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Posted: 9/28/2011 5:41:19 PM EDT
You know.  Sometimes, I think, the left has a plan to MAKE MY HEAD EXPLODE!!!
ABC News calls it

"Too Much Democracy? A Modest Proposal From N.C. Gov. Bev Perdue"

My impression is that ABC News thinks that this is a GOOD thing........
Her comments vv

Link Posted: 9/28/2011 6:06:27 PM EDT
She was dead serious.  And congress or the prez does not create jobs.  They are the problem and as such can't do the fixin'.  She needs to go.
Link Posted: 9/28/2011 6:09:53 PM EDT
I like how, at the 1:03 mark, you can hear someone's Blackberry get an email.
Link Posted: 9/28/2011 6:10:58 PM EDT
Anyone who proposes such a thing should immediately be shit-canned. Where are the demands for her resignation?
Link Posted: 9/28/2011 6:16:06 PM EDT
What gets me is all the politicians who've been heckled by nit-wits. . .

If EVER there was a case for someone to yell out, "What your suggesting is sedition!"  or "You're really advocating suspending elections––-REALLY?!"   Or SOMETHING!  

Can't believe how the duplicitous bastards in the mainstream media are ignoring this.   Would love to see the look on her face as handcuffs were laid on her and she was read her rights. . . .
Link Posted: 9/28/2011 6:18:35 PM EDT
Looks even worse that she would try to call it a joke....this isn't a joking matter. That's about as un-American as you can get.......vote her ass out!
Link Posted: 9/28/2011 6:20:15 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/28/2011 6:24:34 PM EDT
We'll be over the "partisan bickering" when your ass is gone, bitch.
Link Posted: 9/28/2011 6:25:39 PM EDT
What gets me is all the politicians who've been heckled by nit-wits. . .

If EVER there was a case for someone to yell out, "What your suggesting is sedition!"  or "You're really advocating suspending elections––-REALLY?!"   Or SOMETHING!  

Can't believe how the duplicitous bastards in the mainstream media are ignoring this.   Would love to see the look on her face as handcuffs were laid on her and she was read her rights. . . .

If it were a Republican governor during the Bush administration . . .
Link Posted: 9/28/2011 6:28:59 PM EDT
I'm going to have to get a schedule for her appearances.  That way I can hollar out "liar!", "sedition!", and "treason !" .  I might even do a little robert byrd poetry for her .

Link Posted: 9/28/2011 6:29:51 PM EDT
"It would be sooo much easier if we could just run over those pesky tea-baggers with tanks like they do in China..."
Link Posted: 9/28/2011 6:30:02 PM EDT

You know.  Sometimes, I think, the left has a plan to MAKE MY HEAD EXPLODE!!


Sorry, can't hear anything because of the blood in my ears.

Link Posted: 9/28/2011 6:30:35 PM EDT
We'll be over the "partisan bickering" when your ass is gone, bitch.


Partisan bickering = checks and balances

It's one of the central tenets of the American political system by design.
Link Posted: 9/28/2011 6:33:52 PM EDT
Hmmm..."modest", eh????
Link Posted: 9/28/2011 6:35:24 PM EDT
Embarrassment is an understatement.  The woman is a menace.
Link Posted: 9/28/2011 6:46:59 PM EDT
"A Modest Proposal"?

The MSM thinks they are funny.

Eating babies must be a new plank in the DNC platform.

Link Posted: 9/28/2011 6:49:59 PM EDT
"Democracy" only works in groups of 75 people...or less.

We DO have "too much democracy"...and not enough of a Republic at the moment.

ETA...I know, elections are about the only thing we have that is "democratic"...but I hope you guys knew what I meant.
Link Posted: 9/28/2011 6:50:07 PM EDT


I'm going to have to get a schedule for her appearances.  That way I can hollar out "liar!", "sedition!", and "treason !" .  I might even do a little robert byrd poetry for her .

Dude, I would send you some $, (not much, I'm not rich), to help with the travel costs. . . seriously. . .

