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Link Posted: 9/15/2023 8:02:49 AM EDT
Albino Native Americans I'm sure.
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 8:08:42 AM EDT

Elaborate please….
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He's referencing this.   I've read articles where some people say they were Phoenician.  Also it's partially about the progression.  The culture that mined the copper around the great lakes, used it for tools, arrowheads etc.  As time progressed copper was used less and less in NA and by the time Europeans arrived, it was mainly recycled and only jewelry for big wigs.
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 8:13:11 AM EDT
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Would any of it matter? My family has been hear since 1634 that makes me a native. For that matter I'm native if you care to look up the definition
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That assumes my objective.

Didn't really have an objective. Point was to prove the white man ain't the cause of of all the world's problems.  Thanks for the help.

You literally said you wanted to prove that white folk were hear earlier then hypothesized in current history. Reading between the lines, I think you want to prove that white people were here "first" sonas to claim ethnic native position, and yes if there were Phoneciens here in the bronze age that means the brown people beat the white people by a huuuuuuuuge margin and your desire conclusion is dead.

Would any of it matter? My family has been hear since 1634 that makes me a native. For that matter I'm native if you care to look up the definition

If these statements are correct, which they are, the evidence you seek doesn’t matter.
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 8:17:40 AM EDT
Once Columbus discovered it...it stayed discovered.
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 8:26:05 AM EDT
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No ethnicity is the cause of all problems but man is the cause of all of mankinds problems. Asian, Black, Phoenician White, everyone has their assholes and idiots who create problems within or without. Hillary Clinton and Biden are “white” and look at all the problems they created for their own nation. Xi Jingping is Chinese and China steal’s technology, bully’s its neighbors, genocides their minority Uyghurs etc. If man was all one ethnicity we’d still have the same problems; greed, war, jealousy, fear, anger, crime, incompetence etc. it’s human nature. Photo of Uyghur woman in China
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My takeaway is...

Is that a petite marshmallow in her naval?
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 8:27:42 AM EDT
Everybody trying to denative the actual Natives with the we wuzzery or they wuzzery. Do a DNA test and find out just where your ancestors came from.
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 8:32:39 AM EDT
I know my families heritage a good bit. But how long have they been here?

This ain't a trick. The internet searches are quite obviously bullshit. Hell I own a house built in 1853.
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While there is a lot of bad information on the intenet (I thought if it was on the internet it had to be true?), but where were you seeing that white people hadn't been in North America until after 1853 if you have to use the age of your house as a rebuttal?
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 8:32:51 AM EDT
The Tower of Babel

and New Yorkers are always babbling.
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 8:34:52 AM EDT
An impossible question to get true answers to.

Why? Who the hell knows the answer?
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 8:38:04 AM EDT
Back in 1965 they said white people had only been in North America for 300 years.
Now they are saying they've been here for 358 years.
Obviously, you can't trust the numbers people just throw out.
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 8:38:15 AM EDT
First I must consult the United States Government Guide to Racial and Ethnic Purity to answer your question. Does anyone have a copy they can lend to me?
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 8:50:15 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 9:03:21 AM EDT
Makes sense, the Phoenicians may have been been the greatest seafaring traders of all time.
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 9:06:29 AM EDT
I tried to run this thread through google translate. No luck.
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 9:06:54 AM EDT
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Saint Augustine is recognized as the oldest continuously occupied European settlement in what is now USA and Canada. Pensacola got wiped out by a hurricane breaking their track record.
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So "Climate Change" got them.

Link Posted: 9/15/2023 9:09:00 AM EDT
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He's referencing this.   I've read articles where some people say they were Phoenician.  Also it's partially about the progression.  The culture that mined the copper around the great lakes, used it for tools, arrowheads etc.  As time progressed copper was used less and less in NA and by the time Europeans arrived, it was mainly recycled and only jewelry for big wigs.
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Elaborate please….

He's referencing this.   I've read articles where some people say they were Phoenician.  Also it's partially about the progression.  The culture that mined the copper around the great lakes, used it for tools, arrowheads etc.  As time progressed copper was used less and less in NA and by the time Europeans arrived, it was mainly recycled and only jewelry for big wigs.

Don't think they have found any copper in the Old World that corresponds with the signature from North America.
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 9:11:52 AM EDT
David Reich has a lot of youtube videos on the peopling of Europe (believe it's had population replacement at least 3 times).

