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Link Posted: 8/14/2011 8:08:35 AM EDT
It's hard to carry in the summer without looking like a park ranger.

I have no problems and I live in the hottest city in the United States of America. My thermometer shows 102 degrees right now at 9 in the morning.

It takes me a second to throw it on and I forget about it. I don't see why I wouldn't. The only times I don't is if I'm in swim trunks or gym shorts where I have no belt. In either of those cases I'm doing activities that would prohibit carry anyhow.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 8:11:12 AM EDT
I open carry (not 21 yet) and will do so in hot weather as long as I'm in KY

Once I get my CCW I'll conceal carry in certain situations, and definitely in winter, but the summers here are too goddamn hot to wear anything besides thin baggy shirts and shorts.

When I get to FL hopfully they'll change the ban on OC, because it's way to hot to CC during summer there as well.

I concealed all the time in KY. Even before I had a CCDW there. Never had a problem. Now I moved to the hottest city in the US and still don't have a problem.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 8:13:20 AM EDT

My wife has had her CHL for about 6 years now and I am just finally starting to beat it into her head that she needs to carry all the time, not just when she feels "she might need it".

Last night she went to an all-night quilting event.  Basically a bunch of old women, all 50 or above except for my wife, sitting around sewing all night.  Out of 10 women, 3 were carrying.  
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 8:18:16 AM EDT
Yeah, I don't carry either

Seriously though, when I do spend time in America, I never feel threatened or wish that I had a carry gun while there.
However, my I put in this thread is rather meaningless

As a natural born, lifelong American who was born when John F. Kennedy was in the White House and has lived in four different states plus spent time in almost all 50 while vacationing or being in military service (including Alaska), let me share some insight into this for you.

Probably 99.9999% of the time I feel perfectly safe wherever I am, even in "sketchy" areas (which my general policy is to avoid as much as possible - but this isn't always possible).

Law enforcement in this country generally does an outstanding job of keeping a lid on violent criminal predators, and any foreigner such as yourself could generallly come here  to vacation and spend several weeks travelling around visiting and sightseeing, and never once be made uncomfortable, even if you did perchance stray into one of "the bad areas."


You have probably heard the expression "the thin blue line" before.  It refers to how narrow and thin that police presence is, and how the forces that keep people from behaving like animals are not as strong as we sometimes imagine they are, and that beneath that thin veneer we call "civilized behavior" llies man's true nature, which hasn't really changed all that much since the stone age.

You are seeing some rioting and violence in London these days, yes?  And we saw it in Greece, too, right?

Here in this country, we have over 300 million people, and we are in very difficult economic straights right now, with many of our cities and states verging on bankruptcy in terms of their ability to continue to provide welfare services to millions of people who demand them.

None of us knows where all of this is headed, but the term "powderkeg" is not at all out of place in terms of describing the American political landscape these days.

Any of a number of things could cause a breakdown of social order in which "the thin blue line" is overwhelmed and suddenly, that "sense of security" that millions of Americans walk around with and take for granted can evaporate into thin air instantly, they suddenly find themselves confronted with what lies beneath that thin veneer, and there is no one who can help them or protect them but themselves.  Political or ecnomic upheavals could cause this, as well as natural disasters such as we saw some years back in the wake of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans.  Some of us, also, will never forget the sight of a white truck driver being dragged out of the cab of his truck and violently assaulted and nearly killed during the L.A. riots of 1992, for the sole reason that he was white.  It was an image worth more than thousands of words on the subject of how much "racial tolerance" there really is in America today.

Millions of Americans have been raised and conditioned to believe that the police will always be there to protect them, and that they have no responsibility to provide for their own self defense because "that is what the police are for."  Left wing politicians, and liberals who control much of our main stream media and academia in this country, have also deliberately reinforced this notion in the minds of millions.  I call those people "sheeple."

Then you have a smaller (but growing) percentage of Americans, like most of us on this website here, who correctly understand that we are responsible for our own self defense and for the protection of our loved ones, and that it is unwise in the extreme to expect or believe that the police can possibly protect everyone.

I could go on and on about this subject, because, in fact, I could probably write a book about it (and have actually thought about it before).

But those are a few ideas off the top of my head that I hope give you some insight into we Americans today, and how we think about this subject.

