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Link Posted: 9/14/2009 8:33:38 PM EDT
Adding to my previous comments,  having seen West's reaction to Leno's question,  I think that there's no doubt he regrets his actions.

I have a hard time condemning someone for an action that he already clearly regrets.    It's not like any of US have never made a mistake
that we regretted and would not repeat.

But if he does it again,  no sympathy.  Never make the same mistake twice. It's hard to forgive that.


CJ you are usually spot on in your analysis of things.....in this case I think it's
more along the lines of Kanye not regretting what he did but regretting the fallout
from what he did.

Link Posted: 9/14/2009 8:35:56 PM EDT
Hey, that's just the sort of thing that West needs in order to wake the hell up and take a damned long hard look at himself
and ask himself if he's the sort of man that he'd want his father to be.  

It could actually make him a better person.   I'm all for that.   I don't care who you are or what your political affiliation is,  I expect everyone
to be well mannered, considerate, and thoughtful in their words and actions.   I won't cut anyone any slack on that regardless of their political

Is Leno liberal?  It doesn't matter to me. He's a GENTLEMAN.  Even his political humor is never mean spirited.   I respect anyone who is
considerate and thoughtful and well mannered, regardless of their political persuasion.     But I have no respect for a jackass, even one
who is politically my twin.

Probably the single greatest harm done to America in the past few years or decades is the loss of the culture of civility that really was a
defining element for all of the greatest decades in American history.     We fought wars and we fought hard,  and even though during
WWII there was much anti-Germanic and anti-Japanese sentiment,  and in the case of the Japanese, it was racially based every bit as
much as it was based on the fact that Japan had attacked us without apparent provocation,  once the war was over we picked Japan up,
set it on its feet, dusted it off, and then started a partnership with Japan that resulted in a very quick rebuilding of Japan, and saw Japan
rapidly transform itself into one of the best neighbors, allies, and businessmen that the western world has ever had.   That's the classic
American spirit of "Now that the fight's over, let's be pals" which I think is maybe the single greatest thing about our classic culture.

We've largely lost that civility, that genuine decency,  particularly when dealing with others in our own country on the other end of the
political spectrum.   Our fellow American citizens,  hating us for our idealogy every bit as much as any American hated the Japanese
on December 8th, 1941,  and frankly the feeling is mutual.     This doesn't feel right to me.   I know it's not.

I would maintain that the Democrats are the aggressors in this deterioration of civility,  but I have no doubt that many Democrats would
feel entirely justified in thinking the same about us.  And maybe their arguments might have merit, if looked at from their perspective.

I wish for a return of civility,  of graciousness,  of everyday kindness,  from everyone.    I wish for a change in our popular culture that
once again places emphasis on these classic and worthy values.

You can start with yourself.   Do YOU measure up?  Picture yourself as your own father or mother.  How close to ideal are you to your own
picture of what a great father or mother is?

Will you work on making yourself more like that?  

Is now soon enough to start?   I think so.  


We've been taking the high road and not attacking the left the way they've been attacking us for decades, and look where it's gotten us.

You don't stop an attack by gently tapping your attacker on the shoulder and saying, "please stop, please stop". You stop an attack by hitting your attacker as hard as you can in the most vulnerable point you can while screaming, "GET DOWN, MOTHERFUCKER!" And if they keep trying to get up to take another swing at you, you stomp their ass into the ground until they quit moving.

THEN you can be the bigger man and pick their ass up and hope they make something decent of themselves. Until then, they're not your friend and we should stop acting like they are.
Link Posted: 9/14/2009 8:42:35 PM EDT
Adding to my previous comments,  having seen West's reaction to Leno's question,  I think that there's no doubt he regrets his actions.

I have a hard time condemning someone for an action that he already clearly regrets.    It's not like any of US have never made a mistake
that we regretted and would not repeat.

But if he does it again,  no sympathy.  Never make the same mistake twice. It's hard to forgive that.


I dont care if he is sincere or not. He fucked up. He has done this SAME thing before, and is only expressing regret because he realizes his career is going down the tubes.

I dont have a hard time at all condeming someone like this for his actions. Especially after the third time. THIRD time. Yall remember the whole "George W Bush doesnt like black people" escapade right?

