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Posted: 8/19/2009 3:51:01 AM EDT
(Cross-posted at: http://www.search-engine.com/archives/08-19-2009-healthcare-planted-question-at-barney-frank-town-hall.php)

Planted Question at Barney Frank Town Hall?

(update: probably not a planted question, just an anti-War, anti-Bush, anti-Gun moonbat who claims to be a doctor but no longer practices medicine and isn't registered to practice in MA)

Dr. Sheila Levitt, a physician from Newton, said she hoped for changes
that would support primary care physicians who are not paid as much as
specialists. She said some of the rowdy critics at the meeting appeared
to be using the same ‘‘talking points’’ as those who showed up at
similar meetings around the country.

The above has been widely quoted from the AP story about the Barney
Frank town hall meeting in Dartmouth MA, and has been the main story on
FoxNews.com for the past few hours......... also I find:

A Newton physician asked Frank why the Obama administration didn’t
anticipate the controversy over the so-called “death panels,” which she
suggested the insurance industry has trumped up in an “heinous abuse of
people’s fragility.”

Frank said misinformation in an economy that has made people more fearful has led to needless concern over the issue.

“This notion that something in this bill would require people who
are elderly or sick to be denied medical care or be killed is the
single stupidest argument I have ever heard,” Frank said.

But, can anyone find info on a Sheila Levitt (or Sheila anything) who lives or works in Newton, MA?
White pages has 6 Sheila Levitt's in the USA, none are in MA.
The Massachusetts Board of Registration on Medicine only lists two doctors registered to practice medicine in Massachusetts with the last name Levitt - James Levitt in Brockton MA and Lee Levitt in San Jose CA. If we search for doctors in MA with the first name Sheila we get 19 results, none of which have a last name even vaguely like Levitt.
The only video I can find of the meeting doesn't include her question.
Did the press get both her first and last name completely wrong?, is her name wrong and she lied about being a doctor?, is she a plant?
City of Newton MA has no property registered to Sheila Levitt:
This NPR article has an updated version of the AP story that "corrects" her name to Leavitt.
There is no Sheila Leavitt (or any female Dr Leavitt) licensed to practice medicine in Massachusetts:
There is a Sheila Leavitt and Andrew Lichtman who own a single family home in Newton, MA:
There is no Sheila Lichtman licensed to practice medicine in
Massachusetts. There is an Andrew Lichtman (not sure if it's the same
person) listed as an Anatomic Pathologist at Brigham & Women's
Hospital in Boston.
Photo found:

"DARTMOUTH, MA - AUGUST 18:   Sheila Leavitt
asks a question during a town hall meeting where United States
Representative Barney Frank spoke (D-MA) August 18, 2009 at the
Dartmouth Council on Aging in Dartmouth, Massachusetts. Frank, chairman
of the House Financial Services Committee, accepted an invitation from
the Democratic Town Committee of Dartmouth to speak on the major issues
before Congress including healthcare reform and efforts to curb the
abuses in the financial industry."
Outlander3 found a story:

