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Link Posted: 10/19/2016 2:25:42 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/19/2016 2:58:52 PM EDT
The day the West will no longer any energy from the ME will be one of the greatest days.
Link Posted: 10/19/2016 3:02:40 PM EDT

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He's smarter than you.

Syrians started shooting because Assad had his people level AA guns against protesters.  Fuck Assad and I hope his wife dies slowly for supporting him.

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Sold herself to be the plaything of a fucking Arab dictator. I have more respect for a pile of dogshit.
I took you for a smarter man.

He's smarter than you.

Syrians started shooting because Assad had his people level AA guns against protesters.  Fuck Assad and I hope his wife dies slowly for supporting him.


LOL, that's the same bullshit excuse they said about Gaddafi!
Link Posted: 10/19/2016 3:24:39 PM EDT
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Still better than a dentist.
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Sold herself to be the plaything of a fucking Arab dictator. I have more respect for a pile of dogshit.

Still better than a dentist.

Laugh it up.  They all come crawling to us when they have a toothache.  
Link Posted: 10/19/2016 4:11:22 PM EDT
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Would you prefer a Muslim Brotherhood ruled Syria, an AQ ruled Syria, or an IS ruled Syria?
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she's a genocidal psycho, just like her Boys From Brazil-looking husband.

I hope she rots to death from the inside out.

You guys talk about nuking the region all the time, and when a guy is actually killing Sunnis in large numbers....you get mad.

yeah, you're right, I should love it when the Syrian Hitler goes off killing civilians right and left.
sucking Putin cock is a real plus.

Would you prefer a Muslim Brotherhood ruled Syria, an AQ ruled Syria, or an IS ruled Syria?

I don't care , and none of those choices mean that Assad and his wife aren't murderous freaks.
I'd actually like it for all the groups you mention meet up and have a circular firing squad. Outside actors influencing one party will just leave one asshole ultimately in charge.
I've never mentioned nuking the ME, BTW. I have always been a fan of them keeping themselves out of international affairs by killing each other en masse.
Link Posted: 10/19/2016 4:34:47 PM EDT
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Assad supported, facilitated and provided sanctuary to our enemies in Iraq.  He is responsible for the deaths of Americans.

Fuck be upon him an call he holds dear.
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So did Iran and they get to keep their nuclear program and we send planes full of cash and gold.
Link Posted: 10/19/2016 4:48:10 PM EDT
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So did Iran and they get to keep their nuclear program and we send planes full of cash and gold.
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Assad supported, facilitated and provided sanctuary to our enemies in Iraq.  He is responsible for the deaths of Americans.

Fuck be upon him an call he holds dear.

So did Iran and they get to keep their nuclear program and we send planes full of cash and gold.

I don't favor being friends with either of them.

Does that fact that Obama did something stupid make you want to support something ELSE that is stupid?
Link Posted: 10/19/2016 4:56:37 PM EDT
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I don't favor being friends with either of them.

Does that fact that Obama did something stupid make you want to support something ELSE that is stupid?
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Assad supported, facilitated and provided sanctuary to our enemies in Iraq.  He is responsible for the deaths of Americans.

Fuck be upon him an call he holds dear.

So did Iran and they get to keep their nuclear program and we send planes full of cash and gold.

I don't favor being friends with either of them.

Does that fact that Obama did something stupid make you want to support something ELSE that is stupid?

Its makes me want to turn a blind eye to the whole situation because there don't appear to be any good options. The Syrian groups we support, Assad and Iran all attacked or continue to attack us.
Link Posted: 10/19/2016 5:07:28 PM EDT
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Assad supported, facilitated and provided sanctuary to our enemies in Iraq.  He is responsible for the deaths of Americans.

Fuck be upon him an call he holds dear.
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So what's your opinion on the Saudis?
Link Posted: 10/19/2016 8:29:56 PM EDT
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So what's your opinion on the Saudis?
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Assad supported, facilitated and provided sanctuary to our enemies in Iraq.  He is responsible for the deaths of Americans.

Fuck be upon him an call he holds dear.

So what's your opinion on the Saudis?