Maybe we can all chip in. . . if a hundred people chipped in $25. . . . just sayin'. . .

Link Posted: 9/28/2011 6:51:37 PM EDT

I'm going to have to get a schedule for her appearances.  That way I can hollar out "liar!", "sedition!", and "treason !" .  I might even do a little robert byrd poetry for her .

Dude, I would send you some $, (not much, I'm not rich), to help with the travel costs. . . seriously. . .

Maybe we can all chip in. . . if a hundred people chipped in $25. . . . just sayin'. . .

, seriously, though .

Link Posted: 9/28/2011 6:52:03 PM EDT
You could tell she was 100% serious with that comment, otherwise the tone in her voice would have been different and she would have paused a moment as if to aknowledge via the "audience" that was she said was in jest. She needs to be tarred and feathered and sent packing, she is part and parcel what is wrong with Government in general.
Link Posted: 9/28/2011 6:58:03 PM EDT
I would say that the real embarrasment to the "great state of NC" is that enough people voted for her so she could win.
Link Posted: 9/28/2011 6:58:54 PM EDT




I'm going to have to get a schedule for her appearances.  That way I can hollar out "liar!", "sedition!", and "treason !" .  I might even do a little robert byrd poetry for her .

Dude, I would send you some $, (not much, I'm not rich), to help with the travel costs. . . seriously. . .

Maybe we can all chip in. . . if a hundred people chipped in $25. . . . just sayin'. . .


, seriously, though .

I'm serious as a heart attack. . .she should be made to cry like the Viet vets have hammered Jane Fonda. . . . Let her cry and plead, "I don't know why everyone is so upset". . .and then we can explain why, you dumb motha$%&*

Link Posted: 9/28/2011 7:02:50 PM EDT


I'm going to have to get a schedule for her appearances.  That way I can hollar out "liar!", "sedition!", and "treason !" .  I might even do a little robert byrd poetry for her .

Dude, I would send you some $, (not much, I'm not rich), to help with the travel costs. . . seriously. . .

Maybe we can all chip in. . . if a hundred people chipped in $25. . . . just sayin'. . .

, seriously, though .

I'm serious as a heart attack. . .she should be made to cry like the Viet vets have hammered Jane Fonda. . . . Let her cry and plead, "I don't know why everyone is so upset". . .and then we can explain why, you dumb motha$%&*


I'm on it then !
(anybody have a lead on her next appearance  IM me, thanks)
Link Posted: 9/28/2011 7:16:29 PM EDT






I'm going to have to get a schedule for her appearances.  That way I can hollar out "liar!", "sedition!", and "treason !" .  I might even do a little robert byrd poetry for her .

Dude, I would send you some $, (not much, I'm not rich), to help with the travel costs. . . seriously. . .

Maybe we can all chip in. . . if a hundred people chipped in $25. . . . just sayin'. . .


, seriously, though .

I'm serious as a heart attack. . .she should be made to cry like the Viet vets have hammered Jane Fonda. . . . Let her cry and plead, "I don't know why everyone is so upset". . .and then we can explain why, you dumb motha$%&*


I'm on it then !

(anybody have a lead on her next appearance  IM me, thanks)
Alright people!  IM this guy. . . .send him whatever you can,  and then, when you turn on the news and see "Gov. Nit-Wit is still catching flak from her comments. . ." and then they cut to our GB243 yelling, "Traitor!" and getting bum rushed out the door. . . well, you'll know what to do. . . .

Link Posted: 9/28/2011 7:17:09 PM EDT
What she said was this:

"You have to have more ability from Congress, I think, to work together and to get over the partisan bickering and focus on fixing things,” Perdue said, speaking at the Rotary Club in Cary, N.C. Tuesday. “I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won’t hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, to just let them help this country recover. …You want people who don’t worry about the next election.”

In other words, Congress  needs to work to  make some decisions for the good of the country rather than the likelihood of reelection of a candidate.
What do you think is a legitimate result?
Link Posted: 9/28/2011 7:19:05 PM EDT



I'm going to have to get a schedule for her appearances.  That way I can hollar out "liar!", "sedition!", and "treason !" .  I might even do a little robert byrd poetry for her .

