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Posted: 5/26/2009 7:13:49 PM EDT
I had my first bottle of MD 20/20 over the memorial day weekend. A bunch of friends and me each got a bottle of Mad Dog to try. I got the Purple Rain.

I'd never had cheap ghetto wine like this before and didn't think I'd like it. Well, turns out this stuff tastes fantastic and is disturbingly potent. It made my entire body go numb, almost caused me to black out and caused really whacked out dreams when I went to sleep many hours later. Every single one of us that got a bottle all had the messed up dreams. We think we know why bums are always talking about crazy stuff or seeing things now. It's all the mad dog they've been drinking. It's permanently making them see crazy stuff that isn't there.

Next time I get ghetto wine, I'm going for Cisco. I've heard it's worse.
Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:15:15 PM EDT
Why? Everclear+Kool Aid is much cheaper.
Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:15:29 PM EDT
I haven't touched that stuff in 20 years
Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:16:36 PM EDT
my friend always gets the red cisco and like clockwork he always ends up puking red vomit.
Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:16:46 PM EDT
I got really really drunk off MD 20/20 and Vodka when I was 15. I won't ever touch the MD again. I was sick for 2 days.

Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:16:46 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:19:01 PM EDT
Wait until you get really sick off the stuff.  You will never touch it again.  I used to think it was cool cheap stuff.  The last time I touched it, 7 years ago, it took 3 days to recover from it.  I don't even want to think about it anymore.
Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:19:09 PM EDT
I got really really drunk off MD 20/20 and Vodka when I was 15. I won't ever touch the MD again. I was sick for 2 days.

It took me a few days to feel normal. I was kinda disturbed that I kept getting more and more drunk hours after drinking it.
Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:19:33 PM EDT
Purple Rain? When did they get all classy?
Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:20:47 PM EDT
I finally found a place near me that sells Night Train.  
Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:20:58 PM EDT


I haven't touched that stuff in 20 years

I have been assured by my college roommate that if I ever touch the stuff again he will get on an airplane and personally kick my ass.  Apparently, I turned into an asshole one night and I have never been a bad drunk any other time.  

Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:21:02 PM EDT

You have  me curious. I might have to try some of that nasty shit.

Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:22:24 PM EDT
I've only seen the red grape and the red banana around here. I want to try some of the wackier flavors. I've had about a half a bottle at a time when I was a bit more of a lightweight, and that was a fun drunk. Red grape tastes like grape juice from concentrate with a touch of everclear.

Maybe I should make that my project this weekend... find a new flavor of MD 20/20, drink the entire bottle, and keep ARFCOM posted. No promises, though.
Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:22:56 PM EDT
Gallo Sangria is better.

I have had some MD20/20 that was passed through a still. The brandy that resulted was quite tasty.
Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:24:07 PM EDT
Mix Mad Dog with Mountain Dew. You get Doggie Dew.
Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:24:12 PM EDT

You have  me curious. I might have to try some of that nasty shit.

At first it's not the greatest thing in the world, but as you start to drink it you realllly begin to enjoy the flavor. If you drink it in moderation you should be ok.
Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:24:42 PM EDT
You want cheap, you have to go Boone's Farm.  Strawberry Hill preferred.

Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:25:39 PM EDT
I've only seen the red grape and the red banana around here. I want to try some of the wackier flavors. I've had about a half a bottle at a time when I was a bit more of a lightweight, and that was a fun drunk. Red grape tastes like grape juice from concentrate with a touch of everclear.

Maybe I should make that my project this weekend... find a new flavor of MD 20/20, drink the entire bottle, and keep ARFCOM posted. No promises, though.

The Purple Rain I had was good. The Blue Raspberry is good too, but I don't like how it's not as strong tasting as the Purple Rain. A friend had sour apple and they said it was AWESOME.
Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:25:43 PM EDT
I got really really drunk off MD 20/20 and Vodka when I was 15. I won't ever touch the MD again. I was sick for 2 days.

