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Link Posted: 2/4/2020 8:54:19 AM EDT
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Morning after blues

(Keepa da links cold)


DU actually has threads declaring last night "a Victory" because all candidates attacked Trump.
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There's another thread over there regarding some "Really nasty stuff on twitter right now", that apparently has something
to do with Sanders supporters trashing the other candidates, and a number of the DUmmies are finger pointing and still
clinging to 'Russian bots'/Putin as the source of the disruption excuse.  
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 8:54:54 AM EDT
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No, a Caucus has too many witnesses.  Must create a caucus failure in order to lure Iowans into the warm digital darkness where votes are created on-demand, just in time , the Chicago way.
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Electronic voting makes it so hard to cheat that they had to shut it down for a day to figure out a new way to cheat!
No, a Caucus has too many witnesses.  Must create a caucus failure in order to lure Iowans into the warm digital darkness where votes are created on-demand, just in time , the Chicago way.
^^^ This man knows things.
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 8:57:29 AM EDT
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Lol. The Democrat party is literally institutionalization of organized crime...I learned this as a kid when my Grandmother worked for the DNC. No amount of virtuous rhetoric is worth their constant bullshit and chicanery. They’re frauds.
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Yes and you now have multiple factions within this crime family organizing to steal from each other, den of thieves trying to rob each other blind.
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 8:57:55 AM EDT
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In the true spirit of “never let a good crisis go to waste”, I’m sure the dems will use this to push the narrative that Iowa is irrelevant and systems like caucuses are outdated. Already heard a segment in NPR before this all started, questioning why Iowa was in this role and not a more “diverse” state like California.
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Truth be told they would not be wrong. The juice should be worth the squeeze delegate count wise. Iowa has like 49 divided-up two or three ways.....They are a backwater state in the grand scheme of things.
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 8:58:14 AM EDT
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I figured it out.....Bloomberg bought the app!
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Maybe so...
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 8:58:32 AM EDT
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Morning after blues

(Keepa da links cold)


DU actually has threads declaring last night "a Victory" because all candidates attacked Trump.
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Link Posted: 2/4/2020 8:59:56 AM EDT
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Dude walks like he has a gerbil in his keister:


Needs memeage
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There's no fucking way Buttkrieg won. That's shady as hell. Wasn't he polling like towards the bottom?
Gayslang: He is a Power-Bottom!

Dude walks like he has a gerbil in his keister:


Needs memeage
"No you don't little buddy, you're not getting back out yet"
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:01:15 AM EDT
Attachment Attached File

They can't even fix their own primary right.
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:01:39 AM EDT
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Perhaps all the Democrat candidates could meet in Des Moines Registers Offices and at noon today each candidates is issued a sword and when the Editors blows his whistle they all come out of their corners and enter the Battle Royal Errol Flynn style?  The last idiot standing wins.
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Buttigieg would win, he's the only experienced sword fighter among them
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:03:13 AM EDT
So apparently this app that was used by the Iowa dems, was built by a company named "Shadow". Which has several employees in leadership roles who are "former" employees of the Clinton's.

Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:03:45 AM EDT
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Don't hire Pakistanis to write your app?  Or run your e-mail?

Just a thought.

Either that or Yang or Gabbard is winning too much.   Can't have that.
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Some chinese hacker fat fingered 14 million votes for yang, thought it looked reasonable for an area the size of iowa.
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:03:59 AM EDT
Trump needs to make a campaign video compilation of the Dem cheating over the last 5 years: Bernie, Russia, Kavanaugh, Ukraine, Iowa, etc.
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:06:00 AM EDT
Best case for Voter I'd laws as I have ever seen. And would be easy to get Dems on board...

".... look your leadership is undermining your voice...."
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:06:06 AM EDT
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There's another thread over there regarding some "Really nasty stuff on twitter right now", that apparently has something
to do with Sanders supporters trashing the other candidates, and a number of the DUmmies are finger pointing and still
clinging to 'Russian bots'/Putin as the source of the disruption excuse.  
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This is why everyone here needs multiple social media accounts.  Then you can jump right in to stir up the pot even more.  Get them to self destruct, blame each other, and create divisions.  Do the same thing the "I'm not voting for Trump because he banned bumpstocks" crowd here does.
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:08:29 AM EDT
It would seem to me that Ohio would be about the perfect state to kick a POTUS election season off with. Demographics are about average for the US population (a bit light on Hispanics), they have a reasonably priced media market, and about 160 delegates so the juice would be worth the squeeze.
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:08:32 AM EDT
I live near Davenport Iowa.  
Local places are hand counting and counting hands.
They are telling the local news that Pete Buttigieg won in their counts.
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:10:55 AM EDT
From DU
16. 'I don't trust our voting system...my opinion'

Exactly what Trump & Russia want.
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THERE WAS NO VOTING you idiots!!
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:13:23 AM EDT
Liberals find out the hard way that the DNC cheats in elections.
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:19:03 AM EDT
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I live near Davenport Iowa.  
Local places are hand counting and counting hands.
They are telling the local news that Pete Buttigieg won in their counts.
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So it's the counters and not the ballot markers or hand raisers?