Dude, I would send you some $, (not much, I'm not rich), to help with the travel costs. . . seriously. . .

Maybe we can all chip in. . . if a hundred people chipped in $25. . . . just sayin'. . .

, seriously, though .

I'm serious as a heart attack. . .she should be made to cry like the Viet vets have hammered Jane Fonda. . . . Let her cry and plead, "I don't know why everyone is so upset". . .and then we can explain why, you dumb motha$%&*


I'm on it then !
(anybody have a lead on her next appearance  IM me, thanks)
Alright people!  IM this guy. . . .send him whatever you can,  and then, when you turn on the news and see "Gov. Nit-Wit is still catching flak from her comments. . ." and then they cut to our GB243 yelling, "Traitor!" and getting bum rushed out the door. . . well, you'll know what to do. . . .


"don't taze me , bro !"    

Link Posted: 9/28/2011 7:22:58 PM EDT
What she said was this:

"You have to have more ability from Congress, I think, to work together and to get over the partisan bickering and focus on fixing things,” Perdue said, speaking at the Rotary Club in Cary, N.C. Tuesday. “I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won’t hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, to just let them help this country recover. …You want people who don’t worry about the next election.”

In other words, Congress  needs to work to  make some decisions for the good of the country rather than the likelihood of reelection of a candidate.
What do you think is a legitimate result?

Her and her colleages get their asses voted out just like they were going to anyhow, thereby getting rid of people worrying about the next election. Partisan bickering will be reduced to normal bickering .
Link Posted: 9/28/2011 7:33:24 PM EDT


Embarrassment is an understatement.  The woman is a menace.


Link Posted: 9/28/2011 7:40:08 PM EDT
I hope this hurts her chances for reelection.
Link Posted: 9/28/2011 7:47:15 PM EDT
Didn't that dumb bitch try to revolk carry permits when that last hurricane hit North Carolina?

Its not just carry permits the law applys to all firearm even ones that are disassembled anytime there is a state of emergency. See NCGS 14-288.7 and the court case State v. Dobbins
Link Posted: 9/28/2011 7:56:40 PM EDT
I would say that the real embarrasment to the "great state of NC" is that enough people voted for her so she could win.

Just like America with the current president...

Link Posted: 9/28/2011 8:02:43 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/28/2011 8:04:30 PM EDT
How can such a thing happen in the bastion of freedom known as the South?

Link Posted: 9/28/2011 8:15:12 PM EDT


I would say that the real embarrasment to the "great state of NC" is that enough people voted for her so she could win.

If it's any consolation, I agree with you but I wasn't one of them.
Link Posted: 9/29/2011 6:18:26 AM EDT
Does NC have a recall procedure for governors?
Link Posted: 9/29/2011 6:47:27 AM EDT
And I thought that Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco was an idiot.................................................

This woman is ten times worse.

Link Posted: 9/29/2011 6:55:02 AM EDT
How can such a thing happen in the bastion of freedom known as the South?

Too many big city thinkers have relocated here.  That and alot of the old timers are democrats from a time when most democrats weren't liberals and they can't realize that the party they knew is not the same party as today.
Link Posted: 9/29/2011 6:55:18 AM EDT
almost one step closer.

"The Second Amendment is a doomsday provision, one designed for those exceptionally rare circumstances where all other rights have failed – where the government refuses to stand for reelection and silences those who protest; where courts have lost the courage to oppose, or can find no one to enforce their decrees. However improbable these contingencies may seem today, facing them unprepared is a mistake a free people get to make only once.
judge Alex Kozinski of the 9th Circuit Court
Link Posted: 9/29/2011 6:56:08 AM EDT
I would say that the real embarrasment to the "great state of NC" is that enough people voted for her so she could win.

Was she appointed? Don't need no elections in NC.  
Link Posted: 9/29/2011 6:56:11 AM EDT
I hope this hurts her chances for reelection.

