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Link Posted: 3/10/2009 7:53:03 PM EDT
I would have liked to have seen what would have happened if the police had left.
Link Posted: 3/10/2009 7:54:38 PM EDT
At one point a man climbed onto a roof and threw a packet of bacon at the Muslim group.

Link Posted: 3/10/2009 7:56:07 PM EDT
Bayonets already fixed.

Link Posted: 3/10/2009 7:57:12 PM EDT
At one point a man climbed onto a roof and threw a packet of bacon at the Muslim group.

Hehe, now that's a good use of bacon.

Link Posted: 3/10/2009 8:06:25 PM EDT
Export those pieces of shit.  Bring them down to the southern part of the US and we'll kick the shit out of them.
Link Posted: 3/10/2009 8:10:10 PM EDT
I've seen that kind of crap up close, makes your blood boil.

This sickens me. I make my money in your economy, because my home country's is shit. I sleep in the houses you built, because my home country has none. I am protected by your military, but it pisses me off because they fuck up my home country.

one big [b]FUCK YOU[/b].

I can't stand people who don't know how to be grateful. If you are going to live here then at least shut up, you dont have to support us but this is damn disrespectful.

Yeah, but they don't work, they do not integrate into society, they do not learn the new language, they have tons of children and teach them the same values when they get older, which is basically to go against everything that their new home country stands for. Most of the younger males being unemployed (See aforementioned reasons) have nothing else to do than sit around and listen to hate speech or later on make some of their own.

I lived in Sweden and it was exactly the same thing and this kind of "Protest" was common too.
It does not matter how liberal, socialist, homogeneous, right wing or fascist the country's government is either, because there is that very subtle, hidden and never talked about underlying fear that if anyone so much as breathes the wrong way on that religion, you are going to start seeing explosions around your city.

I know that sounds harsh and most likely somewhat on the border of the CoC, but take it from someone that used to hang out with those very same police in those photos. They are thinking the same thing, "Man I wish I could do something about this, but if I did, it could inflame an entire group of people that have a nasty reputation for reprisals."

There is no stopping the sweep of Islam into Europe at this point. Not a chance. You cannot do anything about it. Cease immigration from countries that have are run by extremists? Good luck with that, guess who you piss off? Extremists. I dare someone to come up with a solution to those photos that does not risk the safety everyone else.
Link Posted: 3/10/2009 8:11:12 PM EDT
Where are  the Soccer Thugs when you need them!!

Link Posted: 3/10/2009 8:12:05 PM EDT
I would drive a prius or battery operated golf cart if we could just send all of these shits back to the Middle East to kill each other in the name of their "peaceful" religion and choke on their oil.

The only reason the Middle East is relevant is because of oil.    I for one am sick of this crap.   I hate knowing every time I fill up I'm helping make Muslims rich.  

I swear if GM makes it and comes out with the Evolt, I'm buying one and driving it daily.   Hell, it goes the first 40 miles each day from electricity....most days I drive less then 40 miles.

I mean it I am sick of this crap.

Link Posted: 3/10/2009 8:12:59 PM EDT
A'nal nathrak uth dus bethud dochiel nathrenre'

Not in a language translated by google, so no COC violation.

Any scumbag who protests a returning soldier should be shot on sight.
Link Posted: 3/10/2009 8:20:52 PM EDT
It's the plague of every Western Nation.  Why are we allowing our Nations to be invaded by scum?

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I came to America for freedom. I love this country, it's values, it's history and it's traditions. Why would I move here to change such a wonderful nation that rescued me from the brutality in the DPRK.

Glad to have you!  

Tell your like minded friends still over there to come join us as well if they can make it.

It's refreshing to hear from immigrants who come here to join the march of freedom.

Thank you, if I only could. Many are stranded in Thailand, most want to get to South Korea and the majority languish in China, if they can escape at all. The DPRK and PRC are increasing security at the border to prevent people from fleeing. Also, it's not easy because the Chinese government won't officially recognize you and often returns entire families back to North Korea to avoid embarassing it's "little brother"



"Four years ago Congress passed legislation designed to make it easier for North Korean refugees to seek asylum in the United States but since then, only a few dozen North Koreans have been able to re-settle here."


Link Posted: 3/10/2009 8:25:02 PM EDT
Soldiers should of did a couple mag dumps.
Link Posted: 3/10/2009 8:27:05 PM EDT
At one point a man climbed onto a roof and threw a packet of bacon at the Muslim group.

