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Link Posted: 4/30/2013 8:08:32 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/30/2013 8:10:35 AM EDT
DK-Prof and his people are subjects to the Swedish King.

Why would they bow to some failed ex-frog?  You guys should have held out for someone classier, like Davout or Suchet.  

After Bernadotte ditched Napoleon (and stole his girlfriend) it all went downhill for the French. Bernadotte then proceeded to kick ass and take Norway from the Danes.

He was a type A personality.
Link Posted: 4/30/2013 8:11:30 AM EDT
DK-Prof and his people are subjects to the Swedish King.

King Ikea who rides around in the world's most luxurious 240 wagon pulled by a team of moose. His guards are armed with potent cans of surstromming which they will open if attacked, sacrificng themselves for their king.

The guards roll around in S-tanks and are armed with Swedish-K's. Otherwise you got it right.
Link Posted: 4/30/2013 8:13:57 AM EDT
DK-Prof and his people are subjects to the Swedish King.

Why would they bow to some failed ex-frog?  You guys should have held out for someone classier, like Davout or Suchet.  

It annoys the Swedes that they've never managed to rule Denmark, so they tell themselves fairy tales to help them sleep at night.

We let them rule Norway for a few years, but that didn't help them feel any better.

You're just butthurt that most of what used to be Denmark is now part of Sweden.

The only reason we left you a small plot of land is because we felt sorry for you after having buttfucked you for a few centuries. You're welcome btw.
Link Posted: 4/30/2013 8:14:21 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/30/2013 8:15:20 AM EDT
DK-Prof and his people are subjects to the Swedish King.

Why would they bow to some failed ex-frog?  You guys should have held out for someone classier, like Davout or Suchet.  

After Bernadotte ditched Napoleon (and stole his girlfriend) it all went downhill for the French. Bernadotte then proceeded to kick ass and take Norway from the Danes.

He was a type A personality.

Bernadotte was a badass.  No doubt about it.

He was one of the few good things to come out of the French Revolution.
Link Posted: 4/30/2013 8:19:39 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/30/2013 8:20:45 AM EDT
Trivia: Carrots used to be commonly purple (like a beat)

But in honor of William, farmers in the Netherlands started to farm ONLY the orange variety.

Now Orange Carrot is the "norm" all over, even though the carrot varies greatly in color.


Grats to the new King!

Lies!  Lies and sorcery...!  
Link Posted: 4/30/2013 8:21:40 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/30/2013 8:26:42 AM EDT
So it doesn't actually have anything at all to do with the more routine contact I had with the Danish royal family, being an officer in their personal guard regiment. That was basically just a job, working (indirectly) for the royal family. But that was only because it was the "family" regiment. So I didn't join BECAUSE of the royal connection, but joined because it was where my dad had served.

It is ok DK....I understand....I wish I could have gone in the family regiment, 'the Black Watch'...but Dad moved all the way over here
Link Posted: 4/30/2013 8:37:32 AM EDT



Willem-Alexander becomes new Dutch king

AMSTERDAM (AP) — Willem-Alexander became the first Dutch king in more than a century Tuesday as his mother, Beatrix, abdicated after 33 years as queen.

The generational change in the House of Orange-Nassau gave the Netherlands a moment of celebration, pageantry and brief respite as this trading nation of nearly 17 million struggles through a lengthy recession brought on by the European economic crisis.

Visibly emotional, the much-loved Beatrix ended her reign in a nationally televised signing ceremony as thousands of orange-clad people cheered outside. Millions more were expected to watch on television.


Congrats to DK-Prof and his new King!

Isn't DK-Prof Danish and not Dutch?  

Same thing, duh.

Link Posted: 4/30/2013 9:05:56 AM EDT
DK-Prof and his people are subjects to the Swedish King.

Why would they bow to some failed ex-frog?  You guys should have held out for someone classier, like Davout or Suchet.  

It annoys the Swedes that they've never managed to rule Denmark, so they tell themselves fairy tales to help them sleep at night.

We let them rule Norway for a few years, but that didn't help them feel any better.

You're just butthurt that most of what used to be Denmark is now part of Sweden.

The only reason we left you a small plot of land is because we felt sorry for you after having buttfucked you for a few centuries. You're welcome btw.

