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Posted: 8/31/2011 3:36:48 AM EDT
After 30 years of crewing everything from an M48A5 to an M1A2SEP I'm still convinced that the "ancient" M60 series (That I spent 75/80% of My

time on) was the best tank that the US ever produced.  I've always felt that the M1 series was more "TD" than "tank" and that's OK because it's

what we needed given the threat in the late 70's and beyond but, '60's were the penultimate TANK as far as versatility went.

Besides that, M1's don't SMELL like tanks ().  Yeah, they're spooky lethal and all that but a TANK smells like DIESEL damnit!  At 1,200-1,400 MTRS

firing Battle-Sight APDS a '60 will fuck you up (!)  Besides, a TT-8 just ain't the same if you're NOT trying to pull rounds out of the "Honeycomb" while

balancing yourself on hot brass (The smells of the green shit leaking out of the L7/M68 mixed with the soles of your "Tanker" boots melting while you

tried and keep your balance....sigh....).

"Dinosaur" for the win!  The FRH be damned!...and...Rough and smooth you bastages.....

Lest I forget, yeah, the 219 and M73 DID suck (For all you old guys like me that remember those pieces of shit)!   When we went to the '240 it WAS much better.

Link Posted: 8/31/2011 3:39:15 AM EDT
The Patton series tanks had great lines.  For some reason, they just look like a tank should.
Link Posted: 8/31/2011 3:42:36 AM EDT
always liked them things.

I have a couple of lower halves of the sights sitting at home....and I have no idea why.

like this:

Link Posted: 8/31/2011 3:46:10 AM EDT
I got to watch them live fire once.  Then the Cobras and A10's took their turn.  It was a big dog and pony show for some General visiting Ft. McCoy.  It was Awesome.

I'll never forget the percussion in my chest when those tanks fired.  It's like someone smacked you in the chest.  

Link Posted: 8/31/2011 3:47:36 AM EDT
The Crotch (TM) still used M60A1s when I was on active duty (88-92), although with slabs of reactive armor bolted to the turret, etc.

As an infantryman I was always jealous of those tankers driving by in relative comfort as we slogged along.

Good thread. As stated, an M60 just looks like a tank.
Link Posted: 8/31/2011 3:51:53 AM EDT
The Crotch (TM) still used M60A1s when I was on active duty (88-92), although with slabs of reactive armor bolted to the turret, etc.

As an infantryman I was always jealous of those tankers driving by in relative comfort as we slogged along.

Good thread. As stated, an M60 just looks like a tank.

I always felt the same, until I once saw a Bradley throw a track in Iraq. I didn't envy those poor fucks anymore.

ETA) Before somebody jumps in my shit with both feet, I know a Bradley isn't a tank. But it does have tracks, and I'm assuming the process is similar for when an M1A1 throws a track.
Link Posted: 8/31/2011 3:54:03 AM EDT
Don't the Marines still have some active M60s?
Link Posted: 8/31/2011 3:55:02 AM EDT
Having been inside a Texas NG M60 and an M1, the M60 interior is like a stadium compared to the M1.
Link Posted: 8/31/2011 2:07:26 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/31/2011 2:11:58 PM EDT
When I think M60s, I think back to this pic

Link Posted: 8/31/2011 2:14:42 PM EDT
Funny thing is, I think M48s were used in Detroit during the 1968 Riots.

And not just parked on the corners - used to machine gun buildings.
Link Posted: 8/31/2011 2:23:32 PM EDT
Don't the Marines still have some active M60s?

M60A1 AVLB vehicles.

IIRC the USMC stuck with M60's until after Desert Storm. They have M1A1's. They were concerned about how the M1A1's heavier weight would effect sealift and amphib operations.
Link Posted: 8/31/2011 2:25:42 PM EDT


I got to watch them live fire once. Then the Cobras and A10's took their turn. It was a big dog and pony show for some General visiting Ft. McCoy. It was Awesome.

I'll never forget the percussion in my chest when those tanks fired. It's like someone smacked you in the chest.


During a life fire exercise at 29 Palms the amtrack I was riding in stopped about 50 feet behind a line of M-60s firing downrange.  We dismounted just as the one directly in front of us fired...my ears rang for days afterwards.  
Link Posted: 8/31/2011 2:35:01 PM EDT
Hell yea!

My experience with the beast is as follows:


1/70th Armor  STRIKE SWIFTLY   M60A3  

4/69th Armor  SPEED AND POWER   M60A3
Link Posted: 8/31/2011 2:45:14 PM EDT
I agree, they do "look" like a tank should. Always loved the way they appear.
Link Posted: 8/31/2011 2:48:05 PM EDT
Didn't the A2's have some kind of 152mm gun barrel missile?  Why didn't that work out?  (or am I confusing that system with an M551?)
Link Posted: 8/31/2011 2:49:05 PM EDT
Didn't the A2's have some kind of 152mm gun barrel missile?  Why didn't that work out?  (or am I confusing that system with an M551?)

