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Link Posted: 7/27/2008 4:05:40 AM EDT

Sorry my qualification badge looks so crappy but it's been laying around since the 80's.

We had to run an assault course.  You had to be able to accurately throw the grenade at a bunch of different targets.  Troops in open,  foxholes, pill boxes, etc.  When I did it (early 80's) we ran two of us at a time.  One guy covering the other.

We only threw 2 live grenades.
Link Posted: 7/27/2008 4:11:24 AM EDT
sharpshooter rifle and expert grenade out of basic, the next rifle qual I got expert
Link Posted: 7/27/2008 4:12:52 AM EDT
Expert 3rd award- M16A2 service rifle

Marksman- M9 POS

and I didn't blow myself up with the frag...must have qualified
Link Posted: 7/27/2008 4:18:23 AM EDT
Expert Rifle - shot a 40 offhand to the amazment of the DI's.

Grenades, however, aren't designed for left handed people. ;-)
Link Posted: 7/27/2008 4:18:26 AM EDT
Expert in rifle. grenade in basic...and rifle every other time I qualified....

What I hated was when I went and qualified after checking my zero and some times I would get 39 and not 40 first time go then have some on e get a 40 and talk shit but they fired the course 5-6 times......

B 3/321 Ft Sill OCT 1995 it is now 1/40
Link Posted: 7/27/2008 10:28:21 AM EDT

Expert Rifle - shot a 40 offhand to the amazment of the DI's.

Grenades, however, aren't designed for left handed people. ;-)

Aren't you supposed to hold and throw them upside-down?
Link Posted: 7/27/2008 10:31:35 AM EDT
In training I qualified expert on grenades and sharpshooter with the M16. I moved to expert with the rifle after I made it to my unit.
Link Posted: 7/27/2008 10:31:45 AM EDT
In training I qualified expert on grenades and sharpshooter with the M16. I moved to expert with the rifle after I made it to my unit.
Link Posted: 7/27/2008 10:33:49 AM EDT


Plus X-Pert MG, Pistol, Mortar and M203 when I got to permanent party.   Can't wear them all according to regs.  

Who would want to? Only qual badge we wore was for our rifles. Even if you had other qualifications you didnt wear them unless you wanted to be called a cherry.
Link Posted: 7/27/2008 10:39:38 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/27/2008 10:44:11 AM EDT

Air Force Small Arms Expert Marksmanship Ribbon

No Gurnades,
Link Posted: 7/27/2008 10:45:39 AM EDT
In the USN we just pulled the pin on the grenades and chucked them off the side of the ship.  I hit the water every time so I guess that makes me an expert

Expert on M-14, M-16, and M-9
Link Posted: 7/27/2008 10:48:33 AM EDT
I hit 41 out of 40 on the rifle range

Link Posted: 7/27/2008 10:48:40 AM EDT



Plus X-Pert MG, Pistol, Mortar and M203 when I got to permanent party.   Can't wear them all according to regs.  

Who would want to? Only qual badge we wore was for our rifles. Even if you had other qualifications you didnt wear them unless you wanted to be called a cherry.

you can wear up to three per badge if its been less than six months since you qualified.  you can wear a total of 9 if you have 3 quals in each category.  i agree though, its stupid to wear grenade badges, as basic is the only place you will ever qualify in that, unless maybe you do it for EIB.  

i wear expert rifle and pistol, wore grenade too fresh out of basic.  im qualified to wear expert M203 and M240 too, but i never even bought them.  i probably wont even wear my class a's again before they expire.

I hit 41 out of 40 on the rifle range

i shot 36 out of 30 on the M9 range in basic.  double tapping at some ranges counts.

Link Posted: 7/27/2008 10:55:14 AM EDT

i agree though, its stupid to wear grenade badges, as basic is the only place you will ever qualify in that, unless maybe you do it for EIB.  

i wear expert rifle and pistol, wore grenade too fresh out of basic.  im qualified to wear expert M203 and M240 too, but i dont.

I personaly didnt care to wear anything but the rifle tab. I've also thrown a few other things on, but always got the PX ranger feel from the guys that had marksmanship ladders that looked like hash marks on the SGM's sleeve.

Of course, I was also the guy that wore the actual crest for my true regimental affliation, not simply the one in the unit was in at the time. That was always fun to explain during Class A inspections.
Link Posted: 7/27/2008 1:04:35 PM EDT
Got expert with both.  Shot the highest in the company on BRM.
Link Posted: 7/27/2008 1:12:42 PM EDT
I think I was the only Marine around who set off more claymores then thrown grenades!!!  