He also flapped his lips at some other music awards ceremony, arguing that he should have won the award, not whoever actually won it.

Kanye West is an ungrateful, selfish black racist, and is deserving of the deepest contempt. I hope his stupid mother suffered, and I hope he thinks about it every damn day for the rest of his life while dwelling on how much of a fuckup he is.

Link Posted: 9/14/2009 8:43:02 PM EDT
Adding to my previous comments,  having seen West's reaction to Leno's question,  I think that there's no doubt he regrets his actions.

I have a hard time condemning someone for an action that he already clearly regrets.    It's not like any of US have never made a mistake
that we regretted and would not repeat.

But if he does it again,  no sympathy.  Never make the same mistake twice. It's hard to forgive that.


I think it's more likely he regrets the consequences of his actions rather than the actions themselves, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. This time.

"I'll forgive, and I'll forget. But I'll remember."
Link Posted: 9/14/2009 8:47:15 PM EDT
Yeah, a year from now Taylor will be refering to Kanye as her Baby Daddy.
Link Posted: 9/14/2009 8:48:43 PM EDT
Adding to my previous comments,  having seen West's reaction to Leno's question,  I think that there's no doubt he regrets his actions.

I have a hard time condemning someone for an action that he already clearly regrets.    It's not like any of US have never made a mistake
that we regretted and would not repeat.

But if he does it again,  no sympathy.  Never make the same mistake twice. It's hard to forgive that.


CJ you are usually spot on in your analysis of things.....in this case I think it's
more along the lines of Kanye not regretting what he did but regretting the fallout
from what he did.

I saw the Leno thing and frankly it seemed scripted to me.

Also, a rapper acting like a ghetto thug. Here is my shocked face: Honestly, it would have been more of a shock if he acted with any sort of decorum and dignity at all.
Link Posted: 9/14/2009 10:07:05 PM EDT
Kanye is a piece of shit. Enough said.

Link Posted: 9/14/2009 10:14:40 PM EDT
I sure am glad kanyas publicist told him to apologize
Link Posted: 9/14/2009 10:18:43 PM EDT
This is showbusiness and ya'll got suckered.
Link Posted: 9/14/2009 10:22:57 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/14/2009 10:41:45 PM EDT
I think this is like the third time he's done this. I believe the last two VMA's he's come out on stage and bitched that he wasn't the winner of the award, while the real winner was giving their acceptance speech. I'm at work right now so I can't look to for the videos.
Link Posted: 9/15/2009 2:43:30 AM EDT



We've been taking the high road and not attacking the left the way they've been attacking us for decades, and look where it's gotten us.

You don't stop an attack by gently tapping your attacker on the shoulder and saying, "please stop, please stop". You stop an attack by hitting your attacker as hard as you can in the most vulnerable point you can while screaming, "GET DOWN, MOTHERFUCKER!" And if they keep trying to get up to take another swing at you, you stomp their ass into the ground until they quit moving.

THEN you can be the bigger man and pick their ass up and hope they make something decent of themselves. Until then, they're not your friend and we should stop acting like they are.

Trust me, I'm the last guy to "turn the other cheek" when that approach has stopped working.    The other guy will never see the truck that's about to hit him if he fails to respond to the gentle form of persuasion.

But I DO want to see people return to civility, on ALL sides of ALL issues.    Maybe it's a pipe dream,  but it's what I'd like to see.

As long as that approach isn't effective, well,  I'm ready to give at least as good as I get no matter what the game is.   I believe in appropriate, measured responses

to any challenge.  

Link Posted: 9/15/2009 2:51:22 AM EDT
She's won bigger awards. I doubt she really cared minus being horribly embarrassed.
Link Posted: 9/15/2009 2:55:13 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/15/2009 2:56:57 AM EDT
Adding to my previous comments,  having seen West's reaction to Leno's question,  I think that there's no doubt he regrets his actions.

I have a hard time condemning someone for an action that he already clearly regrets.    It's not like any of US have never made a mistake
that we regretted and would not repeat.

But if he does it again,  no sympathy.  Never make the same mistake twice. It's hard to forgive that.


