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Posted: 4/9/2022 8:58:20 AM EDT
This mother fucking transgender movement is taking off like it is.  I'm talking about the support from the state
that would allow a parent to drug their children, manipulate their hormones and at some point mutilate
their bodies. I mean it is being literally promoted in many school districts. How is this not a Capital offense?  

I know this society is fucked up but the level of which this is growing isn't comprehendable.  Just FUCK!

BTW, this is the slippery slope that came from Gay marriage.  YES I used the word Gay.
Link Posted: 4/9/2022 9:02:36 AM EDT
It's the devil's agenda bud.
Link Posted: 4/9/2022 9:08:53 AM EDT
99.99% of people really dont give a fuck. Its that .01 % that gets all the attention and then the people who cant think for themselves jump in. It's going to come to a point in this country where "normal people" are going to want to break free from all the bullshit leftist agenda.
Trans is ok
Black is beautiful but white is evil
Everything in history is a lie and it's been "whitewashed".

It's all the boomers fault.
Link Posted: 4/9/2022 9:55:15 AM EDT
When I was a kid, to get a look at me moment, generally laws had to be broken.  Generally breaking laws wasn't praised.

This is a look at me moment that doesn't break laws, so other kids follow to get their look at me moment.

I've been disappointed in the parents that let the look at me moments continue.  I know personally several normal young kids that got to high school, weren't getting attention because they are plain, suddenly get the attention they want once they come out transsomething.  They keep it going because mommy and daddy give attention on "the struggles."
Link Posted: 4/9/2022 10:00:02 AM EDT
no matter my view on the subject, I am betting it is just another wedge to divide the "people".

Its very easy to do shady shit when the people are busy infighting.

Link Posted: 4/9/2022 10:02:59 AM EDT
They are trying to prevent more ugly mannish trannies like we have now because of lack of early intervention.
Link Posted: 4/9/2022 10:04:41 AM EDT
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99.99% of people really dont give a fuck. Its that .01 % that gets all the attention and then the people who cant think for themselves jump in. It's going to come to a point in this country where "normal people" are going to want to break free from all the bullshit leftist agenda.
Trans is ok
Black is beautiful but white is evil
Everything in history is a lie and it's been "whitewashed".

It's all the boomers fault.
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Everything you stated has come from the post-boomer generations.   Do a little critical thinking and look at who is leading these efforts.  It’s not the 65+ crowd.

Link Posted: 4/9/2022 10:06:12 AM EDT
In other words, if I were the devil, I'd just keep on doing what he's doing
Link Posted: 4/9/2022 10:06:17 AM EDT
They’re all sick fucks, but it’s been coming to a head for years. Remember how Ru Paul was celebrated?

Attachment Attached File

Link Posted: 4/9/2022 10:06:25 AM EDT
The left is very good at zerg rushing all avenues of socal media and media as a whole.  They play the long dirty game while we do by the rules and think by being nice the right thing will prevail..

Just like the gay movement its a oversaturation of all the media and platforms by a super minority.  It works great.
Link Posted: 4/9/2022 10:07:33 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/9/2022 10:09:43 AM EDT
Satan's on a roll lately.....
Link Posted: 4/9/2022 10:15:54 AM EDT
You are living in the Weimar Republic part II.
Link Posted: 4/9/2022 10:40:30 AM EDT
Cuz they gotta recruit to keep the cause going. That's why it's seemingly everywhere.

Straight, normal people procreate. Queers recruit.
Link Posted: 4/9/2022 10:45:45 AM EDT
Voters and parents reject the crap out of this when they have the chance but they are quickly silenced by courts, press and officials...

Link Posted: 4/9/2022 10:47:15 AM EDT
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It's the devil's agenda bud.
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I'm not a relgious person, but to me there is no other explanation
Link Posted: 4/9/2022 10:47:30 AM EDT
The power of TV.

The whole country would be hard right wing if TV was only neutral

Link Posted: 4/9/2022 10:48:50 AM EDT
In before the move to the transgender forum
Link Posted: 4/9/2022 10:49:17 AM EDT
It seems to me that people making their children unable to reproduce is a self-limiting problem.
Link Posted: 4/9/2022 10:52:23 AM EDT
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The power of TV.

