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Link Posted: 11/14/2012 6:03:50 PM EDT


Maybe this one


Awesome avatar and title.
Thank You.

Insanity We Trust

Win_88 1976
Link Posted: 11/14/2012 6:11:13 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/14/2012 6:15:48 PM EDT

What'd you do with my forehead? I look like a neanderthal.

Where was neanderthalenses discovered?
Link Posted: 11/14/2012 6:32:40 PM EDT

What'd you do with my forehead? I look like a neanderthal.

Neanderthal.. .slavic... same diff
I gotta confess, i was leaning towards the Ruthless party until the whole "i voted for Obama" scandal a few pages back... I was disappoint.

I might stay in my mom's basement and not vote.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 11/14/2012 6:35:24 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/14/2012 6:38:47 PM EDT


What'd you do with my forehead? I look like a neanderthal.



Fixed it for you.

Link Posted: 11/14/2012 6:52:55 PM EDT
Damn it. I can only go so fast with MS Paints.
Link Posted: 11/14/2012 7:13:10 PM EDT
Is this suppose to represent Aimless on NorCal's chest?

In before the guy looking for the recipe.

Link Posted: 11/14/2012 7:28:43 PM EDT
Third party should be the Milkie party.  Just say no to pasteurizatuion...  
Link Posted: 11/14/2012 7:30:34 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/14/2012 7:37:27 PM EDT
I think Aimless can bridge the "brown gap" thay is keeping the GOP down.

He is white and Black and he can finance his own campaign

Skimming And embezzling from the EE has been very lucrative.  

I always knew he was up to Something...

Link Posted: 11/14/2012 7:52:08 PM EDT

Link Posted: 11/14/2012 7:52:08 PM EDT



OK. So.  We have a campaign shaping up.  Debate schedule to be determined.  

Y'all think on it.  In pit or here in GD.

Aimless and DK-Prof in the Avian party.

Zhukov and NorCal_LEO for the Ruthless or Familiar party?

It's not a real race unless you have a 3rd party to swing the votes. I nominate TBK/VA_gunnut for the Get Off My Lawn party platform. Just to make it interesting.

Ooh, that's a tough one.

I was going to go with the Birdbrain Avian party, but the Get Off My Lawn party appeals to my curmudgeonlike tendancies.

Maybe the Avians would do well to attract voters by running a hybrid ticket, like Aimless and VA_Gunnut.

Link Posted: 11/14/2012 8:10:57 PM EDT

That doesn't look like any child of Aimless's.

Its nose isn't big enough for one.

I see you're making one of the secret signs of Avian party support with that duckface (and since ducks are like small geese you therefore support DK-Prof) but yet you're trying to undermine the candidate.

For shame.

What are you trying to pull here missy?

Link Posted: 11/14/2012 9:00:51 PM EDT

That doesn't look like any child of Aimless's.

Its nose isn't big enough for one.

I see you're making one of the secret signs of Avian party support with that duckface (and since ducks are like small geese you therefore support DK-Prof) but yet you're trying to undermine the candidate.

For shame.

What are you trying to pull here missy?


Obviously Aimless Jr. took after me more than his useless father. He got my lovely slender nose.
Link Posted: 11/14/2012 9:15:03 PM EDT
I second the nomination for VA-gun as the third party candidate.

Let's see if we can get another hat thrown in.

I hereby conclude the first portion of debate.

In summary zhukov might have said something to slam aimless' running mate but immediately flipper flopped his position to support the current administration as well as show a lack of communication in his organization in not knowing where his running mate is.

DK Prof having been stripped of his dreams as a vp running mate may make his own run at the third party candidacy, potentially creating a divide in the avian vote.

sex scandles and paternity cases continue to unfold for the penguin and the goose.

and both candidates refused to make any comment on beans vs no beans in chili.

We will now hear the candidates put forth their platforms without editing each others posts or banning members that ask questions that are too hard.

