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Posted: 12/12/2020 7:48:37 PM EDT
I feel like the history we're living through sheds a little light on the history I've read.  

The oversimplification of ...... "It was over slavery duh" is what we're living.

Years of building tensions over a multitude of issues that will undoubtedly boil over eventually.....    History may well pin it on 1 thing again, but I don't think that's the case.  If unrest broke out in the streets tomorrow,
no two people would have the exact same answer for why. The victors write the official history. We're fighting communists while they call us fascists..... In the end you vilify the other side however you need to.  

The lawlessness of our ruling class on both sides of the aisle has taken me down this path.  They treat our government as theatre & take turns stealing our livelihood & freedoms. It scares & saddens me, but  I want more for my son.  I don't doubt that many feel the way I do.

Only question left is which pin prick will be the last?

Will there be another Gavrilo Princip who can't possibly fathom the consequence of what he's done.
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 7:53:25 PM EDT
I thought the underling reason was northern states were trying to push the less populated southern states  around. Sorth of like right now, you have certain northern states trying to push the others around.
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 7:55:15 PM EDT
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I thought the underling reason was northern states were trying to push the less populated southern states  around. Sorth of like right now, you have certain northern states trying to push the others around.
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California is a northern state?
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 7:57:03 PM EDT
South Carolina started it.

Gotta keep an eye on them.
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 7:57:55 PM EDT
It wasn't about slavery, the American revolution and civil war were about economics and representation.

The South was being tariffed heavily by the North, which was also undermining the very foundation of their economy, cheap human labor.

With the North seeking to end slavery, the south was between a rock and a hard place.

These things never end well when men are backed into a corner.

In our current situation, we're going down the same path with the Green New Deal garbage and the existential threat it poses to the fossil fuel industries and everything that depends on them. The dems basically want to impoverish everyone so they can stay in control forever, lording over the remnants of our once great civilization.

They are usurpers and tyrants and the sooner we kick this thing off, the better.
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 7:58:13 PM EDT
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I thought the underling reason was northern states were trying to push the less populated southern states  around. Sorth of like right now, you have certain northern states trying to push the others around.
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You're correct, slavery only became the mantra after the south was handling its shit.
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 7:58:16 PM EDT
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California is a northern state?
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compared to you, who wasnt a state back then? no

for us? yep.

Link Posted: 12/12/2020 7:58:20 PM EDT
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South Carolina started it.

Gotta keep an eye on them.
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Coordinates are probably off 200 years ago. Irs actually GA now where all the fraud is
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 7:59:14 PM EDT
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California is a northern state?
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it sure as hell ain't Dixie

Link Posted: 12/12/2020 8:01:31 PM EDT
fake news starts a lot of wars

sadly the false accuser rarely goes punished.
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 8:03:17 PM EDT
Animal House is a good documentary.
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 8:04:15 PM EDT
Civil War 2 started by China
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 8:05:41 PM EDT
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California is a northern state?
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I thought the underling reason was northern states were trying to push the less populated southern states  around. Sorth of like right now, you have certain northern states trying to push the others around.

California is a northern state?

Today, it's the ultra-dense cities trying to push everything that's not a city around.
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 8:05:54 PM EDT
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South Carolina started it.

Gotta keep an eye on them.
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The first shot on Sumter
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 8:06:46 PM EDT
Great post OP.

Both sides are operating on a different set of perceived facts at this point, so both are right from their point of view.  That is very dangerous.
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 8:07:51 PM EDT
Nothing will happen as long as the power is still on and peoples Call of Duty game still works.  That is the reality of it.
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 8:08:46 PM EDT
Your great great grandchildren will probably read that it was over (some bullshit reason that oversimplifies the complex dynamics you've described in the OP)
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 8:13:23 PM EDT
The last CW did not from cold to hot until the south started their own treasury and banking system....
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 8:13:40 PM EDT
History is written by the winners.
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 8:18:30 PM EDT
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It wasn't about slavery, the American revolution and civil war were about economics and representation.

