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Link Posted: 2/7/2022 8:45:03 PM EDT

Fuck it. I pushed the tweet button and this is what happened.

Good video of the cops crashing into a guy and then arresting him for crashing into them.

And page 73 belongs to me!
Link Posted: 2/7/2022 8:46:02 PM EDT
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Retard should look in a mirror and say that...

Wow, beat like a mule.
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He's a drama teacher so he probably does just that.
Link Posted: 2/7/2022 8:46:02 PM EDT
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I have followed this thread from the beginning and pretty much read every post.  Maybe my question is Taboo but
how armed are these protesters?   If shit goes hot, are they able to defend themselves.  I'm guessing there is a fare amount
of fire power in that convoy.  This is a topic that really hasn't be discussed and maybe it shouldn't be, just curious what
the gut feeling is out there.
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Not the route to go.
Link Posted: 2/7/2022 8:47:12 PM EDT
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No you fucking cock gobbler,  Canadian citizens are protesting your authoritarian rule.  Time
to resign and take the majority of Parliament with you.
Link Posted: 2/7/2022 8:47:39 PM EDT
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Fuck it. I pushed the tweet button and this is what happened.

Good video of the cops crashing into a guy and then arresting him for crashing into them.

And page 73 belongs to me!
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Take everything off the link after the "?...."

Link Posted: 2/7/2022 8:47:42 PM EDT
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He just stated exactly what he is doing, how ironic.
Link Posted: 2/7/2022 8:48:30 PM EDT
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Fuck it. I pushed the tweet button and this is what happened.

Good video of the cops crashing into a guy and then arresting him for crashing into them.

And page 73 belongs to me!
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Cut off the question mark to the end "?s=21" of the link

Link Posted: 2/7/2022 8:49:20 PM EDT
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Fuck it. I pushed the tweet button and this is what happened.

Good video of the cops crashing into a guy and then arresting him for crashing into them.

And page 73 belongs to me!
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Link Posted: 2/7/2022 8:49:42 PM EDT
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Viva Frei walked into a pub today on his stream. He asked if they were open, they said yes but that no one could eat inside that wasn't vaxxed, so the truckers weren't coming in and neither were locals "because protest". It highlighted perfectly why the truckers are protesting.
Eta: it was gov rules the pub were abiding.
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thanks for the explanation

sounds like the pubs and restaurants need to set up takeaway and delivery services for the truckers
Link Posted: 2/7/2022 8:50:30 PM EDT
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Excellent read.  

I would love to see something like that in a mainstream newspaper … but am not naive enough to think I will.
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We used to. And that's part of the problem.
Link Posted: 2/7/2022 8:56:04 PM EDT
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Trudeau is a fraud.

The freedom to peacefully assemble and protest is the bedrock of Democracy and only threatens tyranny.
Link Posted: 2/7/2022 8:56:38 PM EDT
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it. I pushed the tweet button and this is what happened.

Good video of the cops crashing into a guy and then arresting him for crashing into them.

And page 73 belongs to me!
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Link Posted: 2/7/2022 8:57:30 PM EDT
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Cut off the question mark to the end "?s=21" of the link

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Fuck it. I pushed the tweet button and this is what happened.

Good video of the cops crashing into a guy and then arresting him for crashing into them.

And page 73 belongs to me!

Cut off the question mark to the end "?s=21" of the link

The contingency from Quebec just grew ten-fold.

Look out Ottawa !!!
Link Posted: 2/7/2022 8:58:56 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/7/2022 9:01:20 PM EDT
I'm gonna have the wife make me a decal something along the lines of "honk if you think Trudeau sucks" and see what kind of reaction it gets from people in little old nebraska
Link Posted: 2/7/2022 9:03:38 PM EDT
Are all Canadians bilingual?  If not, how do you guys even know what these french guys are saying?  They have a translator, but I can't hear him.
Link Posted: 2/7/2022 9:03:44 PM EDT
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He just stated exactly what he is doing, how ironic.
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He's just beating the fuck out of every tired old leftist ploy to try and weasel his little cuban ass out of this..  It's a really outstanding opportunity to toss some red pills around because it's just so blatant and hollow.