Well, with all due respect, I for one hope KW gets pancreatic cancer today.  That's only because I don't want more cries for gun control.
Link Posted: 9/15/2009 2:59:07 AM EDT
Gayfish can feel shame
Link Posted: 9/15/2009 3:06:39 AM EDT
MTV shares blame for allowing this piece of shit in the building.

It's all contrived drama for publicity.

If it wasn't for his antics I wouldn't even know MTV that had some awards show on - but now I know the name of who won, who didn't, and had to watch some asshole on Leno.

Link Posted: 9/15/2009 3:10:10 AM EDT

Obama calls Kanye 'jackass'

Link Posted: 9/15/2009 3:10:16 AM EDT
Personally, I blame Taylor Swift for going on MTV.

There is no reason for a decent person to be on MTV.
Link Posted: 9/15/2009 3:13:44 AM EDT
Leno tells Kanye West that he ruined what was probably the biggest night of a young girls life, and asks him what his dead mother would have thought about his actions. He sat there in silence and almost cried.

Fucking Owned. Its not very often that invoking someones dead mother as an insult is acceptable, but for this shitbag it is.

God I hate Kanye West.


I seriously doubt winning an MTV video music award was the biggest night of her life.
Link Posted: 9/15/2009 3:19:44 AM EDT


Adding to my previous comments,  having seen West's reaction to Leno's question,  I think that there's no doubt he regrets his actions.

I have a hard time condemning someone for an action that he already clearly regrets.    It's not like any of US have never made a mistake

that we regretted and would not repeat.
But if he does it again,  no sympathy.  Never make the same mistake twice. It's hard to forgive that.

This is the second or third time he has done this. I sure haven't heard an apology for calling Bush a racist.
Link Posted: 9/15/2009 3:24:16 AM EDT

Link Posted: 9/15/2009 3:26:22 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/15/2009 3:43:44 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/15/2009 3:57:50 AM EDT
Fuck him.

Act like a thug be treated like a thug.

Anyone have a link to this grils music video that won? Need ot see what all the fuss is about.

If the music video she won the award for was the song that was playing as she was walking to the stage you might be better off not listening to it.  Her target group seems to be girls ages 5-14.

But hey, who am I to judge?

Link Posted: 9/15/2009 4:13:03 AM EDT
Fuck him.

Act like a thug be treated like a thug.

Anyone have a link to this grils music video that won? Need ot see what all the fuss is about.

If the music video she won the award for was the song that was playing as she was walking to the stage you might be better off not listening to it.  Her target group seems to be girls ages 5-14.

But hey, who am I to judge?


I can be her prince any time.
Link Posted: 9/15/2009 4:19:04 AM EDT
my bet is the whole thing was drummed up by MTV to get ratings. fuck em all

Link Posted: 9/15/2009 4:20:09 AM EDT
Honest question:

Is it hypocritical for us to think it's okay for Joe Wilson to yell "You lie" to the Pres, while despising gayfish west?

No comparison, and the POSOTUS was lying.
Link Posted: 9/15/2009 4:23:57 AM EDT
And yet his popularity among his target audience will be higher than ever.
Link Posted: 9/15/2009 4:28:04 AM EDT

You think that POS gives a crap what his mother would have thought about his behavior? (despite the fake emotions).

The ONLY thing that asshole cares about is exactly what he is getting by his calculated actions ........ attention. His plan has worked perfectly.

Link Posted: 9/15/2009 4:30:06 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/15/2009 4:50:18 AM EDT
My prediction after Taylor and Kanye make up and he apologizes profusely, a Taylor swift Country/Rap Song featuring Kanye West that will top the charts

That'll teach them.
Link Posted: 9/15/2009 4:58:31 AM EDT
Kanye is a piece of shit. Enough said.

+1....I agree.

Link Posted: 9/15/2009 5:01:12 AM EDT


Fuck Kanya and Fuck Obama


Link Posted: 9/15/2009 5:09:10 AM EDT
Honest  Stupid question:

Is it hypocritical for us to think it's okay for Joe Wilson to yell "You lie" to the Pres, while despising gayfish west?

