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Posted: 12/24/2022 11:08:41 AM EDT
Article is from 2017 but has some interesting information. Article centers around a new fuzing system now fitted to all SLBM warheads increasing their lethality to Russian hardened targets 3 fold.


As a consequence, the US submarine force today is much more capable than it was previously against hardened targets such as Russian ICBM silos. A decade ago, only about 20 percent of US submarine warheads had hard-target kill capability; today they all do. (See Figure 1.)
This vast increase in US nuclear targeting capability, which has largely been concealed from the general public, has serious implications for strategic stability and perceptions of US nuclear strategy and intentions.

The increased capability of the US submarine force will likely be seen as even more threatening because Russia does not have a functioning space-based infrared early warning system but relies primarily on ground-based early warning radars to detect a US missile attack. Since these radars cannot see over the horizon, Russia has less than half as much early-warning time as the United States. (The United States has about 30 minutes, Russia 15 minutes or less.)
The inability of Russia to globally monitor missile launches from space means that Russian military and political leaders would have no “situational awareness” to help them assess whether an early-warning radar indication of a surprise attack is real or the result of a technical error.

Figure 2 illustrates the kill distribution of US submarine-launched nuclear missiles equipped with the earlier, fixed height-of-burst fuzes. The dome-shaped volume outlined in gray shows the lethal volume within which a 100-kiloton nuclear explosion will generate 10,000 pounds per square inch or more of blast pressure on the ground. In other words, if a target on the ground cannot survive a blast of 10,000 pounds per square inch or more, it will be destroyed if a 100-kt nuclear weapon detonates anywhere within that dome-shaped volume.

Link Posted: 12/24/2022 11:19:59 AM EDT
@whiskersthecat come look at this.
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 11:25:12 AM EDT
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Yep the superfuze pill.

Tough to find a positive article on it. Academia hates it, the MSM hates it, foreign powers call it "disturbing"

Link Posted: 12/24/2022 11:38:11 AM EDT
If one missile can hold 12 warheads do all the targets have to be relatively close to each other, or can they be really far away? For instance, could one launch target both LA and Chicago, or is that too far? Or even LA and Vegas?

Cities used for distance examples, not suggestions of targets.
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 11:40:36 AM EDT
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Yep the superfuze pill.

Tough to find a positive article on it. Academia hates it, the MSM hates it, foreign powers call it "disturbing"

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Sadly, that's all I need to read to know it's good for us.
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 11:45:27 AM EDT
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Yep the superfuze pill.

Tough to find a positive article on it. Academia hates it, the MSM hates it, foreign powers call it "disturbing"

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Just can't believe the USN on this.

Don't they know nukes kill people?
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 11:57:45 AM EDT
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Just can't believe the USN on this.

Don't they know nukes kill people?
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Yep the superfuze pill.

Tough to find a positive article on it. Academia hates it, the MSM hates it, foreign powers call it "disturbing"


Just can't believe the USN on this.

Don't they know nukes kill people?

Nukes don't kill people, only the people entering the launch codes kill people
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 11:57:53 AM EDT
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If one missile can hold 12 warheads do all the targets have to be relatively close to each other, or can they be really far away? For instance, could one launch target both LA and Chicago, or is that too far? Or even LA and Vegas?

Cities used for distance examples, not suggestions of targets.
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They can hit targets several hundred miles apart. LA to Vegas is probably doable.
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 11:58:13 AM EDT
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If one missile can hold 12 warheads do all the targets have to be relatively close to each other, or can they be really far away? For instance, could one launch target both LA and Chicago, or is that too far? Or even LA and Vegas?

Cities used for distance examples, not suggestions of targets.
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Not really used like that. The idea is target saturation.

Look at the graphic in the OP. We don't want to get one nuke on that target, we want multiple nukes on that target. We want to increase the probability of kill (pk) for whatever we are nuking.

There's some really interesting stuff about deploying multiple warheads close together like a clover. The explosive power remains the same but the idea is it will increase the firestorm.
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 11:59:09 AM EDT
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Just can't believe the USN on this.

