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Link Posted: 3/13/2009 2:48:10 PM EDT
I was relating the conversation I had with an NRA employee in my posting a bit earlier. That NRA-ILA guy did not say it would absolutely happen, he stated that some people in the DOD were admitting they may have made a mistake and they were considering fixing that mistake with a waiver of policy change.

WE most certainly need to stay on the DOD's ass about this and keep in contact with our elected representatives and the NRA!!
Link Posted: 3/13/2009 2:49:15 PM EDT
Laying the foundation to serialize ammo?
Link Posted: 3/13/2009 2:50:57 PM EDT
I was relating the conversation I had with an NRA employee in my posting a bit earlier. That NRA-ILA guy did not say it would absolutely happen, he stated that some people in the DOD were admitting they may have made a mistake and they were considering fixing that mistake with a waiver of policy change.

WE most certainly need to stay on the DOD's ass about this and keep in contact with our elected representatives and the NRA!!

If the "mistake" isn't corrected, I hope it goes to the Supreme court. This would be a defacto ban.

Would be a great way to embarass the Obama administration and greatly weaken it's influence.
Link Posted: 3/13/2009 2:58:00 PM EDT
I tell you what, though.   I'm really starting to flirt with the idea of buying a stainless Marlin or Winchester 30-30, a metric ton of 30-30 brass,  a few cases of primers, a lead bullet mold, a few hundred pounds of garden sulphur, and starting a good old fashioned nitre pit in the back yard.   A black powder 30-30 that can be reliably fed and even with home rolled black powder ammo may be a nice thing to have around.

Link Posted: 3/13/2009 2:58:23 PM EDT


Yeah, I already understand that. However, my question pertained to the possibility of taking the scrapped ammo cases, melting them down and reforming them into "new" brass cases. Yes, it would be costly but it could be done couldn't it? It would just take the appropriate machinery and technical knowledge (not to mention the capitol $$$$ investments) to get it done.

You make it sounds so easy.

1. Where to get the massive capital to undertake this investment? We're in the middle of a "credit crisis" here
2. Given the political winds surrounding shooting sports, would you like to investment 20 million of your money in a privately owned ammo plant?
3. Might as well just buy brand new brass from LC, Winchester, PPU.

The whole point of once fired brass is that it's CHEAP.

I made it sound easy?

RIF. My questions were in reference to the efficacy and possibility of doing what I was trying to suggest. I did not fail to mention the capitol investments that would be required nor did I fail to understand that buying new brass would, in fact, be cheaper in the long run than attempting to do what I was suggesting.

I guess I could have worded my questions and comments a bit better but, in a nutshell, I can sum up what I was advocating as simply "Where's there's a will there's a way....but is there enough potential will, right now, to make this idea a reality?" Like it or not, we may be fast approaching a point in time where that question is more valid than it seems at the current moment.

The mid-term elections of 2010 can't get here fast enough because we need some new blood in congress to help keep The Kenyan in check.
Link Posted: 3/13/2009 3:02:18 PM EDT
Jesus Christ, who do they hire to write this shit? Is clear, effective communication outlawed, or what?

How about: "Official Notice: We're no longer selling you once fired brass, unless it's been mutilated first."

EDIT: "This notice will serve as official notification..."

Are they paid by the letter?

They need that verbiage to hide behind, just in case.....  
Link Posted: 3/13/2009 3:03:59 PM EDT
Ok, I'll take my lumps for being a dick to the OP.

That said, now is the time to raise a MASSIVE stink with your reps.  This is something they CAN and SHOULD intervene in.  Call/write/email them ASAFP and make them aware of this.  Chances are they do not reload, and thus will not know about this problem until it is brought to their attention.
Link Posted: 3/13/2009 3:10:08 PM EDT
I was relating the conversation I had with an NRA employee in my posting a bit earlier. That NRA-ILA guy did not say it would absolutely happen, he stated that some people in the DOD were admitting they may have made a mistake and they were considering fixing that mistake with a waiver of policy change.

