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Link Posted: 2/25/2011 12:59:48 AM EDT
I was at RAF Bentwaters from 1985 to 1989, I remember some of those incidents from the 1980's. We probably have some mutual friends from back then. USAFE Was the shit. Thank god I was never stationed at Lakenheath, haahha, they were failing shit left and right, and lets not forget about that day some CND wacko's broke into the WSA in 1987. That was a joy that even affected us. I was a BISS operator, so I even got my ass chewed for that one, even though I was at another fucking base ! I think my favorite incident was when some anti nuke protesters (or off duty cops! hahhahah) wrapped a bunch of red and white ribbon around an RF-4C at RAF Alconbury, turning it into a giant candy cane, if my memory is correct, on Christmas eve, or day. LoL.

I remember stories of what yall painted the aircraft ordnance when we bombed Lybia in 1986.  The problem as I understood was that not all of the ordnance got used and there was a great deal of angst over the vandalism.  We worked about a couple or three months straight seven days a week after the raid on Lybia.  One of the guys at Ramstein claimed to be at that base in England when the UFO landed in the early eighties.  I did get TDY to Wallace AS in the PI late in 1987 and early 1988.  They issued us brand new M16s from 1968 out of a crate complete with red muzzle protectors over the open birdcage three pronged flash suppressors.

There are lots of things I would like to discuss with other former cops and see if their experiences are familliar.  I would not trade it for anything and remain proud of what we all did.  It is a shame we don't have the Security Police like we used to now.  Do you still have your Beret with USAFE Crest?  I only have one with a subdued SAC Crest pin from my last duty station Castle AFB in Ca.
"Jet Noise!"

I have my USAFE flaming sword crest, a full color SAC crest, and a bunch of red and green subdued Air Guard crests (We called them Christmas Crests), if anyone wants one of those.
Link Posted: 2/25/2011 1:00:40 AM EDT
This is a picture of some of the holsters and armbands my late father used when he was in the USAF. For about the first 13-14 years out of 20 years in (1951-1971) he was in the Air Police.  The S&W M15 is mine.


I used to have the black brassard, don't know what happened to it. I would kill for the top one. Awesome collection!
Link Posted: 2/25/2011 1:44:12 AM EDT
Spotted this one on gunbroker,



Link Posted: 2/25/2011 6:43:26 AM EDT
I was at RAF Bentwaters from 1985 to 1989, I remember some of those incidents from the 1980's. We probably have some mutual friends from back then. USAFE Was the shit. Thank god I was never stationed at Lakenheath, haahha, they were failing shit left and right, and lets not forget about that day some CND wacko's broke into the WSA in 1987. That was a joy that even affected us. I was a BISS operator, so I even got my ass chewed for that one, even though I was at another fucking base ! I think my favorite incident was when some anti nuke protesters (or off duty cops! hahhahah) wrapped a bunch of red and white ribbon around an RF-4C at RAF Alconbury, turning it into a giant candy cane, if my memory is correct, on Christmas eve, or day. LoL.

I remember stories of what yall painted the aircraft ordnance when we bombed Lybia in 1986.  The problem as I understood was that not all of the ordnance got used and there was a great deal of angst over the vandalism.  We worked about a couple or three months straight seven days a week after the raid on Lybia.  One of the guys at Ramstein claimed to be at that base in England when the UFO landed in the early eighties.  I did get TDY to Wallace AS in the PI late in 1987 and early 1988.  They issued us brand new M16s from 1968 out of a crate complete with red muzzle protectors over the open birdcage three pronged flash suppressors.

There are lots of things I would like to discuss with other former cops and see if their experiences are familliar.  I would not trade it for anything and remain proud of what we all did.  It is a shame we don't have the Security Police like we used to now.  Do you still have your Beret with USAFE Crest?  I only have one with a subdued SAC Crest pin from my last duty station Castle AFB in Ca.
"Jet Noise!"

