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Link Posted: 6/19/2021 4:36:19 PM EDT
I haven't been east of the Mississippi in over a decade.
Link Posted: 6/19/2021 4:38:06 PM EDT
This is hilarious.

Edit: Show of hands.... who killed JFK?
Link Posted: 6/19/2021 4:38:49 PM EDT
No, I saw the writing on the wall and stayed well the fuck away from anything to do with it.
Link Posted: 6/19/2021 4:39:08 PM EDT
Over 400 posts since May. Greetings and salutations!

Link Posted: 6/19/2021 4:43:07 PM EDT

I see lots of sorrow in your eyes

Link Posted: 6/19/2021 4:43:26 PM EDT
Here are a couple of I/Ms one member here received from another “ARFCOMMER” after the 6th.

Attachment Attached File

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 6/19/2021 4:45:47 PM EDT
I was boating in a tragic gun accident at the time.
Link Posted: 6/19/2021 4:58:55 PM EDT
I am Spartacus.
Link Posted: 6/19/2021 5:02:20 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/19/2021 5:09:14 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/19/2021 5:11:09 PM EDT
Seriously, OP?

Link Posted: 6/19/2021 5:12:19 PM EDT
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Greetings fellow firearms enthusiast.
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Lol.  No shit.
Link Posted: 6/19/2021 5:17:29 PM EDT
2021 joint date, low post count, based in NY.
Link Posted: 6/19/2021 5:17:41 PM EDT
Wow, 40% of White working people are gonna quit?

Well, that just means there will be less handouts for the black man.

If BLM wanted a fighting chance of getting sh1t for free, they should be helping the White man stay working.

Nothing racist here folks, just fundamental facts.
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This guy seems . . . baity.

Link Posted: 6/19/2021 5:19:12 PM EDT
At the gym this morning they have CNN playing next to Fox. CNN was full speed ahead talking about the January “insurrection” and the attack on our democracy.
Link Posted: 6/19/2021 5:21:11 PM EDT
Wtf is the fta?
Link Posted: 6/19/2021 5:23:39 PM EDT
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Wtf is the fta?
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Someone trying to fit in by using arfcom lingo and failing.
Link Posted: 6/19/2021 5:26:43 PM EDT
greeting fellow firearms NSA CIA FBI enthusiast

obviously you have have only good intentions for freedom. why would anyone be asking about activities that will be prosecuted? im sure only for good reasons....
Link Posted: 6/19/2021 5:40:02 PM EDT
OP is an intern. Normal hazing shit I’m sure.

Hey OP,

Get drunk, slay some pussy and post about it later. Your special agents are making you work too hard for a Saturday.
Link Posted: 6/19/2021 5:41:50 PM EDT
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I got a sunburn just reading that.

Link Posted: 6/19/2021 5:44:14 PM EDT
OP logged off and is running IP checks on everyone in this thread.
Link Posted: 6/19/2021 6:15:54 PM EDT
Not asking for you to identify yourself, so don't. But this is interesting.

Did you watch Tucker on FN last night 6/18? He tells you exactly how the IBF commies are actively participating in coercing people to commit crimes. Tucker lays out the story done by CNN https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/tucker-carlson-fbi-has-a-history-of-creating-crimes

Oddly, many of those seen on camera on Jan 6th were not arrested, and it has high probability that those not arrested were working for the Govt at that time. This in of itself is a crime committed by the Govt!

Nothing new, right. It just keeps happening unchecked.

And after that story Tucker has a Professor on from Suffolk County Community College, goes over the fed doc that outlines what makes you a "domestic terrorist", like saying bad things about the govt, tweeting the 2020 election was fraud, etc etc. This doc makes most Am.Patriots "domestic terrorists".

Let me paint it all in another light, what you hear and see now appears to be just cover flak for something more sinister the commies are working on. Biden's photo-op with Putin, Kumhala not going to US S. border, illegals walking in with open arms from the US side, fillibuster likley to get down to 55, etc etc, all just cover stories for CNN and the like. They are brewing something, and I have odd feeling it's nasty evil (Gilead style).

I also have odd feeling the Fed will start raiding people's homes for whatever the new FTA rules are gonna be, to try and make examples out of a few folks who have their own persoanl stash of firearms that they legally obtained. Once the 1st raid happens we all need to get ready for something the FTA does not want!

BTW, if you were a 80%'er, look into getting a laser-sinter 3D printer.

So, heed my warnings, keep your eyes open, be prepared, start talking to your Patriot friends and family in private (not on a phone, not via internet, etc), DO NOT sit back like all is ok!

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Link Posted: 6/19/2021 6:17:12 PM EDT
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Greetings fellow firearms enthusiast.
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Link Posted: 6/19/2021 6:31:51 PM EDT
Karn Evil 9
Link Posted: 6/19/2021 6:41:59 PM EDT
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Not today fbi guy.
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Not today? ??

Not today what?

My post is to get you thinking about things, and then don't post about it here or anywhere else.

The commies in IBF and FTA use internet to collect data about you, etc. But you already know that, so it's a moot point.

