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Link Posted: 8/27/2016 10:29:31 AM EDT

Link Posted: 8/27/2016 10:33:42 AM EDT

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Haven't read it.  I find non-fiction so much more entertaining.  I'm just looking at it from multiple perspectives, namely marketing, politics, and psychology.

Pepe is genius across all 3 of those disciplines, especially understanding modern trends in each.

Pepe will jack your world up if you were to somehow end up on his bad side.  Some say he's just an idea.

Then their most guarded secrets become known to all.
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What's great is that the billion dollar wall of deflection, lies, and obfuscation built by the DNC, Clinton, and the media has been breached by a leaderless, decentralized, unfunded group of people committed to the idea of free expression, in all of its most glorious and most heinous forms.  This group is driving The Narrative, not the DNC/Clinton/Media machine.  That they are doing so using humor and irony makes it that much more difficult to defeat.  The fact that Hillary dedicated a speech to denounce them shows it is working, and she has brought more eyes onto the alt right than they ever could have done themselves.

It is also a huge step towards the end of the legacy media's dominance.  The meme army shows that The Right™ trying to get the media to treat them fairly is a waste of time.  Bypass them entirely, create your own channels, hit below the belt, sucker punch, dox, and never play by their rules again.  Seems to be working.

Link Posted: 8/27/2016 10:43:48 AM EDT
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"East of the Rockies, you're on the air..."
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Dont get it?

If you are mentally older than 13, you wont. Many of us don't get it.

As long at its anti Hillary, I can live with it though

The elites are experimenting with the power to extend life beyond its normal limits. Even now, many elites elect to have their bodies frozen and saved for future revival , all this in an attempt to escape the wages of sin and the judgment of God. But on the flip side there must be the threat of this technology being used to preserve a person for evil purposes, and the elites are no doubt under a threat like this. Many theories say Bin Laden for instance was not truly dead but is alive in a secret CIA facility for this purpose. Everything right now is pointing towards the Washington dominated bloc attempting to gain every aspet of God's powers, omniscience through endless surveillace and spying, power of resurrection and eternal life through many modern medical programs some secret, power to break apart atoms and rebuild the building blocks of the universe, in the end is to have immortal gods to rule over the masses who will be limited to a few decades.

"East of the Rockies, you're on the air..."

Well played.
Link Posted: 8/27/2016 11:05:32 AM EDT
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"I've been planning this for months. My body is weak , thinking months preparing for this was enough... What a fool I am. But... No , not now. I must do this now. For mighty kek made this my destiny. I rise... But my knees give in. Almost as if the weight of a thousand suns is upon me . and still... A thousand suns could not keep me down. I rise again and fill my lungs with the precious oxygen made in the USA . As my lungs fill I wait for the exact moment when I know shillary will pause. " PEEPEEE" I exhale with the force of a thousand cyclones. So quick it was over yet the echoes bounced off all the walls and shattered windows , coffee mugs with the words " free bleed for Iran " shattered , horn rimmed glasses break off the dozens of feminists with shirts that read " anti rape pro refugee" . The crowed is in a panick , they know what this means . So does Killary. As the last echo reaches her eardrum , she grabs her leg to make sure her piss bag is still there, but as she realizes it too was broken by the echo of freedom, it's too late to stop the flow of piss. It rains down her leg like a thousand hurricanes , then , the inevitable . A seizure , a seizure so strong that black security guard that's always with her cant help her .... As she convulses on the ground , muttering something about Benghazi and Bernie , her Verizon wireless Razr phone starts to ring ... "hey now you're an all star " . It's bill .... The text read " I did not have ... Sexual relations with that Pepe "?
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Link Posted: 8/27/2016 11:23:40 AM EDT

You youngins think your so "hip" and "cool" with your childish meme

Kinda boring
Link Posted: 8/27/2016 11:29:58 AM EDT
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You youngins think your so "hip" and "cool" with your childish meme

Kinda boring
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would be except they own the internet....and that these days is power also...anyway Hillary and her ilk are old and it bugs them even more than it does
you because they cannot stand the thought of being old and devalued the way they devalued the elderly when they were young...

they hate being irrelevant,marginalized,and looked down upon as they consider that their purvey...

so...if it irritates you....imagine how much more so it irritates her and hers.....which I find kind of heart warming....
Link Posted: 8/27/2016 11:30:48 AM EDT
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That's the point.  It doesn't make any sense.   It WAS merely a big inside joke on the Internet, primarily on 4chan (like "Fo time" or "87" is used here), until Hillary accidentally made it into something else.  Here's how.