The South was being tariffed heavily by the North, which was also undermining the very foundation of their economy, cheap human labor.

With the North seeking to end slavery, the south was between a rock and a hard place.

These things never end well when men are backed into a corner.

In our current situation, we're going down the same path with the Green New Deal garbage and the existential threat it poses to the fossil fuel industries and everything that depends on them. The dems basically want to impoverish everyone so they can stay in control forever, lording over the remnants of our once great civilization.

They are usupers and tyrants and the sooner we kick this thing off, the better.
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it was about economics. once there were enough non-slave states in the union, and this was inevitable as america spread westward and territories were admitted into the union as states, it was only a matter of time until non-slave states outnumbered slaves states and slavery would be outlawed in congress, destroying the economic base of the agrarian south. so yes they were pushed into a corner and were sorely pissed off at the coming imposition that the rest of the country would impose on the south so they sought to leave before that happened.

folks on this forum are pissed mostly because they think the rest of the country is going to take their guns away. that and more government meddling in a citizens everyday life whilst imposing things lots of folks dont like. but the reality is, taking your guns away (assuming that happens and its a long shot) and a some progressive, liberal laws do not approach the level of having your entire economic basis for a region destroyed. but many folks are caught up in that black fantasy and they see the demise of trump as the sign of impending doom, which is actually pretty silly.
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 8:18:38 PM EDT
I think you can boil it down to one issue easily.  Control versus freedom.
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 8:18:47 PM EDT
From what I gather, the damn yankee's were trying to force their will upon us southern folks and they underestimated our resolve. If you live in Florida you know what I'm talking about.

Link Posted: 12/12/2020 8:19:40 PM EDT
Now it is, but during the civil war it was split. The largest Confederate volunteer unit outside of the South was raised by the sheriff of LA county. Unless you count the Native Americans, there were tons of them allied to the Confederacy,
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 8:21:31 PM EDT
Public opinion is easily swayed by the media. I remember reading about Senator McCarthy's "witch hunt" for communists in the 50's. How it was a disgraceful period in our history etc. Looking at it today it appears Senator McCarthy may have been right all along.
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 8:21:48 PM EDT
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it was about economics. once there were enough non-slave states in the union, and this was inevitable as america spread westward and territories were admitted into the union as states, it was only a matter of time until non-slave states outnumbered slaves states and slavery would be outlawed in congress, destroying the economic base of the agrarian south. so yes they were pushed into a corner and were sorely pissed off at the coming imposition that the rest of the country would impose on the south so they sought to leave before that happened.

folks on this forum are pissed mostly because they think the rest of the country is going to take their guns away. that and more government meddling in a citizens everyday life whilst imposing things lots of folks dont like. but the reality is, taking your guns away (assuming that happens and its a long shot) and a some progressive, liberal laws do not approach the level of having your entire economic basis for a region destroyed. but many folks are caught up in that black fantasy and they see the demise of trump as the sign of impending doom, which is actually pretty silly.
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It wasn't about slavery, the American revolution and civil war were about economics and representation.

The South was being tariffed heavily by the North, which was also undermining the very foundation of their economy, cheap human labor.

With the North seeking to end slavery, the south was between a rock and a hard place.

These things never end well when men are backed into a corner.

In our current situation, we're going down the same path with the Green New Deal garbage and the existential threat it poses to the fossil fuel industries and everything that depends on them. The dems basically want to impoverish everyone so they can stay in control forever, lording over the remnants of our once great civilization.

They are usupers and tyrants and the sooner we kick this thing off, the better.

it was about economics. once there were enough non-slave states in the union, and this was inevitable as america spread westward and territories were admitted into the union as states, it was only a matter of time until non-slave states outnumbered slaves states and slavery would be outlawed in congress, destroying the economic base of the agrarian south. so yes they were pushed into a corner and were sorely pissed off at the coming imposition that the rest of the country would impose on the south so they sought to leave before that happened.

folks on this forum are pissed mostly because they think the rest of the country is going to take their guns away. that and more government meddling in a citizens everyday life whilst imposing things lots of folks dont like. but the reality is, taking your guns away (assuming that happens and its a long shot) and a some progressive, liberal laws do not approach the level of having your entire economic basis for a region destroyed. but many folks are caught up in that black fantasy and they see the demise of trump as the sign of impending doom, which is actually pretty silly.