The whole country would be hard right wing if TV was only neutral

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Who the hell watches television?

It’s the power of the internet and social media, combined with the ever so slow but sure takeover of education.

If you think that it’s bad now? Wait until these kids who are being groomed RFN come of age and become our lawyers and judges and teachers. In 20yrs we will be referring to today as “the good old days.”
Link Posted: 4/9/2022 10:55:15 AM EDT
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It's all the boomers fault.
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Lol. Its not the Boomers pushing the agenda. Its the confused Generation (X,Y,LGBBQ,WTF?)
Link Posted: 4/9/2022 11:04:05 AM EDT
There's apparently several faggots in Joe's agenda team.
Link Posted: 4/9/2022 11:05:53 AM EDT
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You are living in the Weimar Republic part II.
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Pretty much, same shit happened after WWI, open partying, crossdressing, gay stuff etc. supposedly pretty bad. Financial chaos, and freak behavior.  then hitler came into power and executed most of them. Then executed people on both sides, as well as the useful idiots who helped get him into power.

I wonder who our hitler will be, because I’m assuming one’s coming, either our hitler or theirs, end results the same though. we got the freaks, starting on the financial chaos.

Fun fun
Link Posted: 4/9/2022 11:06:42 AM EDT
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It seems to me that people making their children unable to reproduce is a self-limiting problem.
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They ALWAYS wanna adopt, or get some dude to knock them up.
Link Posted: 4/9/2022 11:10:17 AM EDT
Overton window.

Change the country from center right to center left by way of normalizing what isn't normal.

Edit: I don't care what an adult does to themselves on their own time. But trying to push things on people who obviously can't make informed choices yet is detestable.
Link Posted: 4/9/2022 11:11:04 AM EDT
Depression? I’m transgender. Bipolar? I’m transgender. Schizophrenic? I’m transgender. Abused as a kid? I’m transgender. Mom and dad didn’t pay attention to you? I’m transgender. Picked on in school? I’m transgender. Not sure what to do with your life? I’m transgender.

It’s the excuse for attention and it’s being rammed down our throats because people let it happen. Until we rise up and don’t give a shit about the shaming, it will continue. The kids at my daughter’s school are sick of the OMGWTFBBQ movement. They are very outspoken about the negative social aspects of it LOL. The school hired a transgender teacher that couldn’t get hired anywhere else. Guess who is unhinged and unqualified for the job? We will see if they keep that one.
Link Posted: 4/9/2022 11:13:07 AM EDT
It is a distraction from what they are really trying to do.
Link Posted: 4/9/2022 11:15:41 AM EDT
This mother fucking transgender movement is taking off like it is. .
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The communists spent nearly the entire 20th century infiltrating every U.S. institution that informed, educated, entertained, and governed you, and now they are using that cultural domination to shape the United States into what they want.

Race hustling, environmentalism, scrabble bag, etc, everything is happening quickly because they planted the seeds decades ago, and they now have the means to ram it down your throat, instead of slow-rolling like they did before.

Link Posted: 4/9/2022 11:18:46 AM EDT
Fuck'm. Sit back and enjoy the suicide show.
Link Posted: 4/9/2022 11:20:11 AM EDT
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It's the devil's agenda bud.
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100% correct.
Link Posted: 4/9/2022 11:23:05 AM EDT
Welcome to Sodom
Link Posted: 4/9/2022 11:25:46 AM EDT
We all know that transgenderism is a mental illness.

But if you say it out loud, you'll pay an awful price.
Link Posted: 4/9/2022 11:26:18 AM EDT
This mother fucking transgender movement is taking off like it is.  I'm talking about the support from the state
that would allow a parent to drug their children, manipulate their hormones and at some point mutilate
their bodies. I mean it is being literally promoted in many school districts. How is this not a Capital offense?  

I know this society is fucked up but the level of which this is growing isn't comprehendable.  Just FUCK!

BTW, this is the slippery slope that came from Gay marriage.  YES I used the word Gay.

