel free to get triggered anyway
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 7:47:49 PM EDT
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Other countries have very strict gun laws, in some countries it carries the death penalty.
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They are dead because they could not defend themselves.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 7:50:23 PM EDT
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Every boat should have a Mossberg Mariner as standard equipment
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I prefer a FA belt fed 308
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 7:52:46 PM EDT
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Just read a few books on what being on the ocean is like across any time period in history and you quickly realize there is no such thing as paradise out there.

Way too many things to kill you and the more time you're out the more inevitable it becomes... including in port.

I feel bad for their family.
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Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young are responsible for the deaths of many restless rich people.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 7:54:43 PM EDT
I’m sure they are dead but that dude looks built. I’m betting whatever happened he let some motherfuckers know they got into a fight.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 7:58:20 PM EDT
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Grenada is actually one of the safer islands.
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It's not until the medical students get to the US that they can kill you.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 8:02:14 PM EDT
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I've heard that guns onboard will get you into serious trouble in many other countries.
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All that $ for the boat and no guns?!

I've heard that guns onboard will get you into serious trouble in many other countries.
My understanding also,kinda makes you rethink the retirement yacht thing
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 8:02:20 PM EDT
I'm guessing they had a real ugly time before they died; especially the wife.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 10:27:55 PM EDT
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I don't carry a gun onshore visiting other countries.

As others have said, the Bahamas really DGAF - just be accurate on your round count going in and out.  But if you dont declare them they will never know - literally thousands of boats moving between docks and anchorages every day.

I'll just sat that there are a LOT of places to hide a weapon on a boat.  Personally, I've never been boarded, but I look like the typical American tourist with a family looking to drop money in their country and pay their ridiculous fees.  If I were boarded they would see a can of pepper spray at the door and a huge ass machete knife near the bed and figure that's all I got.  

I live aboard full time and spend part of the year in the US.

But I have solar driven motion sensor lights on my boat.  I have rear facing night vision remote camera to look around if lights go off.  All my hatches are rigged with alarms.  I don't sleep with all my shit open.  I lock the doors.  I also have a dog.  I won't be caught unaware.  


 Thank you for taking the time to answer that question so completely. I might reach out after we get our boat to pick your brain.

Heck I might reach out before to make sure I don't pick a shit brand boat lol. You can mess up so bad by getting a bad boat.

I'm a mechanic and can fix anything, but I'm out there to enjoy life, not work on broken bulkheads, or something terrible like that, I know there's constant work to be done, and I don't mind that at all.
But I mean...these folks got caught by 3 escaped felons.  Shit could happen in Anyplace, USA just easily.  Grenada is safe.  Unless you decide to cruise the waters nearer S America.  Then not so much.
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Link Posted: 2/25/2024 10:29:55 PM EDT
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Cool story, not sure what the fuck it has to do with what I, or the person I quoted said

He said Grenada is the safest island

Obviously it’s not safe

No one said jack shit about the U.S., but feel free to get triggered anyway
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Pretty sure I'm not the one triggered man, you might want to drink less caffeine.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 10:43:18 PM EDT
I know this was a private yacht but I was on a cruise recently and wondered how long before a group of pirates gets the balls to try and commandeer a cruise ship and hold the crew and passengers ransom with president mush brain mcpoopy pants as commander and chief.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 10:50:50 PM EDT
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All that $ for the boat and no guns?!

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I crewed for a delivery Captain in my younger years. Delivered yachts all along the eastern coast of Central and South America. Guns are strictly verboden practically everywhere. You have to present yourself to the Customs Agent (either by phone or in person) of any Country who's waters you enter, and you have to declare any firearms you have on board. If you do have firearms, they need to be surrendered for safe storage while you're in country. Even if you declare you have no firearm, and you are a US registered pleasure craft, you can pretty much guarantee a visit from the local Customs offical, who is looking for guns and alcohol (some Coutries, like Canada, have limits on how much alcohol you can have on board). That said, plenty of places to hide a gun on a boat if you chose to do so.

You DON'T want to get caught by some third world Central/South American country with guns. Thery'll take your boat and you get a one way ticket to prison. And good luck getting your boat back
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 10:53:06 PM EDT
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My understanding also,kinda makes you rethink the retirement yacht thing
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All that $ for the boat and no guns?!

