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Link Posted: 1/10/2008 7:08:01 PM EDT
Any movement in a country teatering on the brink os civil war/genocide has got to be dangerous. There are people who can do it  and not get into running gun battles, but then again they are pitting their skills, experience, luck, and ass on the actions/reactions of hundreds/or thousands of shitnutz individuals every step or the way in and out.

BALLS OF STEEL. That could be one of BW's unofficial mottos. Those guy EARN their pay.
Link Posted: 1/10/2008 7:10:06 PM EDT


Holy smokes, they were from MI...

Sounds like they were doing missionary work...

They could do 'missionary' work right here at home.

Yes, I like the women in missionary positions at my home.
Link Posted: 1/10/2008 7:14:51 PM EDT
I have a niece in Dubai right now and I think she and her parents are bat fucking shit crazy for letting her go there. She is 20 years old and naive as can be.
Link Posted: 1/10/2008 7:18:01 PM EDT


Holy smokes, they were from MI...

Sounds like they were doing missionary work...

Definately missionary work.

Only a church could be stupid enough to send our young women to Africa.

I'll second the Peace Corpse.
Link Posted: 1/10/2008 7:21:52 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/10/2008 7:32:47 PM EDT
Dang, those girls are cute!

This is a great PR story for BW. Too bad it'll be buried by the MSM.
Link Posted: 1/10/2008 7:49:19 PM EDT
I'm sure we will see the story in Serviam next issue.  Other than that, yeah the media will ignore it.  The company flew hundreds of rescue sorties after Katrina, all for free, they don't mention that either.

I know most are joking about the merc comments but the few who are serious really piss me off.
Link Posted: 1/10/2008 7:58:25 PM EDT

Dang, those girls are cute!

This is a great PR story for BW. Too bad it'll be buried by the MSM.

yeah no shit only place i have seen it was here

If they would have fucked up and all gotten killed or somebody was stupid enough to fuck with them and got mowed down it would be on every channel every 5 minutes
Link Posted: 1/10/2008 7:59:22 PM EDT


Holy smokes, they were from MI...

Sounds like they were doing missionary work...

Definately missionary work.

Only a church could be stupid enough to send our young women to Africa.

My daughter's roommate at college is a Texas girl, whose family has been living in Kenya for years as missionaries. Their choice, so what can you do? As has been mentioned, Kenya has been a pretty stable place for years, but at the end of the day, it's still Africa.

ETA: No pics, so don't ask.
Link Posted: 1/10/2008 8:34:13 PM EDT

1) Good job, BW

2) Stupid bitches.  

Hey wait a minute, if it werent for stupid bitches I would never get any action.  

Good Job BW
Link Posted: 1/10/2008 8:37:28 PM EDT
good job Blackwater!
Link Posted: 1/10/2008 8:38:54 PM EDT

What god abandoned
they defended
and saved the sum of things
for pay

IIRC original to A.E. HOuseman or Alfred Coppel

God didn't abandon them, he used his angels to rescue them

Link Posted: 1/10/2008 8:40:04 PM EDT
Pictures are down :(
Link Posted: 1/11/2008 3:47:40 AM EDT

1) Good job, BW

2) Stupid bitches.  

Abstract thought:

How come we only admire men for setting foot where they shouldn't?  No risk, no reward.
Link Posted: 1/11/2008 4:00:52 AM EDT

Don't believe that photo, those mercenaries only rescued those girls to make them work in the sweat shop in John Wayne 777's cellar sewing up drop leg holsters and plate carriers so BW can continue it's plan to take over the world!!!

He knows too much.

Cleaners have been dispatched.

Link Posted: 1/11/2008 4:03:10 AM EDT


I'm all for improving the world and giving people the benefit of the doubt, but Africa is a fucking shithole. Instability, war, rampant criminal activity and no hope in sight.

Stay the fuck out of Africa, kids. It's not Disney World.