Link Posted: 9/15/2009 5:10:58 AM EDT
Honest question:

Is it hypocritical for us to think it's okay for Joe Wilson to yell "You lie" to the Pres, while despising gayfish west?

One event was for an award that was earned.
The other was a political event had a person call a group of attendees 'liars' in the moments before one of the attendees stood up to call BULLSHIT on a constant stream of lies+BS that he was spouting off. This person had spent months lying about his agenda and the policies that was contradictory to an oath that he had sworn.

What should have happened is that the group of attendees should have stood up in mass when they were called 'liars' and walked out.

To answer your question directly, it isn't contradictory since it was two totally different scenarios.
Link Posted: 9/15/2009 5:13:28 AM EDT
Adding to my previous comments,  having seen West's reaction to Leno's question,  I think that there's no doubt he regrets his actions.

I have a hard time condemning someone for an action that he already clearly regrets.    It's not like any of US have never made a mistake
that we regretted and would not repeat.

But if he does it again,  no sympathy.  Never make the same mistake twice. It's hard to forgive that.


This isn't the first time... nor the second... nor the third...
Link Posted: 9/15/2009 5:40:41 AM EDT
i did not think his apology was genuine . his publicist made him sit there like the child he is- it was a time out for his naughty time.
Link Posted: 9/15/2009 5:49:33 AM EDT
Honest question:

Is it hypocritical for us to think it's okay for Joe Wilson to yell "You lie" to the Pres, while despising gayfish west?

I think there's a tad bit of difference between someone calling out a liar on his bullshit, and some asshole who ruins somebody's big night and yells "GEORGE BUSH HATES BLACK PEOPLE!" on tv for no fucking reason.

I mean, even Chris Tucker was looking at him like he was fucking insane when he did that.

Mike Myers was on live TV with him at the time, not chris tucker.
Link Posted: 9/15/2009 5:51:41 AM EDT

I have to say, he clearly looks like he realizes he fucked up.  I don't have any pitty and he deserves what he gets but I really do think he gets it.  I am wondering if the calls for boycots are the reason or perhaps he got more hate mail then one could appreciate...

I am still pissed, I still hate him, but my anger and viseral desire to see him suffer is a little less after seeing that clip.

Still, FKW, just saying I think he got our point!

Fuck him.

Act like a thug be treated like a thug.

Anyone have a link to this grils music video that won? Need ot see what all the fuss is about.

If the music video she won the award for was the song that was playing as she was walking to the stage you might be better off not listening to it.  Her target group seems to be girls ages 5-14.

But hey, who am I to judge?


I can be her prince any time.

You hit it, my kids 5, 9 and 13 love her and that song.  I like her singing too but I am not going to claim she is my favorite singer while my kids will say she is their favorite without reservation.  I'm an 80s generation kid so I like Ozzy, Def Leppard, Poison, etc

Link Posted: 9/15/2009 5:56:23 AM EDT
Adding to my previous comments,  having seen West's reaction to Leno's question,  I think that there's no doubt he regrets his actions.

I have a hard time condemning someone for an action that he already clearly regrets.    It's not like any of US have never made a mistake
that we regretted and would not repeat.

But if he does it again,  no sympathy.  Never make the same mistake twice. It's hard to forgive that.


This isn't the first time... nor the second... nor the third...

done it before

Link Posted: 9/15/2009 5:59:39 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/15/2009 6:03:05 AM EDT

my bet is the whole thing was drummed up by MTV to get ratings. fuck em all

Yup. Cameras were sure ready to capture facial expressions.

Because they don't usually have cameras pointed at the stage at a TV awards show.

This guy has a history of doing this kind of shit.

Jeezus people, not everything is a conspiracy.
Link Posted: 9/15/2009 6:04:51 AM EDT
Hey, that's just the sort of thing that West needs in order to wake the hell up and take a damned long hard look at himself
and ask himself if he's the sort of man that he'd want his father to be.  

It could actually make him a better person.   I'm all for that.   I don't care who you are or what your political affiliation is,  I expect everyone
to be well mannered, considerate, and thoughtful in their words and actions.   I won't cut anyone any slack on that regardless of their political

Is Leno liberal?  It doesn't matter to me. He's a GENTLEMAN.  Even his political humor is never mean spirited.   I respect anyone who is
considerate and thoughtful and well mannered, regardless of their political persuasion.     But I have no respect for a jackass, even one
who is politically my twin.