I threw 3 live grenades while I was in.
Link Posted: 7/27/2008 1:51:22 PM EDT
Expert in both although the rifle really surprised me because I had struggled so much up to that point. Something just clicked and I never had a problem qualifying after that.
Link Posted: 7/27/2008 2:05:05 PM EDT
Expert rifle, Expert grenades (Basic)

Expert Pistol, Expert Rifle, (Actually had Expert M203 on my class As for about two years until a new CSM almost had a heart attack and nixed me wearing it (1st Cav).

I have qualified or have extensive range time with.

Mark-19, M-2, M249, M240, M24.  I have thrown maybe a 100 grenades on the range and have fired 5 claymores

I have dropped Mortar rounds and have fired the 25mm on the Brad.

Being a medic allows for many, many ,many range opportunities.
Link Posted: 7/27/2008 2:08:50 PM EDT


i agree though, its stupid to wear grenade badges, as basic is the only place you will ever qualify in that, unless maybe you do it for EIB.  

i wear expert rifle and pistol, wore grenade too fresh out of basic.  im qualified to wear expert M203 and M240 too, but i dont.

I personaly didnt care to wear anything but the rifle tab. I've also thrown a few other things on, but always got the PX ranger feel from the guys that had marksmanship ladders that looked like hash marks on the SGM's sleeve.

Of course, I was also the guy that wore the actual crest for my true regimental affliation, not simply the one in the unit was in at the time. That was always fun to explain during Class A inspections.
My battalion use to take the scouts and the dismounts to the grenade range at least twice a year.  I have been to the grenade range more times than I can count.

Link Posted: 7/27/2008 2:12:40 PM EDT
M16 - Sharpshooter, Grenade - Expert.

Link Posted: 7/27/2008 2:13:05 PM EDT
I was a 19K, I got expert on all 3(m16, m9, and grenade) There was only 2 of us in my OSUT that got expert with the grenade. Hell they didn't even tell us that we were being graded for a badge until it was done
Link Posted: 7/27/2008 2:14:48 PM EDT
I have fired the M-9 on the range so many times that I bet I could make expert blindfolded.

Link Posted: 7/27/2008 2:20:21 PM EDT


i did expert on all 3...rifle, grenade, and pistol.


+1.   fwiw- The grenade qualification range was just a small series of fake bunkers that you lobbed inert grenades at (they had fuses).  You were graded based on how close you could lob the grenade to the objective.

We threw a couple live ones at a different time and place, but that one wasn't graded, except  sat/unsat.   There was a tiny Vietnamese kid that somehow managed to throw a live grenade almost straight up, so that it landed directly on the other side of the concrete wall.  He got kicked out for that one.  It was a shame, because he was a nice kid, but I certainly would not have wanted him covering my back in a firefight.
Link Posted: 7/27/2008 2:20:50 PM EDT

i did expert on all 3...rifle, grenade, and pistol.


Same here.
Link Posted: 7/27/2008 2:23:37 PM EDT
I almost got the chance to fire a live stinger at drones.  It was an ADA range I was working and I never begged a Range NCO or Range Officer more in my life.  I almost got the chance but it got nixed due to the cost of each shot so I only got to watch.

That was the one range I really wanted a go at.
Link Posted: 7/27/2008 2:33:50 PM EDT



Marines don't qualify with grenades?


correct.. in boot camp.. Marines are expected to be able to throw a grenade

its not that it wasnt addressed.. we just didbt get flair to add on our uniforms for basic stuff

I tend to give Marines my utmost respect , don't get me wrong.
- You all are the first responders of the military.

Is That why they played a SUPPORT role in the invasion of Iraq?
Link Posted: 7/27/2008 2:34:40 PM EDT




Marines don't qualify with grenades?


correct.. in boot camp.. Marines are expected to be able to throw a grenade

its not that it wasnt addressed.. we just didbt get flair to add on our uniforms for basic stuff

I tend to give Marines my utmost respect , don't get me wrong.
- You all are the first responders of the military.

Is That why they played a SUPPORT role in the invasion of Iraq?

Link Posted: 7/27/2008 2:40:00 PM EDT

Expert in both although the rifle really surprised me because I had struggled so much up to that point. Something just clicked and I never had a problem qualifying after that.

LOL, it wasn't a "click" it was the "twak" from the range rod!
Link Posted: 7/27/2008 2:46:11 PM EDT

The wash out question got me to thinking.In  my company (basic-roughly 200) there were 7 guys to do both. About 3.5%. How did you fare?

This is ARFcom.  Everyone is qualified Super-Secret Ultimate Master of every weapon.
Link Posted: 7/27/2008 3:02:30 PM EDT


The wash out question got me to thinking.In  my company (basic-roughly 200) there were 7 guys to do both. About 3.5%. How did you fare?

