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Link Posted: 3/6/2007 11:17:06 AM EDT

Wow! Why had I not thought about Fred Thompson as a potential candidate. But damn, after  reading that, I feel dumb for not recognizing he'd be the perfect candidate for us. Now there's a guy who would get me (and other republicans) excited about 2008! I sure hope someone convinces him to run. Out of the current field, he'd sure as hell have my support!

+1.  Never thought of it before. I've always admired the man.   Talk about lifting the spirits of the GOP.   I'd actually be excited about the election, instead of dreading it.   I'm not voting for Mit, Guiliani, or McCain.   I'll stay home before I cast a vote for any of them.
Link Posted: 3/6/2007 11:25:21 AM EDT

I've been wishing he'd run since he got into the senate in '94.

+1  However I doubt he would.  Really why would he?  He'd be taking a pay cut.  He is the perfect age too.  Born in 1942.  

I wonder what ever happened to Jack Kemp?  Or Dan Quayle for the matter.
Link Posted: 3/6/2007 11:32:30 AM EDT
Draft Fred Thompson

Hit it !!!


Link Posted: 3/6/2007 12:12:02 PM EDT
tag for later
Link Posted: 3/6/2007 1:14:28 PM EDT
He's got my vote!  Liked this one for a long time.  Always hoped he would run.

Something about Big John explaining the Japanese inspection process to Cole Trickle and Rowdy Burns that impressed me.  Could see him explaining that process to a couple of staff members if they didnt get in line.  Hell I thought he made one hell of a Bill France, Jr as Pres of Nascar...  Cant wait to see what he would do as Pres of the US.
Link Posted: 3/6/2007 1:47:02 PM EDT


Uh, are you dumb?

Nope, I just don't make shit up out of midair to support 2nd hand info when the platform clearly does not do so. Do you really think legal adult porn can be banned?

Does this sound like wanting to ban porn?

...shares the position of the United States Supreme Court in
Miller v. California, 413 U.S. 15 (1973), that obscene material is “unprotected by the first
amendment” (413 U.S. at 23) and that “to equate the free and robust exchange of ideas
and political debate with commercial exploitation of obscene material demeans the grand
conception of the first amendment and its high purposes in the historic struggle for
freedom.” Miller, 413 U.S. at 34. We therefore support vigorous prosecution of obscene
material by the U.S. Department of Justice.
Link Posted: 3/6/2007 1:53:49 PM EDT

Does this sound like wanting to ban porn?

...shares the position of the United States Supreme Court in
Miller v. California, 413 U.S. 15 (1973), that obscene material is “unprotected by the first
amendment” (413 U.S. at 23) and that “to equate the free and robust exchange of ideas
and political debate with commercial exploitation of obscene material demeans the grand
conception of the first amendment and its high purposes in the historic struggle for
freedom.” Miller, 413 U.S. at 34. We therefore support vigorous prosecution of obscene
material by the U.S. Department of Justice

WTF does it sound like to you?  They say there's no 1st Amendment protection for porn, and they support the U.S. Dep't of Justice's prosecution of "obscene material".  Sure doesn't sound like a pro-porn, or even a "live and let live" position to me.
Link Posted: 3/6/2007 1:55:50 PM EDT


Does this sound like wanting to ban porn?

...shares the position of the United States Supreme Court in
Miller v. California, 413 U.S. 15 (1973), that obscene material is “unprotected by the first
amendment” (413 U.S. at 23) and that “to equate the free and robust exchange of ideas
and political debate with commercial exploitation of obscene material demeans the grand
conception of the first amendment and its high purposes in the historic struggle for
freedom.” Miller, 413 U.S. at 34. We therefore support vigorous prosecution of obscene
material by the U.S. Department of Justice

WTF does it sound like to you?  They say there's no 1st Amendment protection for porn, and they support the U.S. Dep't of Justice's prosecution of "obscene material".  Sure doesn't sound like a pro-porn, or even a "live and let live" position to me.

Well I guess the Republicans want to ban porn then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!oh noes!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That quote is from the Republican Platform, posted on the RNC website (page 82 IIRC).
Link Posted: 3/6/2007 1:58:08 PM EDT

Fred would get my vote.

Link Posted: 3/6/2007 2:00:32 PM EDT



Does this sound like wanting to ban porn?

