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Link Posted: 11/19/2009 11:35:57 AM EDT
English, please.

What he said.....english motherfucker....do you speak it?

Link Posted: 11/19/2009 11:38:10 AM EDT


War is usually brewing in South and Central America.

Colombia is always at war with the leftists and cartels.

Has been for decades.
Link Posted: 11/19/2009 11:38:26 AM EDT
Food riots in Poland
Worst wheat harvest in Russian history
America stands alone

ha that's exactly what i thought!
Link Posted: 11/19/2009 11:39:35 AM EDT



English, please.

What he said.....english motherfucker....do you speak it?

los diablos blancos.  

Link Posted: 11/19/2009 11:40:26 AM EDT
English, please.

What he said.....english motherfucker....do you speak it?

Spreche sie deutche?  
Link Posted: 11/19/2009 11:41:22 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/19/2009 11:41:37 AM EDT




English, please.

What he said.....english motherfucker....do you speak it?

Spreche sie deutche?


Link Posted: 11/19/2009 11:41:57 AM EDT

English, please.

What he said.....english motherfucker....do you speak it?

Spreche sie deutche?


Not very well.  
Link Posted: 11/19/2009 11:43:50 AM EDT
English, please.

What he said.....english motherfucker....do you speak it?

Spreche sie deutche?  

Link Posted: 11/19/2009 11:44:06 AM EDT
Man...this will cause turmoil in the White House!

Obama is assembling a team as we speak so they can figure out who he should make a trip to bow to.
Link Posted: 11/19/2009 11:45:32 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/19/2009 11:47:07 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/19/2009 11:47:48 AM EDT
Here is an update.

Colombia says Venezuela blows up two border bridges

19 Nov 2009 20:39:18 GMT

Source: Reuters

<input type="hidden" id="CurrentSize" name="CurrentSize" value="13" />

* Tensions high over U.S.-Colombian military base plan * Venezuela says destroyed illegal, improvised walkway   (Adds more details on location, background on tensions) By Patrick Markey
BOGOTA, Nov 19 (Reuters) - Colombia's government said on Thursday
Venezuelan soldiers had blown up two small pedestrian bridges that
stretch across their border in the latest incident to stoke a
diplomatic dispute between the Andean neighbors.

Defense Minister Gabriel Silva said uniformed troops from the
Venezuelan army dynamited the bridges that cross into Colombia's Norte
de Santander department in what he criticized as a violation of
international law. "Uniformed men, apparently from the
Venezuelan army, arrived in trucks on the Venezuelan side at two
pedestrian bridges that link communities on both sides ... and then
proceeded to dynamite them," Silva said.

But Venezuelan authorities said the army had destroyed an illegal, improvised bridge spanning the border.
"The Venezuelan army took down a sort of walkway, put up by the people
who pass from Venezuela to Colombia," said Alexis Balza, frontier
director for Tachira State governor's office. The long-simmering
Andean spat has been mostly limited to diplomatic barbs in the past.
But the current crisis is raising the risk of more violence along the
volatile frontier where rebels, drug gangs and and smugglers operate.

Tensions are high between U.S. ally Colombia and Venezuela over a
Colombian plan to allow the United States more access to its military
bases as part of anti-drug and counter-insurgency cooperation against
FARC rebels. See Factbox: [ID:nN19492916]
The rest here: http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/N19269026.htm
Link Posted: 11/19/2009 11:48:31 AM EDT



Y asi comienza...

peor que y2k

Love this place, well worth my money.  

Link Posted: 11/19/2009 11:48:44 AM EDT
..........and the world continues to get more frightening by the day..
Link Posted: 11/19/2009 11:52:40 AM EDT
Every arms dealer in the world is hauling ass to Columbia at this moment with special deals and one time offers, maybe even a 2 for 1special.
Link Posted: 11/19/2009 11:53:51 AM EDT
English, please.

What he said.....english motherfucker....do you speak it?

