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Link Posted: 8/25/2022 3:26:35 PM EDT
Totally not Russian propaganda site:

Link Posted: 8/25/2022 3:27:22 PM EDT
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And the fact that Western Ukraine has been shelling the Donbas for 12 years is okay?
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oh bullshit.

highly Christian to invade your neighbor and slaughter their women and children with indiscriminate artillery fire on civilian areas.

Not that the west has much religious moral high ground to stand on but the corrupt Russian orthodox church is nothing more than a means of controlling the masses. Though most organized religion is just that...

The russians aren't fighting globohomo this was a straight up land grab aggression with a side of genocide. The Christian thing would be to love thy fellow sinner and hope to bring light to their sinful ways not blow them up cause they fags.

And the fact that Western Ukraine has been shelling the Donbas for 12 years is okay?

The fact that Putin used proxies (and some actual military forces) to undermine part of the Donbas is okay?
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 3:30:54 PM EDT
Wrap it up, folks. Turns out Russia are the good guys. All that rape, murder, pillaging and rape is good to go because it's in the name of God. Or something.


Russians are being paranoid expansionist assholes like they have throughout the rest of history.
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 3:33:54 PM EDT
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I disagree. It is a power struggle between totalitarian ideologies.

Putin masks his gangsterism behind religion.

The west is hiding their ever expanding corruption and power behind the illusion of democracy.
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Link Posted: 8/25/2022 3:41:18 PM EDT
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I disagree. It is a power struggle between totalitarian ideologies.

Putin masks his gangsterism behind religion.

The west is hiding their ever expanding corruption and power behind the illusion of democracy.
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Yep, both authoritarian shitheads that hide and lie about their true nature.

They must because nobody wants what they're selling
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 3:48:39 PM EDT
The Russo Ukraine war isn’t a religious conflict, it’s a territorial one, just because rats-Putin is more traditionally Christian than the other guy doesn’t make this a fucking holy war when it’s painfully obvious that Russia is after territory and resources.

Bracken and the rest of the zealots are all ignoring the entire Crimea conflict for the last half dozen years which has had little to no religious conflict and motives to date.

So get that dumbass holy war shit out of your head wackos this isn’t part of any self fulfilling prophecy at all, it’s not god vs satan, it’s the classic asshole dictator coveting another’s territory, end of story.
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 3:51:35 PM EDT
Russians are a religious people?

Link Posted: 8/25/2022 3:53:29 PM EDT
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Russians are a religious people?

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To be fair, many are....

But Putin is not, and this is not a religious war in any sense of the word.
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 4:04:15 PM EDT
The Conflict Between The West and Russia is a Religious One
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It is an interesting thought to explore. There are some interesting youtube videos out there regarding the religious divide between Russia and Ukraine.

Religion will be a part of the final outcome and where the borders are drawn (presuming Russia doesn't fully incorporate Ukraine), but the only reason religion would play a  role is in how each group identifies themselves rather than implementing any particular doctrine taught by Christ or the various Christian sects involved.
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 4:08:43 PM EDT
Lol op did your mother sneak you an extra helping of dumb at dinner every night?   Your obese with stupid if you believe that drivel.
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 4:09:33 PM EDT
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I disagree. It is a power struggle between totalitarian ideologies.

Putin masks his gangsterism behind religion.

The west is hiding their ever expanding corruption and power behind the illusion of democracy.
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On the daggum money
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 4:18:52 PM EDT
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What did I miss? I thought everybody here liked Matt Bracken.
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Bracken burned off a bunch of his clout here when he freaked out over Jade Helm and some normal MP training.
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 4:24:08 PM EDT
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Bracken burned off a bunch of his clout here when he freaked out over Jade Helm and some normal MP training.
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What did I miss? I thought everybody here liked Matt Bracken.

Bracken burned off a bunch of his clout here when he freaked out over Jade Helm and some normal MP training.

Normally I don’t give the “GD Hive Mind” much credit, but the overall reaction to the jade helm nonsense was great.

