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Link Posted: 11/30/2009 3:46:53 PM EDT


So my question is, what can we do to keep guns out of the hands of criminals?

With all the people on AR15.com we must be able to come up with a plan that we could bring to our elected officials that may help the growing gun violence problem.

I, like most of you, don’t want to be finger printed or back round checked anymore. Some people feel this is an invasion of their privacy. I’m not sure I have an opinion on these kinds of practices but giving any of my personal information out seems to me like a bad idea.

Just so you know, I am a 30 something white guy with a wife and 2 young kids. I’m a hard working, gun loving, tax paying, family man who does run to his gun and bible when the shit gets bad.

So let’s do this, let’s get some ideas together for a plan that we would stand behind, because if we don’t do something the elected officials may try and put together a plan of their own and I know none of you want any part of that.

1) Eliminate malum prohibitum laws. You will instantly do away with thousands of "crimes" and the "criminals" those laws create. Now you have a lot less criminals to have to keep guns away from.

2) Keep real, violent criminals in jail. No leniency. If they are in jail, they are not out on the streets and don't have access to guns. If they can't be trusted with a gun, they can't be trusted with freedom in the first place. Anyone safe enough to walk around free should be trusted to own guns.


What would make you feel safer, being able to legally own a machinegun for your protection, or another law that can be ignored by anyone with bad intentions?

Link Posted: 11/30/2009 3:47:00 PM EDT
easy, give them all to me for safekeeping
Link Posted: 11/30/2009 3:47:27 PM EDT
We simply need criminal control, not gun control. The best gun control is to be able to hit what you shoot. Deal severely with the criminals and gangsters, no mercy. I try to stay prepared and aware of everything around me, then I am in control of all I can control. I need no more laws to control me, criminals are a problem, more laws are not needed.
Link Posted: 11/30/2009 3:51:00 PM EDT
I think every able body person should be required to carry a firearm. I also think there needs to be mandatory training along with a qualification course. Do you think that idiot who shot those four cops would have done what he did if he knew everyone inside and outside the coffee shop would have a gun?
Link Posted: 11/30/2009 3:59:04 PM EDT
I think every able body person should be required to carry a firearm. I also think there needs to be mandatory training along with a qualification course. Do you think that idiot who shot those four cops would have done what he did if he knew everyone inside and outside the coffee shop would have a gun?

I do, that guy wanted Cop Blood and nothing was going to stop his attempt and he wanted that Cop Blood with a vengeance

Link Posted: 11/30/2009 4:01:08 PM EDT



OP.    Feel free to answer the polite posters is you want and ignore the others.    Most everyone is still on the same page regardless of their replies to you.

Your question seems innocent enough....and clueless to boot.   If you don't know that we're sick of laws in general restricting firearms you're at least partially blind.

Anyway, we're rooting for incorporation in the McDonald case before the Supreme Court.    Know anything about that?   If and when we get a favorable ruling on this we may see lots of laws taken off the books and citizens given back the means to enable their inherent right to self defense.

Thanks for the polite words. Where can I find out about the McDonald case?



The strategy may be to go after the terrible Slaughterhouse Cases.....terrible law.    Original gun control laws were meant to repress ex-slaves and keep them less able to be full citizens.
Link Posted: 11/30/2009 4:07:55 PM EDT

The better answer is arm yourself.

Link Posted: 11/30/2009 4:14:38 PM EDT




So my question is, what can we do to keep guns out of the hands of criminals?

With all the people on AR15.com we must be able to come up with a plan that we could bring to our elected officials that may help the growing gun violence problem.

I, like most of you, don’t want to be finger printed or back round checked anymore. Some people feel this is an invasion of their privacy. I’m not sure I have an opinion on these kinds of practices but giving any of my personal information out seems to me like a bad idea.

Just so you know, I am a 30 something white guy with a wife and 2 young kids. I’m a hard working, gun loving, tax paying, family man who does run to his gun and bible when the shit gets bad.

So let’s do this, let’s get some ideas together for a plan that we would stand behind, because if we don’t do something the elected officials may try and put together a plan of their own and I know none of you want any part of that.


I think you need to find another forum, maybe DU.

So what's DU?

You have been here as long as you have, and you don't know what DU is?

Link Posted: 11/30/2009 4:16:51 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/30/2009 4:17:56 PM EDT
Summary execution
Link Posted: 11/30/2009 4:20:39 PM EDT
I think every able body person should be required to carry a firearm. I also think there needs to be mandatory training along with a qualification course. Do you think that idiot who shot those four cops would have done what he did if he knew everyone inside and outside the coffee shop would have a gun?