WE most certainly need to stay on the DOD's ass about this and keep in contact with our elected representatives and the NRA!!

If the "mistake" isn't corrected, I hope it goes to the Supreme court. This would be a defacto ban.

Would be a great way to embarass the Obama administration and greatly weaken it's influence.

Wouldn't really be a ban.. You could still buy newly manufactured ammo, just not reloaded stuff. Sucks, to be sure, but it's not a ban.
Link Posted: 3/13/2009 3:12:09 PM EDT
I was relating the conversation I had with an NRA employee in my posting a bit earlier. That NRA-ILA guy did not say it would absolutely happen, he stated that some people in the DOD were admitting they may have made a mistake and they were considering fixing that mistake with a waiver of policy change.

WE most certainly need to stay on the DOD's ass about this and keep in contact with our elected representatives and the NRA!!

If the "mistake" isn't corrected, I hope it goes to the Supreme court. This would be a defacto ban.

Would be a great way to embarass the Obama administration and greatly weaken it's influence.

Wouldn't really be a ban.. You could still buy newly manufactured ammo, just not reloaded stuff. Sucks, to be sure, but it's not a ban.

of course, so we should just roll over and take it.  i agree completely
Link Posted: 3/13/2009 3:23:28 PM EDT
I was relating the conversation I had with an NRA employee in my posting a bit earlier. That NRA-ILA guy did not say it would absolutely happen, he stated that some people in the DOD were admitting they may have made a mistake and they were considering fixing that mistake with a waiver of policy change.

WE most certainly need to stay on the DOD's ass about this and keep in contact with our elected representatives and the NRA!!

If the "mistake" isn't corrected, I hope it goes to the Supreme court. This would be a defacto ban.

Would be a great way to embarass the Obama administration and greatly weaken it's influence.

Wouldn't really be a ban.. You could still buy newly manufactured ammo, just not reloaded stuff. Sucks, to be sure, but it's not a ban.

of course, so we should just roll over and take it.  i agree completely

Not what I said. I've already called my Senators this afternoon. That's likely more than many in this thread have done yet.
Link Posted: 3/13/2009 3:28:48 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/13/2009 3:31:51 PM EDT
this should be tacked and constantly updated.

harass congressmen 24/7 about this issue.

Link Posted: 3/13/2009 3:52:56 PM EDT
I just got a reply to my email.......

I sent this email at 9AM PST  3/13/09....  To confirm what this email means.


Does this mean that ALL fired brass ammunition cases are to be destroyed?

Do current lots require destruction? ... like this one:


Thank you,
Thane Grooms

Here's the reply......

Dear Thane,

Thank you for your e-mail.  The recently implemented mutilation requirement applies to all current and future auctions that contain fired shell casings.

We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in this matter.


Customer Service Management
Government Liquidation, LLC
DOD Surplus, LLC
15051 N. Kierland Blvd, Ste 300
Scottsdale, AZ  85254
Ph:  480.367.1300
Fax: 480.367.1450
Email:  [email protected]
Online Help:http://www.govliquidation.com/help/index.html
Link Posted: 3/13/2009 4:02:12 PM EDT
We also now know that DOD Surplus LLC is a new entity.
Link Posted: 3/13/2009 4:13:27 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/13/2009 4:15:05 PM EDT
FUCK  "DOD SURPLUS LLC" and the horse they rode in on.!!!!

We need to bug the shit out of our Congressional Reps. and Senators........as well as the NRA, like I said earlier!

I don't give a shit what these surplus NAZI's have to say..........let's turn the heat up  on these jerk-off's........BIG TIME.
Link Posted: 3/13/2009 4:36:50 PM EDT
Laying the foundation to serialize ammo?

Illegal now in Tennesse to serialize ammo.

Thanks for posting that Heavy Metal........that is good news!

I hope we can get that done in Oregon while the Legislature is in session!