Then again, I could see that going differently today.
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 4:29:07 PM EDT
It's no fun to acknowledge it as just another resource war is it.  Religious war, lol.
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 4:32:34 PM EDT
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I came to this thread to say he was full of shit that Russia is Christian.  Then I read it and realized that is his point.  He is correct.  America has become a: LOOK AT ME!   I am Atheist/Agnostic/Pagan because it is cool!  Christianity has killed more people than any other cause.  The founding fathers were not Christian they were Wiccan.  And other bullshit memes.  While American churches stopped preaching the Bible an instead preach what the crowd wants to hear.
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Wanna back that up with data?
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 4:36:28 PM EDT
You got a source for that bro?
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 4:38:47 PM EDT
Russia is the leading killer of Christians presently. Christians haven’t died in numbers like this since the Second World War. By all means tell me about how that’s good.
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 4:52:24 PM EDT
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Russia is the leading killer of Christians presently. Christians haven’t died in numbers like this since the Second World War. By all means tell me about how that’s good.
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Can't help you bro. Biden is giving money to Ukraine so there's no choice but to be pro-Russia now
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 4:54:02 PM EDT
Representing Christianity?

What sick twisted world is this?
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 4:58:48 PM EDT
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I don't know if you re Trolling or the product of a Kumbaya church.  Either way, I recommend you actually read the Bible.  You might start with the book of Joshua.
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Are you saying Putin was directed by God to do this?

Link Posted: 8/25/2022 4:59:45 PM EDT
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And the fact that Western Ukraine has been shelling the Donbas for 12 years is okay?
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oh bullshit.

highly Christian to invade your neighbor and slaughter their women and children with indiscriminate artillery fire on civilian areas.

Not that the west has much religious moral high ground to stand on but the corrupt Russian orthodox church is nothing more than a means of controlling the masses. Though most organized religion is just that...

The russians aren't fighting globohomo this was a straight up land grab aggression with a side of genocide. The Christian thing would be to love thy fellow sinner and hope to bring light to their sinful ways not blow them up cause they fags.

And the fact that Western Ukraine has been shelling the Donbas for 12 years is okay?

2010? That’s some peak Putin Puffery there. Next thing, you’ll tell us Zelenskyy was President then, too.
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 5:08:07 PM EDT
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Tagged. There's a lot I could say here but it'd take more time than I have right now to put it together.

Suffice to say, Russia's version of Christianity has major problems (it's a legalistic perversion of true faith in Christ that gives people like Putin something to grab onto and use for political purposes in the name of traditional values/morality), but in *some* ways is superior to the insanity of the west, and I agree with part of the OP.

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You don't even have the most basic understanding of what Eastern Orthodoxy is, and is not.
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 5:14:31 PM EDT
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I don't know if you re Trolling or the product of a Kumbaya church.  Either way, I recommend you actually read the Bible.  You might start with the book of Joshua.
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There is a reason it's called the Orthodox Church instead of the "Modern Church".

Link Posted: 8/25/2022 5:17:19 PM EDT

Much Christian, so old, wow
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 5:23:31 PM EDT
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People often forget, ignore or are totally ignorant of history, History.com quoting a NY Times article:

Even after World War II, the anti-religious campaign stormed on for decades, with Bibles forbidden and little to no religious education. Still, by 1987, the New York Times reported, “Soviet officials have begun to admit that they may be losing the battle against religion.”

The Soviet Union’s/Russia’s history of the persecution, torture and murder of the clergy and religious in general do not fit with the current narrative Russia and friends are trying to weave.

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Soviet = Communist = Government is God.

Marx was an anthiest.

The Russian Empire (Pre-1917) always saw itself as the defender of the Orthodox faith. Go read up on the schism that devided the Church and the Eastern and Western Roman Empire.

The Soviets/Communists failed to squash the Orthodox Church with their ~80 year reign of terror.

Go to an Orthodox service then an American Methodist Service. Then tell me "we're all Christians". One is a religious service the other a feel good jam band with door prizes and fundraising.

At the core you can see cultural and religionus beliefs and how they blend.

"Modern Christian", you're absolved of all sin as long as you live a happy loving life. Be kind and you'll go to heaven!

Islam - you must reject the satanists temptations  and convert the infidels to find salvation.