I do, that guy wanted Cop Blood and nothing was going to stop his attempt and he wanted that Cop Blood with a vengeance

You are probably right. However I don't think the police would still be chasing him around the countryside.
Link Posted: 11/30/2009 4:25:53 PM EDT


So my question is, what can we do to keep guns out of the hands of criminals?

With all the people on AR15.com we must be able to come up with a plan that we could bring to our elected officials that may help the growing gun violence problem.

I, like most of you, don’t want to be finger printed or back round checked anymore. Some people feel this is an invasion of their privacy. I’m not sure I have an opinion on these kinds of practices but giving any of my personal information out seems to me like a bad idea.

Just so you know, I am a 30 something white guy with a wife and 2 young kids. I’m a hard working, gun loving, tax paying, family man who does run to his gun and bible when the shit gets bad.

So let’s do this, let’s get some ideas together for a plan that we would stand behind, because if we don’t do something the elected officials may try and put together a plan of their own and I know none of you want any part of that.


I remember a speech by that grinning cunt Tony Blair about


"ridding guns from the streets or Britain"

It subsequently ennded with him banning all legally held handguns for law abiding citizens, and doing fuck all to tackle gun crime, which was caused by a completely different group of people.

Since the ban we have had a ten fold increase in handgun crime.

My advice:

Arm everyone, then when the criminals appear, kill the fuckers with extreme prejudice.

Law and order comes from respect and realisation of consequences, not from bullshit laws that leave the enemy with the upper hand.

Link Posted: 11/30/2009 4:27:39 PM EDT




Execute murderers, muggers, robbers, rapists, and gang members. Deport illegal aliens and prevent them from entering. Nationwide CCW and open carry, no license.

There, problem solved.

I don't agree with executing gang members unless they have committed a crime other than being in a gang. Right to assembly and all.


Some gangs right wingers are barely one step removed from Al Qeada/Taliban.... I'm sure you'd have no problem executing THEM, now, would you?

ETA: Some "assemblies" are just slow moving military invasions.

Fixed that for you.

Link Posted: 11/30/2009 4:34:27 PM EDT
If laws prevented criminals from committing crimes, then there would be no criminals.

However, since we have criminals the logical conclusion is that criminals by their very nature do not abide by the laws.  Passing more laws will not stop criminals from breaking them.

The police are just a clean up crew and provide a deterrent to those who are considering committing crimes.  

It is the inherent problem with a society that tries to provide more freedom....more freedom means more responsibility for one's self as well as a higher risk for being the victim of a crime (because people are self directing).

Act accordingly.
Link Posted: 11/30/2009 4:35:56 PM EDT
Just look at this lunatic, child raping, robber, thug. That is the suspect in the seattle area police shooting. This guy should of been removed along time ago, how many times did this guy dodge going BACK to prison to serve out the rest of his orginal 95 year sentance???
Link Posted: 11/30/2009 4:40:15 PM EDT

All the catch phrases you wrote in your original post read like someone from an anti-gun camp.

People who value the second amendment don't usually use clichés like "growing gun violence problem."

I view you with distrust.

yep. there is no growing gun violence problem.

We let violent criminals out of jail on good behavior. That is the growing violent crime problem.
Link Posted: 11/30/2009 4:42:50 PM EDT
Eliminate Criminals from Society.

Link Posted: 11/30/2009 4:45:23 PM EDT


So my question is, what can we do to keep guns out of the hands of criminals?

Well the most obvious way is to keep the criminals in prison.  Once they're out, there's NO WAY to keep guns out of their hands.  They'll get them by any means possible.
Link Posted: 11/30/2009 5:04:02 PM EDT
The solution : Stop punishing law abiding citizens , and begin punishing criminals.

Anytime anything is prohibited by law , a black market is created. Demand WILL be met with supply. (see also : drugs , prostitution , etc)
There is absolutely NO way to keep a person from getting guns , drugs , hookers , or whatever else one may seek. NONE. Impossible. Period.
It is also impossible to prevent all violent crimes. As long as there exist more than ONE person on this planet , there WILL be violence.

The things that should be done are these:

- - Abolish ALL current legislation at ALL levels of government that serves to prohibit or make difficult the purchase of any firearm by a law abiding citizen.

