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Link Posted: 2/19/2020 11:12:54 PM EDT
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Have you ever had a co-worker, or employee that has constant drama outside of work that keeps them from doing their job?  D you ever have to cover for the same people time and again when they can't do their job because they are not at work? Ever notice it is always the same people with the drama?
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This right here, Always the same, if you dont have kids, etc then when those that do skate off to do whatever you get stuck picking up the slack.  That shit gets old.  OOOh, I cant make the meeting on Friday afternoon cuz my kid has a ball game. Guess you are just going to have to go.  Some have legit reasons but most use family, kids as an escape.  We do have a few that abuse that, same ones as always.  Then they get pissed when they have to use PTO.  Its nice you have kids, family but I would like to go home after working all day and see mine, so get that ass back to work.
Link Posted: 2/19/2020 11:43:29 PM EDT
I guess I should be very grateful that I work for a company that strongly believes in a good work/life balance.  The CEO has said that he wants the company culture to be such that employees want to come to work.  As long as our work gets done we have a lot of flexibility with our personal schedules.  I've never had a boss that hassled anyone for calling in sick or wanting to take PTO.
Link Posted: 2/19/2020 11:53:26 PM EDT
I've got 32 days of time off I can use or I lose them. HR will tell us you absolutely need to use them up.

We can take off 2 weeks for family leave if needed.

There are perks to your company being based in France.

We have flexible work hours too. Mine aren't as flexible, because of the nature of the job, but some of our programmers work from home. They work whatever hours fit their schedule which does help our field guys out that have to work nights in schools.
Link Posted: 2/19/2020 11:59:55 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 12:07:11 AM EDT
Don’t work in healthcare.  All the want is “warm bodies to take accountability and make them money”.  Nothing has to do with healthcare anymore, it’s all about how many billing codes can get tacked on.
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 12:09:10 AM EDT
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I worked at a printing company like that for many years. Soul-sucking.

I swore I'd never allow any business to do that to me again. I'm not a fucking slave.

The company I work at now is nothing like that. They have a lot of cool things they do for us, the managers directly above me all know my living situation and what my home life is like for better or worse, and are accommodating when I need time for have things that require me to be away. It's a friendly atmosphere and we're more like a family than a bunch of nameless co-workers.

Some of you that think that's all gross or unnecessary are just mental. Who the fuck wants to work where you're just a lifeless cog? Jesus christ, what a pathetic way to spend your days.
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In work threads like these some go out of their way to project their psychopathy thinking it will make them look like badass hard working gears in the machine.

I'm sure their homes looks something like this
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 12:15:35 AM EDT
If you want to talk about those subjects - then start the conversation.  Waiting around for someone to do something that is significant to you is critiquing them for not doing something that you aren't doing yourself.

Some people don't like talking about their family life at work.  Some people don't prefer being asked by leadership.

If you want a company picnic - then offer to help organize one.  Consider your role as something other than passive.
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 12:16:14 AM EDT
Not me.
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 12:24:39 AM EDT
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You are assuming that "annual leave" = "long vacation".

While they might be one and the same, that isn't always the case.  Have you ever decided, on a Tuesday, that you'd like to take that Friday off?  We can't do that anymore, because it's less than 5-days' notice.  We've always been able to take time off like that.  Heck, one of my co-workers would occasionally leave mid-day to go deer hunting, as long as there weren't any meetings and things were a little slow.

I have never worked anywhere that required 30-days' notice to take a single day of vacation.  That's an absurd policy.
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My mother had to propose any vacation days in front of a committee. They would then decide if it was worthwhile and let her know a few days later. Maybe. I showed up one day on a Friday to help my father out with some yard work and she asked me how I convinced my boss(es) to take the day off. I told her I told them I had nothing pressing to do that day and wasn't going to be there. The look of horror on her face was quite amusing as she never thought that people could just do that.