I'd be laughing my ass off if this wasn't hurtling towards the most dangerous part of this mess.  
Link Posted: 2/7/2022 9:04:36 PM EDT
needs honking
Link Posted: 2/7/2022 9:06:03 PM EDT
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I have followed this thread from the beginning and pretty much read every post.  Maybe my question is Taboo but
how armed are these protesters?   If shit goes hot, are they able to defend themselves.  I'm guessing there is a fare amount
of fire power in that convoy.  This is a topic that really hasn't be discussed and maybe it shouldn't be, just curious what
the gut feeling is out there.
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I think that's irrelevant.   My gut feeling is that by and large, the protesters are smart enough to know what they're doing and willing to risk getting shot on video without fighting back.  I am sure almost everyone on both sides hopes it doesn't come to that, but I am likewise sure everyone down there (cops and protesters alike) are all well aware that video of the government forces coming in and going full on Tiananmen Square on protesters (who already have the support of well over half of Canada) who were peacefully congregating with bouncy castles and kids and live entertainment, would galvanize the public against the government to a degree it would never be able to survive in any long term way.    So I expect there may be a gun or two under some truck seats, but even if there are, if the RCMP starts shooting people, I don't expect to see armed resistance on the spot.  I'd expect that to happen down the road in subsequent engagements.

On the other hand, I am sure the powers that be in the government that aren't outright stupid (which to be fair, there seem to be a lot of those), can do the math here.    There are only 3 ways out of this:

1) Truckers go home without winning or gaining anything.    My redneck analysis: that is not gonna happen without a Tiananmen Square class crackdown; and even if they pull that level of atrocity to regain control, the government's long term odds of surviving that are near zero, so not all that likely - but possible.

2) The government caves and gives people what they want.   My redneck analysis: that's not ever going to happen as long as Turdhole is in charge, he is a card carrying textbook example of a narcissist, and the hallmark of that particular disorder is that they are for all practical purposes, incapable of backing down/admitting they were wrong.   So as long as he's the boss, the only way out is the Tiananmen Square option.  So this is still possible, but not that likely.

3) Some other people in the government who aren't wasting their time whining about stupid s**t in zoom calls, will get together and oust Turdhole's regime, overturn the covid mandates, and become the hero and savior of the people, by nature of which they can probably do no wrong for the next 2 or 3 election cycles.    My redneck analysis: This is easily our odds on favorite.  Any political leader with even one small whit of political savvy (and if they don't have that, how did they get to be a political leader?) should be absolutely salivating at the possibility of taking power and keeping it for a long time to come.   They should be whispering "my precious, my precious" to themselves every waking minute about now.

So we'll see how right I am as this plays out - my money's on 3; I'd bet $1 that there are, as we speak, political leaders of all stripes, quietly but frantically working on back room, side room, and under the table deals to overturn the Turdhole regime and position themselves to take over in his absence.    Nobody's there yet, but once one of them gets their knives sharp enough to make a move, it will happen so fast it'll make peoples heads spin.

Link Posted: 2/7/2022 9:06:44 PM EDT
Fight Club Best Scenes - The People You're After Are The People You Depend On

Link Posted: 2/7/2022 9:11:51 PM EDT
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Thread needs more hope.


Don't punk out and TL DR. Juice is worth the squeeze.
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Thread needs more hope.

A night with the untouchables

I live in downtown Ottawa, right in the middle of the trucker convoy protest. They are literally camped out below my bedroom window. My new neighbours moved in on Friday and they seem determined to stay. I have read a lot about what my new neighbours are supposedly like, mostly from reporters and columnists who write from distant vantage points somewhere in the media heartland of Canada. Apparently the people who inhabit the patch of asphalt next to my bedroom are white supremacists, racists, hatemongers, pseudo-Trumpian grifters, and even QAnon-style nutters. I have a perfect view down Kent Street – the absolute ground zero of the convoy. In the morning, I see some protesters emerge from their trucks to stretch their legs, but mostly throughout the day they remain in their cabs honking their horns. At night I see small groups huddled in quiet conversations in their new found companionship. There is no honking at night. What I haven’t noticed, not even once, are reporters from any of Canada’s news agencies walking among the trucks to find out who these people are. So last night, I decided to do just that – I introduced myself to my new neighbours.
The Convoy on Kent Street. February 2, 2022.

