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Posted: 12/16/2014 1:45:08 PM EDT
To begin, as much as I'd like to see a modern version of the ancient crusades just to put them in check and 'force them' to chill the hell out so the world doesn't fear drawing a picture of mohammed, I honestly do NOT want something like that to happen.

As someone who truly understands that all on this earth are literally children of God (even them ragheads wanting Sharia everywhere), and as a Mormon who understands that this land we live on is truly the promised land (a land above all other lands) where we won't have our country taken from us but we'll still die from the inside out (like Rome), I know that it would just be a massive orgy for Satan to pull off another crusade on the epic scale that this world would provide (billions involved instead of mere thousands).

So aside of my religious beliefs, ideas, and true or false doctrines...does GD think this world is heading for a modern day crusade of basically non-muslim vs. muslim peoples?  Coming out of the German Nationalism thread, it appears it's on everyone's mind...watch some Fox/Limbaugh/Hannity/Beck/Savage/Coulter/Malkin et al anti-muslim discussion and it's clearly on the minds of right leaning folks.  I realize it wouldn't be a declared type of warfare, ie. UN declares war on Islam...but rather individual communities, nation states, groups, etc. who will make war with any and all muslims, extreme or...'peaceful.'
Link Posted: 12/16/2014 1:47:06 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/16/2014 1:48:06 PM EDT
religious wars for everybody!!!
Link Posted: 12/16/2014 1:52:01 PM EDT
Remember the Muslim guy on star trek?
Link Posted: 12/16/2014 1:52:21 PM EDT
The evolution of my facial expressions to this post.  
Link Posted: 12/16/2014 1:52:37 PM EDT
Yeah!! I'll stay home and fuck all the lonely women!
Link Posted: 12/16/2014 1:53:18 PM EDT
In on...

Link Posted: 12/16/2014 1:53:26 PM EDT
No, it will be the death of a thousand cuts.  We'll lash out and hit those who actually lop off heads and blow shit up but by and large, the rest will just be a slow inexorable journey to mediocrity and fanatacism because the West doesn't believe in God, has no moral foundation, and just doesn't give a shit.

Anyone who actually pushes back or strikes out will be labelled a racist white supremacist Islamophobe and will quietly disappear.
Link Posted: 12/16/2014 1:53:50 PM EDT

May want to run the idea by Pope Francis. Or is he to busy closing Guantanamo?

Link Posted: 12/16/2014 1:54:00 PM EDT
Seeing as how Jesus forbade violence and  said its better to turn the cheek, I dont see how one could justify a war in the name of Jesus.
Link Posted: 12/16/2014 1:55:32 PM EDT
Just throw all the religious people together and let them duke it out. The world would be a much better place without them.
Link Posted: 12/16/2014 1:55:48 PM EDT
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Remember the Muslim guy on star trek?
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No, the future looks pretty good?
Link Posted: 12/16/2014 1:56:06 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/16/2014 1:59:52 PM EDT
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Seeing as how Jesus forbade violence and  said its better to turn the cheek, I dont see how one could justify a war in the name of Jesus.
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But seeing how most people who say they're christian have no clue what that means (most christians still think we live an 'eye for an eye' concept which is mosaic law, and done away with), and seeing how evil is obviously prevailing in the world, i think it would be quite easy for people, communities, states, countries, etc. to 'justify' war..not in the name of jesus so much, but because they're tired of honor killings and the latest youtube beheading of the week contest.  In that very realistic sense, do you think a crusade type war will happen with muslims?