Pepe used to be merely one meme (among many) for a loose Internet-based, anti-Hillary, anti-establishment, somewhat-pro-Trump movement that communicates primarily via social media.  Picture is worth 1000 words, so a picture with a caption photoshopped onto it (called a "dank meme") is the most efficient way to communicate a concept.  We do that all the time here on Arfcom, and some pictures don't even need a caption to make their point.

Pepe was fun because it could be used in a lot of ways.  One way was to draw Pepe to look like Trump, including the hair and suit so he would be immediately recognizable as Trump.  Some people used it as an anti-Trump symbol, but over time it became more of a pro-Trump symbol -- or at least an anti-Hillary and anti-Establishment symbol.


Hillary's campaign allegedly found some Pepe pictures online where "white nationalists" had put racist and/or pro-Nazi symbols on Pepe.  She wanted to play it like Pepe was the darling child of both the Neo-Nazi movement AND Trump supporters.  In their mind, that would allow Hillary to connect the dots like this "Trump---Trump Supporters---Pepe---Neo-Nazis", hoping that the American public would be stupid enough to only take away this message:  "Trump=Neo-Nazis."

Remember, Hillary is a disciple of Saul Alinsky and his book "Rules for Radicals."  One of those rules is:

So, working under that rule, Hillary picked a target (that loose anti-Hillary, anti-establishment, somewhat-pro-Trump movement), tried to freeze it by labeling that movement "the alt-right" (which was a pre-existing label not necessarily associated with Pepe), and tried to polarize it by associating that movement with Neo-Nazis in her speech.  This was preceded by a behind-the-scenes press campaign that tried personalize it by tying Trump, Pepe the green frog cartoon, and racism together under the label "the alt-right."

In hindsight, that sounds kind of over-the-top and silly.  And it was.  But they decided to roll with it anyway.  Probably because Hillary doesn't have any cards to play, other than "RACISM!"

It backfired.  

The reason it backfired is because, knowingly or not, the movement stole one of Alinsky's own Rules out of Hillary's playbook and turned it against her:

Hillary's whispering campaign of "Pepe is a symbol for racists who support Trump, therefore Trump supports racism" was openly ludicrous  to anyone who previously knew about Pepe.  It was also deeply offensive to those she labeled as "alt-right" and those who consider themselves to be "alt-right."  Plus, it's pretty damn offensive to  Trump supporters.

So, Pepe overnight went from being a silly multipurpose Internet meme into a rally point for the anti-Hillary movement.
The headline here says it all

The net result is that despite her efforts, all Hillary managed to accomplish was to:

(1) turn Pepe into the modern equivalent of a kid pointing and saying "the Emperor has no clothes!" and

(2) show the world that even with all her her political strength, political support, and ruthlessness, she still is unable to stop someone from completely mocking her at her own rally merely by shouting a single word.  She's helpless in the face of ridicule.

That part in bold is huge.  And the dude who shouted Pepe! was letting the world know "if you are anti-Hillary, then know that you are not alone, and you can fight back."  Lots of people need to be reminded of that during this election season.  

And what makes this all so hilariously funny is that she did it to herself!  She has to own it; she cannot pin it on Trump.  And now the whole goddamn Internet is talking about a crudely-drawn cartoon of a fucking green frog instead of Trump's alleged racism.


I think I've probably over-analyzed it.  I'm sure someone will be along to summarize all of the above in one Pepe dank meme.
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I did some reading on "pepe" and it still makes no sense to me.

That's the point.  It doesn't make any sense.   It WAS merely a big inside joke on the Internet, primarily on 4chan (like "Fo time" or "87" is used here), until Hillary accidentally made it into something else.  Here's how.