I feel the same about them, as I do the Pakis.

Link Posted: 10/19/2016 8:44:53 PM EDT
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So, you're saying that Al Qaeda 2.0 (aka ISIS) is our partner & ally now?  

ISIS is basically our proxy army (funded/armed by our lackeys Saudi Arabia w/ additional logistical support from Turkey).  We're using ISIS as our tool to topple Assad, cut off supply routes to Hezbollah, and then target Iran.

Also, convenient that Israel is absent from that graphic and the discussion.

This entire "conflict" is good for Israel (eliminates their enemies) and good to maintain and expand US strategic, military and economic dominance in the region.  But it has NOTHING to do with so-called, freedom, democracy, helping the people there, stopping ISIS, stopping terrorism or any such fairy-tale horseshit like that.  Those notions are only for the ignorant, and the foolish tools who wish it to be true.
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I know Assad was a prick dictator, but it evidently takes a prick dictator to rule Arabs.  I know he's got all the wrong friends, but we were closed to him and he'd be long dead without dealing with devils.  I know he sheltered Iraqi insurgents, but he was obviously walking a tightrope with militant refugees and domestic Islamic hardliners who he inherited and would have rather moderated, I don't think he ever wanted to tangle with us.  I feel no hostility for the Assads, the whole Syrian civil war has always been a sad affair to me.

Assad is a Pan-Arabist Commie Baathist in bed with the Russians as well as being a hereditary ruthlessness mass murdering dictator!

Don't imagine Assad is a missed friendship opportunity.

Don't ever fucking imagine Syria is a black and white conflict. It is a twisted regional power struggle that is truly driven by Russia's desire to control the European energy market to Russia's monopolistic advantage.


Some of you people need to realize that the enemy of our enemy is temporary ally of convenience.

So, you're saying that Al Qaeda 2.0 (aka ISIS) is our partner & ally now?  

ISIS is basically our proxy army (funded/armed by our lackeys Saudi Arabia w/ additional logistical support from Turkey).  We're using ISIS as our tool to topple Assad, cut off supply routes to Hezbollah, and then target Iran.

Also, convenient that Israel is absent from that graphic and the discussion.

This entire "conflict" is good for Israel (eliminates their enemies) and good to maintain and expand US strategic, military and economic dominance in the region.  But it has NOTHING to do with so-called, freedom, democracy, helping the people there, stopping ISIS, stopping terrorism or any such fairy-tale horseshit like that.  Those notions are only for the ignorant, and the foolish tools who wish it to be true.


The only part I'd disagree with is the U.S. supposedly targeting Iran.  The U.S. government is incompetent, helping Iran on one end with the nuclear deal/cash, and trying to oppose their ally Assad on the other.  It's a bipolar foreign policy.
Link Posted: 10/19/2016 8:57:11 PM EDT
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Who fucking cares, is that suppose to move me? He need not be a friend or enemy. Baathists are not blowing up shit and shooting up places outside of Syria the last I looked. The last I looked, Baathists didn't represent the biggest threat to the region. Syria was a largely isolated player but could become something much worse. Playing fellow traveler to the worst society has to offer has been the worst foreign policy mistake this country has ever known, and instead of learning from it, we double down on it. Anyone who supports cozying up to Sunni extremism for convenience is a useful idiot of the first class....and a supremely naive one at that.
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The Baathists in Iraq became ISIS.

Assad's Syria is a Russian and Iranian client state. As such it is only going to be our enemy. Although I haven't identified any real friends in that conflict. Closest thing is perhaps the Kurds, who our Turkish "friends" want to kill.
Link Posted: 10/19/2016 8:58:07 PM EDT
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Yep, it's a zero-sum game but we gotta draw the line somewhere and stick to it.
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I know Assad was a prick dictator, but it evidently takes a prick dictator to rule Arabs.  I know he's got all the wrong friends, but we were closed to him and he'd be long dead without dealing with devils.  I know he sheltered Iraqi insurgents, but he was obviously walking a tightrope with militant refugees and domestic Islamic hardliners who he inherited and would have rather moderated, I don't think he ever wanted to tangle with us.  I feel no hostility for the Assads, the whole Syrian civil war has always been a sad affair to me.