...shares the position of the United States Supreme Court in
Miller v. California, 413 U.S. 15 (1973), that obscene material is “unprotected by the first
amendment” (413 U.S. at 23) and that “to equate the free and robust exchange of ideas
and political debate with commercial exploitation of obscene material demeans the grand
conception of the first amendment and its high purposes in the historic struggle for
freedom.” Miller, 413 U.S. at 34. We therefore support vigorous prosecution of obscene
material by the U.S. Department of Justice

WTF does it sound like to you?  They say there's no 1st Amendment protection for porn, and they support the U.S. Dep't of Justice's prosecution of "obscene material".  Sure doesn't sound like a pro-porn, or even a "live and let live" position to me.

Well I guess the Republicans want to ban porn then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!oh noes!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That quote is from the Republican Platform, posted on the RNC website (page 82 IIRC).


Although in a legal sense, porn does not equal obscenity.
Link Posted: 3/6/2007 2:17:02 PM EDT
I've always been interested in politics, and besides one local commissioner, I've never helped campaign for anyone.

If Sen. Thompson tossed his name in the hat, I would volunteer my time to help his campaign. He's the only person I can think of, that I would be excited about voting for, at least the only one with an actual shot at getting elected.

I wish someone had a video of the speech Sen. Thompson made after clitons State of the Union Address in 94, IIRC. The year the Republicans took over congress.

His speech was far and away better than bc's.

Sen. Thompson's speaking ability is second to none. I have no doubt if he was in the spotlight, and people heard him make a few political speeches, he would certainly win the hearts and minds of  all the Republican voters, and easily bring back all the fence riders and third party dreamers.
Link Posted: 3/6/2007 2:22:41 PM EDT

His verbal destruction of the BATF honcho during the Ruby Ridge hearings was priceless.

"So your telling me that all this mess got started over a couple of sawed-off shotguns?"  


I'd vote for him. Sounds a lot better than Guliani re 2A...
Link Posted: 3/6/2007 2:33:29 PM EDT

His verbal destruction of the BATF honcho during the Ruby Ridge hearings was priceless.

"So your telling me that all this mess got started over a couple of sawed-off shotguns?"  


I also checked his view on other issues.  He's got my vote.
Link Posted: 3/6/2007 2:36:52 PM EDT
I can only hope Fred jumps in. The thought of voting for any of trhe current R candidates is nauseating. I think Thompson is the only viable alternative we have right now. I think he is MUCH more electable than Newt Gingrich.
Link Posted: 3/6/2007 3:31:32 PM EDT


His verbal destruction of the BATF honcho during the Ruby Ridge hearings was priceless.

"So your telling me that all this mess got started over a couple of sawed-off shotguns?"  


I'd vote for him. Sounds a lot better than Guliani re 2A...

+1, I'd vote for him just for saying that, that's awesome.
Link Posted: 3/6/2007 6:29:34 PM EDT

So who has weaseled there way into an email account we can send out begging and pleading to????


At this point, demonstrating some genuine interest is probably a good starting point.

Note that Fred's current acting job generates fan mail, which is probably screened by someone other than Fred.

So, rather than trying to fight your way through all the "Law & Order" fans, I would suggest instead adding your name to one of the threads in the Messages To Fred section over at DraftFredThompson.com. Basically, the idea is to show how many of us are interested in his potential candidacy (and how fast the interest is spreading).

It only takes a few seconds to register, and then another minute or two to add your own comments to one of the threads.
Link Posted: 3/6/2007 6:50:20 PM EDT
This deserves a bump.........and a good old fashioned ARFCOM FIRE MISSION!

Link Posted: 3/6/2007 6:59:23 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/6/2007 7:02:34 PM EDT
There will never be another Reagan
Link Posted: 3/6/2007 7:22:51 PM EDT

If he ran I guess it would mean the end of his filling in for Paul Harvey.  Now that is radio you need to hear!!

I dare say that he does it as good or better than Paul himself.  He should take it over when Paul gives up the reins.

Knowing Paul Harvey, he'll give up the ghost before he gives up the reins. That said, I think Fred Thompson could do more good for the country doing weekly radio addresses from the White House than just some ABC news show.
Link Posted: 3/6/2007 7:34:46 PM EDT
He and Bill Clinton share the same birthday (August 19).  Same as my father-in-law.....

He should have been cast as Col. Tanner in "Red Dawn".

Link Posted: 3/6/2007 10:52:37 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/6/2007 10:54:07 PM EDT
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Link Posted: 3/6/2007 11:11:10 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/6/2007 11:15:09 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/7/2007 3:14:46 AM EDT





I'd challenge each of you to look over the platform and see which of the 5 major parties (D,R, Green, Libertarian, Constitution) you are closest too. How can you decide on a party if you haven't even read their platform?

