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Link Posted: 10/11/2018 11:37:53 PM EDT
Who went out and bought the album today?

Make sure you do.


Link Posted: 10/11/2018 11:48:00 PM EDT
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What matters isn’t that Kanye is a teen idol or a credible intellectual leader, it is that Kanye has shown that it is OKAY to think for yourself—to be black AND support Trump—and not be 100% subservient to the Democrat Party. This is like throwing a tiny pebble into a glass window: It only leaves a tiny hole, but creates fractures that will never stop spreading...
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Excellent statement
Link Posted: 10/12/2018 2:37:38 AM EDT
The GOP has crappy celebrity support. No wonder you guys/gals are desperately clinging to a maniac like Kanye. Good luck!
Link Posted: 10/12/2018 2:52:46 AM EDT
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Unless Trump is secretly recorded calling Kanye a nigger behind his back, this can only be a positive.
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Ya but what if he says "my nigga" and they bro hug??? Hmmmm???? Lol
Link Posted: 10/12/2018 5:26:14 AM EDT
 But, but ...  CNN says the meeting was a disaster !

cold link

... for the left perhaps?
Link Posted: 10/12/2018 5:48:43 AM EDT
Does op like fish sticks?
Link Posted: 10/12/2018 5:50:34 AM EDT
The right should embrace black people that think for themselves. The ones dumb enough to stay on the plantation, are the lefts useful idiots.
Link Posted: 10/12/2018 5:52:15 AM EDT
I sure enjoyed watching him on TMZ a few days ago......harvey straight asked him to remove the hat during the interview several times to which he denied. Straight up dude.
Link Posted: 10/12/2018 6:54:55 AM EDT
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The GOP has crappy celebrity support. No wonder you guys/gals are desperately clinging to a maniac like Kanye. Good luck!
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Are you 13?  This feels as petulant as the hissy fits the left takes to an active hwy.
Link Posted: 10/12/2018 6:57:17 AM EDT
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If the outrage on twitter and what not about that chat session in the Oval Office is any indicator, the Lefty Vanguard crowd is very afraid very afraid he might very well be.
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Link Posted: 10/12/2018 7:07:30 AM EDT
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The GOP has crappy celebrity support. No wonder you guys/gals are desperately clinging to a maniac like Kanye. Good luck!
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...and GOPers like you are why Republicans are viewed as rich, old, white guys.

Come back when you've engaged more than two brain cells.
Link Posted: 10/12/2018 7:23:03 AM EDT
Most black folk think Kanye is a bit touched in the head.
Link Posted: 10/12/2018 7:45:20 AM EDT
The leftist retards who keep trying to play the racism card are having a meltdown over this.
Link Posted: 10/12/2018 7:46:00 AM EDT
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The GOP has crappy celebrity support. No wonder you guys/gals are desperately clinging to a maniac like Kanye. Good luck!
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Your side lives for their stupid movie stars to tell them what to think.

Funny actually.
Link Posted: 10/12/2018 7:49:28 AM EDT
Going with yes
Link Posted: 10/12/2018 7:51:04 AM EDT
Whatever effect Kanye has I don't know for sure but it has to be something. What will have a bigger effect is the media's reaction to Kanye.

A lot of black people are going to be pissed at him being called a "house negroe" for any reason by anybody. He's their boy and they'd back him for anything. He's a hero, to a lot of black people, that can do no wrong.

Look at OJ. A huge number of blacks stuck with him and it was obvious he was a murderer. Look at Michael Jackson. Same thing except he was pedo.

A huge number of blacks will follow Kanye wherever he goes, and whatever he does, no matter what.
Link Posted: 10/12/2018 8:14:21 AM EDT
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I think Kanye is good for black people that don't want to follow democrat group-think.
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May make some of them actually thing for a minute, that someone has left the plantation and maybe he's right...
Link Posted: 10/12/2018 8:25:59 AM EDT
Is he helping?  Helping what?

Look, I think its great Kanye seems to be redpilled, but the question is how long does that last, and how does that help us?  I don't necessarily think it changes anything for the midterms. Trump isn't on the ballot and its not like Kayne is out there stumping for congressional republicans in bumfuck Pennsylvania.

Does Kayne's support now translate into a better picture for Trump in 2020?  Again, I don't necessarily think so.  If Trump is up against Harris or booker or some other shiny-thing on the left in 2020, Captain Bipolar may just swing his support to the other side.  Most of the lemmings that followed him to the right would follow him right back to the left.

I hope Kanye really has seen the light and truly has left the democrat plantation, but I'm not sure what he's saying today will do us much good next month, and I'm not sure what he's saying today will be the same thing he's saying in 2020.
Link Posted: 10/12/2018 8:36:06 AM EDT
No.  I don't think West resonates as much with blacks as lower unemployment does.  Also, I'm hearing more and more blacks asking wtf the dimms have ever done for them.
Link Posted: 10/12/2018 8:38:40 AM EDT
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I still cant believe what i am seeing. Kanye west, the republican ambassator to the black community is actually redpilling blacks.