Assad is a Pan-Arabist Commie Baathist in bed with the Russians as well as being a hereditary ruthlessness mass murdering dictator!

Don't imagine Assad is a missed friendship opportunity.

Don't ever fucking imagine Syria is a black and white conflict. It is a twisted regional power struggle that is truly driven by Russia's desire to control the European energy market to Russia's monopolistic advantage.


Some of you people need to realize that the enemy of our enemy is temporary ally of convenience.

Pipelines, schmipelines. Trying to have our finger in every pie is going to get us (or our children) all killed some day.

The problem with that ideal is that if America was to ever withdraw from "interfering" in other countries/regions, it would only leave a void for others to exploit, and those others would be Russia.
It is what it is

Yep, it's a zero-sum game but we gotta draw the line somewhere and stick to it.

The line should be drawn where the U.S. optimizes the conflict between Sunni and Shia, where the two are kept so busy fighting each other  that they don't have time to spread terrorism around the world.  The U.S. was very good at this back in the 80's.  Somewhere they lost their way.
Link Posted: 10/19/2016 8:58:39 PM EDT
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and where and what has any of it gotten us, fallen soldiers, injured soldiers and massive debt and a ME that is burning and Islam spreading to all corners
of the globe.
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The spread of Islam and the problems of the region are not due to US or Western foreign policy. It resides with the cultures and religions of the region.
Link Posted: 10/19/2016 8:59:41 PM EDT
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Pipelines, schmipelines. Trying to have our finger in every pie is going to get us (or our children) all killed some day.
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Understand, they will eventually come for us anyway.
Link Posted: 10/19/2016 9:00:33 PM EDT

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The Baathists in Iraq became ISIS.

Assad's Syria is a Russian and Iranian client state. As such it is only going to be our enemy. Although I haven't identified any real friends in that conflict. Closest thing is perhaps the Kurds, who our Turkish "friends" want to kill.

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Who fucking cares, is that suppose to move me? He need not be a friend or enemy. Baathists are not blowing up shit and shooting up places outside of Syria the last I looked. The last I looked, Baathists didn't represent the biggest threat to the region. Syria was a largely isolated player but could become something much worse. Playing fellow traveler to the worst society has to offer has been the worst foreign policy mistake this country has ever known, and instead of learning from it, we double down on it. Anyone who supports cozying up to Sunni extremism for convenience is a useful idiot of the first class....and a supremely naive one at that.

The Baathists in Iraq became ISIS.

Assad's Syria is a Russian and Iranian client state. As such it is only going to be our enemy. Although I haven't identified any real friends in that conflict. Closest thing is perhaps the Kurds, who our Turkish "friends" want to kill.

What would have happened if we never support the coup in Iran in the 1950s? Would Iran still have fallen to the religious zealots?


Why do we view Russia as a rival today? Because they're an economic rival to the House of Saud?

Our foreign policy is for shit.
Link Posted: 10/19/2016 9:01:37 PM EDT

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Understand, they will eventually come for us anyway.
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Pipelines, schmipelines. Trying to have our finger in every pie is going to get us (or our children) all killed some day.

Understand, they will eventually come for us anyway.
Not if we do what needs to be done. But we don't have the gumption to do that job.

Link Posted: 10/19/2016 9:02:44 PM EDT
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This. Democracy doesn't work with low IQ population. Best route is to choose the "right" dictatorship for them and impose it. Sorry, if triggered, but that's been the reality for centuries.
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That's a good looking woman. If I were a Christian in Syria, I would be fighting for,Asad

And you would have chosen wisely.
Peace in a land of vile and evil fanatics requires a leader who understands that the only thing that is respected is power.  Any extension of a peaceful hand is an act of capitulation, even when you have your boot on the neck of your enemy.

We have seen what happens when we remove the padlock that holds ISIS and Al Quaida back......Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Iran, Lebanon , etc.