All 'they' have to do is do some freeway sniping for a week or two, maybe some mall shootings/bombings...just that alone would stir good 'ole 'murica up to war against the muslims, our president notwithstanding.
Link Posted: 12/16/2014 2:00:59 PM EDT
My God is better than your god.  
Link Posted: 12/16/2014 2:02:55 PM EDT
I'm not sure. What does the Pope say?
Link Posted: 12/16/2014 2:03:14 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/16/2014 2:03:15 PM EDT

does GD think this world is heading for a modern day crusade of basically non-muslim vs. muslim peoples? .'
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Link Posted: 12/16/2014 2:03:49 PM EDT
I'm going to put some Cat Stevens on, and pretend I didn't see this thread.
Link Posted: 12/16/2014 2:05:02 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/16/2014 2:05:48 PM EDT
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Just throw all the religious people together and let them duke it out. The world would be a much better place without them inhabited entirely by smug bung-sniffers.
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Link Posted: 12/16/2014 2:09:39 PM EDT
Should we stand by and watch while Christians are slaughtered ??  
I say we need another crusade.
Link Posted: 12/16/2014 2:09:54 PM EDT
I have a mental picture of staff and mods standing in a BFL-shaped on-deck circle,  limbering up with lead donuts on their ban hammers.
Link Posted: 12/16/2014 2:11:11 PM EDT
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Just throw all the religious people together and let them duke it out. The world would be a much better place without them inhabited entirely by smug bung-sniffers.

So you're saying that there's NO non-religious people who want muslims dead?  Are you also saying you'd like to see probably 3/4 of the world suddenly gone because they're religious?

Can you glass licking non-readers get passed your religious butthurt and answer the question: Is war with Islam imminent?  Forget that I used the word 'christian' in this thread.  Just imagine I said "Will people fight off the Muslims?"
Link Posted: 12/16/2014 2:12:57 PM EDT
Should we stand by and watch while Christians are slaughtered ??  
I say we need another crusade.
Link Posted: 12/16/2014 2:13:11 PM EDT
IBTL. Now I'll go read the thread.
Link Posted: 12/16/2014 2:13:12 PM EDT
answer the question: Is war with Islam imminent?
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I think we are at war now...its just that only the Isamists are the only ones that know it.

Link Posted: 12/16/2014 2:15:27 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/16/2014 2:16:14 PM EDT
In Before The Crusade
Link Posted: 12/16/2014 2:16:51 PM EDT
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No, the future looks pretty good?
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Remember the Muslim guy on star trek?

No, the future looks pretty good?

TNG Red shirt dude.
Link Posted: 12/16/2014 2:17:25 PM EDT
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religious wars for everybody!!!
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Abortions for some, miniature american flags for others.
Link Posted: 12/16/2014 2:18:49 PM EDT

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Quoted:... In that very realistic sense, do you think a crusade type war will happen with muslims?.
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No. That will never happen IMHO.

Link Posted: 12/16/2014 2:26:08 PM EDT
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I'm going to put some Cat Stevens on, and pretend I didn't see this thread.
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Link Posted: 12/16/2014 2:26:11 PM EDT
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Seeing as how Jesus forbade violence and  said its better to turn the cheek, I dont see how one could justify a war in the name of Jesus.
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I'm not a biblical scholar by any means, but I'm fairly certain that Jesus Christ, and God don't want us to lay down and be victims either.
Link Posted: 12/16/2014 2:28:24 PM EDT
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Remember the Muslim guy on star trek?
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Link Posted: 12/16/2014 2:28:41 PM EDT
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Should we stand by and watch while Christians are slaughtered ??  
I say we need another crusade.
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No and no. One is not a requirement for the other.

There are over a billion muslims in the world. If they were all your enemy you'd have big trouble. Also they have nukes these days too.

What kind of Christian wants to target over a billion innocent people (even if you believe they're misled) for the actions/beliefs of a million or two?

We have an amazing intelligence & military force between our excellent personnel and technology. When we go on the offense against you in a targeted manner, you're fucked. We do that to the people who need it and not go crazy/lose our minds being dragged into the dark ages like everyone seems tempted to do these days and we'll be good. Maintain our humanity and continue into the 21st century setting an example and being the envy of everyone while targeting the truly bad people and we'll be golden in the long run (past your and my lifetime).

