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Link Posted: 1/1/2023 12:09:04 AM EDT
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Trump was just the door that the people used to gain control for 4 years.  Best 4 years in my lifetime.  Thats why he was such a danger, we got to see what this country could be if the dirty fucking tyrants were out of the way.  Will never happen again.
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Yes, I agree on all points. And the tyrants (big media, big tech and the Democrat Party) are not only making sure it never happens again - they are doing everything possible to get Trump punished, incarcerated.
Link Posted: 1/1/2023 12:17:19 AM EDT
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I'm sure you'll be the first to send your son over there to die, right?
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I'm sure you'll be the first to send your son over there to die, right?

Why would he send his son?  The Ukrainians are willingly taking care of business and handing the Russians their asses while you ask irrelevant rhetorical questions in a pathetic attempt to make a point.  

If you’re an American, what are you doing to actively stop your financial support for US aid to UKR?
Link Posted: 1/1/2023 12:25:31 AM EDT
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This quote is a misrepresentation. CNN cross fire show was a left and right perspective and tucker represented the right.
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Tucker was a registered Democrat from 2006-2020 and switched to Republican in 2020.

And a self proclaimed liberal:


And friends with Hunter Biden during his sex drugs rock and roll and Burisma exploits.
Link Posted: 1/1/2023 12:27:41 AM EDT
Kill your tv, don't listen to ANY MSM.
Link Posted: 1/1/2023 12:47:12 AM EDT
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That corruption is exactly why Ukrainians overthrew their Russian puppet government in 2014, leading to the invasion of Crimea. It’s why they elected Zelenskyy in 2018 to fight corruption. The people were sick of the  Burisma/Russia/Hunter Biden regime
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LoL Just the other day someone here said "we installed Zelenskyy in 2014" and went on to say when called out on that derp "Wake up sheep. You’re getting played." And the funny part is these people expect us to take them seriously.
Link Posted: 1/1/2023 12:48:48 AM EDT
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Don't you believe in all that Q bullshit?
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Link Posted: 1/1/2023 1:00:33 AM EDT
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LoL Just the other day someone here said "we installed Zelenskyy in 2014" and went on to say when called out on that derp "Wake up sheep. You’re getting played." And the funny part is these people expect us to take them seriously.
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My favorite was that Zelensky has shelled and killed 20,000 Ukrainians in breakaway territories since 2014. Like in the middle of his stage dancing and high heel dancing that people make fun of him for, he had time to go to the front lines and pull strings on artillery and then run back before dancing with the stars?
Link Posted: 1/1/2023 1:05:31 AM EDT
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My favorite was that Zelensky has shelled and killed 20,000 Ukrainians in breakaway territories since 2014. Like in the middle of his stage dancing and high heel dancing that people make fun of him for, he had time to go to the front lines and pull strings on artillery and then run back before dancing with the stars?
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Them globohomos are like Hobbits very tricksy!
Link Posted: 1/1/2023 1:07:45 AM EDT
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Attachment Attached File

Link Posted: 1/1/2023 1:09:20 AM EDT
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LOL. Tucker is "currently" a conservative on Fox. For years and years before that, he was a bow-tie wearing fuckboy liberal on CNN. Guess he fooled you with his current act. He sure as shit didn't get red pilled
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The current thing got poor Mr. ludder. SAD!

LOL. Tucker is "currently" a conservative on Fox. For years and years before that, he was a bow-tie wearing fuckboy liberal on CNN. Guess he fooled you with his current act. He sure as shit didn't get red pilled

He kisses Putin's ass so he's fucking great to a lot of people on here.
Link Posted: 1/1/2023 1:10:19 AM EDT
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LOL. Tucker is “currently” a conservative on Fox. For years and years before that, he was a bow-tie wearing fuckboy liberal on CNN. Guess he fooled you with his current act. He sure as shit didn’t get red pilled
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The current thing got poor Mr. ludder. SAD!

