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Link Posted: 12/13/2020 8:16:01 AM EDT
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I thought the underling reason was northern states were trying to push the less populated southern states  around. Sorth of like right now, you have certain northern states trying to push the others around.
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Read the articles of secession.

They make it very clear that the reason they attempted to secede was so they could continue to own black people.
Link Posted: 12/13/2020 8:18:33 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/13/2020 8:46:31 AM EDT
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it was about economics. once there were enough non-slave states in the union, and this was inevitable as america spread westward and territories were admitted into the union as states, it was only a matter of time until non-slave states outnumbered slaves states and slavery would be outlawed in congress, destroying the economic base of the agrarian south. so yes they were pushed into a corner and were sorely pissed off at the coming imposition that the rest of the country would impose on the south so they sought to leave before that happened.

folks on this forum are pissed mostly because they think the rest of the country is going to take their guns away. that and more government meddling in a citizens everyday life whilst imposing things lots of folks dont like. but the reality is, taking your guns away (assuming that happens and its a long shot) and a some progressive, liberal laws do not approach the level of having your entire economic basis for a region destroyed. but many folks are caught up in that black fantasy and they see the demise of trump as the sign of impending doom, which is actually pretty silly.
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It wasn't about slavery, the American revolution and civil war were about economics and representation.

The South was being tariffed heavily by the North, which was also undermining the very foundation of their economy, cheap human labor.

With the North seeking to end slavery, the south was between a rock and a hard place.

These things never end well when men are backed into a corner.

In our current situation, we're going down the same path with the Green New Deal garbage and the existential threat it poses to the fossil fuel industries and everything that depends on them. The dems basically want to impoverish everyone so they can stay in control forever, lording over the remnants of our once great civilization.

They are usupers and tyrants and the sooner we kick this thing off, the better.

it was about economics. once there were enough non-slave states in the union, and this was inevitable as america spread westward and territories were admitted into the union as states, it was only a matter of time until non-slave states outnumbered slaves states and slavery would be outlawed in congress, destroying the economic base of the agrarian south. so yes they were pushed into a corner and were sorely pissed off at the coming imposition that the rest of the country would impose on the south so they sought to leave before that happened.

folks on this forum are pissed mostly because they think the rest of the country is going to take their guns away. that and more government meddling in a citizens everyday life whilst imposing things lots of folks dont like. but the reality is, taking your guns away (assuming that happens and its a long shot) and a some progressive, liberal laws do not approach the level of having your entire economic basis for a region destroyed. but many folks are caught up in that black fantasy and they see the demise of trump as the sign of impending doom, which is actually pretty silly.

It’s always been about economics.

It’s not about taking our guns away, it’s about the economic downturn everyone knows will come with the Marxists. Those who have benefited the most from Trump are the working class, many of us have had some of the best economic times ever. Many of us also remember the lean times of ALL  the past Leftist administrations; that isn’t coincidence, it’s policy. The working class expands with capitalists, the government class expands with Leftists.
Being able to purchase guns is just part of the economic boon of policy that favors those who chose to work and take advantage of it.
Link Posted: 12/13/2020 9:00:44 PM EDT
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It wasn't about slavery, the American revolution and civil war were about economics and representation.

The South was being tariffed heavily by the North, which was also undermining the very foundation of their economy, cheap human labor.

With the North seeking to end slavery, the south was between a rock and a hard place.

These things never end well when men are backed into a corner.

In our current situation, we're going down the same path with the Green New Deal garbage and the existential threat it poses to the fossil fuel industries and everything that depends on them. The dems basically want to impoverish everyone so they can stay in control forever, lording over the remnants of our once great civilization.

They are usurpers and tyrants and the sooner we kick this thing off, the better.
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As soon as you show a confederate state constitution that didn’t guarantee slavery as an institution, we can discuss all the other causes too.

Meanwhile the parallels with today are a bit scary.
Link Posted: 12/13/2020 9:01:58 PM EDT
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Great post OP.

