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Link Posted: 7/22/2018 10:19:45 AM EDT
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Explain, please.
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If I want to start shit, I’d shoot my own ideological side from a long ways away and blame it on the other side. Look up the Adam Kokesh protest plans. It would have been perfect if gun owners had bothered to show up.
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 10:20:16 AM EDT
Morally bankrupt? Sure. Welcome to civil war
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 10:24:33 AM EDT
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only need 3% for a successful revolution brah
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I don’t want a civil war, but it’s very difficult to get voters out on Election Day.  We had a 17% turn-out for the local elections back in the spring of registered voters.  Not eligible voters, but registered.  Everyone is too lazy to go out and make a difference when it’s actually easy to do so.  What’s easier:  Filling out circles with a pen or shooting your neighbors?  I had to give a sample ballot with the circles filled in to my wife and then bug her to go and vote.  It’s maddening!  
only need 3% for a successful revolution brah
3% and the French.
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 10:24:42 AM EDT
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I grew up in Canada and my parents grew up in communist Hungary.  I've always said that even if the socialists/communists win, they lose.  The useful idiots are fighting for their own enslavement!
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socialism or communism in itself isn't the problem...it becomes a problem when that social movement is hijacked by a sociopathic charismatic tyrant, and his select group of intellectuals.  that is when the wheels fall off, and it happens every single fucking time because that is exactly the social conditions these sociopaths are looking for to seize power.  while the concept of equality and empathy are noble social ideals, the reality is more akin to a herd of sheep being "guarded" by a pack of wolves.  all of the individual rights and freedoms are stripped away one by one until the only right the citizen has remaining is the right to work for the state or starve.

I grew up in Canada and my parents grew up in communist Hungary.  I've always said that even if the socialists/communists win, they lose.  The useful idiots are fighting for their own enslavement!
best post right here!
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 10:30:08 AM EDT
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3% and the French.
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Nope just 3%. I read it on the internet from a proud patriot.
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 10:32:32 AM EDT
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Grew up with the term “Better dead than red”. Never assumed it was meant for me personally.
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Well, this and "Kill a commie for mommy!"
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 10:37:28 AM EDT
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Nope just 3%. I read it on the internet from a proud patriot.
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3% and the French.
Nope just 3%. I read it on the internet from a proud patriot.
Is it 3% of the total population or 3% of the people with giant *III* decals on their rear windows? Need to know in order to keep the logistics running on protein shakes and white frame sunglasses.
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 11:11:13 AM EDT
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Not in my area. They all know how they are being pushed to be federalized for years. Its not gonna happen if it comes to that, where I live. They know.................
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No shit right? All it takes is some anti-fa goon to write down someones address with a Trump sign in the yard then SWAT them "there's some crazy guy with a gun dragging a girl into his house!" later.
Not in my area. They all know how they are being pushed to be federalized for years. Its not gonna happen if it comes to that, where I live. They know.................
I imagine where you live being tagged as Az, the goings on don't influence the rest of the country as much as the heavily populated coastal area.
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 11:17:29 AM EDT
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I don't want a civil war, but it's very difficult to get voters out on Election Day.  We had a 17% turn-out for the local elections back in the spring of registered voters.  Not eligible voters, but registered.  Everyone is too lazy to go out and make a difference when it's actually easy to do so.  What's easier:  Filling out circles with a pen or shooting your neighbors? I had to give a sample ballot with the circles filled in to my wife and then bug her to go and vote.  It's maddening!  
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Which is why we are are easy to defeat. To many online activists posting from home trying to sound tough, not enough actually getting out and doing things.
When the SHTF it's a totally different ball game , it's on like donkey Kong
I bet you'd wolverines yourself right into suicide by cop.

eta- I bet what you envision is what the media (controlled by leftists) would declare as a "crazed extremist gunman". You can't win civil war without popular opinion.