As Massad Ayoob once said about violent crime and the statistical odds of a given person falling victim to mugging, rape, or murder..."say what you will about the odds of such things happening to someone, but keep in mind that the probability of these things happening to the people they actually happened to was exactly 100%."

I choose to carry my gun every day.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 8:19:31 AM EDT
You know, I don't feel like I'll get sick anytime soon. Might as well cancel that health insurance, who needs it?

The OP's post seems to follow this logic.  

I've seen people trip/fall and crack their head head open.

Should we all walk around wearing helmets?

sounds like your logic.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 8:20:57 AM EDT
nope. about everyone I know does. Have leo's here on my block , one is best friend. no need

Wow...I really don't understand this way of thinking!  This is like saying, "no I don't carry because the police are only a few minutes response time away."????  
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 8:25:54 AM EDT


Every time I get complacent and leave the house without a gun, something happens that makes me wish I hadn't left the house without a gun.

Every time?  

Link Posted: 8/14/2011 8:31:38 AM EDT
Unless you know the day and time that something bad is going to happen, you should carry all the time. I'm in a rural area and crazy shit still happens. Not often, but it happens. Most days I can't, not legally anyway, because my travels take me through the Peoples Republic of Maryland.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 8:37:44 AM EDT
Unfortunately, where I lve the ghetto trash/methed-out redneck index is extremely high....so I carry when I go out.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 8:42:38 AM EDT

I'm in a rural area and crazy shit still happens. Not often, but it happens.

Excellent point.

Here in Ohio, some of the most violent crimes we have had in recent years have happened in rural or semi-rural areas.

And one of the worst home invasion murders in American history happened at a farmhouse in the country owned by a wealthy farmer (I refer to the Clutter murders of 1959 - the "in Cold Blood" case).

Another prevalent myth in the landscape of myths about personal safety seems to be the myth that "bad things only happen in inner city ghetto areas."

Link Posted: 8/14/2011 8:47:18 AM EDT
Well, I am retired military and, yes, one of those old Vietnam vets.   I am scheduled to take a CCW class this coming Sunday, in fact, given by a local assistant DA.   Since I have been retired from active duty a number of years, I still have to take the basic class in Ohio.   I plan to keep my mouth shut and my eyes and ears open and see if I can learn anything new.   I am not going to even mention being a vet.  Don't mean nothin'.

When I get my CCW, I DO NOT plan to carry every day.   I reallly got flamed by a board member for saying this before one time.   It's threat probablilty assessment for me.   I live in a very small, peaceful town and only drive three miles to work.    I always carry very little cash and would peacefully give it up if in that situation.  The militant marxist/socialist female president of our local university quickly established a policy shortly after Ohio passed CCW that any faculty/student caught carrying (even someone licensed) would be fired/expelled, so I have to remain defenseless at work anyway.   I'm too close to retirement to give her the pleasure of firing me.  

Now, when I travel to Columbus or Dayton with the wife occasionally, and we come back late at night routinely, you bet I will be legally carrying and it will be .45 acp ordnance - no little pop gun caliber.   If forced into a situation dictating use of lethal force to save my wife's life or my own,  I would do so with extreme prejudice.   LIke many other old vets on this board, I've been shot at before.

Frankly, I hope I NEVER live in an environment again where I feel the need to carry every day.   It's nice to live in a peaceful place where people never shoot at you with ak-47s and chicom sks rifles.  About the most exciting thing in my life happens when I wake up in the middle of the night because the local hospital loach is flying a dust off mission for organ replacements or something and its lz is near my house.  Always wakes me up.

And yes, I know that many here think "it will happen when and where you least expect it."  I understand that all too well.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 8:48:43 AM EDT
Well Texas has made thing easier in regards to weapons in your vehicle. Do I carry. Who knows? I will say though that wherever I may be I know there is a weapon within arms length for my use. Might be a gun or might be a 24 inch screwdriver, a hammer or just my fat backside. Of course a woman's shoes can inflict some serious pain.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 8:49:47 AM EDT
I don't carry at work, but I do everywhere else. I can't see any reason NOT to carry it. Not like it's hurting anyone, unless I do actually need it that is.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 8:51:53 AM EDT
I make rational choices based on thought, not emotion. Hence, whether I feel safe or not is entirely irrelevant as to my choice to carry. Just as I buckle my seatbelt whether I feel safe or not, or purchase insurance whether I feel safe or not.