Sheila Leavitt, who owns the protest car, shown here has been noticed by Margery Eagan of the Boston Herald who wrote:
could call Sheila Leavitt a nutty, annoying, unrelenting Newton leftie
who home-schools the kids and raises chickens to share eggs with
neighbors, not to eat. She is, of course, a vegetarian.
I see
her as one of those rare people who puts their convictions on parade,
then faces uneasy consequences. Like the beefy, mad, middle-aged guy
who followed her around the Esplanade yesterday, before dawn, tearing
down her "Impeach Bush'' posters as fast as she put them up. Or the
trucker she said rear-ended her at a Mass Pike toll booth, sending her
head into the steering wheel of her '88 Toyota Corolla with bumper
stickers saying ``War is barbaric'' and ``Support our troops . . .
Draft Jenna & Barbara,'' as in Bush.
How much easier,
really, discretion? Or just waving the flag and sticking your popular
``Support the Troops'' yellow ribbon on the rear window.
No one's going to rear-end you for that.
you should've seen Sheila Leavitt's in-your-face Toyota yesterday as
this 54-year-old trained physician and mother of four in sundress and
flip-flops did her ``one-person protest parade'' through the Back Bay
and South End.
She'd spray-painted the car black like a hearse.
On its roof, a cardboard Uncle Sam lay in state atop a
black-and-white-painted cardboard coffin. ``Fake Elections. Fake
President. Real Lies. Real War,'' the coffin read. ``Got Kids?'' read
another sign. ``I want yours for cannon fodder.'' And another, the Lily
Tomlin quote: ``No matter how cynical I get, I just can't keep up.''
for drivers, and there are plenty, who make obscene gestures, she has
this rear bumper rejoinder, ``Is that finger well-informed?''
like the car,'' said Jack Davis, 38, passing by it yesterday. ``Why are
all these young kids going over there to a war we can't win?''
is black and blacks, says Leavitt, along with her Newton leftie
neighbors, are most likely to give her a thumbs-up as she cruises
Boston or chauffeurs her sometimes mortified children to music lessons
or baseball practice. Her husband, though he shares her politics,
doesn't like driving in the car at all. Or his children either. He's
But some of their children's friends, Leavitt said, think she's ``cool.''
So what is going on here?
Leavitt apparently is a once-regular suburbanite who's been radicalized
and can't just go quietly anymore. She's thought Bush should be
impeached since the war began. ``He lied about it.''
She worked for John Kerry's
election, driving Ohio voters to polls. One was an 80-year-old, black
double amputee who'd spoiled his mail-in ballot. She said getting
another one, on Election Day, took three hours. She also said she saw
hours-long lines at black precincts and none at white precincts. Now
she's convinced GOP operatives stole the election and that the press
has ignored it.
I think she's wrong, by the way - about the
press, and Bush stealing the election and lying. To me, he heard what
he wanted to hear, and then botched things big-time. Yet some new polls
put me in the minority, Leavitt in the majority, though she's the first
middle-age mother I've seen willing to drive around town making a
spectacle of her ire.
``I can't understand why everybody
doesn't, why they're just sitting on their butts watching fireworks,''
she said as four jet fighters zoomed by over head. ``My God, real
people are being blown up.''
So Sheila Leavitt made yet another sign just for the fireworks set. "July 4, 2005, as we watch from our chairs Bush's Bombs bursting in air, should we feel patriotic, or merely psychotic?''

Her dress matches her car (but not her shoes) how cute

At this point I am ready to conclude she is a real person who is an anti-war anti-bush moonbat who claims to be a Doctor (both yesterday and four years ago) but isn't listed by the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine as a physician licensed to practice medicine in Massachusetts.
3hrs after ARFCOM it is getting picked up elsewhere: Gateway Pundit is covering the story.......
and according to a commentator over there claiming to be her son she graduated from Med School and did an internship but hasn't practiced medicine in "a long time" (and didn't provide proof she had ever practiced medicine beyond that internship).


According to her son posting over at "Bucks Right" she hasn't practiced
medicine in 26 years and met her husband at Medical School.
My research on that:
Andrew Lichtman (her husband) graduated from Univ. of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry in 1981. He then did his residency from 7/1/82 until 6/30/86 and was granted his medical license on 2/6/85.
That matches up with what the son says. So if Sheila hasn't practiced
medicine in 26 years that takes us back to 1983 when she too would have
presumably been doing or have just completed her internship.
Interestingly I just realized that the Massachusetts Board of
Registration in Medicine list all doctors regardless of license status
so if she had previously held a license and allowed it to lapse it
should show on there.
That appears to indicate therefore that Sheila decided to get married
after her one year medical internship (as opposed to undertaking a two
to seven year residency) and never got a medical license. Sheila
therefore is legally an M.D. but not a licensed physician allowed to
practice medicine independently.


Michelle Malkin is now covering the story:

Link Posted: 8/19/2009 3:56:24 AM EDT

Dr. Sheila Levitt, a physician from Newton, said she hoped for changesthat would support primary care physicians who are not paid as much asspecialists. She said some of the rowdy critics at the meeting appearedto be using the same ‘‘talking points’’ as those who showed up atsimilar meetings around the country.

The Massachusetts Board of Registration on Medicine only lists two doctors registered to practice medicine in Massachusetts with the last name Levitt - James Levitt in Brockton MA and Lee Levitt in San Jose CA. If we search for doctors in MA with the first name Sheila we get 19 results, none of which have a last name even vaguely like Levitt.[/div]

You've got it, if the Board of medicine doesn't list any doc by that name, then there isn't any doc by that name.
Link Posted: 8/19/2009 3:56:55 AM EDT
Go get 'em Mark.  Congrats on the last expose.  Tag for the outcome.
Link Posted: 8/19/2009 3:58:05 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/19/2009 4:00:46 AM EDT
City of Newton MA has no property registered to Sheila Levitt:

Link Posted: 8/19/2009 4:01:38 AM EDT
keep outing the bastards.
Link Posted: 8/19/2009 4:08:27 AM EDT
Are they really that stupid?  How can they be?  The audacity boggles my little mind. Didn't they learn anything from the 11 year old and the "Dr." at SJL's townhall?