Spreche sie deutche?  

Wie gehts?  Was ist los?

Link Posted: 11/19/2009 11:53:52 AM EDT
It's Bush's fault!

Link Posted: 11/19/2009 11:57:37 AM EDT
This thing is starting to sound less like a 6 lane reinforced concrete span and more like a rope bridge over a creek somewhere.

Link Posted: 11/19/2009 12:00:24 PM EDT
I believe that Colombia's Pixelado digital camo pattern will alone win any wars against their eastern aggressors.  

Colombia needs to annex the Santa Teresa rum distillery, along with some of those Venezuelan beauty pageant contestants.
Link Posted: 11/19/2009 12:00:26 PM EDT
English, please.

What he said.....english motherfucker....do you speak it?

Spreche sie deutche?  

Wie gehts?  Was ist los?

Not too bad, and not a whole lot.  ((been 20 years since I had to think german ))
Link Posted: 11/19/2009 12:01:17 PM EDT
This thing is starting to sound less like a 6 lane reinforced concrete span and more like a rope bridge over a creek somewhere.

Couple pedestrian bridges.  It'll be interesting to see if more starts up; or not.
Link Posted: 11/19/2009 12:01:31 PM EDT
English, please.

What he said.....english motherfucker....do you speak it?

Spreche sie deutche?  

[Grammatische Nazi]Sprechen Sie Deutsch?[/Grammatische Nazi]

Alles klar?

Link Posted: 11/19/2009 12:03:09 PM EDT
Oh man, I've lived in that area.  Not a hospitable area for fighting.  Lots of mountains and/or rainforest around Tachira.
Link Posted: 11/19/2009 12:03:54 PM EDT
This could get interseting...
Link Posted: 11/19/2009 12:04:21 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/19/2009 12:05:29 PM EDT

Link Posted: 11/19/2009 12:06:28 PM EDT
In, wouldn't mind heading back down south to join in the commie beat down that is about to ensue.
Link Posted: 11/19/2009 12:07:28 PM EDT
Why is Venezuela doing it?  Is it to start a war with Columbia or just to keep their citizens from escaping?
Link Posted: 11/19/2009 12:08:42 PM EDT
Two footbridges?  Span both their borders?  

Sounds like a non-event to me.  Maybe I need more coffee?
Link Posted: 11/19/2009 12:09:57 PM EDT
Oh for fucks sake.......Some knotheads ruined a couple of rope ladders across a creek. They be back up in a couple of days.

WW3 not this is.
Link Posted: 11/19/2009 12:09:59 PM EDT
Well everybody, prepare for more embarrasment for the United States.


     Obama will find some way to make himself look like an amateur.

Link Posted: 11/19/2009 12:10:08 PM EDT
Why is Venezuela doing it?  Is it to start a war with Columbia or just to keep their citizens from escaping?

Up until recent years Venezuela had a problem with illegal immigration from Colombia.  Sort of like Mexicans coming illegally to the USA.  However, with the complete collapse of the Venezuelan economy due to communist policies, the flow may have reversed.  I don't know which way the flow goes today.
Link Posted: 11/19/2009 12:10:24 PM EDT
The price of coke is going to skyrocket.  PEAK COKE!!!

What effect will that have on hookers?
Link Posted: 11/19/2009 12:11:22 PM EDT
Two footbridges?  Span both their borders?  

Sounds like a non-event to me.  Maybe I need more coffee?

It is , but GD is hoping for a reason to "pop off the covers of their P-MAGs" for "SHTF" and "TEOTWAWKI"
Link Posted: 11/19/2009 12:11:59 PM EDT
Two footbridges?  Span both their borders?  

Sounds like a non-event to me.  Maybe I need more coffee?

Right now who knows why it's being done.  It might be a symbolic gesture more than anything.  I wouldn't be surprised if right now Chavez is broadcasting to the Venezuealan public that the bridges were destroyed to prevent an invasion by the USA through the Colombian border, or some similar nonsense.
Link Posted: 11/19/2009 12:12:51 PM EDT
The price of coke is going to skyrocket.  PEAK COKE!!!