I don't want a civil war, but it's very difficult to get voters out on Election Day.  We had a 17% turn-out for the local elections back in the spring of registered voters.  Not eligible voters, but registered.  Everyone is too lazy to go out and make a difference when it's actually easy to do so.  What's easier:  Filling out circles with a pen or shooting your neighbors? I had to give a sample ballot with the circles filled in to my wife and then bug her to go and vote.  It's maddening!  
Based on history, filling out circles on paper. 17% turn out to vote is way better than the turn out for the Revolutionary war, and during our major conflicts people had to be drafted to get enough bodies to send down range.

But none of what you posted explained how not controlling the media would allow you to "civil war" without being targeted as a crazed gunman?
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 11:20:50 AM EDT
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Don't talk about it be about it, not sure if you've paid attention but at least the fuckin commies seem committed to their cause. The right can even take a day off work to fight for what they believe in.
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Yeah OK slick
Don't talk about it be about it, not sure if you've paid attention but at least the fuckin commies seem committed to their cause. The right can even take a day off work to fight for what they believe in.
You should really check out Stefan Molyneaux's video on what he describes as "gene wars" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8N3FF_3KvU he makes the argument that there are a couple of different strategies that organisms use to survive and procreate and there is a similar pattern in people. Basically different types of people are attracted to different ends of the political spectrum and there are trends in the characteristics they have. I found it convincing because it explains a lot of the differences we can observe between leftists and those of us on the right.

Lefties are more inclined to a herd mentality to it is more natural for them to do things like protest. No surprise that collectivists would be good at organizing and getting everyone on the same page. But for the most part they are like a herd of sheep or cattle, they can make a lot of noise and you don't want to be in front of a stampeding herd, but they lack teeth or much of an instinct to fight. I know lots of hard core democrats. I can picture most of them wearing a stupid pink hat and protesting, maybe even throwing a rock or keying a car. But I can't picture any of them picking up a gun. I think if push came to shove just about all of them would get in line rather then attempt to fight. I'm sure there are exceptions to this but I don't think you are going to see a Weather Underground part II. Back in the 70's you could easily get real ID's in a fake name with just a copy of dead kid's birth certificate and you could buy dynamite over the counter in many areas. It was easier to be a terrorist and be on the run. It's a different world today and I don't think most of the radicals from the 60's and 70's would last a month against law enforcement now.

The right wing on the other hand tends to attract people who are more individualistic and less attracted to being part of an organization. They are also much more inclined to be capable of aggression. Think herbivore vs carnivore. While the left is very capable of low level street violence when right wingers get violent it is at a much higher level. Think McVeigh destroying a federal building and killing 168 people or Breivik setting off a truck bomb outside the office of the Norwegian Prime Minister's office and then massacring attendees at a camp for the future leaders of the political party he was angry with. The right wing may not be good at getting people to protest or riot but if it came time to use violence against the other side I think we have a lot of people who would excel at that.

But at the present time violence isn't very useful to us. Our guy is in charge and things are starting to head in the direction we want them to. That's why the left is chimping out and talking about treason and civil war, because they aren't getting what they want. Some of them think they want to flip over the board because they are losing the game.  We have the guns and the power, they have the ability to squeal loudly and throw a bit of a tantrum but I think that is about it.
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 11:22:44 AM EDT
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Is it 3% of the total population or 3% of the people with giant *III* decals on their rear windows? Need to know in order to keep the logistics running on protein shakes and white frame sunglasses.
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Like every one with a giant *III* like swore an oath they’re going to keep so plan on all of them showing up to fight in shape with good gear, discipline, and training.
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 11:33:17 AM EDT
If it comes to Blood the lefties are fighting for some grandiose idea (lie) of socialism as a utopia.
We know the truth and will be fighting for our lives and the lives of our women and children and our republic.
You tell me who's going to fight harder?
I'd hate to think of what I am capable of in reality if the SHTF for real.