Link Posted: 8/19/2009 4:15:56 AM EDT
Great job Mark, keep up the good work.
Link Posted: 8/19/2009 4:17:03 AM EDT
Of course she's a plant.  it's a democrat town hall meeting.  It's scripted right down to the shoe polish.
Link Posted: 8/19/2009 4:20:55 AM EDT


Of course she's a plant.  it's a democrat town hall meeting.  It's scripted right down to the shoe polish.


Link Posted: 8/19/2009 4:22:54 AM EDT
Of course she's a plant.  it's a democrat town hall meeting.  It's scripted right down to the shoe polish.

Link Posted: 8/19/2009 4:24:06 AM EDT
I think the only thing that surprised them was the number of people in MA that aren't too happy with Barney.

 Delahunt,my congressman,hasn't decided if he's going to have a meeting or not but if he does,I'll be there.
Link Posted: 8/19/2009 4:24:25 AM EDT
Perhaps one of Bawney Fwanks peter puffing crossdressing buddies?
Link Posted: 8/19/2009 4:25:43 AM EDT
who cares if she's a plant?
A person asked a question and got an answer.
It's no more misleading to have a shill ask that question than it is to interpret the bill  as supporting "death panels"
Link Posted: 8/19/2009 4:28:00 AM EDT
who cares if she's a plant?
A person asked a question and got an answer.
It's no more misleading to have a shill ask that question than it is to interpret the bill  as supporting "death panels"

Ahhh.  Shut the XXXX up.

You are a plant yourself.  Can it.  While I can stand and understand a dissenting viewpoint. .....Get your ass back to Madison and your little commie college buddies.
Link Posted: 8/19/2009 4:28:23 AM EDT
What pisses me off, is these politicians parading people in the health care industry around who support this bull shit.  I think some doctors are getting off knowing that they may have authority to actually force people how to live instead of the usual recommendations.

At the town hall meeting yesterday, the panel was nearly orgasmic about the idea of federal laws forcing us into lifestyle changes.
Link Posted: 8/19/2009 4:30:03 AM EDT
In on one...again.


You are phenomenal.
Link Posted: 8/19/2009 4:30:54 AM EDT
who cares if she's a plant?
A person asked a question and got an answer.
It's no more misleading to have a shill ask that question than it is to interpret the bill  as supporting "death panels"

No, it's a canned question with a prepared response for a stagged soundbite being passed off as a genuine constituant question.   It also denies a person with real concerns the opportunity to ask their question.
Link Posted: 8/19/2009 4:31:19 AM EDT
Frank says if we hadn't gone to war in Iraq we would have enough money for healthcare.
Hey Barney, what if YOU hadn't screwed up Fannie and Freddie to point that we had a national housing crisis that triggered the colapse of the financial markets?
Link Posted: 8/19/2009 4:32:12 AM EDT
who cares if she's a plant?
A person asked a question and got an answer.
It's no more misleading to have a shill ask that question than it is to interpret the bill  as supporting "death panels"

Because if they, you know those people called "THEY" have to manufacture support for this boon doggle that will soon be another anchor like Socialistic Security and Medicare/Medicaid, it just goes to show how big government is willing to cram this shit down your throat.

Edited to add in on one twice.

Link Posted: 8/19/2009 4:32:32 AM EDT
who cares if she's a plant?
A person asked a question and got an answer.
It's no more misleading to have a shill ask that question than it is to interpret the bill  as supporting "death panels"

I care if she is a plant, shows the arrogance of the supporters.  Just like saying a doctor would rather cut off your leg for $30,000 instead of treating you for diabetes.  

Explain how we add 50 million patients, who get "free" care and will be going to the doctor for a sniffle since it is "free", to an already full system with 250 million patients, pay the doctors, nurses less, and not have to ration care?  Rationed care is DEATH PANELS!
Link Posted: 8/19/2009 4:35:45 AM EDT
who cares if she's a plant?
A person asked a question and got an answer.
It's no more misleading to have a shill ask that question than it is to interpret the bill  as supporting "death panels"

Aha....speaking of plants; "Mr. Post #2"; I see that the DU has yet another troll on the loose here.
Link Posted: 8/19/2009 4:38:46 AM EDT


who cares if she's a plant?

A person asked a question and got an answer.