I love it.   Thats the kind of Brit that makes me proud!

Britain needs her soccer thugs back.
Link Posted: 3/10/2009 8:30:59 PM EDT
this is why moderate Muslisms get lumped in with the extremists: because they say NOTHING when this happens.  It's also why people HATE Muslims.  Silence, in this case is tacit approval.

With that said, I hope each and every one of those muslim fucks drown in pig fat.

At least Japanese men during WW2 had enough patriotism to join up and fight against their own country.
Link Posted: 3/10/2009 8:35:02 PM EDT
It's the plague of every Western Nation.  Why are we allowing our Nations to be invaded by scum?

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I came to America for freedom. I love this country, it's values, it's history and it's traditions. Why would I move here to change such a wonderful nation that rescued me from the brutality in the DPRK.

Glad to have you!  

Tell your like minded friends still over there to come join us as well if they can make it.

It's refreshing to hear from immigrants who come here to join the march of freedom.


Thank you, if I only could. Many are stranded in Thailand, most want to get to South Korea and the majority languish in China, if they can escape at all. The DPRK and PRC are increasing security at the border to prevent people from fleeing. Also, it's not easy because the Chinese government won't officially recognize you and often returns entire families back to North Korea to avoid embarassing it's "little brother"



"Four years ago Congress passed legislation designed to make it easier for North Korean refugees to seek asylum in the United States but since then, only a few dozen North Koreans have been able to re-settle here."



watched the Youtube video and read some of the comments.  Jeez, there's even tinfoil types in Korean and China.
Link Posted: 3/10/2009 8:37:46 PM EDT
Home from the war... and our troops are greeted by abuse from Muslim protesters


So sad for the U.K. now and in the future

The government and the majority of the population have chosen their paths end tragically and will come to pass in the future.

Londonistan. Melanie Phillips. 2007.

A warning for us all.
Link Posted: 3/10/2009 8:43:51 PM EDT
The protestors should have been bayoneted. Sorry, I know that's anti-freedom, but so is allowing a malignant minority culture to conquer your culture from within.

There is no free speech in the land of beheadings, hand chopping, burquas and female genital mutilation.

Damn well said!!


Link Posted: 3/10/2009 8:44:38 PM EDT
I guess the thing that keeps striking me is the stark division of the conflict, if only you can step back to see it.

It's really quite simple, it's the light and dark.

Either, you are advocating a social system that uses the suppression of knowledge as a means of control, or one that seeks the expansion of knowledge.

Authoritarian systems, almost by definition, need the built in proscription against seeking knowledge from any source not sanctioned by the authority itself.  Let people find "truth" elsewhere, and the need for a central planner / clearing house for knowledge is diminished and eventually eliminated.

It is no great surprise that the greatest asset of a free society (openness to the marketplace of ideas) should be used by its enemies to undermine it.  I worry that democracies contain the seeds of their own destruction insofar as they tolerate borderline open rebellion within their heartlands, and cannot act, but only react to even internal threats.

I'm not saying I would change the balance, because one of the great advantages of living in a free society today, is that even during long periods of war (such as the present) one can (mostly) enjoy the befits of freedom.  Can you picture the rabble depicted in this post lasting 15 minutes in 1943?  Anyone who wants to whine about how oppressive the West is need only look back two generations to see how bad wartime could really be for civilians.

But then... I wonder....

If a little bacon in a few graves cuts down on the homicide bombings, maybe what we need is a bit of the old British way of coping with such matters.  Yes, the line the British drew between civilized and "everyone else" was often arbitrary and capricious... but sometimes it has to be.

Having dealt directly with some of the loons that occupied Europe some years ago, I'm convinced that the only reason we haven't seen another attack of note in the United States is the decision (right or wrong morally) to "take the fight to the enemy."  Now, unfortunately, since we appear to be poised to give the enemy a breather, we have artificially selected the smartest, sliest, most vicious, and most experienced of Tangos from the pack.  I sort of doubt that they are feeling the love just now.

Today we are watching Iran talk their way into enough time to build "the bomb."  Watching, patiently, while they do it.

Yes, it's nice to skate though security at the airport.  Yes, it's nice we don't have armed checkpoints.  Yes, it's great that you don't see National Guard on the corners.  It's great until it isn't.  No matter how soft we ARE at the moment, we look very soft.  The Chinese and the Russians aren't fools.  They are testing for a reason.