I have seen death & violence and do not wish to see it again
But bring it you commie MFers while I'm still able to fight
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Don't make the mistake of under estimating a true believer. They are zealots of the worst and most dangerous kind. They will happily die trying to kill each and every one of us.
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 11:35:29 AM EDT
97% will do nothing but blabber and moan on the interwebs. The other 3% will give everything for the greater good. With technology today, once you decide and are identified your job, your bank account, your property are toast.

Think founding/fighting fathers, but with modern technology to label, harass and pursue them. With the commies holding the media and a large percentage of the population being their sheep, just expect to be labeled terrorist and disappeared if caught.

This shit will not end well at all, if it comes to that. If our country is in turmoil, expect one of our foreign enemies to consider aiding in the hastening of our decline as well.
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 11:40:34 AM EDT
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I feel sorry for some of you here. You come on threads like this with you pessimistic snarky asshole comments about how everybody's a basement dweller that won't step up when it's time.

Are you that fucking miserable all the time? Are you just trying to look cool and edgy to your manbun friends? Are you the highspeed low drag operator as fuck commando that has no peer and look down on those not worthy of your approval?

The fuck is wrong with you? You have no idea what some of us arr capable of. I've seen the flat top chest beater puss out under pressure when things went shitty and people were dying. I've also seen the bumbling goof off step up and snatch people from sure death situations.

Bunch of pathetic assholes and I don't want to know you.
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The state of current events and the rise in popularity of socialism on the left has kick started me to get off of my fat ass and get back into shape. I've lost 42 pounds since April 7 and hit the gym 3 days per week. I only have 20 more pounds to go and I'll be good. If something were to happen I only hope that I'm up to it physically. Currently I'm in better shape than I have been since my early 20's and that was 30 years ago.  Mentally, that's another thing I would have to address if the time ever comes.
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 11:43:21 AM EDT
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Like every one with a giant *III* like swore an oath they're going to keep so plan on all of them showing up to fight in shape with good gear, discipline, and training.
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Is it 3% of the total population or 3% of the people with giant *III* decals on their rear windows? Need to know in order to keep the logistics running on protein shakes and white frame sunglasses.
Like every one with a giant *III* like swore an oath they're going to keep so plan on all of them showing up to fight in shape with good gear, discipline, and training.
To be fair, they show up to a LOT more stuff than people with "87%" patches...
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 11:45:44 AM EDT
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To be fair, they show up to a LOT more stuff than people with "87%" patches...
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Is it 3% of the total population or 3% of the people with giant *III* decals on their rear windows? Need to know in order to keep the logistics running on protein shakes and white frame sunglasses.
Like every one with a giant *III* like swore an oath they're going to keep so plan on all of them showing up to fight in shape with good gear, discipline, and training.
To be fair, they show up to a LOT more stuff than people with "87%" patches...
I’d rather go down the river with 7 Cola warriors than 100 III%ers.
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 11:48:23 AM EDT
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So the commies are gonna fight a President That is supposedly controlled by commies, so we can be a nation of commies

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That is what happens when propogating lies, the truth becomes bizzaro.

Havent you heard, the leftists are self identifying as patriots now even though they hate the founding fathers and the constitution.
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 11:51:10 AM EDT
I`m getting old enough to understand that MY life is already over. I have one son that can shoot out to 2200 yards and another that jumped 18 feet on a pole. All of us are deeply conservative. And my wife,,,God help the Left if they piss her off. The reality is that I`m bored most of the time and my real specialty is taking out the trash.
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 11:55:43 AM EDT
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I'd rather go down the river with 7 Cola warriors than 100 III%ers.
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Is it 3% of the total population or 3% of the people with giant *III* decals on their rear windows? Need to know in order to keep the logistics running on protein shakes and white frame sunglasses.
Like every one with a giant *III* like swore an oath they're going to keep so plan on all of them showing up to fight in shape with good gear, discipline, and training.
To be fair, they show up to a LOT more stuff than people with "87%" patches...
I'd rather go down the river with 7 Cola warriors than 100 III%ers.
well sure, but would you rather have 7 threepers or one OP by your side?
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 11:56:03 AM EDT
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Based on history, filling out circles on paper. 17% turn out to vote is way better than the turn out for the Revolutionary war, and during our major conflicts people had to be drafted to get enough bodies to send down range.

