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Link Posted: 7/18/2021 12:38:48 AM EDT
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Haven't heard too many stories like this.

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My beautiful hatred for her and her ilk grows stronger each time that this is presented to me.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 12:45:33 AM EDT
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My only concern is whether or not my soon to be former employer will have to pay our unemployment or not.
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California may be different, because they are communists. But most states only allow unemployment claims if you lost your job because you were laid off or the company shut down, etc...Being fired for cause won't get you unemployment, nor will quitting.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 12:46:03 AM EDT
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I, my wife, my 3 kids, my parents in their 80's, my ex-wife, a lot of friends, neighbors, co-workers and acquaintances and others I have come into contact with have had the vaxx and so far none have died, had serious issues, no heart attacks or other problems that GD trumpets on an hourly basis.  I didn't even have any noticeable side effects from either Pfizer vaxx except a little muscle soreness on the first one.  

The mental gymnastics, along with the health risks and possible loss of employment, over the vaxx is rather surprising and astounding to me.  Especially when many of those screaming the loudest about how unsafe it is have zero problem using any narcotic substance and smoking weed that is grown, harvested, transported and handled by some of the worst and filthiest people in the world and in exceedingly unhygienic conditions.
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Please back this claim up with screenshots or other suitable examples to prove your statement.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 12:47:21 AM EDT
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I, my wife, my 3 kids, my parents in their 80's, my ex-wife, a lot of friends, neighbors, co-workers and acquaintances and others I have come into contact with have had the vaxx and so far none have died, had serious issues, no heart attacks or other problems that GD trumpets on an hourly basis.  I didn't even have any noticeable side effects from either Pfizer vaxx except a little muscle soreness on the first one.  

The mental gymnastics, along with the health risks and possible loss of employment, over the vaxx is rather surprising and astounding to me.  Especially when many of those screaming the loudest about how unsafe it is have zero problem using any narcotic substance and smoking weed that is grown, harvested, transported and handled by some of the worst and filthiest people in the world and in exceedingly unhygienic conditions.
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6,000 Americans have died from the vaccine. How the fuck is that safe?  

Are people dying from standard vaccines?

This isjust a ploy to make big pharma and establishment pols rich
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 12:49:14 AM EDT
OP could also come out as gay or trans too. They won’t fuck with that group.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 12:49:33 AM EDT
Why are you afraid of being vaccinated?
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 12:52:04 AM EDT
Most of us are waiting until there is full FDA approval to decide our HR policy on this. After that, there will be a discussion at the Board level about telling people, "get the vaccine by <date> or clear our your desk." We're waiting to see what the local medical school and the major health care systems in our state do about this. They've required flu shots for years as a condition of requirement. COVID's gonna be the same, and that right quick (with apologies to Warden Norton).

Of course, all of ARFcom is howling that there's no studies or proof that the vaccine works, that it's not FDA approved and that's why they won't get it. Some I'm sure once FDA approval occurs, ARF will have no problems at all getting the shot and this will be a non-issue.

Link Posted: 7/18/2021 12:53:30 AM EDT
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Why are you afraid of being vaccinated?
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Were it not for your join date and post count, I'd say you must be new around here.

Looking forward to the responses.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 12:53:40 AM EDT
Not yet, but my brother and I will be quitting the day they announce compulsory vaccinations.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 12:55:46 AM EDT
To answer your question: 99.9% or so chance of surviving Wuhan virus.  I already got sick with it last year.  This vaccine was rushed through the system, no long term data, still “experimental”, too many unknowns with this one.  I’m not against vaccines.  The early polio vaccine was a disaster!  I can decline the flu vaccine.  I despise being coercion.  I am an American and I disagree with this vaccine mandate.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 12:55:58 AM EDT
I would rather be fired than put that trash into my body.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 12:56:25 AM EDT
My wife is a doctor and she is ready to drop her resignation papers immediately if they force her to do it. I am a fed and I can retire at the end of this year and I am of the same mindset, so good for you. Fuck those guys
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 12:58:00 AM EDT

This past Thursday my director tells me that the city of San Fransicko now requires ALL health care personnel in the city of S.F. to receive the Wuhan vaccine or be fired on September 15th.  I am opposed, will not comply, have no possible exemption & I expect them to can me on September 15th.
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Hire an employment attorney (probably from CA unless you have agreements which change the choice of jurisdiction).

