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Link Posted: 5/21/2021 7:52:30 PM EDT
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I wish I could un-read that.
‘Horrific‘ doesn’t even come close.

Savage animals, they are.
The human race is in decline
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They've always been animals.  
Link Posted: 5/21/2021 7:54:41 PM EDT
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In Iraq we had to push out programs to the police, we were hesitant to mentor those in the al Dora, southern baghdad due to presence of al qaeda...we were trying to get an idea of their violent crime problem and had to rely on community groups and and hospitals. We were told of 2 females attending the university that were kidnapped from a bus stop.

We had our Iraqi investigators out there pretty much bs’ing us the whole time. We found the two girls, dead, mutilated. We berated the police investigators as they arrived at the site. We were told by our interpreter that they were war casualties, not victims of a crime. Their pants were pulled down to their ankles, obvious rape, sodomized and mutilated. Our interpreter told us as they talked among themselves they said how stupid the Americans were, it was obvious that the young girls were Christian and wearing western blue jeans, the men in the area had every right to rape them. We pulled their glocks and police cards.
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It'd be a shame if someone shoved those Glocks up their asses and mag dumped.
Link Posted: 5/21/2021 8:37:49 PM EDT
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In Iraq we had to push out programs to the police, we were hesitant to mentor those in the al Dora, southern baghdad due to presence of al qaeda...we were trying to get an idea of their violent crime problem and had to rely on community groups and and hospitals. We were told of 2 females attending the university that were kidnapped from a bus stop.

We had our Iraqi investigators out there pretty much bs’ing us the whole time. We found the two girls, dead, mutilated. We berated the police investigators as they arrived at the site. We were told by our interpreter that they were war casualties, not victims of a crime. Their pants were pulled down to their ankles, obvious rape, sodomized and mutilated. Our interpreter told us as they talked among themselves they said how stupid the Americans were, it was obvious that the young girls were Christian and wearing western blue jeans, the men in the area had every right to rape them. We pulled their glocks and police cards.
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I wish I could un-read that.
‘Horrific‘ doesn’t even come close.

Savage animals, they are.
The human race is in decline

In Iraq we had to push out programs to the police, we were hesitant to mentor those in the al Dora, southern baghdad due to presence of al qaeda...we were trying to get an idea of their violent crime problem and had to rely on community groups and and hospitals. We were told of 2 females attending the university that were kidnapped from a bus stop.

We had our Iraqi investigators out there pretty much bs’ing us the whole time. We found the two girls, dead, mutilated. We berated the police investigators as they arrived at the site. We were told by our interpreter that they were war casualties, not victims of a crime. Their pants were pulled down to their ankles, obvious rape, sodomized and mutilated. Our interpreter told us as they talked among themselves they said how stupid the Americans were, it was obvious that the young girls were Christian and wearing western blue jeans, the men in the area had every right to rape them. We pulled their glocks and police cards.

you're saying the cops did the rape?
Link Posted: 5/21/2021 8:50:05 PM EDT
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Gramsci's Long March Through The Institutions is what happened.

Like any bureaucracy, and that is what The Church is - every denomination - it is made of people. You corrupt or install enough of your own into the organization, at some point you BECOME the organization.

Communists are uniquely capable of collective action, and they have used it to great effect. They have a religious devotion, you might say; and it isn't to God.

I'll bet the true believers left in The Church are just as befuddled as, well, Fudd's. Both oblivious, or worse cognizant and silent to the danger all around them and will probably remain so until the demons finally come for their soul/rights.

As for those banking on being Pre-Trib, I am of the belief that the only ones raptured will be the very young, if any at all.

The rest of us are gonna get our noses rubbed into the carpet for the shit we created.

Prepare accordingly.

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Back in the 90's quite a few people were post-trib and preparing accordingly, this tied in well w/ patriot/ survivalist mindset.  Organizations too ( CSIN ), but it wasn't meant to happen then and the momentum was lost.  Now ?, it doesn't look good and the reasons why are numerous.   You mention collectivism and churches,  I question the motives of church attendance by some in my small town,  they seem like Marxist to me and more into secular-humanism.
Link Posted: 5/21/2021 8:57:28 PM EDT
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I wish I could un-read that.
‘Horrific‘ doesn’t even come close.

