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Link Posted: 1/19/2024 7:32:48 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/19/2024 7:34:15 PM EDT
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Now I need to buy a Bible. I want my name on it.

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Sounds like suspicious activity. Probably should put you on a list with other suspicious people.
Link Posted: 1/19/2024 7:35:34 PM EDT
Ima start wearing my Rosary; wish me luck, hope I don’t get ventilated.

Oh, and I just tore the tag off my mattress.
Link Posted: 1/19/2024 7:37:59 PM EDT
Buy Bibles? Jokes on them I just steal 'em from hotel rooms.
Link Posted: 1/19/2024 7:42:47 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/19/2024 7:54:44 PM EDT
I wonder if they're watching me with my new library of books on eastern orthodoxy
Link Posted: 1/19/2024 8:00:20 PM EDT
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So how many Bibles do I have to buy to get on the Blacklist?

"They can't stop the signal, Mel."
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 1/19/2024 8:02:14 PM EDT
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Freedom can only thrive in a nation of ethically moral people.
The Founding Fathers pointed to liberty hinging on morality.

The FBI is a tool for the modern Communist....and Commies have always hated Christianity.

From school boards to churches to buying Bibles they don't want Christian influence on culture because darkness knows that Light is the real threat.

Question for some of us...if the Villains don't want us reading Bibles...maybe we sould be reading more of the Bible?
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Yeah, I think it is a good idea to read the Bible.

??Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Link Posted: 1/19/2024 8:05:36 PM EDT
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Why do you "Get" Bibles !?
That makes even less sense than the "MAGA" stuff. There are lots and lots and lots of Christians who are politically aloof and about as harmless as a dove.
Its all egregious as far as I'm concerned.
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Bibles I get, the maga stuff doesn't make sense to me. I'm talking logistically, I don't get it how that works.

But yea, it's the Democrat FBI. They're traitors to this country. The only good FBI are the ones who undermine the agencies  subversion of this country, the leakers. They're doing good work.

The rest of them? They should look in the mirror and ask themselves where it all went wrong. Do they get paid enough for treason? Or are they just true believers?

Anyway, cocksuckers the lot of them.
Why do you "Get" Bibles !?
That makes even less sense than the "MAGA" stuff. There are lots and lots and lots of Christians who are politically aloof and about as harmless as a dove.
Its all egregious as far as I'm concerned.

I thought the same thing. So does he endorse tracking people who practice the Christian faith. While the government allowed terrorists to cross our southern border who are Muslims and on the terrorist watch list. But they gotta watch those evil Christians.
Link Posted: 1/19/2024 8:06:39 PM EDT
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Yeah, I think it is a good idea to read the Bible.

??Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
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Communism is the govt of hell...where it was created.
Link Posted: 1/19/2024 8:08:36 PM EDT
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As they should. If you think Christianity is any different than being a Muslim then you haven't been paying attention.

Every religion has extremism, including Christianity and I don't care if it makes your pussy sore...
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That's absolutely BS. Tell everyone here just how many terrorists attacks Christians have committed in the United States. That's some BS liberal crap you just said.
Link Posted: 1/19/2024 8:08:55 PM EDT
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Clearly, this is a First Amendment issue and the Feds need their dicks smacked hard.
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Chopped off would be more like it.
Link Posted: 1/19/2024 8:12:06 PM EDT
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The catholic/ufo researchers/author dw pasulka states hierarchy of "reality " is like this:
God Almighty.
"Heavenly" entities (I assume good and evil?)
Intelligence agencies (!!!!!!!!)
Regular old humans

Holy buckets that blows my mind. Does that mean trans (not that trans, Mikey's) humans like from garbage Star Wars show? Or because they tapped into the universe differently some how? Or does she mean in a political sense!?
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Go ahead Underscore Bros, defend this bullshit. I dare you.
Fuck the FBI, fuck everyone who works for the FBI. Fuck every single last one of them, even down to the janitors. Absolute subhuman scum.

But seriously, what else do we expect from a Federal Agency who's founding director was a crossdressing pervert who liked to play peeping tom and then turned around and then blackmailed his victims.