Orthodox - you must suffer like Jesus - fast, sacrifice and face many hardships, to find salvation.
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 5:30:46 PM EDT
do they say hail putins instead of hail marys?
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 5:34:06 PM EDT
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Wanna back that up with data?
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The sack of Baghdad rates as probably the bloodiest day in all of humanity.

Let’s discuss the purges, holodmor, Holocaust, the cultural “reformation” of 1960s China

Atheism is deadly.
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 5:41:48 PM EDT
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Soviet = Communist = Government is God.

Marx was an anthiest.

The Russian Empire (Pre-1917) always saw itself as the defender of the Orthodox faith. Go read up on the schism that devided the Church and the Eastern and Western Roman Empire.

The Soviets/Communists failed to squash the Orthodox Church with their ~80 year reign of terror.

Go to an Orthodox service then an American Methodist Service. Then tell me "we're all Christians". One is a religious service the other a feel good jam band with door prizes and fundraising.

At the core you can see cultural and religionus beliefs and how they blend.

"Modern Christian", you're absolved of all sin as long as you live a happy loving life. Be kind and you'll go to heaven!

Islam - you must reject the satanists temptations  and convert the infidels to find salvation.

Orthodox - you must suffer like Jesus - fast, sacrifice and face many hardships, to find salvation.
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The Catholic and Orthodox churches are in full communion.
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 5:47:40 PM EDT
In before I'm called a bot or shill!

Matt Bracken posted this today on Gab and, after reading it, I thought it was important for arfcom to get another take on a very touchy subject.

TLDR: GTFO. It's a pretty damn important topic and folks need to understand much of what brought us to where we are today.

The Conflict Between Russia and The West is a Religious One

by Emmet Sweeney for the Saker blog

The war currently underway in Ukraine, which pits Ukraine as a proxy for the collective West against Russia, is primarily an ideological or religious one, with Russia representing what is left of Christian Europe, and “the West” representing a totalitarian ideology that abhors religion in general and Christianity in particular. This statement may sound strange, given the fact that some Westerners – though fewer every day – still see “the West,” (basically Europe and North America) as Christian, and Russia as Communist, or crypto-Communist. But this is no longer the case, and has not been for some considerable time. In fact, the thirty years that have passed since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Soviet Union, has seen a complete reversal of roles; the collective West is now a totalitarian and aggressively anti-religious power-block that seeks to export its anti-Christian and anti-human ideology onto the rest of the world. And Russia is loathed by the West’s ruling elite precisely because it has resisted this process and moreover has gone in the opposite direction: having once been an active proponent of “scientific materialism” and atheism, Russia has reverted to its Orthodox Christian roots and has rolled back the more pernicious policies and attitudes of the Soviet era.

In order to demonstrate the truth of this, we need to look at the history of Russia and its interaction with the West since the early 1990s.

By 1991, when the Soviet Union was officially abolished, it was clear that the West had won the Cold War. Russia itself, under its new president Boris Yeltsin, openly proclaimed the end of all hostilities. Russia’s satellites in Eastern Europe were permitted to go their own way, and autonomous republics within the Soviet Union were allowed to declare themselves independent countries. The old Soviet system of state ownership was officially abolished, and almost everything was privatized. The press and media in general were freed of all censorship and could now say whatever they wanted. Russia under Yeltsin reached out the hand of friendship to the West – a gesture that was not reciprocated and ultimately snubbed by the West...

Continues at link
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Link Posted: 8/25/2022 5:49:19 PM EDT
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I don't know if you re Trolling or the product of a Kumbaya church.  Either way, I recommend you actually read the Bible.  You might start with the book of Joshua.
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I am actually rereading the bible or i guess kind of actually reading it for myself the first time.
I have made it through that book and I don't think the Israelites conquest of the promised land is necessarily in keeping with the teachings of Jesus and is very different contextually.

Has Putin gotten a command from God and the Russians are the chosen people?

You do have somewhat of a point in that war has been a large part of Christianity but I don't think that was what Jesus was teaching.
Jesus didn't ostracize and join in the stoning of harlots he helped stay the hands of those who would.

