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Link Posted: 10/1/2012 8:53:23 AM EDT

My issue is actually Very Simple

I honestly believe that Police Officers should look like Police Officers

Yet you've given no reasoning or validation for this viewpoint other than it's what you feel is right.

I just Dis a quick poll of Joe Q Public at work and .........

Yep, Cops should look like Cops  and not Military (and as they added)  "because they have a different role"

I just did quick poll with my family.
They'd like me to be able to do my job and come home afterwards.
Hmmm fuck your coworkers.

Nice attitude from a PUBLIC SERVANT

Your welcome.
Spew BS what did you expect?

If your intimidated by pockets and or military style uniforms ( which almost all police uniforms are a copy of)
Why should I care what hurts your tender little feelings.

It's stupid.
Dirty cops is one issues. This thread is about a freaking functioning uniform that makes my job easier/safer.

I don't let a carpenter's or electrician's tool belt bother me and I've seen lots of people killed with a hammer and screw driver!

Professionals to act like Professionals

Though It appears YOU are the one with Hurt feelings

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 8:53:40 AM EDT


After reeding sum of the replys in the thred.  I am going to leaf this heir.



Oh and this thread is racist.

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 8:53:52 AM EDT
After reeding sum of the replys in the thred.  I am going to leaf this heir.



I fuckin hated that book.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 8:55:06 AM EDT
How many people have you seen killed with a hammer and screwdriver?
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 8:58:39 AM EDT
Nope we haven't.
Hell I still wear a metal badge pinned to a hot ass polyester shirt.
The same shirt that cost what 3 5.11 embroided shirts cost.

Eh.  Well marked polo shirts actually make nice, professional looking, uniforms.

So just what do you guys keep in your cargo pockets that would be lost if you went with non-pocketed pants?

At last!  Someone finally admits that it is th epockets they have a problem with.

Maybe we should sew the pockets shut?  Would that help some?

(Mind you, we are still traditional wool/poly dress pants with cotton/poly powder blue shirts down here.)

As it turns out I don't have a problem with cargo pants (those being seperate from BDUs).  I was actually curious as I can't stand having anything heavier than my wallet in a cargo pocket and was wondering what would be missing by not wearing them that makes officers blade at 45 degrees and scream "you will not touch my cargo pants".

Wearing a gunbelt makes the front pockets virtually unusable.

The cargo pockets are a great place for wallet and cellphone, especially for people that tend to sit a lot, you know like driving.

The cargo pockets are also great for "reporter" sized notebooks.

Plastic bags for collecting evidence

Latex gloves

A small flashlight or pocket knife
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 8:59:54 AM EDT
How many people have you seen killed with a hammer and screwdriver?

A "Toolbox Murders" fan, I take it?
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 9:01:17 AM EDT
Nope we haven't.
Hell I still wear a metal badge pinned to a hot ass polyester shirt.
The same shirt that cost what 3 5.11 embroided shirts cost.

Eh.  Well marked polo shirts actually make nice, professional looking, uniforms.

So just what do you guys keep in your cargo pockets that would be lost if you went with non-pocketed pants?

At last!  Someone finally admits that it is th epockets they have a problem with.

Maybe we should sew the pockets shut?  Would that help some?

(Mind you, we are still traditional wool/poly dress pants with cotton/poly powder blue shirts down here.)

As it turns out I don't have a problem with cargo pants (those being seperate from BDUs).  I was actually curious as I can't stand having anything heavier than my wallet in a cargo pocket and was wondering what would be missing by not wearing them that makes officers blade at 45 degrees and scream "you will not touch my cargo pants".

Wearing a gunbelt makes the front pockets virtually unusable.

The cargo pockets are a great place for wallet and cellphone, especially for people that tend to sit a lot, you know like driving.

The cargo pockets are also great for "reporter" sized notebooks.

Plastic bags for collecting evidence

Latex gloves

A small flashlight or pocket knife

All tools of oppression.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 9:02:36 AM EDT
You own a plate carrier, pants with cargo pockets and an AR OP?

Do these guys? And I bet they could handle their shit.

They wouldn't survive one year on the job.

Your correct, they wouldnt have tolerated the politics, the BS and the general stupid.