The catholic/ufo researchers/author dw pasulka states hierarchy of "reality " is like this:
God Almighty.
"Heavenly" entities (I assume good and evil?)
Intelligence agencies (!!!!!!!!)
Regular old humans

Holy buckets that blows my mind. Does that mean trans (not that trans, Mikey's) humans like from garbage Star Wars show? Or because they tapped into the universe differently some how? Or does she mean in a political sense!?

Link Posted: 1/19/2024 8:13:46 PM EDT
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That's absolutely BS. Tell everyone here just how many terrorists attacks Christians have committed in the United States. That's some BS liberal crap you just said.
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As they should. If you think Christianity is any different than being a Muslim then you haven't been paying attention.

Every religion has extremism, including Christianity and I don't care if it makes your pussy sore...

That's absolutely BS. Tell everyone here just how many terrorists attacks Christians have committed in the United States. That's some BS liberal crap you just said.

Idiocy is a life choice sometimes
Link Posted: 1/19/2024 8:15:18 PM EDT
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I wonder if they're watching me with my new library of books on eastern orthodoxy
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The idiot FBI hasn’t quite figured out that Holy  Orthodoxy is more based than rhan rhe TradCaths they consider extremists
Link Posted: 1/19/2024 8:17:07 PM EDT
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Idiocy is a life choice sometimes
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As they should. If you think Christianity is any different than being a Muslim then you haven't been paying attention.

Every religion has extremism, including Christianity and I don't care if it makes your pussy sore...

That's absolutely BS. Tell everyone here just how many terrorists attacks Christians have committed in the United States. That's some BS liberal crap you just said.

Idiocy is a life choice sometimes

After seeing some of the posts here condoning this and then the stupidity of comparing Christianity to Islamic Muslim extremist I agree with you. With all, the other real problems and real threats to our nation. These fuck wads want to attack Americans and their Christian faith. They want to attack everyone who does not support the Socialist Democratic dictatorship and now apparently Christians/MAGA must be the greatest threat to the socialist regime's perverted idea of a democracy.

The Democratic Socialist party is the real threat of our nation. History is repeating it's self and that's why they are working so hard to erase History. So people who've never studied it will not recognize what they are doing in their systematic take over. The  Democratic Party no longer exists. There is a Socialist Party and they admitted this and said, oh oh we are a different kind of Socialism.

These articles are from 2018 before the liberal news networks went full on Socialist themselves.

Even CNN blasted the Democratic Socialist party

GALLUP article blasting the Democratic Socialist party
Link Posted: 1/19/2024 8:17:55 PM EDT
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Don't care. Gonna live my life. I am not going to be a prisoner of their bullshit.
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That's right! If you just MYOB a little harder, they'll leave you alone.
Link Posted: 1/19/2024 8:22:43 PM EDT
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When they're married to grotesque things like this, can you really blame them for having dicks that don't work?

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Pretty much sums it all up he married D Davitos sister? He's always been a loser. Now he has a little power and we have a guy like him creating policy
Link Posted: 1/19/2024 8:28:36 PM EDT
Anyone have a link to a hard copy of this report? I would like to share it with my SS class and get on another list.
Link Posted: 1/19/2024 8:35:04 PM EDT
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Read your history boys - Spanish Civil War. They are terrified of another Falange organization. Fascist/Religious/Organized/Militarized.
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Seeing what’s happening today, I believe the parallels are more likely to play out closer to this, if and when
Link Posted: 1/19/2024 8:35:12 PM EDT
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As they should. If you think Christianity is any different than being a Muslim then you haven't been paying attention.

Every religion has extremism, including Christianity and I don't care if it makes your pussy sore...
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This post was so dumb, I thought it would be a 2023 account.
Link Posted: 1/19/2024 8:48:52 PM EDT
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Lol Blade HQ is included

So if you buy a Benchmade Mini Grip you've made the list?
Link Posted: 1/19/2024 8:54:01 PM EDT
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This post was so dumb, I thought it would be a 2023 account.
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As they should. If you think Christianity is any different than being a Muslim then you haven't been paying attention.

Every religion has extremism, including Christianity and I don't care if it makes your pussy sore...

This post was so dumb, I thought it would be a 2023 account.

He is still stuck in the inquisition. Christians have moved beyond the convert or die mentality.
Link Posted: 1/19/2024 9:16:51 PM EDT
Do i get an offset if I buy a couple of Holy Qurans?
Link Posted: 1/19/2024 9:19:57 PM EDT
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As they should. If you think Christianity is any different than being a Muslim then you haven't been paying attention.