He's is going to impregnate some mouths with redpills from his dick yo.

Eta: i cant fucking even believe that kanye west is on the Trump train.  I'm on that train and kanye is a fucking jackass. A jackass that has trolled taylor swift into hitching her wagon to the democrats.  A losing brand.
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Kanye and GEOTUS have been pals for a decade.  (Ok, maybe not a decade, but since well before the election.)
Link Posted: 10/12/2018 8:40:05 AM EDT
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...and GOPers like you are why Republicans are viewed as rich, old, white guys.

Come back when you've engaged more than two brain cells.
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Not GOPE. DU troll.  He shows up and squeaks a little bit then leaves.
Link Posted: 10/12/2018 8:48:23 AM EDT
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What matters isn’t that Kanye is a teen idol or a credible intellectual leader, it is that Kanye has shown that it is OKAY to think for yourself—to be black AND support Trump—and not be 100% subservient to the Democrat Party. This is like throwing a tiny pebble into a glass window: It only leaves a tiny hole, but creates fractures that will never stop spreading...
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I'll go with this. He's still going to get called an uncle tom, etc by those that never want off the plantation but hopefully what he has said will open some of the younger generation eyes. The older gen is a lost cause. Help the ones you can.
Kanye is a big enough name that he'll get some attention and some people will at least tune in. Candance Owens says good stuff but most people don't know who she is.
I think one other thing POTUS has going for him is that he says what the F he wants, i think quite a few black people like that about him but still in that shell where they won't admit they like Trump to family and friends.

I do think Trump and Kanye are doing more to revamp the republican image and that's something that needed an overhaul way before now.
Link Posted: 10/12/2018 8:49:38 AM EDT
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The GOP has crappy celebrity support. No wonder you guys/gals are desperately clinging to a maniac like Kanye. Good luck!
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Maybe, but he is showing that it is OK to be conservative and Black to many that only exposed to the notion they have to be leftist.

Much braver than what the other side has.

Link Posted: 10/12/2018 8:50:17 AM EDT
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I am @jungletrooper

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Link Posted: 10/12/2018 8:54:41 AM EDT
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Self respecting individuals don't need spokesmen to represent them.

Learn to think for yourself instead of letting Taylor Swift tell you what to do.

Also no way should conservatives try the celebrity approach, the liberals dominate that field.
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Trump Wrong.gif  
Man so much wrong with this I don't know were to start.
Link Posted: 10/12/2018 8:55:48 AM EDT
So folks on a gun board turn on a chick that contributes to juvenile Soros tool David Hogg, and a chick who endorses democrats in a red state that blue state cops flee to in retirement to find sanity,

...while another guy wears a MAGA hat to the White House, endorses US-based manufacturing AND the Second Amendment, then gives the POTUS a heart-warming [if you're human] hug,

Then some claim gun owners are "fickle" for changing our view of each?

Not hardly.

Link Posted: 10/12/2018 8:59:12 AM EDT
Diamond and Silk will be talking about Kanye today on their show.
Link Posted: 10/12/2018 8:59:57 AM EDT
All you saying "No, he's crazy" and such must not have any black friends. I do. We never talked politics during Obama. But they bring it up now.

Yes. Absolutely Yes. Kanye has caused blacks to actually LOOK at what's going on. They are finally seeing what the Democrats have done to them. And they are getting brave from Kanye's example. One of my black friends will not take his MAGA hat off. And when someone says something about it he goes all Street Preacher on them and lays it out.

Plus, Trump is a Baller, yo. Gold toilets and shit.
Link Posted: 10/12/2018 9:03:08 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/12/2018 9:06:55 AM EDT
Possible ambassador to the UN?

Link Posted: 10/12/2018 9:08:53 AM EDT
The plantation masters are fucking livid, because Kanye defying them and stepping off the plantation means that others could follow him.

Blacks are cultivated organ donors from which democrats harvest reliable votes in return for nothing.

You have to expect this level of anger when a brilliantly evil con job like that is threatened.
Link Posted: 10/12/2018 9:09:31 AM EDT
Black city folks hate “uncle toms” and do not like people like Kanye, Sherriff Clarke, the young black girl that’s speaking up about mentally enslaving themselves, and Stacy dash.

They feel if someone has a differing opinion from the hive, they are no longer “black”. And somehow change their race.
Link Posted: 10/12/2018 9:09:43 AM EDT
Black city folks hate “uncle toms” and do not like people like Kanye, Sherriff Clarke, the young black girl that’s speaking up about mentally enslaving themselves, and Stacy dash.

They feel if someone has a differing opinion from the hive, they are no longer “black”. And somehow change their race.
Link Posted: 10/12/2018 9:10:31 AM EDT
The morning fake news has spent four, 5 minute segments on the Kanye thing already this morning.