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 9:03:18 AM EDT
Just curious, the poster advised he had seen lot's of people killed with hammers and screwdrivers and I wondered what lot's was.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 9:03:30 AM EDT
After reeding sum of the replys in the thred.  I am going to leaf this heir.



So true.  For most anyway.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 9:04:24 AM EDT

And I give you our second nominee.
Come on Hugo you know what was meant by that.

Go ahead and explain to me how it is "A Responsibility" of officers to "kill badguys".  

As it was phrased, it would seem to be a line item in their annual review.

Because it's safer to the public for us to shoot him than hug him?

That's True!

But we both know shooting doesn't equal KILLING.  

You shoot to stop them.  The phrasing implied that an anchor shot ala Oklahoma Pharmacist is your responsibility.

Wrong we shoot to kill.
I haven't been to Shooting firearms out hands training yet.

Gotta disagree with you on your nomenclature...


Death is sometimes a byproduct if this is correctly administered.


I shoot to kill, living is a byproduct of this if not correctly administrated.


In your report, you write " I shot to kill "? Not something along the lines of " I continued to fire until I deemed the threat of great bodily harm or death was stopped" ? You would really put " I shot to kill" in your report? REALLY?


I will edit to add that I have been in LE going on 23 years now, and NEVER have I heard or seen anywhere that would be ok with "shoot to kill" wording. Or is it part of any lethal force training that I have ever attended, seen, heard of or taught. NEVER. Please tell me you are being cheeky...for my own state of mind.

You shoot to wound? No.
I'm not being "cheeky, shoot to stop the threat is DEADLY force.
PC says that the sheep can't handle the thought of some police officer shooting to kill.
Why would they train us to shoot center mass? Hint hint vitals are center mass.
Why do we train with mozambique drills? To wound? Uhhh no.

Shoot to end the threat type wording is why the sheep think. Why didn't you shoot him in the leg? Why didn't you shoot the gun out of his hand?
Why not use pepper spray and tasers during a deadly force incident?

You been a cop for 23 yrs and don't realize this?

Anyone that is thinking wound during a deadly force incident isn't going to last long.
It's a fact of the job.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 9:06:30 AM EDT
After reeding sum of the replys in the thred.  I am going to leaf this heir.



Sum...... Some ignored the rest.
I never made it to that book.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 9:08:02 AM EDT

My issue is actually Very Simple

I honestly believe that Police Officers should look like Police Officers

Yet you've given no reasoning or validation for this viewpoint other than it's what you feel is right.

I just Dis a quick poll of Joe Q Public at work and .........

Yep, Cops should look like Cops  and not Military (and as they added)  "because they have a different role"

I just did quick poll with my family.
They'd like me to be able to do my job and come home afterwards.
Hmmm fuck your coworkers.

Nice attitude from a PUBLIC SERVANT

Your welcome.
Spew BS what did you expect?

If your intimidated by pockets and or military style uniforms ( which almost all police uniforms are a copy of)
Why should I care what hurts your tender little feelings.

It's stupid.
Dirty cops is one issues. This thread is about a freaking functioning uniform that makes my job easier/safer.

I don't let a carpenter's or electrician's tool belt bother me and I've seen lots of people killed with a hammer and screw driver!

Professionals to act like Professionals

Though It appears YOU are the one with Hurt feelings

Well sorry to disappoint. I'm at home and this is my off day. The uniform is hanging in the closet.

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 9:11:06 AM EDT
Lawmen of just a generation or two ago did just fine without drop leg holsters, ninja masks and trying to be black-clad tier-one "coperators". The threats to the public and to them were just as lethal, probably just as common too. Why aren't the experienced and retired lawmen smacking this generation back to reality for playing commando dress-up? Is this trend doing damage to the public's perception of them? I believe it is.

OP go put on your black hoodie and burn some trash cans with your tweenager friends.

The irony of these threads is great on this site. We have GD weirdo's with their incessant bitching about what gear the cops wear when they are doing their job (one where they might actually get shot at). While in a second breath bragging about their camo commando costume and rifle plates they were to their favorite LARPing event shooting match/class.

Take a break form your tinfoil tard sites and probably find a new group of friends.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 9:11:43 AM EDT
Just curious, the poster advised he had seen lot's of people killed with hammers and screwdrivers and I wondered what lot's was.