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support from the state?  Some states are considering taking children away from parents who refuse to let minors transition.
Link Posted: 4/9/2022 11:26:39 AM EDT
See the thread about the crossdressing waiter. You'll understand how it's taking off from the abundance of acceptance and white knighting for "muh tranny freedom!" in GD alone.
Link Posted: 4/9/2022 11:35:14 AM EDT
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See the thread about the crossdressing waiter. You'll understand how it's taking off from the abundance of acceptance and white knighting for "muh tranny freedom!" in GD alone.
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Link Posted: 4/9/2022 11:36:36 AM EDT
I don't understand this. There seems to be a push or movement by the word pronoun to rise above its former insignificance to a level equal or higher than that of a proper name. I have no idea where the word is getting its funding.
Link Posted: 4/9/2022 11:37:01 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/9/2022 11:44:52 AM EDT
It is because everyone from GD to schools, to government, to media and churches wont stop talking about it.

We have also killed the mental health system in the country, that was the first step of this agenda.

Link Posted: 4/9/2022 11:45:56 AM EDT
Instead of just reacting you guys need to be fighting back against this shit.  Your kids spend more time interacting with teachers and other kids that are being indoctrinated than they do with you.
Link Posted: 4/9/2022 11:47:39 AM EDT
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It's the devil's agenda bud.
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Link Posted: 4/9/2022 11:49:33 AM EDT
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They’re all sick fucks, but it’s been coming to a head for years. Remember how Ru Paul was celebrated?

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Ru Paul isn't trans he's a drag queen
Link Posted: 4/9/2022 11:50:53 AM EDT
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It's the devil's agenda bud.
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 4/9/2022 11:54:18 AM EDT
I was assured the gay tranny thing being forced down our throats doesn’t affect anyone.

It’s all about freedom for them. Live and let live.

You do like freedom, don’t you? Or are you some sort of communist?

Link Posted: 4/9/2022 11:58:33 AM EDT
The real answer is most Americans don’t support it.  But the media will lie and try to make you think that not supporting it is the minority, and you’d better get on board unless you want to be in the minority.  And you wouldn’t want to be in the minority, would you?
Link Posted: 4/9/2022 12:03:11 PM EDT
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The left is very good at zerg rushing all avenues of socal media and media as a whole.  They play the long dirty game while we do by the rules and think by being nice the right thing will prevail..

Just like the gay movement its a oversaturation of all the media and platforms by a super minority.  It works great.
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The right has a long history of ignoring all the warning signs until it's way too late. Often we're told to ignore those warning signs by controlled opposition who promise this that or the other thing will never happen. Until it does because no one fought it.

It happens over and over again and again yet somehow people never learn to stop parroting "It will never happen."

Link Posted: 4/9/2022 12:10:28 PM EDT
Now you know why America is not mentioned in the Bible.
Link Posted: 4/9/2022 12:11:51 PM EDT
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support from the state?  Some states are considering taking children away from parents who refuse to let minors transition.
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I would call that state support for this travesty.
Link Posted: 4/9/2022 12:14:23 PM EDT

This mother fucking transgender movement is taking off like it is.  I'm talking about the support from the state
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It is a lot easier to control the masses when they are fighting between themselves.  Simple as that.  Soro's and the left found a way to distract and divide everyone.  Then brand any opposition to it as racist, sexist, bigots, homophobic...etc.  It removes the whole question of "is this right" because now people are fighting to keep their jobs for not supporting it.  

Link Posted: 4/9/2022 12:15:09 PM EDT
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I was assured the gay tranny thing being forced down our throats doesn’t affect anyone.

It’s all about freedom for them. Live and let live.

You do like freedom, don’t you? Or are you some sort of communist?

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That isn't what my post was about and you know it.  It's about the forcing on minors
well before they have reached puberty.  I don't give a fuck what an adult does, I care
what adults do to innocent children.
Link Posted: 4/9/2022 12:15:11 PM EDT
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I would change into a "Happiness is a Tight Pussy" T-shirt from the 80s.
Link Posted: 4/9/2022 12:16:28 PM EDT
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It is a lot easier to control the masses when they are fighting between themselves.  Simple as that.  

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No doubt, the creation of groups has been on a roll.  Divide and conquer.
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