Later we will follow with another 2 rounds of debate and a shoot off.

Link Posted: 11/15/2012 6:08:47 AM EDT

It's a real campaign, now that we've found Aimless has a mistress.

Link Posted: 11/15/2012 6:11:49 AM EDT

It's a real campaign, now that we've found Aimless has a mistress.  

Aimless and I have long been over, since be threw up on my Betty Johnson heels at a Thanksgiving party then blamed it on Opie.

I just want him to do right by our son. Little Aimless needs dental work, a college savings plan, etc.
Link Posted: 11/15/2012 6:30:01 AM EDT

It's a real campaign, now that we've found Aimless has a mistress.  

I always assumed that Aimless and Big Ed fooled arround together, they sure seem to like spending time together in the Yugo.

But now it all makes sense to me.  The missing hot tub, i bet it was moved to Utah.  Maybe Aimless supports "Big Love"?  Or maybe Aimless is really a General?  I dunno, but i do know that some serious investigation needs to go into this, the media needs to get involved and we need some serious Hearings, to get to the bottom of this.

Link Posted: 11/15/2012 6:36:30 AM EDT

Link Posted: 11/15/2012 6:51:49 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/15/2012 6:55:18 AM EDT
Win_88: This isn't over yet. You will soon witness the power of my fully armed and operational Photoshop campaign. Your pitiful little Paint skill will be no match for me.  

We have Zox?
Link Posted: 11/15/2012 6:55:57 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/15/2012 7:11:53 AM EDT
NAACP* endorses Aimless

*National association for albatrosses and corpulent penguins
Link Posted: 11/15/2012 7:14:48 AM EDT
I heard Aimless closed down a mackerel processing facility and caused tons of baby penguins to starve.
Link Posted: 11/15/2012 7:28:09 AM EDT
Isn't Aimless the guy that banned people for talking about flashlights (Maglights) and then wanted to ban other people for not talking about flashlights (weapon lights)?

Aimless indeed.
Link Posted: 11/15/2012 8:11:00 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/15/2012 8:12:43 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/15/2012 8:15:02 AM EDT

Isn't Aimless the guy that banned people for talking about flashlights (Maglights) and then wanted to ban other people for not talking about flashlights (weapon lights)?

Aimless indeed.

How are things at Viper Militia Headquartes? Lots of drunken bumpfiring in between agreeing to testify for the BATF?  

His tag sez "UT". Viper was "AZ". "Not our states most shining moment. However, we don't allow penguins to leaving herring heads all over the place. That's something, I guess.  
Link Posted: 11/15/2012 8:16:35 AM EDT


It's a real campaign, now that we've found Aimless has a mistress.  

No one is more shocked than I am!  

You lying whoremonger. How could you so blithely overlook your own son's existence?
Link Posted: 11/15/2012 8:19:44 AM EDT


It's a real campaign, now that we've found Aimless has a mistress.  

No one is more shocked than I am!  

Bill, is that you?
Link Posted: 11/15/2012 8:27:46 AM EDT


It's a real campaign, now that we've found Aimless has a mistress.  

No one is more shocked than I am!  

You lying whoremonger. How could you so blithely overlook your own son's existence?

Next on Jerry,

"Unbridled Penguin Lust Ruins Artist's Life"
"Converts Her To Stabby-Stabby Mongler!"

Live, right after these commercials for Zhukov's Used Cars - Drives like a Tank, only slightly drafty!
Link Posted: 11/15/2012 8:28:28 AM EDT
I am a lawyer from South Carolina.  A lean good looking smooth talking gentleman.  In internet dollars, I am mega rich.  I just may be the Rham Emmanual and Saul Olinsky of this election.  I'd ask you to hold your vote until I have made my endorsement.  Strings.  I pull them.  
the penguin has not sought my support as of yet.  
Sorry, but as much as we all love Aimless, there is no way us southerner's are going to vote for a New York lawyer.

Sorry, not happening.

