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Link Posted: 12/14/2022 1:40:36 PM EDT
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Hey Doc, I remember reading something about how in the early 1900s there were quite a few "midgets", people with normal human features but small, like this woman is. I remember seeing them in movies and such. It was determined that there was iodine missing from diets and it was added to table salt in the 20's or 30's. There seems to be a lot less these days. I want to say it was the pituitary gland that needed the iodine.
Can you comment?
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It was added as an easy way to reduce the occurance of several iodine deficiancy disorders.

Link Posted: 12/14/2022 1:41:47 PM EDT
Jared from Subway should be interested.
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 1:44:19 PM EDT
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Jared from Subway should be interested.
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Link Posted: 12/14/2022 1:44:40 PM EDT
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Hey Doc, I remember reading something about how in the early 1900s there were quite a few "midgets", people with normal human features but small, like this woman is. I remember seeing them in movies and such. It was determined that there was iodine missing from diets and it was added to table salt in the 20's or 30's. There seems to be a lot less these days. I want to say it was the pituitary gland that needed the iodine.
Can you comment?
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Just to piggy-back on this...I remember watching one of the episodes of "Seinfeld" with the "Little People" (With Kramer) where one of the folks refers to another as a "Proto" (Meaning Prototype).  They explain that a "proto" is just a very small human who's proportionately correct (Like a "midget").  Best wishes to the young lady. God bless her.

EDIT:  That might be an episode of "The X-Files".
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 1:49:23 PM EDT
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It was added as an easy way to reduce the occurance of several iodine deficiancy disorders.

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Hey Doc, I remember reading something about how in the early 1900s there were quite a few "midgets", people with normal human features but small, like this woman is. I remember seeing them in movies and such. It was determined that there was iodine missing from diets and it was added to table salt in the 20's or 30's. There seems to be a lot less these days. I want to say it was the pituitary gland that needed the iodine.
Can you comment?

It was added as an easy way to reduce the occurance of several iodine deficiancy disorders.

Thanks for the link. Looks like I was misremembering.
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 1:54:59 PM EDT
Wonder what would happen if Biden was introduced to her. Could he smell that she's of age?
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 1:55:20 PM EDT
I remember the last thread.

Certainly a damned if you do and damned if you don't kind of situation.

kind of goes with the whole loli debate on twitter circles and vtuber/anime drama.

People are bent on associating anyone who might even have a small bit of interest in this person as a pedo.

However, at the same time. She is of legal age.  Would it be better if she had a fully grown body but the mind of a 12 year old?

At least with the anime stuff. The fact that it is not real and not really meant to represent something real makes it less of a moral crisis to ponder.
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 1:56:59 PM EDT
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Wonder what would happen if Biden was introduced to her. Could he smell that she's of age?
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His PR and clean up team would have a day off.
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 1:58:10 PM EDT
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I guess I should have searched for 'pituitary', and hoped that whoever made the thread didn't spell it 'pitootarry'.
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 2:00:26 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 2:06:08 PM EDT
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Wonder what would happen if Biden was introduced to her. Could he smell that she's of age?
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Would he care?
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 2:07:14 PM EDT
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I remember the last thread.

Certainly a damned if you do and damned if you don't kind of situation.

kind of goes with the whole loli debate on twitter circles and vtuber/anime drama.

People are bent on associating anyone who might even have a small bit of interest in this person as a pedo.

However, at the same time. She is of legal age.  Would it be better if she had a fully grown body but the mind of a 12 year old?

At least with the anime stuff. The fact that it is not real and not really meant to represent something real makes it less of a moral crisis to ponder.
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I actually think she looks older than she is.
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 2:15:09 PM EDT
Couldn't do it if I tried.
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 2:18:12 PM EDT
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I actually think she looks older than she is.
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I remember the last thread.

Certainly a damned if you do and damned if you don't kind of situation.

kind of goes with the whole loli debate on twitter circles and vtuber/anime drama.

People are bent on associating anyone who might even have a small bit of interest in this person as a pedo.

However, at the same time. She is of legal age.  Would it be better if she had a fully grown body but the mind of a 12 year old?

At least with the anime stuff. The fact that it is not real and not really meant to represent something real makes it less of a moral crisis to ponder.

I actually think she looks older than she is.

Ya she doesn't really look like a child to me either.  At the same time I wouldn't be able to immediately identify her as an adult.

But for me that isn't the point.  She is an adult and people that know her know she's an adult.

