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Link Posted: 5/31/2021 10:44:57 PM EDT
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Israel being investigated for war crimes by UN

Global Cancel Culture is coming for Israel as I predicted.

We are screwed.
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Bro, that article title has been used since 1948. Israel was probably the origin of cancel culture, and it hasn't happened yet.
Link Posted: 6/1/2021 11:30:28 AM EDT
From Twitter:

To become prime minister after an election, you need to form a coalition. This requires two steps:

1) You need the legal right (the "mandate") to present a coalition for approval.
2) The coalition must pass an up-or-down vote among the 120 members of the Knesset.
Currently the prime minister is the head of the right-wing Likud party, Benjamin Netanyahu.

But the mandate is held by the head of the centrist Yesh Atid party, Yair Lapid. Lapid has the mandate until end of day Tuesday, which gives him less than 2.5 days to form a coalition.
Yesh Atid has 17 seats. It has signed coalition agreements with center-left Labor (7 seats), far-left Meretz (6 seats), and secular-right Israel Beiteinu (7 seats), for a total of 37 seats.
Lapid hopes to get centrist Blue & White (8 seats), secular-right New Hope (6 seats), and quasireligious-right Yamina (7 seats) to sign on.

He has, as I said, through Tuesday to get them on board. This would give him 58 MKs supporting him as prime minister... sort of.
You see, getting Yamina to sign on was difficult - so difficult, in fact, that Lapid had to promise Yamina's leader Naftali Bennett not only that they would take turns being Prime Minister, but that Bennett would get his turn first.
So even though Lapid has the mandate and more than twice as many seats, it will be Bennett who actually replaces Netanyahu as prime minister (the first religious prime minister in the history of the state of Israel, despite the country's reputation as a religious state).
And not only that, but one of Yamina's MKs, Amichai Chikli, opposes the deal despite these concessions. So even if Lapid does manage to juggle the competing demands of all these right-wing and left-wing parties, he still only has the support of 57 of the Knesset's 120 members.
There are other problems. The first: it's not clear that Lapid can offer the prime ministry to someone who doesn't hold the mandate (see attached thread, though if you aren't familiar with Israeli politics I recommend finishing the current thread first).

The second is, of course, the opposition. There are 52 seats' worth of center-right, far-right, and religious-right parties that are certain to vote against this government. Add 1 for Amichai Chikli: 53 seats.
So far Lapid still leads, 57-53.

But there are 10 more seats in the Knesset, belonging to the two Arab parties: the Islamist party Ra'am (4) and the communist/Arab nationalist alliance The Joint List (6).
Arab parties have refused to join any coalition since 1977, and in that time have almost always voted against their formation. Many Jewish parties, too, refuse to work with them - a taboo that was broken by Netanyahu openly courting Ra'am when he held the mandate last month.
Lapid is therefore also in talks with Ra'am and the Joint List. If they abstain, Lapid wins the vote 57-53 and forms a coalition. But if TJL votes against, Lapid will need active support from Ra'am to win.

(It's also possible the Joint List MKs will not all vote the same way.)
Now, I said Lapid has the mandate through Tuesday - but this does NOT mean he has to win the vote by then. That deadline is for announcing he has a coalition ready to present to the Knesset for approval.

Announcing this, true or not, gives him 7 days to hold and win the vote.
If Lapid's efforts fail - either because the mandate expires on Tuesday night without such an announcement, or if he makes the announcement but loses the vote, or if he makes the announcement and doesn't hold the vote within 7 days - we go to what is called the signature phase.
During the signature phase, any MK from any party can get the mandate by collecting signatures from 60 other MKs. This is more difficult than the up-or-down coalition vote we've been discussing, because abstentions don't help; you need a majority of affirmative support.
The signature phase is 21 days long; if nobody succeeds in that time, Israel will have to hold yet another redo election in the fall

And that's where we stand today: The prime minister held by one man, the mandate to become prime minister held by another, and the actual office to be occupied by a third... maybe.

Either that or we can look forward to Israel's fifth election in 2.5 years.