Carles Lalueza-Fox discusses "Inequality: A Genetic History" with David Reich
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 9:15:10 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 9:56:40 AM EDT
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Don't think they have found any copper in the Old World that corresponds with the signature from North America.
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I dont think so either.  I don't believe for a second it was Phoenicians, I was just trying to help as I've seen that claimed in places before
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 10:23:29 AM EDT
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Kennewick man and the 13,000 year old  skeleton skull in Nevada was more linked to the Ainu who inhabited Japan before the Japanese than Western Europeans
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You'll never know because the government insists any pre colonial grave must be Indian, so it gets turned over to Indians who would never make it public if white people were found.

It would disrupt the narrative if white people existed in North America in any other capacity than invader and colonizer.

Kennewick man and the 13,000 year old  skeleton skull in Nevada was more linked to the Ainu who inhabited Japan before the Japanese than Western Europeans

And theres Ainu significant generic indications they were primarily formed from Hokkaido Jomon, with significant contributions from Siberians (which is another kettle), with subsequent admixtures of adjacent populations. People's rarely maintain genetic homogeneity. There's always a Denisovan somewhere.

Link Posted: 9/15/2023 10:28:24 AM EDT
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David Reich has a lot of youtube videos on the peopling of Europe (believe it's had population replacement at least 3 times).

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There's larger gulfs of time, which make connections between people present and founding often divergent, and isolated populations intervening  - so determining and inferring the peopling of North America from genomic studies is going to take some work. It's underway but I don't think there's nearly as clear a resolution yet as we've seen with the clear indications that's answers a lot of questions in the Western Steppe Herder expansions and ancestry of peoples in geographic Europe. But theres nothing that indicates anything but a Siberian source - just what Siberian genetic contributor "group" is a question

Do you even Solutrean bro? Modern Europeans ("white people" from above) didn't exist 20k years ago. The original hunter gatherer populations were supplanted (in some cases as in Britain almost entirely in genetics of tested populations) by Neolithic farmers. This was further modified by the initial incursion from WSH mentioned above. Subsequent admixtures are present and contributed phenotypical expressions - such as a very light skin tone which wasn't present 20k years ago. Current Europeans just aren't connected to the Solutreans and other other early hunter gatherer populations generally.

So yea, even if Solutreans had been a founder population in the Americas, the genetics indicate likely, phenotypically, not "white".

Link Posted: 9/15/2023 10:33:30 AM EDT
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Are you asking about earliest continuous? as in leading up to now?
Or long term multi-generational settlements or trading posts? visitations, landings?

Prior to columbus those scandinavians had explored, landed, traded, had trading posts mostly known up in now Canada

Visitation, trading, temporary settlements long before columbus.
Columbus 1492 kicks off the start of big movement.

The French explored up the Saint Lwrence river in 1530s

Spanish had a colony St. Augustine FL in 1565
French had a colony in 1603
The English had Jamestown in 1607
The Mayflower landed in 1620.
Detroit was established as a fort in 1701.

The French exploration, settlements are very well documented by the church that came along and kept track of every soul.
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Also, the Spanish made a settlement at Pensacola in 1559.
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 10:34:05 AM EDT
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And theres Ainu significant generic indications they were primarily formed from Hokkaido Jomon, with significant contributions from Siberians (which is another kettle), with subsequent admixtures of adjacent populations. People's rarely maintain genetic homogeneity. There's always a Denisovan somewhere.

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Here's a pretty good answer about this
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 10:34:34 AM EDT
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Explain why you would believe that bronze age Phoenicians would find their way to Wisconsin.

What was the route?  Where is the trail of evidence along the route?  Where are the stories?

On the other hand, arctic dwelling people with boats spread around the Arctic circle.  They're all cousins.  Some of those migrated to the Four Corners region of the US, they are the modern day Dineh'.

If you want to be native born American, then make the claim.  Northern European extraction is not an obstacle.  Mixed blood is certainly no obstacle.

Vikings and people from modern Russia traded into western and central Asia. Alexander spread DNA into Asia. Khan and his army spread DNA to Spain, and then the Muslims spread theirs to Spain.  Every region on the Mediterranean sea is related.

Asians eventually spread across the Aleutians and down the west coast of North America.  The real question is the timing of the earliest travelers and whether a multi thousands year old "Kelp Highway" occurred; any evidence is flooded, but I believe it's likely.
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Not all the evidence is gone.