- - Abolish ALL restrictions and licensing requirements imposed on law abiding citizens regarding the carrying of visible or concealed firearms.

- - Abolish ALL restrictions and licensing requirements imposed on law abiding citizens who wish to engage in the business of selling or repairing firearms

- - Tort reform like a motherfucker

- - Execute , or imprison for life without any possibility of parole , anyone who chooses to commit a crime of violence involving a weapon against any individual .
Link Posted: 11/30/2009 7:07:48 PM EDT
YES, YES, lets get guns off the streets.  I AGREE, let me help you:

Here are a couple of options:

  1.  Take all the guns from the police.  After all, they carry a lot of guns on the streets.

  2.  Stop building streets.  If there are no streets then you can't have guns on them.

If you don't like like those options, you could always just resort to violating the rights of all law abiding citizens.

Link Posted: 11/30/2009 7:40:52 PM EDT
So my question is, what can we do to keep guns out of the hands of criminals? Seriously?  Kill them nothing else has worked for hundreds of years.

With all the people on AR15.com we must be able to come up with a plan that we could bring to our elected officials that may help the growing gun violence problem. Ummm, what growing gun violence problem?  Just because tragedies get played 24/7 on the news does not mean it happens at a greater rate than it has in the past.

I, like most of you, don’t want to be finger printed or back round checked anymore. Some people feel this is an invasion of their privacy. I’m not sure I have an opinion on these kinds of practices but giving any of my personal information out seems to me like a bad idea.

Just so you know, I am a 30 something white guy with a wife and 2 young kids. I’m a hard working, gun loving, tax paying, family man who does run to his gun and bible when the shit gets bad.

So let’s do this, let’s get some ideas together for a plan that we would stand behind, because if we don’t do something the elected officials may try and put together a plan of their own and I know none of you want any part of that. Yes, we should do something.  Let us fight them instead of appeasing them.  Momentum is on our side.  Why on earth would we want to stop the momentum and give in?  Your plan is a kin to Eisenhower saying hey we got the beaches at Normandy?  Have Patton stop in place while we come up with some terms to discuss with Hitler over tea and crumpets.


Sorry, you have bought the gun control kool aid.  Gun violence is not a growing pandemic. It is a fact of life.  It predates the development of firearms.  There will always be people who prey on others.  Guns are a tool that can be used by either side of that equation.  Criminals will get guns.  If they can't they will make them.  IF you magically waved a wand that made chemistry stop working they would use knives and clubs. The only message we need to send to legislators is you touch my guns you get unemployed.  Anything else encourages them, and is a good way to guarantee the crook has guns and you have the bat.
Link Posted: 11/30/2009 8:04:59 PM EDT
So my question is, what can we do to keep guns out of the hands of criminals? Seriously?  Kill them nothing else has worked for hundreds of years.

With all the people on AR15.com we must be able to come up with a plan that we could bring to our elected officials that may help the growing gun violence problem. Ummm, what growing gun violence problem?  Just because tragedies get played 24/7 on the news does not mean it happens at a greater rate than it has in the past.

I, like most of you, don’t want to be finger printed or back round checked anymore. Some people feel this is an invasion of their privacy. I’m not sure I have an opinion on these kinds of practices but giving any of my personal information out seems to me like a bad idea.

Just so you know, I am a 30 something white guy with a wife and 2 young kids. I’m a hard working, gun loving, tax paying, family man who does run to his gun and bible when the shit gets bad.

So let’s do this, let’s get some ideas together for a plan that we would stand behind, because if we don’t do something the elected officials may try and put together a plan of their own and I know none of you want any part of that. Yes, we should do something.  Let us fight them instead of appeasing them.  Momentum is on our side.  Why on earth would we want to stop the momentum and give in?  Your plan is a kin to Eisenhower saying hey we got the beaches at Normandy?  Have Patton stop in place while we come up with some terms to discuss with Hitler over tea and crumpets.


Sorry, you have bought the gun control kool aid.  Gun violence is not a growing pandemic. It is a fact of life.  It predates the development of firearms.  There will always be people who prey on others.  Guns are a tool that can be used by either side of that equation.  Criminals will get guns.  If they can't they will make them.  IF you magically waved a wand that made chemistry stop working they would use knives and clubs. The only message we need to send to legislators is you touch my guns you get unemployed.  Anything else encourages them, and is a good way to guarantee the crook has guns and you have the bat.

I like your way of thinking.
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