Same system IIRC.
Link Posted: 8/31/2011 2:50:07 PM EDT
I loved workig on them.. you could get to everything easly! Not like the M1 where you have to remove 12 guards to get to the part you need to fix.
Link Posted: 8/31/2011 2:53:01 PM EDT
how would they do against a T72?

Link Posted: 8/31/2011 2:55:07 PM EDT


how would they do against a T72?

When crewed by Israelis, quite well.

ETA:  Did any USMC M-60s engage T-72s in Kuwait in 1991?
Link Posted: 8/31/2011 2:58:33 PM EDT
Always liked the looks of em'.

It looks like it had a mini turret on top of the turret...so you can turret while you turret?
Link Posted: 8/31/2011 2:59:36 PM EDT



Don't the Marines still have some active M60s?

M60A1 AVLB vehicles.

IIRC the USMC stuck with M60's until after Desert Storm. They have M1A1's. They were concerned about how the M1A1's heavier weight would effect sealift and amphib operations.
Last year in AFG the Marines we were attached to ripped out of Dwyer.  The guys leaving left (60 hulled) AVLB's but the guys that replaced them

only had experience on AVBs(M1 based).  I was heading into the COC one day at Leatherneck and this "gigantic" Gunny looked at me and said "Hey,

are you 'treadhead'? the old guy who used to crew 60's?" I said yeah Gunny, what'cha need?  They needed someone to go to Dwyer and load the

bridges on the hulls and then drive the hulls onto a HETT to get them back to Leatherneck.

It was great.  I asked if I could just "Rommel" one back across the desert (There is NOTHING between Dwyer and Leatherneck) but they didn't want

to take the chance of having to recover in it something took a shit on the old girl....

Link Posted: 8/31/2011 3:04:11 PM EDT


The Patton series tanks had great lines.  For some reason, they just look like a tank should.
I always thought so too

Link Posted: 8/31/2011 3:06:14 PM EDT

Don't the Marines still have some active M60s?

M60A1 AVLB vehicles.

IIRC the USMC stuck with M60's until after Desert Storm. They have M1A1's. They were concerned about how the M1A1's heavier weight would effect sealift and amphib operations.
Last year in AFG the Marines we were attached to ripped out of Dwyer.  The guys leaving left (60 hulled) AVLB's but the guys that replaced them
only had experience on AVBs(M1 based).  I was heading into the COC one day at Leatherneck and this "gigantic" Gunny looked at me and said "Hey,
are you 'treadhead'? the old guy who used to crew 60's?" I said yeah Gunny, what'cha need?  They needed someone to go to Dwyer and load the
bridges on the hulls and then drive the hulls onto a HETT to get them back to Leatherneck.

It was great.  I asked if I could just "Rommel" one back across the desert (There is NOTHING between Dwyer and Leatherneck) but they didn't want
to take the chance of having to recover in it something took a shit on the old girl....


You ever think "screw their rules!" and get your own personal M60? I remember at least one member had one.
Link Posted: 8/31/2011 3:10:16 PM EDT

how would they do against a T72?

When crewed by Israelis, quite well.

ETA:  Did any USMC M-60s engage T-72s in Kuwait in 1991?

I don't know if they were USMC M-60s but there was a battle at the Kuwait airport involving M60s and T72s, the T72s didn't fare too well at all. One m60 had the tread blown off (mobility kill) and that was about it.
Link Posted: 8/31/2011 3:17:11 PM EDT


I loved workig on them.. you could get to everything easly! Not like the M1 where you have to remove 12 guards to get to the part you need to fix.
I'm not sure if it was a widespread problem (?) but, back in '84 when 1/7 Cav (My unit) was netting on the M1 we (FT Hood) lost a couple

of Turret Mech's when they were leaning over the main gun breech and somehow turret power got switched on and the gun went to

whatever "stab" position (Usually hull down) was last inputted.  You know how fast that damn gun moves....

Link Posted: 8/31/2011 3:28:52 PM EDT
UPS please
Link Posted: 8/31/2011 3:42:46 PM EDT
Yep, I was a Tanker from 75 to 79. Driver, loader, gunner and TC. 1/13 Armor in Germany. Loved every second of it.
Link Posted: 8/31/2011 3:49:59 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/31/2011 3:58:08 PM EDT


Yep, I was a Tanker from 75 to 79. Driver, loader, gunner and TC. 1/13 Armor in Germany. Loved every second of it.
Remember THESE at Holder?

Link Posted: 8/31/2011 4:00:18 PM EDT

how would they do against a T72?

When crewed by Israelis, quite well.

ETA:  Did any USMC M-60s engage T-72s in Kuwait in 1991?

