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Link Posted: 4/24/2024 11:25:35 PM EDT
They call them "pro-Palestinian" or "pro-Gaza" protests but there is no doubt in my mind that they are "anti-Jewsih" and "anti-Israel" mobs.

They will turn violent.

Especially so, if there are any Jews walking across campus or pro-Israel counter-protesters show up.

Link Posted: 4/24/2024 11:25:47 PM EDT
Let's face it, these anti Israel/jewish protests across  all the liberal shitholes are being staged by the same people that did blm bullshit in 2020. The difference is that antisemtims thats being stirred up will get people killed.

As a jew, I am beyond fucking livid seeing what's happening across the campuses and cities across America.

How can this be allowed to happen? How are people this fucking stupid?

This will not end well...
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I'm not Jewish, but I'm with OP.
Link Posted: 4/24/2024 11:28:27 PM EDT
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At the end of the day, it doesn't matter.  Black, Jewish, white, Christian, etc if they support the Left, they are the enemy.  If people are squeamish about exterminating them, I'm fine with a life sentence in a labor camp.
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It's freaking frightening. I don't understand why the sudden 180...

It's not, they have always harbored these thoughts, they are just finally not trying to hide it.

I have never and will never understand why so many American Jews are dems, some of my own family included


At the end of the day, it doesn't matter.  Black, Jewish, white, Christian, etc if they support the Left, they are the enemy.  If people are squeamish about exterminating them, I'm fine with a life sentence in a labor camp.
I think a lot of it is due to geography.  Many, if not most, Jews came to the US in the period of 1880-1920 at which time Ellis Island was the main port of entry.  This is why so many Jews live in NYC - that's where the boat dropped them and they largely assimilated into NYC big city culture and politics.  I consider my family fortunate to have escaped that fate.
Link Posted: 4/24/2024 11:30:14 PM EDT
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Don’t worry they are working their way up the list and will soon get to the stuff you DO give a shit about.
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Ill cross that bridge when I get there .
Link Posted: 4/24/2024 11:33:46 PM EDT
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I must have missed that part, but maybe someone was referring to the orthodox.  The very religious Jews do lean conservative, but are a minority amongst US Jews.  You can see here  that the more religious a Jew is the more conservative.  Orthodox Jews are about 75% republican, those married to a Jew are more republican than those married to non-Jews or not married.  Interestingly, the younger Jews are more republican than older Jews, which is the opposite for the US overall.  But Jews overall are about 70% dems, most are highly assimilated and don't partake in religious activities.

This is directly related to the political turmoil in Israel last year after Bibi got reelected.  Israel is becoming more religious due to birthrate disparities between religious and secular, and thus the nation is voting more right as a result.  The lefties feel their power slipping and lost their shit and tried a color revolution and all the same crap that Trump is getting hit with (protests, BS legal battles, etc).

I share your lack of optimism though.  There may be a shift, but I'd be surprised if the Jews flip overall.  In terms of voting it doesn't really matter since most live in such heavily blue areas.  NYC, Chicago, LA, DC, etc will all still be blue regardless of what Jews do.
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Couldn't of said it better myself.

I do hope that when the dust settles that many of the Jews in the progressive camp come to the realization that those who they despised the most over the last several decades are now what stand between them and single party control of those who openly celebrated their people being slaughtered

Suddenly Climate Change isn't as much of an imminent threat lol
Link Posted: 4/24/2024 11:34:55 PM EDT
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Being straight here, the Marxism pushed by liberal Jewish professors for the last 60 years is biting them in the ass. Their chickens have come home to roost.

Not that I support it but am a staunch Israel supporter. Those that curse Israel will be cursed by God. I pray for the peace of Jerusalem. What is disturbing is that this godless bunch will take over after us Boomers fade away. Between the millions of souls of the aborted crying for justice and this bunch cursing Israel, God will withdraw the many blessings we now enjoy. America may be no more.

Then Israel will truly stand alone.