I avoid living, working or playing in dangerous areas as much as humanly possible. However, that does not mean that by doing so I have eliminated all risk of harm to myself or my loved ones. Life will throw curve balls at you.

The gun, as inconvenient as it is to carry, is there in case I am thrust into a situation where I've exhausted all other options of avoidance, retreat and de-escalation. The principles of that planning are entirely unaffected by my subjective and fallible interpretation of "safety".
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 8:52:34 AM EDT


Every time I get complacent and leave the house without a gun, something happens that makes me wish I hadn't left the house without a gun.

Every time?    

Dude must live a crazy life

I really wish he would post more because I'm wondering about all those times he really regretted not having a gun.  Couldn't have been to bad since he is still alive and posting.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 9:00:23 AM EDT
I don't carry at work, but I do everywhere else. I can't see any reason NOT to carry it. Not like it's hurting anyone, unless I do actually need it that is.

I agree, carrying doesn't hurt anyone so I'm fully in favor of people doing it.

As for reasons not to carry I personally don't do it because where I live IMHO the liabilities of carrying outweigh my perceived need of a handgun.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 9:11:28 AM EDT
I would carry more if I could come up with a setup that I was comfortable shooting and comfortable carrying.

I've got a CZ RAMI and while it is a fantastic firearm like it's bigger brother, it is heavy and wide.  I leave my mom's basement house often and it's always feels like a production to bring it just to run down to Subway to grab a foot long.

I am in the process of looking for a better alternative.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 9:23:08 AM EDT


I have a CHL, but almost never carry
Yep.  Occasionally it goes in the glove box or a back pack.

Link Posted: 8/14/2011 9:36:58 AM EDT



I don't carry at work, but I do everywhere else. I can't see any reason NOT to carry it. Not like it's hurting anyone, unless I do actually need it that is.

I agree, carrying doesn't hurt anyone so I'm fully in favor of people doing it.

As for reasons not to carry I personally don't do it because where I live IMHO the liabilities of carrying outweigh my perceived need of a handgun.

What liabilities? I don't find it to be inconvenient to carry either. Kahr CM9 in a MTAC holster. I don't even think about it.

Link Posted: 8/14/2011 9:48:12 AM EDT
I really don't understand anyones reluctance to carry as often as possible.  Even if you live somewhere that is really hot and it is hard to conceal...there are always clothes and types of guns that can be used!  

Link Posted: 8/14/2011 9:52:51 AM EDT
I don't carry at work, but I do everywhere else. I can't see any reason NOT to carry it. Not like it's hurting anyone, unless I do actually need it that is.

I agree, carrying doesn't hurt anyone so I'm fully in favor of people doing it.

As for reasons not to carry I personally don't do it because where I live IMHO the liabilities of carrying outweigh my perceived need of a handgun.

There are some "liabilities" that outweigh the value of your LIFE?


No disrespect intended, but I'm just not tracking you.

Link Posted: 8/14/2011 9:55:00 AM EDT
I really don't understand anyones reluctance to carry as often as possible.  Even if you live somewhere that is really hot and it is hard to conceal...there are always clothes and types of guns that can be used!  

it's certainly an inconvenience, albeit a small one for some people.  but for me, it comes down to the fact that I don't need to carry a gun.  the chances of me needing a gun are just astronomical.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 10:05:14 AM EDT
You know, I don't feel like I'll get sick anytime soon. Might as well cancel that health insurance, who needs it?

The OP's post seems to follow this logic.  

I've seen people trip/fall and crack their head head open.

Should we all walk around wearing helmets?

sounds like your logic.