So Stalin, ironically but appropriately, was correct.
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:20:32 AM EDT
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It would seem to me that Ohio would be about the perfect state to kick a POTUS election season off with. Demographics are about average for the US population (a bit light on Hispanics), they have a reasonably priced media market, and about 160 delegates so the juice would be worth the squeeze.
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Fuck that. Keep that bullshit drama the hell out of Ohio.

That will bring the bad ju ju. I just know it.
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:21:23 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:24:10 AM EDT
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So it's the counters and not the ballot markers or hand raisers?

So Stalin, ironically but appropriately, was correct.
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I live near Davenport Iowa.  
Local places are hand counting and counting hands.
They are telling the local news that Pete Buttigieg won in their counts.
So it's the counters and not the ballot markers or hand raisers?

So Stalin, ironically but appropriately, was correct.
What ballot?
My understanding (from Wikipedia and others)

he Iowa caucuses are biennial electoral events for members of the Democratic and Republican Parties in the U.S. state of Iowa. Unlike primary elections in most other U.S. states, where registered voters go to polling places to cast ballots, Iowans instead gather at local caucus meetings to discuss and vote on the candidates. During both the presidential and midterm election seasons, registered Iowan voters vote in a per-precinct caucus for the party of which they are registered as a member.[1] The caucuses are also held to select delegates to county conventions and party committees, among other party activities.[2]

Each precinct divides its delegate seats among the candidates in proportion to caucus goers' votes. Participants indicate their support for a particular candidate by standing in a designated area of the caucus site (forming a preference group). An area may also be designated for undecided participants. Then, for roughly 30 minutes, participants try to convince their neighbors to support their candidates. Each preference group might informally deputize a few members to recruit supporters from the other groups and, in particular, from among those undecided. Undecided participants might visit each preference group to ask its members about their candidate.

After 30 minutes, the electioneering is temporarily halted, and the supporters for each candidate are counted.
The "voting" is done by a head count by some official.
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:24:30 AM EDT
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I live near Davenport Iowa.  
Local places are hand counting and counting hands.
They are telling the local news that Pete Buttigieg won in their counts.
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Isn't Davenport pretty crime-ridden?
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:25:15 AM EDT
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This is why everyone here needs multiple social media accounts.  Then you can jump right in to stir up the pot even more.  Get them to self destruct, blame each other, and create divisions.  Do the same thing the "I'm not voting for Trump because he banned bumpstocks" crowd here does.
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Spread rumors that Bloomberg was behind the fuck up.

Claim that that's why he passed on Iowa so as not to get caught in the middle of the mess, and he could sit back
and laugh at them all eating each other alive, plus out of any one of the candidates, he has the money and connections
to throw a monkey wrench into the works.
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:25:45 AM EDT
Have they blamed Trump yet?  Clearly this is Trump and the Russians...or Ukrainians.  Schiff has proof.
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:26:17 AM EDT
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Spread rumors that Bloomberg was behind the fuck up.

Claim that that's why he passed on Iowa so as not to get caught in the middle of the mess, and he could sit back
and laugh at them all eating each other alive, plus out of any one of the candidates, he has the money and connections
to throw a monkey wrench into the works.
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This is why everyone here needs multiple social media accounts.  Then you can jump right in to stir up the pot even more.  Get them to self destruct, blame each other, and create divisions.  Do the same thing the "I'm not voting for Trump because he banned bumpstocks" crowd here does.
Spread rumors that Bloomberg was behind the fuck up.

Claim that that's why he passed on Iowa so as not to get caught in the middle of the mess, and he could sit back
and laugh at them all eating each other alive, plus out of any one of the candidates, he has the money and connections
to throw a monkey wrench into the works.

Means, motive, opportunity.
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:26:49 AM EDT
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It would seem to me that Ohio would be about the perfect state to kick a POTUS election season off with. Demographics are about average for the US population (a bit light on Hispanics), they have a reasonably priced media market, and about 160 delegates so the juice would be worth the squeeze.
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Read Politico this morning.  They want a more "moderate" state that is left leaning LOL.
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:27:02 AM EDT
Bloomberg won and he wasn’t there
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:27:39 AM EDT
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Look at these two bernouts.  Neither look like they've ever held a job.