The UFO incident happened in the forest between RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge (we posted both bases back then), and was still talked about a lot when I got there in 1985, even though the incident happened fall of 1980 if I remember correctly. My supervisor was there, and there were at least one or two other guys there when that supposedly happened. I was at Castle from July 84 to Aug 85.
Link Posted: 2/25/2011 6:48:25 AM EDT
Thanks everyone for the compliments on my collection. The photos below are of my father and his partner when stationed at Bolling AFB, Washington DC, around the 1957-58 time frame. My father is on the right in both photos. The brassard he's wearing in the photos is the one I have. Sorry for the poor quality. I don't have a scanner so I took a picture of a picture.

Link Posted: 2/25/2011 6:52:58 AM EDT
Thanks everyone for the compliments on my collection. The photos below are of my father and his partner when stationed at Bolling AFB, Washington DC, around the 1957-58 time frame. My father is on the right in both photos. The brassard he's wearing in the photos is the one I have. Sorry for the poor quality. I don't have a scanner so I took a picture of a picture.



Thanks for sharing... Really enjoying the stories here.
Link Posted: 2/25/2011 6:54:00 AM EDT
Holy crap, those pics of the motorcycle AP's are amazing!  And what is even more cool, there is a good chance I know somebody who was stationed there around that same time frame. Wow. greg
Link Posted: 2/25/2011 7:00:39 AM EDT
USAF 1984-1988
Anyone here remember the 86th SPS or the 377SPG from Ramstein AB West Germany?

Law Enforcement;  The USAF issued me the M15 everytime for a side arm.  We also carried the GAU M16 with the two position stock and very short barrel.  I did qualify with the M79 at Lackland during the EST school they used to put on for us.  I think that LE probably got the most exciting things to do, but sometimes I really envied the SPs in the WSA and Flight Line, they seemed to have less contact with the public.

Bomb threats a few shots fired in my general direction and some close calls with international incidents.  I wish we could get our own section in the veterans forum for Air Force Cops.  I would really like to talk with someone from that era of my life in the 1980s.

What a great idea! Were you there when they blew up the O Club?

The Red Army Faction blew up the Officer's Club at Rhein Main AB while I was at Ramstein.  We did have a lot of bomb threats in and around the Officer's Club, and unspecified threats in the area where we kept our P.O. Boxes.  In 1981, they detonated a car bomb in front of USAFE headquarters.  We had some close calls there and probably saw a bunch of RAF conducting reconnaisance but did not realize it.  I often thought it was crazy that we allowed anyone but American personnel on base.  

I thought it was crazy in Europe, but soon realized that the Phillipines was something of a rarer situation I thought I would never see.  I wish I could read more about the cops there that rode horse back patrols around Clark AB.  I know that a few died on duty while protecting the peremiter.  The fun part of Ramstein included the SMLM Soviet Military Liason Mission that would show up in areas they were not supposed to during alerts.  They killed a U.S. Major doing the same thing in East Germany theyear I arrived at Ramstein AB.  I still have the RAF wanted poster in my gun cabinet.

Yup, he was peeking into the window of a tank shed and the sentry shot him. Then they prevented his fellow officers and medics from attending to him for hours. They left him to die on the ground.

MAJ Nicholson.
Link Posted: 2/25/2011 7:03:56 AM EDT
USAF 1984-1988
Anyone here remember the 86th SPS or the 377SPG from Ramstein AB West Germany?

Law Enforcement;  The USAF issued me the M15 everytime for a side arm.  We also carried the GAU M16 with the two position stock and very short barrel.  I did qualify with the M79 at Lackland during the EST school they used to put on for us.  I think that LE probably got the most exciting things to do, but sometimes I really envied the SPs in the WSA and Flight Line, they seemed to have less contact with the public.

Bomb threats a few shots fired in my general direction and some close calls with international incidents.  I wish we could get our own section in the veterans forum for Air Force Cops.  I would really like to talk with someone from that era of my life in the 1980s.

I was stationed 568 SFS/86 SFG at Ramshaft I meant Ramstein 2002 to 2004. I worked in the WSA also known as Alpha Land. I was also there when the PL1 resources left at the very end of my tour. Those were some good times.