Easy there princes i heard you the first time. I'm on my phone.

I've seen 2 with a hammer, seen pics of more. As for the screwdriver seen probably 100+ stabbed with them. Don't recall how many died.

Screwdrivers are a common weapon among the homeless and thugs.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 9:14:30 AM EDT
Just curious, the poster advised he had seen lot's of people killed with hammers and screwdrivers and I wondered what lot's was.

Easy there princes I'm on my phone.

I've seen 2 with a hammer, seen pics of more. As for the screwdriver seen probably 100+ stabbed with them. Don't recall how many died.

I've been stabbed with a screwdriver.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 9:22:50 AM EDT
Let's roll bitches! I fuckin love the War on Drugs Dogs!  <fixed it for you>

I nearly anally produced a brick one day while eating lunch at a fast food restaurant across from a nice school, in a nice area of a nice county in the Atlanta suburbs.  A school cop walked in.  He had what appeared to be:  lead loaded gloves, Taser, ASP type baton, glock with six spare magazines.  WTF?
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 9:23:22 AM EDT
Easy there yourself you toothlesss alabama redneck. I posted one question to you and if your reading comprehension goes past pre school you will see the second post was in response to another ARFCOMER and not you. So 2 with a hammer and an undisclosed amount punctured with a screwdriver equal's lots. Ok works for me.

Just curious, the poster advised he had seen lot's of people killed with hammers and screwdrivers and I wondered what lot's was.

Easy there princes I'm on my phone.

I've seen 2 with a hammer, seen pics of more. As for the screwdriver seen probable 100+ stabbed with them. Don't recall how many died.

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 9:26:48 AM EDT

And I give you our second nominee.
Come on Hugo you know what was meant by that.

Go ahead and explain to me how it is "A Responsibility" of officers to "kill badguys".  

As it was phrased, it would seem to be a line item in their annual review.

Because it's safer to the public for us to shoot him than hug him?

That's True!

But we both know shooting doesn't equal KILLING.  

You shoot to stop them.  The phrasing implied that an anchor shot ala Oklahoma Pharmacist is your responsibility.

Wrong we shoot to kill.
I haven't been to Shooting firearms out hands training yet.

Gotta disagree with you on your nomenclature...


Death is sometimes a byproduct if this is correctly administered.


I shoot to kill, living is a byproduct of this if not correctly administrated.


In your report, you write " I shot to kill "? Not something along the lines of " I continued to fire until I deemed the threat of great bodily harm or death was stopped" ? You would really put " I shot to kill" in your report? REALLY?


I will edit to add that I have been in LE going on 23 years now, and NEVER have I heard or seen anywhere that would be ok with "shoot to kill" wording. Or is it part of any lethal force training that I have ever attended, seen, heard of or taught. NEVER. Please tell me you are being cheeky...for my own state of mind.

You shoot to wound? No.
I'm not being "cheeky, shoot to stop the threat is DEADLY force.
PC says that the sheep can't handle the thought of some police officer shooting to kill.
Why would they train us to shoot center mass? Hint hint vitals are center mass.
Why do we train with mozambique drills? To wound? Uhhh no.

Shoot to end the threat type wording is why the sheep think. Why didn't you shoot him in the leg? Why didn't you shoot the gun out of his hand?
Why not use pepper spray and tasers during a deadly force incident?

You been a cop for 23 yrs and don't realize this?

Anyone that is thinking wound during a deadly force incident isn't going to last long.
It's a fact of the job.

Are you a cop?  If so, what agency?  I have only been a cop for about 12 years, and a high liability instructor for about 7, but I have NEVER seen an agency policy, mine or another agency, that stated their officers should shoot to kill in a deadly force encounter.  Shoot to stop the threat, shoot for 'maximum effect,' but not shoot to kill.  It's not our job to kill people.  It's our job to stop people from doing what they are doing, and take them into custody.  If I have to shoot someone, I will shoot them as many times as necessary to stop the threat.  As soon as the threat no longer exists, ANY more force I use is excessive force.  If the person dies from me 'stopping the threat,' so be it.  But my intent is not to kill the person, only to stop them.  
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 9:27:45 AM EDT

And I give you our second nominee.
Come on Hugo you know what was meant by that.