I think the only policy that is close is what my coworker was describing about this place he is interviewing at. He said their starting salary was a bit low but they pay you a half day for each vacation day you don't take at the end of the year. He was trying to convince me how good of a deal it is because he said it would be like an extra weeks worth of a payment a year if he just didn't take any vacation.
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 12:44:25 AM EDT
Dude, we are in an age of full employment. Engineers are hard to find.  Find a good company and join it, you'll make more money too, I bet.
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 12:48:58 AM EDT
I once had a manager tell me he owned me.  He also called me while I was on vacation and expected me to drop everything to drive the 3 hours back to the plant to fix their issue. That job didn't last long.

I don't bring my personal life to work and I certainly don't want management asking about it.

All that I ask is the understanding that I am working to support myself and my family.  I am not working out of the goodness of my heart or for the sake of working.
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 1:04:53 AM EDT
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I guess I should be very grateful that I work for a company that strongly believes in a good work/life balance.  The CEO has said that he wants the company culture to be such that employees want to come to work.  As long as our work gets done we have a lot of flexibility with our personal schedules.  I've never had a boss that hassled anyone for calling in sick or wanting to take PTO.
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This is how my place is, and it works.

Abuse is VERY rare, and dealt with.  Maybe two cases that I can think of in the last 4 years.

Most people want to do the best for their team.
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 1:18:11 AM EDT
well...if you're female, then obviously it's family first...  regardless of if you have sick/comp/vacation to take, just take it...

If you're a particular female then policies that are used to fuck other employees out of massive amounts of time off, are modified just for you...

If you're female, and you run out of sick time, well you can use someone else's sick time.. for whatever... when you burn up all their sick time,  you can move on to someone else's

If you're ummm... an affirmative action hiree and you are counseled because you're late every single day, the supervisor doing the counseling is counseled that  making it to work on time is a cultural thing and not important to members of certain cultures... if you meet those criteria and you stop showing up to work altogether, without calling, the supervisor is counseled that it is not job abandoment... 3 months later, the employee is let go...

if you're male and have over 1500 hours of sick time, and you call in once in 1 year because the ulcer the place caused you to have, then you receive an email about abusing sick time... if you have to use another sick day to take care of your elderly mother who just had surgery, you are also emailed that the abuse of sick time continues... even though you obviously have the time and did not create any overtime by calling in, the abuse is rampant...

I am assured it is very family friendly...
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 9:06:29 AM EDT
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I have several guys that work for me.....and I have no issues asking them stuff like ......last week you said your wife was really sick...is she better now"?   Or "how's your son's broken arm healing up".

Part of being a good manager is relating to people, and figuring out what they respond to in order to get the performance out of them that you need. If you ignore that fact that the employee is a real person, with a real family, and a real life ....it helps.

Treating them just as a number...... doesn't make things any easier.
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I would rather work for your bosses than you.  They are honest.  You are just wasting time faking it.  You even said so.

What I can't figure out is why do you want them to fake it with you.  Just do your job and go home.  Quit bothering everybody until you actually have a real reason to like a health emergency and then only to secure what you need to take care of the issue.  Vacation, talk to your friends about it.  Leave your bosses alone.  They are trying to run a company so you have a job so you can take care of your family.  That's enough.  Be grateful.  Stop being so needy.  It's annoying.

Guarantee that's what they are thinking and probably discussing with each other.
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 9:14:56 AM EDT
I worked for a big law firm where the married partners all had stay-at-home wives.  My wife worked, she had a weeklong conference out of town.  I let the partners know 6 months in advance that week I had to stay home to watch my infant son (a slot at the daycare had not opened yet).

So afterward they scheduled me to be at a trial 500 miles away that week, as 5th chair (like, assistant to the assistant to the assistant to the deputy of the lead lawyer).  I reminded them I couldn't do that because I had to watch my son.

Lead counsel said "we drive home every weekend, can't you bring him with you for that week and just pay some hotel staffer to babysit him in your room for 12 hours a day?"  She was serious.

It was a that point that I decided BigLaw wasn't for me.
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 9:17:47 AM EDT
My wife had a miscarriage... I told my "boss"(i ran every aspect of the business... he was a face.) That I had a family emergency and had to leave right there.  I walked out of the door.