Both sides are operating on a different set of perceived facts at this point, so both are right from their point of view.  That is very dangerous.
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This indeed.
Link Posted: 12/13/2020 9:09:46 PM EDT
what is happening here is about as much of a "civil war" as the war in Vietnam was. Which is to say it's really a communist insurgency

people who think in terms of organized uniformed sides need to get that stupid shit out of their heads right now because, no, that is not how it is going to happen

in fact it's already happening in places in this country.   "power is on, NFL, XBox blah blah " is head in the sand wishful thinking

Link Posted: 12/13/2020 9:11:56 PM EDT
...wrong thread...
Link Posted: 12/13/2020 9:14:02 PM EDT
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California is a northern state?
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No its a globalist prototype shit hole.  The future for us all unless we fight back.
Link Posted: 12/13/2020 9:14:54 PM EDT
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It wasn't about slavery, the American revolution and civil war were about economics and representation.

The South was being tariffed heavily by the North, which was also undermining the very foundation of their economy, cheap human labor.

With the North seeking to end slavery, the south was between a rock and a hard place.

These things never end well when men are backed into a corner.

In our current situation, we're going down the same path with the Green New Deal garbage and the existential threat it poses to the fossil fuel industries and everything that depends on them. The dems basically want to impoverish everyone so they can stay in control forever, lording over the remnants of our once great civilization.

They are usurpers and tyrants and the sooner we kick this thing off, the better.
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Well said
Link Posted: 12/31/2020 8:27:05 AM EDT
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That the United Daughters of the Confederacy got to rewrite history. Slavery and the abolishment of it is a key point in every state that had Declarations of Succession.
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Maybe from your point of view. I think as governmental abuse of power become more widespread and the word tyranny becomes commonplace it becomes an AHAH moment that the war of northern aggression was about more than slavery. Seems that we can all agree that slavery was wrong. Only peeps like yourself with a narrow view on the subject make it a single issue war.
Link Posted: 12/31/2020 8:45:44 AM EDT
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I've been waiting for this to come up.

You know those crazy Antifa kids who've been completely programmed with bull shit so long they have no idea what the truth is?
They aren't the first ones to get that treatment.

The Confederates are not who most of think, and this year they're getting the last laugh.
They fought against the one size fits all rule of a centralized power and have been turned into mythical monsters for it.
We've boomed entire countries for less than what Lincoln did to provoke South Carolina.

"The withdrawal of a State from a league has no revolutionary or insurrectionary characteristic.
The government of the State remains unchanged as to all internal affairs. It is only its external or confederate relations that are altered.
To term this action of a Sovereign a 'rebellion' is a gross abuse of language"

-Jefferson Davis
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I'm not much of a "Confederate" kinda guy but the quote above explains exactly what the real issue is. A large federal government overreaching and over stepping the powers enumerated in the Constitution.  One group of people attempting ( successfully) to force their way of life and opinions on another. That is not liberty. Half ( roughly) of this country was kept here by FORCE and threat of death and destruction. Despite basically wanting to follow the Constitution MORE CLOSELY. ( in general ) Think about that.
Link Posted: 12/31/2020 8:48:04 AM EDT
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I'm not much of a "Confederate" kinda guy but the quote above explains exactly what the real issue is. A large federal government overreaching and over stepping the powers enumerated in the Constitution.  One group of people attempting ( successfully) to force their way of life and opinions on another. That is not liberty. Half ( roughly) of this country was kept here by FORCE and threat of death and destruction. Despite wanting to follow the Constitution MORE CLOSELY. Think about that.
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I've been waiting for this to come up.

You know those crazy Antifa kids who've been completely programmed with bull shit so long they have no idea what the truth is?
They aren't the first ones to get that treatment.

The Confederates are not who most of think, and this year they're getting the last laugh.
They fought against the one size fits all rule of a centralized power and have been turned into mythical monsters for it.
We've boomed entire countries for less than what Lincoln did to provoke South Carolina.