If you refuse to do what your employer asks they might be able to reduce your separation benefits on the basis of insubordination.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 12:58:36 AM EDT
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I have a relative who is pregnant and doesn't want to take the vaccine during the pregnancy.  Her work is threatening to fire her if she doesn't get it.
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Your relative should hire an attorney also.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 12:59:27 AM EDT
Just order some of the cards and fill them out.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 12:59:48 AM EDT
If this is about saving lives then why aren’t there mandates against drinking, smoking, and eating fast food?

I don’t consent to this particular vaccine. Tetanus shot? Sure. HPV? Tried to get it but I was too old. Rabies vaccine? Fuck yes. But this one? No. My body, my choice.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 12:59:59 AM EDT
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Why are you afraid of being vaccinated?
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Why should anyone take an untested vaccine for a virus with a survival rate above 99%. You go ahead and be the lab rat. We appreciate your willingness to be one.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:00:26 AM EDT
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Why are you afraid of being vaccinated?
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Afraid? Lol. You don't get it.

Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:01:02 AM EDT
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Just order some of the cards and fill them out.
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Amateur hour, I see.

There are state registries for this, ya know.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:01:50 AM EDT
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Please back this claim up with screenshots or other suitable examples to prove your statement.
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I, my wife, my 3 kids, my parents in their 80's, my ex-wife, a lot of friends, neighbors, co-workers and acquaintances and others I have come into contact with have had the vaxx and so far none have died, had serious issues, no heart attacks or other problems that GD trumpets on an hourly basis.  I didn't even have any noticeable side effects from either Pfizer vaxx except a little muscle soreness on the first one.  

The mental gymnastics, along with the health risks and possible loss of employment, over the vaxx is rather surprising and astounding to me.  Especially when many of those screaming the loudest about how unsafe it is have zero problem using any narcotic substance and smoking weed that is grown, harvested, transported and handled by some of the worst and filthiest people in the world and in exceedingly unhygienic conditions.

Please back this claim up with screenshots or other suitable examples to prove your statement.
I can eat alphabet soup and shit a more coherent paragraph than that.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:02:54 AM EDT
Transplanted, I want to thank you for that reply.  I hadn’t thought of that angle.  I know of staff who were fired for time card fraud & received full unemployment benefits (same employers me).
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:03:28 AM EDT
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Why are you afraid of being vaccinated?
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I'm not afraid of getting vaccinated. I have three yellow shot books from the Army.  Shots of all kinds to help with the wonderful places they sent me.  Never once did I enter a lottery.  It's not a vaccination.  
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:05:44 AM EDT
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Your relative should hire an attorney also.
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I have a relative who is pregnant and doesn't want to take the vaccine during the pregnancy.  Her work is threatening to fire her if she doesn't get it.

Your relative should hire an attorney also.
Yes. Almost 1,000 spontaneous after vax miscarriages in the VAERS so far.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:06:48 AM EDT
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To answer your question: 99.9% or so chance of surviving Wuhan virus.  I already got sick with it last year.  This vaccine was rushed through the system, no long term data, still “experimental”, too many unknowns with this one.  I’m not against vaccines.  The early polio vaccine was a disaster!  I can decline the flu vaccine.  I despise being coercion.  I am an American and I disagree with this vaccine mandate.
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This.  Right fuckin here.

I might consider getting this shit stuck in me 5 or 10 years down the road after we see what it actually does to people in the long term but the way they are pushing it now raises the hair on the back of my neck so fuck them in the interim.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:09:13 AM EDT
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Why are you afraid of being vaccinated?
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At this point it’s still an experimental drug. Not approved by the FDA. But you knew that right? So you’re just trolling shit.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:09:37 AM EDT
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Why should anyone take an untested vaccine for a virus with a survival rate above 99%. You go ahead and be the lab rat. We appreciate your willingness to be one.
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It’s not untested.

It just hasn’t been tested as much as other vaccines.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:10:27 AM EDT
My job sent out an email saying they will not force anybody to vaxx.  They also said people without the vax need to keep wearing masks.  I refuse to do any of these things and so far so good.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:10:40 AM EDT
Not yet. We were supposed to keep wearing masks if we didn’t have our vaccination documented with the medical office.