Go ahead and explain to me how it is "A Responsibility" of officers to "kill badguys".  

As it was phrased, it would seem to be a line item in their annual review.

Because it's safer to the public for us to shoot him than hug him?

That's True!

But we both know shooting doesn't equal KILLING.  

You shoot to stop them.  The phrasing implied that an anchor shot ala Oklahoma Pharmacist is your responsibility.

Wrong we shoot to kill.
I haven't been to Shooting firearms out hands training yet.

Gotta disagree with you on your nomenclature...


Death is sometimes a byproduct if this is correctly administered.


I shoot to kill, living is a byproduct of this if not correctly administrated.


In your report, you write " I shot to kill "? Not something along the lines of " I continued to fire until I deemed the threat of great bodily harm or death was stopped" ? You would really put " I shot to kill" in your report? REALLY?


I will edit to add that I have been in LE going on 23 years now, and NEVER have I heard or seen anywhere that would be ok with "shoot to kill" wording. Or is it part of any lethal force training that I have ever attended, seen, heard of or taught. NEVER. Please tell me you are being cheeky...for my own state of mind.

You shoot to wound? No.
I'm not being "cheeky, shoot to stop the threat is DEADLY force.
PC says that the sheep can't handle the thought of some police officer shooting to kill.
Why would they train us to shoot center mass? Hint hint vitals are center mass.
Why do we train with mozambique drills? To wound? Uhhh no.

Shoot to end the threat type wording is why the sheep think. Why didn't you shoot him in the leg? Why didn't you shoot the gun out of his hand?
Why not use pepper spray and tasers during a deadly force incident?

You been a cop for 23 yrs and don't realize this?

Anyone that is thinking wound during a deadly force incident isn't going to last long.
It's a fact of the job.

Please show me in any of my post that I used the word "wound".

You are being pedantic, and you know damn well what I mean. I did not make it to where I am because I don't realize the gravity of my position and what the use of lethal force entails.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 9:31:52 AM EDT
My agency teache to shoot center of mass given. If all you see is a thigh, center of the thigh. If you see a chest center of the chest. Shoot until the threat stops being a threat.
After the last NYPD shooting I wonder what they teach?
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 9:31:59 AM EDT
When can we start using deadly force to stop hour glass quotes?

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 9:33:17 AM EDT
When can we start using deadly force to stop hour glass quotes?


Come at me bro.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 9:33:24 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 9:38:20 AM EDT

Screwdrivers are a common weapon among the homeless and thugs.

You think that is bad?

One of the worst calls I responded to was at a nursing home.  Friday night, downtown, bingo game, blood on the walls, an entire room taken out with a wicked mint julep.

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 9:40:54 AM EDT
Fucking old ladys are mean. What with there canes and what not. They like to throw hard candies too... those sting like the dickens.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 9:44:08 AM EDT
Fucking old ladys are mean.

Yes, but, I try not to dip in to the AARP pool when looking for sex.

Not judging you, bro.

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 9:46:19 AM EDT
All of these cop threads just turn into pages of WTF lately. We need a separate "Police Praising/Bashing Thread" so GD can get a little more diverse again.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 9:47:02 AM EDT


All of these cop threads just turn into pages of WTF lately. We need a separate "Police Praising/Bashing Thread" so GD can get a little more diverse again.

It doesn't get more diverse than TRG....
Just saying.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 9:48:03 AM EDT

All of these cop threads just turn into pages of WTF lately. We need a separate "Police Praising/Bashing Thread" so GD can get a little more diverse again.

It doesn't get more diverse than TRG....

Just saying.



I'm being repressed!

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 9:48:34 AM EDT
Fucking old ladys are mean.

Yes, but, I try not to dip in to the AARP pool when looking for sex.

Not judging you, bro.


And I appreciate that.   It's not something I am proud of.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 9:49:27 AM EDT

An officer should look like a PEACE officer not like a member of a Military division.

The real issue is some play dress and forget they are Public Servants.

First sentence: Why? Because you say so? Fuck that.