Certain areas in Africa are better than others.
Link Posted: 1/11/2008 4:56:20 AM EDT

Well done. Nice save, gents.

Pretty American girls in Kenya, the wounded Polish Ambassador in Baghdad... What's next, a bunch of yellow Labrador puppies in a straw basket?

Link Posted: 1/11/2008 5:11:32 AM EDT
Nice Job, BW
Private Contractors (BW) will be extracting American Citizens in Harms Way more often.
Link Posted: 1/11/2008 5:20:56 AM EDT

They only saved them so they can be thrown into a wood chipper paid for by Bu$Halliburton.

Come on, these guys are mercenaries!

I think they saved them so they could have a pie sandwich
Link Posted: 1/11/2008 5:23:33 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/11/2008 5:27:20 AM EDT

It's like "Tears of the Sun" only with their Aimpoints onn the right way!

Link Posted: 1/11/2008 5:35:33 AM EDT
How could this happen in Africa? I thought that UN peace keepers where there.
Link Posted: 1/11/2008 5:36:49 AM EDT

Good job.
Link Posted: 1/11/2008 5:56:02 AM EDT

Who would let their daughters go to that shit hole? I'm glad they are safe now.  Had they been caught by the bad guys they would have had their own AIDS problem to work on.

Up until the election, Kenya was regarded as one of the safer places in Africa.

All things being equal, I'd rather send my kids to do missionary work in Switzerland.  Those Godless Swiss need saving too!
Link Posted: 1/11/2008 5:59:56 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/11/2008 6:13:03 AM EDT
stupid liberal fucktards.

we cheated darwin again.
Link Posted: 1/11/2008 7:04:11 AM EDT


1) Good job, BW

2) Stupid bitches.  

Abstract thought:

How come we only admire men for setting foot where they shouldn't?  No risk, no reward.

Better yet:

Why is it that when 3 young women have a touch of character and moral fiber and desire to see something good done in the world, we have to trash them, their motives, their church, and then talk about how we'd like to trash their bodies?

The people posting in this thread disgust me.

Link Posted: 1/11/2008 7:09:09 AM EDT



1) Good job, BW

2) Stupid bitches.  

Abstract thought:

How come we only admire men for setting foot where they shouldn't?  No risk, no reward.

Better yet:

Why is it that when 3 young women have a touch of character and moral fiber and desire to see something good done in the world, we have to trash them, their motives, their church, and then talk about how we'd like to trash their bodies?

The people posting in this thread disgust me.

 Missionary work will not change Africa. Africa is what it is.

Shame on you for encouraging naive young women to put themselves into needless risk.
Link Posted: 1/11/2008 7:10:37 AM EDT



Holy smokes, they were from MI...

Sounds like they were doing missionary work...

Definately missionary work.

Only a church could be stupid enough to send our young women to Africa.

I'll second the Peace Corpse.

Roger that
Link Posted: 1/11/2008 7:12:15 AM EDT
Know what? I admire these girls.

They have more balls than I do (and likely a good portion of the guys bagging on them).

It's not like I've gone to Africa to try to make it a better place -- but they did. Yes they had to be bailed out, but there are places in the US (that I haven't gone to either) they'd have to be rescued from as well.

But instead the only thing we can say is "stupid b*tches" and "I'd bone them" (or words to that effect), which is shameful.
Link Posted: 1/11/2008 7:13:42 AM EDT


1) Good job, BW

2) Stupid bitches.  

Abstract thought:

How come we only admire men for setting foot where they shouldn't?  No risk, no reward.

Men are the hunters and warriors.

If you don't know that, then you are a real ignoramous.

Link Posted: 1/11/2008 7:14:18 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/11/2008 7:15:34 AM EDT




1) Good job, BW

2) Stupid bitches.  

Abstract thought:

How come we only admire men for setting foot where they shouldn't?  No risk, no reward.

