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Link Posted: 11/15/2022 7:38:31 PM EDT
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I saw it here first.
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Link Posted: 11/15/2022 7:38:32 PM EDT
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Trump talks too much when he should be listening more and not be pissing off everyone.
Desantis is the better choice for president...
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I'll take Trump for 4 years and then Desantis for 8 after that.
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 7:39:10 PM EDT
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We couldn't have done it without ole' kevin and mitch token on the RINO crack pipe.

The GOP should have had the house by at least +25.

Fuck that pansy ass mother fucker McCarthy and that other cock gobbler McConnell.

They are 100% to blame for fucking up the mid terms.
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Meh…… I’m pretty sure Trump deserves some blame too
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 7:39:13 PM EDT
kcolg30 likes
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 7:40:19 PM EDT
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The entire US needs to implement what Florida did for all future elections and should end mail in voting only exception reserved for service members overseas.
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Absolutely.  Early voting and mail-in voting is the largest door to corruption we've had opened in the history or the United States.
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 7:40:43 PM EDT
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none of them really know shit.

boeberts race could still go either way and that leaves some ca districts with like 50% reporting.

GOP could still lose the house, don't smoke too much hopium.
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Naw, the GOP has it tied up. You only need 218 to control the house. The dems do not have that.
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 7:41:19 PM EDT
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I was right you can thank me
Globalists lost this one they don't have full control to destroy your country for now.
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You foolishly think that the republicans aren’t globalist
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 7:43:25 PM EDT
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You foolishly think that the republicans aren’t globalist
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Some are but majority of them are Democrats.
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 7:43:42 PM EDT


2022 House Results
Last updated: 11/15/2022, 6:41:21 PM
Democrats 203
-9 seats
Republicans 218
+9 seats
218 for majority

Link Posted: 11/15/2022 7:43:52 PM EDT
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Naw, the GOP has it tied up. You only need 218 to control the house. The dems do not have that.
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whatever, pass that shit over here.

boebert is about a 1000 vote race, the seats in ca some of them are pretty heavy red but I wouldn't bet on any of them yet. It's hard to imagine the GOP wouldn't win any of those seats but there are only like 4 leaning R right now.
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 7:44:12 PM EDT
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Meh…… I’m pretty sure Trump deserves some blame too
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No he doesn't.

This is all on Mitch being a vindictive little cunt.

Along with Luntz' little butt buddy roommate.
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 7:44:37 PM EDT
I would hate to be hunter biden right now.
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 7:45:59 PM EDT
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I was right you can thank me
Globalists lost this one they don't have full control to destroy your country for now.
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I was right you can thank me
Globalists lost this one they don't have full control to destroy your country for now.

This^ guy...
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 7:46:03 PM EDT
Oh swell. They let us have that one so we feel meh enough to just be happy to have a smidgen. Fuck that Republicans are the same monster as the democrats. They all work together and this was all planned.
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 7:47:06 PM EDT
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Who was number 218?
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My guess is CA-27
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 7:47:49 PM EDT
I want to be excited, however with the RINOs there, nothing will change.
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 7:48:39 PM EDT
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I would hate to be hunter biden right now.
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They wont do anything to him
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 7:49:11 PM EDT
Wait is this going to be another slow count until dems win sort of thing?
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 7:50:56 PM EDT

But good gravy at the doomers in here
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 7:51:31 PM EDT
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It doesn’t mean shit unless they actually do something with it.
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Which they won't because it's the same fucking team!!! Nothing will happen...
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 7:52:06 PM EDT
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What the hell New Mexico?
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Redistricting fucked us out of the 1 for sure R district we had left. We are now under full commie control yet still have pretty lax gun laws. Me thinks that’s about to change during the legislative session starting in January.
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 7:53:56 PM EDT
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I would hate to be hunter biden right now.
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LOFL!!! Uh huh... Nothing will happen to that POS!!
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 7:54:14 PM EDT
A majority in name only. Need a lot more than 218 to offset the RINOs that will surely fuck us...
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 7:54:17 PM EDT
Works well for the politicians, and us.  The uniparty has an excuse for not getting anything done = plus for them.  The uniparty gets nothing done = plus for us.  Sucks that Biden will get his judges confirmed, though.  That was going to happen even if the Rs took Senate, with the likes of Mittens.
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 7:54:31 PM EDT
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Oh swell. They let us have that one so we feel meh enough to just be happy to have a smidgen. Fuck that Republicans are the same monster as the democrats. They all work together and this was all planned.
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Link Posted: 11/15/2022 7:54:59 PM EDT
Told you.
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 7:55:13 PM EDT
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I'll take Trump for 4 years and then Desantis for 8 after that.
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Trump talks too much when he should be listening more and not be pissing off everyone.
Desantis is the better choice for president...

