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Link Posted: 9/15/2020 3:52:12 PM EDT
17 year smoker, quit 8 years ago. The smell of someone smoking doesn't bother me, but I don't like the smell of it. Someone who just smoked a cigarette and walks in a smoke free room fucking reeks though.

I never knew how nasty I smelled to a non smoker until I quit smoking.

Having said that, I fully support a businesses decision to allow smoking in their building if they choose to. If it bothers me that much I just won't go there.
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 3:53:41 PM EDT
For several years after I quit smoking the smoke still smelled good. Now I can't stand it.
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 3:59:32 PM EDT
2.5 years for me, and I'd smoked for decades. I've smoked 5-6 in the past 2 years, and it generally involved alcohol Even when I was a smoker, I could never stand the smell 1st thing in the morning, and could seldom smoke until after I'd eaten.

To answer the question, not really, but wouldn't care to be in a vehicle with it.
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 4:00:56 PM EDT
No I strongly dislike it, and even did when I smoked. I was so glad when they stopped allowing smoking in public places.
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 4:02:08 PM EDT
Former smoker here. The smell of cigarette smoke is disgusting. Smoking is fucking nasty and I'm glad I quit a long time ago.
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 4:02:16 PM EDT
Not an ex smoker buy I like the smell of cigarettes, cigars & pipes
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 4:02:55 PM EDT
Hell no

I can smell one a mile away.

ETA-it’s been 11 years since my last cigarette.
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 4:03:05 PM EDT
Not an ex-smoker, but I like the smell of cigarette smoke in the air when at outdoor social functions.

Nostalgia I guess...takes me back to backyard bbqs in the 80s or some shit.
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 4:04:17 PM EDT
I smoked...cigarettes, cigars and pipes....

I miss some cigars (but not a lot of them)
I miss most pipe tobaccos
I do not miss cigarette smell at all...
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 4:05:14 PM EDT
Have not had a smoke in 14 months, but when I go by someone smoking the smell is just wonderful to me. It does not make me want to smoke again I am done with that for good. But damn that aroma is so good!
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honestly, never really liked the smell when I smoked.....

Link Posted: 9/15/2020 4:06:22 PM EDT
It's disgusting now that I quit years ago
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 4:07:12 PM EDT
Grosses me out now.  The smell of weed is amazing though.
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 4:15:27 PM EDT
normally not a problem, but I had to stop drinking as well. If I had a beer it was game on for smoking
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 4:16:23 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 4:20:42 PM EDT
Cigarettes is a crap shoot. Some smell OK, others not so much. Distance makes for some of the enjoyment.
Cigars? Yea, those still make my mouth water.
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 4:22:23 PM EDT
I'm really indifferent to it.  When I first quit, I liked the smell.  Now not so much.
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 4:30:07 PM EDT

Unless is mixed with cheap perfume
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 4:30:30 PM EDT
Oh god no
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 4:34:01 PM EDT
Smoked for ~30 years, then quit 32 years ago. I do not like the smell of cigaretts.

A good cigar or pipe tobacco, however...
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 4:35:51 PM EDT
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No, it's fucking gross.
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And on November 23, 2020, it will be 38 years since I stopped.
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 4:39:13 PM EDT
It’s a fucking disgusting smell that literally makes my lungs clinch up. I can’t imagine how people actually enjoy that shit
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 4:39:54 PM EDT
Quit smoking 2010, haven't had one since but I love to stand next to someone smoking and breath it in.
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 4:42:28 PM EDT
It’s gross. But now that it is so uncommon it kinda gives me a nostalgic kick.

If I had to smell smoke and like it needs to be from fuel burned in a fun vehicle, wood, or coal.
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 4:42:48 PM EDT
Smoked 5 years, 17-23. 36 now.

Nope can't stand the smell of it, it gives me a headache.

However still love the smell of a freshly opened pack of cigarettes. Found an unopened pack of Marlboros in the barn while helping clear out my ex-FIL's stuff this summer. Opened it and it smelled glorious. Fortunately the urge to spark one is 100% gone.

I used to smoke either Marb reds or Camel wides and I could smell the difference between either if you opened a pack in the dark. My favorite by far were Fortuna cigarettes from Spain. Don't know what extra they put in those but they were great, when I came back to the US it was a sad day when my Fortuna carton ran dry. Now I wouldn't touch the things.
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 4:44:50 PM EDT
If I am walking down the street on a cool crisp day and I happen to walk though a light cloud of it...man, love it.  Smells so good.

But I know it won't taste like that...and I will never let that beast bury its claws back in my brain.
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 4:45:33 PM EDT
I quit 14 years ago. I didn't mind the smell of cigarettes up until a few years ago. Now I can't stand the smell or to be around anyone that smokes.
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 4:49:09 PM EDT

From a distance it smells good to me.  Up close, nope.

The smell on a person is disgusting.