It's no more misleading to have a shill ask that question than it is to interpret the bill  as supporting "death panels"

Does it matter if she's a plant? Yes, because if the meetings are stacked with prepared questions/answers then it makes a mockery of the whole democratic process.

That said, I am not 100% sure she is a plant, it could just be mistaken identity, however given the Julia Hall planted question in NH last week and the fake doctor at Sheila Jackson-Lee's town hall it isn't beyond the realm of possibility that this question was faked too.

This story goes beyond just a question to the congressman, Dr Levitt was then quoted in the press (the only pro-reform person quoted) in which she gave a very political sounding comment about how the "rowdy critics" were using the same "talking points" as at other meetings, implying that the critics of healthcare reform were astroturf and that she represented the legitimate views of the people.

Link Posted: 8/19/2009 4:41:59 AM EDT
who cares if she's a plant?
A person asked a question and got an answer.
It's no more misleading to have a shill ask that question than it is to interpret the bill  as supporting "death panels"

Because the fake doctor is saying she supports the reform. Adds ammo for the supporters (aka-"See, this Dr. supports it")

ETA-And people asking questions against it may be "plants", but they are American citizens, not pretending to be citizens. They are asking questions that impact citizens.
Link Posted: 8/19/2009 4:44:14 AM EDT



who cares if she's a plant?

A person asked a question and got an answer.

It's no more misleading to have a shill ask that question than it is to interpret the bill as supporting "death panels"

I care if she is a plant, shows the arrogance of the supporters. Just like saying a doctor would rather cut off your leg for $30,000 instead of treating you for diabetes.

Explain how we add 50 million patients, who get "free" care and will be going to the doctor for a sniffle since it is "free", to an already full system with 250 million patients, pay the doctors, nurses less, and not have to ration care? Rationed care is DEATH PANELS!

Part in bold

I just did a search on RN jobs in my zip and 10 miles around. They already need over 200 positions filled, and over 1100 in the 25 miles surronding the zip. Imagine if this gets passed how many people they are going to need and not get due to getting less pay, shitteir hours and a majorly increased workload from freeloaders who go to the ER for toe pain and other stupid shit, just because they can now.

Also in on one. Good job once again

Link Posted: 8/19/2009 4:46:18 AM EDT
Are Do they really have that stupid much hubris?  How can they be?  The audacity boggles my little mind. Didn't they learn anything from the 11 year old and the "Dr." at SJL's townhall?

Edited it for you and the answer is 'YES THEY DO'.
Link Posted: 8/19/2009 4:48:23 AM EDT
Mark ..... i found this story about a Sheila Leavitt who appears to be an anti-war moonbat
Sheila Leavitt

ETA    the Fox News story spelled her name as Leavitt not Levitt
Link Posted: 8/19/2009 4:55:32 AM EDT
This NPR article has an updated version of the AP story that "corrects" her name to Leavitt.


There is no Sheila Leavitt (or any female Dr Leavitt) licensed to practice medicine in Massachusetts:


There is a Sheila Leavitt and Andrew Lichtman who own a single family home in Newton, MA:


There is no Sheila Lichtman licensed to practice medicine in Massachusetts. There is an Andrew Lichtman (not sure if it's the same person) listed as an Anatomic Pathologist at Brigham & Women's Hospital in Boston.
Link Posted: 8/19/2009 4:57:25 AM EDT


Mark ..... i found this story about a Sheila Leavitt who appears to be an anti-war moonbat

Sheila Leavitt

ETA    the Fox News story spelled her name as Leavitt not Levitt

Thanks outlander, just found the same along with this photo:

"DARTMOUTH, MA - AUGUST 18:   Sheila Leavitt
asks a question during a town hall meeting where United States
Representative Barney Frank spoke (D-MA) August 18, 2009 at the
Dartmouth Council on Aging in Dartmouth, Massachusetts. Frank, chairman
of the House Financial Services Committee, accepted an invitation from
the Democratic Town Committee of Dartmouth to speak on the major issues
before Congress including healthcare reform and efforts to curb the
abuses in the financial industry."

Link Posted: 8/19/2009 5:17:55 AM EDT
She now drives a vegetable oil powered beetle that she is decorating with anti-handgun slogans:

Link Posted: 8/19/2009 5:19:14 AM EDT
The precedent has been set.  We've had pro-Obamacare astroturf up our eyeballs... so I think it's a legitimate question to ask.

Is this person an actual physician, or is she falsely representing herself?