*In the above thread, I repeatedly said that Lapid's prime ministerial mandate expires end of day Tuesday. This is of course completely incorrect. It expires end of day Wednesday. I apologize for the error.
Link Posted: 6/1/2021 1:54:29 PM EDT
“With the IAEA saying yesterday it hasn't had files to Iran's nuke program since Feb 23rd, that Iran Iran has record amounts of Uranium now and with Netanyahu facing the probability of being forced out, how do we not know this isn't all scripted for an attack on Iran. Eyes open.

Gantz is headed to Washington. Something just doesn't feel right.

Plus Senators Ted Cruz of Texas, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Bill Hagerty of Tennessee, are all in Israel right now to.

All of whom serve on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee”
Link Posted: 6/1/2021 2:26:57 PM EDT
Please turn Iran to dust.
Link Posted: 6/1/2021 8:31:28 PM EDT
Big wall of text, but these next few days will have long lasting implications.:

Kan11 aired a documentary today revealing a secret agreement between Netanyahu (not Israel, Netanyahu himself) and the UAE prior to normalization, which was part of the UAE's demands to normalize, and not only was not revealed to the public but even to other ministers, was that Israel agrees to transport gigantic amounts of oil from the port of Eilat to the Mediterranean.

They revealed that the infrastructure for this is far from adequate, and that an oil disaster is a dangerous possibility.

Minister of Energy Steinitz on the docu: "We had no idea about this deal. I think it's an outrage we weren't even consulted with. We heard about this from the media"

Kan11: "So as the minister of energy of Israel you didn't know Israel was about to become a pipeline for UAE oil which isn't even intended for Israel?"

Steinitz: Correct

Minister of environmental protection Gamliel: "The deal came as a finished product. We did not know the details of the agreement [with the UAE]. It's just economic interests. If you ask me, this needs to be stopped now."

Minister of strategic matters and minister in the Defense ministry Biton: "I have no idea. You are speaking chinese to me. I don't know what you are talking about"
Kan: "So you in the defense ministry didn't hear about the agreement between KAZAA (the private company involved) and the UAE?"
Biton: "No"

Kan to Foreign Minister Ashkenazi: "Were there any meetings in the Foreign Ministry about this agreement before it was signed?"
Ashkenazi: "I did not hold a discussion, no."

Kan joined the port's safety officer who rode a small patrol boat.

The site has completely inadequate infrastructure. Leaks can only be spotted visually. There are almost no safety mechanisms in place.

the port in Eilat can transport 6000 tons of oil an hour.
The equipment meant to deal with a possible leak is 25 years old and takes up about a quarter of a small shed.

A document written by port security experts declared that the Eilat port was not ready to receive oil tankers from the perspectives of procedures, manpower, and infrastructure.
Relevant authorities did not even start preparing for the amounts of oil which are already arriving.
Emergency authorities are also completely unprepared for the quantity of oil being pumped through this pipeline.

The company operating the pipline, EAPC, was established in a joint venture by Israel and Iran in the 60s. After 1979 Israel stopped giving Iran revenue from it. Iran sued Israel for compensation.
Israel's solution was to turn EAPC into some form of secret company using declarations of confidentiality over the company, making it reside outside of normal governmental regulation and oversight.

This allowed the private company to operate in many ways outside the law.
in 2019 the company paid 0 taxes (both income and corporate) and no property tax. The company signed a secret agreement with the mayor of Eilat, promising to "gift" the city "large" sums of money every year, instead of paying tax.

Members of the Eilat city council were forbidden from seeing the agreement, before voting on it.

Kan got hold of a classified internal document of EAPC, which stated the pipeline is not in proper condition for oil transfer, and it suffered, among other things, from: Advanced corrosion, in some places only 30% of the pipe's material thickness is left. The pipe is 60 years old.
a report from 2019 stated "the loss of material of the pipe since 2007 has grown by 88%".

More from Kan Docu: a leaked presentation by EAPC said the pipeline can transport up to 30 million tons of oil a year. The company refuses to release any numbers (and I mean any numbers) claiming it is classified.
Estimates are EAPC will receive 800 million NIS over 10 years from the deal. Israel will receive at best 10% of it. (reminder EAPC is technically a governmentally-owned company)

From Kan Docu:

in Netanyahu's visit to the UN in 2018, Netanyahu secretly met with Morocco's foreign minister. The meeting was organized by a person called Yariv Elbaz - a Moroccan Jewish millionaire and oil tycoon. He also met with Jared Kushner in Morocco. Elbaz has strong connections to Netanyahu's head of NSC - Meir Ben Shabat.