Tell that to oilfield workers in West Texas.
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 8:22:52 PM EDT
"The contest is not over, the strife is not ended. It has only entered upon a new and enlarged arena. The principle for which we contend is bound to reassert itself, though it may be at another time and in another form." Jefferson Davis
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 8:23:04 PM EDT
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it sure as hell ain't Dixie

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You rang...

Attachment Attached File

Link Posted: 12/12/2020 8:23:11 PM EDT
A corrupt overreaching government?

The difference is this time most of the people on the other side dont think its ok to leave
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 8:24:03 PM EDT
Oh, not this crap again.
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 8:24:20 PM EDT
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Tell that to oilfield workers in West Texas.
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It wasn't about slavery, the American revolution and civil war were about economics and representation.

The South was being tariffed heavily by the North, which was also undermining the very foundation of their economy, cheap human labor.

With the North seeking to end slavery, the south was between a rock and a hard place.

These things never end well when men are backed into a corner.

In our current situation, we're going down the same path with the Green New Deal garbage and the existential threat it poses to the fossil fuel industries and everything that depends on them. The dems basically want to impoverish everyone so they can stay in control forever, lording over the remnants of our once great civilization.

They are usupers and tyrants and the sooner we kick this thing off, the better.

it was about economics. once there were enough non-slave states in the union, and this was inevitable as america spread westward and territories were admitted into the union as states, it was only a matter of time until non-slave states outnumbered slaves states and slavery would be outlawed in congress, destroying the economic base of the agrarian south. so yes they were pushed into a corner and were sorely pissed off at the coming imposition that the rest of the country would impose on the south so they sought to leave before that happened.

folks on this forum are pissed mostly because they think the rest of the country is going to take their guns away. that and more government meddling in a citizens everyday life whilst imposing things lots of folks dont like. but the reality is, taking your guns away (assuming that happens and its a long shot) and a some progressive, liberal laws do not approach the level of having your entire economic basis for a region destroyed. but many folks are caught up in that black fantasy and they see the demise of trump as the sign of impending doom, which is actually pretty silly.

Tell that to oilfield workers in West Texas.

Tell it to the Chinamen in the California gold mines and railroads.
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 8:24:24 PM EDT
no two people would have the exact same answer for why. The victors write the official history. We're fighting communists while they call us fascists..... In the end you vilify the other side however you need to.  
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Well that's true, except for almost every right wing coup and civil war victory

Franco man bad, etc.
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 8:27:54 PM EDT
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it was about economics. once there were enough non-slave states in the union, and this was inevitable as america spread westward and territories were admitted into the union as states, it was only a matter of time until non-slave states outnumbered slaves states and slavery would be outlawed in congress, destroying the economic base of the agrarian south. so yes they were pushed into a corner and were sorely pissed off at the coming imposition that the rest of the country would impose on the south so they sought to leave before that happened.

folks on this forum are pissed mostly because they think the rest of the country is going to take their guns away. that and more government meddling in a citizens everyday life whilst imposing things lots of folks dont like. but the reality is, taking your guns away (assuming that happens and its a long shot) and a some progressive, liberal laws do not approach the level of having your entire economic basis for a region destroyed. but many folks are caught up in that black fantasy and they see the demise of trump as the sign of impending doom, which is actually pretty silly.
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Ok comrade.
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 8:28:42 PM EDT
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Tell it to the Chinamen in the California gold mines and railroads.
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Tell it to the textile workers around this country out of work, they got 4 or 5 kids and can’t pay their wages, can’t buy their food. Tell that to the auto workers are out of work and they tell ‘em go home.
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 8:31:56 PM EDT
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it was about economics. once there were enough non-slave states in the union, and this was inevitable as america spread westward and territories were admitted into the union as states, it was only a matter of time until non-slave states outnumbered slaves states and slavery would be outlawed in congress, destroying the economic base of the agrarian south. so yes they were pushed into a corner and were sorely pissed off at the coming imposition that the rest of the country would impose on the south so they sought to leave before that happened.