At 10pm I started my walk along – and in – Kent Street. I felt nervous. Would these people shout at me? My clothes, my demeanour, even the way I walk screamed that I’m an outsider. All the trucks were aglow in the late evening mist, idling to maintain warmth, but all with ominously dark interiors. Standing in the middle of the convoy, I felt completely alone as though these giant monsters weren’t piloted by people but were instead autonomous transformer robots from some science fiction universe that had gone into recharging mode for the night. As I moved along I started to notice smatterings of people grouped together between the cabs sharing cigarettes or enjoying light laughs. I kept quiet and moved on. Nearby, I spotted a heavy duty pickup truck, and seeing the silhouette of a person in the driver’s seat, I waved. A young man, probably in his mid 20s, rolled down the window, said hello and I introduced myself. His girlfriend was reclined against the passenger side door with a pillow to proper her up as she watched a movie on her phone. I could easily tell it’s been an uncomfortable few nights. I asked how they felt and I told them I lived across the street. Immediate surprise washed over the young man’s face. He said, “You must hate us. But no one honks past 6pm!” That’s true. As someone who lives right on top of the convoy, there is no noise at night. I said, “No, I don’t hate anyone, but I wanted to find out about you.” The two were from Sudbury Ontario, having arrived on Friday with the bulk of the truckers. I ask what they hoped to achieve, and what they wanted. The young woman in the passenger seat moved forward, excited to share. They said that they didn’t want a country that forced people to get medical treatments such as vaccines. There was no hint of conspiracy theories in their conversation with me, not a hint of racist overtones or hateful demagoguery. I didn’t ask them if they had taken the vaccine, but they were adamant that they were not anti-vaxers.

The next man I ran into was standing in front of the big trucks at the head of the intersection. Past middle age and slightly rotund, he had a face that suggests a lifetime of working outdoors. I introduced myself and he told me we was from Cochrane, Ontario. He also proudly pointed out that he was the block captain who helped maintain order. I thought, oh no, he might be the one person keeping a lid on things; is it all that precarious? I delicately asked how hard his job was to keep the peace but I quickly learned that’s not really what he did. He organized the garbage collection among the cabs, put together snow removal crews to shovel the sidewalks and clear the snow that accumulates on the road. He even has a salting crew for the sidewalks. He proudly bellowed in an irrepressible laugh “We’re taking care of the roads and sidewalks better than the city.” I waved goodbye and continued to the next block.

My next encounter was with a man dressed in dark blue shop-floor coveralls. A wiry man of upper middle age, he seemed taciturn and stood a bit separated from the small crowd that formed behind his cab for a late night smoke. He hailed from the Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia. He owned his own rig, but he only drove truck occasionally, his main job being a self-employed heavy duty mechanic. He closed his shop to drive to Ottawa, because he said, “I don’t want my new granddaughter to live in a country that would strip the livelihood from someone for not getting vaccinated.” He introduced me to the group beside us. A younger crowd, I can remember their bearded faces, from Athabasca, Alberta, and Swift Current Saskatchewan. The weather had warmed, and it began to rain slightly, but they too were excited to tell me why they came to Ottawa. They felt that they needed to stand up to a government that doesn’t understand what their lives are like. To be honest, I don’t know what their lives are like either – a group of young men who work outside all day with tools that they don’t even own. Vaccine mandates are a bridge too far for them. But again, not a hint of anti-vax conspiracy theories or deranged ideology.

I made my way back through the trucks, my next stop leading me to a man of East Indian descent in conversation with a young man from Sylvan Lake, Alberta. They told me how they were following the news of O’Toole’s departure from the Conservative leadership and that they didn’t like how in government so much power has pooled into so few hands.

The rain began to get harder; I moved quickly through the intersection to the next block. This time I waved at a driver in one of the big rigs. Through the rain it was hard to see him, but he introduced himself, an older man, he had driven up from New Brunswick to lend his support. Just behind him some young men from Gaspésie, Quebec introduced themselves to me in their best English. At that time people started to notice me – this man from Ottawa who lives across the street – just having honest conversations with the convoy. Many felt a deep sense of abuse by a powerful government and that no one thinks they matter.

Behind the crowd from Gaspésie sat a stretch van, the kind you often see associated with industrial cleaners. I could see the shadow of a man leaning out from the back as he placed a small charcoal BBQ on the sidewalk next to his vehicle. He introduced himself and told me he was from one of the reservations on Manitoulin Island. Here I was in conversation with an Indigenous man who was fiercely proud to be part of the convoy. He showed me his medicine wheel and he pointed to its colours, red, black, white, and yellow. He said there is a message of healing in there for all the human races, that we can come together because we are all human. He said, “If you ever find yourself on Manitoulin Island, come to my reserve, I would love to show you my community.” I realized that I was witnessing something profound; I don’t know how to fully express it.