Don't they know nukes kill people?
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Yep the superfuze pill.

Tough to find a positive article on it. Academia hates it, the MSM hates it, foreign powers call it "disturbing"


Just can't believe the USN on this.

Don't they know nukes kill people?

How dare they
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 12:02:55 PM EDT
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Not really used like that. The idea is target saturation.

Look at the graphic in the OP. We don't want to get one nuke on that target, we want multiple nukes on that target. We want to increase the probability of kill (pk) for whatever we are nuking.
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Not really used like that. The idea is target saturation.

Look at the graphic in the OP. We don't want to get one nuke on that target, we want multiple nukes on that target. We want to increase the probability of kill (pk) for whatever we are nuking.

Typically only one warhead would be assigned to a target from one missile, a 2nd warhead would be targeted from another missile. This is to ensure maximum coverage in the event of a failure or a platform was taken out before launch.

There's some really interesting stuff about deploying multiple warheads close together like a clover. The explosive power remains the same but the idea is it will increase the firestorm.

This was back in the old days with MRVs before they added the I in MIRV.........I for independent.
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 12:10:16 PM EDT
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If one missile can hold 12 warheads do all the targets have to be relatively close to each other, or can they be really far away? For instance, could one launch target both LA and Chicago, or is that too far? Or even LA and Vegas?

Cities used for distance examples, not suggestions of targets.
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Given that these are suborbital weapons traveling halfway around the world at insane velocities, I imagine that the allowable distance between targets is going to be more about compatible trajectories than raw distance (ie two targets hundreds of miles apart on the path the missile is travelling might be possible while targets a similar distance apart on either side of the path might not).

Of course, it's pretty theoretical since you're probably going to be firing this at something like a missile field where you have dozens of targets all on top of each other.
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 12:13:33 PM EDT
Christmas recipe thread?
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 12:13:37 PM EDT
God Bless the Engineers who came up with this new Fuze.
The Russians know a Nuclear exchange with us currently would not end well for them. One reason they are trying to come up with these new types of delivery systems.
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 12:46:05 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 12:50:06 PM EDT
That pic with the Christmas lights on the warheads made me literally lol.
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 1:21:08 PM EDT
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Be warned, the link is to a commie publication.
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Is it contagious?
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 1:41:54 PM EDT
In the graphics the superfuse is doing an airburst if it overshoots the target, but how does the.warhead know it's going to miss?
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 1:43:01 PM EDT
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That pic with the Christmas lights on the warheads made me literally lol.
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Agreed, that was an awesome share, OP.  Going to save that for future use.  Maybe even print a color copy and hang it on the fridge, so the kids can learn from it tomorrow. ;)

Link Posted: 12/24/2022 1:45:46 PM EDT
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In the graphics the superfuse is doing an airburst if it overshoots the target, but how does the.warhead know it's going to miss?
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Link Posted: 12/24/2022 1:48:29 PM EDT
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God Bless the Engineers who came up with this new Fuze.
The Russians know a Nuclear exchange with us currently would not end well for them. One reason they are trying to come up with these new types of delivery systems.
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And compose songs about the “Sarmat” missile as copium.
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 1:52:18 PM EDT
We should show the world our leadership by unilaterally disarming.

Nukes are icky.
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 1:53:33 PM EDT
Interesting article, but that picture kicks ass ! I have a new screen saver for the holidays!
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 2:00:14 PM EDT
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If one missile can hold 12 warheads do all the targets have to be relatively close to each other, or can they be really far away? For instance, could one launch target both LA and Chicago, or is that too far? Or even LA and Vegas?

Cities used for distance examples, not suggestions of targets.
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It all depends on how much energy is on the post boost vehicle (PBV). Releasing warheads and maneuvering uses up delta-v.