Link Posted: 3/13/2009 5:27:36 PM EDT
I took time today to draft a letter to my Senators and Congressman. Everyone needs to push hard on this even if you do not reload.

It will cause a rise in new ammo cost due to increase demand!

If you do not know how to contact your representatives go here and you can send emails from the page automatically to them.


Link Posted: 3/13/2009 5:37:04 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/13/2009 5:43:59 PM EDT

Good. I also hope Lou Dobbs jumps on it too.
Link Posted: 3/13/2009 5:49:27 PM EDT
Would someone please inform me to the meaning of "tagging" something?
Link Posted: 3/13/2009 5:51:23 PM EDT
Would someone please inform me to the meaning of "tagging" something?

You can't you are not a team member.

It basically keeps the thread available to view, so you don't have to wade through 1,000+ threads to return to this topic.

Link Posted: 3/13/2009 5:54:19 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/13/2009 6:16:20 PM EDT
Anybody have a sample letter I can "borrow" to write my Congresscritters with?  I've read through all 6 pages of the thread, and while I understand generally what ya'll are talking about, I don't understand it enough to make a coherent and cogent statement in a letter.  
Link Posted: 3/13/2009 6:17:17 PM EDT
Anybody have a sample letter I can "borrow" to write my Congresscritters with?  I've read through all 6 pages of the thread, and while I understand generally what ya'll are talking about, I don't understand it enough to make a coherent and cogent statement in a letter.  

You can use mine.

Gun owners desperately need your help.  For some reason, recently the Defense Logistics Agency has determined that all fired brass casings from ammunition fired at military firing ranges must be mutilated before they can be sold as surplus.  This means that it can no longer be used by people like me who wish to reload the cases and use them again.  When contacted regarding this matter, the DLA could not provide a source or reason for this change in policy.  Not only does this affect individual reloaders, but also companies like Georgia Arms and Black Hills Ammunition who purchase large quantities of surplus brass and sell it as reloaded ammunition.  This move by the DLA not only hurts gun owners, but also costs the government substantial amounts of money for no good reason.  The mutilation process is a time consuming process that adds an additional expense to the process of disposing of surplus brass, while at the same time reducing the value of the brass by 80%.  There!
is absolutely no benefit to this new policy, and it needs to go away.  Please help us sir!
Link Posted: 3/13/2009 6:19:17 PM EDT
Anybody have a sample letter I can "borrow" to write my Congresscritters with?  I've read through all 6 pages of the thread, and while I understand generally what ya'll are talking about, I don't understand it enough to make a coherent and cogent statement in a letter.  


Link Posted: 3/13/2009 6:36:55 PM EDT

This is the letter I wrote. I ain't the brightest light bulb, but I will speak my voice.

Dear Senator

I have recently become aware of the fact of a policy change by the Defense Logistics Agency. The new policy change requires that fired munitions .50 caliber and smaller will now have to be destroyed rather than recycled. During these hard economic times this seems to be a huge waste of taxpayer's money. By making this policy change it reduces the value of these products 85%. This will have a large impact on the DOD budget, police training, and individual rights.

I have received the following email from Government Liquidations about this matter.

Dear Valued Customer:

Please take a moment to note important changes set forth by the Defense Logistics Agency:

Recently it has been determined that fired munitions of all calibers, shapes and sizes have been designated to be Demil code B. As a result and in conjunction with DLA's current Demil code B policy, this notice will serve as official notification which requires Scrap Venture (SV) to implement mutilation as a condition of sale for all sales of fired munitions effective immediately. This notice also requires SV to immediately cease delivery of any fired munitions that have been recently sold or on active term contracts, unless the material has been mutilated prior to sale or SV personnel can attest to the mutilation after delivery. A certificate of destruction is required in either case.