But in two hours, at the decree of the county, we’re all being required to wear masks again, regardless of vaccination status.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:12:00 AM EDT
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I have a relative who is pregnant and doesn't want to take the vaccine during the pregnancy.  Her work is threatening to fire her if she doesn't get it.
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That’s fucked up.

She should look for another job, and a labor attorney.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:12:41 AM EDT
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Afraid? Lol. You don't get it.

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Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:13:15 AM EDT
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I'm not afraid of getting vaccinated. I have three yellow shot books from the Army.  Shots of all kinds to help with the wonderful places they sent me.  Never once did I enter a lottery.  It's not a vaccination.  
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Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:13:51 AM EDT
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Afraid? Lol. You don't get it.



Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:14:20 AM EDT
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At this point it's still an experimental drug. Not approved by the FDA. But you knew that right? So you're just trolling shit.
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Since you're using this lame excuse, I'll look forward to seeing your post when you get the FDA APPROVED shot soon. You know Pfizer and Moderna have both submitted applications for full approval, right? And it's the same shot. What are the chances of it not being approved?

Zero. It's more effective than the vast majority of drugs already approved out there.

But once approved, I'm sure most of ARF will move to another excuse to justify why they're scared, uh, I mean why they have good scientific reasons to not get the shot.

Some flat earthers are more rational than some of ARF.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:19:01 AM EDT
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No, soy rico y inmune, tonta.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:19:59 AM EDT
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Since you're using this lame excuse, I'll look forward to seeing your post when you get the FDA APPROVED shot soon. You know Pfizer and Moderna have both submitted applications for full approval, right? And it's the same shot. What are the chances of it not being approved?

Zero. It's more effective than the vast majority of drugs already approved out there.

But once approved, I'm sure most of ARF will move to another excuse to justify why they're scared, uh, I mean why they have good scientific reasons to not get the shot.

Some flat earthers are more rational than some of ARF.
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@sartorius This is America. You seemed to have forgotten. The government or proxy aka big corporations are forcing people to do something by deprivation of money. I thought we had some freedom left in this country. I guess not. I dont give 2 shits if you do or dont get the shot but it should be your CHOICE, because after-all this is America.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:21:03 AM EDT
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Since you're using this lame excuse, I'll look forward to seeing your post when you get the FDA APPROVED shot soon. You know Pfizer and Moderna have both submitted applications for full approval, right? And it's the same shot. What are the chances of it not being approved?

Zero. It's more effective than the vast majority of drugs already approved out there.

But once approved, I'm sure most of ARF will move to another excuse to justify why they're scared, uh, I mean why they have good scientific reasons to not get the shot.

Some flat earthers are more rational than some of ARF.
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You do you, I'm not getting any Covid vax ever.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:21:34 AM EDT
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No, soy rico y inmune, tonta.
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No, soy rico y inmune, tonta.

No. Tu eres un papalote' en la huricane' lol.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:22:07 AM EDT
The only people I know who have had ultimatums and coercion thrown at them are health care workers and so far none of them have caved or been fired.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:23:29 AM EDT
Not at my work. I'm friends with a lady in HR, and she hasn't heard any grumblings of it, yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if they did it at some point.

As it is now, if you're unvaccinated, you're supposed to wear a mask unless you're in a private office.

Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:23:54 AM EDT
Not an issue here, already vaccinated.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:25:29 AM EDT
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@sartorius This is America. You seemed to have forgotten. The government or proxy aka big corporations are forcing people to do something by deprivation of money. I thought we had some freedom left in this country. I guess not. I dont give 2 shits if you do or dont get the shot but it should be your CHOICE, because after-all this is America.
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I haven't forgotten. Muricans harp a lot about freedom. Americans understand that both freedom and responsibility are necessary for a free and functional society.

You've got the right to work or not (depending on the state) under the policies of your employer. And your boss has the right to fire you if you don't follow the legal policies of the employer. And the laws are on the employer's side, at least as it pertains to COVID. So yes, you do have the freedom to choose to get the shot or not. But you don't have the freedom from the consequences, including getting fired.

Don't like it? Go start your company with your own policies. I guess you could fire people who did get the shot or choose to not hire them. That would be amusing.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:27:14 AM EDT
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The only people I know who have had ultimatums and coercion thrown at them are health care workers and so far none of them have caved or been fired.
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Houston Methodist Hospital system. Went to US District court.