Same here.
Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:26:47 PM EDT
A guy I know buys Thunderbird by the case and kills several bottles a day.
Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:28:15 PM EDT
I had my first bottle of MD 20/20 over the memorial day weekend. A bunch of friends and me each got a bottle of Mad Dog to try. I got the Purple Rain.


I'd never had cheap ghetto wine like this before and didn't think I'd like it. Well, turns out this stuff tastes fantastic and is disturbingly potent. It made my entire body go numb, almost caused me to black out and caused really whacked out dreams when I went to sleep many hours later. Every single one of us that got a bottle all had the messed up dreams. We think we know why bums are always talking about crazy stuff or seeing things now. It's all the mad dog they've been drinking. It's permanently making them see crazy stuff that isn't there.

Next time I get ghetto wine, I'm going for Cisco. I've heard it's worse.

I always liked grape mad dog best. What I could not handle was Thunderbird, but I had buddies who could drink it.
Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:30:25 PM EDT
A guy I know buys Thunderbird by the case and kills several bottles a day.

Holy crap that's unhealthy.
Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:34:04 PM EDT

Only time I woke up hung over, in a puddle of my own sick, on the dirt jail floor in another country was because of Mad Dog.   Fuck that shit.   Fuck it right in the ear.

Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:34:24 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:36:08 PM EDT
I got really really drunk off MD 20/20 and Vodka beer when I was 15. 19 I won't ever touch the MD again. I was sick for 2 days.


The most wretched God awful alcohol ever conceived. That was the only night I ever blacked out...then I puked in my sleep. Not good, thankfully I didnt die.
Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:38:44 PM EDT
Back in the early 90s we called that Liquid crack,

Now Cisco is worse.
Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:39:23 PM EDT
When I was a kid I once drank a mix of MD 20/20, Grape Kool Aid, and liquid Codeine. All I remember was sitting back in a recliner with a giant smile on my face not wanting to move.

I don't think I'd touch MD 20/20 with a 20 foot pole now.
Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:39:39 PM EDT
I had a patient once who had burned out his brain on MD, Wild Irish Rose, Night Train, Thunderbird plus lots of pot smoking. He always said he liked "Cheap Wine" because he got "higher" cheaper. Makes sense to me!
Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:40:46 PM EDT

Which is better,  Boone's Farm or MD?

Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:43:27 PM EDT

Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:45:16 PM EDT
A guy I know buys Thunderbird by the case and kills several bottles a day.

Holy crap that's unhealthy.

What you mean is say goodbye to your liver

I don't drink but I find endless amusment over people that do talking about it
Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:45:29 PM EDT

Get the FUCK out!

Is that a photoshop!?

Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:47:51 PM EDT
Still vividly recall the gagging wretched puking sensation and fishing tiny little pieces of "grape" out of my teeth.

Twenty sixish years ago... I tried to fake being sober after getting that sick. I think having to crawl up-stairs gave me away though

I felt like I had been kicked in the head the next day. Today it would probably lay me up in bed for three days.
Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:49:47 PM EDT
Back in the college days they were 5 for $5, talk about hangover hell.

Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:50:09 PM EDT


Which is better,  Boone's Farm or MD?

MD is stronger but Boone's tastes better. Both will make you regret being born the next morning.

Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:50:45 PM EDT

Which is better,  Boone's Farm or MD?

Boone's Farm is easier to drink (kinda tasty, actually).  It was THE drink in High School.....$.99 a bottle and provided a good buzz.  We always liked the original Apple.

Mad Dog is to get fucked-up.

To the OP......sit in a nice, comfy air-conditioned area, sip the MD until shit starts spinning, the walk outside into the Florida heat.  Within 5 minutes, that shit will hit you and you won't be able to stand up.  Lots-O-fun!!!
Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:51:55 PM EDT

Which is better,  Boone's Farm or MD?

There are some things a man just has to figure out for himself...get busy!

I've tried most of the brands being talked about in this thread at one time or another and hands down the worst of the lot is Night Train Express.
Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:52:28 PM EDT

Only time I woke up hung over, in a puddle of my own sick, on the dirt jail floor in another country was because of Mad Dog.   Fuck that shit.   Fuck it right in the ear.