Effective immediately DOD Surplus, LLC, will be implementing new requirements for mutilation of fired shell casings. The new DRMS requirement calls for DOD Surplus personnel to witness the mutilation of the property and sign the Certificate of Destruction. Mutilation of the property can be done at the DRMO, if permitted by the Government, or it may be mutilated at a site chosen by the buyer. Mutilation means that the property will be destroyed to the extent prevents its reuse or reconstruction. DOD Surplus personnel will determine when property has been sufficiently mutilated to meet the requirements of the Government.

Thank you,

Customer Service Management

Government Liquidation, LLC

DOD Surplus, LLC

15051 N. Kierland Blvd, Ste 300

Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Ph: 480.367.1300

Fax: 480.367.1450

Email: [email protected]

Online Help:http://www.govliquidation.com/help/index.html

The policy to mutilate and destroy these products should be reversed to previous policy allowing it to be sold for recycling. This is a giant waste of out nations resources. Please aid in having this policy reversed to the sales policies previously used.

Link Posted: 3/13/2009 7:22:33 PM EDT
If it needs to be mutilated, why are they advertising that it doesn't?


another auction
Link Posted: 3/13/2009 7:27:31 PM EDT
If it needs to be mutilated, why are they advertising that it doesn't?


another auction

They just havn't updated their auction information yet.

Link Posted: 3/13/2009 8:03:00 PM EDT
...and I thought 11.95 for 20 rounds of XM-193C at Gander Mountain was bad...  When do they open on Saturdays?

This is awesome, push the prices up to all-time highs and WHAM!!!  Fucking back-door ban.  I really thought prices would come down to pre-Obama levels.  Pipe dreams all along...
Link Posted: 3/13/2009 8:16:04 PM EDT
...and I thought 11.95 for 20 rounds of XM-193C at Gander Mountain was bad...  When do they open on Saturdays?

This is awesome, push the prices up to all-time highs and WHAM!!!  Fucking back-door ban.  I really thought prices would come down to pre-Obama levels.  Pipe dreams all along...

Well, it's looking like all of those people who bought up all of the guns and ammo in the early days of November were on to something, in spite of ARFCOM telling them that they were idiots and that there was no need to worry about Obama causing problems for gun owners.
Link Posted: 3/13/2009 8:17:56 PM EDT
...and I thought 11.95 for 20 rounds of XM-193C at Gander Mountain was bad...  When do they open on Saturdays?

This is awesome, push the prices up to all-time highs and WHAM!!!  Fucking back-door ban.  I really thought prices would come down to pre-Obama levels.  Pipe dreams all along...

Well, it's looking like all of those people who bought up all of the guns and ammo in the early days of November were on to something, in spite of ARFCOM telling them that they were idiots and that there was no need to worry about Obama causing problems for gun owners.

can you point to where Obama had ANYTHING to do with this policy?
Link Posted: 3/13/2009 8:21:56 PM EDT
...and I thought 11.95 for 20 rounds of XM-193C at Gander Mountain was bad...  When do they open on Saturdays?

This is awesome, push the prices up to all-time highs and WHAM!!!  Fucking back-door ban.  I really thought prices would come down to pre-Obama levels.  Pipe dreams all along...

Well, it's looking like all of those people who bought up all of the guns and ammo in the early days of November were on to something, in spite of ARFCOM telling them that they were idiots and that there was no need to worry about Obama causing problems for gun owners.

can you point to where Obama had ANYTHING to do with this policy?

N_T is right.

This type of thing has been coming down for years.  I have been seeing the demil list expand every week for a long time.

They have come back a year after buying a demil class B item and want it back.

Link Posted: 3/13/2009 8:43:26 PM EDT
How about a credible source? Can DOD Surplus (which is a private company BTW) produce something official from DLA/DRMS or any other gov agency stating the mutilation requirement? All I see are rumors from dealers that stand to make a lot of money off of a panic.

Even if this were true, demil code B does not require mutilation.

This doesn't add up.

Link Posted: 3/13/2009 8:44:57 PM EDT
Anybody have a sample letter I can "borrow" to write my Congresscritters with?  I've read through all 6 pages of the thread, and while I understand generally what ya'll are talking about, I don't understand it enough to make a coherent and cogent statement in a letter.  