Every religion has extremism, including Christianity and I don't care if it makes your pussy sore...
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You're illustrating the difference between having an opinion and knowing what you're talking about.

That was a swing and a miss.
Link Posted: 1/19/2024 9:21:22 PM EDT
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I was friends with a very religious guy whose answer to gun issues was "People should be able to have guns but they should stay locked up at the range where they can go and shoot them whenever they want".

My response was "Ok- but since alot of wars have a root cause of religion and many people die, you should be able to own a bible but it needs to be locked up at the church where you can go and read it every Sunday after it is unlocked, and you need a license to read it that needs periodic renewal".
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So you were both wrong.
Link Posted: 1/19/2024 9:23:39 PM EDT
Alright so where is the bible store where a guy can find some variety and illustrated versions? Are Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant bibles basically the same or does a guy need one of each?
Link Posted: 1/19/2024 9:30:52 PM EDT
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I have been forced to conclude, after many years, that the above is really the only thing that adequately explains what we are experiencing in 2024.
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An Arfcommer in some other thread said this;

“None of this is a secret conspiracy. It’s all out in the open. I can try and explain to you why they do it. But a certain percentage of people refuse to believe me, or anyone else who says the things that I say. It’s not communists. It’s not globalists. It is Satanist. The moment I typed that word. I lost many of you. It doesn’t matter if you believe in God and it doesn’t matter if you believe in Satan. You simply have to believe that there are millions of people who do. And many of them have risen to great ranks of power. They don’t seek to limit population because they are concerned about the environment. They seek to limit the population because part of their religion dictates that they disobey ALL of God‘s directives, including and especially be fruitful and multiply. Literally nothing that hard-core leftists do makes any sense unless you look at it from the perspective of breaking God’s laws. Why else would people who claim to be feminists and advocates for homosexual rights Be proponents of Islam? None of the things that they say contradict one another if it’s done in the name of Satanism. Then it’s perfectly consistent. But I know, I’m crazy and I’m stupid for even bringing this up. Right?
-TheRealBlueDog 2006 MI.

My paraphrase is that the world right now ONLY makes sense from an ANTI-Biblical world view.

I have been forced to conclude, after many years, that the above is really the only thing that adequately explains what we are experiencing in 2024.

I have been thinking about how to prove this dude wrong……and I cannot.
Link Posted: 1/19/2024 10:27:55 PM EDT
Beacher’s Bibles making a comeback
Link Posted: 1/19/2024 10:32:15 PM EDT
Pay cash where you can, no paper trail.
Link Posted: 1/19/2024 10:38:38 PM EDT
I was outbid on a Spanish Bible printed in the mid 1400’s. I speak and read Spanish and had big plans to translate it. I forgot about the auction end time and lost it. I was disappointed in myself.

I wonder where that puts me in the eyes of the top men.
Link Posted: 1/19/2024 11:58:09 PM EDT
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Alright so where is the bible store where a guy can find some variety and illustrated versions? Are Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant bibles basically the same or does a guy need one of each?
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If you wanna make sure you get on the list I'd order one online. Barnes and noble or something in person probably doesn't really associate your actual book purchase with your card or whatever and or the nsa won't flag it as easily.

There are probably 100+ different versions of the bible. I know just on bible gateway there are like 63 you can switch between.

Catholics largely use the New American Bible (Revised Edition) for mass but they also approve of NRSVCE, and a couple others.

Orthodox and protestant covers a pretty wide swath. There are orthodox study bibles, many protestants will use the KJV...
Link Posted: 1/19/2024 11:59:25 PM EDT
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Pay cash where you can, no paper trail.
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Fuck that. I want them to fuck with me for practicing a religion I'll find some lawyer to take that case.
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 12:02:39 AM EDT
On three lists for one purchase.

Link Posted: 1/20/2024 12:06:19 AM EDT
flag em back ez.

they sleep somewhere'
they drive a non gov tag at some point
they make a call on a non gov imsi at some point.,
be around the corner. collect,. process. dissem.

build the etf
set up the play

parents go last.

in minecraft of course. works well for crusiers in starcraft too.
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