Pepe used to be merely one meme (among many) for a loose Internet-based, anti-Hillary, anti-establishment, somewhat-pro-Trump movement that communicates primarily via social media.  Picture is worth 1000 words, so a picture with a caption photoshopped onto it (called a "dank meme") is the most efficient way to communicate a concept.  We do that all the time here on Arfcom, and some pictures don't even need a caption to make their point.

Pepe was fun because it could be used in a lot of ways.  One way was to draw Pepe to look like Trump, including the hair and suit so he would be immediately recognizable as Trump.  Some people used it as an anti-Trump symbol, but over time it became more of a pro-Trump symbol -- or at least an anti-Hillary and anti-Establishment symbol.


Hillary's campaign allegedly found some Pepe pictures online where "white nationalists" had put racist and/or pro-Nazi symbols on Pepe.  She wanted to play it like Pepe was the darling child of both the Neo-Nazi movement AND Trump supporters.  In their mind, that would allow Hillary to connect the dots like this "Trump---Trump Supporters---Pepe---Neo-Nazis", hoping that the American public would be stupid enough to only take away this message:  "Trump=Neo-Nazis."

Remember, Hillary is a disciple of Saul Alinsky and his book "Rules for Radicals."  One of those rules is:

RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.

So, working under that rule, Hillary picked a target (that loose anti-Hillary, anti-establishment, somewhat-pro-Trump movement), tried to freeze it by labeling that movement "the alt-right" (which was a pre-existing label not necessarily associated with Pepe), and tried to polarize it by associating that movement with Neo-Nazis in her speech.  This was preceded by a behind-the-scenes press campaign that tried personalize it by tying Trump, Pepe the green frog cartoon, and racism together under the label "the alt-right."

In hindsight, that sounds kind of over-the-top and silly.  And it was.  But they decided to roll with it anyway.  Probably because Hillary doesn't have any cards to play, other than "RACISM!"

It backfired.  

The reason it backfired is because, knowingly or not, the movement stole one of Alinsky's own Rules out of Hillary's playbook and turned it against her:

RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.

Hillary's whispering campaign of "Pepe is a symbol for racists who support Trump, therefore Trump supports racism" was openly ludicrous  to anyone who previously knew about Pepe.  It was also deeply offensive to those she labeled as "alt-right" and those who consider themselves to be "alt-right."  Plus, it's pretty damn offensive to  Trump supporters.

So, Pepe overnight went from being a silly multipurpose Internet meme into a rally point for the anti-Hillary movement.
The headline here says it all

The net result is that despite her efforts, all Hillary managed to accomplish was to:

(1) turn Pepe into the modern equivalent of a kid pointing and saying "the Emperor has no clothes!" and

(2) show the world that even with all her her political strength, political support, and ruthlessness, she still is unable to stop someone from completely mocking her at her own rally merely by shouting a single word.  She's helpless in the face of ridicule.

That part in bold is huge.  And the dude who shouted Pepe! was letting the world know "if you are anti-Hillary, then know that you are not alone, and you can fight back."  Lots of people need to be reminded of that during this election season.  

And what makes this all so hilariously funny is that she did it to herself!  She has to own it; she cannot pin it on Trump.  And now the whole goddamn Internet is talking about a crudely-drawn cartoon of a fucking green frog instead of Trump's alleged racism.


I think I've probably over-analyzed it.  I'm sure someone will be along to summarize all of the above in one Pepe dank meme.

That's actually a very correct summation. The rules are being used against her and she doesn't know how to fight out of it
Link Posted: 8/27/2016 11:37:37 AM EDT
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We are all Pepe now.

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Lol. How can I be racist if everyone to me is green?
Link Posted: 8/27/2016 11:37:42 AM EDT
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would be except they own the internet....and that these days is power also...anyway Hillary and her ilk are old and it bugs them even more than it does
you because they cannot stand the thought of being old and devalued the way they devalued the elderly when they were young...

they hate being irrelevant,marginalized,and looked down upon as they consider that their purvey...

so...if it irritates you....imagine how much more so it irritates her and hers.....which I find kind of heart warming....
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You youngins think your so "hip" and "cool" with your childish meme

Kinda boring

would be except they own the internet....and that these days is power also...anyway Hillary and her ilk are old and it bugs them even more than it does
you because they cannot stand the thought of being old and devalued the way they devalued the elderly when they were young...

they hate being irrelevant,marginalized,and looked down upon as they consider that their purvey...

so...if it irritates you....imagine how much more so it irritates her and hers.....which I find kind of heart warming....