I imagine you've disabled your airbags and removed the seat belts from your vehicle also. "Sure I could have 'em, but why bother?" I choose to be proactive in my safety and that of my loved ones in any and every way possible (though the helmet only is worn when I'm on my motorcycle)

If you have a CHL and choose not to carry, that's certainly your decision. I hope you never find yourself in a situation where you wish you had the means to defend yourself, but it's at home in the safe.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 10:32:21 AM EDT
It’s just a matter of time before the shit happening over seas is happening here.  Just remember that guy that wants to do you harm is probably on something and does not respect your life.  You hear more and more in the news about a bad guy getting shot trying to rob someone who is registered responsible adult with a permit to carry.  Where I live a lot of break ins and car jacking are going on but never publicized. The sad thing is that the bad guys outnumber the good guys.  I almost all the time have at least one on me when permitted, a 380 auto and a 40 s&w.  Just remember when shooting stops you want to be alive.  Just remember we are all on the same team, the good guys.
Carry em if you got em
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 10:37:41 AM EDT

I find the comments "I live in a safe neighborhood so I don't think I will need it" to be interesting.  When I lived in Tulsa a study came out with all of the crime statistics.  Everyone was shocked that the "good sides" of town were most often victims of crime.  As it turns out hoodrats are not quite as dumb as we would hope, why would they steal from someone in a trailer when they can get a much bigger score on the right side of the tracks?

I reckon it goes back to my days of being a Boy Scout.  Be Prepared.  

Link Posted: 8/14/2011 10:38:41 AM EDT

I don't carry at work, but I do everywhere else. I can't see any reason NOT to carry it. Not like it's hurting anyone, unless I do actually need it that is.

I agree, carrying doesn't hurt anyone so I'm fully in favor of people doing it.

As for reasons not to carry I personally don't do it because where I live IMHO the liabilities of carrying outweigh my perceived need of a handgun.

What liabilities? I don't find it to be inconvenient to carry either. Kahr CM9 in a MTAC holster. I don't even think about it.


The liabilities include everything from legal to possible ND's and socially awkward moments.  I occasionally find myself crossing state lines, being dragged to bars, riding in cars from bars, being around people who have been drinking and its always annoying when a girl runs up to hug you and they press against you then give you that look.  Also when working out I don't feel safe just storing the gun in the gym locker.  Guns and gym shorts don't work to well either.  

While yes, I could tailor my life around these things, but that would just make it a massive inconvenience for what I perceive to be such a small threat potential.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 10:39:34 AM EDT
I carry to go check my mail.

My Grandfather and Mother both own handguns and have carry permits. Neither of them carry.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 10:41:59 AM EDT
my firearm is like a third leg. If heaven turns out to be real and I end up there i will be carrying. Even if god himself said not to worry I don't need a gun I would still carry.  You never know when that pesky devil might try something.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 10:51:18 AM EDT
during winter, when i wear more clothing ill carry a bit more, but i wear tight shirts which equal lots of printing.  so i dont carry much during the summer.  i usually keep my g19 in my SUV.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 10:53:23 AM EDT
It's hard to carry in the summer without looking like a park ranger.

I have no problems and I live in the hottest city in the United States of America. My thermometer shows 102 degrees right now at 9 in the morning.

It takes me a second to throw it on and I forget about it. I don't see why I wouldn't. The only times I don't is if I'm in swim trunks or gym shorts where I have no belt. In either of those cases I'm doing activities that would prohibit carry anyhow.

The only times I don't wear swim trunks or gym shorts in the summer is when I'm doing something physical or otherwise demanding, in which case I wouldn't want a gun to get in my way in the first place.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 10:55:17 AM EDT

I'd carry if I could, but I'll admit my mindset is biased due to being prohibited from doing so.

I'll also admit it's easy to understand how someone who can legally carry would decide to not do so 24/7. While I understand the desire to be ready in the event anything should occur, I can
say that in my entire life I have never been in a situation where I felt I needed to use a firearm. (there may have been a few where I would have been more comfortable had I been armed, but
never a situation where I would have drawn down).

I suppose your life can be fairly uneventful when all you do is drive back and forth to work every day.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 11:09:08 AM EDT
I made the decision when I turned 21 that I was going to carry a gun every day, that I was going to put it on with my pants the same way I'd put on a belt, wallet or keys.

Since that decision was made all those years ago, I don't have to rethink it every day, week or month.  And I've never once regretted it.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 11:16:30 AM EDT
Would be a real shame to have spent a lot of time and money on guns and training, then not have it when you need it.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 11:16:58 AM EDT
I don't carry during the summer but when it turns cooler and i can wear a coat i usually carry
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 11:19:33 AM EDT

I suppose your life can be fairly uneventful when all you do is drive back and forth to work every day.