You can't post that without the story.

It's a banable offense in GD
Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:52:36 PM EDT
No sir. It's legit and ACLU didn't get their panties in a wad over it.



Get the FUCK out!

Is that a photoshop!?

Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:53:51 PM EDT
Also, obligatory "DO NOT WANT" pic...

Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:53:59 PM EDT
Wait until you get your first hangover from the stuff.  

Filtered...  Heh.  I think they thought charcoal filtered meant pouring that stuff over briquettes.  Makes whiskey look like a health drink.  
Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:57:37 PM EDT
OH NOES!!!!!

Orange Jubilee = Hugging the Porcelin god!!!!!!!!!

But in my case I puked on my wife while I was Itrying to sleep it off!

Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:58:35 PM EDT
No sir. It's legit and ACLU didn't get their panties in a wad over it.



Get the FUCK out!

Is that a photoshop!?


www.bumwine.com is a pretty cool website.  Might need to get one of those t-shirts
Link Posted: 5/26/2009 7:59:18 PM EDT
that stuff is nasty.

cisco tastes much better. as does thunderbird.

Link Posted: 5/26/2009 8:08:13 PM EDT
Wow!  I haven't thought of MD 20/20 in a looong time.  Then to see a reply about Cisco even more whacked!   The original Cisco was made with vodka and flavoring.  After too many kids died, they changed it to a malt beverage.  It was still crazy strong though.

In college, I had a girlfriend who liked to drink Cisco (new version) through a straw.  One bottle and she'd get slinky, two bottles and. . .fun.   [I know, pics or else lie, but this was before cell phones]
Link Posted: 5/26/2009 8:09:25 PM EDT

Get the FUCK out!

Is that a photoshop!?

No my friend had that one and it has the Bling Bling gold on it.
Link Posted: 5/26/2009 8:09:45 PM EDT

Only time I woke up hung over, in a puddle of my own sick, on the dirt jail floor in another country was because of Mad Dog.   Fuck that shit.   Fuck it right in the ear.

You can't post that without the story.

It's a banable offense in GD

Well, I can tell the first and third acts, but the second act of the story is just a complete mystery to me.

20 years old.  We were on spring break in Padre Island TX.   Drove down to Brownsville and that's where I came to possess the first bottle of MD 20/20.   End first act.  

Second act...   who fucking knows.   Probably disqualifies me from running for president in any event.

Third act:   Wake up in jail in Matamoros, Mexico.  Wallet completely cleaned out of the $300 cash I had, but my fake I.D. was in there.   (We had a designated sober holding all the real IDs).   No shirt.  Fucking beat up all to hell.  Black eye.  Missing a tooth.  Eyeglasses gone.   Cornhole intact and not-buggered, thankfully.   Used my call to get ahold of my friends, and then basically had to arrange a $500 bribe to get out of jail.   I was one out of 4 in our group that got arrested that night.   No idea for what.  Not the first clue.   What I did find out is that there's no writ of habeous corpus in Mexico. We all had to bribe someone to get out.   Since everything was under the name Randy F. Lagg (yeah, I was a Stephen King fan at the time) nothing ever came of it.  

So, yeah.. fuck that shit.
Link Posted: 5/26/2009 8:10:08 PM EDT

Which is better,  Boone's Farm or MD?

Just go for the MD... If you're sick go to for the Cisco.
Link Posted: 5/26/2009 8:12:28 PM EDT
that shit is NASTY!

Link Posted: 5/26/2009 8:12:29 PM EDT
You can graduate up to Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill when you're ready to be deflowered by a 19 year old dude named Todd.
Link Posted: 5/26/2009 8:12:41 PM EDT
ooo high school memories... wine bong=bad idea. I think the night train ran over my brain. Thunderbird is good for turning you mouth a funny color and a cheap drunk. For me I'll stick to whiskey and beer, if the need arises to get  hammer faced on the cheap everclear or some homemade swill will do.
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