Link Posted: 8/25/2022 5:49:42 PM EDT
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You don't even have the most basic understanding of what Eastern Orthodoxy is, and is not.
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Tagged. There's a lot I could say here but it'd take more time than I have right now to put it together.

Suffice to say, Russia's version of Christianity has major problems (it's a legalistic perversion of true faith in Christ that gives people like Putin something to grab onto and use for political purposes in the name of traditional values/morality), but in *some* ways is superior to the insanity of the west, and I agree with part of the OP.

You don't even have the most basic understanding of what Eastern Orthodoxy is, and is not.

Link Posted: 8/25/2022 5:49:50 PM EDT
Laughable.  Russia is a Communist country mascarading as a gas station.  And yes, Russia still has Lenin on display in his Masoleum in Moscow, and there are moves in the Russian Orthodox Church to canonize Lenin and Stalin as saints. BTW the Russian Orthodox Church was penetrated by the KGB, and is still FSB run.  Also Putin said that Communism is compatible with Christanity.

But also don't underestimate Russia.  We do so at our own perial. And they are allies with Xi.
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 5:51:52 PM EDT
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The Catholic and Orthodox churches are in full communion.
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Soviet = Communist = Government is God.

Marx was an anthiest.

The Russian Empire (Pre-1917) always saw itself as the defender of the Orthodox faith. Go read up on the schism that devided the Church and the Eastern and Western Roman Empire.

The Soviets/Communists failed to squash the Orthodox Church with their ~80 year reign of terror.

Go to an Orthodox service then an American Methodist Service. Then tell me "we're all Christians". One is a religious service the other a feel good jam band with door prizes and fundraising.

At the core you can see cultural and religionus beliefs and how they blend.

"Modern Christian", you're absolved of all sin as long as you live a happy loving life. Be kind and you'll go to heaven!

Islam - you must reject the satanists temptations  and convert the infidels to find salvation.

Orthodox - you must suffer like Jesus - fast, sacrifice and face many hardships, to find salvation.

The Catholic and Orthodox churches are in full communion.

You've managed to out-derp the OP. That's... impressive.

Link Posted: 8/25/2022 5:54:07 PM EDT
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You've managed to out-derp the OP. That's... impressive.

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Soviet = Communist = Government is God.

Marx was an anthiest.

The Russian Empire (Pre-1917) always saw itself as the defender of the Orthodox faith. Go read up on the schism that devided the Church and the Eastern and Western Roman Empire.

The Soviets/Communists failed to squash the Orthodox Church with their ~80 year reign of terror.

Go to an Orthodox service then an American Methodist Service. Then tell me "we're all Christians". One is a religious service the other a feel good jam band with door prizes and fundraising.

At the core you can see cultural and religionus beliefs and how they blend.

"Modern Christian", you're absolved of all sin as long as you live a happy loving life. Be kind and you'll go to heaven!

Islam - you must reject the satanists temptations  and convert the infidels to find salvation.

Orthodox - you must suffer like Jesus - fast, sacrifice and face many hardships, to find salvation.

The Catholic and Orthodox churches are in full communion.

You've managed to out-derp the OP. That's... impressive.

Eh.  It’s wrong but I think the OP still takes the W overall.
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 5:54:22 PM EDT
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The fact you can sit here and call your own country totalitarian and authoritarian says he's wrong. You are still free to practice whatever religion you want.

Totalitarian regimes arrest people for speaking out against them. Like this.


Yevgeny Roizman, a former opposition mayor of one of Russia's largest cities, was detained Wednesday on criminal charges related to his public criticism of the invasion of Ukraine, media outlets reported.

Ex-Yekaterinburg mayor Roizman said he was being charged under legislation that forbids the "discreditation" of the Russian Armed Forces. If found guilty, he faces up to five years in prison.


ETA- yes, America and the West have issues. No, Russia is not representing Christianity in any way. I just read the first paragraph to my wife. My Russian wife. And she's laughing at how gullible Americans are.
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The UK has thousands upon thousands of people a year who are jailed over "speech crimes".
Joe Biden, and the entire DNC, openly talks about how America needs the same restrictions on free speech.