I showed up to work the next day to his boss and him wanting to take me to lunch...   where he told me I shouldn't have left and that my job was on the line.  When I told him my wife had a miscarriage and was looking at the fetus. His response was "it doesn't matter..."  I paused... stood up and went back to the shop, shaking... he had no idea how close he was to violence. I grabbed my tools and gear and went home, again.

I got a call, to not come back and a weekly paycheck for 6 months. The business closed doors a month after I left..

He is a member here, if he happens to read this...

Go die in a fire.
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 9:20:13 AM EDT
Fuck that.
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 9:48:52 AM EDT
I've seen both sides of this coin. There are companies out there that understand you have a life outside of work and sometimes you need to take care of it. I highly suggest finding a company like that.
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 9:52:23 AM EDT
The attitude of many in this thread is fairly surprising to me.  I can’t imagine working somewhere as a worker drone who is expected to just keep your head down and not engage with anyone outside of strict work talk. I also can’t imagine putting up with some of the BS at work that many here think is “just the way things are.”

I own my own home building/general contracting business and I’ve dealt with my fair share of drama from employees and subcontractors, but I can’t imagine treating everyone like a disposable robot drone. Relationships are one of the most important aspects of my business, building trust and confidence that I can depend on people and they can depend on me.

I’ve also dealt with taking work calls/texts/emails on weekends and vacations and the stress and never get away aspect of owning my own company, but at least I know it’s real money in my pocket from doing it at the end of the day, not to meet a managers expectation or in hopes for a raise in the future.

I also work to live and have tried to set things up to allow me to take time off and do the things I want.

Any of you stiff upper lip guys want to come work for me and put out fires while I chase billfish around the world?
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 10:06:49 AM EDT
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I have several guys that work for me.....and I have no issues asking them stuff like ......last week you said your wife was really sick...is she better now"?   Or "how's your son's broken arm healing up".

Part of being a good manager is relating to people, and figuring out what they respond to in order to get the performance out of them that you need. If you ignore that fact that the employee is a real person, with a real family, and a real life ....it helps.

Treating them just as a number...... doesn't make things any easier.
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This guy gets it
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 10:10:40 AM EDT
I have a job that allows me to have a great family life and more or less ignore the fact that I have a job.
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 10:15:11 AM EDT
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But can you talk about sports?
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Did you see the eagles game?

Yeah, I couldn't help but notice they used cross-pin girders without using Hotchkiss supports. Totally compromised the under bolt dyke spans.

I think they solved that problem using finger joined Allen rivets 25 degrees offset to the pan head crank pins
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 10:37:34 AM EDT
This is just more of a rant......

I work an office job (engineering) at a good sized privately owned manufacturing company. Been there for 20 years.  Great place to work...BUT, it's the strangest environment I've ever worked in.  The upper management are all in there 60's, and super old school.  Their lives all revolve around work....it's their hobby, their fun, their life.

Myself and my coworkers all have good relationships and chat about life outside of work, but as far as upper management goes (our bosses)....they never ask about peoples families, or how things are outside of work, what people do for fun, how their vacations went, etc, etc.

If you tell them you need a day or two of vacation because you have a sick child in the hospital...when you get back to work, your boss will never ask you how your kid is....but how you will get caught up from being gone.  
If you are on a two week vacation with your family taking a cross country trip....when you get back in the office, your boss will not ask you about your vacation...they will ask you "where is that report from two wees ago?"
If you can't make a meeting because you got an emergency call from daycare and you have to go pick up your kid for some reason......it's not "I hope your son is ok".....it's "I hope you are still going to make it to the meeting....right?".

There are no company picnics. No company parties.  No outside of work type events....ever.  Very odd.

It's just a very odd environment.  I think it's just that old school "work always comes first, family second" type attitude. It's very frustrating sometimes.  In the end, it doesn't' affect my job......but it's strange that they pretend their employees don't have a home life.