"The withdrawal of a State from a league has no revolutionary or insurrectionary characteristic.
The government of the State remains unchanged as to all internal affairs. It is only its external or confederate relations that are altered.
To term this action of a Sovereign a 'rebellion' is a gross abuse of language"

-Jefferson Davis

I'm not much of a "Confederate" kinda guy but the quote above explains exactly what the real issue is. A large federal government overreaching and over stepping the powers enumerated in the Constitution.  One group of people attempting ( successfully) to force their way of life and opinions on another. That is not liberty. Half ( roughly) of this country was kept here by FORCE and threat of death and destruction. Despite wanting to follow the Constitution MORE CLOSELY. Think about that.

You could argue that the federal government stepping in was protecting the constitutional rights of the enslaved in those states.

That is their job after all, to make sure the states stay in their lane when it comes to not infringing upon it's citizens.
Link Posted: 12/31/2020 8:52:52 AM EDT
I truly hope there will never be a second civil war, but if there is, I expect it will be because:

1.  People are tired of the two tiered justice system...one for the politicians and the rich, and one for the rest of us.

2.  People are tired of feeling that they don't have any real political power.  They feel that politicians are so arrogant that they think they know what is best for the rest of us, and what will benefit them..  Politicians should be doing what is best for the country as a whole, not serving themselves, or just their district.  
So people will want to take back more political power, and want to feel that politicians are truly listening to and doing what the PEOPLE want.  The arrogance that allows a politician believe they know what is best for the rest of us has to end.

I don't think that Antifa/BLM or any supremacist groups will have much to do with things..but those groups will need to share common interests.  All those groups have similar feelings about the two things above.
Link Posted: 12/31/2020 8:53:24 AM EDT
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South Carolina started it.

Gotta keep an eye on them.
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"On April 19, 1861, the first blood of the American Civil War is shed when a secessionist mob in Baltimore attacks Massachusetts troops bound for Washington, D.C. Four soldiers and 12 rioters were killed."

Remember, only reason MD didn't secede is because Lincoln imprisioned all the legislaters who were going to vote for secession before the vote was held.

Suspended writ of habeus corpus!
Link Posted: 12/31/2020 9:01:36 AM EDT
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South Carolina started it.

Gotta keep an eye on them.
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Kansas and Missouri were hot for years before
Link Posted: 12/31/2020 9:04:06 AM EDT
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it was about economics. once there were enough non-slave states in the union, and this was inevitable as america spread westward and territories were admitted into the union as states, it was only a matter of time until non-slave states outnumbered slaves states and slavery would be outlawed in congress, destroying the economic base of the agrarian south. so yes they were pushed into a corner and were sorely pissed off at the coming imposition that the rest of the country would impose on the south so they sought to leave before that happened.

folks on this forum are pissed mostly because they think the rest of the country is going to take their guns away. that and more government meddling in a citizens everyday life whilst imposing things lots of folks dont like. but the reality is, taking your guns away (assuming that happens and its a long shot) and a some progressive, liberal laws do not approach the level of having your entire economic basis for a region destroyed. but many folks are caught up in that black fantasy and they see the demise of trump as the sign of impending doom, which is actually pretty silly.
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Slavery was a huge factor, but was a focal point of a bigger issue; when a segment of the country thought they no longer had a common interest with rest of the nation and that divergence would cause an entire way of life to be destroyed, things would get hot.  Given that slavery is morally repugnant, that alone should be a moral justification to go to war. But it only escalated the matter while not being the cause. But it was not solely about slavery.

If you don't see that there has been a long cultural war against the 2A, I think you are on the wrong forum. The left is getting very good at advancing their end game goal of a total ban on all civilian firearms. They are attacking it in a way that is not obvious to non gun owners. To those of us who are interested in preserving the 2A, along with the rest of the BoR for that matter, we are faced with a dual challenge of both explaining to those outside the gun community who innocent sounding laws are anything but, and to also explain why the right to own firearms freely is important to maintaining the United States as a nation.

Fortunately, we're getting a lot better in doing that and some of us have focused quite a bit on that aspect.

If you don't think that liberal laws are a threat to our way of life, it sounds like additional thinking is in order. Universal basic income, medicaid for all, social justice, income redistribution, lockdowns, taxes and more taxes, the green deal, all are packaged in wonderful sound bites that are designed to make unfulfillable promises and divide us as a people. None of them will work though. You might as well design airplanes by passing laws and decreeing that anything called an airplane will fly. The world does not work that way.

