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Link Posted: 6/6/2019 12:07:48 AM EDT
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"Friut of the poisonous tree" no longer applies.

So the Rule of Law is truly dead.
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Apparently so.
But then again we saw that with Hildabeast.
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 12:08:00 AM EDT
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Why would you want to do that?
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1: Exposes fascist jack boots

2: Would make a great thread to expose other fascist jack boots

3: Attorney might like a swing at it!
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 12:08:08 AM EDT
They a kill squad or what?
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 12:08:42 AM EDT
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What if they did an undercover buy in his front yard and when the deal was made and they tried to arrest him he then got away and ran back in his house and locked the door?  Would your opinion change if they chased him in the house and happened to see a pile of meth on his table while arresting him?  I could be way off base but I hope I'm not because if so, this is pretty bad.  And I haven't read the fine print so who knows.  I'm just saying I think there's more to the story.
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Ever heard of exigency?
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 12:08:46 AM EDT
It's a bureacratic symbolic act.

Obtaining a warrant in 2019 is nothing like obtaining a warrant in 1791.  It's just paperwork, not even that really.  Back when the Republic was young, it was supposed to be hard to infringe on individual liberty, and private property.

But today, it's just symbolic BS.  If the government bureaucrats turn their eye your way, you're fucked.
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 12:09:25 AM EDT
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Well what’s the fucking point of having laws then?
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If the Government is not going to obey the laws, then why should I?
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 12:10:46 AM EDT
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Says they saw them when they raided his house.
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Who knows.  I hope it isn’t the case because that’s pretty bad but my limited experience with judges makes me think they would slap the shit out of the dea’s pp if it where as cut and dry as everyone thinks.  Like I said, I hope I’m not wrong because that’s pretty bad if so.
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 12:10:54 AM EDT
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I’d need more info before developing an opinion
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What more info do you need?  The raid was illegal.  This is complete bullshit.
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 12:11:03 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 12:11:22 AM EDT
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If the Government is not going to obey the laws, then why should I?
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Well what’s the fucking point of having laws then?
If the Government is not going to obey the laws, then why should I?

It's always about violence.  If you resist the government you will eventually lose.  You will lose your property and or freedom, or you will lose your life.
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 12:11:46 AM EDT
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Ever heard of exigency?
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I don’t believe in demonic possession.  Thanks though.
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 12:12:09 AM EDT
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Sounds like I need to make fake drugs, put them on a table and hope fascist idiots break into my house to investigate.
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It says they saw drugs in his kitchen which makes me think it’s in plain view.  Maybe they saw it from outside a window and worried that he would destroy the evidence before a warrant could be obtained.  You are completely right, there are lots of what ifs.  I’d like to know the full story before developing an opinion. Otherwise I’d be just like the “my baby didn’t do nuffin” mommas that we all think are retarded.
Sounds like I need to make fake drugs, put them on a table and hope fascist idiots break into my house to investigate.
Better hope there's not a cop peeking in your windows if you're baking. What looks like flour might be cocaine so better kick in the dog and shoot the door just to be safe.  They can get a warrant later if needed.
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 12:13:22 AM EDT
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Clown world.
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Clown court is appropriate.
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 12:13:42 AM EDT
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National security? If not, very disturbing......
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Everything is national security.
Now the government can do whatever the fuck it wants.
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 12:14:39 AM EDT
If they're willing to illegally enter a house and give conflicting statements to a judge after the fact about why, when, and under what circumstances they intended to get a warrant... who's to say what other laws they broke along the way?
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 12:14:50 AM EDT
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Better hope there's not a cop peeking in your windows if you're baking. What looks like flour might be cocaine so better kick in the dog and shoot the door just to be safe.  They can get a warrant later if needed.
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I had an officer pull the "I smell marijuana" once. He was going to call the drug dogs because I said no to a search, and he made me wait 45 minutes while he "got a hold of the K9 unit" which never arrived
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 12:15:03 AM EDT
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I’d need more info before developing an opinion
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Seems pretty clear cut. The court said plainly the entry and subsequent search was unlawful. As such any evidence uncovered therein should be inadmissible as fruit of the poison tree, regardless of what was found. They could have found dozens of bodies stacked like cord wood in the basement and that should be inadmissible since the search was illegal. Making exceptions is how we start down the slippery slope to losing what little 4A protections are left.
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 12:15:46 AM EDT
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Better hope there's not a cop peeking in your windows if you're baking. What looks like flour might be cocaine so better kick in the dog and shoot the door just to be safe.  They can get a warrant later if needed.
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It says they saw drugs in his kitchen which makes me think it’s in plain view.  Maybe they saw it from outside a window and worried that he would destroy the evidence before a warrant could be obtained.  You are completely right, there are lots of what ifs.  I’d like to know the full story before developing an opinion. Otherwise I’d be just like the “my baby didn’t do nuffin” mommas that we all think are retarded.
Sounds like I need to make fake drugs, put them on a table and hope fascist idiots break into my house to investigate.
Better hope there's not a cop peeking in your windows if you're baking. What looks like flour might be cocaine so better kick in the dog and shoot the door just to be safe.  They can get a warrant later if needed.
You might experience " exploratory gunfire " in that situation
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 12:21:05 AM EDT
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It says they saw drugs in his kitchen which makes me think it’s in plain view.  Maybe they saw it from outside a window and worried that he would destroy the evidence before a warrant could be obtained.  You are completely right, there are lots of what ifs.  I’d like to know the full story before developing an opinion. Otherwise I’d be just like the “my baby didn’t do nuffin” mommas that we all think are retarded.
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If he destroyed the drugs, what is the harm?