What effect will that have on hookers?

OMG..now im scared
Link Posted: 11/19/2009 12:14:25 PM EDT





English, please.

What he said.....english motherfucker....do you speak it?

Spreche sie deutche?  

[Grammatische Nazi]Sprechen Sie Deutsch?[/Grammatische Nazi]

Alles klar?

Ja.  SUPA!

Link Posted: 11/19/2009 12:15:13 PM EDT
Nobama will sit with his thumb up his ass while chavez starts a regional war in central america.  Chavez, an idiot,  is hoping that he will achieve quick military gains before we enter in and force a Venezualan favorable peace treaty.  More likely, even with russian, chineese, north korean, and iranian help, he will have his own little dick shoved up his ass by the better trained and equiped Columbians and Nobama will have to rush in and save his fellow communist buddy.

Columbia and Venezuela are neighbors, so a war between them is easy. Columbia and Honduras are US allies, so Honduras MAY attempt to lend some aid to Columbia, but how are they gonna get there? Nicaragua's dictator may come to help his butt-buddy Chavez, but again, how is he going to get there? It's not like most of South America has anything resembling a real navy.

Cuba might get involved on Venezuela's behalf, but yet again, how the fuck do they get there?

Let's see how their respective militaries stack up.


Infantry are fairly well-armed. AK-103's, FAL's, AT4's, Carl Gustav's, Israeli ATGM's, FN Minimi's and Mag's (M249 and M240, basically), and Dragunov SVD's (brilliant move, having both 7.62x51 and 7.62x54R in your inventory, Chavez. ).

Armor is fairly decent for a tinpot dictator. Nowhere near as massive in terms of numbers as the Middle Eastern shitholes, but the technology, training, and maintenance are far superior.

84 AMX-30 MBT's, 36 AMX-13 light tanks with 90mm guns, 78 FV101 Scorpion light tanks with 90mm guns (instead of the UK 76mm guns), 42 Dragoon armored cars, and around 400 APC's of one sort or another. It's interesting to note that Venezuela has 135 BMP-3 IFV's on order and 92 T-72 MBT's (why T-72's? They couldn't afford T-90's?) on order, but they haven't taken delivery of either yet. I would think Chavez would hold off on starting shit with his neighbors until AFTER he had significantly boosted his military, but then that would imply that Chavez wasn't a fucking idiot.

Venezuela has over 120 howitzers, mostly 105mm but some 155mm too, 10 self-propelled howitzers (155), 25 self-propelled 160mm multiple rocket artillery, 60 120mm mortar, and an unknown number of BM-30 Smerch self-propelled multiple rocket artillery on order. Again, you'd think he'd wait until AFTER he got all the shit he has on layaway before starting something.

They have several dozen helicopters, mostly transports and recon, but a couple of them could be set up as gunships (Hips and Hueys), they have 10 Hind gunships as their heavy helicopter support, and 10 Havoc gunships are on order. Supposedly four will be delivered this year. Still again, you would think Chavez would wait until he had everything he ordered delivered before starting shit. I guess the handful of Russian ships capable of making the journey to visit Venezuela without sinking or needing a tow back home gave Chavez more confidence in his allies than is wise.

The Venezuelan navy doesn't suck too terribly. 6 missile frigates, 2 diesel-electric submarines, 6 missile patrol boats, and four ampibious ships. He has three diesel-electric submarines on order from Russia and four Spanish-made frigates supposed to be delivered next year, so again, why is Chavez starting shit NOW instead of waiting until AFTER he has a significant increase in military capability?

Their air force is tiny but more advanced than the shit most of the Middle East flies. 24 Su-30 fighters (and Chavez is supposedly working on arrangements to order 24 more), 21 F-16's (only 12 operational), 18 CF-5's (12 operational), 12 Dassault Mirage 50's (retired, but still in the inventory), and the rest of their air force consists of transports and VIP passenger planes.