If Syria falls, they will go after Jordan with a vengeance .....then Israel will be surrounded with their backs to the sea.
Arfcomers I don't all understand that retarded ROPer monkeys can only be ruled by dictators

This. Democracy doesn't work with low IQ population. Best route is to choose the "right" dictatorship for them and impose it. Sorry, if triggered, but that's been the reality for centuries.


Same with black Africans.
Link Posted: 10/19/2016 9:05:17 PM EDT
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  I'm reasonably certain that Prince Rainier was not a shithead Arab dictator.
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Sold herself to be the plaything of a fucking Arab dictator. I have more respect for a pile of dogshit.

You calling Grace Kelly a whore or are you just derping with a broad brush?


  I'm reasonably certain that Prince Rainier was not a shithead Arab dictator.

Yep.  Somebody doesn't know geography.  
Link Posted: 10/19/2016 9:07:53 PM EDT
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What would have happened if we never support the coup in Iran in the 1950s? Would Iran still have fallen to the religious zealots?  

Why do we view Russia as a rival today? Because they're an economic rival to the House of Saud?

Our foreign policy is for shit.
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It would have been a significant blow during the Cold War for Iran to fall to the Soviets.

While it is hard to know what would have eventually happened, I suspect the eventual playout would be an Islamist Iran either way. Islamism is naturally replacing everything else in the region. I believe that was going to happen as the common people there came to better understand Islam and the world they live in.

Russia is naturally a rival. They are a rival because of how they think and act, not because of us. They have never been a well behaved actor in world events, even if they might sometimes land on the right side of an issue.
Link Posted: 10/19/2016 9:35:44 PM EDT
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You guys talk about nuking the region all the time, and when a guy is actually killing Sunnis in large numbers....you get mad.
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she's a genocidal psycho, just like her Boys From Brazil-looking husband.

I hope she rots to death from the inside out.

You guys talk about nuking the region all the time, and when a guy is actually killing Sunnis in large numbers....you get mad.

Link Posted: 10/19/2016 9:38:10 PM EDT
Also LOL at the posters who advocate using terrorists to attack Assad... because he ostensibly helped terrorists attack US soldiers in Iraq.

Maybe next we can start shooting up gay nightclubs in Russia. I mean, we are already arming/financing islamic terrorists.

EDIT: BTW, can anybody actually spell out the whole "lets pour gasoline on the dumpster fire to contain it" view of ME conflict?

Do people really believe that continued terror war in the ME can be kept perfectly balanced and not spilling out of the region... and that the whole rapefugee crisis / recent ISIS attacks in EU are a figment of my imagination?

EDIT2: FYI, the most interesting parts of the video are 20 min or so into it, IMO.
Link Posted: 10/20/2016 8:13:03 AM EDT
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she's a genocidal psycho, just like her Boys From Brazil-looking husband.

I hope she rots to death from the inside out.

You guys talk about nuking the region all the time, and when a guy is actually killing Sunnis in large numbers....you get mad.


Link Posted: 10/20/2016 8:31:35 AM EDT

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Sold herself to be the plaything of a fucking Arab dictator. I have more respect for a pile of dogshit.
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I don't know how to decompose this statement so that the part you find vile is clear.

If she had an ad in craigslist about being a bottom, and managed to find a gig where she got fucked and beaten, but lived fabulously, that might be seen by many as winning.  After all, she has her cake and eats it too.  "Daddy issues." Not guilty.  Etc.

Link Posted: 10/20/2016 8:33:01 AM EDT
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So, you're saying that Al Qaeda 2.0 (aka ISIS) is our partner & ally now?  

ISIS is basically our proxy army (funded/armed by our lackeys Saudi Arabia w/ additional logistical support from Turkey).  We're using ISIS as our tool to topple Assad, cut off supply routes to Hezbollah, and then target Iran.

Also, convenient that Israel is absent from that graphic and the discussion.