LOL. Tucker is “currently” a conservative on Fox. For years and years before that, he was a bow-tie wearing fuckboy liberal on CNN. Guess he fooled you with his current act. He sure as shit didn’t get red pilled

He was the conservative vs Madcow as the liberal.
Link Posted: 1/1/2023 1:11:21 AM EDT
Didn’t tucker do a few bits on the vax being a fraud and not good for people? Wonder if that’s creating a little animosity with the die hard vaxxers.
Link Posted: 1/1/2023 1:11:37 AM EDT
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Ahh yes the Russian agent. Don't ask questions or else you're a Russian stooge!
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You can ask questions, but when you have people such as Douglass macgregor and Clinton ehrlich (Moscow grad) on your show and complain about Biden corruption then email Hunter Biden about getting your kid into college..it’s pretty hypocritical
Link Posted: 1/1/2023 1:13:29 AM EDT
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Tucker was a registered Democrat from 2006-2020 and switched to Republican in 2020.

And a self proclaimed liberal:


And friends with Hunter Biden during his sex drugs rock and roll and Burisma exploits.
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This quote is a misrepresentation. CNN cross fire show was a left and right perspective and tucker represented the right.


Tucker was a registered Democrat from 2006-2020 and switched to Republican in 2020.

And a self proclaimed liberal:


And friends with Hunter Biden during his sex drugs rock and roll and Burisma exploits.

Tucker played the conservative on CNN.
Link Posted: 1/1/2023 1:14:29 AM EDT
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Link Posted: 1/1/2023 1:24:19 AM EDT
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Tucker played the conservative on CNN.
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Yeah, played a conservative act
Link Posted: 1/1/2023 1:30:33 AM EDT
Cucker Tuckerson couldn't see the truth of it came in his eye and stomped on his foot.
Link Posted: 1/1/2023 1:32:00 AM EDT
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Tucker was a registered Democrat from 2006-2020 and switched to Republican in 2020.

And a self proclaimed liberal:


And friends with Hunter Biden during his sex drugs rock and roll and Burisma exploits.
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This quote is a misrepresentation. CNN cross fire show was a left and right perspective and tucker represented the right.


Tucker was a registered Democrat from 2006-2020 and switched to Republican in 2020.

And a self proclaimed liberal:


And friends with Hunter Biden during his sex drugs rock and roll and Burisma exploits.

There is something wrong with your brain.  Did you even READ the article?  Or were you just not able to understand it?  Note that he does not say that he is A liberal.  He says that he is Liberal.  Tucker Carlson is asserting that he is a CLASSICAL LIBERAL.  (Hint: That is not synonymous with Democrat, or Progressive, or any other leftist label).  He was affirming that he believes in the fucking Bill of Rights.  Freedom.  Free Speech.  The Right To Keep And Bear Arms.

Here is the quote that you (apparently) glazed over by being unable to process the English language:

...Carlson says he’s not trying to convert his critics, and he’s perfectly OK with people taking issue with what he says. “I’m liberal, actually,” he says, reciting a list of his bedrock beliefs: “I believe in free speech. I’m suspicious of secrecy. I think that due process is vital; you know, I don’t think that everyone accused is guilty. I think I have much more in common with 1970s-era liberals than most people at The Washington Post.”

Perhaps you missed the beautiful irony.  The people at the Washington Post aren't liberals any more.  They are totalitarian marxists who actively seek to crush freedom of speech.

And furthermore--does it seem at all strange to you that Tucker Carlson can refer to Hunter Biden as someone whom he actually likes on a human level--and yet publicly and without hesitation in the next sentence clearly and unequivically and PUBLICLY ALOUD AND ON THE RECORD say that Hunter Biden is corrupt, and what he was doing in Ukraine is corrupt, and THEN--be the only television outlet that provided a platform for a personal eyewitness to that corruption (Tony Bobulinski) which should have resulted in corrution charges being filed against the entire Biden Crime Syndicate--and all the tards in this thread can focus on is that Tucker Carlson is an idiot for "losing the documents in the mail".


For the record--the documents re-surfaced within a day.  And of COURSE he had copies of the documents.  The real mystery is who intercepted them, albeit temporarily, and for what purpose.
Link Posted: 1/1/2023 1:32:39 AM EDT
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Didn’t tucker do a few bits on the vax being a fraud and not good for people? Wonder if that’s creating a little animosity with the die hard vaxxers.
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LOL. I like how you ignore every point being made in their thread about why Tucker is a fucker and then manage to be the first person to bring up the vax. If you’re referring to me, the only reason I got the vaccine was to not be discharged before I’m retirement eligible. I’m still pissed I had to get it. I caught covid a few weeks after I got the second half of the vaccine anyways so I know it doesn’t do shit.
Link Posted: 1/1/2023 1:36:17 AM EDT
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Yeah, played a conservative act
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Tucker played the conservative on CNN.