Their coast guard has a bunch of patrol boats and for the umpteenth time, is scheduled to receive more ships but Chavez is starting shit before receiving them. Their marine corps consists of less than 9,000 men and they have only armored cars, jeeps, and about thirty howitzers, so who gives a shit.

Columbia (or Colombia, whichever you prefer), meanwhile...

Their infantry are armed with M-16's, M-4's, Galils, Tavors, G3's, M-60's, M-240's, M-249's, M2HB's, and other shit. AT4's, RPG-22's, and M72 LAWs abound, so the Venezuelans have a slight edge in man-portable blow-shit-up weapons, but that's fairly insignificant in the grand scheme of things. They have more ATGM's than Venezuela, that is significant.

They've got about as many APC's as Venezuela. Doing some searching, I find zero references to Columbia owning any tanks. WTF. Their artillery is just as good, but less diverse, and I can't numbers on how many they own, just what models they have.

They've got fewer helicopters than Venezuela, but they tend to be more modern designs. Their only "gunships" are sixteen MD 500 Defenders. Yeeeaaaah.

They have non-jet fighters designed for "counterinsurgency/drug patrols" that are armed. 25 Super Tucanos, 11 Broncos, 6 AC-47 Spooky's, and 9 A-37 Dragonfly's (supposed to have been retired last year.).

Jet fighters are 15 IAI Kfir's and 12 Mirage 5's. Not exactly an even match for Su-30's and F-16's that outnumber them.

Their navy has 4 frigates, 4 submarines, and a shitload of patrol boats and amphibious ships, more than Venezuela has. Which makes sense since their main job would be going after drug traffickers.

Yeeeeaaaaah. I'm think Columbia ISN'T going to mop the floor with Venezuela's ass in this one, even without Chavez waiting to take delivery of all the hardware he ordered from Russia. No tanks, shitty air force that is also outnumbered, smaller navy, no helicopter gunships except for armed little birds.... They seem a lot more professional and disciplined than the Venezuelans, but I'm thinking that's only going to result in a draw at best.

If this turns into a shooting war, I'm betting it turns into another prolonged conflict ala the Iran-Iraq War and eventually the rest of South America gets dragged into it. Especially if the Russians aid Venezuela and Obama sits around with his thumb up his ass hoping the problem will go away if he ignores it long enough.
Link Posted: 11/19/2009 12:15:34 PM EDT



War is usually brewing in South and Central America.

Colombia is always at war with the leftists and cartels.

Has been for decades.

And they are battle hardened.

Those leftist Venezuelan thugs do not know what they are getting into.

Link Posted: 11/19/2009 12:16:13 PM EDT




The price of coke is going to skyrocket. PEAK COKE!!!

What effect will that have on hookers?

OMG..now im scared
Calm down guys. This could be a good thing.

The hookers to blow price relationship is inverse.

The more expensive the blow is the cheaper hookers are.

They don't look as good when you don't have blow so they can't charge you as much.

When you're high on blow they can charge you more because they look better to you.

Link Posted: 11/19/2009 12:17:33 PM EDT
English, please.

What he said.....english motherfucker....do you speak it?

Sprechen sie Deutche?  

Zer will be Order!
Link Posted: 11/19/2009 12:18:38 PM EDT
Nobama will sit with his thumb up his ass while chavez starts a regional war in central america.  Chavez, an idiot,  is hoping that he will achieve quick military gains before we enter in and force a Venezualan favorable peace treaty.  More likely, even with russian, chineese, north korean, and iranian help, he will have his own little dick shoved up his ass by the better trained and equiped Columbians and Nobama will have to rush in and save his fellow communist buddy.