This entire "conflict" is good for Israel (eliminates their enemies) and good to maintain and expand US strategic, military and economic dominance in the region.  But it has NOTHING to do with so-called, freedom, democracy, helping the people there, stopping ISIS, stopping terrorism or any such fairy-tale horseshit like that.  Those notions are only for the ignorant, and the foolish tools who wish it to be true.
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I know Assad was a prick dictator, but it evidently takes a prick dictator to rule Arabs.  I know he's got all the wrong friends, but we were closed to him and he'd be long dead without dealing with devils.  I know he sheltered Iraqi insurgents, but he was obviously walking a tightrope with militant refugees and domestic Islamic hardliners who he inherited and would have rather moderated, I don't think he ever wanted to tangle with us.  I feel no hostility for the Assads, the whole Syrian civil war has always been a sad affair to me.

Assad is a Pan-Arabist Commie Baathist in bed with the Russians as well as being a hereditary ruthlessness mass murdering dictator!

Don't imagine Assad is a missed friendship opportunity.

Don't ever fucking imagine Syria is a black and white conflict. It is a twisted regional power struggle that is truly driven by Russia's desire to control the European energy market to Russia's monopolistic advantage.


Some of you people need to realize that the enemy of our enemy is temporary ally of convenience.

So, you're saying that Al Qaeda 2.0 (aka ISIS) is our partner & ally now?  

ISIS is basically our proxy army (funded/armed by our lackeys Saudi Arabia w/ additional logistical support from Turkey).  We're using ISIS as our tool to topple Assad, cut off supply routes to Hezbollah, and then target Iran.

Also, convenient that Israel is absent from that graphic and the discussion.

This entire "conflict" is good for Israel (eliminates their enemies) and good to maintain and expand US strategic, military and economic dominance in the region.  But it has NOTHING to do with so-called, freedom, democracy, helping the people there, stopping ISIS, stopping terrorism or any such fairy-tale horseshit like that.  Those notions are only for the ignorant, and the foolish tools who wish it to be true.

We are not using ISIS as a proxy army or partner. We are bombing them and supporting other factions who are bombing them.

Everyone is bombing ISIS. About the only people not fighting ISIS (extensively) are the Russians and Assad but only because they figure we'll take care of that/they'll get them later.

The only people supporting ISIS are certain sources/factions in Gulf Arab states.

And yea that graphic leaves off Russia
Link Posted: 10/20/2016 8:35:45 AM EDT
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Where's Russia on there or is that assumed to be part of the Aassad government.

It's a giant shit show but I hate Russian propagandists.
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I know Assad was a prick dictator, but it evidently takes a prick dictator to rule Arabs.  I know he's got all the wrong friends, but we were closed to him and he'd be long dead without dealing with devils.  I know he sheltered Iraqi insurgents, but he was obviously walking a tightrope with militant refugees and domestic Islamic hardliners who he inherited and would have rather moderated, I don't think he ever wanted to tangle with us.  I feel no hostility for the Assads, the whole Syrian civil war has always been a sad affair to me.

Assad is a Pan-Arabist Commie Baathist in bed with the Russians as well as being a hereditary ruthlessness mass murdering dictator!

Don't imagine Assad is a missed friendship opportunity.

Don't ever fucking imagine Syria is a black and white conflict. It is a twisted regional power struggle that is truly driven by Russia's desire to control the European energy market to Russia's monopolistic advantage.


Some of you people need to realize that the enemy of our enemy is temporary ally of convenience.

Where's Russia on there or is that assumed to be part of the Aassad government.

It's a giant shit show but I hate Russian propagandists.


I think it is fair to say that you could simply put Assad/Russia to keep that chart simpler... the only thing about Russia is that they don't really care if Assad wins, they just don't want him to lose. They are actually happier with a cluster fuck in Syria than an Assad victory. Then nobody builds any pipelines and the refugees keep streaming into EU and the West keeps throwing their attention/dollars away in the conflict.
Link Posted: 10/20/2016 8:36:15 AM EDT
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OK, but also don't think that the Sunni countries in the region are our friends either.  They are financing Al Qaeda and ISIS.  A pipeline from Saudi Arabia and UAE into Europe pours money into their coffers and allows them to more easily finance terrorism.  Saudi Arabia has pledged money to build mosques in Europe.  They are not our friends either.

The best scenario is to pit Sunni and Shia against each other, depleting their men and resources.