If 2010 was any indication I'd say she has about a snowball's chance in hell.

ETA: With the tax increases she implemented hitting every NC resident in the wallet I think that alone will be enough to get her tossed out.  I hope she keeps running off at the mouth though.
Link Posted: 9/29/2011 7:08:34 AM EDT


almost one step closer.

"The Second Amendment is a doomsday provision, one designed for those exceptionally rare circumstances where all other rights have failed – where the government refuses to stand for reelection and silences those who protest; where courts have lost the courage to oppose, or can find no one to enforce their decrees. However improbable these contingencies may seem today, facing them unprepared is a mistake a free people get to make only once.

judge Alex Kozinski of the 9th Circuit Court

That came out of the 9th circus?  Are you kidding?  Someone there actually has a brain?

Link Posted: 9/29/2011 7:12:47 AM EDT
How can such a thing happen in the bastion of freedom known as the South?

Too many big city thinkers have relocated here.  That and alot of the old timers are democrats from a time when most democrats weren't liberals and they can't realize that the party they knew is not the same party as today.

The Jim Crow era pistol permits have been around longer than that.
Link Posted: 9/29/2011 7:14:34 AM EDT
How can such a thing happen in the bastion of freedom known as the South?

Too many big city thinkers have relocated here.  That and alot of the old timers are democrats from a time when most democrats weren't liberals and they can't realize that the party they knew is not the same party as today.

The Jim Crow era pistol permits have been around longer than that.

You guys in NC need to get on top of your Second Amendment situation down there. I find it honestly shocking that unless the Governor decides not to everyone who has a concealed carry license is suddenly a criminal the minute an emergency is declared. That's insane.

Link Posted: 9/29/2011 7:17:44 AM EDT
Anyone who proposes such a thing should immediately be shit-canned. Where are the demands for her resignation?

She's advocating treason against the United States Constitution.  She should be tried for conspiracy to commit treason.
Link Posted: 9/29/2011 7:18:03 AM EDT
The left believes in a lot of things, democracy isn't one of them.

Link Posted: 9/29/2011 7:18:26 AM EDT
How can such a thing happen in the bastion of freedom known as the South?

Too many big city thinkers have relocated here.  That and alot of the old timers are democrats from a time when most democrats weren't liberals and they can't realize that the party they knew is not the same party as today.

It's Bush's the Yankee's fault!
Link Posted: 9/29/2011 7:21:22 AM EDT
How can such a thing happen in the bastion of freedom known as the South?

Too many big city thinkers have relocated here.  That and alot of the old timers are democrats from a time when most democrats weren't liberals and they can't realize that the party they knew is not the same party as today.

I was born and raised in Charlotte in the 1970s/80s.  In the mid-1980s, TONS of yankees started getting transplanted to NC because the cost of living and doing business was so much cheaper.  They brought their big city thinking and "Well, up NORTH, we didn't do it this way, we had a LAW AGAINST THAT!!!"

I escaped to Virginia for good in the early 2000s, will never move back to NC.
Link Posted: 9/29/2011 9:03:41 AM EDT
How can such a thing happen in the bastion of freedom known as the South?

Too many big city thinkers have relocated here.  That and alot of the old timers are democrats from a time when most democrats weren't liberals and they can't realize that the party they knew is not the same party as today.

It's Bush's the Yankee's fault!

NC has had fucked up gun laws long before the Yankee's were a problem.
Link Posted: 9/29/2011 10:24:50 AM EDT




How can such a thing happen in the bastion of freedom known as the South?

Too many big city thinkers have relocated here.  That and alot of the old timers are democrats from a time when most democrats weren't liberals and they can't realize that the party they knew is not the same party as today.

I was born and raised in Charlotte in the 1970s/80s.  In the mid-1980s, TONS of yankees started getting transplanted to NC because the cost of living and doing business was so much cheaper.  They brought their big city thinking and "Well, up NORTH, we didn't do it this way, we had a LAW AGAINST THAT!!!"