Columbia and Venezuela are neighbors, so a war between them is easy. Columbia and Honduras are US allies, so Honduras MAY attempt to lend some aid to Columbia, but how are they gonna get there? Nicaragua's dictator may come to help his butt-buddy Chavez, but again, how is he going to get there? It's not like most of South America has anything resembling a real navy.

Cuba might get involved on Venezuela's behalf, but yet again, how the fuck do they get there?

Let's see how their respective militaries stack up.


Infantry are fairly well-armed. AK-103's, FAL's, AT4's, Carl Gustav's, Israeli ATGM's, FN Minimi's and Mag's (M249 and M240, basically), and Dragunov SVD's (brilliant move, having both 7.62x51 and 7.62x54R in your inventory, Chavez. ).

Armor is fairly decent for a tinpot dictator. Nowhere near as massive in terms of numbers as the Middle Eastern shitholes, but the technology, training, and maintenance are far superior.

84 AMX-30 MBT's, 36 AMX-13 light tanks with 90mm guns, 78 FV101 Scorpion light tanks with 90mm guns (instead of the UK 76mm guns), 42 Dragoon armored cars, and around 400 APC's of one sort or another. It's interesting to note that Venezuela has 135 BMP-3 IFV's on order and 92 T-72 MBT's (why T-72's? They couldn't afford T-90's?) on order, but they haven't taken delivery of either yet. I would think Chavez would hold off on starting shit with his neighbors until AFTER he had significantly boosted his military, but then that would imply that Chavez wasn't a fucking idiot.

Venezuela has over 120 howitzers, mostly 105mm but some 155mm too, 10 self-propelled howitzers (155), 25 self-propelled 160mm multiple rocket artillery, 60 120mm mortar, and an unknown number of BM-30 Smerch self-propelled multiple rocket artillery on order. Again, you'd think he'd wait until AFTER he got all the shit he has on layaway before starting something.

They have several dozen helicopters, mostly transports and recon, but a couple of them could be set up as gunships (Hips and Hueys), they have 10 Hind gunships as their heavy helicopter support, and 10 Havoc gunships are on order. Supposedly four will be delivered this year. Still again, you would think Chavez would wait until he had everything he ordered delivered before starting shit. I guess the handful of Russian ships capable of making the journey to visit Venezuela without sinking or needing a tow back home gave Chavez more confidence in his allies than is wise.

The Venezuelan navy doesn't suck too terribly. 6 missile frigates, 2 diesel-electric submarines, 6 missile patrol boats, and four ampibious ships. He has three diesel-electric submarines on order from Russia and four Spanish-made frigates supposed to be delivered next year, so again, why is Chavez starting shit NOW instead of waiting until AFTER he has a significant increase in military capability?

Their air force is tiny but more advanced than the shit most of the Middle East flies. 24 Su-30 fighters (and Chavez is supposedly working on arrangements to order 24 more), 21 F-16's (only 12 operational), 18 CF-5's (12 operational), 12 Dassault Mirage 50's (retired, but still in the inventory), and the rest of their air force consists of transports and VIP passenger planes.

Their coast guard has a bunch of patrol boats and for the umpteenth time, is scheduled to receive more ships but Chavez is starting shit before receiving them. Their marine corps consists of less than 9,000 men and they have only armored cars, jeeps, and about thirty howitzers, so who gives a shit.

Columbia (or Colombia, whichever you prefer), meanwhile...

Their infantry are armed with M-16's, M-4's, Galils, Tavors, G3's, M-60's, M-240's, M-249's, M2HB's, and other shit. AT4's, RPG-22's, and M72 LAWs abound, so the Venezuelans have a slight edge in man-portable blow-shit-up weapons, but that's fairly insignificant in the grand scheme of things. They have more ATGM's than Venezuela, that is significant.

They've got about as many APC's as Venezuela. Doing some searching, I find zero references to Columbia owning any tanks. WTF. Their artillery is just as good, but less diverse, and I can't numbers on how many they own, just what models they have.