Link Posted: 8/27/2016 11:42:14 AM EDT
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would be except they own the internet....and that these days is power also...anyway Hillary and her ilk are old and it bugs them even more than it does
you because they cannot stand the thought of being old and devalued the way they devalued the elderly when they were young...

they hate being irrelevant,marginalized,and looked down upon as they consider that their purvey...

so...if it irritates you....imagine how much more so it irritates her and hers.....which I find kind of heart warming....
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You youngins think your so "hip" and "cool" with your childish meme

Kinda boring

would be except they own the internet....and that these days is power also...anyway Hillary and her ilk are old and it bugs them even more than it does
you because they cannot stand the thought of being old and devalued the way they devalued the elderly when they were young...

they hate being irrelevant,marginalized,and looked down upon as they consider that their purvey...

so...if it irritates you....imagine how much more so it irritates her and hers.....which I find kind of heart warming....

Feels good, man
Link Posted: 8/27/2016 11:45:07 AM EDT
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Who are these guys?
Link Posted: 8/27/2016 11:45:48 AM EDT
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I donated and helped where I could with both McShame and RMoney, but never did I have a moment's fun. And as a Trump guy from the beginning, this election has been a blast. I'm a happy warrior no longer shackled to the boring ass establishment Republicans who think enjoyment is scandalous.


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Was a Rubio guy, it's the thing I find amazing about the Trump movement. The amusement and joy of the Trump supporters.

"But don't we need to be PC with how we package this to people"
Fuck no, look where it's gotten us. We do not challenge the any of the norms, we play by the rules the left sets for us, and it's Lucy with the football all the time.
Every 4 years the Republican candidate can do no right.
They tried to brand Mittens RMoney as a racist?
Mittens of all people.

We are stupid for playing along with them, it's time to sack up, mock them and tear down their imagined moral authority,
Link Posted: 8/27/2016 11:47:55 AM EDT
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Who are these guys?
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Who are these guys?

Robert Byrd, George Soros, Alex Soros
Link Posted: 8/27/2016 12:43:03 PM EDT
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Robert Byrd, George Soros, Alex Soros
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Who are these guys?

Robert Byrd, George Soros, Alex Soros

I don't believe a republican candidate would get out of the primary if such a photo existed of them.
Hillary is running for President.

Memes, the viral nature of certain stories on the internet (more people know about Harambe and Cecil the lion than Fast and Furious.) is absolutely something we should be on board with
Link Posted: 8/27/2016 1:23:22 PM EDT
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Oh wait... are you being serious?

Should Gene Simmons go back into hiding?
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Arfcom = words

4chan = action

Oh wait... are you being serious?

Should Gene Simmons go back into hiding?

Yes....yes I am. I am always serious. Everything is serious. Seriously serious. How could you take something posted on the internet as anything else?
Link Posted: 8/27/2016 1:38:48 PM EDT
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Robert Byrd, George Soros, Alex Soros
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Who are these guys?

Robert Byrd, George Soros, Alex Soros

I scrolled down because I didn't know the kid either. I didn't know of Alex until now, so I looked him up. This is from Wikipedia:

Alexander Soros is the son of billionaire George Soros and Susan Weber Soros. He was raised in Katonah, New York and has a younger brother, Gregory.[2] Soros graduated from King Low Heywood Thomas in Stamford, Connecticut.[2] He graduated from New York University in 2009. As of 2012, he is pursuing a doctorate in history at the University of California, Berkeley.[2][3] In 2014, Soros contributed an essay to the book God, Faith and Identity from the Ashes: Reflections of Children and Grandchildren of Holocaust Survivors.[4]

Interesting he identifies as a child or grandchild of a holocost survivor, given George's collusion with the nazis. His wiki page also identifies his religion as Jewish. Again, very interesting

Link Posted: 8/27/2016 1:51:34 PM EDT
Pepe Lives!!!!!!
Link Posted: 8/27/2016 3:56:43 PM EDT