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“The Godless bunch” “blessings we now enjoy”

i get you are referring to the minority protesting

i think we are soft and have been soft in fighting back

if anything…this mess is more likely to be resolved after the boomers fade away

Link Posted: 4/24/2024 11:36:01 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/24/2024 11:40:27 PM EDT
OP I hate it for you, but Jews vote for the democrats almost religiously.  The Knesset saw to it that the Israeli people were disarmed for 10-7.  There has never in all of human history, been a nation whose people had more reason to be heavily armed, but they did it to themselves.  It's my understanding that hasn't changed much.

I don't know what to tell you.  You folks are the most self destructive people on earth.  It's almost like you enjoy victimhood.

Be sure to tell your brethren to keep voting democrat, they'll clean it up for you.  Don't look to the rest of us for answers, because your vote and support of democrats has worked against us too.  Jews willingly and foolishly put their head in that noose, don't complain when democrats pull the lever.

On another board, a member who calls himself "Rabbi" was once asked why Jews vote so heavily democrat.  He basically said Jews vote democrat because of the moral majority types in the republican party.  They prefer being a part of the immoral voting block.  Jews need to understand that violence is a part of immorality.  So do your best to enjoy your association with the immoral majority types, and remember, democrats don't mind violence against you, but at least they aren't lecturing you on morality.

If it helps, try to remember the democrats need the anti Israel support and votes so they can have more power, and take better care of you.  When you see the problems and riots, just remember, it's the sausage being made.
Link Posted: 4/24/2024 11:41:58 PM EDT
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In bedrock terms...

There's always speech that (rightly) should be restricted.  

That's not even up for argument, and if we think it is, cool.

We'll send someone down to the nearest and most crowded place and start having them tell everyone your full name, address, drivers license number, bank account, SSI, etc.

If we say "Oh but that's different" ... that's time to stare in a mirror and realize somethings mentally out of whack.

So, WHY ... do we restrict people from exactly the kind of speech I just used as an example?  Not merely because it's private information,but also because of the effects that you reasonably expect to follow it if it's widely broadcasted.

Here's a different example.

Dude tried to publish a book on how to groom kids in order to do pedo stuff to them on amazon.

Book (speech) got pulled.  It wasn't spreading private info like the first example, but I doubt anyone here would say it shouldn't have been restricted, and that amazon should have been punished for ever letting it get on the site in the first place, because they should have known better.


I'd guess the question at hand is ... exactly what are the protestors saying, and is it morally the same kind of thing as the examples given above.  

... and if we decide it is, we'd better be right, because it's going to have to be applied equally everywhere it would otherwise apply.
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No speech, regardless of how abhorrent one may feel it is, should ever be restricted.

Oh I agree... however,  two points...

1 it's turning into direct actions against Jewish kids on school campuses and

2 it's causing people to get hurt and it's only going to get worse.

Basically,  it's crossed the line...

In bedrock terms...

There's always speech that (rightly) should be restricted.  

That's not even up for argument, and if we think it is, cool.

We'll send someone down to the nearest and most crowded place and start having them tell everyone your full name, address, drivers license number, bank account, SSI, etc.

If we say "Oh but that's different" ... that's time to stare in a mirror and realize somethings mentally out of whack.

So, WHY ... do we restrict people from exactly the kind of speech I just used as an example?  Not merely because it's private information,but also because of the effects that you reasonably expect to follow it if it's widely broadcasted.

Here's a different example.

Dude tried to publish a book on how to groom kids in order to do pedo stuff to them on amazon.

Book (speech) got pulled.  It wasn't spreading private info like the first example, but I doubt anyone here would say it shouldn't have been restricted, and that amazon should have been punished for ever letting it get on the site in the first place, because they should have known better.


I'd guess the question at hand is ... exactly what are the protestors saying, and is it morally the same kind of thing as the examples given above.  

... and if we decide it is, we'd better be right, because it's going to have to be applied equally everywhere it would otherwise apply.

Free speech does not give you the right to take over property that does not belong to you and is not considered public property even if it's a state owned. Even though its publicly accessible in normal times does not restrict the property owner from restricting access at a future point.

Further, as students, they are subject to the agreements and the conduct code they agreed to when registering as students. People should absolutely be expelled for promoting an ideology that is predicated on genocide of a race.