U.S. crewed VS Soviet crewed
Link Posted: 8/31/2011 4:02:17 PM EDT
Nice 10,000!  Thank you for your years of service.  I've enjoyed many of your posts over the years. HERE HERE!
Link Posted: 8/31/2011 4:05:44 PM EDT

I got to watch them live fire once. Then the Cobras and A10's took their turn. It was a big dog and pony show for some General visiting Ft. McCoy. It was Awesome.

I'll never forget the percussion in my chest when those tanks fired. It's like someone smacked you in the chest.


During a life fire exercise at 29 Palms the amtrack I was riding in stopped about 50 feet behind a line of M-60s firing downrange.  We dismounted just as the one directly in front of us fired...my ears rang for days afterwards.  

That's like 5... 10% disability right there.
Link Posted: 8/31/2011 4:12:52 PM EDT


Nice 10,000!  Thank you for your years of service.  I've enjoyed many of your posts over the years. HERE HERE!

Well thanks man...

Link Posted: 8/31/2011 4:15:21 PM EDT




I got to watch them live fire once. Then the Cobras and A10's took their turn. It was a big dog and pony show for some General visiting Ft. McCoy. It was Awesome.

I'll never forget the percussion in my chest when those tanks fired. It's like someone smacked you in the chest.


During a life fire exercise at 29 Palms the amtrack I was riding in stopped about 50 feet behind a line of M-60s firing downrange.  We dismounted just as the one directly in front of us fired...my ears rang for days afterwards.  

That's like 5... 10% disability right there.
Yeah, that's one thing most DAT's will agree on.  When YOUR tank is firing (And you've got the CVC on) it's just sort've a dull "whuump!".

When the tank NEXT to you fires....BOOOOOMMM!!!!!

Link Posted: 8/31/2011 4:16:04 PM EDT
Former 19E here!
2/69th Armor out of Ft. Benning, Ga.
The M60 was the last of the land beasts, Tanks now days are far more sporty.
Link Posted: 8/31/2011 4:19:56 PM EDT
Tank Question. Could the final versions of the M-60 fire the main gun while on the move?
Link Posted: 8/31/2011 4:26:31 PM EDT


Tank Question. Could the final versions of the M-60 fire the main gun while on the move?
I honestly don't know?  I never crewed an 'A3.  I went straight from the 'A1 Rise to the M1. The 'A1 DID have a "stab" system of sorts but it

pretty much just kept you in the neighborhood...lol

Maybe some of the 'A3 guys can answer your question (?)

Link Posted: 8/31/2011 4:31:40 PM EDT



Don't the Marines still have some active M60s?

M60A1 AVLB vehicles.

IIRC the USMC stuck with M60's until after Desert Storm. They have M1A1's. They were concerned about how the M1A1's heavier weight would effect sealift and amphib operations.

Marines received Abrams HA during Desert Storm
Link Posted: 8/31/2011 4:32:49 PM EDT
I always loved the lines of the M-60 as well.  Even with that huge spotlight on it!
It always looked cool!

One of the highlights of my time as a  Midshipman was getting to fire the main gun on an M-60.
One round HEAT one round Sabot (the old DU Sabot).

When I got into the gunners chair I wondered, "What's this mesh fence for".
After I fired the first round and saw the gun recoil inches from my head I figured it out!  

The Loader has the biggest balls in the world.  
An E-2 standing on a little four inch wide ledge, holding onto handles in the roof of the turrent while the gun recoiled between his legs!
I learned what "Up" and "On the way meant" that day!
Link Posted: 8/31/2011 4:34:18 PM EDT
Tank Question. Could the final versions of the M-60 fire the main gun while on the move?

When I was at the fire power demo at Camp Pendleton in 1988 they were firing on the move, both the main gun and the 50 cal turret.
That's not definitive of course.
Link Posted: 8/31/2011 4:55:13 PM EDT
M60s are great until you have to dig it out of a rice paddy. One the only things to be greatful about being a grunt for.
Link Posted: 8/31/2011 4:58:13 PM EDT


I always loved the lines of the M-60 as well.  Even with that huge spotlight on it!

It always looked cool!

One of the highlights of my time as a  Midshipman was getting to fire the main gun on an M-60.

One round HEAT one round Sabot (the old DU Sabot).

When I got into the gunners chair I wondered, "What's this mesh fence for".

After I fired the first round and saw the gun recoil inches from my head I figured it out!  

The Loader has the biggest balls in the world.  

An E-2 standing on a little four inch wide ledge, holding onto handles in the roof of the turrent while the gun receoiled between his legs!