Savage animals, they are.
The human race is in decline
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Just remember that Muhamed Elbaradei and Morsi were Obama and Soros’ faves to run Egypt after the Arab Spring and they even rigged the elections. Muslim Brotherhood is who the globalists endorse to run the Middle East.  It’s Elbaradei that wrote the Iran Deal as director of the IAEA in 2007.
Link Posted: 5/21/2021 9:01:34 PM EDT
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She's right. It's not left nor right.  It's feudalism that is being pushed upon us.  I have long maintained that if the Neu Welt Ordnung has its way, it will be less than 1% rich, 2-3% rich and then 96% peasant-tenant-worker class; just like in the dark & middle ages.
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They want us all back in the shadow of the castle.

Brzezinski wrote about an “unrestrained elite” ruling by technocracy in 1971 because it was a blueprint not a prediction.
Link Posted: 5/21/2021 9:04:26 PM EDT
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It's coming for sure. Maybe enough will finally wake the fuck up.
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It's coming for sure. Maybe enough will finally wake the fuck up.

They will eventually say voting uses too much energy so we should just be satisfied with their government as-is.
Link Posted: 5/21/2021 9:06:26 PM EDT
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Being gang-raped by a bunch of muslim brotherhood "freedom fighters" in Tahrir Square can have that effect on a person.
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IIRC, she was starting to wake up during the whole 'arab spring' thing.

Being gang-raped by a bunch of muslim brotherhood "freedom fighters" in Tahrir Square can have that effect on a person.

Attachment Attached File

Do tell.
Link Posted: 5/21/2021 9:40:34 PM EDT
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Well... boomers die after a while you know.
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the anti-chicken little, tinfoil, sky is falling, whatever crowd has been a lot quieter of late, I wonder why.
Well... boomers die after a while you know.

as a literal Boomer, I am confused by that line. But then at my age, I guess it's to be expected.
Link Posted: 5/21/2021 9:42:28 PM EDT
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Logan is the ideal woman.  Tough as nails, smart as hell, and gorgeous.  If we still had those propaganda posters of Lady (insert country), she would be on it.
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Link Posted: 5/21/2021 10:24:42 PM EDT
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I'm pre-trib so......
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I think resistance to the antichrist and evil is completely ok
Some would argue that it is our duty to resist to the end.  

What other choice will those that refuse the mark have?

I'm pre-trib so......
Mid trib here ....I'm prep'ing.
Link Posted: 5/21/2021 11:44:55 PM EDT
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you're saying the cops did the rape?
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I wish I could un-read that.
‘Horrific‘ doesn’t even come close.

Savage animals, they are.
The human race is in decline

In Iraq we had to push out programs to the police, we were hesitant to mentor those in the al Dora, southern baghdad due to presence of al qaeda...we were trying to get an idea of their violent crime problem and had to rely on community groups and and hospitals. We were told of 2 females attending the university that were kidnapped from a bus stop.

We had our Iraqi investigators out there pretty much bs’ing us the whole time. We found the two girls, dead, mutilated. We berated the police investigators as they arrived at the site. We were told by our interpreter that they were war casualties, not victims of a crime. Their pants were pulled down to their ankles, obvious rape, sodomized and mutilated. Our interpreter told us as they talked among themselves they said how stupid the Americans were, it was obvious that the young girls were Christian and wearing western blue jeans, the men in the area had every right to rape them. We pulled their glocks and police cards.

you're saying the cops did the rape?

No, not the cops....that we know of, but there was no attempt to investigate shit though. You have a whole class of sheepish men that refuse to take action.

Same area, 3 girls we think were sisters, oldest maybe 12, Assyrian, they used to come up to us all the time when doing building searches in the area, they’d walk around with a wagon collecting any usable trash, we’d give them mre’s, Gatorade sleeves, water, candy...all 3 shot in the head and dumped in a garbage heap about a half block from another police station. To this day, I’m not sure if it was a message to us, or the cops. We’d try to chase them away, while setting up perimeters as we’d clear out tenements. They were probably raped, but the family came on scene and wouldn’t let us examine them.