Better yet:

Why is it that when 3 young women have a touch of character and moral fiber and desire to see something good done in the world, we have to trash them, their motives, their church, and then talk about how we'd like to trash their bodies?

The people posting in this thread disgust me.

 Missionary work will not change Africa. Africa is what it is.

Shame on you for encouraging naive young people to put themselves into needless risk.

I've been to Africa.

Doing missionary work.

I've seen people change. People have to change before nations can change. You see, nations are made up of people.

So, as such, I've seen positive impacts on people's lives, and on the general state of Africa, due to missionary work. So I know - from firsthand experience - that your statement is technically and demonstrably false.

Shame on you for being so hard-hearted that you'd stop people from living for something on earth higher than their own pleasure.

(And the real irony is that those girls probably, in hindsight, enjoyed the experience and learned much from it, so, ultimately, it *was* a pleasureable thing for them. Probably much moreso than the time you've spent parked in front of your computer wailing about missionary work in Africa )

Link Posted: 1/11/2008 7:16:36 AM EDT

Know what? I admire these girls.

They have more balls than I do (and likely a good portion of the guys bagging on them).

It's not like I've gone to Africa to try to make it a better place -- but they did. Yes they had to be bailed out, but there are places in the US (that I haven't gone to either) they'd have to be rescued from as well.

But instead the only thing we can say is "stupid b*tches" and "I'd bone them" (or words to that effect), which is shameful.

You are delusional to think that any amount of missionary work will change Africa.

You are a maniac if you think it is a good thing to send young American girls to do missionary work in Africa.
Link Posted: 1/11/2008 7:17:27 AM EDT


Pics here

Those girls would have definitley been in some deep shit if not for BW. 3 good looking white girls would not have had the odds in their favor once the bad guys got there.

I shudder to think what those girls would have endured had they been found by the 'Militia'..It is right to thank God, but it was BlackWater that saved their asses!!! Literally
Link Posted: 1/11/2008 7:17:30 AM EDT

Dang, those girls are cute!

This is a great PR story for BW. Too bad it'll be buried by the MSM.

Yep, this is the first I have heard of it.  Must not be newsworthy.  
Link Posted: 1/11/2008 7:18:03 AM EDT


Know what? I admire these girls.

They have more balls than I do (and likely a good portion of the guys bagging on them).

It's not like I've gone to Africa to try to make it a better place -- but they did. Yes they had to be bailed out, but there are places in the US (that I haven't gone to either) they'd have to be rescued from as well.

But instead the only thing we can say is "stupid b*tches" and "I'd bone them" (or words to that effect), which is shameful.

You are delusional to think that any amount of missionary work will change Africa.

You are a maniac if you think it is a good think to send young American girls to do missionary work in Africa.

I'm neither delusional or a maniac.

But we're always making heroes out of men who go places they probably shouldn't go... These girls were doing what they thought was right. They are trying to make the world a better place.

You and I are sitting here behind keyboards talking about it.
Link Posted: 1/11/2008 7:19:15 AM EDT



1) Good job, BW

2) Stupid bitches.  

Abstract thought:

How come we only admire men for setting foot where they shouldn't?  No risk, no reward.

Men are the hunters and warriors.

If you don't know that, then you are a real ignoramous.

You just don't like the fact that girls went where you fear to tread.
Link Posted: 1/11/2008 7:20:30 AM EDT

i'm sure they are of good moral fiber and character, but you can be of good moral fiber and character and still be stupid.

fact of the matter is, these [admittedly] kind-hearted souls went to one of the darkest places on the planet without the necessary skills or tools to survive. their flower-child asses got REAL lucky.

Link Posted: 1/11/2008 7:21:44 AM EDT



Know what? I admire these girls.

They have more balls than I do (and likely a good portion of the guys bagging on them).

It's not like I've gone to Africa to try to make it a better place -- but they did. Yes they had to be bailed out, but there are places in the US (that I haven't gone to either) they'd have to be rescued from as well.