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looks like what wanders the sidewalks around here.  
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:27:46 AM EDT
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Bloomberg won and he wasn’t there
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Are you "here"?
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:28:57 AM EDT
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Have they blamed Trump yet?  Clearly this is Trump and the Russians...or Ukrainians.  Schiff has proof.
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BTW Lawfareblog has predicted massive hacks and disruption of November's election.

My reading of it wasn't a warning of what might happen unless certain friendly companies provide election security; I took it as their game plan to cause chaos this November and blame eclveryone from Russia to China.
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:30:47 AM EDT
Round 1 in the Democrat commies efforts to show current election processes are invalid and a new process needs to be implemented?
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:32:41 AM EDT
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Bloomberg won and he wasn't there
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He was there, you just couldn't see him with all the normal height people standing around.
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:32:41 AM EDT
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I test software for a living.  It's inexcusable that their "app" to report their voter totals isn't working.  What a mess just like their party.
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Maybe it's working  , but they don't like the results.   Don't trust them at all. They pull all kinds of shit in Florida.
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:34:10 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:34:55 AM EDT
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Gerard Niemara, tech genius of SHADOW INC

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he looks exactly like I expected:
1.  Faggy liberal glasses.
2.  scrawny beard masquerading as "manliness"
3.  Not even 40yo and already pudgy from sodas
4.  Smug look on his punchable.
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:35:21 AM EDT
Shortest president ever 2020
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:35:31 AM EDT

Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:35:49 AM EDT
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he looks exactly like I expected:
1.  Faggy liberal glasses.
2.  scrawny beard masquerading as "manliness"
3.  Not even 40yo and already pudgy from sodas
4.  Smug look on his punchable.
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Uncanny once again...….almost ALWAYS the same.
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:36:53 AM EDT
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From the comments:

Replying to
Somehow Bernie will end up with the quarter.
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:39:10 AM EDT
This shit show brought to you by the party that wants:
1 The government to run healthcare
2 Eliminate the electoral collage
3 Count the nationwide popular vote for president
4 Make college free for everyone
5 Fund and establish an embassy in Wakanda
6 Have government control the internet
7 Eliminate the 2nd amendment for to save just one life - strangely enough, they prefer to kill babies in and out of the womb while simultaneously opposing the death penalty because that is cruel
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:41:13 AM EDT
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Gee, I wonder if the President might mention this tonight...
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I hope he declares himself the winner of the Iowa caucus
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:45:23 AM EDT
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I have so much work to do tomorrow, but I'm having too much fun.

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The Precinct captains don't want to use the Iowa caucus to put at risk the Democrat technique of finding votes when necessary in national elections. We're watching that play out live right now.
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:46:28 AM EDT
Elections don't fix themselves.

Welcome to the party gif.
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:46:52 AM EDT
I'm trying to picture the look of pain and grief on the CNN editors faces when they had

to publish this headline...

Attachment Attached File

Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:47:00 AM EDT
The app worked about as much as your average Democrat.
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:47:21 AM EDT
Georgia Governor Kemp said on the radio this morning that he heard Stacey Abrams has claimed victory in Iowa
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:47:36 AM EDT
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What the fuck kind of coin toss was that?
Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:47:58 AM EDT
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There's another thread over there regarding some "Really nasty stuff on twitter right now", that apparently has something
to do with Sanders supporters trashing the other candidates, and a number of the DUmmies are finger pointing and still
clinging to 'Russian bots'/Putin as the source of the disruption excuse.  
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"They're claiming insane crap. They're saying he used CIA connections to secretly fund a company named "Shadow" to create the caucus app so he could force it to crash on caucus night and use the crash as an opportunity to steal the thunder from Sander's victory.

These people are as brain-damaged as the MAGA crowd.

To be clear, I do not mean the vast majority of Sanders supporters... I don't even think these people on Twitter are Sanders supporters. I think they're plants, trolls, or Russian bots. The reason I think this is I have never met a Sanders supporter in real life who thinks at all like these Twitter trolls. I've not seen a single Sanders supporter on DU spread anything like this because they are real people.

They've even come up with disgusting nicknames like "Mayor Cheat" ... It's so similar to something Trump would say it makes you wonder if it didn't come out of the same Russian troll farm.

These people have to be Russian trolls. No human being with a functioning brain would believe anything as crazy as the lies they spin.

Link Posted: 2/4/2020 9:48:39 AM EDT
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There's another thread over there regarding some "Really nasty stuff on twitter right now", that apparently has something
to do with Sanders supporters trashing the other candidates, and a number of the DUmmies are finger pointing and still
clinging to 'Russian bots'/Putin as the source of the disruption excuse.  
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Photoshop request.

Someone get that picture floating around with the....uh....less than intelligent looking D voters from last night and photoshop little Russian caps all over them. Title it.

“Found the Russian election meddlers from last night!”
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