Attachment Attached File

Trident uses a solid propellant PBV maneuvering system, in which you have cartridges of solid propellant "fire" to refill the thrust chamber as it empties of pressurized gas; allowing you to have a throttleable solid fuelled PBV without too much trouble.

The only problem is it has much much less delta V than the Minuteman III PBV which uses hypergolic propellants.
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 2:01:37 PM EDT
Article talks about Trident, but that's an old Minuteman three-banger bus with Mk12As.  

Still making it my wallpaper, though.  
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 2:05:51 PM EDT
I never thought I’d see a pic of MIRVs with Christmas lights in front of a Patton-sized American flag, but consider my life that much more complete now that I have
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 2:08:09 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 2:09:30 PM EDT
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In the graphics the superfuse is doing an airburst if it overshoots the target, but how does the.warhead know it's going to miss?
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The new super-fuze uses a technology first deployed on the high-yield W88/Mk5 Trident II warhead. The Navy’s Strategic Systems Program contracted with the Lockheed Missile and Space Corporation in the early 1980s to develop a new fuze that included “a radar-updated, path-length compensating fuze … that could adjust for trajectory errors and significantly improve the ability to destroy a target. This was an early and sophisticated use of artificial intelligence in a weapon.”

Link Posted: 12/24/2022 2:11:49 PM EDT
The way this was 'splained to me was:

Wave 1 clears the target area of any above ground structure.
Wave 2 and I quote "turns the earth above the target to jello" (aka the jello effect).
Wave 3 drives deep into the now jello'd earth to detonate as close to the under ground target as possible.

Of course this flies in the face of not creating radioactive dust clouds by detonating over targets at elevation.
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 2:13:12 PM EDT
The MC4700 super fuze.

When you care to send the very best!
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 2:15:24 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 2:19:51 PM EDT
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Given that these are suborbital weapons traveling halfway around the world at insane velocities, I imagine that the allowable distance between targets is going to be more about compatible trajectories than raw distance (ie two targets hundreds of miles apart on the path the missile is travelling might be possible while targets a similar distance apart on either side of the path might not).

Of course, it's pretty theoretical since you're probably going to be firing this at something like a missile field where you have dozens of targets all on top of each other.
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The bus can spin and wobble, giving you a surprising amount of targeting ability over a very large distance
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 2:26:49 PM EDT
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The new super-fuze uses a technology first deployed on the high-yield W88/Mk5 Trident II warhead. The Navy’s Strategic Systems Program contracted with the Lockheed Missile and Space Corporation in the early 1980s to develop a new fuze that included “a radar-updated, path-length compensating fuze … that could adjust for trajectory errors and significantly improve the ability to destroy a target. This was an early and sophisticated use of artificial intelligence in a weapon.”

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In the graphics the superfuse is doing an airburst if it overshoots the target, but how does the.warhead know it's going to miss?

The new super-fuze uses a technology first deployed on the high-yield W88/Mk5 Trident II warhead. The Navy’s Strategic Systems Program contracted with the Lockheed Missile and Space Corporation in the early 1980s to develop a new fuze that included “a radar-updated, path-length compensating fuze … that could adjust for trajectory errors and significantly improve the ability to destroy a target. This was an early and sophisticated use of artificial intelligence in a weapon.”


Interesting..and thanks. Still don't understand it, but guess the warhead can somehow tell it's miss distance as it gets close to impact and figures out the best time and height to burst.
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 2:30:17 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 2:35:09 PM EDT
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Interesting..and thanks. Still don't understand it, but guess the warhead can somehow tell it's miss distance as it gets close to impact and figures out the best time and height to burst.
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Yes basically it works out how much it's going to overshoot by and then determines at what altitude it will be at when passing over the target and sets it to detonate at that altitude. Based on the article to improve the chances of destroying the target the aimpoint of the warhead is slightly passed the target. So warheads which may have fallen short will now pass closer to the target, whilst those overshooting will still have enough power.

Previously the airburst altitude was fixed and could not be changed.
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 2:37:27 PM EDT
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Yep the superfuze pill.