I had intended to post this in the now locked thread started by Napoleon Tanerite.  N-T was, shall we say, showing some frustration with Arfcom members for not doing their part in contacting their elected officials regarding this issue.  I took N-T's letter and added to it.  I intended to post it so that if others wanted to use it, they could.  Unfortunately, the thread had already been locked by the time I finished writing.  I guess this thread is as good a place to post it. Actually, now that I think about it, this is probably the best place to post it.  

I'll use your example and expound on it a little bit.  However, since I don't reload, I'm not familiar with the particulars of this issue, but in general, if you want to get a politician's attention, "usually," they only respond to two things:

Campaign contributions

A ton of their constituents threatening to donate money to his/her opponent in the next election

Having said that, it won't hurt to send your politician a letter.   Can anyone fill in the blanks or correct any errors so that I can compose an accurate and factual letter that everyone can use?  


"Dear Sir or Madam (whoever you're addressing your letter to)

Millions of law abiding gun owners have recently learned that the Defense Logistics Agency has determined that all fired brass casings from ammunition fired at military firing ranges must be mutilated before they can be sold as surplus. This means that it can no longer be used by law abiding gun owners who wish to reload the spent brass casings and use them again.  When contacted regarding this matter, the DLA could not provide a source or reason for this change in policy.

This new policy not only negatively affects the millions of reloaders in this country, but it will also negatively affect the profits of corporations such as Georgia Arms and Black Hills Ammunition.  These companies purchase large quantities of surplus brass casings and sell it as reloaded ammunition. This move by the DLA to mutilate the brass casings before it can be sold will not only drive the cost of reloads up for gun owners and the corporations that purchase the surplus for resale, but it will also substantially increase the cost to the government due to the added step of having to mutilate the casings before the DLA can sell it.  The mutilation process is not only a time consuming effort and an unnecessary additional expense to the government, but it will also will reduce the value of the brass by 80% which further decreases the government's profit margin.

I have recently contacted the NRA - ILA and asked them to look into the matter, and as one of your constituents, I respectfully ask that you look into the matter as well.  Thank you for taking the time to consider my request and I look forward to your reply.


(full name and address here)

Link Posted: 3/13/2009 8:45:23 PM EDT
letters sent to senators (TX where I'm a citizen of, not MD where I'm just stationed and they would just laugh in my face).
Link Posted: 3/13/2009 8:47:50 PM EDT
Anybody have a sample letter I can "borrow" to write my Congresscritters with?  I've read through all 6 pages of the thread, and while I understand generally what ya'll are talking about, I don't understand it enough to make a coherent and cogent statement in a letter.  


I had intended to post this in the now locked thread started by Napoleon Tanerite.  N-T was, shall we say, showing some frustration with Arfcom members for not doing their part in contacting their elected officials regarding this issue.  I took N-T's letter and added to it.  I intended to post it so that if others wanted to use it, they could.  Unfortunately, the thread had already been locked by the time I finished writing.  I guess this thread is as good a place to post it. Actually, now that I think about it, this is probably the best place to post it.  

I'll use your example and expound on it a little bit.  However, since I don't reload, I'm not familiar with the particulars of this issue, but in general, if you want to get a politician's attention, "usually," they only respond to two things:

Campaign contributions

A ton of their constituents threatening to donate money to his/her opponent in the next election

Having said that, it won't hurt to send your politician a letter.   Can anyone fill in the blanks or correct any errors so that I can compose an accurate and factual letter that everyone can use?  


"Dear Sir or Madam (whoever you're addressing your letter to)

Millions law abiding gun owners have recently learned that the Defense Logistics Agency has determined that all fired brass casings from ammunition fired at military firing ranges must be mutilated before they can be sold as surplus. This means that it can no longer be used by law abiding gun owners who wish to reload the spent brass casings and use them again.  When contacted regarding this matter, the DLA could not provide a source or reason for this change in policy.