And I am a free speech absolutist. I am all for people being allowed to expose what their true intentions are and it should all be exposed and posted online for everyone to see. There is a big difference between expressing grievances and inciting other people to commit crimes. Basically it becomes criminal when you whip up others to start committing crimes as a result of your speech.
Link Posted: 4/24/2024 11:42:06 PM EDT
Let's face it, these anti Israel/jewish protests across  all the liberal shitholes are being staged by the same people that did blm bullshit in 2020. The difference is that antisemtims thats being stirred up will get people killed.

As a jew, I am beyond fucking livid seeing what's happening across the campuses and cities across America.

How can this be allowed to happen? How are people this fucking stupid?

This will not end well...
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I'm not a Jew, but this makes me beyond livid as well.

I will physically intervene if a Jew is being attacked in my presence, unless they are a 100% confirmed leftist.  In such case, I will back away and then call the police to help them instead.  Just to be clear, if there is any chance that they might not be a leftist, I'd still physically intervene.

It's my general policy not to assist known leftists in distress though, regardless of the circumstances.  Nothing good can be expected to come from it.
Link Posted: 4/24/2024 11:50:42 PM EDT
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I must have missed that part, but maybe someone was referring to the orthodox.  The very religious Jews do lean conservative, but are a minority amongst US Jews.  You can see here  that the more religious a Jew is the more conservative.  Orthodox Jews are about 75% republican, those married to a Jew are more republican than those married to non-Jews or not married.  Interestingly, the younger Jews are more republican than older Jews, which is the opposite for the US overall.  But Jews overall are about 70% dems, most are highly assimilated and don't partake in religious activities.

This is directly related to the political turmoil in Israel last year after Bibi got reelected.  Israel is becoming more religious due to birthrate disparities between religious and secular, and thus the nation is voting more right as a result.  The lefties feel their power slipping and lost their shit and tried a color revolution and all the same crap that Trump is getting hit with (protests, BS legal battles, etc).

I share your lack of optimism though.  There may be a shift, but I'd be surprised if the Jews flip overall.  In terms of voting it doesn't really matter since most live in such heavily blue areas.  NYC, Chicago, LA, DC, etc will all still be blue regardless of what Jews do.
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The democrats run a big tent organization by design. At some point the tent gets so big they start accepting people that passionately hate existing members.

I will say the notion in this thread that American Jews largely vote conservative is bonkers to me. Maybe they'll get a change of heart after these latest events but I'm not optimistic
I must have missed that part, but maybe someone was referring to the orthodox.  The very religious Jews do lean conservative, but are a minority amongst US Jews.  You can see here  that the more religious a Jew is the more conservative.  Orthodox Jews are about 75% republican, those married to a Jew are more republican than those married to non-Jews or not married.  Interestingly, the younger Jews are more republican than older Jews, which is the opposite for the US overall.  But Jews overall are about 70% dems, most are highly assimilated and don't partake in religious activities.

This is directly related to the political turmoil in Israel last year after Bibi got reelected.  Israel is becoming more religious due to birthrate disparities between religious and secular, and thus the nation is voting more right as a result.  The lefties feel their power slipping and lost their shit and tried a color revolution and all the same crap that Trump is getting hit with (protests, BS legal battles, etc).

I share your lack of optimism though.  There may be a shift, but I'd be surprised if the Jews flip overall.  In terms of voting it doesn't really matter since most live in such heavily blue areas.  NYC, Chicago, LA, DC, etc will all still be blue regardless of what Jews do.

Most US Jews are ethnic Jews not religious Jews and use their identity when its beneficial to them but beyond that couldn't care less about Judaism.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 12:02:27 AM EDT
Anti jewish?

What would the protests(and foreign aid packages) look like if israel was christian?
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 12:06:38 AM EDT
The senate is run by a Jewish Democrat.  I haven't heard shit from Chuck Schumer about the blatant anti Semitic hate running wild in his state.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 12:09:19 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 12:14:47 AM EDT
I'm all for going in and cracking some skulls at these protests insurrections. People like this were responsible for 911 and I haven't forgot. They are terrorist, they should be rounded up and given a one way ticket back to the shit hole they came from. The Soros backed agitators should get prison sentences equal to the J6 protestors, at least.

By the way, assuming Soros is behind these insurrectionist, what is his objective?