The conclusion reads that the search was illegal, but the illegally found evidence is admissible.

We beat out a confession illegally, but we’re going to accept the confession nonetheless.

It’s not slippery slope. It’s just wrong.
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 12:24:11 AM EDT
Lawyers = Democrats

Lawyers = Judges
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 12:25:27 AM EDT
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It's always about violence.  If you resist the government you will eventually lose.  You will lose your life, property, and freedom, or you will lose your life.
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Live on your knees or die on your feet.
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 12:25:42 AM EDT
Have we changed the paperwork to "United Banana Republic of America'' yet?
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 12:29:00 AM EDT
So the 1st, 2nd, and 4th are dead.
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 12:29:56 AM EDT
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It's always about violence.  If you resist the government you will eventually lose.  You will lose your life, property, and freedom, or you will lose your life.
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Link Posted: 6/6/2019 12:31:16 AM EDT
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So the 1st, 2nd, and 4th are dead.
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Have been for awhile. Have you been getting the daily reminders?
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 12:34:02 AM EDT

I don't even remotely understand how that's possible.

Is this all a farce?  It's seeming like this is all a sick joke.
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 12:34:51 AM EDT
Clarence Thomas is okay with this.
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 12:35:47 AM EDT
So is this precedent now?
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 12:35:58 AM EDT
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Ah,  so it was an illegal entry.

I trust charges against the officers are being pursued, right?

I mean we're a nation of laws and all.
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 12:38:00 AM EDT
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"If it gits one of dem dopers".
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Easily extended to

"If it gits one of dem salt rifle holdouts..."

Interesting times.
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 12:38:22 AM EDT

Seems pretty clear cut. The court said plainly the entry and subsequent search was unlawful. As such any evidence uncovered therein should be inadmissible as fruit of the poison tree, regardless of what was found. They could have found dozens of bodies stacked like cord wood in the basement and that should be inadmissible since the search was illegal. Making exceptions is how we start down the slippery slope to losing what little 4A protections are left.
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That's how I look at it. Hopefully this will be appealed higher and overturned.
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 12:39:39 AM EDT
This is why we have an appeal process.   Even the lower court said it was illegal.  Easy Peasy.
That doesn't make it right.  I hope whoever it is gets rich.
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 12:39:42 AM EDT
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In that case they wouldn't have used the word illegal.
They would've had probable cause at least to enter
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What if they did an undercover buy in his front yard and when the deal was made and they tried to arrest him he then got away and ran back in his house and locked the door?  Would your opinion change if they chased him in the house and happened to see a pile of meth on his table while arresting him?  I could be way off base but I hope I'm not because if so, this is pretty bad.  And I haven't read the fine print so who knows.  I'm just saying I think there's more to the story.
In that case they wouldn't have used the word illegal.
They would've had probable cause at least to enter
Yeah, you can’t just make it to “home base” like a game of tag if you’re running from the cops.