June 2019 From Shore to Sea Lecture: Earliest Human Migrations to North America
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 10:36:04 AM EDT
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There's larger gulfs of time, which make connections between people present and founding often divergent, and isolated populations intervening  - so determining and inferring the peopling of North America from genomic studies is going to take some work. It's underway but I don't think there's nearly as clear a resolution yet as we've seen with the clear indications that's answers a lot of questions in the Western Steppe Herder expansions and ancestry of peoples in geographic Europe. But theres nothing that indicates anything but a Siberian source - just what Siberian genetic contributor "group" is a question

Do you even Solutrean bro? Modern Europeans ("white people" from above) didn't exist 20k years ago. The original hunter gatherer populations were supplanted (in some cases as in Britain almost entirely in genetics of tested populations) by Neolithic farmers. This was further modified by the initial incursion from WSH mentioned above. Subsequent admixtures are present and contributed phenotypical expressions - such as a very light skin tone which wasn't present 20k years ago. Current Europeans just aren't connected to the Solutreans and other other early hunter gatherer populations generally.

So yea, even if Solutreans had been a founder population in the Americas, the genetics indicate likely, phenotypically, not "white".

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Yea if you simplify to skin color, things get mushy.  It doesn't make sense
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 10:37:13 AM EDT
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Link Posted: 9/15/2023 10:43:03 AM EDT
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Vikings .
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The Vikings were black men.
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 10:44:46 AM EDT
I know my families heritage a good bit. But how long have they been here?

This ain't a trick. The internet searches are quite obviously bullshit. Hell I own a house built in 1853.

I'm trying to establish wether or not how long the non melonated have been here. I'd rather I didn't have to ask but Google skews shit as expected. What is true is all I care about. Shit I got deeds going back 300 years or better.
Someonee xplainit to me how I'm not native and 2 how I somehow owe some random fuck what my people built.
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Are you talking visited or founded a settlement?
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 10:46:15 AM EDT
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Yea if you simplify to skin color, things get mushy.  It doesn't make sense
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There's larger gulfs of time, which make connections between people present and founding often divergent, and isolated populations intervening  - so determining and inferring the peopling of North America from genomic studies is going to take some work. It's underway but I don't think there's nearly as clear a resolution yet as we've seen with the clear indications that's answers a lot of questions in the Western Steppe Herder expansions and ancestry of peoples in geographic Europe. But theres nothing that indicates anything but a Siberian source - just what Siberian genetic contributor "group" is a question

Do you even Solutrean bro? Modern Europeans ("white people" from above) didn't exist 20k years ago. The original hunter gatherer populations were supplanted (in some cases as in Britain almost entirely in genetics of tested populations) by Neolithic farmers. This was further modified by the initial incursion from WSH mentioned above. Subsequent admixtures are present and contributed phenotypical expressions - such as a very light skin tone which wasn't present 20k years ago. Current Europeans just aren't connected to the Solutreans and other other early hunter gatherer populations generally.

So yea, even if Solutreans had been a founder population in the Americas, the genetics indicate likely, phenotypically, not "white".

Yea if you simplify to skin color, things get mushy.  It doesn't make sense

Indeed. But common societal agreement about race revolves around phenotypical expressions. Solutreans don't seem to holed the genetics for the kind of expressions we see in "races" today. Long periods of time - 20k certainly-  creates a lot of genetic change intrinsically in populations, even without external influences or replacement  

Regardless Europe owes more genetic influence to extra-European Neolithic farmers migrating from the Fertile Crescent and latter WHS incursions - and subsequent admixtures.

Link Posted: 9/15/2023 10:48:52 AM EDT
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Indeed. But common societal agreement about race revolves around phenotypical expressions. Solutreans don't seem to holed the genetics for the kind of expressions we see in "races" today. Long periods of time - 20k certainly-  creates a lot of genetic change intrinsically in populations, even without external influences or replacement  

Regardless Europe owes more genetic influence to extra-European Neolithic farmers migrating from the Fertile Crescent and latter WHS incursions - and subsequent admixtures.

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For sure.  Minus some fringe Scandinavians, Finns,  and Basques which are different shenanigans
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 10:49:42 AM EDT
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This, approx 1000 years ago, IIRC.

Scientists say a new dating technique analysing tree rings has provided evidence that Vikings occupied a site in Newfoundland, Canada, in 1021AD. It has long been known that Europeans reached the Americas before Columbus's arrival in the New World in 1492.Oct 21, 2021

Long supply lines and hostile natives probably killed it.
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 10:50:19 AM EDT
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Yea if you simplify to skin color, things get mushy.  It doesn't make sense
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There's larger gulfs of time, which make connections between people present and founding often divergent, and isolated populations intervening  - so determining and inferring the peopling of North America from genomic studies is going to take some work. It's underway but I don't think there's nearly as clear a resolution yet as we've seen with the clear indications that's answers a lot of questions in the Western Steppe Herder expansions and ancestry of peoples in geographic Europe. But theres nothing that indicates anything but a Siberian source - just what Siberian genetic contributor "group" is a question

Do you even Solutrean bro? Modern Europeans ("white people" from above) didn't exist 20k years ago. The original hunter gatherer populations were supplanted (in some cases as in Britain almost entirely in genetics of tested populations) by Neolithic farmers. This was further modified by the initial incursion from WSH mentioned above. Subsequent admixtures are present and contributed phenotypical expressions - such as a very light skin tone which wasn't present 20k years ago. Current Europeans just aren't connected to the Solutreans and other other early hunter gatherer populations generally.