15th September 2020 - Abraham accords are signed
16th September 2020 - Israeli media publishes articles about Israel offering the UAE to use EAPC pipes
18th September 2020 - Yariv Elbaz forms a shell company in Gibraltar, a tax haven
30th September 2020 - Two Israeli businessmen, Yona Fogel (former CEO of Israeli oil company Paz) and Malachi Alper (former manager of Ashdod oil refineries) open a company in Israel that will work with Elbaz's company from Gibraltar.
Early October 2020 - Yariv Elbaz establishes an oil company in Abu Dhabi that is owned by the royal house

The three companies unite into one company called "Med-Red Land Bridge (MRLB)"

As a result, the oil deal that was struck between Israel and the UAE was managed informally using various businessmen, and using Israeli classification over many of the details, with most of the revenue going to said businessmen, who themselves created the idea for the deal in the first place

The oil deal is finalized on October 20th in a ceremony in the UAE. EPAC published a statement saying the deal is wonderful for Israel. EPAC refuses to publish any details from the agreement.

Kaan were able to interview Fogel.
Fogel: "EAPC will earn hundreds of millions if not billions of USD"
Fogel was confronted with information I shared here earlier, he refuses to comment on it and walks away from the interview.
Link Posted: 6/15/2021 12:52:48 PM EDT
Bump for more info.  Seems like the subject kinda fell off the radar recently..
Link Posted: 6/15/2021 12:59:23 PM EDT
Off of Twitter about an hour ago:
“Update: MK Itamar Ben Gvir arrives at Bab al-Amud, amid shouts of "Death to Arabs" and calls for the burning of Palestinian villages.”
Link Posted: 6/15/2021 1:59:36 PM EDT
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Bump for more info.  Seems like the subject kinda fell off the radar recently..
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There's been a lot of noise but not too much action as everyone waited to see what came of the new government.

As of the last day or so, Hamas and PIJ have said they will recommence "Sword of Jerusalem" operations.

20+ fire balloon incidents have been recorded in the last week or so. Some areas were denied to firefighters due to the sniper threat.

Attachment Attached File

This round was in response to the Flag parade in Jerusalem today

Hamas had open enrollment last week

and this week Al Qassam Brigades also started registering school age boys for military summer camp

This is right after they announced one of their members died from downing

Al Jazeera got access into the tunnels recently.

Russian 9M133-1 Kornet-E ATGMs

Iranian HM-15 81mm mortar

Italian TC/6 pattern landmines
Link Posted: 6/15/2021 2:10:15 PM EDT
The fire brigade in the south confirms that today about 20 fires broke out from incendiary balloons that were blown up from the Gaza Strip towards the envelope.
As mentioned, senior members of the security establishment and the IDF leadership have stated that the equation regarding the Gaza Strip will change from now on, and for any violation, even in the form of an incendiary balloon, the IDF will respond strongly against Hamas.
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The balloons are definitely a test for Bennett's government.

EDIT: the balloons have always been containable so I doubt anything will happen. The situation in Jerusalem on the other hand has the potential to spiral out of control.
Link Posted: 6/15/2021 2:15:35 PM EDT
Are these supposed to be real? If so, why only in Engrish?

Link Posted: 6/15/2021 2:17:54 PM EDT
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Are these supposed to be real? If so, why only in Engrish?

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Yes Iran likes to mark their munitions in english so that when they show up in hands of their proxies the ignorant media occasionally blames the US.
Link Posted: 6/15/2021 6:18:33 PM EDT
Apparently Israeli drones are attacking target in Gaza right now
Link Posted: 6/15/2021 6:29:36 PM EDT
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Apparently Israeli drones are attacking target in Gaza right now
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Yes they are.