Link Posted: 4/25/2024 12:20:15 AM EDT
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no, it's not dangerous, only MAGA Republicans are
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For Christ sake wtf
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 12:20:39 AM EDT
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They call them "pro-Palestinian" or "pro-Gaza" protests but there is no doubt in my mind that they are "anti-Jewsih" and "anti-Israel" mobs.

They will turn violent.

Especially so, if there are any Jews walking across campus or pro-Israel counter-protesters show up.
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I think there's also siginficant cross pollination with the non muslim / non palestine left in the "anticolonialism" movement that the unis have been teaching the kids for a while now.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 12:22:29 AM EDT
Pro Palestinian = Pro terrorism
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 12:28:59 AM EDT
It concerns me we haven't seen anything yet. What a great time to be alive. Wanna know what else? This bs isn't every where. We went a livestock auction today. There were Mexican,blacks,whites and some dot Indians when the auction started the men removed their hats and everyone placed their hand on their heart. A lot of laughs and a good day.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 12:57:41 AM EDT
A lot of the universities take Middle Eastern students because they pay full tuition, don't want to lose that sweet Arab money.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 1:06:39 AM EDT
Let's face it, these anti Israel/jewish protests across  all the liberal shitholes are being staged by the same people that did blm bullshit in 2020. The difference is that antisemtims thats being stirred up will get people killed.

As a jew, I am beyond fucking livid seeing what's happening across the campuses and cities across America.

How can this be allowed to happen? How are people this fucking stupid?

This will not end well...
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And yet Jewish Americans overwhelmingly vote Dumocrat.  I don't get it .
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 1:30:58 AM EDT
Unless ww3 breaks out, I think we are going to see much more anti-Jewish terrorism start happening in the US. And as we all know, the terrorists can cross the border easily enough.

I was raised Christian with respect for Jewish people as they were/are God’s chosen people.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 1:32:08 AM EDT
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It concerns me we haven't seen anything yet. What a great time to be alive. Wanna know what else? This bs isn't every where. We went a livestock auction today. There were Mexican,blacks,whites and some dot Indians when the auction started the men removed their hats and everyone placed their hand on their heart. A lot of laughs and a good day.
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Good post! Our small town is similar.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 1:39:50 AM EDT
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The senate is run by a Jewish Democrat.  I haven't heard shit from Chuck Schumer about the blatant anti Semitic hate running wild in his state.
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In addition to that, many in media, Hollywood, sports, and finance are Jewish. All very powerful people. If you drill it down more specifically, many news media outlets are Jewish owned/controlled. The question I have is, why the silence?
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 2:42:11 AM EDT
Let's face it, these anti Israel/jewish protests across  all the liberal shitholes are being staged by the same people that did blm bullshit in 2020. The difference is that antisemtims thats being stirred up will get people killed.

As a jew, I am beyond fucking livid seeing what's happening across the campuses and cities across America.

How can this be allowed to happen? How are people this fucking stupid?

This will not end well...
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So, will the Jews finally stop supporting the leftists? If not, you all might as well head down to the Amtrak station and save time and headache. That shit is going to happen all over again.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 3:38:28 AM EDT
The same way that blacks used to be progressives chosen minority until Hispanics overtook them in numbers and thus importance.

Same thing with Jewish people (another long term Dem voting bloc) :they've imported so many America hating islamists in their quest for power that that side of the party is now driving the agenda.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 4:44:33 AM EDT
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It's disgusting. They don't know what they are protesting. Only what they were told. Just useful idiots.
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In the end, useful idiots always become useless idiots.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 4:47:34 AM EDT
Let's face it, these anti Israel/jewish protests across  all the liberal shitholes are being staged by the same people that did blm bullshit in 2020. The difference is that antisemtims thats being stirred up will get people killed.

As a jew, I am beyond fucking livid seeing what's happening across the campuses and cities across America.

How can this be allowed to happen? How are people this fucking stupid?

This will not end well...
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It's time for a plague to sweep the world striking down people who hold certain beliefs
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 5:06:56 AM EDT
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In addition to that, many in media, Hollywood, sports, and finance are Jewish. All very powerful people. If you drill it down more specifically, many news media outlets are Jewish owned/controlled. The question I have is, why the silence?
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The senate is run by a Jewish Democrat.  I haven't heard shit from Chuck Schumer about the blatant anti Semitic hate running wild in his state.