This is ARFcom.  Everyone is qualified Super-Secret Ultimate Master of every weapon.
Thats not true in all cases.  I will say this I got expert with the M203 but for some fucked up reason I suck with a Mark-19.  I suck so much the scout E-7 platoon daddy said to his scouts jokingly once " if that medic ever gets onto a Mark-19 shoot him he is more dangerous to use than the enemy".

I made up for it with my prowess with a M-2.  Still I can barely qualify with a Mark-19.
Link Posted: 7/27/2008 4:03:16 PM EDT



The wash out question got me to thinking.In  my company (basic-roughly 200) there were 7 guys to do both. About 3.5%. How did you fare?

This is ARFcom.  Everyone is qualified Super-Secret Ultimate Master of every weapon.
Thats not true in all cases.  I will say this I got expert with the M203 but for some fucked up reason I suck with a Mark-19.  I suck so much the scout E-7 platoon daddy said to his scouts jokingly once " if that medic ever gets onto a Mark-19 shoot him he is more dangerous to use than the enemy".

I made up for it with my prowess with a M-2.  Still I can barely qualify with a Mark-19.

i can shoot a LOT of US weapons.  most of them are just fam fire ranges though, so no quals on your ERB.  

the one thing i hated about the grenade range in basic, was that it was march at fort knox.  so....it was freezing at 5am when we started out road march to the grenade range, and like 95 degrees out when we got there.  we had to run the course with all the shit we had on.  polypros, acu's, field jacket, OTV and molle...

i dont know how i managed to qualify on that range.  i could barely move my arm past my shoulder with all that shit on.
Link Posted: 7/27/2008 4:14:17 PM EDT

the one thing i hated about the grenade range in basic, was that it was march at fort knox.  so....it was freezing at 5am when we started out road march to the grenade range, and like 95 degrees out when we got there.  we had to run the course with all the shit we had on.  polypros, acu's, field jacket, OTV and molle...

i dont know how i managed to qualify on that range.  i could barely move my arm past my shoulder with all that shit on.

YOu were allowed to roadmarch with polypro on?
Link Posted: 7/27/2008 4:19:08 PM EDT


the one thing i hated about the grenade range in basic, was that it was march at fort knox.  so....it was freezing at 5am when we started out road march to the grenade range, and like 95 degrees out when we got there.  we had to run the course with all the shit we had on.  polypros, acu's, field jacket, OTV and molle...

i dont know how i managed to qualify on that range.  i could barely move my arm past my shoulder with all that shit on.

YOu were allowed to roadmarch with polypro on?

nope, but it was so cold some mornings we did it anyway.  we just put it over our tshirts instead of on our skin.  we started feeling it bigtime around noon though, even just the lights.

i hate polypros now.  in iraq they didnt do shit to stop the cold, and we froze our asses off because our goretex was just as useless.  the field jacket in basic is the only thing that really kept me warm.
Link Posted: 7/27/2008 4:23:26 PM EDT


nope, but it was so cold some mornings we did it anyway.  we just put it over our tshirts instead of on our skin.  we started feeling it bigtime around noon though, even just the lights.

i hate polypros now.  in iraq they didnt do shit to stop the cold, and we froze our asses off because our goretex was just as useless.  the field jacket in basic is the only thing that really kept me warm.

Heavyweight polypro was the shit when doing static stuff. If we were doing patrols,movement to contact, etc I might wear just a sleep shirt; but typically went with BDUs/tshirt
Link Posted: 7/27/2008 4:32:40 PM EDT



nope, but it was so cold some mornings we did it anyway.  we just put it over our tshirts instead of on our skin.  we started feeling it bigtime around noon though, even just the lights.

i hate polypros now.  in iraq they didnt do shit to stop the cold, and we froze our asses off because our goretex was just as useless.  the field jacket in basic is the only thing that really kept me warm.

Heavyweight polypro was the shit when doing static stuff. If we were doing patrols,movement to contact, etc I might wear just a sleep shirt; but typically went with BDUs/tshirt

doing static stuff in DEC/JAN in iraq like tower or gate guard on the outpost i could never get warm with polypros.  we used to wear winter PTs under our uniforms and the silkweights.  on patrol i was the gunner so I was always the coldest but i generally kept to just silkweights and a neck gaitor.  i couldnt ever move with a goretex under my OTV, and it didnt keep me very warm anyway.
Link Posted: 7/27/2008 4:36:05 PM EDT
expert pistol, but only sharpshooter rifle.

I'm not sure if the navy even has a qual for grenades hehe

Link Posted: 7/27/2008 4:39:27 PM EDT
Perfect score with M-16 and Handgrenade. Pistol = Marksman
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