Anyone else work at a place like that?
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I am mid-management.
I have worked for this company for over 20 years.
It always had the usual Christmas party and a summer picnic.
You were encouraged to use your PTO hours.  You could even use them one day at a time.
Never required to pre-schedule your vacations so not to conflict with anyone else.
You were expected to get your work done when at work.
401K, profit sharing, health and disability insurance...…….pretty good package above the average offered package
Bonuses were distributed based on the financial success of the company at least once a year and on a rare occasion twice a year.

We are in what I call a transition time.
We "re-branded" ourselves.
[As a side note, educate yourselves on the real costs of such an endeavor]
We have had some long time employees retire.
Some upper management has retired.
Due to good business, we are in need of talent.
Our recent hires have all been in the 22-32 year old age range.

We started providing breakfast on Fridays.
After winning a competition to provide services for a large project request come in for a celebration of some kind.
We have at least one in office social event paid for by the company every quarter.
Stand up work stations have been requested and are being tested.
Laptops for convenience have been provided to those who have requested them.
Work from home requests have been granted along with providing infrastructure for those people.
We still have the Christmas party and summer picnic.
All of this can be viewed as good things.
Bonuses this past year, were less then the previous two years.
An increase in visits to supervisors was noted.
An increase in questions about compensation in general and specifically about bonuses was noted from the visits to supervisors.
All of the above comes at a price and it is charged to overhead which reduces profits which is where the bonuses and profit sharing come from.
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 10:44:05 AM EDT
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Asking about a vacation, or your kids broken arm, or your wife's surgery doesn't make you friends.....it just makes you human.

Damn...you guys are cold.
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A fucking Pandora's Box you don't want to open.

Bosses that are friends with their subordinates are like parents who are friends to their kids.

Their job is to  manage a staff, not babysit, be besties, or provide a shoulder to cry on.
Asking about a vacation, or your kids broken arm, or your wife's surgery doesn't make you friends.....it just makes you human.

Damn...you guys are cold.
Whatever works for you I guess.
My experience is that when it comes down to perks of a job or higher amount in the paycheck, dollars ALWAYS wins.
Some people don't know this about themselves until they are faced with this choice.
Whenever someone tells you it is not about money, IT IS ALWAYS ABOUT MONEY.
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 10:52:33 AM EDT
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I'm going to go out of my way, and do just that little extra bit more for someone if they treat me like a human...and not just a number.

I'm not best friends with the guys that work for me.....but if they mention something to me about their wife or kid being sick, or some tragedy in their life ...I will at least ask them how things are going, and if everything is ok.  If it's not going ok.....or they are having all kinds of personal issues....it WILL affect their performance at work.

Being personable and showing a little concern for people's "away from work" issues makes you understand them better....and let's you manage them better.
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People always say that their bosses never give a shit about them, you're just a number, etc...yet when presented an opportunity to be something other than an automaton they pass on it. Corporations are heartless and don't give a shit because people like that run them.

GD would lose their mind over some of the things I've done for my guys... that's okay though because they go the extra mile for me when I need it.

I'm going to go out of my way, and do just that little extra bit more for someone if they treat me like a human...and not just a number.

I'm not best friends with the guys that work for me.....but if they mention something to me about their wife or kid being sick, or some tragedy in their life ...I will at least ask them how things are going, and if everything is ok.  If it's not going ok.....or they are having all kinds of personal issues....it WILL affect their performance at work.

Being personable and showing a little concern for people's "away from work" issues makes you understand them better....and let's you manage them better.
You don't really care or want to help out in any way.
You are just gleaning information for assessing your approach to managing your numbers..er..humans.
You may feel like you are being personable or showing concern, but your concern is for how are you going to have to manage that person based on what they have going on.
I think most on here assumed that you were getting involved in your employees' lives or truly showing concern.
I get it now, you are not truly concerned about your employees.
I'm with you on this.
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 11:25:41 AM EDT
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That would be my guess. Some people were abusing the shit out of it which pissed some people off who in turn bitched to management and a new company policy was born.
From my experience most new company policies don't just happen, it's because somebody fucked it up for everyone else.
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Last week our new executive director wanted me to bring a doctor's note for a routine dental checkup.  She's also requested doctor's notes for 2 pediatrician appointments and a PCP visit of mine.