Yeah, played a conservative act

Where do you get your conservative info-tainment/commentary/etc.?

I'm genuinely curious as to who YOU think gets it right more often than Tucker Carlson.

I'd like actual names, please.
Link Posted: 1/1/2023 1:46:24 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/1/2023 1:48:19 AM EDT
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There is something wrong with your brain.  Did you even READ the article?  Or were you just not able to understand it?  Note that he does not say that he is A liberal.  He says that he is Liberal.  Tucker Carlson is asserting that he is a CLASSICAL LIBERAL.  (Hint: That is not synonymous with Democrat, or Progressive, or any other leftist label).  He was affirming that he beleives in the fucking Bill of Rights.  Freedom.  Free Speech.  The Right To Keep And Bear Arms.

Here is the quote that you (apparently) glazed over by being unable to process the English language:

...Carlson says he’s not trying to convert his critics, and he’s perfectly OK with people taking issue with what he says. “I’m liberal, actually,” he says, reciting a list of his bedrock beliefs: “I believe in free speech. I’m suspicious of secrecy. I think that due process is vital; you know, I don’t think that everyone accused is guilty. I think I have much more in common with 1970s-era liberals than most people at The Washington Post.”

And furthermore--does it seem at all strange to you that Tucker Carlson can refer to Hunter Biden as someone whome he actually likes on a human level--and yet publicly and without hesitation in the next sentence clearly and unequivically and PUBLICLY ALOUD AND ON THE RECORD say that Hunter Biden is corrupt, and what he was doing in Ukraine is corrupt, and THEN--be the only television outlet that provided a platform for a personal eyewitness to that corruption (Tony Bobulinski) which should have resulted in corrution charges being filed against the entire Biden Crime Syndicate--and all the tards in this thread can focus on is that Tucker Carlson is an idiot for "losing the documents in the mail".


For the record--the documents re-surfaced within a day.  And of COURSE he had copies of the documents.  The real mystery is who intercepted them, albeit temporarily, and for what purpose.
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You’re adding words he didn’t say while at the same time ignoring words he did. Did he say bill of rights, second amendment? Did he say classic liberal? No. You’re pushing your ideal of him on to his words. His words, were that he had more in common with 1970’s liberals. So let’s go over 1970’s liberal causes:

Women’s rights
Gay rights
Strong Organized labor
Nixon’s policy of détente with the Soviet Union
normalizing relations with communist China
Nuclear arms limiting treaties
liberalization of laws against recreational drugs
Clean air act
title IX
Link Posted: 1/1/2023 1:49:37 AM EDT
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Didn’t tucker do a few bits on the vax being a fraud and not good for people? Wonder if that’s creating a little animosity with the die hard vaxxers.
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I’m not vaccinated.

Tucker Carlson is still a stooge, however
Link Posted: 1/1/2023 1:53:46 AM EDT
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You’re adding words he didn’t say while at the same time ignoring words he did. Did he say bill of rights, second amendment? Did he say classic liberal? No. You’re pushing your ideal of him on to his words. His words, were that he had more in common with 1970’s liberals. So let’s go over 1970’s liberal causes:

Women’s rights
Gay rights
Strong Organized labor
Nixon’s policy of détente with the Soviet Union
normalizing relations with communist China
Nuclear arms limiting treaties
liberalization of laws against recreational drugs
Clean air act
title IX
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There is something wrong with your brain.  Did you even READ the article?  Or were you just not able to understand it?  Note that he does not say that he is A liberal.  He says that he is Liberal.  Tucker Carlson is asserting that he is a CLASSICAL LIBERAL.  (Hint: That is not synonymous with Democrat, or Progressive, or any other leftist label).  He was affirming that he beleives in the fucking Bill of Rights.  Freedom.  Free Speech.  The Right To Keep And Bear Arms.

Here is the quote that you (apparently) glazed over by being unable to process the English language:

...Carlson says he’s not trying to convert his critics, and he’s perfectly OK with people taking issue with what he says. “I’m liberal, actually,” he says, reciting a list of his bedrock beliefs: “I believe in free speech. I’m suspicious of secrecy. I think that due process is vital; you know, I don’t think that everyone accused is guilty. I think I have much more in common with 1970s-era liberals than most people at The Washington Post.”