I learned what "Up" and "On the way meant" that day!
One year we had our ammo brought out by this transportation company that was like 60% Ladies with a female Commander.  SHE decided that She

wanted to put a few rounds downrange and they put her in MY tank.  We gave Her a "Quicky" class on conduct-of-fire and set Her loose!  I was loading

and told Her over and over......"Mam, don't pull the trigger until you hear Me give an UP(!) and am out of the way of the gun please"

She was squeezing the hell out of the Cadillac's and as soon as I slapped the safety foreward.....BOOOM!...."On it's way" LOL!  We did this 7 or 8 times

and I eventually got Her to at least use the proper terminology and sequence (My TC was no help because he was laughing too hard) and wait 'till I'd cleared the

fuckin' gun!
Link Posted: 8/31/2011 5:00:24 PM EDT
Tank Question. Could the final versions of the M-60 fire the main gun while on the move?

Hell yes it could! We had stabilization too.
The M1 was/is a hell of a tank but the M60 could do one thing better. We had more main gun depression and so could fire better from defilade (is that the right word?) position.
Link Posted: 8/31/2011 5:22:38 PM EDT
Tank Question. Could the final versions of the M-60 fire the main gun while on the move?

Hell yes it could! We had stabilization too.
The M1 was/is a hell of a tank but the M60 could do one thing better. We had more main gun depression and so could fire better from defilade (is that the right word?) position.

I didn't know that.  

Link Posted: 8/31/2011 5:22:43 PM EDT

I always loved the lines of the M-60 as well.  Even with that huge spotlight on it!
It always looked cool!

One of the highlights of my time as a  Midshipman was getting to fire the main gun on an M-60.
One round HEAT one round Sabot (the old DU Sabot).

When I got into the gunners chair I wondered, "What's this mesh fence for".
After I fired the first round and saw the gun recoil inches from my head I figured it out!  

The Loader has the biggest balls in the world.  
An E-2 standing on a little four inch wide ledge, holding onto handles in the roof of the turrent while the gun receoiled between his legs!
I learned what "Up" and "On the way meant" that day!
One year we had our ammo brought out by this transportation company that was like 60% Ladies with a female Commander.  SHE decided that She
wanted to put a few rounds downrange and they put her in MY tank.  We gave Her a "Quicky" class on conduct-of-fire and set Her loose!  I was loading
and told Her over and over......"Mam, don't pull the trigger until you hear Me give an UP(!) and am out of the way of the gun please"

She was squeezing the hell out of the Cadillac's and as soon as I slapped the safety foreward.....BOOOM!...."On it's way" LOL!  We did this 7 or 8 times
and I eventually got Her to at least use the proper terminology and sequence (My TC was no help because he was laughing too hard) and wait 'till I'd cleared the
fuckin' gun!


Lucky you!

Still have all your parts!?!?

I admire your professionalism continuing to use the term "ma'am".  
Link Posted: 8/31/2011 5:24:57 PM EDT
Tank Question. Could the final versions of the M-60 fire the main gun while on the move?

Hell yes it could! We had stabilization too.
The M1 was/is a hell of a tank but the M60 could do one thing better. We had more main gun depression and so could fire better from defilade (is that the right word?) position.

Well, that answers that, the M-60 is now my favorite U.S. tank.

I always thought it looked bad-assed with all that reactive stuff stuck on it. We took delivery of a couple M-60E-somethings while I was at King Fahd Int Airport, either late fall of 90 or Jan 91, they both had blades mounted to the front, and if I remember correctly, they were going to be used for UXO removal from runways and or taxi ways. EOD had ammo for the 50 cals, but that was it. I was suposed to learn how to drive the thing when I ended up missing the training for something else that was going on. I'm still pissed about that. Both tanks looked new with green paint, and were fresh off the boat (Or plane) from Germany.
Link Posted: 8/31/2011 5:26:05 PM EDT
This is the engineer tank, is that correct?
What's that bump (cupola?) on the right side of the turret on top of the hull?

Link Posted: 8/31/2011 5:27:20 PM EDT

OP - What did you think of the M48?

If I recall correctly, Godzilla killed the crap out of those things.

Link Posted: 8/31/2011 5:32:32 PM EDT
I hated the M60A1.  I loved the M1A1.  It was night and day.  The M60 you just putted along, and if you were the TC the flak jacket was not to protect from shrapnel, but to keep your ribs from breaking.  The M1A1 was like riding in a brand new truck-smooth as hell.  

Dangerous as fuck though.  Almost lost my left hand on one the ranges when the gunner grabbed the GPCHs and the main gun elevated and my hand was almost caught between the moving parts.

M60A1 Rise Passive crewman's course June-August 1987.


GySgt Hazlett
SSgt Mcklintock
SSgt Watts
SSgt Cordero
SSgt Carroll

USA Plt Sgts

SSG Morris
SSG Stanley
SSG Holman


SSG Funkhouser  "Funky"
SSG Adams
Link Posted: 8/31/2011 5:32:49 PM EDT
Congrats I had my 10k a few days ago.
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