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I know Assad was a prick dictator, but it evidently takes a prick dictator to rule Arabs.  I know he's got all the wrong friends, but we were closed to him and he'd be long dead without dealing with devils.  I know he sheltered Iraqi insurgents, but he was obviously walking a tightrope with militant refugees and domestic Islamic hardliners who he inherited and would have rather moderated, I don't think he ever wanted to tangle with us.  I feel no hostility for the Assads, the whole Syrian civil war has always been a sad affair to me.

Assad is a Pan-Arabist Commie Baathist in bed with the Russians as well as being a hereditary ruthlessness mass murdering dictator!

Don't imagine Assad is a missed friendship opportunity.

Don't ever fucking imagine Syria is a black and white conflict. It is a twisted regional power struggle that is truly driven by Russia's desire to control the European energy market to Russia's monopolistic advantage.


Some of you people need to realize that the enemy of our enemy is temporary ally of convenience.

OK, but also don't think that the Sunni countries in the region are our friends either.  They are financing Al Qaeda and ISIS.  A pipeline from Saudi Arabia and UAE into Europe pours money into their coffers and allows them to more easily finance terrorism.  Saudi Arabia has pledged money to build mosques in Europe.  They are not our friends either.

The best scenario is to pit Sunni and Shia against each other, depleting their men and resources.

I agree 100%
Link Posted: 10/20/2016 8:45:44 AM EDT

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Strong man is what "they" respect. Unfuck Syria, easier said than done, and ISIS vs. Iran will be good for us. If ISIS, besides their belief in a world-wide caliphate and actions in Iraq, wants to fuck up our enemies, who are we to stop them? Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't even know what to believe anymore. If we, via the Saudis and Qataries, are funding ISIS, cannot we direct them to attack who we want?
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Arab democracy just doesn't work, restore Assad and things will go back to normal.  If he has to gas, burn or shoot a few hundred thousand, don't bitch about "war crimes" or civil rights, those are western ideas that don't belong in the Middle East.


Strong man is what "they" respect. Unfuck Syria, easier said than done, and ISIS vs. Iran will be good for us. If ISIS, besides their belief in a world-wide caliphate and actions in Iraq, wants to fuck up our enemies, who are we to stop them? Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't even know what to believe anymore. If we, via the Saudis and Qataries, are funding ISIS, cannot we direct them to attack who we want?
no  after initial funding and arming zero lost all control over them, they then went on the Great Cargo Cult Arms and cash raid of all time in Iraq sucking up everything we left and the Iraqis dropped


Obamas new best friends the Iranians stepped up their old ambitions and are trying to get the rest of Iraq which was the big defenseless nest full of eggs we left unguarded, pretty sure v jarret had something to do with this plan
Link Posted: 10/20/2016 9:07:51 AM EDT

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What would have happened if we never support the coup in Iran in the 1950s? Would Iran still have fallen to the religious zealots?  

Why do we view Russia as a rival today? Because they're an economic rival to the House of Saud?

Our foreign policy is for shit.

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Who fucking cares, is that suppose to move me? He need not be a friend or enemy. Baathists are not blowing up shit and shooting up places outside of Syria the last I looked. The last I looked, Baathists didn't represent the biggest threat to the region. Syria was a largely isolated player but could become something much worse. Playing fellow traveler to the worst society has to offer has been the worst foreign policy mistake this country has ever known, and instead of learning from it, we double down on it. Anyone who supports cozying up to Sunni extremism for convenience is a useful idiot of the first class....and a supremely naive one at that.

The Baathists in Iraq became ISIS.

Assad's Syria is a Russian and Iranian client state. As such it is only going to be our enemy. Although I haven't identified any real friends in that conflict. Closest thing is perhaps the Kurds, who our Turkish "friends" want to kill.

What would have happened if we never support the coup in Iran in the 1950s? Would Iran still have fallen to the religious zealots?  

Why do we view Russia as a rival today? Because they're an economic rival to the House of Saud?

Our foreign policy is for shit.

imagine that


FBHO and FHRC plus a side of Lurch means two things, you are going to blow a bunch of cash and need a lot of body bags
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