They've got fewer helicopters than Venezuela, but they tend to be more modern designs. Their only "gunships" are sixteen MD 500 Defenders. Yeeeaaaah.

They have non-jet fighters designed for "counterinsurgency/drug patrols" that are armed. 25 Super Tucanos, 11 Broncos, 6 AC-47 Spooky's, and 9 A-37 Dragonfly's (supposed to have been retired last year.).

Jet fighters are 15 IAI Kfir's and 12 Mirage 5's. Not exactly an even match for Su-30's and F-16's that outnumber them.

Their navy has 4 frigates, 4 submarines, and a shitload of patrol boats and amphibious ships, more than Venezuela has. Which makes sense since their main job would be going after drug traffickers.

Yeeeeaaaaah. I'm think Columbia ISN'T going to mop the floor with Venezuela's ass in this one, even without Chavez waiting to take delivery of all the hardware he ordered from Russia. No tanks, shitty air force that is also outnumbered, smaller navy, no helicopter gunships except for armed little birds.... They seem a lot more professional and disciplined than the Venezuelans, but I'm thinking that's only going to result in a draw at best.

If this turns into a shooting war, I'm betting it turns into another prolonged conflict ala the Iran-Iraq War and eventually the rest of South America gets dragged into it. Especially if the Russians aid Venezuela and Obama sits around with his thumb up his ass hoping the problem will go away if he ignores it long enough.

Even worse, the FARC might even step in on the side of commie Chavez.
Link Posted: 11/19/2009 12:19:13 PM EDT
Every arms dealer in the world is hauling ass to Columbia at this moment with special deals and one time offers, maybe even a 2 for 1special.

Were I president of the US, Columbia would be getting a hundred M60E3's from our inventory of surplus shit we don't use any more and two squadrons of shiny new F-16's for an early Christmas.

Ditto for Honduras.
Link Posted: 11/19/2009 12:20:02 PM EDT
English, please.

What he said.....english motherfucker....do you speak it?

Spreche sie deutche?  

[Grammatische Nazi]Sprechen Sie Deutsch?[/Grammatische Nazi]

Alles klar?

Jawol, Feldwebel!
Link Posted: 11/19/2009 12:20:44 PM EDT
Oh man, I've lived in that area.  Not a hospitable area for fighting.  Lots of mountains and/or rainforest around Tachira.

So you're saying that Columbian troops who have trained in geurilla warfare alongside US special forces could really fuck some shit up around there.
Link Posted: 11/19/2009 12:23:00 PM EDT
oh fuck.  Here comes the shit-storm.

ETA til Obama appologizes?

AP: 19 Nov 2009
In a speech to Democratic supporters today, the United States President, Barack Obama exclaimed "We need to pass Healthcare reform NOW, it's for the Columbians!

Link Posted: 11/19/2009 12:24:17 PM EDT
Two footbridges?  Span both their borders?  

Sounds like a non-event to me.  Maybe I need more coffee?

Right now who knows why it's being done.  It might be a symbolic gesture more than anything.  I wouldn't be surprised if right now Chavez is broadcasting to the Venezuealan public that the bridges were destroyed to prevent an invasion by the USA through the Colombian border, or some similar nonsense.

I doubt it's anything more than saber rattling, but Chavez has to know there's a chance of this turning into an actual shooting war if he keeps stirring shit.
Link Posted: 11/19/2009 12:24:45 PM EDT
Columbia (or Colombia, whichever you prefer), meanwhile...

I guess I'd prefer Colombia, since that is how it is spelled.
Link Posted: 11/19/2009 12:29:01 PM EDT
Oh man, I've lived in that area.  Not a hospitable area for fighting.  Lots of mountains and/or rainforest around Tachira.

So you're saying that Columbian troops who have trained in geurilla warfare alongside US special forces could really fuck some shit up around there.

Anybody going on the offense is going to have a hard time in Tachira, or western Zulia on the border to the north for that matter, too.
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