If the election were "more fortified" and we lost both houses in 2020..... you'd see people going to jail right now for spreading "misinformation".

The difference is, we excuse the totalitarian aspects of our own government.

When the Russians demand businesses shutdown speech critical of the regime... we call that totalitarianism. When the US Government does it, its just "Oh but they're a private business, so its OK!"

Sure, America isn't as bad as Russia... but the DNC and many Neo-Con subhumans desperately want it to be.
If the Neo-Libs and Neo-Cons had their way... you'd be jailed for criticizing our involvement in Ukraine or criticizing Mask mandates or Vax mandates.
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 5:54:25 PM EDT
No, it is not a religious difference unless you consider the Russian Orthodox Church being run by the FSB to be why.

Russia has been expansionist for centuries while the rest of Europe outgrew that.  The conflict is Russia trying to take land.  The end.
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 5:55:21 PM EDT
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You've managed to out-derp the OP. That's... impressive.

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Soviet = Communist = Government is God.

Marx was an anthiest.

The Russian Empire (Pre-1917) always saw itself as the defender of the Orthodox faith. Go read up on the schism that devided the Church and the Eastern and Western Roman Empire.

The Soviets/Communists failed to squash the Orthodox Church with their ~80 year reign of terror.

Go to an Orthodox service then an American Methodist Service. Then tell me "we're all Christians". One is a religious service the other a feel good jam band with door prizes and fundraising.

At the core you can see cultural and religionus beliefs and how they blend.

"Modern Christian", you're absolved of all sin as long as you live a happy loving life. Be kind and you'll go to heaven!

Islam - you must reject the satanists temptations  and convert the infidels to find salvation.

Orthodox - you must suffer like Jesus - fast, sacrifice and face many hardships, to find salvation.

The Catholic and Orthodox churches are in full communion.

You've managed to out-derp the OP. That's... impressive.

I went and looked it up, I must have misunderstood my orthodox buddy. The pope is aiming for full communion but it’s unclear if it will ever happen.
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 5:56:26 PM EDT
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The Catholic and Orthodox churches are in full communion.
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lol no.
t. Catholic
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 5:56:49 PM EDT
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Tell that to Canadian truckers who had the fortunes seized/banks accounts locked (to this day).

Yeah. Free speech is alive and well, yo.

Bravo Sierra.
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The fact you can sit here and call your own country totalitarian and authoritarian says he's wrong. You are still free to practice whatever religion you want.

Totalitarian regimes arrest people for speaking out against them. Like this.


Yevgeny Roizman, a former opposition mayor of one of Russia's largest cities, was detained Wednesday on criminal charges related to his public criticism of the invasion of Ukraine, media outlets reported.

Ex-Yekaterinburg mayor Roizman said he was being charged under legislation that forbids the "discreditation" of the Russian Armed Forces. If found guilty, he faces up to five years in prison.


ETA- yes, America and the West have issues. No, Russia is not representing Christianity in any way. I just read the first paragraph to my wife. My Russian wife. And she's laughing at how gullible Americans are.

Tell that to Canadian truckers who had the fortunes seized/banks accounts locked (to this day).

Yeah. Free speech is alive and well, yo.

Bravo Sierra.
"Its not Fascism when *WE* do it!" -American Establishment's Flufferboys
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 5:58:01 PM EDT
with Russia representing what is left of Christian Europe
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Russia, Orthodox Russia, part of Christian Europe?
Eastern Orthodoxy as the protector of Christianity? Claiming that or that the Russian Eastern Orthodox church is even a valid branch of Christianity instead of it just being a puppet of first the Czars and now the Russian state is a bad historical take.

Link Posted: 8/25/2022 5:59:28 PM EDT
F’ing Russians tried to kill Christendom for a century. Screw this clown.

Link Posted: 8/25/2022 6:00:55 PM EDT
In before I'm called a bot or shill!

Matt Bracken posted this today on Gab and, after reading it, I thought it was important for arfcom to get another take on a very touchy subject.

TLDR: GTFO. It's a pretty damn important topic and folks need to understand much of what brought us to where we are today.