You tell me.  Would you prefer to have mounted an attack on the United States two years ago, or now, while she, weakened, rudderless, drifts back and forth, gripped by political arguments over which bank should or shouldn't be saved next?  If you were engaged in asymmetric warfare against the United States, what would your inner Sun Tzu tell you to do right now?

Yeah.  I thought so.  Mine too.
Link Posted: 3/10/2009 8:44:46 PM EDT
Why the Middle East is not a glass-floored, self-lighting parking lot is a continuing mystery to me.


Link Posted: 3/10/2009 8:46:28 PM EDT
That really pisses me off.  Something needs to change.
Link Posted: 3/10/2009 8:47:35 PM EDT
I've seen that kind of crap up close, makes your blood boil.

This sickens me. I make my money in your economy, because my home country's is shit. I sleep in the houses you built, because my home country has none. I am protected by your military, but it pisses me off because they fuck up my home country.

one big [b]FUCK YOU[/b].

I can't stand people who don't know how to be grateful. If you are going to live here then at least shut up, you dont have to support us but this is damn disrespectful.

Yeah, but they don't work, they do not integrate into society, they do not learn the new language, they have tons of children and teach them the same values when they get older, which is basically to go against everything that their new home country stands for. Most of the younger males being unemployed (See aforementioned reasons) have nothing else to do than sit around and listen to hate speech or later on make some of their own.

I lived in Sweden and it was exactly the same thing and this kind of "Protest" was common too.
It does not matter how liberal, socialist, homogeneous, right wing or fascist the country's government is either, because there is that very subtle, hidden and never talked about underlying fear that if anyone so much as breathes the wrong way on that religion, you are going to start seeing explosions around your city.

I know that sounds harsh and most likely somewhat on the border of the CoC, but take it from someone that used to hang out with those very same police in those photos. They are thinking the same thing, "Man I wish I could do something about this, but if I did, it could inflame an entire group of people that have a nasty reputation for reprisals."

There is no stopping the sweep of Islam into Europe at this point. Not a chance. You cannot do anything about it. Cease immigration from countries that have are run by extremists? Good luck with that, guess who you piss off? Extremists. I dare someone to come up with a solution to those photos that does not risk the safety everyone else.

My solution is banned under the COC.
Link Posted: 3/10/2009 8:52:36 PM EDT
Send them all to meet Allah
Link Posted: 3/10/2009 8:54:44 PM EDT
They should have given them the bayonet
Link Posted: 3/10/2009 8:56:20 PM EDT
It's the plague of every Western Nation.  Why are we allowing our Nations to be invaded by scum?

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I came to America for freedom. I love this country, it's values, it's history and it's traditions. Why would I move here to change such a wonderful nation that rescued me from the brutality in the DPRK.

Glad to have you!  

Tell your like minded friends still over there to come join us as well if they can make it.

It's refreshing to hear from immigrants who come here to join the march of freedom.


Thank you, if I only could. Many are stranded in Thailand, most want to get to South Korea and the majority languish in China, if they can escape at all. The DPRK and PRC are increasing security at the border to prevent people from fleeing. Also, it's not easy because the Chinese government won't officially recognize you and often returns entire families back to North Korea to avoid embarassing it's "little brother"



"Four years ago Congress passed legislation designed to make it easier for North Korean refugees to seek asylum in the United States but since then, only a few dozen North Koreans have been able to re-settle here."



watched the Youtube video and read some of the comments.  Jeez, there's even tinfoil types in Korean and China.

Yeah, those are the Korean nationalists. Many South Koreans are racists as hell and talk of pure blood Coreans (spelled with a C from the original pre-Japanese occupation spelling) and brag how if South Korea merges with North Korea, then Corea will have the largest standing army in the world with nuclear weapons to use against Japan. It all stems from an inferiority complex if you ask me.

I've run into some of the Korean pride type guys when I lived in Los Angeles. Most are rich, spoiled wannabee thug gangsters raised in L.A. and trying to form an identity for themselves. Usually from the 2.0 generation although may'be a few 1.5 generation.

Fortunately, most Korean Americans and even South Koreans (especially over the age of 40) are more responsible and the only tinfoil they have is the overpriced stuff they sell in their minimarts and stores.
Link Posted: 3/10/2009 8:56:26 PM EDT
They should have given them the bayonet

I wish I was driving down that road. I could have "lost control of my car". A Buick Century could run down that whole crowd.
Link Posted: 3/10/2009 9:00:53 PM EDT
It's the plague of every Western Nation.  Why are we allowing our Nations to be invaded by scum?

because the west is full of weak minded liberals who think they can make peace with the devil and they will see how loving we are and cant help but love us back.