I also enjoyed all of the 'Recalls", 6 ring stand bys, and other BS there (sarcasm)

Link Posted: 2/25/2011 7:15:44 AM EDT
I know this started as a sidearm thread, but I really like those motorcycles! Thanks for posting them DRobinson.
Link Posted: 2/25/2011 7:18:12 AM EDT
Thanks very much Sluf. I do apologize for straying from the topic.
Link Posted: 2/25/2011 9:33:10 AM EDT
I wonder what pistol those motorcycle guys are carrying?  A friend of mine was Air Police back in the mid to late 1950's, and I remember him saying that they carried 1911's ?
Link Posted: 2/25/2011 9:42:48 AM EDT
stupid assclowns welding that revolver.

they are one of the most faked collector guns ever, to the point that it actual drove down the price on the real ones

Link Posted: 2/25/2011 11:06:43 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/25/2011 11:14:21 AM EDT
I wonder what pistol those motorcycle guys are carrying?  A friend of mine was Air Police back in the mid to late 1950's, and I remember him saying that they carried 1911's ?

My father told me they were carrying .38 revolvers. What make/model I don't remember him telling me. They used the full flap type holster like in my picture on the previous page.  He did carry 1911s at other duty stations, and when he was in Korea during the war.
Link Posted: 2/25/2011 11:26:52 AM EDT
For those at Ramstein AFB in the late 70's, if any, anyone remember a master sgt in the SPS named Milton Daken or Dakin ???
(Not sure on the spelling of the last name)
Link Posted: 2/25/2011 11:35:51 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/25/2011 11:46:38 AM EDT
One for ya (that's my dad..

My brother has an aircrewman's revolver and holster that was given to him by a family friend, Jack (USMC F4 pilot).  Jack had gotten it from an NVA he'd shot in a dark foxhole.  I'll have to get a picture of two of it.  

NEED MORE PICS.....that is one of the coolest military planes i have seen in a long time...must know more

Link Posted: 2/25/2011 1:33:40 PM EDT
The old community center...was that the Airman's club before it became the community center?? All I remember is the Airman's club behind Generals row...

I believe it used to be the Airman's club (it looked like a club with a couple bar areas and circular driveway, etc), although I never saw it in operation as such.  I think it had been the community center at least since the mid 90s.
Link Posted: 2/25/2011 1:45:27 PM EDT


One for ya (that's my dad..

My brother has an aircrewman's revolver and holster that was given to him by a family friend, Jack (USMC F4 pilot).  Jack had gotten it from an NVA he'd shot in a dark foxhole.  I'll have to get a picture of two of it.  

NEED MORE PICS.....that is one of the coolest military planes i have seen in a long time...must know more

That's the O-1 Birddog. My dad was a FAC (forward air controller).  I dunno who this guy is, but it's another 35mm slide my dad took.  

Posted a bunch more here:

Link Posted: 2/25/2011 6:00:55 PM EDT

Dear God, I remember lacing my boots that way and ladder lacing them too. Back then they'd called us "Apes", a take on APs.  Hated wearing those gloves in the winter, my hands felt colder. As for ascots, blech!
Link Posted: 2/25/2011 6:35:59 PM EDT
good thread brings  back alot of memories i was 380sps "sac trained killer" peacekeepers are  deathtraps !!!  i was  A M60 GUNNER in the late 80's and we almost rolled many times while i was in the turret !!
we switched to the m9 right when i got in around 87 i was stationed in plattsburgh afb
Link Posted: 2/25/2011 7:08:21 PM EDT
Found this not long ago...wonder if they are even used any more.....
Link Posted: 2/25/2011 7:11:22 PM EDT
Few pictures from Crow Valley

Link Posted: 2/25/2011 7:12:56 PM EDT
great thread!
Link Posted: 2/25/2011 7:13:59 PM EDT
Damn I miss the Cold War.  Am I the only one?
Link Posted: 2/25/2011 7:16:04 PM EDT
Damn I miss the Cold War.  Am I the only one?

Link Posted: 2/25/2011 7:16:45 PM EDT
Found this not long ago...wonder if they are even used any more.....