The Conflict Between Russia and The West is a Religious One

by Emmet Sweeney for the Saker blog

The war currently underway in Ukraine, which pits Ukraine as a proxy for the collective West against Russia, is primarily an ideological or religious one, with Russia representing what is left of Christian Europe, and “the West” representing a totalitarian ideology that abhors religion in general and Christianity in particular. This statement may sound strange, given the fact that some Westerners – though fewer every day – still see “the West,” (basically Europe and North America) as Christian, and Russia as Communist, or crypto-Communist. But this is no longer the case, and has not been for some considerable time. In fact, the thirty years that have passed since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Soviet Union, has seen a complete reversal of roles; the collective West is now a totalitarian and aggressively anti-religious power-block that seeks to export its anti-Christian and anti-human ideology onto the rest of the world. And Russia is loathed by the West’s ruling elite precisely because it has resisted this process and moreover has gone in the opposite direction: having once been an active proponent of “scientific materialism” and atheism, Russia has reverted to its Orthodox Christian roots and has rolled back the more pernicious policies and attitudes of the Soviet era.

In order to demonstrate the truth of this, we need to look at the history of Russia and its interaction with the West since the early 1990s.

By 1991, when the Soviet Union was officially abolished, it was clear that the West had won the Cold War. Russia itself, under its new president Boris Yeltsin, openly proclaimed the end of all hostilities. Russia’s satellites in Eastern Europe were permitted to go their own way, and autonomous republics within the Soviet Union were allowed to declare themselves independent countries. The old Soviet system of state ownership was officially abolished, and almost everything was privatized. The press and media in general were freed of all censorship and could now say whatever they wanted. Russia under Yeltsin reached out the hand of friendship to the West – a gesture that was not reciprocated and ultimately snubbed by the West...

Continues at link
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Soldier, you lack critical thinking skills
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 6:01:17 PM EDT
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The UK has thousands upon thousands of people a year who are jailed over "speech crimes".
Joe Biden, and the entire DNC, openly talks about how America needs the same restrictions on free speech.

If the election were "more fortified" and we lost both houses in 2020..... you'd see people going to jail right now for spreading "misinformation".

The difference is, we excuse the totalitarian aspects of our own government.

When the Russians demand businesses shutdown speech critical of the regime... we call that totalitarianism. When the US Government does it, its just "Oh but they're a private business, so its OK!"

Sure, America isn't as bad as Russia... but the DNC and many Neo-Con subhumans desperately want it to be.
If the Neo-Libs and Neo-Cons had their way... you'd be jailed for criticizing our involvement in Ukraine or criticizing Mask mandates or Vax mandates.
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The fact you can sit here and call your own country totalitarian and authoritarian says he's wrong. You are still free to practice whatever religion you want.

Totalitarian regimes arrest people for speaking out against them. Like this.


Yevgeny Roizman, a former opposition mayor of one of Russia's largest cities, was detained Wednesday on criminal charges related to his public criticism of the invasion of Ukraine, media outlets reported.

Ex-Yekaterinburg mayor Roizman said he was being charged under legislation that forbids the "discreditation" of the Russian Armed Forces. If found guilty, he faces up to five years in prison.


ETA- yes, America and the West have issues. No, Russia is not representing Christianity in any way. I just read the first paragraph to my wife. My Russian wife. And she's laughing at how gullible Americans are.
The UK has thousands upon thousands of people a year who are jailed over "speech crimes".
Joe Biden, and the entire DNC, openly talks about how America needs the same restrictions on free speech.

If the election were "more fortified" and we lost both houses in 2020..... you'd see people going to jail right now for spreading "misinformation".

The difference is, we excuse the totalitarian aspects of our own government.

When the Russians demand businesses shutdown speech critical of the regime... we call that totalitarianism. When the US Government does it, its just "Oh but they're a private business, so its OK!"

Sure, America isn't as bad as Russia... but the DNC and many Neo-Con subhumans desperately want it to be.
If the Neo-Libs and Neo-Cons had their way... you'd be jailed for criticizing our involvement in Ukraine or criticizing Mask mandates or Vax mandates.