More recently the left has been dehumaizing their opponents. We are not people. we are Nazis. We are not fellow Americans, we are fascists. We are not people who have a different opinion, we are hate filled white supremacists. They are even making lists of political opponents whom they have outright said they want to destroy.

Add to that the outright hypocrisy of the left. We were told that in 2016 our electoral system was compromised and that foreign powers picked Trump. That was right after we were told that it was so secure that we must accept whoever was presumed to be elected four years ago. Then we had four years of nonstop attacks on Trump, so much that there is zero credibility left in anything from the left. They did everything they could to remove Trump, because of course, he was literally Hitler. Then we were told the 2020 elections were in the same jeopardy of being compromised. We were also expected to believe that the side crying Trump is killing millions because he's Hitler, would simply vote as if it were a normal election. If the left really thought he was literally Hitler, they would be morally repugnant not to cheat in the election. Because you do anything and everything to remove people like Hitler from office. When Biden won, the left suddenly changed gears again and said we have the most secure voting system in the world, and any dissent to this party line is squashed.

We have an incoming "president" and "acting president" whose own words have stated they will dismantle our systems and institutions. If they do so, it will get very ugly. Very very ugly.

They have not been sworn in, and whether they will act on their words remains to be seen. But if they do the consequences will be dire.

Trump is just a single man who stood in the way in 2016. I don't even like him and view him as the wrong man for the right job. But he exceeded all expectations, and despite his many flaws, did a hell of a lot better than expected. But his defeat in 2020 was not about Trump. It was about the undermining of the entire election system by the left, to remove Trump at any cost. My loyalty, like many Americans,  is to the system and preserving it. And if the left continues to destroy it, there will be consequences.

Finally, when did they start using the word "whilst" in Georgia? Might we assume you are from across the pond?
Link Posted: 12/31/2020 9:18:34 AM EDT
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[color=#ff0000]Public opinion is easily swayed by the media. I remember reading about Senator McCarthy's "witch hunt" for communists in the 50's. How it was a disgraceful period in our history etc. Looking at it today it appears Senator McCarthy may have been was right all along.
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Fixed for ya
Link Posted: 12/31/2020 9:20:08 AM EDT
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California is a northern state?
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Northern is more of an attitude than a geographic description IMO.
Link Posted: 12/31/2020 9:32:10 AM EDT
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Green new deal, 40% capital gains tax, raising corporate income tax to highest in the world, unlimited immigration, unfair trade agreements, and whatnot is not a fantasy.  It would be silly to think the economy would just blissfully roll along.
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it was about economics. once there were enough non-slave states in the union, and this was inevitable as america spread westward and territories were admitted into the union as states, it was only a matter of time until non-slave states outnumbered slaves states and slavery would be outlawed in congress, destroying the economic base of the agrarian south. so yes they were pushed into a corner and were sorely pissed off at the coming imposition that the rest of the country would impose on the south so they sought to leave before that happened.

folks on this forum are pissed mostly because they think the rest of the country is going to take their guns away. that and more government meddling in a citizens everyday life whilst imposing things lots of folks dont like. but the reality is, taking your guns away (assuming that happens and its a long shot) and a some progressive, liberal laws do not approach the level of having your entire economic basis for a region destroyed. but many folks are caught up in that black fantasy and they see the demise of trump as the sign of impending doom, which is actually pretty silly.

Green new deal, 40% capital gains tax, raising corporate income tax to highest in the world, unlimited immigration, unfair trade agreements, and whatnot is not a fantasy.  It would be silly to think the economy would just blissfully roll along.

Don’t forget the absolute crushing small business (the backbone of our economy) is going to take due to Covid restrictions.  
Link Posted: 12/31/2020 10:50:19 AM EDT
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Don’t forget the absolute crushing small business (the backbone of our economy) is going to take due to Covid restrictions.  
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Is there really any middle class in socialist countries?
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