What is it ?
Link Posted: 2/25/2011 7:18:49 PM EDT
My Lt

Link Posted: 2/25/2011 7:19:39 PM EDT
Found this not long ago...wonder if they are even used any more.....

What is it ?

god key
Link Posted: 2/25/2011 7:20:49 PM EDT

Cool pics, where is crow valley ?  Bullis ?  Do they even use Bullis anymore ?

Crow Valley was the Pacific's ABGD "school" was outside Clark AB in the PI....
Link Posted: 2/25/2011 7:26:53 PM EDT



Cool pics, where is crow valley ? Bullis ? Do they even use Bullis anymore ?

Crow Valley was the Pacific's ABGD "school" was outside Clark AB in the PI....

The PI...a beautiful place once upon a time.
Link Posted: 2/25/2011 8:00:06 PM EDT

Cool pics, where is crow valley ?  Bullis ?  Do they even use Bullis anymore ?

Crow Valley was the Pacific's ABGD "school" was outside Clark AB in the PI....

Cool, had a few from Clark that transferred into Norton, told me all about the place.  Sounded like fun times.  

Something about the back gate, PI rebels, shots fired etc etc.  Horse back patrols etc etc.

When I went through Bullis in 76, I went through with the first flight of (5) female SP's.  

They could not cut it, the AF pencil whipped them through, then touted them as the best of the best  

Not a one of them could lock the charging handle to the rear on the pig.  

They were as worthless as tits on a boar hog.  
Link Posted: 2/25/2011 8:59:23 PM EDT
hehe, ABGD.

Just had an old Silver Flag Alpha flashback. I still have sand in one of my butt packs from that place (1995).
Link Posted: 2/25/2011 9:07:37 PM EDT



I wonder what pistol those motorcycle guys are carrying?  A friend of mine was Air Police back in the mid to late 1950's, and I remember him saying that they carried 1911's ?

Is it me, or is the guy on the left sporting an empty holster?

BTW Great thread Slufstuff!
It does look that way to me to.  It was probably taken before or after shift, that would be my guess.  

Link Posted: 2/25/2011 9:08:57 PM EDT
I liked the idea 'Tales of the flightline' thread, maybe in the military forum ?

Ah, the stories we could tell
Link Posted: 2/25/2011 9:27:43 PM EDT
hehe, ABGD.

Just had an old Silver Flag Alpha flashback. I still have sand in one of my butt packs from that place (1995).

Don't say SFA! That's like saying, "Susquehana Hat Company" to an SP! God, caliche dust and scorpions!
Link Posted: 2/25/2011 9:50:36 PM EDT
I liked the idea 'Tales of the flightline' thread, maybe in the military forum ?

Ah, the stories we could tell

It would be good for a laugh or two because I know the cops always have something interesting to talk about.
Link Posted: 2/26/2011 1:39:15 AM EDT
I liked the idea 'Tales of the flightline' thread, maybe in the military forum ?

Ah, the stories we could tell

It would be good for a laugh or two because I know the cops always have something interesting to talk about.

Some of the best conversations are with cops. Funny as shit stories. I love seeing the insides of cop vehicals. Everything is destroyed and cut to shit. Too many long nights sitting in them with nothing to do but carve on shit with a knife. Had a buddy that said he would disasemble his weapon and than call for a post check and see if he could get the weapon back togeather before his supervisor would show up.
Link Posted: 2/26/2011 1:51:00 AM EDT
I liked the idea 'Tales of the flightline' thread, maybe in the military forum ?

Ah, the stories we could tell

It would be good for a laugh or two because I know the cops always have something interesting to talk about.

Some of the best conversations are with cops. Funny as shit stories. I love seeing the insides of cop vehicals. Everything is destroyed and cut to shit. Too many long nights sitting in them with nothing to do but carve on shit with a knife. Had a buddy that said he would disasemble his weapon and than call for a post check and see if he could get the weapon back togeather before his supervisor would show up.