As the night wore on and the rain turned to snow, those conversations repeated themselves. The man from Newfoundland with his bullmastiff, a young couple from British Columbia, the group from Winnipeg that together form what they call “Manitoba Corner ” all of them with similar stories. At Manitoba Corner a boisterous heavily tattooed man spoke to me from the cab of his dually pickup truck – a man who had a look that would have fit right in on the set of some motorcycle movie – pointed out that there are no symbols of hate in the convoy. He said, “Yes there was some clown with a Nazi flag on the weekend, and we don’t know where he’s from, but I’ll tell you what, if we see anyone with a Nazi flag or a Confederate flag, we’ll kick his fucking teeth in. No one’s a Nazi here.” Manitoba Corner all gave a shout out to that.

As I finally made my way back home, after talking to dozens of truckers into the night, I realized I met someone from every province except PEI. They all have a deep love for this country. They believe in it. They believe in Canadians. These are the people that Canada relies on to build its infrastructure, deliver its goods, and fill the ranks of its military in times of war. The overwhelming concern they have is that the vaccine mandates are creating an untouchable class of Canadians. They didn’t make high-falutin arguments from Plato’s Republic, Locke’s treatises, or Bagehot’s interpretation of Westminster parliamentary systems. Instead, they see their government willing to push a class of people outside the boundaries of society, deny them a livelihood, and deny them full membership in the most welcoming country in the world; and they said enough. Last night I learned my new neighbours are not a monstrous faceless occupying mob. They are our moral conscience reminding us – with every blow of their horns – what we should have never forgotten: We are not a country that makes an untouchable class out of our citizens.

Don't punk out and TL DR. Juice is worth the squeeze.

Great read - you see the same everywhere.  These are everyday people that have had enough.
Link Posted: 2/7/2022 9:12:27 PM EDT
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He's just beating the fuck out of every tired old leftist ploy to try and weasel his little cuban ass out of this..  It's a really outstanding opportunity to toss some red pills around because it's just so blatant and hollow.

I'd be laughing my ass off if this wasn't hurtling towards the most dangerous part of this mess.  
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I'm not sure it can be avoided now.
Link Posted: 2/7/2022 9:15:05 PM EDT
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I think that's irrelevant.   My gut feeling is that by and large, the protesters are smart enough to know what they're doing and willing to risk getting shot on video without fighting back.  I am sure almost everyone on both sides hopes it doesn't come to that, but I am likewise sure everyone down there (cops and protesters alike) are all well aware that video of the government forces coming in and going full on Tiananmen Square on protesters (who already have the support of well over half of Canada) who were peacefully congregating with bouncy castles and kids and live entertainment, would galvanize the public against the government to a degree it would never be able to survive in any long term way.    So I expect there may be a gun or two under some truck seats, but even if there are, if the RCMP starts shooting people, I don't expect to see armed resistance on the spot.  I'd expect that to happen down the road in subsequent engagements.

On the other hand, I am sure the powers that be in the government that aren't outright stupid (which to be fair, there seem to be a lot of those), can do the math here.    There are only 3 ways out of this:

1) Truckers go home without winning or gaining anything.    My redneck analysis: that is not gonna happen without a Tiananmen Square class crackdown; and even if they pull that level of atrocity to regain control, the government's long term odds of surviving that are near zero, so not all that likely - but possible.

2) The government caves and gives people what they want.   My redneck analysis: that's not ever going to happen as long as Turdhole is in charge, he is a card carrying textbook example of a narcissist, and the hallmark of that particular disorder is that they are for all practical purposes, incapable of backing down/admitting they were wrong.   So as long as he's the boss, the only way out is the Tiananmen Square option.  So this is still possible, but not that likely.

3) Some other people in the government who aren't wasting their time whining about stupid s**t in zoom calls, will get together and oust Turdhole's regime, overturn the covid mandates, and become the hero and savior of the people, by nature of which they can probably do no wrong for the next 2 or 3 election cycles.    My redneck analysis: This is easily our odds on favorite.  Any political leader with even one small whit of political savvy (and if they don't have that, how did they get to be a political leader?) should be absolutely salivating at the possibility of taking power and keeping it for a long time to come.   They should be whispering "my precious, my precious" to themselves every waking minute about now.