And furthermore--does it seem at all strange to you that Tucker Carlson can refer to Hunter Biden as someone whome he actually likes on a human level--and yet publicly and without hesitation in the next sentence clearly and unequivically and PUBLICLY ALOUD AND ON THE RECORD say that Hunter Biden is corrupt, and what he was doing in Ukraine is corrupt, and THEN--be the only television outlet that provided a platform for a personal eyewitness to that corruption (Tony Bobulinski) which should have resulted in corrution charges being filed against the entire Biden Crime Syndicate--and all the tards in this thread can focus on is that Tucker Carlson is an idiot for "losing the documents in the mail".


For the record--the documents re-surfaced within a day.  And of COURSE he had copies of the documents.  The real mystery is who intercepted them, albeit temporarily, and for what purpose.

You’re adding words he didn’t say while at the same time ignoring words he did. Did he say bill of rights, second amendment? Did he say classic liberal? No. You’re pushing your ideal of him on to his words. His words, were that he had more in common with 1970’s liberals. So let’s go over 1970’s liberal causes:

Women’s rights
Gay rights
Strong Organized labor
Nixon’s policy of détente with the Soviet Union
normalizing relations with communist China
Nuclear arms limiting treaties
liberalization of laws against recreational drugs
Clean air act
title IX

Let's cut straight to the chase.  Your intellect is crap.  You assert that I ascribe things to Tucker Carlson that he didn't say in the article itself--then you tack on a retarded laundry list and ascribe it to him with zero factual basis.

Have a great night.

Link Posted: 1/1/2023 1:57:38 AM EDT
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Where do you get your conservative info-tainment/commentary/etc.?

I'm genuinely curious as to who YOU think gets it right more often than Tucker Carlson.

I'd like actual names, please.
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I listen to Dan Bongino from time to time. Don’t really ever watch TV. Can’t say that I really have a mainstream show like Tucker or anyone else I rely on for my misinformation
Link Posted: 1/1/2023 1:58:21 AM EDT
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I’m not vaccinated.

Tucker Carlson is still a stooge, however
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IIRC by your own admission I seem to recall you're an ethnic Ukranian or perhaps married to one?  Either way there is a UKR connection that most certainly has a lot to do with your opinon of TC and that's fine,  just need to be open eyed about your motivations.  
Link Posted: 1/1/2023 2:00:36 AM EDT
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The problem I have with Tucker is that he keeps saying things he knows are not true.  There is hyperbole and then there is simply being a puppet and tool.  He crossed that line repeatedly and it's a damn shame.
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So what you are saying is he is a Russian Stooge? lol
Link Posted: 1/1/2023 2:00:44 AM EDT
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Let's cut straight to the chase.  Your intellect is crap.  You assert that I ascribe things to Tucker Carlson that he didn't say in the article itself--then you tack on a retarded laundry list and ascribe it to him with zero factual basis.

Have a great night.

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He said in his own words that he’s similar to a 1970’s liberal. If you think a 1970’s liberal is a classic liberal who believes in small government, the second amendment, the things that are more modern conservative causes, then maybe you just don’t know what a 1970’s liberal is
Link Posted: 1/1/2023 2:02:54 AM EDT
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Tucker was a registered Democrat from 2006-2020 and switched to Republican in 2020.

And a self proclaimed liberal:


And friends with Hunter Biden during his sex drugs rock and roll and Burisma exploits.
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classic liberalism isn't terrible.

he got you.

classic liberalism
Link Posted: 1/1/2023 2:06:34 AM EDT
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He said in his own words that he’s similar to a 1970’s liberal. If you think a 1970’s liberal is a classic liberal who believes in small government, the second amendment, the things that are more modern conservative causes, then maybe you just don’t know what a 1970’s liberal is
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Or Tucker doesn't or you guys new/know of different types of "70's liberals".
Link Posted: 1/1/2023 2:11:22 AM EDT
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classic liberalism isn't terrible.

he got you.

classic liberalism
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“Republican leaders will have to acknowledge that market capitalism is not a religion. Market capitalism is a tool, like a staple gun or a toaster. You’d have to be a fool to worship it. Our system was created by human beings for the benefit of human beings. We do not exist to serve markets. Just the opposite. Any economic system that weakens and destroys families is not worth having. A system like that is the enemy of a healthy society.”
-Tucker Carlson
Link Posted: 1/1/2023 2:14:41 AM EDT
I watch Tucker every night.
I fast-forward through the Russia-Ukraine shit.