See what I mean?  The denial is stunning.    Sour grapes are sour grapes.  Everyone knows that you wish you could have taken Denmark, but you never could.

The fact that you temporarily had some military success - when you brought in a Frenchman to do what the actual Swedes could not - does not change the fact that over the past 1000 years, Sweden and Norway have at best been junior partners in Scandinavia.  I think we all know who ruled whom during the Kalmar Union, when all of Scandinavia was ruled by Denmark.  

That's how simple it is.  We ruled you, and we ruled Norway.  You never did the same.  Please try to get over it.    But, not to worry.  The older and wiser Danish sibling doesn't mind letting the kids strut around for a while.  It is good for your fragile egos, after all.  

Plus, you've RUINED the parts of Sweden that we used to run, so we no longer want them back.  Serioulsy, what have you done to Malmo and Goteborg?  

We were (and still are) the big dog in Northern Europe. We conquered pretty much everything from the Atlantic to Moscow at one time or another.

We've kicked the collective asses of not only you Danes, but also of the Germans, Russians, Norwegians, Poles, Turks and many more. The only time in the last half of the millennium that you guys have had any success was when you partnered up with the Russians, and even then we stomped your asses into the ground eventually.

The only reason a part of Denmark remains is because we allowed it. You're welcome.

Skåne has always been a shithole so we thought that no one would notice if we dumped some of our refuse there.
Link Posted: 4/30/2013 9:07:30 AM EDT
Honestly, all joking aside, I think a new Kalmar Union - with some kind of rotating monarch that switches from Denmark-Sweden-Norway every 10 years or something like that - would be a great idea.

Screw this EU nonsense, and bring back Kalmar.     (... with the Finns and the Baltic States as junior partners, if they suck up to us enough).

That would be tits.

Swedish weaponry, Norwegian fish and Danish beer would make it a power to be reckoned with.
Link Posted: 4/30/2013 9:10:23 AM EDT
Common Arfcommer's WATCH Game of Thrones.

DK-Prof LIVES it.
Link Posted: 4/30/2013 9:13:30 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/30/2013 9:21:09 AM EDT
Congrats King Bill!
Link Posted: 4/30/2013 10:49:29 AM EDT
House of Orange can go to hell. See William and Mary for reason for true English royalist hate

Did you know that some of our Founding Fathers actually asked members of the Hous of Orange if they would be willing to be King of the United States, provided adoption of a constitution that provided for one (the contemporary Dutch constitution was considered strongly as a model for such)?
Link Posted: 4/30/2013 10:53:11 AM EDT
Another thread about the Nether Regions?

They sure are popular.
Link Posted: 4/30/2013 11:04:25 AM EDT
Actually my Clan in Scotland, Clan Murray is a Viking- Scot clan...yes the Vikings came and swore alliagence  to us...little know fact. and Clan Sinclair holds a Princeship to Norway...And at least one Finn was desired on a ship..seems we have a thing with weather....I am not saying but storms may just sink your fleet....
Link Posted: 4/30/2013 11:55:54 AM EDT
House of Orange can go to hell. See William and Mary for reason for true English royalist hate

Did you know that some of our Founding Fathers actually asked members of the Hous of Orange if they would be willing to be King of the United States, provided adoption of a constitution that provided for one (the contemporary Dutch constitution was considered strongly as a model for such)?

Yes but the House of Orange were never kings until relatively recently. The Netherlands was a republic since the late middle ages with the Stadhouder (not a king) being from the House of Orange and usually in charge of the military affairs but by no means did this equal political power

Troops of the House of Orange blowing up the grave of the real patriot  Joan van der Capellen tot den Pol who supported the American cause
Previously, he had fallen foul of the Stadholder prince William V of Orange and the members of the States when he proclaimed himself against expansion of the army and the fleet. When in 1776 the British King George III asked the Dutch whether he could borrow the Scotch Brigade (a unit of mercenaries in Dutch service) to be deployed in the war with the American Republic, he voted against.

He also championed the Dutch RTKBA as a natural right ! And we have the British to thank for putting the House of Orange in to power
Long Live the Old Dutch Republic !
Link Posted: 4/30/2013 12:00:05 PM EDT
So, have the teeny tiny countries of little consequence stopped arguing yet?

Link Posted: 4/30/2013 1:50:52 PM EDT
So, have the teeny tiny countries of little consequence stopped arguing yet?