But none of what you posted explained how not controlling the media would allow you to "civil war" without being targeted as a crazed gunman?
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That's one of the things that has the left so pissed off particularly for the last couple of years. We don't control the media but they don't have the complete strangle hold that they did 20 years ago. In 1998 if it wasn't covered on television or talked in the major newspapers it didn't happen. There was pretty firm control over the flow of information. Not today now more and more people go to facebook, youtube, or internet forums like this one to find out what is going on rather then CNN, NBC, CBS, or the NYT. It is much easier to get information out through alternative channels when in the past there simply were no alternatives. That's why the media went on the original "fake news" tangent before it got turned around on them. They used to have control over the information that people were allowed to have and that control has started to slip from them. That's also why the left hates "Faux News" so much even though they aren't particularly right wing, they broke up the monopoly that the left had over cable news.
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 11:57:09 AM EDT
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I`m getting old enough to understand that MY life is already over. I have one son that can shoot out to 2200 yards and another that jumped 18 feet on a pole. All of us are deeply conservative. And my wife,,,God help the Left if they piss her off. The reality is that I`m bored most of the time and my real specialty is taking out the trash.
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Sweet, at least SOMEONE understands the logistics of maintaining a fighting force.

You can be in charge of waste disposal and the latrines.
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 11:59:46 AM EDT
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Based on history, filling out circles on paper. 17% turn out to vote is way better than the turn out for the Revolutionary war, and during our major conflicts people had to be drafted to get enough bodies to send down range.

But none of what you posted explained how not controlling the media would allow you to "civil war" without being targeted as a crazed gunman?
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Which is why we are are easy to defeat. To many online activists posting from home trying to sound tough, not enough actually getting out and doing things.
When the SHTF it's a totally different ball game , it's on like donkey Kong
I bet you'd wolverines yourself right into suicide by cop.

eta- I bet what you envision is what the media (controlled by leftists) would declare as a "crazed extremist gunman". You can't win civil war without popular opinion.

I don't want a civil war, but it's very difficult to get voters out on Election Day.  We had a 17% turn-out for the local elections back in the spring of registered voters.  Not eligible voters, but registered.  Everyone is too lazy to go out and make a difference when it's actually easy to do so.  What's easier:  Filling out circles with a pen or shooting your neighbors? I had to give a sample ballot with the circles filled in to my wife and then bug her to go and vote.  It's maddening!  
Based on history, filling out circles on paper. 17% turn out to vote is way better than the turn out for the Revolutionary war, and during our major conflicts people had to be drafted to get enough bodies to send down range.

But none of what you posted explained how not controlling the media would allow you to "civil war" without being targeted as a crazed gunman?
First off, I’m not advocating for civil war so I don’t have to explain being targeted.  I’m more “along for the ride” when it’s already gone hot, though anyone who is advocating for it had better know the local players.  The only way to do that is to get active in local politics, then send your people to state and federal government to have a voice.  That’s what “All politics is local” means.  Yes, driving elderly conservative couples with a filled-out copy of the ballot to use as a cheat sheet during a snowstorm isn’t as sexy as shooting people with your scoped rifle, but it gets the job done.  It also allows you to identify the enemy, regardless of how you decide to fight them.
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 12:02:12 PM EDT
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well sure, but would you rather have 7 threepers or one OP by your side?
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Op because he’s serious af
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 2:19:43 PM EDT
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Op because he’s serious af
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well sure, but would you rather have 7 threepers or one OP by your side?
Op because he’s serious af
Is he purse swinging? Has anybody named his purse?
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 2:25:45 PM EDT
Does OP realize these types of threads make you look like a gigantic dork?
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 2:43:46 PM EDT
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I feel sorry for some of you here. You come on threads like this with you pessimistic snarky asshole comments about how everybody's a basement dweller that won't step up when it's time.