After determining not wired, we called the cops out of the station and within ten minutes we had 20 or 30 cops. There was a lot of angry shouting and at first we thought they were going to seek out those involved, believed  holed up in local tenements, and we’d tag along for the opportunity. We thought hey, a turning point with these guys. Nope, we had our interpreter go into the crowd of cops....they were shouting all right, shouting down the few that wanted to do something The jist of the shouting was that if the killers were willing to do what they did to 3 small girls, what would they do to them and their family....is there a word to use worse than cowards.
Link Posted: 5/21/2021 11:51:22 PM EDT
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You're not missing anything.

The Bible tells us that abandonment of scripture will occur during the end times (for example you have to abandon scripture to believe in same sex marriage).  Doctrinal differences between churches will be blurred as some ministers are claiming we will never agree on doctrinal differences, therefore, lets just all be one, for as long as you believe in God you are saved regardless of doctrinal differences, so let’s come together and forget doctrinal differences that threatens to tear us apart (Interfaithism mov't). In the end times, some of Christianity will join the one world church of the end time by abandoning scripture (thus will be a false church).  
1 Timothy 4:1-3 (KJV)
1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

Churches need to cover all the scriptures and not just the feel good scriptures. This will help counter the great deception that will be coming (and prevent many from being fooled by what they see, hear and experience). For instance, the False Prophet will perform miracles and lead many to follow and worship the Antichrist. Everyone should prepare themselves by knowing the scriptures, so that when you witness these miracles, you will not be deceived. 
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I believe  this, have for a long time.  The systems are now in place and the great deception is underway.  They hit us from multiple directions to keep people like me off balance and unable to process everything, things sneak by.  Am disappointed in the churches, they should be on red alert status, but I don't  hear much from them,  what am I missing here ?

You're not missing anything.

The Bible tells us that abandonment of scripture will occur during the end times (for example you have to abandon scripture to believe in same sex marriage).  Doctrinal differences between churches will be blurred as some ministers are claiming we will never agree on doctrinal differences, therefore, lets just all be one, for as long as you believe in God you are saved regardless of doctrinal differences, so let’s come together and forget doctrinal differences that threatens to tear us apart (Interfaithism mov't). In the end times, some of Christianity will join the one world church of the end time by abandoning scripture (thus will be a false church).  
1 Timothy 4:1-3 (KJV)
1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

Churches need to cover all the scriptures and not just the feel good scriptures. This will help counter the great deception that will be coming (and prevent many from being fooled by what they see, hear and experience). For instance, the False Prophet will perform miracles and lead many to follow and worship the Antichrist. Everyone should prepare themselves by knowing the scriptures, so that when you witness these miracles, you will not be deceived. 

Thank you for that.
Link Posted: 5/21/2021 11:52:58 PM EDT
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I believe  this, have for a long time.  The systems are now in place and the great deception is underway.  They hit us from multiple directions to keep people like me off balance and unable to process everything, things sneak by.  Am disappointed in the churches, they should be on red alert status, but I don't  hear much from them,  what am I missing here ?
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Link Posted: 5/22/2021 12:17:17 AM EDT
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The only silver lining to this push for global communism is that a whole shitload of commies are gonna get what's coming to them, either by defeat from real people through war or their own ideology through victory.

The wages of Marxism is death, and you can be damn sure they'll get their fair share.
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It’s coming for sure. Maybe enough will finally wake the fuck up.

The only silver lining to this push for global communism is that a whole shitload of commies are gonna get what's coming to them, either by defeat from real people through war or their own ideology through victory.

The wages of Marxism is death, and you can be damn sure they'll get their fair share.

This right here.  The Marxists always get what's coming to them.  So there's that.
Link Posted: 5/22/2021 12:30:59 AM EDT
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Logan is the ideal woman.  Tough as nails, smart as hell, and gorgeous.  If we still had those propaganda posters of Lady (insert country), she would be on it.