Link Posted: 11/15/2012 8:37:13 AM EDT


It's a real campaign, now that we've found Aimless has a mistress.  

No one is more shocked than I am!  

You lying whoremonger. How could you so blithely overlook your own son's existence?

...Because it isn't his son.

I have a confession to make...

I've been masqueradingas aimless for years.

...my darling.
Link Posted: 11/15/2012 8:40:29 AM EDT


It's a real campaign, now that we've found Aimless has a mistress.  

No one is more shocked than I am!  

You lying whoremonger. How could you so blithely overlook your own son's existence?

...Because it isn't his son.

I have a confession to make...

I've been masqueradingas aimless for years.

...my darling.

You are no penguin. I'm taking Aimless on Maury to get a DNA test.
Link Posted: 11/15/2012 8:53:06 AM EDT


It's a real campaign, now that we've found Aimless has a mistress.  

No one is more shocked than I am!  

You lying whoremonger. How could you so blithely overlook your own son's existence?

...Because it isn't his son.

I have a confession to make...

I've been masqueradingas aimless for years.

...my darling.

You are no penguin. I'm taking Aimless on Maury to get a DNA test.

Don't deny it. We both know that "penguin flapper move" had nothing to do with a penguin.
Link Posted: 11/15/2012 8:57:27 AM EDT

I think Aimless can bridge the "brown gap" thay is keeping the GOP down.

He is white and Black and he can finance his own campaign

Skimming And embezzling from the EE has been very lucrative.  

Last time I checked, black and white made grey

Rumors have it sometimes PINK .    
Link Posted: 11/15/2012 9:02:07 AM EDT
A better way to play the XCRmonger lovechild problem is to have an underling in your campaign spread word that you got a home run with XCR. Take the Clintonian angle...while fist-bumping and high-fiving ask for votes. Hold $40,000 plate dinners where the theme is 'shake the flipper that shook XCR...vote Aimless!'

Think 'Clinton.'

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 11/15/2012 9:11:00 AM EDT
A better way to play the XCRmonger lovechild problem is to have an underling in your campaign spread word that you got a home run with XCR. Take the Clintonian angle...while fist-bumping and high-fiving ask for votes.

Think 'Clinton.'

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

Link Posted: 11/15/2012 9:22:29 AM EDT


A better way to play the XCRmonger lovechild problem is to have an underling in your campaign spread word that you got a home run with XCR. Take the Clintonian angle...while fist-bumping and high-fiving ask for votes. Hold $40,000 plate dinners where the theme is 'shake the flipper that shook XCR...vote Aimless!'

Think 'Clinton.'

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Much better that than what happened to Herman Cain.

Link Posted: 11/15/2012 9:24:57 AM EDT
A better way to play the XCRmonger lovechild problem is to have an underling in your campaign spread word that you got a home run with XCR. Take the Clintonian angle...while fist-bumping and high-fiving ask for votes. Hold $40,000 plate dinners where the theme is 'shake the flipper that shook XCR...vote Aimless!'

Think 'Clinton.'

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

Oh, great idea. Time to swap back over to "Aimless"
Link Posted: 11/15/2012 9:47:28 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/15/2012 9:51:08 AM EDT
I'm hearing rumors that (System message) and 82nd may make a run for third party votes.
Link Posted: 11/15/2012 1:19:12 PM EDT

I would like to know the candidate's position on the underutilization of the Test Post Forum.

Link Posted: 11/15/2012 1:35:36 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/15/2012 2:09:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/15/2012 2:12:28 PM EDT


Win_88: This isn't over yet. You will soon witness the power of my fully armed and operational Photoshop campaign. Your pitiful little Paint skill will be no match for me.  

Bring it on.

Link Posted: 11/15/2012 2:25:35 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/15/2012 2:30:27 PM EDT

I hereby app only myself, humbly, as his campaign manager, soon to be White House Chief of Staff.

Fear the penguin.

You're no longer my friend.

I've got your back, babe.
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