I'll take Trump for 4 years and then Desantis for 8 after that.

How about Desantis for 8 then we can talk about Trump again?  
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 7:57:03 PM EDT
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You know many RINO's will vote with the dems so we need more bufferage.
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Exactly this... More bufferage.. or else.. more sufferage.
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 7:59:31 PM EDT
Yip... dee... do.

Link Posted: 11/15/2022 8:02:05 PM EDT
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Absolutely.  Early voting and mail-in voting is the largest door to corruption we've had opened in the history or the United States.
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Link Posted: 11/15/2022 8:03:18 PM EDT
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I was right you can thank me
Globalists lost this one they don't have full control to destroy your country for now.
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I was right you can thank me
Globalists lost this one they don't have full control to destroy your country for now.

That is astonishing, Nostradamus.
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 8:03:32 PM EDT
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If you haven’t noticed, he usually on pokes around in his own threads.

Nothing weird about that.
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That's too bad. He's my new favorite poster.

Let me see if I can get him in here.

Link Posted: 11/15/2022 8:03:38 PM EDT
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They're all globalists
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 8:03:58 PM EDT
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Trump talks too much when he should be listening more and not be pissing off everyone.
Desantis is the better choice for president...
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Join date. Post count (10)

Welcome fellow firearms enthusiast
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 8:04:04 PM EDT
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A majority in name only. Need a lot more than 218 to offset the RINOs that will surely fuck us...
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AR-15 said it didn't matter as long as we voted harder.

Surely we did the right thing and now everything will be hunky dory.
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 8:04:54 PM EDT
Is it better to have control of the house or senate? Or doesn’t it matter?
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 8:07:37 PM EDT
A narrow majority like this is great because McCarthy is going to need every single GOP vote to pass anything, or else have to get Democrat votes. At the same time there's almost nothing that a GOP House could pass that would be accepted by the current Democrat-led senate, which needs 10 Republicans to defeat anything that McConnell doesn't filibuster.

So no more gun control bills, and likely political gridlock.
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 8:07:43 PM EDT
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I would hate to be hunter biden right now.
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Lol why?  Daddy ain't getting reelected.  Daddy will pardon everything.  Hunter will never be in front of congress or investigated.  Ever.
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 8:09:10 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 8:09:52 PM EDT
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Is it better to have control of the house or senate? Or doesn’t it matter?
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It’s best to control both.
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 8:10:13 PM EDT
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A narrow majority like this is great because McCarthy is going to need every single GOP vote to pass anything, or else have to get Democrat votes. At the same time there's almost nothing that a GOP House could pass that would be accepted by the current Democrat-led senate, which needs 10 Republicans to defeat anything that McConnell doesn't filibuster.

So no more gun control bills, and likely political gridlock.
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The is best case scenario always.  The less any party can do the better it is for the usa.

Somehow I'm sure they'll all agree for a pay raise and insider trading though
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 8:10:14 PM EDT
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A narrow majority like this is great because McCarthy is going to need every single GOP vote to pass anything, or else have to get Democrat votes. At the same time there's almost nothing that a GOP House could pass that would be accepted by the current Democrat-led senate, which needs 10 Republicans to defeat anything that McConnell doesn't filibuster.

So no more gun control bills, and likely political gridlock.
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Sounds nice, but I don't trust that it's not going to work the other way around.
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 8:10:42 PM EDT
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I would hate to be hunter biden right now.
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That's cute, did you just start watching how Washington operates?
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 8:12:23 PM EDT
F off Nancy

2nd in succession will be an R now.  Wow it was scary thinking it was possible for her to become President.
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 8:12:46 PM EDT
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I was right you can thank me
Globalists lost this one they don't have full control to destroy your country for now.
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Are Republicans anti globalist?
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 8:14:14 PM EDT
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Is it better to have control of the house or senate? Or doesn’t it matter?
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The Senate.  Judge appointments are solely done by the Senate.
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 8:17:23 PM EDT
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Is it better to have control of the house or senate? Or doesn’t it matter?
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A close senate is much less 'controlled'

The filibuster means it takes 60 to pass non-budget bills

Traditionally the senate slows down radical things even outside of partisanship

otoh - senate get to approve or block appointments
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 8:18:37 PM EDT
A week later...
Link Posted: 11/15/2022 8:18:46 PM EDT
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Absolutely.  Early voting and mail-in voting is the largest door to corruption we've had opened in the history or the United States.
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It's not a glitch, it's a feature.

What we need is Iraqi purple fingers.

Link Posted: 11/15/2022 8:20:37 PM EDT
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I was right you can thank me
Globalists lost this one they don't have full control to destroy your country for now.
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Ah but which Rs do they control?
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