In addition to that, many in media, Hollywood, sports, and finance are Jewish. All very powerful people. If you drill it down more specifically, many news media outlets are Jewish owned/controlled. The question I have is, why the silence?

No one wants to touch that third rail. Less controversy = more money

Kind of like actors. If you openly express an opinion about a controversial matter, you're instantly boycotted or hated by half the country. Better to just remain silent.

The other issue is that many American Jews in powerful positions support Israel as a country and Israelis as a people, but they don't support the Netanyahu or the Likud Party and feel he's too heavy handed.

Like an American loving the United States but hating the political powers running the government.

Link Posted: 4/25/2024 5:17:48 AM EDT
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In addition to that, many in media, Hollywood, sports, and finance are Jewish. All very powerful people. If you drill it down more specifically, many news media outlets are Jewish owned/controlled. The question I have is, why the silence?
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The senate is run by a Jewish Democrat.  I haven't heard shit from Chuck Schumer about the blatant anti Semitic hate running wild in his state.

In addition to that, many in media, Hollywood, sports, and finance are Jewish. All very powerful people. If you drill it down more specifically, many news media outlets are Jewish owned/controlled. The question I have is, why the silence?

All the powerful Jews aren’t Jewish, they are Jew-ish.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 5:36:35 AM EDT
During World War II the German Left killed 6 million Jews.

Lately the Left's COVID has killed more than 7 million people, the number comes from the World Health Organization.

Left is extreme evil.  Leftists are extreme evil.

It's not just Jews, it appears the Left wants to kill civilization itself.  Look at the Left's Voluntary Human Extinction Movement.


Link Posted: 4/25/2024 5:38:51 AM EDT
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It will end perfectly well for them because they know full well that they have zero accountability for their actions.  They will never —for the most part— be charged criminally nor be held civilly liable.  The media will never hold to them to account and will actively cover for them.  The politicians who support them know that Jewish Americans will still vote for them. They have no risk at all for their behavior.
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There is the truth.

One other thing, extreme vote fraud makes voting far less powerful than it was in the past.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 5:54:54 AM EDT
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So you are ready to throw out the baby with the bathwater? Really fucking upstanding of you. You are supposed to stand up for the weak.

Also, there are plenty of jews that will not put up with this bullshit again. Trust me on this...
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People around here paint with a broad brush. Outside of NY I think things are different. I know I was raised extremely conservative as were my grandparents and so on down the line. Very independent, hard working and no bull shit people but around here we are all democrats. If anything I would say Jews outside of NY tend to be independents in thinking anyway. Both sides have taken their shots so blind loyalty isn't something they have fully signed up for in the past. After this crap going on now I would think sides would be chosen.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 6:00:36 AM EDT
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It's freaking frightening. I don't understand why the sudden 180...
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The dems have embraced and emboldened the nazis. Academia has embraced and emboldened the nazis.

They have one goal, kill Jews. They’re using this conflict as an excuse to do so.

It's freaking frightening. I don't understand why the sudden 180...

It’s really not about the Jews, it’s about spreading hatred, unrest, and chaos in general. It’s just their turn.

Remember the democrat motto: Let no tragedy go to waste.

They’re using the current tragedy in Israel/Gaza to stir unrest and chaos here. Right before an election.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 6:23:06 AM EDT
The Marxists/democrats are playing the numbers game. Jews will never be more than 5% of voters. But there are over 1.5 billion Muslims on planet Earth and each is a potential vote for the democrats.  So democrats pander to Muslim hatred of Jews to gain their favor and votes.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 6:26:30 AM EDT
Where was the outrage from the male Jewish community when the war on white males started?

All the sudden the hate is directed specifically at Jews spewed by people emboldened by the very party Jews overwhelmingly vote for, and now I am supposed to care about some people that didn't care about me?

Someone earlier said "at first they came for ..and I didn't say anything". Exactly, Jews didn't say anything when the party they voted into office came for white males.

I say welcome to the party pals.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 6:32:41 AM EDT
It’s a game they have always played
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 6:35:33 AM EDT
Let's face it, these anti Israel/jewish protests across  all the liberal shitholes are being staged by the same people that did blm bullshit in 2020. The difference is that antisemtims thats being stirred up will get people killed.