Video in twitter link


Strike #2
Link Posted: 6/15/2021 6:31:50 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/15/2021 6:32:04 PM EDT
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Yes Iran likes to mark their munitions in english so that when they show up in hands of their proxies the ignorant media occasionally blames the US.
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The text looks like bad copy pasta of Engrish rather than military munitions properly marked for inventory/storage. If there were Arabic or Farsi characters it would make more sense but as is it looks like this:

Link Posted: 6/15/2021 6:37:05 PM EDT
Heavy gunfire heard near Al-Shujaiya neighborhood in an attempt to shoot down the UAVs
Link Posted: 6/15/2021 6:51:11 PM EDT
Hamas Spokesperson surprisingly did not mention retaliation

The Zionist bombing of the Gaza Strip is a failed attempt to stop our people's solidarity and resistance with the Holy City, and to cover up the unprecedented state of confusion for the Zionist establishment in organizing the so-called "flags march."

Our people and their valiant resistance will continue to defend our rights and sanctities until the occupier is expelled from our entire land.
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Link Posted: 6/15/2021 7:01:37 PM EDT
Wow this is crazy, IDF has already released strike footage and Al-Nasir Salah al-Din Brigades has put out a statement saying their member Muayyad Ahmad Issa Hamdan (37) was killed in the strike

EDIT: weird timing on the release, but apparently this guy was injured in the previous operations and died recently. Not from tonight's airstrike.
Link Posted: 6/15/2021 7:19:27 PM EDT
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The text looks like bad copy pasta of Engrish rather than military munitions properly marked for inventory/storage. If there were Arabic or Farsi characters it would make more sense but as is it looks like this:

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Off topic, please to forgive.
These are hilarious.
Link Posted: 6/15/2021 9:11:51 PM EDT
Just a couple targets, you'd think they would have been able to identify more since the last strikes
Link Posted: 6/15/2021 9:28:42 PM EDT
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Yes Iran likes to mark their munitions in english so that when they show up in hands of their proxies the ignorant media occasionally blames the US.
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Are these supposed to be real? If so, why only in Engrish?


Yes Iran likes to mark their munitions in english so that when they show up in hands of their proxies the ignorant media occasionally blames the US.

No, that's the stuff hillary gave them.
Link Posted: 6/17/2021 4:43:18 PM EDT
9 airstrikes reported tonight so far. Much more than usual in response to balloons. Bennett is not fucking around.
Link Posted: 6/17/2021 4:58:21 PM EDT
IDF spokesperson:

* IDF attacks rocket launch position and military complexes of Hamas terrorist organization *

An IDF spokesman said that fighter jets had recently attacked a rocket launch site and military complexes of the Hamas terrorist organization in the Gaza Strip and Khan Yunis.

The attack was carried out in response to the continued inflating of incendiary balloons into Israeli territory.

Earlier tonight, the Chief of Staff conducted a situation assessment, including a discount on increased readiness and IDF assessments for a variety of scenarios, including the resumption of hostilities in the face of continued terrorist operations in the Gaza Strip.

The IDF will continue to destroy the capabilities and military infrastructure of the terrorist organization and considers Hamas responsible for what is happening in the Gaza Strip.
Link Posted: 6/17/2021 5:20:01 PM EDT
Hamas sources are saying Sinwar has given permission for the special rocket units (one that engage in long range rocket attacks) to strike Israel with a significant amount of force. If this unit is chosen. It's straight to Ashdod and TLV.
Link Posted: 6/17/2021 5:22:13 PM EDT
Oh boy. One of the smaller factions fired a rocket or mortar.
First red alert since the "ceasefire"
Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 6/17/2021 7:55:48 PM EDT
We still gonna count this as the same operation? or is this round a new one
Link Posted: 6/17/2021 8:01:57 PM EDT
From Gaza city:

"Al Qassam, Suraya al Quds, and all the factions armed wings are at the highest alert and mobilization. Hamas and PIJ are meeting for to a response. Friday tomorrow so Prayers every mosque will talk about confrontation. I also will say the next rocket attack will be tomorrow at 9pm or even maybe later tonight."
Link Posted: 6/17/2021 8:24:55 PM EDT
According to sources close to Hamas every faction has agreed to resume confrontation but the reason so long is that PIJ and its allies want to go for Jerusalem or TLV but Hamas wants to send a message by firing in Sderot or Ashkelon.
Link Posted: 6/18/2021 6:34:04 AM EDT
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They all use a Semitic language

Anti-semite doesn't make sense, it should be anti-Jewish
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 The hilarious thing about this entire issue to me is that Palestinians,Jews,Bedouins and Druze are all genetically pretty much the same people. They all come from common ancestry and,unless you believe in fairytales over genetic testing,it's just a stupid family feud over some pretty shit real estate.