Second: You do realize that killing badguys quickly and effectively is part of a police officer's responsibility and that activity is part of serving the public right? Yes, they have a whole myriad of other tasks that don't involve force. But when that force is needed it should be delivered quickly, effectively and without remorse.

Giving them the tools to do that only makes sense.

First: Because it would Vastly improve the public's view and remove much of the US and Them mentality.

Second: Did I ever say They should not have effective equipment?
The Officers I have seen around here wear a vest under their shirt so what
does it batter if it is a Mil type shirt or a Peace office looking shirt?.

As far as weapons which one has more "stopping power" 12 Ga Slug or .223
As far as rifles swap out the Black plastic and put on Wood or wood grain Plastic.
(remember Public Perception, after all a police officer is a PUBLIC Servant)

Take off the shoulder thing that goes up too... derrr wood is less scary.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 9:50:51 AM EDT
I think the whole "militarized police state" is what spurned the "assault weapon" craze that really took off in the 90's. Prior to which, most people were content just owning hunting rifles with exceptions of course.

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 9:51:01 AM EDT
Easy there yourself you toothlesss alabama redneck. I posted one question to you and if your reading comprehension goes past pre school you will see the second post was in response to another ARFCOMER and not you. So 2 with a hammer and an undisclosed amount punctured with a screwdriver equal's lots. Ok works for me.

Just curious, the poster advised he had seen lot's of people killed with hammers and screwdrivers and I wondered what lot's was.

Easy there princes I'm on my phone.

I've seen 2 with a hammer, seen pics of more. As for the screwdriver seen probable 100+ stabbed with them. Don't recall how many died.

Was your second post not still about me answering? So duhhhh. Comprehend that!
Anyways, I have all my teeth and am not originally from Alabama but I did marry one of those toothless redknecks. And no it wasn't my sister, my brother beat me to her.

You mad?
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 9:52:06 AM EDT


Easy there yourself you toothlesss alabama redneck. I posted one question to you and if your reading comprehension goes past pre school you will see the second post was in response to another ARFCOMER and not you. So 2 with a hammer and an undisclosed amount punctured with a screwdriver equal's lots. Ok works for me.



Just curious, the poster advised he had seen lot's of people killed with hammers and screwdrivers and I wondered what lot's was.

Easy there princes I'm on my phone.

I've seen 2 with a hammer, seen pics of more. As for the screwdriver seen probable 100+ stabbed with them. Don't recall how many died.

I represent that comment!!!

I mean resent....

I mean. Awww shucks nevermind.

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 9:55:18 AM EDT
I think the whole "militarized police state" is what spurned the "assault weapon" craze that really took off in the 90's. Prior to which, most people were content just owning hunting rifles with exceptions of course.

Umm, nope.  We were buying the hell out of them in the 70's and 80's too.  My very first AR was in 1975. My first HK was only a couple of years later.  My first suppressed .22 was in 1980.  I later traded that HK for a true Belgian FAL.

What pushed the sales in the time frame you mention were Chinese imports of cheap ammo and cheap guns.  Norinco AK's were under $150. SKS's were $65.   Ammo was iirc, $50 a thousand.  I remember gun shows with boxed SKS's on pallets.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 9:57:28 AM EDT

My issue is actually Very Simple

I honestly believe that Police Officers should look like Police Officers

Yet you've given no reasoning or validation for this viewpoint other than it's what you feel is right.

I just Dis a quick poll of Joe Q Public at work and .........

Yep, Cops should look like Cops  and not Military (and as they added)  "because they have a different role"

I just did quick poll with my family.
They'd like me to be able to do my job and come home afterwards.
Hmmm fuck your coworkers.

Nice attitude from a PUBLIC SERVANT

Your welcome.
Spew BS what did you expect?

If your intimidated by pockets and or military style uniforms ( which almost all police uniforms are a copy of)
Why should I care what hurts your tender little feelings.

It's stupid.
Dirty cops is one issues. This thread is about a freaking functioning uniform that makes my job easier/safer.

I don't let a carpenter's or electrician's tool belt bother me and I've seen lots of people killed with a hammer and screw driver!