The goal of the Constitution Party is to restore American jurisprudence to its Biblical foundations and to limit the federal government to its Constitutional boundaries.

Lets see, bann porn, gambling, drugs and everything else that is fun, based on the Bible, seems like a theocracy to me.

That is the thing none of the parties offer what I am looking for, and I imagine it is the same for everyone.  Somewhere you will have to look the other way or compromise on some issues.  So if I am going to compromise, I might as well do it with the party that stands the biggest chance of winning- which is the Republican party.

Drugs are already illegal. The platform does not call for banning porn or gambling. You should read it for yourself instead of going on what others tell you. I agree with you that no one party has it right but some are way closer than others.

eta: If you (everybody) don't want to read the whole platform click on the hot topics like welfare, immigration, gun control, etc. I bet you find a lot that you can get behind.

Actually the CP leaves social issues like that up to each state.  Exactly the way it should be.  You get to live in an enviornment you like best.
And I don't want them fucking around with those laws at the state level.  Just because it is "a state right" to do something doesn't mean I want the state doing it.
Link Posted: 3/7/2007 3:20:51 AM EDT
Voted YES on $75M for abstinence education. (Jul 1996)
Just like Dubya - Teach no sex over safe sex. Dumbass.

Voted YES on killing an increase in the minimum wage. (Nov 1999)
Thats great for places with high cost of living. More people on welfare.   Dumbass.

Voted NO on increasing tobacco restrictions. (Jun 1998)
Thats a smart choice....

Voted No to soft money and donations from corporations, but yes to 'other gifts'

Voted YES on defunding renewable and solar energy.
Another smart choice.

So far I only like his gun control.
Link Posted: 3/7/2007 3:48:08 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/7/2007 3:51:30 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/7/2007 3:55:42 AM EDT


That is the beauty of it.  In 50 different combinations surely you can find one that is pretty damn close to what you want.
I don't want to move and lets be honest, do you really think it would stop at the boarders of states?  When state A spends tons of money to do away with porn that is coming from state B, state A will go to Washington crying that state B is flooding the streets with porn and that it is an obscenity crisis.  14 year old boys are getting carpa tunnel syndrome and are going blind and they demand the feds do something.

Just like what we have going on with gun laws.

I just want to be left the hell alone, that is it.  I want to keep my own damn money, I want to buy, own and shoot my damn guns, I want to drive an truck that I am comfortable with, and do what ever makes me happy on my own property.  All I ask of the government is to keep foreign invaders out and keep roads passible.
Link Posted: 3/7/2007 4:07:16 AM EDT

Voted YES on $75M for abstinence education. (Jul 1996)
Just like Dubya - Teach no sex over safe sex. Dumbass.

Voted YES on killing an increase in the minimum wage. (Nov 1999)
Thats great for places with high cost of living. More people on welfare.   Dumbass.

Voted NO on increasing tobacco restrictions. (Jun 1998)
Thats a smart choice....

Voted No to soft money and donations from corporations, but yes to 'other gifts'

Voted YES on defunding renewable and solar energy.
Another smart choice.

So far I only like his gun control.

You are a commie pinko idiot.
Link Posted: 3/7/2007 4:09:04 AM EDT



That is the beauty of it.  In 50 different combinations surely you can find one that is pretty damn close to what you want.
I don't want to move and lets be honest, do you really think it would stop at the boarders of states?  When state A spends tons of money to do away with porn that is coming from state B, state A will go to Washington crying that state B is flooding the streets with porn and that it is an obscenity crisis.  14 year old boys are getting carpa tunnel syndrome and are going blind and they demand the feds do something.

Just like what we have going on with gun laws.

I just want to be left the hell alone, that is it.  I want to keep my own damn money, I want to buy, own and shoot my damn guns, I want to drive an truck that I am comfortable with, and do what ever makes me happy on my own property.  All I ask of the government is to keep foreign invaders out and keep roads passible.

Maybe you missed the RNC platform quote I posted? Check towards the top of page 5. Pretty much the exact same thing the CP's platform said WRT to obscenity. Don't get  caught up in pundit hysterics.
Link Posted: 3/7/2007 4:11:05 AM EDT


Voted YES on $75M for abstinence education. (Jul 1996)
Just like Dubya - Teach no sex over safe sex. Dumbass.

Voted YES on killing an increase in the minimum wage. (Nov 1999)
Thats great for places with high cost of living. More people on welfare.   Dumbass.

Voted NO on increasing tobacco restrictions. (Jun 1998)
Thats a smart choice....