Towards the end of my time at Lakenheath we were driving Range Rovers that took the place of the HMMVs, we were damn near able to take them completely apart with our leathermans in a 12 hour shift.
Link Posted: 2/26/2011 8:30:29 AM EDT
For those of you with tanks, go to the .mil forum.

I just created this thread: Tales of the flightline

Let's make it memorable.  
Link Posted: 2/26/2011 8:42:49 AM EDT
SAC had an Elite Guard section, i had a few friends in it back in the day. It was a special duty assignment. Space Command had one too at Peterson. Wow, I think USAFE had one also.

Yup, was "elite" guard at RAF Chicksands, emphasis on the little "e". We joked that you could always tell us apart because our hands smelled like Clorox from washing our white 550 cords laces in the sink. Anyone else remember "ladder lacing"? We'd all get funky rashes up under our chins from those damn starched ascots we had to wear.

Thanks OP for the pics. Yes, the SAC EG is carrying an M15 S&W. I carried one in England. Mine was so shot out it spit shit all over the place when firing. We'd come back from the range with our faces speckled in powder and crap from shooting at the RAF Molesworth range, good times. The SAC CP aircraft is Looking Glass.

Oh, shit, I hadn't thought of that since I was an ROTC cadet in the 1970s!  
Link Posted: 2/26/2011 1:38:16 PM EDT
Here's a couple more USGI revolvers,

All I know of the Smith (s/n V259xxx, stamped as U.S. Property G.H.D.) is that it came out of a WWII Navy pilot's estate back in Atlanta, complete with the cross chest holster and a lanyard.
Link Posted: 2/26/2011 2:00:53 PM EDT
I was at RAF Bentwaters from 1985 to 1989, I remember some of those incidents from the 1980's. We probably have some mutual friends from back then. USAFE Was the shit. Thank god I was never stationed at Lakenheath, haahha, they were failing shit left and right, and lets not forget about that day some CND wacko's broke into the WSA in 1987. That was a joy that even affected us. I was a BISS operator, so I even got my ass chewed for that one, even though I was at another fucking base ! I think my favorite incident was when some anti nuke protesters (or off duty cops! hahhahah) wrapped a bunch of red and white ribbon around an RF-4C at RAF Alconbury, turning it into a giant candy cane, if my memory is correct, on Christmas eve, or day. LoL.

I remember stories of what yall painted the aircraft ordnance when we bombed Lybia in 1986.  The problem as I understood was that not all of the ordnance got used and there was a great deal of angst over the vandalism.  We worked about a couple or three months straight seven days a week after the raid on Lybia.  One of the guys at Ramstein claimed to be at that base in England when the UFO landed in the early eighties.  I did get TDY to Wallace AS in the PI late in 1987 and early 1988.  They issued us brand new M16s from 1968 out of a crate complete with red muzzle protectors over the open birdcage three pronged flash suppressors.

There are lots of things I would like to discuss with other former cops and see if their experiences are familliar.  I would not trade it for anything and remain proud of what we all did.  It is a shame we don't have the Security Police like we used to now.  Do you still have your Beret with USAFE Crest?  I only have one with a subdued SAC Crest pin from my last duty station Castle AFB in Ca.
"Jet Noise!"

The UFO incident happened in the forest between RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge (we posted both bases back then), and was still talked about a lot when I got there in 1985, even though the incident happened fall of 1980 if I remember correctly. My supervisor was there, and there were at least one or two other guys there when that supposedly happened. I was at Castle from July 84 to Aug 85.

Wow it is a small world.  So you were in the 93rd SPS?  Nothing exciting there, but I did get the PI DY from there.  Did you have the Elite Gate Guard back then?  I served on it while waiting to ETS..
Link Posted: 2/26/2011 2:07:19 PM EDT
I still have my leather duty holster that I wore my revolver in.  I also have that large Black Leather Belt.  I think it might fit around my thigh now.  Boy was I thin back then!  I did wear the revolver in a shoulder holster while serving on the EST teams.  The shoulder holsters were mounted to surplus pilot survival mesh vests.  I always remember hating how my revolver but rode and stuck out from my chest.  It really made entry through windows a pain in the chest.  