Professionals to act like Professionals

Though It appears YOU are the one with Hurt feelings

 Mr. Harry, you sir are a moron. You need to stick to speaking on things you actually have experience with; as you have made it abundantly clear that you don’t have the slightest CLUE on this topic. The insane audacity you have to actually suggest that law enforcement should compromise their safety all in the name of fitting into your uneducated image of what is “allowable attire” wow. Please do everyone a favor and crawl back under your desk. Spare us the “consensus” opinions of your likeminded uneducated coworkers as well.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 9:59:11 AM EDT
Nope not mad this is the most fun Ive had in some time. Heading home on leave starting the 3rd from asscrackastan. Just looking forward to getting the hell out of here.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 10:00:47 AM EDT

And I give you our second nominee.
Come on Hugo you know what was meant by that.

Go ahead and explain to me how it is "A Responsibility" of officers to "kill badguys".  

As it was phrased, it would seem to be a line item in their annual review.

Because it's safer to the public for us to shoot him than hug him?

That's True!

But we both know shooting doesn't equal KILLING.  

You shoot to stop them.  The phrasing implied that an anchor shot ala Oklahoma Pharmacist is your responsibility.

Wrong we shoot to kill.
I haven't been to Shooting firearms out hands training yet.

Gotta disagree with you on your nomenclature...


Death is sometimes a byproduct if this is correctly administered.


I shoot to kill, living is a byproduct of this if not correctly administrated.


In your report, you write " I shot to kill "? Not something along the lines of " I continued to fire until I deemed the threat of great bodily harm or death was stopped" ? You would really put " I shot to kill" in your report? REALLY?


I will edit to add that I have been in LE going on 23 years now, and NEVER have I heard or seen anywhere that would be ok with "shoot to kill" wording. Or is it part of any lethal force training that I have ever attended, seen, heard of or taught. NEVER. Please tell me you are being cheeky...for my own state of mind.

You shoot to wound? No.
I'm not being "cheeky, shoot to stop the threat is DEADLY force.
PC says that the sheep can't handle the thought of some police officer shooting to kill.
Why would they train us to shoot center mass? Hint hint vitals are center mass.
Why do we train with mozambique drills? To wound? Uhhh no.

Shoot to end the threat type wording is why the sheep think. Why didn't you shoot him in the leg? Why didn't you shoot the gun out of his hand?
Why not use pepper spray and tasers during a deadly force incident?

You been a cop for 23 yrs and don't realize this?

Anyone that is thinking wound during a deadly force incident isn't going to last long.
It's a fact of the job.

Are you a cop?  If so, what agency?  I have only been a cop for about 12 years, and a high liability instructor for about 7, but I have NEVER seen an agency policy, mine or another agency, that stated their officers should shoot to kill in a deadly force encounter.  Shoot to stop the threat, shoot for 'maximum effect,' but not shoot to kill.  It's not our job to kill people.  It's our job to stop people from doing what they are doing, and take them into custody.  If I have to shoot someone, I will shoot them as many times as necessary to stop the threat.  As soon as the threat no longer exists, ANY more force I use is excessive force.  If the person dies from me 'stopping the threat,' so be it.  But my intent is not to kill the person, only to stop them.  

Haha like I'm gonna put that on here.

Reread my post. I never mentioned policy. I mention the BS that is political correctness IE shooting to stop wording. This wording which leads to the general public thinking we shoot guns out of suspects hands and leg shoot during a deadly force incident.

Shooting is deadly force.  If the suspect lives then so be it.
No where did I say I was going to walk up and execute someone.

Again why do we shoot center mass?
Why do we train with the mozambique drills?
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 10:03:08 AM EDT
It's not their gear...it's the attitude behind it.

I think it would be hard to listen in that gear.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 10:05:32 AM EDT




Professionals to act like Professionals
Though It appears YOU are the one with Hurt feelings

Well sorry to disappoint. I'm at home and this is my off day. The uniform is hanging in the closet.

But its hanging on the same type of hanger that the military uses. QED, ipso facto, whatever, the militarization of the police...

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 10:06:02 AM EDT

And I give you our second nominee.
Come on Hugo you know what was meant by that.

Go ahead and explain to me how it is "A Responsibility" of officers to "kill badguys".  

As it was phrased, it would seem to be a line item in their annual review.

Because it's safer to the public for us to shoot him than hug him?

That's True!

But we both know shooting doesn't equal KILLING.  