So we'll see how right I am as this plays out - my money's on 3; I'd bet $1 that there are, as we speak, political leaders of all stripes, quietly but frantically working on back room, side room, and under the table deals to overturn the Turdhole regime and position themselves to take over in his absence.    Nobody's there yet, but once one of them gets their knives sharp enough to make a move, it will happen so fast it'll make peoples heads spin.

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I think that is a pretty good analysis.
Link Posted: 2/7/2022 9:19:37 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson had a good segment on the truckers.
Link Posted: 2/7/2022 9:22:29 PM EDT
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Someone had said something about an old man being arrested for honking his horn.  Here you go.

"Offense to beep your horn" Ottawa Police Jones Arrests Old Man
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Those cops need many swift kicks to the balls.

Wait, they don't have any.

Piece of shit brown shirt jackbooted thugs arresting an old man for honking his horn. Their moms should have swallowed them.
Link Posted: 2/7/2022 9:24:09 PM EDT
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Ottawa City council is going nuts. 5+hour meeting.
First motion. (funny thing is Viva Frei talked to the Trans protester today (same one as last week) who said they were harassed by the Counter protesters Saturday)
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Ottawa City Council just so fucking sleazy.

Hard to watch.

Ottawa City council is going nuts. 5+hour meeting.
First motion. (funny thing is Viva Frei talked to the Trans protester today (same one as last week) who said they were harassed by the Counter protesters Saturday)

I'm not sure they could be more out of touch with reality if they tried.  
Link Posted: 2/7/2022 9:26:08 PM EDT
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I'm not sure they could be more out of touch with reality if they tried.  
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Well, it is Ottawa.
Just think Washington DC.
Link Posted: 2/7/2022 9:28:15 PM EDT
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I'm not sure they could be more out of touch with reality if they tried.  
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Ottawa City Council just so fucking sleazy.

Hard to watch.

Ottawa City council is going nuts. 5+hour meeting.
First motion. (funny thing is Viva Frei talked to the Trans protester today (same one as last week) who said they were harassed by the Counter protesters Saturday)

I'm not sure they could be more out of touch with reality if they tried.  

Reposting this for the people joining us on Page 73 -

THIS is the overton window to those people on reddit.
NPR is the middle.

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 2/7/2022 9:29:33 PM EDT
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He just stated exactly what he is doing, how ironic.
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Commies project.
Link Posted: 2/7/2022 9:34:11 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/7/2022 9:35:39 PM EDT
cop backs into truck and then forcefully remove driver and arrest him

Link Posted: 2/7/2022 9:35:40 PM EDT
Ottawa City Council unanimously endorsed the establishment of an Anti-Racism Secretariat...
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Ring any bells?
Link Posted: 2/7/2022 9:35:43 PM EDT
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Did she really say Conservative and Redneck forces?
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Did she really say Conservative and Redneck forces?

Thats exactly how many educated liberals think - the fact she said it reveals she was within a group that is comfortable with that sentiment.  

You see the same mentality in many in the Public Service/Government - remember "we're all in this together", that has never been true, many in the private sector have been hit hard, although it has to be said some have profiteered e.g. Amazon, Apple some grocery chains, the reality is most have not.  

What I can say is, as yet, I have never seen Government/Politicians/ Public servants take one for the team - agree to operate 3 days a week etc.  Quite the opposite, many have worked from home and not surrendered a single days earnings.  

Instead of people working together, the opposite has occurred - you can see it and hear it clearly in the voices of the Ottawa City Councillors - they are clueless.
Link Posted: 2/7/2022 9:36:21 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/7/2022 9:37:24 PM EDT
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Here you go @greasepencil, welcome to the madness!