Just FYI: many female physicians keep their maiden name on their medical license and diplomas, and use their married name for other things, particularly if they were married AFTER graduating or licensure.  Getting a name change done on all those official documents can really screw things up with the state board, and various insurances (especially medicare and medicaid... DO NOT believe that "government is more efficient" crap... it's a lie).  

She could be legit... but it's also legitimate to ask the question.


Found her on an Al Gore petition.  Claims Newton MA as an address


Sheila Leavitt, M.D. Newton, MA

Also found her at this link.  She used to have a website for www.italyhousescout.com (seems to be defunct... won't come up for me).  Here is the WHOIS info:

WHOIS information for  italyhousescout.com  :

[Querying whois.internic.net]
[Redirected to whois.tucows.com]
[Querying whois.tucows.com]
Italy House Scout
60 Parkway Rd.
Newton, MA 02460


Administrative Contact:
   Lichtman, Eben  [email protected]
   60 Parkway Rd.
   Newton, MA 02460

Technical Contact:
   Lichtman, Eben  [email protected]
   60 Parkway Rd.
   Newton, MA 02460

Registration Service Provider:
   Tera-Byte Dot Com Inc

Registrar of Record: TUCOWS, INC.
Record last updated on 27-Jan-2009.
Record expires on 31-Jan-2010.
Record created on 31-Jan-2002.

Registrar Domain Name Help Center:

Domain servers in listed order:

Domain status: ok

ETA3:  phone numbers deleted...

ETA4:  The address she listed is a residential cul-de-sac... not a business address (unless she practices out of her home).  Maybe she's a retired/former physician?  Might be legit.

ETA5:  Maybe we should take down this thread... before some knucklehead starts calling and harassing her.
Link Posted: 8/19/2009 5:26:48 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/19/2009 5:29:14 AM EDT
This appears to be her admitting that she doesn't currently practice medicine:

Italy House Scout


An American agent offers assistance on finding and buying a house here. Images, links and services offered.

From the site: I am Sheila Leavitt, a homeowner in Tuscany and Liguria , as well as Maine and the Boston Massachusetts area, where I make my permanent home with my husband and four children. I am trained as a physician, but do not currently practice medicine; I hold Massachusetts Real Estate Broker's License # 9055871 (Buyers' Agent) Owning your own place in Italy is eminently possible. ...

(that site is no longer working and it is not cached at archive.org)

Link Posted: 8/19/2009 5:31:36 AM EDT
Looks like she has been outed.  But as a full on moonbat vegan, perhaps she considers herself a holistic dr.   I've seen quite a few of those lately and they all call themselves dr.  

Its funny my libtard friends(work friends not real friends) keep talking about astroturf plants, but the only ones I see outed are the dem plants.

As far as 'death panels' go.  Obama repeatedly says in plain english that it is dumb to spend big $$$ on old people that are sick.  Give them pain pills, make them comfortable, let them die.  The people that determine that on a case by case basis are different from a 'death panel' how exactly?   You might not like the term 'death panel'  but the provisions are in the bill, and the spokesman in chief is advocating end of life care vs expensive life saving care.   Are you really that dense that you can't process what they are saying?
Link Posted: 8/19/2009 5:41:45 AM EDT
In on 1
Link Posted: 8/19/2009 5:50:08 AM EDT
I am stopping researching this - seems most likely to me that it wasn't a planted question, just a moonbat who probably used to practice medicine and now just uses the title to appear more important and authoritative on the subject of healthcare.
Link Posted: 8/19/2009 5:58:34 AM EDT
Watch out when you out somebody. They might turn around and do it back to you, and in spades.

Truth means nothing to these people- they will do and say whatever they want to get whatever they want since they are "doing it for the children", or some such exculpatory nonsense.

Newton, MA, is full of transplant fruitbats like this woman, but they are well-connected, with beaucoup money. Be prepared for the fight of your life, is all I can say, from living in this wacky state opf my forefathers....
Link Posted: 8/19/2009 6:01:32 AM EDT
She now drives a vegetable oil powered beetle that she is decorating with anti-handgun slogans:




And ptobably NOT paying various road and fuel taxes as a result.....wouldn't the tax people love to hear about this one?
Link Posted: 8/19/2009 6:04:18 AM EDT
who cares if she's a plant?
A person asked a question and got an answer.
It's no more misleading to have a shill ask that question than it is to interpret the bill  as supporting "death panels"

Wow, a DU troll.