If they already have probable cause they can just kick the door down and get your dumb ass. What they cannot do is kick down your door without a warrant to look for that initial probable cause. Not remotely the same thing. If they chase you inside to arrest you and you have a Tony Montana sized pile of blow on the coffee table next to an Uzi and a dead hooker, that stuff is still totally admissible evidence.
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 12:43:19 AM EDT
So it is legal for the police to break into your house and search for illegal activity to charge you with as long as they say they planned on getting a search warrant?
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 12:47:37 AM EDT
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So it is legal for the police to break into your house and search for illegal activity to charge you with as long as they say they planned on getting a search warrant?
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Just this one time. They had to promise not to do it again. Pinky swear and all.
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 12:51:52 AM EDT
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Clarence Thomas is okay with this.
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I need some proof of this statement.
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 1:05:28 AM EDT
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So is this precedent now?
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This is the primary flaw in our legal system.  The complexity of the law has lead to so much unnecessary hardship.  All because a segment of our population would rather use their intellegence in unproductive ways.  Bureaucracy loves complexity.

It guarantees stable employment, jobs, benefits, and purpose.  All without producing actual tradable value.  No free market economic pressure or voluntary exchange.  How does a philosophy major make a living in modern society?

They either sell self-help courses or books, teach, preach in a church, or they become lawyers and hopefully judges.
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 1:11:27 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 1:13:25 AM EDT
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The time for the 2A to really make it's meaning clear fast approaches.
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Yup, and now that I have children it scares me but makes me angry at the same time.
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 1:16:50 AM EDT
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So it is legal for the police to break into your house and search for illegal activity to charge you with as long as they say they planned on getting a search warrant?
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Yes, we should all embrace this decision. I plan on eventually getting tax stamps, so it should be fine to go ahead and take possession of all the machine guns and silencers I want.
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 1:17:38 AM EDT
Based off the info I would not he surprised if it does get tossed down the line.
Granted we don't have all the facts, but it has been admitted it was an illegal search.
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 1:17:46 AM EDT
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Yes, we should all embrace this decision. I plan on eventually getting tax stamps, so it should be fine to go ahead and take possession of all the machine guns and silencers I want.
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"It would be a better practice to obtain the stamps before getting the NFA items."

Link Posted: 6/6/2019 1:18:24 AM EDT
A raid without a warrant is called home invasion.
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 1:21:03 AM EDT
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i wonder if they realize the reason they need a warrant is because without one, they are breaking into the house illegally, which means the homeowner has every right to shoot every single one of them and would not be charged with homicide. the warrant is to protect them just as much to protect the homeowner.
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Makes no difference. Had he shot a cop in an illegal raid he would be hung for it and the entirety of GD would be calling for his head.
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 1:25:12 AM EDT
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i wonder if they realize the reason they need a warrant is because without one, they are breaking into the house illegally, which means the homeowner has every right to shoot every single one of them and would not be charged with homicide. the warrant is to protect them just as much to protect the homeowner.
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And they'd shove him in a hole for the rest of his life.   You're supposed to know if raids are a legitimate law enforcement action or not even though most people have no fucking clue and everything is kept secret don't you know?

And people are suprised that people posing as cops for home invasions works.   Which is basically what this was.
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 1:26:52 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 1:28:37 AM EDT
I'm betting the phrase "inevitable discovery" is in that decision somewhere.

They had more than enough to get a warrant prior to going in. Nothing from the search changed that.
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 1:32:23 AM EDT
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I'm betting the phrase "inevitable discovery" is in that decision somewhere.

They had more than enough to get a warrant prior to going in. Nothing from the search changed that.
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Nothing from the search changed that?  Meaning if there was nothing illegal they wouldn't get a warrant?  Which they didn't?

Just because it yeilded results doesn't make it right.
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 1:32:44 AM EDT
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What if they did an undercover buy in his front yard and when the deal was made and they tried to arrest him he then got away and ran back in his house and locked the door?  Would your opinion change if they chased him in the house and happened to see a pile of meth on his table while arresting him?  I could be way off base but I hope I'm not because if so, this is pretty bad.  And I haven't read the fine print so who knows.  I'm just saying I think there's more to the story.
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What if frogs had wings?
Link Posted: 6/6/2019 1:37:54 AM EDT
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I'm betting the phrase "inevitable discovery" is in that decision somewhere.

They had more than enough to get a warrant prior to going in. Nothing from the search changed that.
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Great news, so it should have been pretty easy to just go ahead and get that warrant
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