Link Posted: 8/27/2016 4:43:32 PM EDT
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You youngins think your so "hip" and "cool" with your childish meme

Kinda boring
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Yea we get it the old guard is above cultural influence and focuses solely on the business end of things, that has worked out sooo well the last 20+ years.
Link Posted: 8/27/2016 4:47:40 PM EDT

Link Posted: 8/27/2016 4:50:38 PM EDT
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I scrolled down because I didn't know the kid either. I didn't know of Alex until now, so I looked him up. This is from Wikipedia:

Interesting he identifies as a child or grandchild of a holocost survivor, given George's collusion with the nazis. His wiki page also identifies his religion as Jewish. Again, very interesting

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Who are these guys?

Robert Byrd, George Soros, Alex Soros

I scrolled down because I didn't know the kid either. I didn't know of Alex until now, so I looked him up. This is from Wikipedia:

Alexander Soros is the son of billionaire George Soros and Susan Weber Soros. He was raised in Katonah, New York and has a younger brother, Gregory.[2] Soros graduated from King Low Heywood Thomas in Stamford, Connecticut.[2] He graduated from New York University in 2009. As of 2012, he is pursuing a doctorate in history at the University of California, Berkeley.[2][3] In 2014, Soros contributed an essay to the book God, Faith and Identity from the Ashes: Reflections of Children and Grandchildren of Holocaust Survivors.[4]

Interesting he identifies as a child or grandchild of a holocost survivor, given George's collusion with the nazis. His wiki page also identifies his religion as Jewish. Again, very interesting

Inside joke with the family. Quotable article for the secular, Leftist Jewish communities in the States. George hates the State of Israel.
Link Posted: 8/27/2016 6:24:23 PM EDT

Link Posted: 8/27/2016 6:46:58 PM EDT

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Let the record show, that in the year two thousand and sixteen, internet cartoon frogs became a presidential campaign issue.

What a time to be alive.
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Given the choice between a  public Petite Mal seizure, and a Dicktuck..
  Shit. that's easy choice...

MILO, help me out here.... Gaffers tape ?
Link Posted: 8/27/2016 7:06:06 PM EDT
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Yea we get it the old guard is above cultural influence and focuses solely on the business end of things, that has worked out sooo well the last 20+ years.
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You youngins think your so "hip" and "cool" with your childish meme

Kinda boring

Yea we get it the old guard is above cultural influence and focuses solely on the business end of things, that has worked out sooo well the last 20+ years.

Link Posted: 8/27/2016 7:11:41 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/27/2016 7:27:08 PM EDT
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Yea we get it the old guard is above cultural influence and focuses solely on the business end of things, that has worked out sooo well the last 20+ years.
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You youngins think your so "hip" and "cool" with your childish meme

Kinda boring

Yea we get it the old guard is above cultural influence and focuses solely on the business end of things, that has worked out sooo well the last 20+ years.

One more lecture about muh "constitutional conservatism" and the tide will be turned.

Fight fire with fire.
Link Posted: 8/27/2016 7:32:11 PM EDT
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One more lecture about muh "constitutional conservatism" and the the tide will be turned.

Fight fire with fire.
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You youngins think your so "hip" and "cool" with your childish meme

Kinda boring

Yea we get it the old guard is above cultural influence and focuses solely on the business end of things, that has worked out sooo well the last 20+ years.

One more lecture about muh "constitutional conservatism" and the the tide will be turned.

Fight fire with fire.

Link Posted: 8/27/2016 7:47:48 PM EDT

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You youngins think your so "hip" and "cool" with your childish meme

Kinda boring

Yea we get it the old guard is above cultural influence and focuses solely on the business end of things, that has worked out sooo well the last 20+ years.

One more lecture about muh "constitutional conservatism" and the the tide will be turned.

Fight fire with fire.