I agree with him 100% of what I see.
Link Posted: 1/1/2023 2:33:53 AM EDT
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“Republican leaders will have to acknowledge that market capitalism is not a religion. Market capitalism is a tool, like a staple gun or a toaster. You’d have to be a fool to worship it. Our system was created by human beings for the benefit of human beings. We do not exist to serve markets. Just the opposite. Any economic system that weakens and destroys families is not worth having. A system like that is the enemy of a healthy society.”
-Tucker Carlson
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He's not wrong.  

Exporting the vast majority of our manufacturing capability, much of it critical, in the name of absolute maximization of the bottom line is a foolish move when it comes to the strength and stability of this country.  Exporting all those good and decent jobs formerly held by good and decent people certainly does not help with the stability of the American family.

Link Posted: 1/1/2023 2:42:45 AM EDT
"How Trump Caused Tucker Carlson to See The Truth"
What "truth" did Trump cause him to see?
Link Posted: 1/1/2023 2:48:05 AM EDT
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Link Posted: 1/1/2023 2:49:31 AM EDT
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I made it in before the Democrat misinformation team
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Link Posted: 1/1/2023 2:51:54 AM EDT
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Yeah, played a conservative act
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Tucker played the conservative on CNN.

Yeah, played a conservative act

That’s not what you said earlier.

Everyone on TV is playing a role.

When he debated Madcow she played a very reasonable liberal. Now she plays an insane leftist.
Link Posted: 1/1/2023 2:53:41 AM EDT
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Cucker Tuckerson couldn't see the truth of it came in his eye and stomped on his foot.
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lol, good one...
Link Posted: 1/1/2023 6:23:30 PM EDT
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He said in his own words that he’s similar to a 1970’s liberal. If you think a 1970’s liberal is a classic liberal who believes in small government, the second amendment, the things that are more modern conservative causes, then maybe you just don’t know what a 1970’s liberal is
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Let's cut straight to the chase.  Your intellect is crap.  You assert that I ascribe things to Tucker Carlson that he didn't say in the article itself--then you tack on a retarded laundry list and ascribe it to him with zero factual basis.

Have a great night.

He said in his own words that he’s similar to a 1970’s liberal. If you think a 1970’s liberal is a classic liberal who believes in small government, the second amendment, the things that are more modern conservative causes, then maybe you just don’t know what a 1970’s liberal is

Actually I know exactly what a 1970's liberal stood for.  And you once again fail to understand the nuances of the english language.  Similar to.  Similar to a 1970's liberal.  What were the issues which energized 1970's liberals? America had just wrapped up a fruitless losing decade-long quagmire in South-East Asia after wasting billions (sound familiar?) They saw themselves as trying to reign in a Military Industrial Complex which had begun to wield FAR too much power in dictating American foreign policy, an American foreign policy which was only too willing to shed American blood and treasure in useless quagmires, and which (investigation revealed) was not above domestic and false-flag operations to create public sympathy/propaganda cover for its goals and objectives.  (Sound familiar?)  They deeply distrusted both the CIA and the FBI, which they saw it as a direct threat to democracy. (Sound familiar?).

Hmmmmmmm.  What does Tucker Carlson think about foreign money-pit wars and the intelligence apparatus driving domestic perceptions and politics?  If only we knew.

How's that for a start?
Link Posted: 1/1/2023 11:03:58 PM EDT
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I’m not vaccinated.

Tucker Carlson is still a stooge, however
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Didn’t tucker do a few bits on the vax being a fraud and not good for people? Wonder if that’s creating a little animosity with the die hard vaxxers.

I’m not vaccinated.

Tucker Carlson is still a stooge, however

Didn't you claim to be active duty?....how did you get by without the required jab?
Link Posted: 1/2/2023 12:03:35 AM EDT
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We never ran out of diesel.
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The problem I have with Tucker is that he keeps saying things he knows are not true.  There is hyperbole and then there is simply being a puppet and tool.  He crossed that line repeatedly and it's a damn shame.

We never ran out of diesel.

What the Blue Fnck am I supposed to do with four trashcans and 6 trashbags around full of Diesel (that Tucker told me to neckbeard because it would be "worth more than .22LR when the Diesel is All Gone!!