If she were touted as the blueprint of the ideal Western female, instead of blue-haired karens, humans would probably be colonizing Mars by now.
Link Posted: 5/22/2021 10:06:43 AM EDT
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They've always been animals.  
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I wish I could un-read that.
‘Horrific‘ doesn’t even come close.

Savage animals, they are.
The human race is in decline


They've always been animals.  

troglodytes will always do troglodyte things.
Link Posted: 5/22/2021 10:09:57 AM EDT
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If she were touted as the blueprint of the ideal Western female, instead of blue-haired fat assed screeching fugly gender bending karens, humans would probably be colonizing Mars by now.
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Logan is the ideal woman.  Tough as nails, smart as hell, and gorgeous.  If we still had those propaganda posters of Lady (insert country), she would be on it.


If she were touted as the blueprint of the ideal Western female, instead of blue-haired fat assed screeching fugly gender bending karens, humans would probably be colonizing Mars by now.

fixed it for you.
Link Posted: 5/22/2021 12:04:05 PM EDT
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Being gang-raped by a bunch of muslim brotherhood "freedom fighters" in Tahrir Square can have that effect on a person.
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Ever wonder why the Universal church houses it's priests in a "Rectory"
Link Posted: 5/22/2021 12:04:49 PM EDT
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Being gang-raped by a bunch of muslim brotherhood "freedom fighters" in Tahrir Square can have that effect on a person.
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IIRC, she was starting to wake up during the whole 'arab spring' thing.

Being gang-raped by a bunch of muslim brotherhood "freedom fighters" in Tahrir Square can have that effect on a person.

Came to post this
Link Posted: 5/22/2021 12:29:47 PM EDT
She’s absolutely on fire in this interview when discussing manipulation, suppression, and bias in today’s news stories.

Lara Logan: ‘They’re Not Journalists. They’re Political Assassins’ | American Thought Leaders
Link Posted: 5/22/2021 10:10:02 PM EDT
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She's absolutely on fire in this interview when discussing manipulation, suppression, and bias in today's news stories.

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You should look into Sharyl Attkisson



Link Posted: 5/22/2021 10:17:12 PM EDT
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You follow the money and doctrine back and it always leads to white academic Marxists and their wealthy white European financial backers....always.
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We are going back into a dark age of global feudalism, or so the elite hopes

You follow the money and doctrine back and it always leads to white academic Marxists and their wealthy white European financial backers....always.

Link Posted: 5/22/2021 10:21:20 PM EDT
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She's absolutely on fire in this interview when discussing manipulation, suppression, and bias in today's news stories.


You should look into Sharyl Attkisson



I read her first book, Stonewalled.  It was definitely alarming to say the least.

I’ll have to check these out, too.  Thanks.
Link Posted: 5/22/2021 10:28:08 PM EDT
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She's spot on, as usual.
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Link Posted: 5/22/2021 10:31:31 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/22/2021 10:42:33 PM EDT
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No, not the cops....that we know of, but there was no attempt to investigate shit though. You have a whole class of sheepish men that refuse to take action.

Same area, 3 girls we think were sisters, oldest maybe 12, Assyrian, they used to come up to us all the time when doing building searches in the area, they’d walk around with a wagon collecting any usable trash, we’d give them mre’s, Gatorade sleeves, water, candy...all 3 shot in the head and dumped in a garbage heap about a half block from another police station. To this day, I’m not sure if it was a message to us, or the cops. We’d try to chase them away, while setting up perimeters as we’d clear out tenements. They were probably raped, but the family came on scene and wouldn’t let us examine them.

After determining not wired, we called the cops out of the station and within ten minutes we had 20 or 30 cops. There was a lot of angry shouting and at first we thought they were going to seek out those involved, believed  holed up in local tenements, and we’d tag along for the opportunity. We thought hey, a turning point with these guys. Nope, we had our interpreter go into the crowd of cops....they were shouting all right, shouting down the few that wanted to do something The jist of the shouting was that if the killers were willing to do what they did to 3 small girls, what would they do to them and their family....is there a word to use worse than cowards.
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I wish I could un-read that.
‘Horrific‘ doesn’t even come close.