It can be, it can also not be.  And it happens to people just like you, every damn day, and it can happen while you're driving to work, shopping at the local mall or just walking out to your mailbox.  Problem is you'll have little or no warning when it goes from one to the other.  No time to get away, no time to run home and get your gun, or even back out to your car for it, assuming you had at least that much forethought.  You might, if you're lucky, have a few seconds to react and keep it from going all pear shaped.  And that even includes things like home invasions, if the gun is locked in a safe, or at the opposite end of the house, you're fucked.  A few seconds is all you'll get.

Life's a gamble, but most people can eliminate that particular gamble very easily if they so desire.  It may never happen to you, but it happens to a lot of people.  But as the old saying goes, "You pays your money and you takes your chances".  Odds in this particular game go up drastically when you're armed.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 11:21:14 AM EDT
I don't carry during the summer but when it turns cooler and i can wear a coat i usually carry

Do you have any idea how absurd that sounds?  So, criminals don't commit crimes when it's hot?  Or you stay locked in your house?  How's that work?
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 11:24:43 AM EDT
Jim Scarborough never carried one, thats the younger Jim. Gaston Boykins wouldn't wear one up in Comanche County
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 11:32:41 AM EDT
I don't carry during the summer but when it turns cooler and i can wear a coat i usually carry

Do you have any idea how absurd that sounds?  So, criminals don't commit crimes when it's hot?  Or you stay locked in your house?  How's that work?

well, i'm LE and i carry a gun when i'm working which is the majority of the time. But when i'm not on duty and i don't have a way to keep my weapon concealed, i don't carry.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 11:34:54 AM EDT
It is as much a part of me as my billfold, knife and  tactical light.   Only remove it while going to the Post Office, or other prohibited places.   Have gone a mile from the house and Its like, O Shit,  turned around and gone back to get it.   I refuse to be an  irresponsible sheeple to myself and my family.   I also belong to USCCA and have their coverage.  Have trained with Farnam and Hoffner several times, both handgun and carbine.
Most rediculous thing I have ever seen was a LEO at a restaurant without his gun, (a empty holster) on ash Wednesday.  Do not know what he was trying to prove.  I had mine.  I did report this idiot to his authorities.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 11:45:52 AM EDT
I really don't understand anyones reluctance to carry as often as possible.  Even if you live somewhere that is really hot and it is hard to conceal...there are always clothes and types of guns that can be used!  

it's certainly an inconvenience, albeit a small one for some people.  but for me, it comes down to the fact that I don't need to carry a gun.  the chances of me needing a gun are just astronomical.

Crime happens everywhere...urban and rural areas.  A few years back a buddy of mine used to get a lot of shit from coworkers because he carried at church.  Then a few months later there were some shootings at various churches!  

The point is you just don't know when Shit is going to hit the fan!
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 11:47:44 AM EDT
I really don't understand anyones reluctance to carry as often as possible.  Even if you live somewhere that is really hot and it is hard to conceal...there are always clothes and types of guns that can be used!  

it's certainly an inconvenience, albeit a small one for some people.  but for me, it comes down to the fact that I don't need to carry a gun.  the chances of me needing a gun are just astronomical.

Crime happens everywhere...urban and rural areas.  A few years back a buddy of mine used to get a lot of shit from coworkers because he carried at church.  Then a few months later there were some shootings at various churches!  

The point is you just don't know when Shit is going to hit the fan!

no question.  I could have a really bad car accident, but I don't put a roll cage in my Honda and wear a helmet.  each person needs to decide for themselves how much risk they're comfortable with.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 11:48:10 AM EDT
Bad shit happens to good people all the time, everywhere.  I'm armed at all times.  
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 11:49:07 AM EDT
My brother seldom carries. He explained it like this. He lives in an upscale area with virtually no violent crime. Most days he goes to work then comes home. His job is in a nice area. There may be some theft but no real street crime. He doesn't go out at night that much and never goes to any bad areas. I know what he is saying. I live in an area with a lot of crime and if I go to his locale there is no real "intensity" level in the street. There is no expectation of needing a gun unlike where I live where you may need a gun at any time. Honestly, I look forward to relocating to an area that lacks "intensity" but I will likely still carry at least an airweight 38.