They taste like shit now.  I tried one after 8 years of not smoking...tasted god-awful.  Stubbed it out after two hits.
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 4:53:47 PM EDT

I can't be around it. I used to smoke 2 packs a day. I don't like going to bars because of the way they smell, and the way my hair and clothes smell when I get home. It's disgusting.
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 5:29:57 PM EDT
Haven’t had one in 38 years.  Don’t miss it, don’t want one, but a fresh lit one smells good.  Used to smoke one to two packs a day.
Quit cold turkey.  Never reached for, never craved one.
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 5:33:27 PM EDT
I quit four months ago and the smell of a good cigarette still smells good. Cheap cigarettes have always and will always smell bad.
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 5:35:03 PM EDT
The only smoke that smells good to me is good weed and pipe tobacco.  
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 5:37:40 PM EDT
No , ex smoker here .
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 5:38:20 PM EDT
Not at all. Nasty, cant believe I used to suck on those things.
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 5:40:30 PM EDT
Quit a little over 10 years ago.

Had random cravings for years.  Can’t stand the smell of cigarette smoke anymore.
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 5:42:18 PM EDT
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I'm 6 months without smoking.  I still enjoy the smell of a freshly lit cigarette, but I can also smell the pure stink off folks who do smoke. I don't mind folks smoking around me, but it does make me want one still.
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All this.

Although it has been ~6 years since I quit.

The cravings when someone smokes around you do go away eventually. But once in a blue moon I will get a wild ass craving for a smoke out of nowhere.
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 5:43:39 PM EDT
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It's disgusting now that I quit years ago
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Link Posted: 9/15/2020 5:43:42 PM EDT
For about the first ten years there were times when they smelt good but the past 5 years I can't stand them  I can smell someone smoking in front of me on the freeway going 80.
I dont know if they have gotten stronger or if I have become more sensitive.
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 5:47:59 PM EDT
No, unless I've had a few...
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 5:48:17 PM EDT
Haven't smoked in over 20 years. Shortly after I quit I began to realize how foul they smelled and I can't stand the smell to this day.
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 5:50:50 PM EDT
I did the first however many times I tried quitting up to a year probably before starting again. Did Chantix and the rest was history. 15? Years abo maybe. Freaking smells rancid to me now.
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 5:53:54 PM EDT
2nd hand smoke always smelled like shit to me.  My own cigarette wouldn't bother me unless it wafted into me. Smelled like shit on my clothes and in my room too.  Glad I quick years ago and never into it nearly as heavy as some people do.  I could usually make a pack last a week. Only smoked a bunch at bars or with friends.  Missing out on the socialization of just hanging out smoking was the hardest part. It was doing "doing something" even though it was nothing.  Kind of like having some beers with someone, it's just something to do.  Shame it's so harmful in the long run.  If they invented a harmless thing to puff on that tasted and smelled good, that would be alright by me.  I guess I just described hookah nights.
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 6:00:13 PM EDT
I quit 25 years ago.  I love the way fresh smoke smells.  Stale smoke is icky.
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 6:00:15 PM EDT
Nope.  Smoked for 18 years, quit 8 years ago.  I can't stand the smell of it now.
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 6:10:36 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 6:11:07 PM EDT
I quit in '86 after starting in '71. When I quit I was working night shift, and quit after a shift.

My car sat the whole weekend, since I was under the weather. That Monday, my wife and I got into the car to go somewhere before I had to go to work.

I asked her if she noticed the smell, and she said your car always smells like this.

I haven't touched one since, and now the smell is disgusting to me. I can't believe I ever did it.

But I'm not a zealot, if people want to smoke go for it. I do like the no smoking in restaurants and bars these days. There will be no smoking in my vehicles or home, not even the garage. Smoke outside if you want to smoke. That smell lingers long after the smoker has moved on in a home.

I do notice I can smell the cigarette smoke from a long way off since I quit. It's not a good smell at all, after quitting.

I was using one of those smoke less ash trays, which you have to clean every so often. A disgusting brownish yellow sludge came out of it. It helped me quit when I realized that crap was going into my lungs.

Link Posted: 9/15/2020 6:11:15 PM EDT
I still smoke, on again, off again, probably mostly on again... Anyway, even the times I quit for a couple weeks, I find myself hating the smell. It's not so much that it's a horrible odor, but rather that it reminds me of how I smell when I'm smoking. And then, because I'm a stupid fuck, I inevitably pick them back up again. Such a dumb habit.
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 6:13:50 PM EDT
Pipe smoke is ok.

Cigar smoke is putrid.

Real cigarette (shag) smoke is ok.(see link) Fortune 500 cigarettes smell like shit in comparison.


Quit 10 years ago this March and still sometimes miss a real smoke.
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 6:14:00 PM EDT

Smoked three packs a day for forty years.

Haven't had a drag in 11 years.

Don't miss it.
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 6:14:11 PM EDT
I quit 30yrs ago and can’t stand the smell. Can’t stand to be around anybody who has it on there clothes.
Link Posted: 9/15/2020 6:15:25 PM EDT
Oh fuck no, MIL lit up one and I almost threw her in the bushes. They are nasty!
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