She also requests doctor's notes whenever anyone is out sick.  I get that some people might be playing fast and loose with sick days, but for the people who are actually sick, I'd hope they could be adults and determine on their own if they need to see a doctor.  Most colds are viral based so the doc can't do anything anyway.  So we have to pay a PCP co-pay or an urgent care co-pay ($70) just because the new boss doesn't believe people when they say they're out sick.

Oh, and she wants 5-days' notice to take vacation time.

Before her: start/end times were flexible, if you needed a sick day you took a sick day, and if you wanted to take a day off, you told your boss "Hey it's nice outside, I think I'll be off tomorrow" and you were off tomorrow.  It was great.  She completely ruined it.

Yeah, I'm looking for a new job.
That would be my guess. Some people were abusing the shit out of it which pissed some people off who in turn bitched to management and a new company policy was born.
From my experience most new company policies don't just happen, it's because somebody fucked it up for everyone else.
So lets punish everyone who were following the rules......makes no sense.

What I would do is fire/punish who broke the rule in a very public way and let everyone know that I am not going to change policy because of one idiot. It's called accountability...hold people accountable.
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 11:44:16 AM EDT
I work for a fortune 500 company that has struck a nice balance with the culture.  There are no questions asked if you need to take care of some family business, but if the policy is truly abused over time, you get to go spend 100 percent of your time with your family.  :)

My manager knows a good bit about my personal life, I know about his.  Same for me and my guys.  We celebrate good things, and support one another through bad.

We are highly productive, and enjoy the work and the company enough to where it's not unusual for us to turn a lazy Sunday afternoon into a volunteer work or study session to build or learn something neat.  We have stacked up some solid industry awards, have a lot of fun, and get well rewarded.
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 12:40:04 PM EDT
It's extremely toxic.  Probably why our turnover rate is above 50%.  Management is Canuck (we're in America) and they give zero fucks about you.  We lost 5 people last week.  Typical; roughly 135 employees onsite.  I've been here 6 years, and we've lost close  to 40 tradesman in that time. Untold numbers of production workers. I never know who I'll be working with next.
ETA: I never even learn a lot their names before they're gone.  Constantly changing shifts, 2-3 days notice for additional shifts, constant rule changes, varying enforcement of rules, variable management, no parts/plan, and constantly changing standards drive this.
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 12:44:17 PM EDT
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I don't need acknowledgement from my coworkers or managers about my personal life.  I need to do my job, then get paid.  That's the agreement.
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Agreed. I constantly hear about about someone's wife and or kids. Useless information.

Makes me glad I don't have one/either/any.

Enjoy your vacation time but I don't care if it was awesome or not. All I know is we were short-handed while you were gone.
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 12:50:45 PM EDT
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Agreed. I constantly hear about about someone's wife and or kids. Useless information.

Makes me glad I don't have one/either/any.

Enjoy your vacation time but I don't care if it was awesome or not. All I know is we were short-handed while you were gone.
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Agreed.  Don't tell me about your personal life unless you're my buddy.  And most importantly, don't ask about mine.   I HATE over sharers
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 12:59:50 PM EDT
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All I know is we were short-handed while you were gone.
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That means your management is failing you.

I don't get guys with attitudes like this. Again, common courtesy to acknowledge other people.
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 1:01:26 PM EDT
Used to. First day on the job I was told I am needed to work nights.

Then, they hand me a work phone and say you're on call 24/7
Holidays and weekends included.

I was laid off 2.5 years later and the company fucked me over hard with my retirement account.

In retrospect, it was a blessing to be laid off. I was unhappy and unhealthy.