Are you that fucking miserable all the time? Are you just trying to look cool and edgy to your manbun friends? Are you the highspeed low drag operator as fuck commando that has no peer and look down on those not worthy of your approval?

The fuck is wrong with you? You have no idea what some of us arr capable of. I've seen the flat top chest beater puss out under pressure when things went shitty and people were dying. I've also seen the bumbling goof off step up and snatch people from sure death situations.

Bunch of pathetic assholes and I don't want to know you.
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well said!
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 2:47:45 PM EDT
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I bet you'd wolverines yourself right into suicide by cop.

eta- I bet what you envision is what the media (controlled by leftists) would declare as a "crazed extremist gunman". You can't win civil war without popular opinion.
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No I have a plan in my head and it is not direct confrontation you can bet your meds on that, I don't want this but if it comes (and it is) I'd rather be ready than be you
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 2:49:56 PM EDT
I hope it's over quick.

The other one took 4 years.
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 2:53:10 PM EDT
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Maybe I'm missing something or stupid but I still can't figure out how this will get to a point of all out war. Conservatives are too disorganized and independent and the left is too dependent and impotent.

Attacks and counter attacks between groups from both side, riots in population centers I can see. In which case it will end up being both sides against the cops eventually and incidents of assholes getting killed in the course of it by non LEO civilians.

A large enough portion of the country would have to break away and take on the fed for a large scale war to happen.

The only way I see that happening is a major false flag event, attempted violence against the administration or the fed going door to door when the leftists eventually regain power.

Either way the winner like in all wars will be the side the information controllers support. The media and the educators.

The left has already fully infiltrated, they successfully effected an ideological and practical revolution without firing a shot. They put the ball in our court and it would take another revolution to change that. This last election was a start but it's being thwarted by the corrupt in power.
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To me I believe it pops off by antifa attacking a pro Trump rally in a CCW state, a bunch of pipe or bat wielding bun wearing commies attack and it starts.  
Then it goes under ground as in guerrilla warfare.
They are already pushing violent rhetoric , as far as bomb building scum bags, the weather underground were known , just no PC or evidence was available to stop them until they blew themselves up, all thats needed is their names leaked
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 2:54:57 PM EDT
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No I have a plan in my head and it is not direct confrontation you can bet your meds on that, I don't want this but if it comes (and it is) I'd rather be ready than be you
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I bet you'd wolverines yourself right into suicide by cop.

eta- I bet what you envision is what the media (controlled by leftists) would declare as a "crazed extremist gunman". You can't win civil war without popular opinion.
No I have a plan in my head and it is not direct confrontation you can bet your meds on that, I don't want this but if it comes (and it is) I'd rather be ready than be you
I'd rather have you as a meat shield than rely on what you think is "ready" so I guess it works out?
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 2:56:47 PM EDT
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with all the crap you post im willing to bet you couldn't hit your ass with both hands at the time!https://www.ar15.com/images/smilies/icon_smile_dead.gif
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I have my own range and shoot daily, I have been shooting since I was 6
Speaking about shit you are totally ignorant of isn't too bright huh.
Your screen name is party right
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 2:57:25 PM EDT
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I have my own range and shoot daily, I have been shooting since I was 6
Speaking about shit you are totally ignorant of isn't too bright huh.
Your screen name is party right
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with all the crap you post im willing to bet you couldn't hit your ass with both hands at the time!https://www.ar15.com/images/smilies/icon_smile_dead.gif
I have my own range and shoot daily, I have been shooting since I was 6
Speaking about shit you are totally ignorant of isn't too bright huh.
Your screen name is party right
Shit, post up some video and show us how it's done!
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 3:00:57 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 3:02:09 PM EDT
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This is akin to thinking that in a gunfight that you'll "rise to the occasion" instead of falling to your level of complacency.
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well I have been in a real life gun fight, I posted the proof here a few years ago, one never knows for sure if you'll fold or fight, I fought, I was lucky too.,
It was nothing like I thought it would be, my vision went tunnel, I reacted and protected my wife & kids, when it was over (seconds) I sat on the curb waiting for the police, a few seconds later I started shaking all over , first cop on the scene said it was the adrenalin running through by body.
I was hauled in front of a NJ grand jury and no billed
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 3:04:11 PM EDT
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You will do nothing.
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You should ask the last guy who pulled a gun on me and my Family
You know jack shit about me or life it appears
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 3:05:45 PM EDT
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You and I love telling each other that the other is wrong.