In my bookshelf I have books well over a century older than your country. Get back to us when your country has survived for as long as ours.
Link Posted: 4/30/2013 1:52:25 PM EDT
So, have the teeny tiny countries of little consequence stopped arguing yet?

In my bookshelf I have books well over a century older than your country. Get back to us when your country has survived for as long as ours.

My "country" was a democracy long before yours :D
Link Posted: 4/30/2013 1:57:28 PM EDT
So, have the teeny tiny countries of little consequence stopped arguing yet?

In my bookshelf I have books well over a century older than your country. Get back to us when your country has survived for as long as ours.

My "country" was a democracy long before yours :D

Your statement reflects poorly on the American educational system. Please enlighten yourself.
Link Posted: 4/30/2013 2:30:52 PM EDT
So, have the teeny tiny countries of little consequence stopped arguing yet?

In my bookshelf I have books well over a century older than your country. Get back to us when your country has survived for as long as ours.

Ha.  Get a Kindle.

Link Posted: 4/30/2013 2:39:49 PM EDT
So, have the teeny tiny countries of little consequence stopped arguing yet?

In my bookshelf I have books well over a century older than your country. Get back to us when your country has survived for as long as ours.

My "country" was a democracy long before yours :D

Your statement reflects poorly on the American educational system. Please enlighten yourself.

Pffft. Iroquois Confederacy FTMFW, baby. Early 1400s or so.

Your young democracy is kind of cute though, in a Eurocentric sort of way.
Link Posted: 4/30/2013 2:40:50 PM EDT
So, have the teeny tiny countries of little consequence stopped arguing yet?

In my bookshelf I have books well over a century older than your country. Get back to us when your country has survived for as long as ours.

My "country" was a democracy long before yours :D

Your statement reflects poorly on the American educational system. Please enlighten yourself.

Pffft. Iroquois Confederacy FTMFW, baby. Early 1400s or so.

Your young democracy is kind of cute though, in a Eurocentric sort of way.

Who cares about the Indians? Non-Europeans don't count.
Link Posted: 4/30/2013 2:42:18 PM EDT

Who cares about the Indians? Non-Europeans don't count.

I have to agree...skraelings don't count
Link Posted: 4/30/2013 2:48:44 PM EDT
Volbeat is from Daneland
Link Posted: 4/30/2013 2:49:37 PM EDT
Grandfather Coyote is right, the Native Americans were democracy before Europe. Also there was a significant interaction between Europe and America. Prince Henry was there, the Vikings were there several hundred years before the rest of Europe and intermarried. I was talking with my cousin Robert, he is Cree and a Professor of NA Studies...he is also of Scots descent and told me about the Viking interaction, That would be Norway not Sweden
Link Posted: 4/30/2013 2:51:45 PM EDT
DK-Prof and his people are subjects to the Swedish King.

I'm pretty sure that the Swedish are Dutch too.

Almost positive.

With hints of Swiss and Finn

and some Soweto thrown in?
Link Posted: 4/30/2013 3:02:02 PM EDT
As an aside, I actually me that guy when we were teenagers.  Nice guy.

Are you some kind of groupie for royalty?.  Every time something like this comes up; you met them, stood guard at their estate, or were friends w/ their cousin.

No, not at all.  It was a coincidental meeting.  We were both at an international event for our respective high schools (I was in high school in Denmark, and he was obviously in Holland).  He had screwed something up, and I called him on it, and he wrote me a note apologizing.  We talked briefly afterwards, and he was a friendly guy.  Only when I later looked at his signature on the note did I realize he was the Dutch crown prince.

So it doesn't actually have anything at all to do with the more routine contact I had with the Danish royal family, being an officer in their personal guard regiment.  That was basically just a job, working (indirectly) for the royal family.  But that was only because it was the "family" regiment.  So I didn't join BECAUSE of the royal connection, but joined because it was where my dad had served.

So when you guys conversed, what language did you speak? I've always wondered how that works between European countries... do you guys rock paper scissors for who's language you speak, or do you just pick a neutral one like English?
Link Posted: 4/30/2013 3:13:01 PM EDT
I think I'd enjoy living in one of the Scandinavian countries. At least the governments there seem to polite when telling you to pick up cans.

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