Voted No to soft money and donations from corporations, but yes to 'other gifts'

Voted YES on defunding renewable and solar energy.
Another smart choice.

So far I only like his gun control.

You are a commie pinko idiot.
+1  His name is Soviet though, what would you expect?
Link Posted: 3/7/2007 4:14:32 AM EDT


Maybe you missed the RNC platform quote I posted? Check towards the top of page 5. Pretty much the exact same thing the CP's platform said WRT to obscenity. Don't get  caught up in pundit hysterics.
I find that to be equally as stupid but I would dare say that there is no more than 25% of Republicans who would vote for such a silly thing.

What I find to be really stupid, is that there are so many important issues that need to be addressed and fixed, yet so many people are concerned about porn!  Take GWB, he created a task force to seize records from Yahoo and Google to see how many people search for porn on a daily basis!  Give me a fucking break......
Link Posted: 3/7/2007 4:15:36 AM EDT


Voted YES on killing an increase in the minimum wage. (Nov 1999)
Thats great for places with high cost of living. More people on welfare.   Dumbass.

Minimum wage is a socialist feelgood program that harms small business


And it should have nothing to do with the cost of living - if cost of living is your concern and you're making minimum wage, that is YOUR fault, not someone else's

MW jobs are for HS kids and part-timers making 'a little extra on the side'...

Not for earning a living...

By the time you need to earn a living, you should have enough work-history to make a living wage of your OWN ACCORD...

You should not depend on .gov to hand you one...

The MW needs to go - the sooner, the better...
Link Posted: 3/7/2007 4:21:58 AM EDT



Maybe you missed the RNC platform quote I posted? Check towards the top of page 5. Pretty much the exact same thing the CP's platform said WRT to obscenity. Don't get  caught up in pundit hysterics.
I find that to be equally as stupid but I would dare say that there is no more than 25% of Republicans who would vote for such a silly thing.

What I find to be really stupid, is that there are so many important issues that need to be addressed and fixed, yet so many people are concerned about porn!  Take GWB, he created a task force to seize records from Yahoo and Google to see how many people search for porn on a daily basis!  Give me a fucking break......

I agree, and by that logic it is absurd to think that porn is what the CP would be focusing on. I doubt you could find 25% of CP members that would back banning it even it that was truly the CP's intent, which it is not. I know I do not support it, although I'm all for tracking down and placing in jail every adult involved in kiddie porn.
Link Posted: 3/7/2007 4:24:28 AM EDT






So you don't have a problem if Hillary wins?

I have a problem with abdicating my duty to my country and instead voting for comfort at the cost of what is best for the country in the long run. The only thing that would prevent a qualified 3rd party candidate from winning is those of you who won't vote for them only because they are 3rd party.

3rd party will not win period.  I will not waste my vote on a party with no chance of winning.  I want to have influence on the vote in some way, if I vote 3rd party I take away votes from the side that would be better than Hitlerly.  

And you know this how? Perot was neck-in-neck with Bush & Clinton until he pulled out of the race. You're crazy if you think a qualified 3rd party candidate couldn't win if everyone who believed in him voted that way. That is truly haveing some influence on the direction of the country. If you vote for giuliani you aren't influencing shit, you've been influenced.

Correct, if a 3rd party was supported by everyone they could win.  Now who is the 3rd party canidate that is qualified to run that can do that?  I dont see any 3rd party canidates that have that potential yet.  I never said I was gonna vote for Rudy, but if its between him, hillery, and a 3rd party, I will do what I think is right.  

And you know why?  They represented what most Americans think and if it wasn't for a couple of radical items they would have gotten more of the vote.  The Republicans could learn a lot.  I was never a Perotisa but in hindsight if they had kept the momentum up they very well could have replaced one of the current parties by now.

The Reform Party platform includes the following:

Maintaining a balanced budget, ensured by passing a Balanced Budget Amendment and changing budgeting practices, and paying down the federal debt.
Campaign finance reform, including strict limits on campaign contributions and the outlawing of Political action committee
Enforcement of existing immigration laws
Opposition to free trade agreements like the North American Free Trade Agreement and CAFTA, and a call for withdrawal from the World Trade Organization.
Term limits on U.S. Representatives and Senators.
Direct election of the United States President by popular vote.
A noticeable absence from the Reform Party platform has been what are social issues, including abortion and gay rights.

Sherrick - don't tell me you support direct election of the President, or outlawing PACs?