But if you tried to date her.  Is anyone going to treat you like anything other than a monster?  I wonder if that's something she herself has come to terms with yet.

Link Posted: 12/14/2022 3:06:54 PM EDT
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I remember the last thread.

Certainly a damned if you do and damned if you don't kind of situation.

kind of goes with the whole loli debate on twitter circles and vtuber/anime drama.

People are bent on associating anyone who might even have a small bit of interest in this person as a pedo.

However, at the same time. She is of legal age.  Would it be better if she had a fully grown body but the mind of a 12 year old?

At least with the anime stuff. The fact that it is not real and not really meant to represent something real makes it less of a moral crisis to ponder.
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A lot of people with the mind of an adult would feel pretty creepy honestly, more so than a tiny intelligent adult.
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 3:21:54 PM EDT
Big girl, big poop; little girl, little poop. The yard would stay cleaner.
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 3:23:23 PM EDT
OP's unfortunate choice of thread title.
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 3:51:34 PM EDT
We have.

Apparently she's... I don't know.  Anti-pedo is good, but she's really internalized the issue, at least from what I've read.  Like she wants to date someone, but is disgusted with anyone who wants to date her because she looks like a kid.  I can kind of understand, but it's probably not a healthy attitude for her to have.  But I have no constructive criticism.
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I'm sure it's the same as most women with characteristics that are fetishized, asian, black, petite, tall, etc. Everyone wishes to be desired for who they are, not looks.

Hey Doc, I remember reading something about how in the early 1900s there were quite a few "midgets", people with normal human features but small, like this woman is. I remember seeing them in movies and such. It was determined that there was iodine missing from diets and it was added to table salt in the 20's or 30's. There seems to be a lot less these days. I want to say it was the pituitary gland that needed the iodine.
Can you comment?
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Link Posted: 12/14/2022 3:53:44 PM EDT
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However, at the same time. She is of legal age.  Would it be better if she had a fully grown body but the mind of a 12 year old?

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Kinda like reversing gender roles in Forrest Gump, lol.
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 3:57:32 PM EDT
Why have I seen this exact same post before?
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 3:58:21 PM EDT
I have a clinical interest in examining her Telomeres.
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 4:06:26 PM EDT
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Big girl, big poop; little girl, little poop. The yard would stay cleaner.
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 4:09:26 PM EDT
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I'm sure it's the same as most women with characteristics that are fetishized, asian, black, petite, tall, etc. Everyone wishes to be desired for who they are, not looks.

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The half-trillion dollar global "beauty industry" suggests otherwise.
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 4:20:46 PM EDT
Had a criminal case locally where the rape victim was like the girl on this TLC show.

At trial the mom was put on the stand and the mom testified something to the effect of "I caught her on a dating site where she talks with these men."

Background details, victim and family are from a poor farming community.    By the sounds of it the victim/daughter was borderline prostituting through a dating site while probably catering to dudes that  were over joyed to find a child like "legal" female.

The defendant had a wife and a career of sorts that he ruined over a chance to bang a homunculous hottie...

The rape accusations came out after the date did not go as planned and suddenly things were off the table or payment, which never came up, was not made good.

In the end I think the jury wound up figuring out that the whole thing smelled.   Cannot remember if they walked the guy or not.

They are indeed out there doing pervy/porny stuff and TLC evidently found one trying to cash in without catering to that genre of creepiness.   TLC, lowering the bar so low it spawned a South Park episode needing James Cameron to retrieve it.
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 4:22:12 PM EDT
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Oh man that lady would need a stick to beat the degenerates off.
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That's some mighty fine phrasing, pardner
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 4:25:13 PM EDT
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Big girl, big poop; little girl, little poop. The yard would stay cleaner.
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God damn it...

And, now thanks to you, here I am thinking a litter box may be easier than a toilet with a step stool and a smaller training seat.    She would probably fall through a regular seat.

My cat probably shits bigger than she does.
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 4:30:39 PM EDT
Pedophiles might not even be attracted to her but I don't know what makes them click. Is it physical attributes or the fact they know they can take advantage of kids?
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 4:37:11 PM EDT
Apparently she's... I don't know.  Anti-pedo is good, but she's really internalized the issue, at least from what I've read.  Like she wants to date someone, but is disgusted with anyone who wants to date her because she looks like a kid.  I can kind of understand, but it's probably not a healthy attitude for her to have.  But I have no constructive criticism.
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In her situation, I think she's making a mistake by dating online. She needs to go out and make friends, and see if something ever develops that way.