folks on this forum are pissed mostly because they think the rest of the country is going to take their guns away. that and more government meddling in a citizens everyday life whilst imposing things lots of folks dont like. but the reality is, taking your guns away (assuming that happens and its a long shot) and a some progressive, liberal laws do not approach the level of having your entire economic basis for a region destroyed. but many folks are caught up in that black fantasy and they see the demise of trump as the sign of impending doom, which is actually pretty silly.
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Green new deal, 40% capital gains tax, raising corporate income tax to highest in the world, unlimited immigration, unfair trade agreements, and whatnot is not a fantasy.  It would be silly to think the economy would just blissfully roll along.
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 8:32:13 PM EDT
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Tell it to the Chinamen in the California gold mines and railroads.
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It wasn't about slavery, the American revolution and civil war were about economics and representation.

The South was being tariffed heavily by the North, which was also undermining the very foundation of their economy, cheap human labor.

With the North seeking to end slavery, the south was between a rock and a hard place.

These things never end well when men are backed into a corner.

In our current situation, we're going down the same path with the Green New Deal garbage and the existential threat it poses to the fossil fuel industries and everything that depends on them. The dems basically want to impoverish everyone so they can stay in control forever, lording over the remnants of our once great civilization.

They are usupers and tyrants and the sooner we kick this thing off, the better.

it was about economics. once there were enough non-slave states in the union, and this was inevitable as america spread westward and territories were admitted into the union as states, it was only a matter of time until non-slave states outnumbered slaves states and slavery would be outlawed in congress, destroying the economic base of the agrarian south. so yes they were pushed into a corner and were sorely pissed off at the coming imposition that the rest of the country would impose on the south so they sought to leave before that happened.

folks on this forum are pissed mostly because they think the rest of the country is going to take their guns away. that and more government meddling in a citizens everyday life whilst imposing things lots of folks dont like. but the reality is, taking your guns away (assuming that happens and its a long shot) and a some progressive, liberal laws do not approach the level of having your entire economic basis for a region destroyed. but many folks are caught up in that black fantasy and they see the demise of trump as the sign of impending doom, which is actually pretty silly.

Tell that to oilfield workers in West Texas.

Tell it to the Chinamen in the California gold mines and railroads.

Please explain your point. Those people came here of their own free will and I suspect many of them became quite successful from the sweat of their brows.

Shutting down a whole industry to combat "Global Warming" while other 3rd world shitholes continue to burn whatever the fuck they want (China, India, BFE) is nothing more than wealth redistribution and trying to "Level The Playing Field", allowing other countries to catch up to us at our expense.

Its fucking stupid and those fucking traitors should hang.
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 8:33:41 PM EDT
I've been waiting for this to come up.

You know those crazy Antifa kids who've been completely programmed with bull shit so long they have no idea what the truth is?
They aren't the first ones to get that treatment.

The Confederates are not who most of think, and this year they're getting the last laugh.
They fought against the one size fits all rule of a centralized power and have been turned into mythical monsters for it.
We've boomed entire countries for less than what Lincoln did to provoke South Carolina.

"The withdrawal of a State from a league has no revolutionary or insurrectionary characteristic.
The government of the State remains unchanged as to all internal affairs. It is only its external or confederate relations that are altered.
To term this action of a Sovereign a 'rebellion' is a gross abuse of language"

-Jefferson Davis
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 8:35:06 PM EDT
Interesting how history repeats itself.

The problem we have now however is probably 30% of Southern conservatives are pissed over this. 50% don’t believe there was fraud and bought into the media hype that the country just hated Trump. The other 20% thinks there’s probably fraud but doesn’t know what to do about it.