Link Posted: 2/7/2022 9:37:57 PM EDT

No Step on Snek
Link Posted: 2/7/2022 9:38:22 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/7/2022 9:42:00 PM EDT
Any live streams going?
Link Posted: 2/7/2022 9:44:37 PM EDT
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Any live streams going?
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Freedom Truckers Convoy 2022 Live Feb 7 In Ottawa

Link Posted: 2/7/2022 9:45:18 PM EDT
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I think that's irrelevant.   My gut feeling is that by and large, the protesters are smart enough to know what they're doing and willing to risk getting shot on video without fighting back.  I am sure almost everyone on both sides hopes it doesn't come to that, but I am likewise sure everyone down there (cops and protesters alike) are all well aware that video of the government forces coming in and going full on Tiananmen Square on protesters (who already have the support of well over half of Canada) who were peacefully congregating with bouncy castles and kids and live entertainment, would galvanize the public against the government to a degree it would never be able to survive in any long term way.    So I expect there may be a gun or two under some truck seats, but even if there are, if the RCMP starts shooting people, I don't expect to see armed resistance on the spot.  I'd expect that to happen down the road in subsequent engagements.

On the other hand, I am sure the powers that be in the government that aren't outright stupid (which to be fair, there seem to be a lot of those), can do the math here.    There are only 3 ways out of this:

1) Truckers go home without winning or gaining anything.    My redneck analysis: that is not gonna happen without a Tiananmen Square class crackdown; and even if they pull that level of atrocity to regain control, the government's long term odds of surviving that are near zero, so not all that likely - but possible.

2) The government caves and gives people what they want.   My redneck analysis: that's not ever going to happen as long as Turdhole is in charge, he is a card carrying textbook example of a narcissist, and the hallmark of that particular disorder is that they are for all practical purposes, incapable of backing down/admitting they were wrong.   So as long as he's the boss, the only way out is the Tiananmen Square option.  So this is still possible, but not that likely.

3) Some other people in the government who aren't wasting their time whining about stupid s**t in zoom calls, will get together and oust Turdhole's regime, overturn the covid mandates, and become the hero and savior of the people, by nature of which they can probably do no wrong for the next 2 or 3 election cycles.    My redneck analysis: This is easily our odds on favorite.  Any political leader with even one small whit of political savvy (and if they don't have that, how did they get to be a political leader?) should be absolutely salivating at the possibility of taking power and keeping it for a long time to come.   They should be whispering "my precious, my precious" to themselves every waking minute about now.

So we'll see how right I am as this plays out - my money's on 3; I'd bet $1 that there are, as we speak, political leaders of all stripes, quietly but frantically working on back room, side room, and under the table deals to overturn the Turdhole regime and position themselves to take over in his absence.    Nobody's there yet, but once one of them gets their knives sharp enough to make a move, it will happen so fast it'll make peoples heads spin.

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I have followed this thread from the beginning and pretty much read every post.  Maybe my question is Taboo but
how armed are these protesters?   If shit goes hot, are they able to defend themselves.  I'm guessing there is a fare amount
of fire power in that convoy.  This is a topic that really hasn't be discussed and maybe it shouldn't be, just curious what
the gut feeling is out there.

I think that's irrelevant.   My gut feeling is that by and large, the protesters are smart enough to know what they're doing and willing to risk getting shot on video without fighting back.  I am sure almost everyone on both sides hopes it doesn't come to that, but I am likewise sure everyone down there (cops and protesters alike) are all well aware that video of the government forces coming in and going full on Tiananmen Square on protesters (who already have the support of well over half of Canada) who were peacefully congregating with bouncy castles and kids and live entertainment, would galvanize the public against the government to a degree it would never be able to survive in any long term way.    So I expect there may be a gun or two under some truck seats, but even if there are, if the RCMP starts shooting people, I don't expect to see armed resistance on the spot.  I'd expect that to happen down the road in subsequent engagements.

On the other hand, I am sure the powers that be in the government that aren't outright stupid (which to be fair, there seem to be a lot of those), can do the math here.    There are only 3 ways out of this:

1) Truckers go home without winning or gaining anything.    My redneck analysis: that is not gonna happen without a Tiananmen Square class crackdown; and even if they pull that level of atrocity to regain control, the government's long term odds of surviving that are near zero, so not all that likely - but possible.

2) The government caves and gives people what they want.   My redneck analysis: that's not ever going to happen as long as Turdhole is in charge, he is a card carrying textbook example of a narcissist, and the hallmark of that particular disorder is that they are for all practical purposes, incapable of backing down/admitting they were wrong.   So as long as he's the boss, the only way out is the Tiananmen Square option.  So this is still possible, but not that likely.