Uh, there was plenty of news on this. And they were fired or quit.


Likely won't be the last.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:27:19 AM EDT
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I haven't forgotten. Muricans harp a lot about freedom. Americans understand that both freedom and responsibility are necessary for a free and functional society.

You've got the right to work or not (depending on the state) under the policies of your employer. And your boss has the right to fire you if you don't follow the legal policies of the employer. And the laws are on the employer's side, at least as it pertains to COVID. So yes, you do have the freedom to choose to get the shot or not. But you don't have the freedom from the consequences, including getting fired.

Don't like it? Go start your company with your own policies. I guess you could fire people who did get the shot or choose to not hire them. That would be amusing.
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Amusing to people who think like you.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:27:55 AM EDT
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No. Tu eres un papalote' en la huricane' lol.
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No, soy una hoja en el viento.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:28:11 AM EDT
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Houston Methodist Hospital system. Went to US District court.

Uh, there was plenty of news on this. And they were fired or quit.


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The only people I know who have had ultimatums and coercion thrown at them are health care workers and so far none of them have caved or been fired.
Houston Methodist Hospital system. Went to US District court.

Uh, there was plenty of news on this. And they were fired or quit.


Do you see a TX next my name?
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:30:47 AM EDT
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I haven't forgotten. Muricans harp a lot about freedom. Americans understand that both freedom and responsibility are necessary for a free and functional society.

You've got the right to work or not (depending on the state) under the policies of your employer. And your boss has the right to fire you if you don't follow the legal policies of the employer. And the laws are on the employer's side, at least as it pertains to COVID. So yes, you do have the freedom to choose to get the shot or not. But you don't have the freedom from the consequences, including getting fired.

Don't like it? Go start your company with your own policies. I guess you could fire people who did get the shot or choose to not hire them. That would be amusing.
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@sartorius I keep hearing that weak ass excuse from everyone. My company should not be concerned about my personal health choices, what meds I take etc. I wish you would try to fire someone with HIV and see how that worked out because it was company policy. You can't have both sides. You just like this one so you agree with it, period.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:31:28 AM EDT
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Do you see a TX next my name?
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How can you be so obtuse. Plenty of local, national and worldwide news. If you can log on to ARF, you're capable of searching Google and following the news.

Watch and see what Sacred Heart and Deaconess do in Spokane. Watch for Harborview and University and Swedish and Group Health do on the Seattle side. It's coming. Yeah, I lived in WA for 5 years.

Feel free to @ back at me when this starts. Then it will be local for you.

Oh, and enjoy WA's new long term care tax that was just implemented, too.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:32:28 AM EDT
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I, my wife, my 3 kids, my parents in their 80's, my ex-wife, a lot of friends, neighbors, co-workers and acquaintances and others I have come into contact with have had the vaxx and so far none have died, had serious issues, no heart attacks or other problems that GD trumpets on an hourly basis.  I didn't even have any noticeable side effects from either Pfizer vaxx except a little muscle soreness on the first one.  

The mental gymnastics, along with the health risks and possible loss of employment, over the vaxx is rather surprising and astounding to me.  Especially when many of those screaming the loudest about how unsafe it is have zero problem using any narcotic substance and smoking weed that is grown, harvested, transported and handled by some of the worst and filthiest people in the world and in exceedingly unhygienic conditions.
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It's the principal....pick up that can.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:32:34 AM EDT
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The hospital my wife works for isn't forcing the issue. They have a hard enough time filling shifts with nursing staff as it is.
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My old hospital is this way.  They reached out to me about rehiring me.  I'll likely set up an interview just to see what the pay offering is.  I left for $4/hr more.  I seriously doubt they'd rehire, but experience costs a premium these days.  I'm not making killer wages but another $2-$3 would lure me back.   I do miss the 3 12's.  And the new job driving is hell on my car.  Have put on 6k miles in 3 months.
Link Posted: 7/18/2021 1:34:59 AM EDT
Read a couple posts and September keeps popping up. Which is weird, since my company is doing an "audit" and wants proof of dependents. Birth and marriage licenses and also social security cards. If i dont submit them, they get dropped in..... September. Which is weird because we are 1/2 of way through the insurance yearly cycle. I could just let them drop them, then reinstall them next year. Maybe im correlating things not needed, but i dont trust any of them.
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