Link Posted: 12/14/2022 4:41:43 PM EDT
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In her situation, I think she's making a mistake by dating online. She needs to go out and make friends, and see if something ever develops that way.

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They gotta play up the MTV "catfish" gotcha.
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 4:43:03 PM EDT
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The half-trillion dollar global "beauty industry" suggests otherwise.
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I'm sure it's the same as most women with characteristics that are fetishized, asian, black, petite, tall, etc. Everyone wishes to be desired for who they are, not looks.


The half-trillion dollar global "beauty industry" suggests otherwise.

Maybe it's better to say that women want to be desired for being conventionally attractive, lol.
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 4:43:28 PM EDT
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I have a niece who is almost as small as her. She had digestive issues when she was born 31 years ago, had to be fed via a tube to her abdomen, so she wound up a lot smaller than she should have been. She's been married a couple of years now to a normal sized guy, but she looks like she's 10. Very tiny.
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My wife's boss is married to a woman who is petite to the point of her looking like she is 12 or 13 years old, even though she is in her mid-30s. When you see them together you'd think she was his daughter and it's almost creepy. When you see her with her two kids, you wonder how she pushed them out of her body.

I feel bad for the woman in the OP, and think that 99.999% of men interested in her are pervs.
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 4:46:58 PM EDT
Yeah, I'm gonna go with Nope on this one...

Link Posted: 12/14/2022 4:51:13 PM EDT
I like women with small hands, but that’s too small and too weird for me.
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 4:52:57 PM EDT
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Scale matters.

With no regular sized people around her you would think normal woman standing 40 feet away.

Then somebody walks up and stands next to her and you realize she is 15 feet away...

Yeah, naw.
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 5:01:41 PM EDT
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Big girl, big poop; little girl, little poop. The yard would stay cleaner.
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Haha what?
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 5:04:00 PM EDT
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Would he care?
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Wonder what would happen if Biden was introduced to her. Could he smell that she's of age?
Would he care?

Of course. He prefers Johnson and Johnson no more tears. He doesn't like that adult shit
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 5:05:41 PM EDT
No matter how you shave it....her life has to be a disappointment.
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 5:06:35 PM EDT
A true spinner !
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 5:09:29 PM EDT
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I wonder if she could contract for sting operations
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That would be awesome. She could probably put a shitload of pedos in jail.
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 5:10:11 PM EDT
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And to think I got a warning and deletion for posting bikini gifs of real women Markie Post and Heather Locklear in the 80s thread. A bikini is a bikini, just sayin'.
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 5:11:57 PM EDT
Imagine her husband/boyfriend kisses her in public. Lots of stares and police calls.

Poor young lady, wish her the best!
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 5:12:27 PM EDT
I have watched a couple episodes of that.  wanna know how degenerate TLC channel is?  the first episode I saw they were talking about her dating, as I think they do in pretty much every episode, and the producers or someone tried hooking her up with introducing her to a guy.  she comes in and it's a 6' black guy.  you could tell he was like WTF is this and it was obvious the show was going for the pornhub/brazzers fetish.  it was ridiculous.  I do feel a little bit bad for her though, everyone seriously treats her like she's 8.  I understand her needing a little security but they hover over her like nothing I've ever seen
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 5:14:31 PM EDT
I’m surprised she isn’t working a low level job at the White House.
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 5:17:03 PM EDT
Hard pass. I like small chicks but not like child size.
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 5:17:28 PM EDT
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Ashlyn Rae > Alana Rae > Shauna Rae
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not even close
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 5:18:45 PM EDT
I'm sure the anime crew would like it...
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 5:18:59 PM EDT
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not even close
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Ashlyn Rae > Alana Rae > Shauna Rae


not even close

In before the Rachael Ray >
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 5:20:51 PM EDT
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Oh man that lady would need a stick to beat the degenerates off.
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Wouldn’t they like that?
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 5:21:50 PM EDT
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I'd hit it
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 12/14/2022 5:24:48 PM EDT
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Scale matters.

With no regular sized people around her you would think normal woman standing 40 feet away.

Then somebody walks up and stands next to her and you realize she is 15 feet away...

Yeah, naw.
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Scale matters.

With no regular sized people around her you would think normal woman standing 40 feet away.

Then somebody walks up and stands next to her and you realize she is 15 feet away...

Yeah, naw.

I'm not seeing it. She has the body shape of a little kid. Not just a typical chick with a small chest, she has no curves. Her face looks older, but I would assume she was a little girl from a distance.
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