 I went to my mothers small town recently for a family wedding. I got there after midnight. I was unloading my car in her driveway. I got some things out of the trunk and was getting the hanging clothes out of the back seat when I got the message from myself to watch my back. I had been standing with my back to the end of the driveway. I turned around in case some damn zombie had come down the street and there was no one there. I realized there wasn't going to be anyone there. I was in a small town. There are no random prowlers. It would be a miracle if I looked up and some crackhead was standing there.

 I went to a local gunshop where they sell black rifles and street pistols. It was a cop hang out as well. When I walked in it was almost like those movies where a guy walks into the saloon and the piano player stops playing and everyone looks at him. I guess they could see "I wasn't from around here". The guys working there were carrying locked and cocked govt models. I talked to them about crime. There were about two murders there last year. There were damn few shootings period. By the time we were done talking I was wondering who their customers were.

 I would wager most of the people who don't carry live in small towns or nice areas and they just don't "feel it" in the street at their location. One of my buddies went to a family member's house out of state recently. After dinner they were going to go for a walk. He said "OK. Hang on let me get my gun." He said they were looking at him like he was crazy and he was looking at them like they were crazy for not carrying guns. It is just part of the societal "Great Divide" we are witnessing.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 11:56:24 AM EDT
I guess you could say I do, because I haven't chosen to go down and file my paperwork for my permit yet, which basically means I've chosen not to...

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

This is me as well.

I'm strong enough, so.... I'll keep carrying around a cop.

Link Posted: 8/14/2011 11:56:47 AM EDT
I very rarely carry when I'm off duty.

You are an LEO, correct?
Another LEO mentioned in this thread the danger of being off duty and encountering someone he previously sent to jail who is now released or paroled, and said ex-con wanting a piece of him as a vendetta.
Does this concern you or not?
Just curious.

Doesn't concern me.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 12:29:55 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 12:31:16 PM EDT



Every time I get complacent and leave the house without a gun, something happens that makes me wish I hadn't left the house without a gun.

Every time?    

Damn near.  It's uncanny....as though a personalized message is being sent to me saying "See??? You dumb motherfucker..."

So unless I've been drinking enough to get arrested for it, I have a gun.  If I've had a few, I still have other options.  There is no law against blowing a .08 with a can of Fox in your pocket.  

I have only been in situations where I have been sorry for not having a gun.  I have never been in a situation where I said to myself  "Gee, I really with I would have left this thing at home...."  

Link Posted: 8/14/2011 12:38:12 PM EDT
Illinois resident with a Utah permit here. I got my permit back when my old job required me to work in and around Saint Louis a lot often times handling large amounts of cash. Most days I carried a Glock 19 in a shoulder rig or at he least a 26 with a clip draw (I know the horror). It was a PITA though as I often crossed back and forth between IL and MO so I constantly had to unholster and unload during the day. Now I work back in IL so the only time I carry is when going to Saint Louis for whatever reason. Even then I don't always carry. Usually because it involves going to the bars or various casinos so legally it's a no no.

I hope IL gets cc someday soon but I doubt I go back to carrying regularly. I live in a quiet rural town an hour away from the city so frankly it just does not bother me. It's the kind of place where men still hold the door for women, everybody waves as you pass by, and the only violent crime is the occasional domestic or drunken bar fight. If I lived in a place where I felt like going to the store unarmed was risky I'd move.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 12:39:43 PM EDT




Every time I get complacent and leave the house without a gun, something happens that makes me wish I hadn't left the house without a gun.

Every time?    

Dude must live a crazy life

I really wish he would post more because I'm wondering about all those times he really regretted not having a gun.  Couldn't have been to bad since he is still alive and posting.

I used to live 2 miles outside of Pontiac, Michigan...about 40 minutes from Detroit, about 20 minutes from Flint.  Think shithead capital of the Midwest.  

I have since fixed that problem.  
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 12:45:36 PM EDT
nope. about everyone I know does. Have leo's here on my block , one is best friend. no need

I hate to say this but, "What is the difference between you expecting everyone around you to protect you and a welfare rat expecting everyone else around them to feed them"? Seems to me you should be carrying your own weight. Just my opinion.
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