For you poor #NeverTrumpers:


Link Posted: 8/27/2016 9:24:20 PM EDT
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For you poor #NeverTrumpers:  


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Link Posted: 8/27/2016 9:26:48 PM EDT
Yeah you're going to meme your way into the White House.
Link Posted: 8/27/2016 9:38:33 PM EDT
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Yeah you're going to meme your way into the White House.
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go with it scully
Link Posted: 8/27/2016 9:50:41 PM EDT
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Yeah you're going to meme your way into the White House.
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Link Posted: 8/27/2016 10:14:38 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/27/2016 10:15:48 PM EDT
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Yeah you're going to meme your way into the White House.
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Well you sure as fuck aren't going to reason you way there.
Link Posted: 8/27/2016 10:17:25 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/27/2016 10:25:39 PM EDT
So far this incident is the best thing about this election.
Link Posted: 8/27/2016 10:27:22 PM EDT
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That's awesome, in the "You can't Flim Flam the Zim Zam" sort of way!!!
Link Posted: 8/27/2016 10:30:14 PM EDT
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C'mon, leave these old farts alone.  They still believe the centuries old con game that politics is "noble" and that by, say this in the most stereotypical WASP white people voice, "Win the by the high road"

It's not their fault they don't get the current state of affairs.  If anything, Trump's turned around the leftist schtick and putting it on the other side, which is a bad thing for old timers in politics.  

Leftists have always counted on the "Noble Suckers" to knuckle over, bend over and accept things.  Look at McCain, he never had a shot a winning, even pledged not to run a "dirty campaign" against Obama, despite Obama doing running one himself.

Think of the old timers as Loyalists back in Revolutionary Days.  Their response to some firebrand like Washington or the Minutemen would probably be "Gosh darn it to heck, why, if the King says we should turn in our guns for the Common Good, why, we best do that!  We can always get another member of parliament to fight for us!  Next time!"

...as they run off to Canada, because gosh darn it to heck, those American Rebels are nuts.  Smugglers and rule breakers them all!
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Its that I work with kids all day and the Alt right resemble the same level if intellectual discourse. Say shitfuck enough times folks will ignore them and because of that, they think they won the argument with their intellect. Their intellect that ironically doesn't not expand past saying shitfuck lol

Honestly the typical Alt Right kids, and the middle school kids I deal with are equals. Thier social skills are  apparently on par. The same folks are ironically Bronies that try to explain that they are so more intelligent because they alone get the adult nuances supposedly in the little girls cartoons.

Hey, if you feel there is more sophistication behind what you do, like the bronies and their kids cartoons. More power to you. It makes fun of Hillary so I find mildly funny at times as well.
Link Posted: 8/27/2016 10:33:09 PM EDT

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Who are these guys?
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Link Posted: 8/27/2016 10:35:55 PM EDT
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Yeah you're going to meme your way into the White House.
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The white house? Not necessarily. Back into cultural influence? Absolutely; it's one of the tools to be used.

The culture wars are OVER; the Right LOST. We're now the counterculture, so mainstream conservativism needs to quit twiddling its fucking bow tie and get out of way if it isn't going to adapt.
Link Posted: 8/27/2016 10:36:25 PM EDT
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lol awesome.
Link Posted: 8/27/2016 10:43:13 PM EDT
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Its that I work with kids all day and the Alt right resemble the same level if intellectual discourse. Say shitfuck enough times folks will ignore them and because of that, they think they won the argument with their intellect. Their intellect that ironically doesn't not expand past saying shitfuck lol

Honestly the typical Alt Right kids, and the middle school kids I deal with are equals. Thier social skills are  apparently on par. The same folks are ironically Bronies that try to explain that they are so more intelligent because they alone get the adult nuances supposedly in the little girls cartoons.

Hey, if you feel there is more sophistication behind what you do, like the bronies and their kids cartoons. More power to you. It makes fun of Hillary so I find mildly funny at times as well.
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C'mon, leave these old farts alone.  They still believe the centuries old con game that politics is "noble" and that by, say this in the most stereotypical WASP white people voice, "Win the by the high road"

It's not their fault they don't get the current state of affairs.  If anything, Trump's turned around the leftist schtick and putting it on the other side, which is a bad thing for old timers in politics.  

Leftists have always counted on the "Noble Suckers" to knuckle over, bend over and accept things.  Look at McCain, he never had a shot a winning, even pledged not to run a "dirty campaign" against Obama, despite Obama doing running one himself.