Tough to find a positive article on it. Academia hates it, the MSM hates it, foreign powers call it "disturbing"

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So it’s probably awesome.
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 3:01:16 PM EDT
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So it’s probably awesome.
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Yep the superfuze pill.

Tough to find a positive article on it. Academia hates it, the MSM hates it, foreign powers call it "disturbing"


So it’s probably awesome.

The article argues that, with the US increasing the accuracy of the targeting of the warheads, we can now use SLBMs to hit hardened targets, and not just ICBMs. To reduce their response time, the Russians would have to place the decision for return-strike to lower level staff, increasing the probability of a false return-strike. Of course, this assumes that the US would launch a first-strike attack, which seems extremely unlikely.
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 3:10:31 PM EDT
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In the graphics the superfuse is doing an airburst if it overshoots the target, but how does the.warhead know it's going to miss?
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ETA: Oh crap!!!! Beat like a baby seal pup!  

Link Posted: 12/24/2022 3:16:53 PM EDT
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The way this was 'splained to me was:

Wave 1 clears the target area of any above ground structure.
Wave 2 and I quote "turns the earth above the target to jello" (aka the jello effect).
Wave 3 drives deep into the now jello'd earth to detonate as close to the under ground target as possible.

Of course this flies in the face of not creating radioactive dust clouds by detonating over targets at elevation.
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Avatar checks out
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 3:18:07 PM EDT
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God Bless the Engineers who came up with this new Fuze.
The Russians know a Nuclear exchange with us currently would not end well for them. One reason they are trying to come up with these new types of delivery systems.
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Nuclear *exchange*???  What's that?
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 3:18:33 PM EDT
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In the graphics the superfuse is doing an airburst if it overshoots the target, but how does the.warhead know it's going to miss?
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Because it knows where it is.
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 3:22:20 PM EDT
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Because it knows where it is.
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It also knows where it isn’t..
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 3:24:40 PM EDT
So, a 100 kiloton warhead misses if it's off by 150 meters?

Those missile silos must be pretty tough.
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 3:24:55 PM EDT
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It also knows where it isn’t..
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From this it derives a difference or error
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 3:26:48 PM EDT
TRIPLE your lethality with this one weird trick
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 3:27:25 PM EDT
Nuke Thread

Link Posted: 12/24/2022 3:29:40 PM EDT
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Yep the superfuze pill.

Tough to find a positive article on it. Academia hates it, the MSM hates it, foreign powers call it "disturbing"

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Chicoms have already stolen it. Or shitbags Democrats sold it to them.
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 3:34:26 PM EDT
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So, a 100 kiloton warhead misses if it's off by 150 meters?

Those missile silos must be pretty tough.
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Have to be pretty close to generate 10,000psi overpressure. Which is an insanely high amount.

IIRC most all non hardened structures are destroyed at under 10psi. 40psi is lethal.
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 3:34:38 PM EDT
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Chicoms have already stolen it. Or shitbags Democrats sold it to them.
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Yep the superfuze pill.

Tough to find a positive article on it. Academia hates it, the MSM hates it, foreign powers call it "disturbing"


Chicoms have already stolen it. Or shitbags Democrats sold it to them.


Yeah probably, and the WING WONG 5 and VODKA 12 are the only operational hypersonic missiles.
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 3:40:17 PM EDT
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Is it contagious?
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Be warned, the link is to a commie publication.


Is it contagious?

Everything and everyone is commie these days, except the Russians. Crazy!
Link Posted: 12/24/2022 3:40:20 PM EDT
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God Bless the Engineers who came up with this new Fuze.
The Russians know a Nuclear exchange with us currently would not end well for them. One reason they are trying to come up with these new types of delivery systems.
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The Russians have a few things going for them.  They get surprise, imagine waking biden at 2am to get a decision made...obviously there are failsafes but I wouldn't be shocked if they get the first punch.  

Then of course you run into the problem of US direct hits on intended targets being of less value than the things russia would hit with wild misses.
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