FTR, there was a very similar incident at a Shiela Jackson Lee (Mark, you might want to look at that thread if you haven't already) meeting in Houston with a "doctor" that turned out to not be a doctor.  Couple that with the "mean signs" girl and the event with Frank, and it would seem to be a pattern.  
The reason we should care is that BHO is supposed to be this great community organizer, and there is supposed to be this massive grassroots turnout.  Now, when the opposition turns out and takes issue with the protests BHO and his regime protest about that kind of community organization.  Additionally you see that some of this grassroots organization is not nearly as spontaneous and genuine as it seems.
Link Posted: 8/19/2009 6:15:26 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/19/2009 6:16:12 AM EDT
who cares if she's a plant?
A person asked a question and got an answer.
It's no more misleading to have a shill ask that question than it is to interpret the bill  as supporting "death panels"

Fuck off,
Link Posted: 8/19/2009 6:25:55 AM EDT
She now drives a vegetable oil powered beetle that she is decorating with anti-handgun slogans:

Is she paying her state and Federal road-use taxes?  Normally those taxes are part of the cost of a gallon of fuel.  Non-road tax fuel ("farm fuel") can't legally be used in non-agricultural vehicles (it varies from state-to-state, VA allows "farm vehicles" limited highway use).

NC has prosecuted hippy tax-cheats who use untaxed recycled restaurant vegetable oil as vehicle fuel on the public highways.

Tax-denying extremist!

Link Posted: 8/19/2009 6:27:18 AM EDT
I bet she does colon hydrotherapy.
Link Posted: 8/19/2009 6:39:31 AM EDT
She now drives a vegetable oil powered beetle that she is decorating with anti-handgun slogans:

Is she paying her state and Federal road-use taxes?  Normally those taxes are part of the cost of a gallon of fuel.  Non-road tax fuel ("farm fuel") can't legally be used in non-agricultural vehicles (it varies from state-to-state, VA allows "farm vehicles" limited highway use).

NC has prosecuted hippy tax-cheats who use untaxed recycled restaurant vegetable oil as vehicle fuel on the public highways.

Tax-denying extremist!

Two words: BIG FINES!
Link Posted: 8/19/2009 7:07:20 AM EDT
who cares if she's a plant?
A person asked a question and got an answer.
It's no more misleading to have a shill ask that question than it is to interpret the bill  as supporting "death panels"

because it is a play for the MEDIA to show how loveing and caring and concerned our Doctors are,,and the Nurses and
the Cafeteria attendants.
wait, your're a butt buddy of the Emmanuals you sly devil you..come on..tell us the truth..
Link Posted: 8/19/2009 7:08:08 AM EDT
way to play MARK, congrats on another great expose...keep nailing these bitches please..
Link Posted: 8/19/2009 7:18:46 AM EDT
She now drives a vegetable oil powered beetle that she is decorating with anti-handgun slogans:

Is she paying her state and Federal road-use taxes?  Normally those taxes are part of the cost of a gallon of fuel.  Non-road tax fuel ("farm fuel") can't legally be used in non-agricultural vehicles (it varies from state-to-state, VA allows "farm vehicles" limited highway use).

NC has prosecuted hippy tax-cheats who use untaxed recycled restaurant vegetable oil as vehicle fuel on the public highways.

Tax-denying extremist!

Two words: BIG FINES!

But if she settles her tax evasion, she could be an Obama political appointee.
Link Posted: 8/19/2009 7:23:48 AM EDT
report her to the Mass State Medical Board for impersonating a physician
Link Posted: 8/19/2009 7:28:13 AM EDT
report her to the Mass State Medical Board for impersonating a physician

She might actually be an MD.

She could be non-practicing... she might be one of those "doctors" who just went to med school and never did a residency (went into research, wrote books, etc).  Actual practicing physicians might frown on the latter person referring to themselves as "doctor," but it may be legal, provided she's not attempting to practice.

Link Posted: 8/19/2009 7:33:11 AM EDT
What was with the photo that people had???? (The one the black guy with a tied dye shirt and dreads has in his hands)

I saw a bit of the townhall and some guy was getting escorted out while holding up that photo.
Link Posted: 8/19/2009 7:40:15 AM EDT
who cares if she's a plant?
A person asked a question and got an answer.
It's no more misleading to have a shill ask that question than it is to interpret the bill  as supporting "death panels"

Yes it does. When the government begins actively lying and trying to deceive the citizens into supporting laws that the citizens do not want, we move away from a democratic republic and towards a totalitarian society. Regardless of whether a person is a conservative, liberal, Republican, Democrat or whatever, that should scare the hell out of them.
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