I am only suggesting what my 1st post says, 'you' have to start paying attention, and then demand more from investigative reporters who are honest Am.Patriots that they dog into this Govt corruption, yeah I know, very hard to find such reporters. Glenn Beck and Mark Levin are two people who understand what's going on. Tucker and Hannity are just TV mouth pieces for the timeslot, etc.

Link Posted: 6/19/2021 6:44:00 PM EDT
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So what do you make of it?

Keyboard Ninja, or an expert in automation and AI?

Does # of posts really matter?
Link Posted: 6/19/2021 6:44:58 PM EDT
I wasn't yet I was

Link Posted: 6/19/2021 6:46:04 PM EDT
Not asking for you to identify yourself, so don't. But this is interesting.

Did you watch Tucker on FN last night 6/18? He tells you exactly how the IBF commies are actively participating in coercing people to commit crimes. Tucker lays out the story done by CNN https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/tucker-carlson-fbi-has-a-history-of-creating-crimes

Oddly, many of those seen on camera on Jan 6th were not arrested, and it has high probability that those not arrested were working for the Govt at that time. This in of itself is a crime committed by the Govt!

Nothing new, right. It just keeps happening unchecked.

And after that story Tucker has a Professor on from Suffolk County Community College, goes over the fed doc that outlines what makes you a "domestic terrorist", like saying bad things about the govt, tweeting the 2020 election was fraud, etc etc. This doc makes most Am.Patriots "domestic terrorists".

Let me paint it all in another light, what you hear and see now appears to be just cover flak for something more sinister the commies are working on. Biden's photo-op with Putin, Kumhala not going to US S. border, illegals walking in with open arms from the US side, fillibuster likley to get down to 55, etc etc, all just cover stories for CNN and the like. They are brewing something, and I have odd feeling it's nasty evil (Gilead style).

I also have odd feeling the Fed will start raiding people's homes for whatever the new FTA rules are gonna be, to try and make examples out of a few folks who have their own persoanl stash of firearms that they legally obtained. Once the 1st raid happens we all need to get ready for something the FTA does not want!

BTW, if you were a 80%'er, look into getting a laser-sinter 3D printer.

So, heed my warnings, keep your eyes open, be prepared, start talking to your Patriot friends and family in private (not on a phone, not via internet, etc), DO NOT sit back like all is ok!

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Hello Mr. SS man

We love joe binden
Link Posted: 6/19/2021 6:48:56 PM EDT
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Wow, 40% of White working people are gonna quit?

Well, that just means there will be less handouts for the black man.

If BLM wanted a fighting chance of getting sh1t for free, they should be helping the White man stay working.

Nothing racist here folks, just fundamental facts.

This guy seems . . . baity.


Sometimes the factual reality hurts, and delusional retardism is accepted. This kinda sums up the divide that exists in the US.

Who here would disagree? Don't even answer here, just answer to yourself. I am rather certain that of those here who disagreed they would just be intentially lying.
Link Posted: 6/19/2021 6:55:12 PM EDT
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At the gym this morning they have CNN playing next to Fox. CNN was full speed ahead talking about the January “insurrection” and the attack on our democracy.
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When comiies try to explain how democracy works, they frame it as "an attack on democracy".
Jan 6th WAS democarcy at work !

The reason why commie CNN is re-hashing Jan 6th over and over is becaise FN is bringing to light the role the fucking commies at IBF had in the mayham, which included Ashli Babbitt being murdered! Recall that cockfucker Eric Holder who allowed gun running until a CBP person was murdered with one of those guns. It's out-of-control govt, plain & simple, and no cocksuck TIC in DC will have the balls (or pussy) to address the problem.

The Great Lord is heavy in my house, and we routinely pray evil be struck down by any means possible, which includes the commies of CNN. Wheter it be a car crash, heart attack, or some homeless guy in NYC stabbing them, so be it.

Link Posted: 6/19/2021 6:57:31 PM EDT
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Wtf is the fta?
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FTA = commie ATF

ATF is a retarded backwards group of people, they live to make your life more miserable. Wait, isn't that just like the commies?
Link Posted: 6/19/2021 6:58:38 PM EDT
Low effort trolling
Link Posted: 6/19/2021 6:59:44 PM EDT
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greeting fellow firearms NSA CIA FBI enthusiast

obviously you have have only good intentions for freedom. why would anyone be asking about activities that will be prosecuted? im sure only for good reasons....
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Read post #1, not asking about 'your' activities.

Using choice words to make 'you' open your eyes a bit more. That's all.

Link Posted: 6/19/2021 6:59:47 PM EDT
This thread blows glows.
Link Posted: 6/19/2021 7:01:57 PM EDT
Not asking for you to identify yourself, so don't. But this is interesting.

Did you watch Tucker on FN last night 6/18? He tells you exactly how the IBF commies are actively participating in coercing people to commit crimes. Tucker lays out the story done by CNN https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/tucker-carlson-fbi-has-a-history-of-creating-crimes

Oddly, many of those seen on camera on Jan 6th were not arrested, and it has high probability that those not arrested were working for the Govt at that time. This in of itself is a crime committed by the Govt!

