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Link Posted: 2/16/2017 12:12:42 PM EDT
google 'biker rings". a fist full of huge dopey skulls and dice is not a fashion statement.

just don't punch the head-bone.

and take them off before your hands swell up.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 12:18:55 PM EDT
I want a pair... As a handle on a nice long 8-10" blade, just cause.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 12:19:25 PM EDT
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yeah.. something like that.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 12:26:39 PM EDT
I knew someone who was knocked out by a pair of brass knuckles. Cracked his eye socket suffered a scull injury I can't recall what. He spent some time in the hospital. Had a scar from his check going around his eye on the temple. His eye opening never looked the same, kind of closed off. Really messed him up. Those things are no joke.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 12:46:16 PM EDT
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Thinking the same thing.
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Damn looks like a finger breaker. 

Thinking the same thing.

Not even a little bit.  Hardly even notice it.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 12:55:34 PM EDT
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I've seen people that supposedly got the shit beat out of them by someone using them.

I've heard the "roll of quarters" thing too, but I don't know how you'd keep the end of the roll intact. Maybe tape?
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"IT'S Tape"
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 2:24:41 PM EDT
I was going to mention the M1918 trench knife, but I see that someone else beat me to it. Replicas of these are common, and can be had for about $20. That was part of my kit when I was doing WW1 reenacting. (The prongs on the scabbard clip on the back of the cartridge belt.)

Link Posted: 2/16/2017 2:28:42 PM EDT
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I'm going to mill some bottle opener 2 knucks out that he become popular with the EDC folks one of these days.  
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Like this?

Link Posted: 2/16/2017 2:36:59 PM EDT
Had buddy growing up do 3 or 4 years in prison for wasting 4 guys with a punch dagger. They had no idea they were getting holes punched in their chest and other body parts. He didn't kill anyone but 2 came close.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 2:46:55 PM EDT
Empire Tactical makes a sweet bottle/face opener.

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 2:52:40 PM EDT
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They are illegal where I live. Not even a carry license covers those.
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Same here. I know of a local gun shop that has sold a lot brass knuckle-shaped paper weights though.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 3:22:12 PM EDT
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seems to me a better argument could be made for the carrying of a roll of quarters. I could be wrong though. I remember in one of the Bond books 007 used his big ole Omega or Rolex...........
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Quarters are too big and will increase the chances of breaking your own fingers.

Nickels are about right for most normal sized hands.    
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 3:24:28 PM EDT
My North Shore Kustoms "bottle opener".

Link Posted: 2/16/2017 3:31:32 PM EDT
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If you are wanting them for personal protection, etc., a small sap would be better then knuckles.  A sap is easily concealed and when you hit people with it, it doesn't immediately remove flesh.  

Bonk a guy in the head a few times with a sap and walk away.  The guy isn't ruined but it'll take the fight out of them.
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My dad said he never liked saps for police use because that's exactly what they did, tear flesh.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 3:31:57 PM EDT
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Quarters are too big and will increase the chances of breaking your own fingers.

Nickels are about right for most normal sized hands.    
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seems to me a better argument could be made for the carrying of a roll of quarters. I could be wrong though. I remember in one of the Bond books 007 used his big ole Omega or Rolex...........

Quarters are too big and will increase the chances of breaking your own fingers.

Nickels are about right for most normal sized hands.    
quarters work for me, I have pretty large hands.........which is  sad because the rest of me is kinda average
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 3:32:35 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 3:36:24 PM EDT
Many years ago, I witnessed a fat drunken biker at a party grab a young lady and cock back his fist to hit her...

Some unknown, chivalrous young Marine (who happened to have a pair a knuckles in his pocket), stepped into the fray and punched the fat biker in the head a couple of times.  

The fat biker took a nice nap on the floor in a pool of blood.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 3:37:10 PM EDT
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My dad said he never liked saps for police use because that's exactly what they did, tear flesh.
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If you are wanting them for personal protection, etc., a small sap would be better then knuckles.  A sap is easily concealed and when you hit people with it, it doesn't immediately remove flesh.  

Bonk a guy in the head a few times with a sap and walk away.  The guy isn't ruined but it'll take the fight out of them.
My dad said he never liked saps for police use because that's exactly what they did, tear flesh.

Seen a SAP that peeked my interest. It is actually a change purse that has a snap on it so you can loop it on your belt
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 4:11:32 PM EDT
only seen them "used" one time
was in a good old fashioned bar fight
guy picks a fight over a girl who just so happened to be married to a friend of mine
looked down to get them out of his pocket and on his hand and thats all it took
he got dropped in his tracks, security and cops grabbed us all and threw us all out
guy laying in the floor got busted for the brass knuckles

cops haul him outside he keeps asking them "what happened man???"
cop: "you were being a idiot"

my hands are too big they dont fit me
always wanted to build myself some
just to have, not use
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 4:25:11 PM EDT
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No.  It really isn't.  Do not ask me how I know.
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{picture of carabineer}

Hmmm .... good idea actually.

No.  It really isn't.  Do not ask me how I know.