Work now is much better about work life balance but it could still use some improvement. Maybe 5 more days of PTO would be beneficial.
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 1:03:06 PM EDT
I'm glad I don't have some of the soul sucking jobs that some of ya'll do.
My job has its ups and downs, but I have it pretty good.
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 2:20:20 PM EDT
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No but I've had co-workers who use their family as an excuse for everything. "Everyone has to work late".  "I can't because I have to pick up my kids".  "Okay you don't have to but everyone else does".

ETA - I just read the post above mine. Spot on. Yes it's always the same ones. BUT THEY HAVE KIDS!!
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Yep, as a single chick with no SO and no kids, I’ve certainly had my share of that over the years.
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 2:22:45 PM EDT
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I worked with a guy who's said " I have friends outside of work, don't care if I have friends here."

Note:  You've been there for 20 years, do they offer a pension or what do you want to do in life beyond that particular job?  If they are in their 60's are you waiting for them to retire or hoping that you move up?
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I’m like that. Don’t have anything in common with coworkers. Rarely have. So I don’t do stuff with them out of the office. I’ve had coworkers so into each others’ business, it’s almost incestuous.
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 2:36:17 PM EDT
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I’m like that. Don’t have anything in common with coworkers. Rarely have. So I don’t do stuff with them out of the office. I’ve had coworkers so into each others’ business, it’s almost incestuous.
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Now I have this mental image of you at a desk, some coworker tries to engage you in conversation, you cut them off with "I don't want to know you" as you don your SCUBA headsock, mask, and mouthpiece and pretend to ignore them.
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 2:46:31 PM EDT
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Now I have this mental image of you at a desk, some coworker tries to engage you in conversation, you cut them off with "I don't want to know you" as you don your SCUBA headsock, mask, and mouthpiece and pretend to ignore them.
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I’m like that. Don’t have anything in common with coworkers. Rarely have. So I don’t do stuff with them out of the office. I’ve had coworkers so into each others’ business, it’s almost incestuous.
Now I have this mental image of you at a desk, some coworker tries to engage you in conversation, you cut them off with "I don't want to know you" as you don your SCUBA headsock, mask, and mouthpiece and pretend to ignore them.

Haha. Not like that. I’ll chat with them in the office. But we have nothing in common. I’ll ask how their weekends were or something like that, and show a diving pic or two, but that’s it.

ETA: headsock? Do you mean hood?
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 2:49:42 PM EDT
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Haha. Not like that. I’ll chat with them in the office. But we have nothing in common. I’ll ask how their weekends were or something like that, and show a diving pic or two, but that’s it.

ETA: headsock? Do you mean hood?
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I’m like that. Don’t have anything in common with coworkers. Rarely have. So I don’t do stuff with them out of the office. I’ve had coworkers so into each others’ business, it’s almost incestuous.
Now I have this mental image of you at a desk, some coworker tries to engage you in conversation, you cut them off with "I don't want to know you" as you don your SCUBA headsock, mask, and mouthpiece and pretend to ignore them.

Haha. Not like that. I’ll chat with them in the office. But we have nothing in common. I’ll ask how their weekends were or something like that, and show a diving pic or two, but that’s it.

ETA: headsock? Do you mean hood?
whatever that thing on your head is, the only thing I could relate it to is the headsock the local gokart track makes people wear so they don't spread cooties in the helmets.
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 3:26:06 PM EDT
suck it up buttercup and only hope you get your "old school" Rolex when you retire from there
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 3:43:55 PM EDT
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Enjoy your vacation time but I don't care if it was awesome or not. All I know is we were short-handed while you were gone.
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You need to be in prison where everyone shows up everyday. Sorry about your miserable life. For me, work is way down on the totem pole. Family and enjoying life expanding my horizons are the most important things in life. That's why I work for myself and work just enough to clear a solid living wage, while working ten hours a week. Fuck work, fuck the man and fuck your brainwashed mind.

I'll never be able to work for someone else. Ever again. I have zero respect for anyone that doesn't respect my life.

Work isn't even a priority. Fuck all that shit. This thread reads of slavery.
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 3:50:43 PM EDT
I was in a job—my wife had breast cancer.  I needed to be put to care for her.