Link Posted: 3/10/2009 9:16:45 PM EDT
A'nal nathrak uth dus bethud dochiel nathrenre'

Not in a language translated by google, so no COC violation.

Any scumbag who protests a returning soldier should be shot on sight.

Nerd....that is from Excalibur, and isn't an insult at all.
Link Posted: 3/10/2009 9:18:26 PM EDT
A'nal nathrak uth dus bethud dochiel nathrenre'

Not in a language translated by google, so no COC violation.

Any scumbag who protests a returning soldier should be shot on sight.

Nerd....that is from Excalibur, and isn't an insult at all.

The charm of making line from Excalibur was a bit different, I think...
Link Posted: 3/11/2009 3:57:53 PM EDT
This is turning into a real shitstorm.

"Muslim hate preacher ridicules troops abused in anti-war protests - and mocks their dead comrade"

Link Posted: 3/11/2009 4:01:57 PM EDT
At one point a man climbed onto a roof and threw a packet of bacon at the Muslim group.

Epic win!
Link Posted: 3/11/2009 4:11:49 PM EDT


British muslims explain why they are justified hating British soldiers returning from service in Iraq


Right-click, Save As: "Religion of Peace.jpg"

Link Posted: 3/11/2009 4:19:15 PM EDT

Anglian supporters turn on protestors.

I start work on my bacon trebuchet tomorrow...
Link Posted: 3/11/2009 4:22:35 PM EDT
Where is the islamic rage boy?

Link Posted: 3/11/2009 4:58:34 PM EDT
Where are all the soccer thugs? You'd think they would love a chance to practice on them.
Link Posted: 3/11/2009 5:24:09 PM EDT
Just a few more pics to lighten the mood before I go to bed.

Link Posted: 3/11/2009 5:44:04 PM EDT

British muslims explain why they are justified hating British soldiers returning from service in Iraqhttp://www.fmft.net/british%20muslim%20protest%20uk%20koran%20extremists.jpg



Right-click, Save As: "Religion of Peace.jpg"


From the Koran

2:216 Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not.

4:84 Then fight in Allah’s cause—thou art held responsible only for thyself—and rouse the Believers. It may be that Allah will restrain the fury of the Unbelievers; for Allah is the strongest in might and in punishment.

4:95 Not equal are those Believers who sit (at home) and receive no hurt, and those who [jihad] strive and fight in the cause of Allah with their goods and their persons. Allah hath granted a grade higher to those who [Jihad] strive and fight with their goods and persons than to those who sit (at home). Unto all (in Faith) hath Allah promised good: But those who strive and fight hath He distinguished above those who sit (at home) by a special reward, —

5:54 O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust.

8:74-75 Those who believe and migrated from their homes and {Jihad] fought for the Way of Allah, and those who have sheltered them and helped them they are truly the believers. Theirs shall be forgiveness and a generous provision. And those who believed afterwards and emigrated, and {Jihad] struggled with you –– they are of you. And in the Book of Allah, the near kinsmen deserve one another (in inheritance). Allah has knowledge of all things.

9:39 Unless ye go forth [in battle], He will punish you with a grievous penalty, and put others in your place; but Him ye would not harm in the least. For Allah hath power over all things.

9:123 O ye who believe! Fight the Unbelievers who gird you about, and let them find firmness in you: And know that Allah is with those who fear Him.

16:110 But verily thy Lord, —to those who leave their homes after trials and persecutions, —and who thereafter strive and fight for the Faith and patiently persevere, —thy Lord, after all this is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful
Link Posted: 3/11/2009 5:59:11 PM EDT
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I came to America for freedom. I love this country, it's values, it's history and it's traditions. Why would I move here to change such a wonderful nation that rescued me from the brutality in the DPRK.

But people who move from countries just to take advantage of better living conditions than their native countries, will not appreciate why those standards of living occured in the first place. How can someone who doesn't desire freedom in their hearts ever cherish the very freedoms that make a nation great? That is why they brag about exploiting the right to free speech. Not because they believe in it but because they see it as a weakness to use against their enemy. They are not fleeing tyranny and injustice. They are spreading tyranny and injustice Islam.