They are afraid of this.
Link Posted: 10/12/2018 9:10:45 AM EDT
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Link Posted: 10/12/2018 9:11:20 AM EDT

It isn’t just Kanye
Link Posted: 10/12/2018 9:19:20 AM EDT
LOL, if Trump gets anywhere near 20% of the black vote the Ds are finished.

I REALLY hope that happens down ballot.  It will devastate the democrats.
Link Posted: 10/12/2018 9:21:44 AM EDT
What the hell, it's worth a try.  Never been a Kanye fan, but I respect his decision to stand against the wave.

There are quite a few steadfast, serious conservative blacks.  They don't have a voice.  They don't get interviewed by the MSM, they don't get guest appearances on Ellen, and they don't stand on the street corners bellyaching about the unending oppression of blacks by the white right.  Kanye's different... he does get listened to, and we need as many of his type from as many different cultures and social factions as possible.
Link Posted: 10/12/2018 9:24:25 AM EDT
Yes.  It will just add a portion of “useful idiots” voting for our side.  People that vote repub/conservative are generally independent minded and won’t vote against Trump because Kanye supports him.  Kanye followers generally have a herd mentality which is also the same people that vote democrat.

Now, if Kanye is all of a sudden appointed the UN ambassador, I’ll have to rethink things.
Link Posted: 10/12/2018 9:32:19 AM EDT
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Well Obama got 90% of the black vote, so I would say 35% isn't bad.
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From what I remember, no Republican in recent history has gotten more than 5-8% of the black vote. The biggest amount was for Trump with about 8%. If he gets 35% of the black vote this next time, it will be a blow out for Republicans.
Link Posted: 10/12/2018 9:33:31 AM EDT
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The media and Dems are acting as if MLK came back to life to side with Trump. I’m sitting here wondering ‘who gives a shit about what Kanye thinks or does?’ The Dems are running nonstop trying to demolish him. That tells me Kanye has an army of followers and the MSM and Dems are scared.

I go back to the basics of understanding an issue. If I don’t understand an issue, I listen to the media and the Dems. Whoever they are demonizing is typicallly who the good guys are. Right now I’m trusting Kanye.
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MLK would have supported Trump....MLK was a Republican.
Link Posted: 10/12/2018 9:43:38 AM EDT
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I am @jungletrooper

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That's a cool coincidence.
Link Posted: 10/12/2018 9:53:55 AM EDT
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MLK would have supported Trump....MLK was a Republican.
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Language NSFW. Man I miss this show

Link Posted: 10/12/2018 9:56:01 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/12/2018 9:57:48 AM EDT
I don't know how helpful he is to Trump but I do think he's helpful.  Trump's numbers coming up like that seem like proof of it.
Link Posted: 10/12/2018 9:59:55 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/12/2018 10:08:41 AM EDT
I think people in general gravitate to winners.

Kanye is not a political wizard, but he is respected, watched and listened to by the masses that enjoy his music. Many of his fans have never received a positive message about Trump.

"Why not vote Republican...what have the Democrats done for you?" from Kanye's stump will have effect. Communicating the administration's willingness to involve all walks in the process will have effect.

And the rabid left describing his as a "house nigger", uncle Tom, mentally unstable, etc., does not help the lefts cause.

And of course its a kick in the nuts concerning DTJ's racist label.

Where the left has hate, we have hope.
Link Posted: 10/12/2018 10:14:59 AM EDT
The MSM reaction to Kanye is what is helping Trump.  If they just ignored him. the DNC could play it off as one persons opinion.

The attacks and name calling just builds him up and makes him bigger than life.
Link Posted: 10/12/2018 10:17:28 AM EDT
Kanye is fucking nuts and getting on "team" Kanye is a bad call because nobody knows what the hell crazy shit the guy is going to support next month.  He could full well decide to go on an anti-gun campaign next month.  Nobody knows.

Having said that, someone in that position and with that exposure has to make at least some of the fringe people stop and at least think about the politics they support, and that is probably a good thing.  If it wins over 100,000 people, well, that's 100,000 people thinking that weren't thinking before.

But going all in with that guy is dangerous, and I don't think Trump should be doing it.  He can support Trump, and Trump could strategically handle that to stay distant but also leverage it.  Going all-in is too risky.

Having said that, I think the real benefit is not so much from Kanye, but the lefts reaction to the entire situation.  I think the rights entire strategy should just be trolling them and letting them incriminate themselves.  They seem to be doing a great job of it lately.  America is still filled with a lot of people that just want to live a good life, seeing these idiots act like children, spewing hate and generally acting insane... does more the help the right than just about anything the right can do themselves.  Nobody trust politicians these days and a strategy of looking like the lesser of two evils can obviously be effective.
Link Posted: 10/12/2018 10:18:53 AM EDT
He's married to a woman with over 100 MILLION followers on instagram.  This message of his can easily get out to the masses that are generally brainwashed and controlled by MSM/Hollywood.  You don't think this doesn't scare the shit out of the them?
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