But you're right and I'd stand by your shoulder as a brother in this fight.
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You too Brother

All the petty BS falls aside if it ever jumps off
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 3:06:19 PM EDT
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You should ask the last guy who pulled a gun on me and my Family
You know jack shit about me or life it appears
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You will do nothing.
You should ask the last guy who pulled a gun on me and my Family
You know jack shit about me or life it appears
I know that you are incredibly predictable.
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 3:06:56 PM EDT
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Settle down Francis.
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Obviously you are not paying attention to whats happening around the country
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 3:11:26 PM EDT
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Does OP realize these types of threads make you look like a gigantic dork?
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And yet here you are
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 3:13:22 PM EDT
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I know that you are incredibly predictable.
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Nah , dependable
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 3:13:51 PM EDT
If a single defensive shooting is enough to prepare people for LIC I should probably rename myself Ares.
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 3:14:27 PM EDT
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And yet here you are
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Are your favorite hobbies fast cars and fast women?

Link Posted: 7/22/2018 3:14:49 PM EDT
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I know that you are incredibly predictable.
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You know I was known as Doc when I was in the navy, even though you bust my balls for no reason I'd still patch you up jar head
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 3:17:58 PM EDT
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You should ask the last guy who pulled a gun on me and my Family
You know jack shit about me or life it appears
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Link Posted: 7/22/2018 3:21:18 PM EDT
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You should ask the last guy who pulled a gun on me and my Family
You know jack shit about me or life it appears
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You will do nothing.
You should ask the last guy who pulled a gun on me and my Family
You know jack shit about me or life it appears
Lol ok tough guy
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 3:23:28 PM EDT
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And I will be rocking this ole tune

It's criminal
There ought to be a law
There ought to be a whole lot more
You get nothin' for nothin'
Tell me who can you trust
We got what you want
And you got the lust
If you want blood, you got it
If you want blood, you got it
Blood on the streets
Blood on the rocks
Blood in the gutter
Every last drop
You want blood
You got it
Yes you have
It's animal
Livin' in the human zoo
The shit that they toss to you
Feelin' like a christian
Locked in a cage
Thrown to the lions
On the second page
If you want blood, you got it
If you want blood, you got it
Blood on the street
Blood on the rocks
Blood in the gutter
Every last drop
You want blood
You got it
O positive
Blood on the rocks
Blood on the streets
Blood in the sky
Blood on the sheets
If you want blood
You got it
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If I were elected President, that would be the official theme song of the DoD.
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 3:32:04 PM EDT
Go get 'em buddy!

Link Posted: 7/22/2018 4:22:20 PM EDT
Dont listen to the haters OP. Some folks stand with ya. Or at least share the feeling. Glad you made it out of Jersey ok
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 4:37:57 PM EDT
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You should ask the last guy who pulled a gun on me and my Family
You know jack shit about me or life it appears
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You got that sweet sweet CONUS kill?
Link Posted: 7/22/2018 4:51:39 PM EDT
I was thinking of a long reply last night,  I'm glad I didn't.
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