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Posted: 7/27/2022 5:03:41 PM EDT

Highland Park shooter Robert Crimo is indicted on 117 counts, including first-degree murder for shooting dead seven people and injuring more than 40


Link Posted: 7/27/2022 5:04:46 PM EDT
Hoping for state execution.
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 5:05:40 PM EDT
They should cut his head off taliban style.
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 5:06:36 PM EDT
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Hoping for state execution.
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Illinois does not have the death penalty.
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 5:06:41 PM EDT
That dreamboat will be swimming in chicks wanting to marry him.  If he isn't already.
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 5:07:13 PM EDT
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Hoping for state execution.
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Im not sure what we do as far as Capital Punishment. Thst fuckhead looks proud of himself.
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 5:07:26 PM EDT
Also does he have the DSA rose tattooed on his neck? Sorry I haven’t followed this asshole much.
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 5:07:57 PM EDT
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That dreamboat will be swimming in chicks wanting to marry him.  If he isn't already.
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Charles Manson did. Got fan mail from crazy chicks all the time.
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 5:08:44 PM EDT
Wood chipper on slow, feet first.
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 5:08:49 PM EDT
Scrawny little puke fuck. He should be tossed in the town square to be beat to death by citizens, slowly.
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 5:09:37 PM EDT
.50 for a hole in the back of the head.

Dump in ditch
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 5:10:12 PM EDT
EDIT: Disregard
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 5:10:14 PM EDT
Does anyone have a link to the actual indictment?  I would like to read it.
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 5:10:56 PM EDT
EDIT: Disregard
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 5:11:38 PM EDT
At least he doesn’t fit the mold of an incel

Link Posted: 7/27/2022 5:11:50 PM EDT
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Charles Manson did. Got fan mail from crazy chicks all the time.
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He's not the only one.
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 5:12:26 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 5:13:08 PM EDT
Be a real shame if he was raped to death in prison. Over an extended period.

A real shame.
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 5:15:18 PM EDT
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Also does he have the DSA rose tattooed on his neck? Sorry I haven't followed this asshole much.
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Some say yes, others say no!

Don't know if it was ever proven thats what it is!

Either way, the MSM will ignore it if true.
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 5:16:03 PM EDT
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That dreamboat will be swimming in chicks wanting to marry him.  If he isn't already.
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More likely swimming in dicks within the penile system, if the inmates let him live.
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 5:17:11 PM EDT
A rope around his neck and yank him up a street lamp in public.
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 5:17:25 PM EDT
Helicopter ride would be easiest
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 5:18:16 PM EDT
Man that head is deep into genetic defect territory.

"Your honor, my client only has 25% of the average grey matter mass of a normal human. I would ask for leniency based on the fact that he never passed second grade and his large cellmate has nicknamed him twirler."
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 5:19:13 PM EDT
That's a face I would swing a five pound sledgehammer into.
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 5:20:18 PM EDT
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Man that head is deep into genetic defect territory.

"Your honor, my client only has 25% of the average grey matter mass of a normal human. I would ask for leniency based on the fact that he never passed second grade and his large cellmate has nicknamed him twirler."
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Oh, without question he was conceived in the wading section of the gene pool.
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 5:22:22 PM EDT
Vice grips and a blow torch…it’ll take less than an hour
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 5:23:07 PM EDT
Straight to the basement of the courthouse and a Nagant to the back of the head.

Link Posted: 7/27/2022 5:23:57 PM EDT
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More likely swimming in dicks within the penile system, if the inmates let him live.
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Why would they stop him or do anything to him?  He's not a sex offender.  He shot a lot of people.
There's plenty of people that shot people in the IL system I'd guess.
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 5:25:59 PM EDT
All that POS wants is people to post his name and picture
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 5:28:28 PM EDT
Hammer smashed face comes to mind.
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 5:29:25 PM EDT
Max security gen pop will be a fun place for this kid.
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 5:32:05 PM EDT
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Why would they stop him or do anything to him?  He's not a sex offender.  He shot a lot of people.
There's plenty of people that shot people in the IL system I'd guess.
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The aberrations, the sickos, they don't do too well in prison.  Even criminals are put off by some behavior.

His actions, along with his look? He better get REAL friendly with the Aryan Brotherhood as soon as he gets in.
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 5:33:18 PM EDT
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Why would they stop him or do anything to him?  He's not a sex offender.  He shot a lot of people.
There's plenty of people that shot people in the IL system I'd guess.
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I’m going with being a smug little bitch with the most punchable face on the planet should probably do it.
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 5:35:35 PM EDT
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More likely swimming in dicks within the penile system, if the inmates let him live.
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That dreamboat will be swimming in chicks wanting to marry him.  If he isn't already.

More likely swimming in dicks within the penile system, if the inmates let him live.
Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 5:44:52 PM EDT
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Oh, without question he was conceived in the wading section of the gene pool.
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Shit, the concrete wasn’t even wet where those two were fuckin
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 6:02:24 PM EDT
can he be hanged 116 just enough to choke his skinny as out...and on the 117th time, tie some
cement blocks to his feet and hang him over a gator pit, let him stretch out real slow.
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 6:04:15 PM EDT
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Illinois does not have the death penalty.
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Hoping for state execution.

Illinois does not have the death penalty.

The feds do.

Link Posted: 7/27/2022 6:04:52 PM EDT
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The aberrations, the sickos, they don't do too well in prison.  Even criminals are put off by some behavior.

His actions, along with his look? He better get REAL friendly with the Aryan Brotherhood as soon as he gets in.
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Well, we can hope I suppose.
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 6:05:41 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 6:06:33 PM EDT
Time to bring back public execution
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 6:06:44 PM EDT
Needs his face peeled off his skull while he's still alive
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 6:15:42 PM EDT
That's a punch-able face.

I prescribe auger therapy.
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 6:24:48 PM EDT
I would watch if they dis-emboweled him and hung his guts on a bush while he was alive. Then leave him there.
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 6:26:08 PM EDT
dirty, filthy inky!

All of the methods of death above pale in comparison to the Brazen Bull!

Link Posted: 7/27/2022 8:05:23 PM EDT
Ooooh! I like your thinking.
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 8:07:07 PM EDT
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Hoping for state execution.
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Put him in general population
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 8:11:27 PM EDT
They could just have another parade, turn him loose in the middle of it. It would all work itself out I think.
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 8:59:18 PM EDT
What about the guy that ran through the Wisconsin Christmas Parade?
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 9:54:25 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 10:22:34 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/27/2022 10:24:23 PM EDT
No death penalty.  How about life imprisonment as bubba's bitch then?

I'd rather have the firing squad.  
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