So tell us how you know.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 4:28:32 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 4:31:13 PM EDT
Back in my time, a sock loaded with nickels made a good defensive tool.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 4:34:02 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 4:36:57 PM EDT
Maybe one of those Monkey's Fist keychains, only with a lead ball instead of a marble, and a way to lengthen the tether quickly.  Mini slungshot.

I also remember reading, I think in an old Ludlum novel, about carrying a garotte under one's jacket lapels.  No idea how this would help in a fight, but since we're talking about other mainly offensive concealed weapons...
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 4:39:22 PM EDT
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Check your local laws.  They're illegal in my jurisdiction.

Also, if I was on a jury, I'd be a lot more understanding of a legal CCW than a pair of knucks.
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But why...use of force is either justified or it isn't and you Johnny_Reno are smart enough to know this.

I have read many things you have posted over the years so I know you are "smart"

You need to teach yourself just in case you ever are on a Jury that the use of force was either justified or it wasn't regardless of the TOOL being used.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 4:50:53 PM EDT
According to these videos.

Plastic ones brake

Plastic knuckle dusters and the "Spikey" vs. zombie head from ZGB


Metal ones Hurt your hand (go to 7:20)

Link Posted: 2/16/2017 5:07:08 PM EDT
Saps, black jacks, and similar items are illegal for citizens to carry in Washington state.  I can do all sorts of leather work, and I designed a roundish pouch that is about the diameter of a tennis ball, and about half as thick.  It holds my parking change, and has a 6" loop attached so it is easy to get your sturdy leather parking change pouch out of your back pocket.  It holds a out a roll of quarters, maybe more, and it hits REALLY hard.

I also made a leather tube that holds $15.00 worth of diagonally stacked quarters (more parking change), and if feels like there is a 5/8" piece of rebar inside it...also with a lanyard loop.  Although many people might mistake these for weapons, I stamped "Parking change" on the outside of both.  That way, they wouldn't be mistaken for a blackjack, or something like quarters inside a leather bag (remember soap in a sock from basic).    Although I am certain either one could be used as weapons...just creative change holders..
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 5:11:03 PM EDT
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Saps, black jacks, and similar items are illegal for citizens to carry in Washington state.  I can do all sorts of leather work, and I designed a roundish pouch that is about the diameter of a tennis ball, and about half as thick.  It holds my parking change, and has a 6" loop attached so it is easy to get your sturdy leather parking change pouch out of your back pocket.  It holds a out a roll of quarters, maybe more, and it hits REALLY hard.

I also made a leather tube that holds $15.00 worth of diagonally stacked quarters (more parking change), and if feels like there is a 5/8" piece of rebar inside it...also with a lanyard loop.  Although many people might mistake these for weapons, I stamped "Parking change" on the outside of both.  That way, they wouldn't be mistaken for a blackjack, or something like quarters inside a leather bag (remember soap in a sock from basic).    Although I am certain either one could be used as weapons...just creative change holders..
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Uh huh.  And I keep a piece of #4 rebar beside the seat in my old convertible.  It's there to whack on the starter solenoid when the old bitch gets stubborn and won't get a move on.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 5:13:59 PM EDT
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If you are wanting them for personal protection, etc., a small sap would be better then knuckles.  A sap is easily concealed and when you hit people with it, it doesn't immediately remove flesh.  

Bonk a guy in the head a few times with a sap and walk away.  The guy isn't ruined but it'll take the fight out of them.
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The second guard in this video uses an improvised sap and absolutely shuts down two inmates.

Link Posted: 2/16/2017 5:14:15 PM EDT

Yup, receiving end, the 2" scar above my left eye proves they work.

Not good enough though. I only took a knee and grabbed a burning log out of the campfire on the way back up. The burning log worked much better.

Both of us ended up in the ER both denying to the popo that we even knew each other.

Something people don't realize, in Boston and suburbs fistfights are a past time, I'm pretty sure I fought every one of my friends growing up at least once.

Brass knuckle guy wasn't a friend tho.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 5:22:22 PM EDT
Getting hit with them sucks. Getting hit in the face or the balls with them really sucks.

Using them makes it extremely easy for someone to break all your fingers at once. They also carry a stigma of being a thug's weapon, and are illegal in most places.

You're better off carrying a roll of quarters for a kubaton.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 5:23:57 PM EDT
Need that pic some guy posted a while ago with the caption "its not whiz bang tactical but one hit with it and its coloring books for Christmas".
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 5:26:21 PM EDT
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Need that pic some guy posted a while ago with the caption "its not whiz bang tactical but one hit with it and its coloring books for Christmas".
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Not sure it was a pic but it refers to something about a 1 1/2" guardrail nut and a length of paracord.

ETA: Found it

A bit more complex than the original I think
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 5:26:41 PM EDT
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Not sure it was a pic but it refers to something about a 1 1/2" guardrail nut and a length of paracord.
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Yup that was it.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 5:27:36 PM EDT
Saw somebody bust out some at a party right after I graduated high school. Guy got his ass kicked and the knucks taken.