As a jew, I am beyond fucking livid seeing what's happening across the campuses and cities across America.

How can this be allowed to happen? How are people this fucking stupid?

This will not end well...
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Not end well in what way?

To ask how people can be this stupid would indicate to me that you are either living in a bubble or your emotions have clouded your thinking.  Genocide is a very real component of the human condition. Prepare and act accordingly.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 6:41:21 AM EDT
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It's disgusting. They don't know what they are protesting. Only what they were told. Just useful idiots.
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They don't even know that. They tried to interview two chicks at nyu who were protesting. They had no idea other than free palestine. When asked one said no clue, the other did know either and said I wish I was better educated on the topic.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 6:50:40 AM EDT
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It's disgusting. They don't know what they are protesting. Only what they were told. Just useful idiots.
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Link Posted: 4/25/2024 7:13:31 AM EDT
“Literally Hitler”

Is what we kept hearing about Trump.

Seems like we are weeks away from the left rounding up Jews for camps.

Shocked at how everything they screamed about Trump is happening under Biden. The wars, whatever ism you want to call it. All happening as they said, just under their guy.

Be odd to see the amount of Americans dancing in the streets when the next 9/11 happens.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 7:22:24 AM EDT
How can this be allowed to happen? How are people this fucking stupid?

This will not end well...
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It's the time-honored tactic of the Left; divide, marginalize, demonize, isolate, and attack.

It's not just the Jews, it's just the Jews "today" (again). Tomorrow it will be Christians, Catholics, it's always gun-owners, white-heterosexual males, conservatives, etc.

Yes, it's a dangerous game as the useful idiots can quickly become the deadly SS, Stasi, or Bolsheviks.

Ironic that the "movements of DEI" are violently exclusive with the diversity they don't want or told to dislike.

Link Posted: 4/25/2024 7:25:53 AM EDT
List of Jewish members of congress

I would give a fuck, if they stopped voting in leftists.

Link Posted: 4/25/2024 7:39:39 AM EDT
A few weeks ago, I was finishing up with my tax guy. He is Jewish, I’ve worked with him for 14 tax years. He is fiscally conservative, a family man, doesn’t understand why anyone not a cop or a soldier “needs” a gun but doesn’t “hate” guns. Yet, he voted for Hilary, voted for Biden and will vote for Biden again because he thinks Trump is “too divisive”. He also reminds me that he is an American Jew, not an Israeli. I get the distinction and appreciate it but the man is literally voting for his own extinction. I don’t understand how smart people can look at what is happening with…we’ll…EVERYTHING and still be voting for Democrats.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 7:43:34 AM EDT
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As a Jew I’m waiting to see how other Jews vote in November.

If they still overwhelming vote for the Dems then I don’t really have anything left to say. You dug your own grave might as well hop in.
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Yeah, I fear the secularists will vote as they always have, at least most.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 7:47:52 AM EDT
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They call them "pro-Palestinian" or "pro-Gaza" protests but there is no doubt in my mind that they are "anti-Jewsih" and "anti-Israel" mobs.

They will turn violent.

Especially so, if there are any Jews walking across campus or pro-Israel counter-protesters show up.

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This is exactly right.  Muslim dictators, Hussein, Ghadaffi, and others, have slaughtered millions of Muslims in the last 70 years; and you never heard a peep.  Now that Jews are actually defending themselves from yet another slaughter by Muslims, the left has come to support a cause that was dreamt up in the 1960s.

For those who didn't see my post yesterday......https://stanfordreview.org/deception-palestinian-nationalism/

Link Posted: 4/25/2024 7:48:52 AM EDT
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Biden needs Michigan
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And no one cares who dies to get it.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 7:49:54 AM EDT
Anti-Semitism is a litmus test for evil.  Historically those who have sided against Israel are without exception evil.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 7:50:51 AM EDT
Someone who is Jewish and votes for a Democrat is the same as a chicken who would vote for Colonel Sanders.
Link Posted: 4/25/2024 7:58:36 AM EDT
Anyone still voting democrat is a complete idiot who hates America!
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