This new policy not only negatively affects the millions of reloaders in this country, but it will also negatively affect the profits of corporations such as Georgia Arms and Black Hills Ammunition.  These companies purchase large quantities of surplus brass casings and sell it as reloaded ammunition. This move by the DLA to mutilate the brass casings before it can be sold will not only drive the cost of reloads up for gun owners and the corporations that purchase the surplus for resale, but it will also substantially increase the cost to the government due to the added step of having to mutilate the casings before the DLA can sell it.  The mutilation process is not only a time consuming effort and an unnecessary additional expense to the government, but it will also will reduce the value of the brass by 80% which further decreases the government's profit margin.

I have recently contacted the NRA - ILA and asked them to look into the matter, and as one of your constituents, I respectfully ask that you look into the matter as well.  Thank you for taking the time to consider my request and I look forward to your reply.


(full name and address here)

good edit... i think you're right on track
Link Posted: 3/13/2009 8:51:27 PM EDT
...and I thought 11.95 for 20 rounds of XM-193C at Gander Mountain was bad...  When do they open on Saturdays?

This is awesome, push the prices up to all-time highs and WHAM!!!  Fucking back-door ban.  I really thought prices would come down to pre-Obama levels.  Pipe dreams all along...

Well, it's looking like all of those people who bought up all of the guns and ammo in the early days of November were on to something, in spite of ARFCOM telling them that they were idiots and that there was no need to worry about Obama causing problems for gun owners.

can you point to where Obama had ANYTHING to do with this policy?

N_T is right.

This type of thing has been coming down for years.  I have been seeing the demil list expand every week for a long time.

They have come back a year after buying a demil class B item and want it back.

There is no doubt that the writing was on the wall for MONTHS, but that is not to say I hoped the buying panic would subside.  

BOTTOM LINE:  I want to shoot my rifle with affordable rounds!  If small scale reloaders are no longer safe, what becomes of the rest of the shooting population?  

Extinct, and as a result, shooting is no longer economically viable.
Link Posted: 3/13/2009 8:54:05 PM EDT
I had a thought, and you all may like it.

I have very liberal congress critters...  WHAT IF... we point out how many hydrocarbons will be burned by the de milling process and smelting process in which the old brass is reformed into new casings...

It could work.
Link Posted: 3/13/2009 8:54:59 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/13/2009 8:57:56 PM EDT
The bullshit, speculation and misinformation in this thread is still epic.

I'll stick to what I know from Ft. Lewis, a once-fired brass re-seller and what I passed to Greg Walden today.

Still no direct source for this mess.

I apologized for being an ass, but we still have nothing except phonecons and email.  We know nothing beyond that.  A study in how to fuck up ARFCom with merely a quoted email in several different versions.
Link Posted: 3/13/2009 8:59:06 PM EDT
The bullshit, speculation and misinformation in this thread is still epic.

I'll stick to what I know from Ft. Lewis, a once-fired brass re-seller and what I passed to Greg Walden today.

Still no direct source for this mess.


Check your sources people, and stop bothering your reps with letters concerning RUMORS.
Link Posted: 3/13/2009 8:59:49 PM EDT
The bullshit, speculation and misinformation in this thread is still epic.

I'll stick to what I know from Ft. Lewis, a once-fired brass re-seller and what I passed to Greg Walden today.

Still no direct source for this mess.

well this is arfcom after all, where things are blown out of proportion sometimes
Link Posted: 3/13/2009 9:16:01 PM EDT
I find it disturbing that this comes about what 2 days after the AL shooting?
Link Posted: 3/13/2009 9:32:12 PM EDT
The bullshit, speculation and misinformation in this thread is still epic.

I'll stick to what I know from Ft. Lewis, a once-fired brass re-seller and what I passed to Greg Walden today.

Still no direct source for this mess.

I apologized for being an ass, but we still have nothing except phonecons and email.  We know nothing beyond that.  A study in how to fuck up ARFCom with merely a quoted email in several different versions.