With that said, it doesn’t take a large % to start a movement that changes history. What we have is more than enough if everyone keeps pushing and demanding answers and honest election results.
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 8:41:51 PM EDT
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It wasn't about slavery, the American revolution and civil war were about economics and representation.

The South was being tariffed heavily by the North, which was also undermining the very foundation of their economy, cheap human labor.

With the North seeking to end slavery, the south was between a rock and a hard place.

These things never end well when men are backed into a corner.

In our current situation, we're going down the same path with the Green New Deal garbage and the existential threat it poses to the fossil fuel industries and everything that depends on them. The dems basically want to impoverish everyone so they can stay in control forever, lording over the remnants of our once great civilization.

They are usupers and tyrants and the sooner we kick this thing off, the better.

it was about economics. once there were enough non-slave states in the union, and this was inevitable as america spread westward and territories were admitted into the union as states, it was only a matter of time until non-slave states outnumbered slaves states and slavery would be outlawed in congress, destroying the economic base of the agrarian south. so yes they were pushed into a corner and were sorely pissed off at the coming imposition that the rest of the country would impose on the south so they sought to leave before that happened.

folks on this forum are pissed mostly because they think the rest of the country is going to take their guns away. that and more government meddling in a citizens everyday life whilst imposing things lots of folks dont like. but the reality is, taking your guns away (assuming that happens and its a long shot) and a some progressive, liberal laws do not approach the level of having your entire economic basis for a region destroyed. but many folks are caught up in that black fantasy and they see the demise of trump as the sign of impending doom, which is actually pretty silly.

Tell that to oilfield workers in West Texas.

Tell it to the Chinamen in the California gold mines and railroads.

Please explain your point. Those people came here of their own free will and I suspect many of them became quite successful from the sweat of their brows.

Shutting down a whole industry to combat "Global Warming" while other 3rd world shitholes continue to burn whatever the fuck they want (China, India, BFE) is nothing more than wealth redistribution and trying to "Level The Playing Field", allowing other countries to catch up to us at our expense.

Its fucking stupid and those fucking traitors should hang.

It was in reference to slavery and the civil war. Point being slavery didn't end with the civil war, there were people still in slavery such as the Chinese of California gold rush era.

Link Posted: 12/12/2020 10:10:35 PM EDT
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Nothing will happen as long as the power is still on and peoples Call of Duty game still works.  That is the reality of it.
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If you believe that then you should go watch a few of the live streams from DC right now.  It looks like they're trying to make a "Gangs of New York" livestream.  

All it takes is a spark.... then everyone jumps into the escalation and retribution game
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 10:13:33 PM EDT
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Animal House is a good documentary.
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Not the movie you’re thinking of....
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 10:22:58 PM EDT
I feel like the history we're living through sheds a little light on the history I've read.  

The oversimplification of ...... "It was over slavery duh" is what we're living.

Years of building tensions over a multitude of issues that will undoubtedly boil over eventually.....    History may well pin it on 1 thing again, but I don't think that's the case.  If unrest broke out in the streets tomorrow,
no two people would have the exact same answer for why. The victors write the official history. We're fighting communists while they call us fascists..... In the end you vilify the other side however you need to.  

The lawlessness of our ruling class on both sides of the aisle has taken me down this path.  They treat our government as theatre & take turns stealing our livelihood & freedoms. It scares & saddens me, but  I want more for my son.  I don't doubt that many feel the way I do.

Only question left is which pin prick will be the last?

Will there be another Gavrilo Princip who can't possibly fathom the consequence of what he's done.
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The money men were planning World War I since at least 1908. As evidenced by the investigation of the Carnegie Foundation by Norman Dodd as part of the Reece Committee on Tax Exempt Foundations.

Skip to 24:45

Norman Dodd On Tax Exempt Foundations

The mainstream “consensus” of causes for pivotal historical events are largely lies or omit large amounts of crucial details that drastically change the reality of the state of the world.

LOL, just kidding.

Black dynamite--Anaconda malt liqour.avi
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 10:25:41 PM EDT
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History is written by the winners.
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I'm reading Mosby's War Reminiscences right now.