You shoot to stop them.  The phrasing implied that an anchor shot ala Oklahoma Pharmacist is your responsibility.

Wrong we shoot to kill.
I haven't been to Shooting firearms out hands training yet.

Gotta disagree with you on your nomenclature...


Death is sometimes a byproduct if this is correctly administered.


I shoot to kill, living is a byproduct of this if not correctly administrated.


In your report, you write " I shot to kill "? Not something along the lines of " I continued to fire until I deemed the threat of great bodily harm or death was stopped" ? You would really put " I shot to kill" in your report? REALLY?


I will edit to add that I have been in LE going on 23 years now, and NEVER have I heard or seen anywhere that would be ok with "shoot to kill" wording. Or is it part of any lethal force training that I have ever attended, seen, heard of or taught. NEVER. Please tell me you are being cheeky...for my own state of mind.

You shoot to wound? No.
I'm not being "cheeky, shoot to stop the threat is DEADLY force.
PC says that the sheep can't handle the thought of some police officer shooting to kill.
Why would they train us to shoot center mass? Hint hint vitals are center mass.
Why do we train with mozambique drills? To wound? Uhhh no.

Shoot to end the threat type wording is why the sheep think. Why didn't you shoot him in the leg? Why didn't you shoot the gun out of his hand?
Why not use pepper spray and tasers during a deadly force incident?

You been a cop for 23 yrs and don't realize this?

Anyone that is thinking wound during a deadly force incident isn't going to last long.
It's a fact of the job.

Please show me in any of my post that I used the word "wound".

You are being pedantic, and you know damn well what I mean. I did not make it to where I am because I don't realize the gravity of my position and what the use of lethal force entails.

Show me were I said you said wound.
Notice the question mark after wound.

You know what I'm talking about as I understand what your saying.

My point is the political correctness of the wording.
It's called deadly force here, not threat stopping force.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 10:08:19 AM EDT
Before you know it, the cops will be running around with military ranks, too.  Sergeants, lieutenants, and captains;  Just wildly out of control militarization of the police.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 10:08:33 AM EDT
I can't decide if this or the birth pain thread is the most retarded for this week.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 10:08:38 AM EDT
You own a plate carrier, pants with cargo pockets and an AR OP?

Do these guys? And I bet they could handle their shit.

They wouldn't survive one year on the job.

Your correct, they wouldnt have tolerated the politics, the BS and the general stupid.

And what they couldn't get away with...  cameras all over the place.. being held accountable for ones actions is a much higher priority than it ever was.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 10:09:21 AM EDT

Screwdrivers are a common weapon among the homeless and thugs.

You think that is bad?

One of the worst calls I responded to was at a nursing home.  Friday night, downtown, bingo game, blood on the walls, an entire room taken out with a wicked mint julep.


I had to google mint julep. Sounds like something my wife would fix.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 10:09:21 AM EDT
After reeding sum of the replys in the thred.  I am going to leaf this heir.



So true.  For most anyway.

Maybe down in Florida.

But there are plenty of LEOs with B.A.s, and Masters up here. Mostly in the burbs, but it is a lot more common.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 10:11:28 AM EDT
Many police officers have died because of people who think like you.

This.  Events of the last few decades have shown that police have to be ready to respond to virtually anything.  Beslan, Mumbai, Columbine, VT, the list goes on.

No, these "the police are militerized" bozo's don't recognize that. That world does not exist. There are no active shooters. No terrorist events. No situations whatsoever that would warrant a police officer having (gasp!) an Aimpoint AND a flashlight.

Neither do they recognize the world where cops in the "good old days" would beat the shit out of people on a regular basis.

But those pockets.....those fucking pockets!

Well, let's see.  Only two of those events were in the U.S., and all of that tacticool gear would have prevented Columbine and VT how exactly?

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 10:12:18 AM EDT
Goodnight everyone this thread has been a blast. Watch out for those dreaded assault screwdrivers in Alabama. LOL
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 10:13:25 AM EDT
Nope not mad this is the most fun Ive had in some time. Heading home on leave starting the 3rd from asscrackastan. Just looking forward to getting the hell out of here.

Ahhh Counting the days, being short makes time drag, stay safe.
Thanks for your service
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