So yea, even if Solutreans had been a founder population in the Americas, the genetics indicate likely, phenotypically, not "white".

Yea if you simplify to skin color, things get mushy.  It doesn't make sense

Every one of these types of conversations and amateur historian-izing is plagued with a consistent pattern of sloppy correlation, where "modern white people" "Caucasoid Race" and "Historical European populations" get blurred and interchanged, always in some way to conveniently advance a narrative that amounts to a white dude version of "we wuz kangs" or the Black Hebrew Israelites.
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 10:51:41 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 11:01:52 AM EDT
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Every one of these types of conversations and amateur historian-izing is plagued with a consistent pattern of sloppy correlation, where "modern white people" "Caucasoid Race" and "Historical European populations" get blurred and interchanged, always in some way to conveniently advance a narrative that amounts to a white dude version of "we wuz kangs" or the Black Hebrew Israelites.
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Well.. I guess it depends on who you're talking to.  I'd like to try and not do such.  Its silly
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 11:09:40 AM EDT
Also, (not trying to advance a narrative, I just found this well put together) this series about Solutreans in America was pretty good
Solutreans: The first Americans - 1 of 9

Kind of in the same vein that I sometimes listen to ghost or Bigfoot stuff, don't really believe, but can be interesting.  And really with Solutreans, they observed that clovis and solutrean points were similar.  With all the pre clovis sites recently, it makes less sense than before, that solutreans migrated here and became clovis peoples
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 11:21:18 AM EDT
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Indeed. But common societal agreement about race revolves around phenotypical expressions. Solutreans don't seem to holed the genetics for the kind of expressions we see in "races" today. Long periods of time - 20k certainly-  creates a lot of genetic change intrinsically in populations, even without external influences or replacement  

Regardless Europe owes more genetic influence to extra-European Neolithic farmers migrating from the Fertile Crescent and latter WHS incursions - and subsequent admixtures.

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Link Posted: 9/15/2023 11:24:20 AM EDT
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They must have found it... unsuitable.  I need specifics that you may not even posses, but thanks.
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Likely found out the local inhabitants were meaner than they were.
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 11:29:36 AM EDT
We have property in the family where the house was built in 1663.  I believe the land was deeded by the King.  It's in MD, Eastern Shore.
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 11:31:35 AM EDT
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For sure.  Minus some fringe Scandinavians, Finns,  and Basques which are different shenanigans
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Indeed. But common societal agreement about race revolves around phenotypical expressions. Solutreans don't seem to holed the genetics for the kind of expressions we see in "races" today. Long periods of time - 20k certainly-  creates a lot of genetic change intrinsically in populations, even without external influences or replacement  

Regardless Europe owes more genetic influence to extra-European Neolithic farmers migrating from the Fertile Crescent and latter WHS incursions - and subsequent admixtures.

For sure.  Minus some fringe Scandinavians, Finns,  and Basques which are different shenanigans

Recall Basque holding pretty isolated from Iron Age. Previous I don't recall.

Seems to be continuity from middle Neolithic through Nuragic, lots of gene flow after  - and tho modern Sardinia gets held as one to the areas with much WHG contribution, there's not a lot of evidence for significantly isolated populations over wide time periods. Larger and smaller contribution generally. People got around

Link Posted: 9/15/2023 11:32:05 AM EDT
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Indeed. But common societal agreement about race revolves around phenotypical expressions. Solutreans don't seem to holed the genetics for the kind of expressions we see in "races" today. Long periods of time - 20k certainly-  creates a lot of genetic change intrinsically in populations, even without external influences or replacement  

Regardless Europe owes more genetic influence to extra-European Neolithic farmers migrating from the Fertile Crescent and latter WHS incursions - and subsequent admixtures.