Never been hit with them, but I have been hit in the face by a baseball bat (not fun), a steel-toed boot (sans foot, swung by hand), and a 3" steel washer (thrown).
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 5:30:52 PM EDT
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Need that pic some guy posted a while ago with the caption "its not whiz bang tactical but one hit with it and its coloring books for Christmas".
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Was that brass knuckles? I thought it was something significantly more... Esoteric.

Ah, found it.

"I keep an inch and a half guardrail nut on a loop of 550 cord. It's not whiz-bang tactical, but one smack in the grape and it's coloring books for Christmas."  -Vanilla_gorilla

ETA: Beaten like a retarded redheaded step-mule.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 5:56:03 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 6:01:11 PM EDT
Has anyone had any real world "experience" (giving or receiving) with these things? Brass, steel, aluminum, plastic, it doesn't matter.

I want a set, I think mostly because I'm not supposed to have them, but I can't imagine that I'd ever carry them.  In my mind, they are going to break bones and tear skin open if someone was to get hit in the face or on the head with them.
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Good for stationary victims or surprise sucker punching, otherwise not so useful.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 6:02:36 PM EDT
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No.  It really isn't.  Do not ask me how I know.
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{picture of carabineer}

Hmmm .... good idea actually.

No.  It really isn't.  Do not ask me how I know.

Fair enough ... now I have to cancel my amazon order
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 6:43:26 PM EDT
Carrying a tactical pen/kubotan plus actually learning about pressure points and how to exploit them is a better choice if looking for less than lethal methods to stop an attacker.

Now, in Jr. High and High School, a round combination lock slipped over the middle finger worked pretty good for raising pop-knots. 
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 6:54:02 PM EDT
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A legal CCW pistol says "I'm about personal protection."

A pair of brass knuckles says "I like to brawl at the bar on weekends."
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Check your local laws.  They're illegal in my jurisdiction.

Also, if I was on a jury, I'd be a lot more understanding of a legal CCW than a pair of knucks.

But why...use of force is either justified or it isn't and you Johnny_Reno are smart enough to know this.

I have read many things you have posted over the years so I know you are "smart"

You need to teach yourself just in case you ever are on a Jury that the use of force was either justified or it wasn't regardless of the TOOL being used.

A legal CCW pistol says "I'm about personal protection."

A pair of brass knuckles says "I like to brawl at the bar on weekends."

Legal or not carrying these around tells me a lot about you. ETA not you directly Reno
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 6:57:26 PM EDT
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Had a buddy in high school receive very similar injuries, other kid had rolls of change in his fists.  Wasn't even his fight, standing up for another kid.. no good deed goes unpunished..
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Last time we did this thread, which was within a couple months, I suggested carrying change as a work around.  Everyone said it wouldn't cause any significant damage.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 7:00:51 PM EDT
I have a baseball sized lead ball on a nylon strap
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 7:02:21 PM EDT
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Where can I find one of these?
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 7:26:10 PM EDT
My government says we can't have them.... so with that I need a pair for sure
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 7:32:41 PM EDT
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I was going to mention the M1918 trench knife, but I see that someone else beat me to it. Replicas of these are common, and can be had for about $20. That was part of my kit when I was doing WW1 reenacting. (The prongs on the scabbard clip on the back of the cartridge belt.)

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I can't own one because I'm in CA. I actually wanted one for my younger son, who is into WW1. He plays BF1, watched that BBC WW1 series on TV, etc. He wants a G98.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 7:39:51 PM EDT
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Carrying a tactical pen/kubotan plus actually learning about pressure points and how to exploit them is a better choice if looking for less than lethal methods to stop an attacker.

Now, in Jr. High and High School, a round combination lock slipped over the middle finger worked pretty good for raising pop-knots. 
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Training in BJJ/wrestling/boxing/Thai KB/Judo is probably more useful. But a much larger investment.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 7:44:54 PM EDT
I had a couple of pairs my father took from people at work (he was a police officer). I have no idea what happened to them though, that was a long time ago. One pair was covered in nazi crap. The section that would be used to punch someone had a row of raised metal swastikas on it - getting punched would leave a row of swastikas cut into your skin. Ugh.

A kid jumped me in high school using a pair he made in metal shop. They were useless. When I was done with him I left him lying on the ground and went home. My mother actually made me go back and check on him. As I turned the corner there was a police car and they were loading him into an ambulance. I bolted. He was OK, he was so out of breath when I left him that he started hyperventilating and someone called 911.
Link Posted: 2/16/2017 7:48:55 PM EDT
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I've heard the "roll of quarters" thing too, but I don't know how you'd keep the end of the roll intact. Maybe tape?
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put em inside a Chicago candy bar

Link Posted: 2/16/2017 7:56:13 PM EDT
A guy I worked with got carjacked and cracked in the face with either brass knuckles or a pistol he wasn't sure.  I'm not even exaggerating when I say he didn't look like the same guy once they rebuilt his face.  He was a pretty small guy easily under 150 lbs and of course the guy stealing his car was a typical burly black dude.
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