Savage animals, they are.
The human race is in decline

In Iraq we had to push out programs to the police, we were hesitant to mentor those in the al Dora, southern baghdad due to presence of al qaeda...we were trying to get an idea of their violent crime problem and had to rely on community groups and and hospitals. We were told of 2 females attending the university that were kidnapped from a bus stop.

We had our Iraqi investigators out there pretty much bs’ing us the whole time. We found the two girls, dead, mutilated. We berated the police investigators as they arrived at the site. We were told by our interpreter that they were war casualties, not victims of a crime. Their pants were pulled down to their ankles, obvious rape, sodomized and mutilated. Our interpreter told us as they talked among themselves they said how stupid the Americans were, it was obvious that the young girls were Christian and wearing western blue jeans, the men in the area had every right to rape them. We pulled their glocks and police cards.

you're saying the cops did the rape?

No, not the cops....that we know of, but there was no attempt to investigate shit though. You have a whole class of sheepish men that refuse to take action.

Same area, 3 girls we think were sisters, oldest maybe 12, Assyrian, they used to come up to us all the time when doing building searches in the area, they’d walk around with a wagon collecting any usable trash, we’d give them mre’s, Gatorade sleeves, water, candy...all 3 shot in the head and dumped in a garbage heap about a half block from another police station. To this day, I’m not sure if it was a message to us, or the cops. We’d try to chase them away, while setting up perimeters as we’d clear out tenements. They were probably raped, but the family came on scene and wouldn’t let us examine them.

After determining not wired, we called the cops out of the station and within ten minutes we had 20 or 30 cops. There was a lot of angry shouting and at first we thought they were going to seek out those involved, believed  holed up in local tenements, and we’d tag along for the opportunity. We thought hey, a turning point with these guys. Nope, we had our interpreter go into the crowd of cops....they were shouting all right, shouting down the few that wanted to do something The jist of the shouting was that if the killers were willing to do what they did to 3 small girls, what would they do to them and their family....is there a word to use worse than cowards.


That’s some crazy shit!  Reminds me of the quote:

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Link Posted: 5/22/2021 10:51:54 PM EDT
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Logan is the ideal woman.  Tough as nails, smart as hell, and gorgeous.  If we still had those propaganda posters of Lady (insert country), she would be on it.
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Complete agreement.
Link Posted: 5/22/2021 11:09:32 PM EDT
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She’s absolutely on fire in this interview when discussing manipulation, suppression, and bias in today’s news stories.

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That video finally drove me to become a paying subscriber to Epoch Times.
Link Posted: 5/22/2021 11:53:12 PM EDT
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Sadly, I think this is the endgame.  Further, the book of Revelation says that the ones who fight with the sword will die by the sword.  Kind of negates any kind of resistance.
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“Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.” Luke 22:36
Link Posted: 5/23/2021 4:27:29 PM EDT
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I think it's hilarious how people on this board understand what's going on. Ten years ago this board was decrying all of this as "conspiracy theory" nonsense. I remember it very well.
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Ten years ago?  Lol, what about just last week?  Or today.  This place is absolutely lousy with denial.

Not that any other board out there is any better off, but it is still a problem we will never be rid of.
Link Posted: 5/23/2021 8:20:26 PM EDT
I'm mostly interested in the last part where she discusses the letter released by the 120 former generals and admirals. She alluded to more to come. It's that level of influence that really could force some hands though the white knights have been in short supply over the past 5 years of in your face government crime and treason.
Link Posted: 5/23/2021 8:44:28 PM EDT
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I'm mostly interested in the last part where she discusses the letter released by the 120 former generals and admirals. She alluded to more to come. It's that level of influence that really could force some hands though the white knights have been in short supply over the past 5 years of in your face government crime and treason.
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Very disappointed in the military, active Marxist Color Revolution and no one does anything, a few send a strongly worded letter.   Hate to say this but 1-6 should have expanded in scope, Coc stops it there,  use your imagination.  Need to watch the video.
Link Posted: 5/23/2021 8:50:20 PM EDT
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You follow the money and doctrine back and it always leads to white academic Marxists and their wealthy white European financial backers....always.
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Always the fellow whites.
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