Camp Bullis for me from Jan to Feb 1985.  That was the neatest place in the world for me at the time.  I still have pictures of the Snow Woman we made.  I would like to go back there and see if my foot prints are still there.  Does anyone remember the All Ranks Club and the "Dancing Bears" at Camp Bullis?  I would post pictures but am unsure how do to that.
Link Posted: 2/26/2011 2:30:12 PM EDT
I was in one of the first groups to go through Bullis  (for ABGD) in Oct- Dec 1995 after the moved it back from Dix. It was still your typical Army shithole, with all the buildings dating back to the 40’s.(or before) We took a bus from Lackland daily as there were no barracks only some old hooches that we spent a couple of nights in.
Link Posted: 2/26/2011 2:36:56 PM EDT
I was in one of the first groups to go through Bullis  (for ABGD) in Oct- Dec 1995 after the moved it back from Dix. It was still your typical Army shithole, with all the buildings dating back to the 40’s.(or before) We took a bus from Lackland daily as there were no barracks only some old hooches that we spent a couple of nights in.

I've seen chicken houses built better than those huts we lived in 1985.  It is a shame you missed out on those living situations.
Link Posted: 2/26/2011 3:26:56 PM EDT
I was in one of the first groups to go through Bullis  (for ABGD) in Oct- Dec 1995 after the moved it back from Dix. It was still your typical Army shithole, with all the buildings dating back to the 40’s.(or before) We took a bus from Lackland daily as there were no barracks only some old hooches that we spent a couple of nights in.

I've seen chicken houses built better than those huts we lived in 1985.  It is a shame you missed out on those living situations.

I was there in 76 and we lived in tents with stoves for heat.  The bathrooms were new, cinder block, no hot water, cold showers only.  

We had cots with sleeping bags and a foot locker.  No chowhall, ate C-rats the whole time.  The powdered eggs were the worst and would clog you up in a new york minute.

Armadillo's EVERYWHERE, like a damn plague or infestation.  

We took turns on guard duty for the ammo dump, they actually gave us live rounds and a radio in case there was an alarm.  

The base still had army MP's with black WWII helmets and carried .45's.


Link Posted: 2/26/2011 5:08:47 PM EDT
I still have my leather duty holster that I wore my revolver in.  I also have that large Black Leather Belt.  I think it might fit around my thigh now.  Boy was I thin back then!  I did wear the revolver in a shoulder holster while serving on the EST teams.  The shoulder holsters were mounted to surplus pilot survival mesh vests.  I always remember hating how my revolver but rode and stuck out from my chest.  It really made entry through windows a pain in the chest.  

Camp Bullis for me from Jan to Feb 1985.  That was the neatest place in the world for me at the time.  I still have pictures of the Snow Woman we made.  I would like to go back there and see if my foot prints are still there.  Does anyone remember the All Ranks Club and the "Dancing Bears" at Camp Bullis?  I would post pictures but am unsure how do to that.

When I went through tech school from January through March 1983, half the academy would go to Bullis for the last two weeks, we got to go. We lived in the hootches that had the plywood walls that hinged in the middle and you could swing the bottom up to get air. We were there during the El Nino year of 1982-83, so we froze our asses off and the walls stayed down.

One enterprising guy got sick of shitting in front of everyone else on those two rows of crappers in the middle of the shower building, so he found a Bekins moving box in a dumpster, cut off the top and bottom and one side. He'd fold it up and carry it to the shitter as a portable stall. Other guys saw this and started renting it out from him for fifty cents a pop.

The night before graduation the last hootch in our line, right next to the shitter, burned down because the clowns had turned their pot bellied oil heater all the way up (We were warned not to do this).
Those guys wanted to get out of Bullis and the Academy so bad, they were running out of that burning shack naked holding their blues on a hanger. They stood in graduation with bandages and second degree burns on their hands and faces.

The All Ranks Club when I was there still had strippers, nasty ones.

We used to run around in that big empty concrete pool built by the German POWs until we got caught.
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