Probably the single greatest harm done to America in the past few years or decades is the loss of the culture of civility that really was a
defining element for all of the greatest decades in American history.     We fought wars and we fought hard,  and even though during
WWII there was much anti-Germanic and anti-Japanese sentiment,  and in the case of the Japanese, it was racially based every bit as
much as it was based on the fact that Japan had attacked us without apparent provocation,  once the war was over we picked Japan up,
set it on its feet, dusted it off, and then started a partnership with Japan that resulted in a very quick rebuilding of Japan, and saw Japan
rapidly transform itself into one of the best neighbors, allies, and businessmen that the western world has ever had.   That's the classic
American spirit of "Now that the fight's over, let's be pals" which I think is maybe the single greatest thing about our classic culture.

We've largely lost that civility, that genuine decency,  particularly when dealing with others in our own country on the other end of the
political spectrum.   Our fellow American citizens,  hating us for our idealogy every bit as much as any American hated the Japanese
on December 8th, 1941,  and frankly the feeling is mutual.     This doesn't feel right to me.   I know it's not.

I would maintain that the Democrats are the aggressors in this deterioration of civility,  but I have no doubt that many Democrats would
feel entirely justified in thinking the same about us.  And maybe their arguments might have merit, if looked at from their perspective.

I wish for a return of civility,  of graciousness,  of everyday kindness,  from everyone.    I wish for a change in our popular culture that
once again places emphasis on these classic and worthy values.

You can start with yourself.   Do YOU measure up?  Picture yourself as your own father or mother.  How close to ideal are you to your own
picture of what a great father or mother is?

Will you work on making yourself more like that?  

Is now soon enough to start?   I think so.  


Best GD post in a while.

tip o' the hat to ye!
Link Posted: 9/15/2009 6:10:56 AM EDT
So... while this ferocious examination of what happened with these two is going on, good men are dying in two overseas wars and nobody hardly pauses to think about it, let alone does all this breast-beating and recrimination.

Personally, I could give a shit about either of these "artists" and their awards, lifestyles, public appearances, music, drinking habits, or hurt feelings.

Why do we love the cult of celebrity so much?  

Why are we so goddam shallow as a nation and a culture?

Link Posted: 9/15/2009 6:11:51 AM EDT
Come on, it was all planned.  Now Kanye is in the headlines now, just like he wanted to be.

Link Posted: 9/15/2009 6:14:26 AM EDT

Link Posted: 9/15/2009 6:27:29 AM EDT
Ok here's what's gonna happen Kanye and Taylor will appear on some stupid show like the view or ellen for a heartfelt appology, and the nation will forgive Kanye because he was so elloquent and we are very forgiving. That's what the media will tell us anyways. And I'd say Kanye and Taylor will be seen at some celebrity gathering places together and will become the next "it couple"for 2010, now all we have to do is make one name for them like the brangelina thing.
Link Posted: 9/15/2009 6:38:43 AM EDT
Adding to my previous comments,  having seen West's reaction to Leno's question,  I think that there's no doubt he regrets his actions.

I have a hard time condemning someone for an action that he already clearly regrets.    It's not like any of US have never made a mistake
that we regretted and would not repeat.

But if he does it again,  no sympathy.  Never make the same mistake twice. It's hard to forgive that.


That's the problem... he's done the EXACT same thing before at an MTV Europe VMA show... I think in 2006.  The only difference was he was mad that HE didn't win that one.  He got on stage and said "Oh HELL NO" (and a few f-bombs) and something about if his video didn't win, the award show loses credibility.  Then he goes on to say he's never seen the video that won, but he knows his was better.

And then you have the incident where he got WAY off script at the Hurricane Katrina fundraiser (someone else posted above).

My question is... why hasn't he been tackled by security yet?  Is Vince McMahon producing the award show?
Link Posted: 9/15/2009 6:39:04 AM EDT
hopefully swift and west appear together again on mtv's bully beatdown
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