He was a loser
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 10:26:36 PM EDT
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Interesting how history repeats itself.

The problem we have now however is probably 30% of Southern conservatives are pissed over this. 50% don’t believe there was fraud and bought into the media hype that the country just hated Trump. The other 20% thinks there’s probably fraud but doesn’t know what to do about it.

With that said, it doesn’t take a large % to start a movement that changes history. What we have is more than enough if everyone keeps pushing and demanding answers and honest election results.
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Molotov everything?
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 10:27:42 PM EDT
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it was about economics. once there were enough non-slave states in the union, and this was inevitable as america spread westward and territories were admitted into the union as states, it was only a matter of time until non-slave states outnumbered slaves states and slavery would be outlawed in congress, destroying the economic base of the agrarian south. so yes they were pushed into a corner and were sorely pissed off at the coming imposition that the rest of the country would impose on the south so they sought to leave before that happened.

folks on this forum are pissed mostly because they think the rest of the country is going to take their guns away. that and more government meddling in a citizens everyday life whilst imposing things lots of folks dont like. but the reality is, taking your guns away (assuming that happens and its a long shot) and a some progressive, liberal laws do not approach the level of having your entire economic basis for a region destroyed. but many folks are caught up in that black fantasy and they see the demise of trump as the sign of impending doom, which is actually pretty silly.
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I disagree....
I'm from Texas but I'm stuck in Seattle away from my family for work right now. Why might you ask?  Because open borders have made me nearly unemployable in my home state.  Wages are severely depressed and I don't Habla Espanol. Biden will exponentially
compound the problem.  So you think threatening peoples livelihood was enough reason for CW1 let me tell you the situation sounds pretty familiar for me & a bunch of guys who've had their industries outsourced & H1b'd.  The further you are from the border the less you've experienced this..... but your time is coming too if you work in any trade.

Link Posted: 12/12/2020 10:32:54 PM EDT
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Nothing will happen as long as the power is still on and peoples Call of Duty game still works.  That is the reality of it.
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Not a valid point. People in 1860 were just as comfortable in their era as we are in ours. And they still went to war. After a while men are pushed too far because their comfortable situation  just become very uncomfortable.
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 10:34:16 PM EDT
Thank you, come again.

They’re pawns just like us. They’ve got us all at each other’s throats, just the way they want it.
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 10:44:41 PM EDT
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California is a northern state?
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I thought the underling reason was northern states were trying to push the less populated southern states  around. Sorth of like right now, you have certain northern states trying to push the others around.

California is a northern state?

California had little if anything to do with the U.S. Civil War.

Read "Battle Cry of Freedom" if you want to read the best single-volume history of the Civil War.

And, yes, the Northern States were really fucking over the Southern States. Some of it was deserved, much of it was not.
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 10:47:10 PM EDT

The oversimplification of ...... "It was over slavery duh" is what we're living.
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That's actually pretty insightful.

Link Posted: 12/12/2020 11:03:44 PM EDT
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That's actually pretty insightful.

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I've always been curious about the south's jump to secession after Lincoln's election......before he even took any action.

I suddenly feel like I understand it more. Its like my level of frustration and anger build with every injustice.  That existential tipping point is just a little closer than normal.  The offending events happen so much more frequently that we no longer settle back to "normal" between them.  If the election stands our faith in a fair and just government might not.
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 11:09:19 PM EDT
I just want to be left alone.
Link Posted: 12/12/2020 11:11:35 PM EDT
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I disagree....
I'm from Texas but I'm stuck in Seattle away from my family for work right now. Why might you ask?  Because open borders have made me nearly unemployable in my home state.  Wages are severely depressed and I don't Habla Espanol. Biden will exponentially
compound the problem.  So you think threatening peoples livelihood was enough reason for CW1 let me tell you the situation sounds pretty familiar for me & a bunch of guys who've had their industries outsourced & H1b'd.  The further you are from the border the less you've experienced this..... but your time is coming too if you work in any trade.

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I am an O&G worker and feel your pain!
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