I escaped to Virginia for good in the early 2000s, will never move back to NC.

All well and good to bash us northern scum.  However, this fool was born in Grundy Virginia.  Since she is no "damn Yankee", what the fuck is your excuse now?

Link Posted: 9/29/2011 11:44:22 AM EDT


What she said was this:

"You have to have more ability from Congress, I think, to work together and to get over the partisan bickering and focus on fixing things,” Perdue said, speaking at the Rotary Club in Cary, N.C. Tuesday. "I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won’t hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, to just let them help this country recover. …You want people who don’t worry about the next election.”

In other words, Congress  needs to work to  make some decisions for the good of the country rather than the likelihood of reelection of a candidate.

What do you think is a legitimate result?

Free clue: if you don't have elections next November, every member of the House of Representatives STILL loses their job at noon on January 3rd, 2013.

Link Posted: 9/29/2011 1:38:37 PM EDT



How can such a thing happen in the bastion of freedom known as the South?

Too many big city thinkers have relocated here. That and alot of the old timers are democrats from a time when most democrats weren't liberals and they can't realize that the party they knew is not the same party as today.

The Democratic Party has always been about control and power.

In the 1850s-60s, the Southern Democratic Party was the party of the established powers that be.  In the South, that was the slave-holding elite, who were determined to use race and economic control to stay in power and to stay rich.  The white poor, working and mercantile classes were the primary threat.  If poor whites and other non-slave-holding whites were upwardly mobile it upset the apple cart.

Post-Civil War, Southern poor whites - especially working class whites, sided with freedmen and voted Republican.  The white power elites were dethroned.  The KKK had many missions, but one was to drive a racial wedge between poor whites and freedmen.  That was the whole purpose of Jim Crow.  No matter how poor a white man was, he still wasn't black.

As Reconstruction ended, blacks weren't disenfranchised all at once.  In some places, like SC, Hampton's Redshirts executed more-or-less a coup d'etat.  In other places, Southern Democratic Party elites (the rich guys) used the KKK and other night-riders to pressure black leaders (usually preachers) to get their followers to vote for the "approved" Democratic candidates until poll taxes and literacy tests completed the disenfranchisement of blacks.  In other words, the "boss" would show up at the black preacher or teacher or whatever house at midnight, backed by a gang of hooded thugs with torches and the black leader was told "Make sure your people vote straight Democrat or we'll be back to burn you out and lynch you, boy."

Up through the Civil Rights period the Southern Democrats might talk a lot about populism and being for the little guy (like Huey "Kingfish" Long"), but they were mostly about making sure they got theirs.  White Southerners voted straight Democrat no matter what because of the political myths of Reconstruction and the mythology of the Civil War.  Both were very complex events that got resolved into the enduring myth of the Lost Cause to serve Southern politics.

The liberal wing of the Democratic Party - the FDR -> JFK wing gained national control after LBJ and then the successive waves of liberals brought the very extreme left wing of the party into ideological control.

White Southerners started voting Republican in national elections in reaction to the extreme left wing ideology of the national Democratic party, but a myth was created by the southern state Democratic parties that the local party was true to the 1940s-50s FDR-Truman Democratic party -  but they weren't.  

So, many white Tarheels vote "Democrat" is state elections without even thinking.  That idiocy gave us Gov. Easley (Federal felon), the philandering disgrace John Edwards as Attorney General and Senator, Gov. Bev "Treason" Perdue (also under Federal investigation) and Speaker of the House Black (11 terms, 7 years as speaker, went to Federal prison) and all the little Democratic toadies and myrmidons.

However, many are waking up.  Tired of he culture of corruption, we voted in a Republican General Assembly and Senate for the first time since the Reconstruction-era.

Black Tarheels vote "Democrat" because they've been sold back to the Democratic plantation by their "leaders".  135 years of Democratic dominance in NC (since Reconstruction ended in 1876) and it has gotten blacks what?

Oh, hell, lets just start with 1970.  50 years of liberal Democratic dominance in NC and it has gotten blacks what?
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