That's just hurtful
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 11:33:01 AM EDT
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Thanks, and yea the Tarim mummies are awesome
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Supposedly the Ainu by DNA aren’t “white” in the Western European sense but obviously not East Asian / Mongoloid. They’re described as “Central Asia” in origin. But considering people who hunted in Europe traveled to Siberia in Paleolithic period which transverse Central Asia it would seem to me to indicate the colloquial “Caucasian” but every time I pressed for clarity I was always told “Central Asia” over and over till I gave up pressing the issue. We should all be glad China didn’t burn those Tarim mummies up.

Thanks, and yea the Tarim mummies are awesome

I've seen the mummies in China.  China's difficulty is political (as we all know).  They don't want to admit that Y-T was in Mongolia and red hair caucasian mummies don't fit their political perspective.   It wasn't China way back but Han expansion along with Mongols taking Chinese brides north and inter-racial mixing that made the people of Mongolia darker hair.  If you look at Chinese hair and Mongolian hair, both appear black but there is reddish hue in the Mongolian and that especially shows up when the hair is held up to the sunlight.
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 11:34:58 AM EDT
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Every one of these types of conversations and amateur historian-izing is plagued with a consistent pattern of sloppy correlation, where "modern white people" "Caucasoid Race" and "Historical European populations" get blurred and interchanged, always in some way to conveniently advance a narrative that amounts to a white dude version of "we wuz kangs" or the Black Hebrew Israelites.
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100% this.
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 11:35:30 AM EDT
Do the refugees from Atlantis count?
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 11:38:42 AM EDT
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If you're gonna say what we already said. Then wouldn't that prove the first point I was making? How long does it take for you to be a native? By that, I'd have to say white people invented America. But being white means I don't get a say. It's what you might call a conundrum.  
So besides random fuckers crossing the land beringia, who gets to claim anything?  And is it assigned to just one race?

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If you're gonna say what we already said. Then wouldn't that prove the first point I was making? How long does it take for you to be a native? By that, I'd have to say white people invented America. But being white means I don't get a say. It's what you might call a conundrum.  
So besides random fuckers crossing the land beringia, who gets to claim anything?  And is it assigned to just one race?

I guess claims would begin when socially accepted laws occurred with regards to property rights.  Native Americans are humans, and have the same instinct as any other human. Many engaged in trade with Europeans, and many traded ownership of land.
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 12:09:11 PM EDT
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That's just hurtful
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That was agreement
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 12:10:15 PM EDT
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Recall Basque holding pretty isolated from Iron Age. Previous I don't recall.

Seems to be continuity from middle Neolithic through Nuragic, lots of gene flow after  - and tho modern Sardinia gets held as one to the areas with much WHG contribution, there's not a lot of evidence for significantly isolated populations over wide time periods. Larger and smaller contribution generally. People got around

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O for sure, and some of the Mediterranean islands are less eastern farmers/kurgan also as you mentioned.  I want to say I read something about Basques being relatively isolated as far back as pre Neolithic, but I'd have to re find sources.  Mostly similar with alot of scandis
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 12:10:53 PM EDT
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I've seen the mummies in China.  China's difficulty is political (as we all know).  They don't want to admit that Y-T was in Mongolia and red hair caucasian mummies don't fit their political perspective.   It wasn't China way back but Han expansion along with Mongols taking Chinese brides north and inter-racial mixing that made the people of Mongolia darker hair.  If you look at Chinese hair and Mongolian hair, both appear black but there is reddish hue in the Mongolian and that especially shows up when the hair is held up to the sunlight.
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I watched a good documentary on them, lmc if I can find it... [edit]  no dice, it covered the actual finding and excavation of them
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 12:27:47 PM EDT
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That was agreement
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That's just hurtful

That was agreement

I'm not here for that! Agreements no fun

Srsly since the Russians have fucked up my dissolute retirement plans, tho still a ways off, Ima hafta actually concentrate farther west. So less about what I get right and more about what ya'll can help me along with

Link Posted: 9/15/2023 12:43:32 PM EDT
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I've noticed.
Those great mounds under which such and such. Even in Lincolns speeches can't be told or investigated any further.
I live near some of the great mounds that even scientists can't touch.

Holy ground. I'm just curious about why I'm not a native for one. If you look up the definition of the word. Two why do I keep thinking I'm the second class citizen?  Figment of my imagination?  Kinda doubt it.
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Which mounds are you speaking of?  I'm from SW  GA nd would like some.new sights to explore.
Link Posted: 9/15/2023 12:54:37 PM EDT
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See, that's where I'm at. I think Hitler had the right idea, but his vision was narrow and shortsighted. If he had been more inclusive, by not limiting the fun and games to just the Jews, and had he not excluded himself and the Germans from self immolation, he really would have had something there.
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