3) Some other people in the government who aren't wasting their time whining about stupid s**t in zoom calls, will get together and oust Turdhole's regime, overturn the covid mandates, and become the hero and savior of the people, by nature of which they can probably do no wrong for the next 2 or 3 election cycles.    My redneck analysis: This is easily our odds on favorite.  Any political leader with even one small whit of political savvy (and if they don't have that, how did they get to be a political leader?) should be absolutely salivating at the possibility of taking power and keeping it for a long time to come.   They should be whispering "my precious, my precious" to themselves every waking minute about now.

So we'll see how right I am as this plays out - my money's on 3; I'd bet $1 that there are, as we speak, political leaders of all stripes, quietly but frantically working on back room, side room, and under the table deals to overturn the Turdhole regime and position themselves to take over in his absence.    Nobody's there yet, but once one of them gets their knives sharp enough to make a move, it will happen so fast it'll make peoples heads spin.

3rd option might be the only "clean" out here. These aren't people who care about morals or their constituents but they would be happy to lever things to their own advent. If that means there's a win for the people they might not care but hey take the win you can.
Link Posted: 2/7/2022 9:45:19 PM EDT
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Any live streams going?
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Day 15 Convoy 2 Ottawa 2022 Canadian Windsor Ontario New Zealand Trucker Canberra Australia Detroit
Link Posted: 2/7/2022 9:46:36 PM EDT
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Here you go @greasepencil, welcome to the madness!

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thanks, been watching on here for a bit and was down in coutts last weekend. had to brush off the photoshop skills and jump in.
Link Posted: 2/7/2022 9:48:36 PM EDT
New technique: If forced out of the city, the truckers should declare a strike, set up a picket line at key locations and encourage other truckers not to cross the picket line.
Link Posted: 2/7/2022 9:50:29 PM EDT
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thanks, been watching on here for a bit and was down in coutts last weekend. had to brush off the photoshop skills and jump in.
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Nice. Are you from Canada?
Link Posted: 2/7/2022 9:53:29 PM EDT
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Does Canada have any legal protections in place against Ex Post Facto laws?

An ex post facto law is considered a hallmark of tyranny because it deprives people of a sense of what behavior will or will not be punished and allows for random punishment at the whim of those in power. The prohibition of ex post facto laws was an imperative in colonial America.

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Chief of RCMP WAS ASKED IF THEY CAN SEIZE VEHICLES, now or a month from now after this is over.  

He said they are exploring all aspects of law and if they can pass legislation to make it possible.  

Insane. It is basically "Let's rob our citizens as they make us look like fools!"

Does Canada have any legal protections in place against Ex Post Facto laws?

An ex post facto law is considered a hallmark of tyranny because it deprives people of a sense of what behavior will or will not be punished and allows for random punishment at the whim of those in power. The prohibition of ex post facto laws was an imperative in colonial America.


It does have protections.  When they discussed the law to charge the organizers of the convoy for the $800,000 per day policing fees, one councilor brought up ex post facto, wanting to make sure they didn't try to bill the truckers for the past two weeks.  It seemed others were mad about that, wanted to be ambiguous like all their other bills that have plenty of room to interpret any which way.

Legal council said "no, the bill would have to explicitly state we were making it ex post facto or we would have to amend it later under extreme circumstances.  So this will just be from tomorrow onward."

As for seizing trucks, if they pass the law today, they can seize tomorrow, or make note of truck tags and go seize it next month.  They can't go after a truck they saw yesterday, though.  So not much protection as far as seizing assets goes.

They display no awareness of the impact on supply chain, and that the longer the trucks are off roads, the further backed up it gets.  Nor did they at all consider that if they take everything from these citizens, the truckers will have nothing left to lose, and every inclination to unleash fury.... the fury of those who just wanted to be left alone.

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Link Posted: 2/7/2022 9:55:40 PM EDT
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Nice. Are you from Canada?
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Yeah, a couple hours north of coutts.
Link Posted: 2/7/2022 10:04:06 PM EDT
Tonight's Tucker...

Link Posted: 2/7/2022 10:07:05 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/7/2022 10:07:48 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/7/2022 10:08:03 PM EDT
This is gonna be like Canada's "bonus marchers" moment, they way they are gonna try to run the truckers out.   Oh, man.  They are making such a mistake.  The trucker's have inspired convoys in the UK, Spain, Australia... but maybe this is what Western countries need...
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