Those are some of the worst ideas proposed for changing our political system...
Link Posted: 3/7/2007 4:35:39 AM EDT


although I'm all for tracking down and placing in jail every adult involved in kiddie porn.
Agree 100%
Link Posted: 3/7/2007 4:37:58 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/7/2007 4:41:54 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/7/2007 4:44:41 AM EDT

 But we would be much freer.
I seriously doubt it.  There are way to many people who either A) seek dominion over the lives of others or B) people who are willing to hand over their liberties to an authoritarian source.
Link Posted: 3/7/2007 4:46:21 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/7/2007 4:50:39 AM EDT


 But we would be much freer.
I seriously doubt it.  There are way to many people who either A) seek dominion over the lives of others or B) people who are willing to hand over their liberties to an authoritarian source.

IMO It's easier to hold state officials accountable than national officials. Of course it still take hard work by consituents but it is easier none the less. So by returning power to the states we would in essence return more power to the people.
Link Posted: 3/7/2007 4:53:43 AM EDT

return more power to the people.
Which is also part of the problem.  70% of people polled want Universal Health care and 55% said they would support an assault weapons ban.  This isn't the power I want them to have.  In this case, the people would seek dominion over others.  Doesn't matter if it is 1 person or 300,000 dumbass voters.
Link Posted: 3/7/2007 4:58:43 AM EDT


return more power to the people.
Which is also part of the problem.  70% of people polled want Universal Health care and 55% said they would support an assault weapons ban.  This isn't the power I want them to have.  In this case, the people would seek dominion over others.  Doesn't matter if it is 1 person or 300,000 dumbass voters.

Don't you know by now that polls are pretty much worthless? The CP would repeal all gun control laws. Let's assume they decided to make it a state's right issue, which I don't think they would do because IMO they would invoke the supremacy clause. OK, so you can't own "assault weapons" in NY, CA, MA, IL, etc. but you can go to the local sporting goods hack and buy a suppressed full auto 10" barrel AR in TN, TX, GA, ND, etc with no tax stamp etc. Sounds much better than what we've got now IMO.

Gun Control

The right to bear arms is inherent in the right of self defense, defense of the family, and defense against tyranny, conferred on the individual and the community by our Creator to safeguard life, liberty, and property, as well as to help preserve the independence of the nation.

The right to keep and bear arms is guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the Constitution; it may not properly be infringed upon or denied.

The Constitution Party upholds the right of the citizen to keep and bear arms. We oppose attempts to prohibit ownership of guns by law-abiding citizens, and stand against all laws which would require the registration of guns or ammunition.

We emphasize that when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have them. In such circumstances, the peaceful citizen's protection against the criminal would be seriously jeopardized.

We call for the repeal of all federal firearms legislation, beginning with Federal Firearms Act of 1968.

We call for the rescinding of all executive orders, the prohibition of any future executive orders, and the prohibition of treaty ratification which would in any way limit the right to keep and bear arms.
Link Posted: 3/7/2007 5:02:36 AM EDT



return more power to the people.
Which is also part of the problem.  70% of people polled want Universal Health care and 55% said they would support an assault weapons ban.  This isn't the power I want them to have.  In this case, the people would seek dominion over others.  Doesn't matter if it is 1 person or 300,000 dumbass voters.

Don't you know by now that polls are pretty much worthless? The CP would repeal all gun control laws. Let's assume they decided to make it a state's right issue, which I don't think they would do because IMO they would invoke the supremacy clause. OK, so you can't own "assault weapons" in NY, CA, MA, IL, etc. but you can go to the local sporting goods hack and buy a suppressed full auto 10" barrel AR in TN, TX, GA, ND, etc with no tax stamp etc. Sounds much better than what we've got now IMO.

Gun Control

The right to bear arms is inherent in the right of self defense, defense of the family, and defense against tyranny, conferred on the individual and the community by our Creator to safeguard life, liberty, and property, as well as to help preserve the independence of the nation.

The right to keep and bear arms is guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the Constitution; it may not properly be infringed upon or denied.

The Constitution Party upholds the right of the citizen to keep and bear arms. We oppose attempts to prohibit ownership of guns by law-abiding citizens, and stand against all laws which would require the registration of guns or ammunition.

We emphasize that when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have them. In such circumstances, the peaceful citizen's protection against the criminal would be seriously jeopardized.

We call for the repeal of all federal firearms legislation, beginning with Federal Firearms Act of 1968.

We call for the rescinding of all executive orders, the prohibition of any future executive orders, and the prohibition of treaty ratification which would in any way limit the right to keep and bear arms.
Except those states listed are violating the Constitution.  State's rights my ass, the Constitution is the law of the land and it has no boarders between states.
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