We loose our way, we're done. Foreign, domestically, we won't be the America you want.

The true measure of a man is one who can keep his mind when the world around him has gone crazy.
Link Posted: 12/16/2014 2:29:42 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/16/2014 2:31:07 PM EDT
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Should we stand by and watch while Christians are slaughtered ??
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Works for me.
Link Posted: 12/16/2014 2:32:10 PM EDT
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I noticed he dropped the garb and is using Yusuf Islam / Cat Stevens for his new tour.  I wonder if he's about to convert again ...

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I'm going to put some Cat Stevens on, and pretend I didn't see this thread.

I noticed he dropped the garb and is using Yusuf Islam / Cat Stevens for his new tour.  I wonder if he's about to convert again ...

Hope springs eternal.
Link Posted: 12/16/2014 2:32:21 PM EDT
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No and no. One is not a requirement for the other.

There are over a billion muslims in the world. If they were all your enemy you'd have big trouble. Also they have nukes these days too.

What kind of Christian wants to target over a billion innocent people (even if you believe they're misled) for the actions/beliefs of a million or two?

We have an amazing intelligence & military force between our excellent personnel and technology. When we go on the offense against you in a targeted manner, you're fucked. We do that to the people who need it and not go crazy/lose our minds being dragged into the dark ages like everyone seems tempted to do these days and we'll be good. Maintain our humanity and continue into the 21st century setting an example and being the envy of everyone while targeting the truly bad people and we'll be golden in the long run (past your and my lifetime).

We loose our way, we're done. Foreign, domestically, we won't be the America you want.

The true measure of a man is one who can keep his mind when the world around him has gone crazy.
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Should we stand by and watch while Christians are slaughtered ??  
I say we need another crusade.

No and no. One is not a requirement for the other.

There are over a billion muslims in the world. If they were all your enemy you'd have big trouble. Also they have nukes these days too.

What kind of Christian wants to target over a billion innocent people (even if you believe they're misled) for the actions/beliefs of a million or two?

We have an amazing intelligence & military force between our excellent personnel and technology. When we go on the offense against you in a targeted manner, you're fucked. We do that to the people who need it and not go crazy/lose our minds being dragged into the dark ages like everyone seems tempted to do these days and we'll be good. Maintain our humanity and continue into the 21st century setting an example and being the envy of everyone while targeting the truly bad people and we'll be golden in the long run (past your and my lifetime).

We loose our way, we're done. Foreign, domestically, we won't be the America you want.

The true measure of a man is one who can keep his mind when the world around him has gone crazy.

That's good right there.
Link Posted: 12/16/2014 2:32:41 PM EDT
OP wins dumb thread of the week award.
Link Posted: 12/16/2014 2:34:26 PM EDT
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Just throw all the religious people together and let them duke it out. The world would be a much better place without them.
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It'd be better than a Michael Bay movie. You bring the popcorn....I'll bring the beer.
Link Posted: 12/16/2014 2:34:48 PM EDT
Whatever you do don't turn off the computer and don't leave the basement.
Link Posted: 12/16/2014 2:34:54 PM EDT
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Abortions for some, miniature american flags for others.
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religious wars for everybody!!!

Abortions for some, miniature american flags for others.

Link Posted: 12/16/2014 2:35:01 PM EDT
As a Christian I'd say no to crusades. I am for military action of western countries destroying evil people taking innocent lives. i.e. Pakistan Taliban
Link Posted: 12/16/2014 2:36:06 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/16/2014 2:36:41 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/16/2014 2:36:42 PM EDT

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religious wars for everybody!!!
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Link Posted: 12/16/2014 2:38:54 PM EDT
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does GD think this world is heading for a modern day crusade of basically non-muslim vs. muslim peoples? .'


Link Posted: 12/16/2014 2:38:56 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/16/2014 2:41:19 PM EDT

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OP wins dumb thread of the week award.
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You missed the latest Roebuck thread.
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