I have a feeling your not going to be happy.

No EO or policy change is needed.  This may be as simple as a management decision, requiring no further proof/evidence/documentation/edicts...

Link Posted: 3/13/2009 9:53:21 PM EDT
I find it odd that the auctions have not been updated with this new requirment if it became policy yesterday - I do notice several auctions for brass have been pulled recently though , although I have seen that before

Link Posted: 3/13/2009 11:16:24 PM EDT
The bullshit, speculation and misinformation in this thread is still epic.

I'll stick to what I know from Ft. Lewis, a once-fired brass re-seller and what I passed to Greg Walden today.

Still no direct source for this mess.

I apologized for being an ass, but we still have nothing except phonecons and email.  We know nothing beyond that.  A study in how to fuck up ARFCom with merely a quoted email in several different versions.

I have a feeling your not going to be happy.

No EO or policy change is needed.  This may be as simple as a management decision, requiring no further proof/evidence/documentation/edicts...

Source and documentation is all I ask. Everybody and their brother got a similar email, but they all seem to be from these guys, and these guys ARE NOT THE GOVERNMENT.

Customer Service Management
Government Liquidation, LLC
DOD Surplus, LLC
15051 N. Kierland Blvd, Ste 300
Scottsdale, AZ 85254
Ph: 480.367.1300
Fax: 480.367.1450
Email: [email protected]
Online Help:http://www.govliquidation.com/help/index.html

One vendor of once-fired brass is sitting on brass he already owns, trying to find out if he can sell it or has to destroy it, one person I talked to at DRMOwhatever says it is not in writing, and one of the people I used to work with at an ASP says it's news to him.

ALL OF THIS due to an email message from some dude who deals in 'gubmint scrap.  

"This may be as simple as a management decision, requiring no further proof/evidence/documentation/edicts..."

True, but like any other similar dumb-ass decision, some dumb-ass has over stepped his authority.  Even so, if all it takes to spin up ARFCom and everyone dealing in fired ammo is an un-sourced email, we have problems.  Every dealer who has stopped selling and is  bleeding money out the ass is doing so based on one paragraph of text from some shithead WHO AINT THE GUBMINT. Is there ANY OTHER source for this, other than "Government Liquidation, LLC"?  I would think that any business that took it in the ass like this would be falling all over to point out just where the decision came from and who to contact.

This still has cluster-fuck all over it, regardless of how it started.  

If I were a dealer with a completed contract and gubmint receipt in hand, I would be selling brass out the ass today until somebody with a clue convinced my lawyer I had a problem.  

Link Posted: 3/13/2009 11:18:49 PM EDT
well, there were a couple of lots I was looking at bidding on in San Antonio.   They got pulled today (er yesterday).

But the one in Whichita Falls is still up and there are several still up in other States.  And they specifically say "no mutilation required."

This is REALLY going to suck if it's true.  FUCK.  

eta: I'm going to try to bid on some other stuff in San Antonio soon, so I'll ask the govliq manager there about this when I meet him.
Link Posted: 3/13/2009 11:33:00 PM EDT


Is there ANY OTHER source for this, other than "Government Liquidation, LLC"?  I would think that any business that took it in the ass like this would be falling all over to point out just where the decision came from and who to contact.
 While I have my doubts about the ultimate legitimacy of the change, you are showing your ignorance.
You really don't know who "Government Liquidation, LLC" is, do you?
GL is not some "scrapper".  GL is THE scrapper.  As in just about the only place where you can buy government surplus - essentially straight from the government.  Pretty much everyone who buys government surplus must buy that surplus first through GL.
I am confused however, since DEMIL CODE B items DO NOT require mutilation by definition.

(edit for clarification)
Link Posted: 3/14/2009 4:40:38 AM EDT
I talked to my source last night about a 10k piece order I put in with him about 4 days ago now.  He said still no problem, brass is shipping
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