The first time I went to Israel, I had an outstanding tour guide for the Holy Lands tour.  He picked us up in Tel Aviv and gave us a non stop history lesson for the rest of the day. He spoke all the local languages, and had lived in New York for a few years. I've forgotten what his ancestry was, but he was not a Jew.  He knew about all the religions represented there.  He made a pretty good case for all the different religions being mostly different interpretations of events that they all pretty well agree on, and over the centuries that has blossomed into the mess we have today.
They all use a Semitic language

Anti-semite doesn't make sense, it should be anti-Jewish

It's because of Shem, Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah.
Link Posted: 6/18/2021 9:55:31 AM EDT
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It's because of Shem, Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah.
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 The hilarious thing about this entire issue to me is that Palestinians,Jews,Bedouins and Druze are all genetically pretty much the same people. They all come from common ancestry and,unless you believe in fairytales over genetic testing,it's just a stupid family feud over some pretty shit real estate.

The first time I went to Israel, I had an outstanding tour guide for the Holy Lands tour.  He picked us up in Tel Aviv and gave us a non stop history lesson for the rest of the day. He spoke all the local languages, and had lived in New York for a few years. I've forgotten what his ancestry was, but he was not a Jew.  He knew about all the religions represented there.  He made a pretty good case for all the different religions being mostly different interpretations of events that they all pretty well agree on, and over the centuries that has blossomed into the mess we have today.
They all use a Semitic language

Anti-semite doesn't make sense, it should be anti-Jewish

It's because of Shem, Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah.

And Arabs are descended from Shem, through Abraham according to their belief.
Link Posted: 6/25/2021 11:25:00 AM EDT
"Chief of Staff Kochavi was the one who for the past two years has put the lethality at the center as a necessary condition for achieving a clear victory even in a limited confrontation.
One month before the end of the operation The detailed report of the Information Center for Intelligence and Terrorism illustrates how much this goal was not achieved in the operation.
According to the report, 63 Hamas operatives were killed, 37 of them in the first two days before the metro attack."

During the operation, the IDF attacked about 1,500 targets in the Gaza Strip in the vast majority of cases using precision weapons. 234 Palestinians were killed in these attacks. An examination of the names shows that at least 112 of them (47.8% percent) were active in terrorist organizations, most of them operatives of the military branches of Hamas and the Islamic Jihad in Palestine.

According to the following division: 63 Hamas operatives, 20 Palestinian Islamic Jihad operatives, 25 Fatah operatives, two Popular Front for the liberation of Palestine activists, one operative in the Mujahideen Brigades [1] and an activist from the Popular Resistance Committees. Eleven of the men, aged 40-17, were injured in IDF attacks against terrorist targets, but we do not have information linking them to terrorist organizations (one of them was a driver who was driving a vehicle carrying a terrorist cell). At least five dead, identified as Hamas 'military wing operatives, also operated as part of one of Hamas' security forces in the Gaza Strip (police, naval police, internal security apparatus). This is an example we have encountered in the past of a "dual identity" of Hamas administration's internal security apparatus operatives who also operate in the ranks of the Hamas military arm. For about 138 deaths no organizational affiliation was identified.
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Among those killed in IDF attacks who are not terrorist operatives were 52 children, 38 women and five adults (aged 70 and over). Some were killed because they were near the operatives of the terrorist organizations at the time of the attack or at the attacked targets (many of them were relatives of terrorist operatives). Some were unintentionally hit while attacking terrorist targets, as a result of Hamas placing terrorist targets near or under civilian buildings (the notable case was the collapse of two buildings under which Hamas built its terrorist tunnel). One person was reported killed by tank fire to repel uninvolved Palestinians who were near the border. One person was injured in the shooting. [3]

About 21 other people were killed by failed rocket fire that fell in the Gaza Strip, including ten men, two women and nine children. Among those killed were Hamas operatives, Fatah operatives and Palestinian Islamic Jihad operatives. No organizational affiliation was found for 13.
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Source Report
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