Fixed it for you

Link Posted: 3/11/2009 6:09:23 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/11/2009 6:27:06 PM EDT
This kinda stuff chaps my ass!  This should never be allowed.  Polical correctness is a plague.  Our valiant men and women over there should be honored and respected to the highest degree.  They deserve no less.  This PC shit will prevent us, is preventing us from finishing this mess in that shit hole.  England is on the same road we are.  Let's kill the enemy and be done with it.  And those soulless pricks in Topeka protested my buds funeral (fire fighter killed on the job).  I wish I could of drove my truck over those fucks.
Link Posted: 3/11/2009 7:28:30 PM EDT
I look at the young troops' faces and think I know what they are thinking: they are home but not through fighting.

It is only a matter of time when Europe will go critical again.
Link Posted: 3/11/2009 8:26:12 PM EDT

This is priceless and precious.  Obviously, she is marching in time with them, singing something, and giving them a salute.

What a little doll baby.

Link Posted: 3/11/2009 8:35:09 PM EDT
It's the plague of every Western Nation.  Why are we allowing our Nations to be invaded by scum?

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I came to America for freedom. I love this country, it's values, it's history and it's traditions. Why would I move here to change such a wonderful nation that rescued me from the brutality in the DPRK.

Glad to have you!  

Tell your like minded friends still over there to come join us as well if they can make it.

It's refreshing to hear from immigrants who come here to join the march of freedom.


Thank you, if I only could. Many are stranded in Thailand, most want to get to South Korea and the majority languish in China, if they can escape at all. The DPRK and PRC are increasing security at the border to prevent people from fleeing. Also, it's not easy because the Chinese government won't officially recognize you and often returns entire families back to North Korea to avoid embarassing it's "little brother"



"Four years ago Congress passed legislation designed to make it easier for North Korean refugees to seek asylum in the United States but since then, only a few dozen North Koreans have been able to re-settle here."



You're from the DPRK?  When did you leave?  How old were you?  What was it like?  I'd find your stories fascinating.

Link Posted: 3/11/2009 9:26:50 PM EDT
Completely disgusting, it makes my blood boil.

My Grandfather passed away recently, he did not spend 4 years as a POW in Germany, and his younger brother did not give all his tomorrows on D-Day +3, so that this would be the Britain left to his grand-children.

If only Britain's politicians would remember why all those young British boys are forever sleeping in foreign feilds.

Keep pushing assholes, the wall isn't that much further.............
Link Posted: 3/12/2009 7:15:36 AM EDT
Silence, in this case is tacit approval.

Somehow, at the "moderate" mosques, and in the MSM, this gets constantly overlooked.
Link Posted: 3/12/2009 7:23:10 AM EDT
Shouldn't have clicked on this one...

I'm right there with you.

It's one big COC Violation waiting to happen.

Hi guys. Would you move over, please? I'd like to grab a spot in the same boat.
Link Posted: 3/12/2009 7:26:29 AM EDT
Why the Middle East is not a glass-floored, self-lighting parking lot is a continuing mystery to me.



Oh, that's easy.

It's only because I wasn't the President on 9/11/01.

I'm going to leave this thread now. Probably treading a bit too close to the CoC right now....
Link Posted: 3/12/2009 7:32:38 AM EDT
Most of those filthy muslims are on welfare.  They are nothing but subhuman trash.
Link Posted: 3/12/2009 7:32:48 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/12/2009 7:37:06 AM EDT
Oh, but those are not the ones who are terrorists.

I get tired of hearing how they are not all terrorists, yet we constantly see this type of shit rather than the opposite.

The groups protesting have definite ties to terrorists.  I don't think anyone has suggested otherwise.  However, to say they represent Islam is akin to saying the "Christians" posted above represent Christianity.

You only "constantly see this type of shit" because it sells.  

Link Posted: 3/12/2009 7:38:54 AM EDT
Good thing we don't have such despicable assholes in the US...oh wait:


Ummm...what are there, 20 or 30 of those nuts here in the US, total?

While there are 20,000 or 30,000 in the UK.

And the ones in the UK will slit throats, given the chance.

Wow, that crowd didn't look that big.  Do you have a different article?
Link Posted: 3/12/2009 7:47:34 AM EDT
Well, the goal of the terrorist shitbags is to convince the moderates that the west will never accept them, and they should join their extremist ideology.

They have been successful, thanks in part to attititudes so clearly expressed in this thread.

Again, as I have several times before, I point out this, as food for thought:

The Jihad jerkoffs are trying to do on a global level what they so successfully did for a short time in Iraq.  We have to be smarter than this, people.
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