Nothing new, right. It just keeps happening unchecked.

And after that story Tucker has a Professor on from Suffolk County Community College, goes over the fed doc that outlines what makes you a "domestic terrorist", like saying bad things about the govt, tweeting the 2020 election was fraud, etc etc. This doc makes most Am.Patriots "domestic terrorists".

Let me paint it all in another light, what you hear and see now appears to be just cover flak for something more sinister the commies are working on. Biden's photo-op with Putin, Kumhala not going to US S. border, illegals walking in with open arms from the US side, fillibuster likley to get down to 55, etc etc, all just cover stories for CNN and the like. They are brewing something, and I have odd feeling it's nasty evil (Gilead style).

I also have odd feeling the Fed will start raiding people's homes for whatever the new FTA rules are gonna be, to try and make examples out of a few folks who have their own persoanl stash of firearms that they legally obtained. Once the 1st raid happens we all need to get ready for something the FTA does not want!

BTW, if you were a 80%'er, look into getting a laser-sinter 3D printer.

So, heed my warnings, keep your eyes open, be prepared, start talking to your Patriot friends and family in private (not on a phone, not via internet, etc), DO NOT sit back like all is ok!

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I'm just here for the fishing, model trains, and stamp collecting threads................
Link Posted: 6/19/2021 7:03:49 PM EDT

Link Posted: 6/19/2021 7:05:12 PM EDT
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I'm just here for the fishing, model trains, and stamp collecting threads................
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Do the trains have little commie flags on them? I hear the cunts in DC want to replace model train flags with a china flag, to show an appreciation by dickwad Biden.
Link Posted: 6/19/2021 7:05:16 PM EDT
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When comiies try to explain how democracy works, they frame it as "an attack on democracy".
Jan 6th WAS democarcy at work !

The reason why commie CNN is re-hashing Jan 6th over and over is becaise FN is bringing to light the role the fucking commies at IBF had in the mayham, which included Ashli Babbitt being murdered! Recall that cockfucker Eric Holder who allowed gun running until a CBP person was murdered with one of those guns. It's out-of-control govt, plain & simple, and no cocksuck TIC in DC will have the balls (or pussy) to address the problem.

The Great Lord is heavy in my house, and we routinely pray evil be struck down by any means possible, which includes the commies of CNN. Wheter it be a car crash, heart attack, or some homeless guy in NYC stabbing them, so be it.

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Why are "they" making you work on Junteenth, OP ????????...............
Link Posted: 6/19/2021 7:11:17 PM EDT
Guns are icky
Link Posted: 6/19/2021 7:31:01 PM EDT
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Not today? ??

Not today what?

My post is to get you thinking about things, and then don't post about it here or anywhere else.

The commies in IBF and FTA use internet to collect data about you, etc. But you already know that, so it's a moot point.

I am only suggesting what my 1st post says, 'you' have to start paying attention, and then demand more from investigative reporters who are honest Am.Patriots that they dog into this Govt corruption, yeah I know, very hard to find such reporters. Glenn Beck and Mark Levin are two people who understand what's going on. Tucker and Hannity are just TV mouth pieces for the timeslot, etc.

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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 6/19/2021 7:34:00 PM EDT
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Not today? ??

Not today what?

My post is to get you thinking about things, and then don't post about it here or anywhere else.

The commies in IBF and FTA use internet to collect data about you, etc. But you already know that, so it's a moot point.

I am only suggesting what my 1st post says, 'you' have to start paying attention, and then demand more from investigative reporters who are honest Am.Patriots that they dog into this Govt corruption, yeah I know, very hard to find such reporters. Glenn Beck and Mark Levin are two people who understand what's going on. Tucker and Hannity are just TV mouth pieces for the timeslot, etc.

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Link Posted: 6/19/2021 7:34:57 PM EDT
rated troll
Link Posted: 6/19/2021 7:35:21 PM EDT
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Do the trains have little commie flags on them? I hear the cunts in DC want to replace model train flags with a china flag, to show an appreciation by dickwad Biden.
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You are trying too hard.
Link Posted: 6/19/2021 7:35:32 PM EDT
OP this video has footage of people who were there

Link Posted: 6/19/2021 7:36:51 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/19/2021 7:37:38 PM EDT
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This is hilarious.

Edit: Show of hands.... who killed JFK?
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We got another one!
Link Posted: 6/19/2021 7:49:25 PM EDT
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You are trying too hard.
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Do the trains have little commie flags on them? I hear the cunts in DC want to replace model train flags with a china flag, to show an appreciation by dickwad Biden.

You are trying too hard.

This.  So obvious. Just stop.
Link Posted: 6/19/2021 7:58:56 PM EDT
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This is hilarious.

Edit: Show of hands.... who killed JFK?
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Link Posted: 6/19/2021 8:01:17 PM EDT
No fucking way am I gonna post in this...wait.

Oh, shit.
Link Posted: 6/19/2021 8:08:46 PM EDT
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Greetings fellow firearms enthusiast.
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