Link Posted: 1/3/2023 6:38:48 AM EDT
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Didn't you claim to be active duty?....how did you get by without the required jab?
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You're saying people who were opposed to it on religious grounds have all been discharged? That those with religious exemptions have already been booted?
Link Posted: 1/3/2023 6:50:44 AM EDT
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I'm sure you'll be the first to send your son over there to die, right?
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I'm sure you'll be the first to send your son over there to die, right?

So sending over weapons to Ukraine to let THEM fight off the russian scum is basicly sending over your offspring?

Link Posted: 1/3/2023 7:02:12 AM EDT
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Didn’t tucker do a few bits on the vax being a fraud and not good for people? Wonder if that’s creating a little animosity with the die hard vaxxers.
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Attachment Attached File

Pureblood here, fuck TC, Fuck VP, Fuck JB/KH/BHO/MikeO/DNC/GOPe and all the putin c0cksuckers
Link Posted: 1/3/2023 7:31:45 AM EDT
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If Trump doesn't win we are lost as a nation .

That's a fact . He might not be able to stop it anyways but he will slow down the decline
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I agree. The swamp will swallow up everyone else.
Link Posted: 1/3/2023 8:36:23 AM EDT
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Tucker is a complete fuckhead for “losing” the hunter Biden files in the mail. But it makes sense when you learn that tucker begged hunter to help get his kid in to Georgetown U
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Controlled opposition rage-baiter.
Link Posted: 1/3/2023 10:17:12 AM EDT
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So sending over weapons to Ukraine to let THEM fight off the russian scum is basicly sending over your offspring?

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He’s so emotionally attached to those weapons in an army warehouse he never heard of he considers them “his sons”.

Right @dale007
Link Posted: 1/3/2023 3:43:10 PM EDT
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Controlled opposition rage-baiter.
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Tucker is a complete fuckhead for “losing” the hunter Biden files in the mail. But it makes sense when you learn that tucker begged hunter to help get his kid in to Georgetown U

Controlled opposition rage-baiter.

Wow.  A lot to unpack, there.  Except that none of it has any logical consistency.

Assertion 1:  Tucker is a complete fuckhead for “losing” the hunter Biden files in the mail.

Assertion 2:  But it makes sense...(oh does it)

Assertion 3:  ...when you learn that tucker begged hunter to help get his kid in to Georgetown U.

1) The Tony Bobulinski documents weren't "mailed".  If I recall correctly they were sent FEDEX overnight/Early AM delivery.  The package should have been accountable (if not accounted for) at every step of the delivery.  That it was (somehow) NOT accounted for prompted an internal investigation with the carrier.  If (again) I recall correctly, there was some innuendo that somehow/perhaps the FEDs tampered with the delivery--which SHOULD be absolutely unthinkable, but in this political climate, unfortunately, isn't--because we're becoming a Bannana Republic.

2) You undoubtedly know that Tucker's son ultimately decided not to attend Georgetown.  Right?

3) I've noticed that anti-Tucker tards all seem to think that they're very sharp knives indeed calling Tucker Carlson "controlled opposition".  And to you and your Brain Trust, somehow Tucker Carlson being "controlled opposition" explains why "the documents went missing".  But how did the missing documents being "found" again "help" the "opposition", exactly?  Or is your confused thought process best explained by the possibility that maybe you drink too much?

4)  And lastly--but definitely not leastly--do tell me something.  What exactly would Tucker Carlson be doing differently--if only he WASN'T "controlled opposition".  What stories WOULD he be reporting that he is not NOW reporting?
Where would he be shining the light of his unique and lonely commentary--if only he WASN'T "controlled opposition".  Please do tell me.
Link Posted: 1/3/2023 5:34:45 PM EDT
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He’s so emotionally attached to those weapons in an army warehouse he never heard of he considers them “his sons”.

Right @dale007
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So sending over weapons to Ukraine to let THEM fight off the russian scum is basicly sending over your offspring?

He’s so emotionally attached to those weapons in an army warehouse he never heard of he considers them “his sons”.

Right @dale007

Vietnam war started with supplying weapons and then advisors. Looks eerily similar. But don't make the mistake of accusing me to be a Putin butt boy. I grew up under the Cold war and despise Communists and Russians in particular
Link Posted: 1/3/2023 5:38:38 PM EDT
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There are still a few people that don’t believe Donald Trump won the last election.
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And Tucker is only one of them when he's under oath.
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