But instead the only thing we can say is "stupid b*tches" and "I'd bone them" (or words to that effect), which is shameful.

You are delusional to think that any amount of missionary work will change Africa.

You are a maniac if you think it is a good think to send young American girls to do missionary work in Africa.

I'm neither delusional or a maniac.

But we're always making heroes out of men who go places they probably shouldn't go... These girls were doing what they thought was right. They are trying to make the world a better place.

You and I are sitting here behind keyboards talking about it.

mac, those guys from BW have what is necessary to survive in whatever situation africa could throw at them. those girls didn't.

Link Posted: 1/11/2008 7:22:11 AM EDT





1) Good job, BW

2) Stupid bitches.  

Abstract thought:

How come we only admire men for setting foot where they shouldn't?  No risk, no reward.

Better yet:

Why is it that when 3 young women have a touch of character and moral fiber and desire to see something good done in the world, we have to trash them, their motives, their church, and then talk about how we'd like to trash their bodies?

The people posting in this thread disgust me.

 Missionary work will not change Africa. Africa is what it is.

Shame on you for encouraging naive young people to put themselves into needless risk.

I've been to Africa.

Doing missionary work.

I've seen people change. People have to change before nations can change. You see, nations are made up of people.

So, as such, I've seen positive impacts on people's lives, and on the general state of Africa, due to missionary work. So I know - from firsthand experience - that your statement is technically and demonstrably false.

Shame on you for being so hard-hearted that you'd stop people from living for something on earth higher than their own pleasure.

(And the real irony is that those girls probably, in hindsight, enjoyed the experience and learned much from it, so, ultimately, it *was* a pleasureable thing for them. Probably much moreso than the time you've spent parked in front of your computer wailing about missionary work in Africa )

Missionaries have come and gone for centuryes now, yet Africa endures.

You might bring a few Africans over to your imaginary god, but you can't change Africa.

If your church insists on sending missionaries, it would be more responsible for them to send old people rather than naive youth. The old folks are expendible as they don't have as many productive years in front of them.
Link Posted: 1/11/2008 7:24:03 AM EDT
Don't worry, I'm sure Obama will pump millions of US dollars into Kenya to help them out (or at least his father).  
Link Posted: 1/11/2008 7:26:37 AM EDT




1) Good job, BW

2) Stupid bitches.  

Abstract thought:

How come we only admire men for setting foot where they shouldn't?  No risk, no reward.

Men are the hunters and warriors.

If you don't know that, then you are a real ignoramous.

You just don't like the fact that girls went where you fear to tread.

You ignorance really shows.

 I am a soldier. Those girls are not and there is no place for them in a combat zone.

You are an idiot for thinking it is a great idea to send them there.
Link Posted: 1/11/2008 7:31:08 AM EDT



Know what? I admire these girls.

They have more balls than I do (and likely a good portion of the guys bagging on them).

It's not like I've gone to Africa to try to make it a better place -- but they did. Yes they had to be bailed out, but there are places in the US (that I haven't gone to either) they'd have to be rescued from as well.

But instead the only thing we can say is "stupid b*tches" and "I'd bone them" (or words to that effect), which is shameful.

You are delusional to think that any amount of missionary work will change Africa.

You are a maniac if you think it is a good think to send young American girls to do missionary work in Africa.

I'm neither delusional or a maniac.

But we're always making heroes out of men who go places they probably shouldn't go... These girls were doing what they thought was right. They are trying to make the world a better place.

You and I are sitting here behind keyboards talking about it.

Yes you are a maniac for wanting young American girls to do missionary work in Africa.

The men in Blackwater are more than capable of defending themselves, where the young women were defensless.

To hell with you and your church. Your religion and your altruism have made you into complete ibeciles.
Link Posted: 1/11/2008 7:32:00 AM EDT
And that's enough of that
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