My boss, another doctor, contacted me while I was on “vacation” driving her to her day of surgery to tell me he needed me to put together a PowerPoint presentation ASAP because he “doesn’t do that...”. He was presenting at an international surgery meeting.

I would have expected more from a “Christian surgeon,” but I’ve learned most surgeons are assholes.  Especially when they boast how “Christ-like” they are...
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 4:08:07 PM EDT
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I don't need acknowledgement from my coworkers or managers about my personal life.  I need to do my job, then get paid.  That's the agreement.
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make friends outside of work OP
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 4:08:56 PM EDT
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"My wife just got in a car wreck....I need to go to the hospital NOW".

"Ok, but make sure you get that report turned in today".

That's just f'd up right there.......and I've heard that exact exchange of words.......
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are you a surgeon?

Then get me the fucking report before you leave!!
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 5:55:48 PM EDT
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The attitude of many in this thread is fairly surprising to me.  I can’t imagine working somewhere as a worker drone who is expected to just keep your head down and not engage with anyone outside of strict work talk. I also can’t imagine putting up with some of the BS at work that many here think is “just the way things are.”

I own my own home building/general contracting business and I’ve dealt with my fair share of drama from employees and subcontractors, but I can’t imagine treating everyone like a disposable robot drone. Relationships are one of the most important aspects of my business, building trust and confidence that I can depend on people and they can depend on me.

I’ve also dealt with taking work calls/texts/emails on weekends and vacations and the stress and never get away aspect of owning my own company, but at least I know it’s real money in my pocket from doing it at the end of the day, not to meet a managers expectation or in hopes for a raise in the future.

I also work to live and have tried to set things up to allow me to take time off and do the things I want.

Any of you stiff upper lip guys want to come work for me and put out fires while I chase billfish around the world?
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"real money" is ALWAYS at stake for somebody.
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 6:07:57 PM EDT
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"real money" is ALWAYS at stake for somebody.  
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Real money should learn happy workers are more productive, loyal and conscientious than cattle.
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 6:38:52 PM EDT
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I was in a job—my wife had breast cancer.  I needed to be put to care for her.

My boss, another doctor, contacted me while I was on “vacation” driving her to her day of surgery to tell me he needed me to put together a PowerPoint presentation ASAP because he “doesn’t do that...”. He was presenting at an international surgery meeting.

I would have expected more from a “Christian surgeon,” but I’ve learned most surgeons are assholes.  Especially when they boast how “Christ-like” they are...
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"make friends on your own time hurrrr durrr"

I have no idea why people think it's about making friends when shit like this ^ it's what's being discussed. A good leader would have said "take care of what you need to take care of and we'll talk later" ...then a simple "how is your wife?" when you return.

Link Posted: 2/20/2020 6:52:03 PM EDT
threads like this are a beautiful illustration  as to why unions are still a thing.
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 6:58:32 PM EDT
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That means your management is failing you.

I don't get guys with attitudes like this. Again, common courtesy to acknowledge other people.
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All I know is we were short-handed while you were gone.
That means your management is failing you.

I don't get guys with attitudes like this. Again, common courtesy to acknowledge other people.
This is Arfcom, where people try one-up each other on how much of an asshole they can be,
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 6:58:43 PM EDT
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threads like this are a beautiful illustration  as to why unions are still a thing.
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That's a bit of uncomfortable truth for GD lol
Link Posted: 2/20/2020 7:00:15 PM EDT
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This is Arfcom, where people try one-up each other on how much of an asshole they can be,
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All I know is we were short-handed while you were gone.
That means your management is failing you.

I don't get guys with attitudes like this. Again, common courtesy to acknowledge other people.
This is Arfcom, where people try one-up each other on how much of an asshole they can be,
Yup. And if you're a nice guy, you're a _______ (insert latest edgy GD insult).

My old man always taught me to be a nice and polite person until given reason not to be. Not sure what's wrong with that in GD.
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