Think of the old timers as Loyalists back in Revolutionary Days.  Their response to some firebrand like Washington or the Minutemen would probably be "Gosh darn it to heck, why, if the King says we should turn in our guns for the Common Good, why, we best do that!  We can always get another member of parliament to fight for us!  Next time!"

...as they run off to Canada, because gosh darn it to heck, those American Rebels are nuts.  Smugglers and rule breakers them all!

Its that I work with kids all day and the Alt right resemble the same level if intellectual discourse. Say shitfuck enough times folks will ignore them and because of that, they think they won the argument with their intellect. Their intellect that ironically doesn't not expand past saying shitfuck lol

Honestly the typical Alt Right kids, and the middle school kids I deal with are equals. Thier social skills are  apparently on par. The same folks are ironically Bronies that try to explain that they are so more intelligent because they alone get the adult nuances supposedly in the little girls cartoons.

Hey, if you feel there is more sophistication behind what you do, like the bronies and their kids cartoons. More power to you. It makes fun of Hillary so I find mildly funny at times as well.

We. Don't. Care. Conservativism has had its starfish brutalized by the Left harder than an underage twink at a Bryan Singer pool party, so no one takes its opinion seriously.

Want to defeat the alt right? Simple: stop losing.
Link Posted: 8/27/2016 10:48:15 PM EDT
For those who know enough about early American history this has a bit of "Yankee Doodle Dandy" about it.

Use the enemy's own meme as a bludgeon against it.




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Link Posted: 8/27/2016 10:56:31 PM EDT
Need Pepe bumper stickers.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 8/27/2016 11:16:42 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/27/2016 11:22:28 PM EDT
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Link Posted: 8/27/2016 11:36:14 PM EDT
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"I've been planning this for months. My body is weak , thinking months preparing for this was enough... What a fool I am. But... No , not now. I must do this now. For mighty kek made this my destiny. I rise... But my knees give in. Almost as if the weight of a thousand suns is upon me . and still... A thousand suns could not keep me down. I rise again and fill my lungs with the precious oxygen made in the USA . As my lungs fill I wait for the exact moment when I know shillary will pause. " PEEPEEE" I exhale with the force of a thousand cyclones. So quick it was over yet the echoes bounced off all the walls and shattered windows , coffee mugs with the words " free bleed for Iran " shattered , horn rimmed glasses break off the dozens of feminists with shirts that read " anti rape pro refugee" . The crowed is in a panick , they know what this means . So does Killary. As the last echo reaches her eardrum , she grabs her leg to make sure her piss bag is still there, but as she realizes it too was broken by the echo of freedom, it's too late to stop the flow of piss. It rains down her leg like a thousand hurricanes , then , the inevitable . A seizure , a seizure so strong that black security guard that's always with her cant help her .... As she convulses on the ground , muttering something about Benghazi and Bernie , her Verizon wireless Razr phone starts to ring ... "hey now you're an all star " . It's bill .... The text read " I did not have ... Sexual relations with that Pepe "?
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Another junior member who is affraid to post in the GD asked me via pm to post this in response to your post. Don't take it out on me, I am just the messenger...

"Are you aware that there are people in this world that have a severe medical condition which causes them to be that way? My mother for instance is one of those people. She is a truck driver that has bad knees and a bad back from driving the truck but you probably do not care about that case either. Oh well I am not one of those people I am 6'4" 245lbs and I exercise every day. I would love to see you say something like to my mother in front of me. Probably never happen though you are probably just an internet tough guy. I doubt very seriously you would say that to someones face. Just my thought.What do you think. Oh I am sorry you probably do not have a brain. I on the other hand will be happy to buy you a plane ticket to come here and see if you have the nerve to say that to someone I know."
Link Posted: 8/27/2016 11:42:16 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/27/2016 11:46:34 PM EDT
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Need Pepe bumper stickers.

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Link Posted: 8/27/2016 11:47:26 PM EDT
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Lol Nice

And I love this one.


I was going to contribute to Trump's campaign. I think I'll order about $100 worth of Pepe stickers and stick them up at various public places. Like on the nearest roadsign to the local democratic party offices, on Toyota Priuseses with dem stickers on them,....

If I were rich I would come out with a line of these with Hildabeast's face on it...

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