I've heard that guns onboard will get you into serious trouble in many other countries.
My understanding also,kinda makes you rethink the retirement yacht thing
Read "mayday's". response to my other posts. It is possible to be armed and stay out of trouble but the methods for doing so vary from location to location.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 10:57:52 PM EDT
It's a sad story but a 100% probability these were rich socialite democrats cruising those waters with more money than sense. Probably invited those men to come aboard and offered to make them sandwiches.
Link Posted: 2/25/2024 11:04:19 PM EDT
There is all sorts of neat concealment furniture that would make it a past a routine board and search.
Link Posted: 2/26/2024 12:00:39 AM EDT
Sad. Wife and I travel to the USVI’s and BVi’s a lot. I haven’t ever really felt unsafe other than the typical bullshit on st Thomas and st croix. -mostly out weaponed more than anything. Why we prefer St. John to any place.

We’ve talked about someday ending up on a cat traveling around.

Won’t go unarmed, that’s for sure.
Link Posted: 2/26/2024 2:39:01 PM EDT
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I know this was a private yacht but I was on a cruise recently and wondered how long before a group of pirates gets the balls to try and commandeer a cruise ship and hold the crew and passengers ransom with president mush brain mcpoopy pants as commander and chief.
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I would think the cruise ships have a significant armed security team.
Link Posted: 2/26/2024 2:50:10 PM EDT
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All that $ for the boat and no guns?!

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As soon as your boat crosses into another country's waters, you are subject to their laws.
Link Posted: 2/26/2024 2:52:56 PM EDT
That's a sailboat - not a yacht

You can legally carry firearms in some places.  Someone already posted reddit.  Here is the most common citation for Country-level regulations. As others have mentioned - rules become more guidelines the further south you go.  

You DO get boarded in many of these Countries - both upon entry, while traveling and upon exit.  Here's an RDBF (Royal Bahamian Defense Force) contingent on my boat checking my serial numbers against my paperwork and counting every round of ammo.  You can see a Larue OBR in 7.62 in the guy's left hand and a Mossberg Marine 12GA in his right.  I'm holding a Glock 19.  I was paddleboarding off the beach when they "invited them to join them" and took me to the boat.  

Link Posted: 2/26/2024 2:54:14 PM EDT
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As soon as your boat crosses into another country's waters, you are subject to their laws.
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All that $ for the boat and no guns?!

As soon as your boat crosses into another country's waters, you are subject to their laws.

Ironically, you are ALSO subject to the laws of your flagged Country - including firearms regulations.  The USCG has snatched people up all around the world for doing things that are legal there but illegal in the US.

Be aware there is the nautical equivalent of safe passage.  You're generally allowed to navigate through a Country (without stopping - which includes anchoring).
Link Posted: 2/26/2024 3:03:00 PM EDT
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Every boat should have a Mossberg Mariner as standard equipment
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Feels vastly undergunned in an AR prevelant age.

AR, 100 round mag and super safe trigger whatever of your choice seems to be the bare minimum I'd sail with. Maybe a hunting rifle of more substantial caliber if i had the skill.
Link Posted: 2/26/2024 3:11:44 PM EDT
Wouldn't there be a million places to hide guns on a yacht?
Link Posted: 2/26/2024 3:15:09 PM EDT
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Sad. Wife and I travel to the USVI’s and BVi’s a lot. I haven’t ever really felt unsafe other than the typical bullshit on st Thomas and st croix. -mostly out weaponed more than anything. Why we prefer St. John to any place.

We’ve talked about someday ending up on a cat traveling around.

Won’t go unarmed, that’s for sure.
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The crime rate in the USVI is hilariously high per capita---like 50 murders per 100k, which is a St.Louis-level rate---though St. John sounds by far the safest of the three.

You'll get searched, per the guidance in this thread.  Don't get caught.
Link Posted: 2/26/2024 3:17:49 PM EDT
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Every boat that is big enough to live on and truely go out to sea has some where you could hide a handgun and a box or two of ammo. Problem is you need a pretty deep hiding spot if your not gonna declare it, if they decide to search they know all the normal hiding places. Then its hidden so deep its not something you get to in a hurry.
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I think you're way underarmed with just a handgun. Pirates are gonna have rifles. I'd think you'd want .308 or bigger.
Link Posted: 2/26/2024 3:29:51 PM EDT
Most people don't know this but a spear gun actually doubles a defensive weapon.
Link Posted: 2/26/2024 3:51:08 PM EDT
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I've heard that guns onboard will get you into serious trouble in many other countries.
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It’s a labyrinth of local laws to navigate, but there are legal ways to sail armed through the Bahamas and the Caribbean.

However, being armed is only step one. Lack of awareness, training and proper mindset will get you killed too.
Link Posted: 2/26/2024 4:06:07 PM EDT
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I would think the cruise ships have a significant armed security team.
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I’ve always wandered but never seen any armed personnel on any of the cruise ships  I’ve been on.
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