Its not even the same ballpark. I disagree with those things when they happen, but it's not. Even. Close. To the totalitarianism in Russia now.

Go protest down at city hall and let me know how it goes from your nice comfy chair later.  

You guys have lost your damn minds.

Link Posted: 8/25/2022 6:04:40 PM EDT
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I went and looked it up, I must have misunderstood my orthodox buddy. The pope is aiming for full communion but it’s unclear if it will ever happen.
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Soviet = Communist = Government is God.

Marx was an anthiest.

The Russian Empire (Pre-1917) always saw itself as the defender of the Orthodox faith. Go read up on the schism that devided the Church and the Eastern and Western Roman Empire.

The Soviets/Communists failed to squash the Orthodox Church with their ~80 year reign of terror.

Go to an Orthodox service then an American Methodist Service. Then tell me "we're all Christians". One is a religious service the other a feel good jam band with door prizes and fundraising.

At the core you can see cultural and religionus beliefs and how they blend.

"Modern Christian", you're absolved of all sin as long as you live a happy loving life. Be kind and you'll go to heaven!

Islam - you must reject the satanists temptations  and convert the infidels to find salvation.

Orthodox - you must suffer like Jesus - fast, sacrifice and face many hardships, to find salvation.

The Catholic and Orthodox churches are in full communion.

You've managed to out-derp the OP. That's... impressive.

I went and looked it up, I must have misunderstood my orthodox buddy. The pope is aiming for full communion but it’s unclear if it will ever happen.

The Orthodox Churches can't even get an ecumenical council together, haven't been able to since the whole 1054 thing. Their last attempt a few years back was a mess. That's why the Orthodoxy outside of its traditional borders is such a convoluted mess.

Even if they could pull a council off, they would likely universally reject the idea of even discussing Communion with Rome.

It's not really Rome that is preventing serious dialog toward reconciliation, and the animosity started hundreds of years before the formal schism (where each faction excommunicated the other, literally the definition of the schism).
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 6:06:53 PM EDT
I’m not sure how he’s demonstrating that Russia is religious now, or different from the godless communism or yore
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 6:09:26 PM EDT
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Laughable.  Russia is a Communist country mascarading as a gas station.  And yes, Russia still has Lenin on display in his Masoleum in Moscow, and there are moves in the Russian Orthodox Church to canonize Lenin and Stalin as saints. BTW the Russian Orthodox Church was penetrated by the KGB, and is still FSB run.  Also Putin said that Communism is compatible with Christanity.
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We still have monuments to George Washington and other slave owners!! Reeeee.

Russia is not fucking communist. Bitch all you want about them being Gopnicks and Facists, but Communists they are not.

Link Posted: 8/25/2022 6:28:21 PM EDT
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And Russia has restored Soviet monuments and has people in occupied territories singing the Soviet Anthem and flying Soviet flags.
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 6:38:03 PM EDT
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I am actually rereading the bible or i guess kind of actually reading it for myself the first time.
I have made it through that book and I don't think the Israelites conquest of the promised land is necessarily in keeping with the teachings of Jesus and is very different contextually.

Has Putin gotten a command from God and the Russians are the chosen people?

You do have somewhat of a point in that war has been a large part of Christianity but I don't think that was what Jesus was teaching.
Jesus didn't ostracize and join in the stoning of harlots he helped stay the hands of those who would.

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Go back and read Genesis. Esau and Jacob.
Etymology of Russia is Rus, which means red. Esau was red and he migrated north. The reason the Covenant was so very important. Take it for what it’s worth, but Russia as a whole hates God.
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 6:42:00 PM EDT
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Tell that to Canadian truckers who had the fortunes seized/banks accounts locked (to this day).

Yeah. Free speech is alive and well, yo.

Bravo Sierra.
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The fact you can sit here and call your own country totalitarian and authoritarian says he's wrong. You are still free to practice whatever religion you want.

Totalitarian regimes arrest people for speaking out against them. Like this.


Yevgeny Roizman, a former opposition mayor of one of Russia’s largest cities, was detained Wednesday on criminal charges related to his public criticism of the invasion of Ukraine, media outlets reported.

Ex-Yekaterinburg mayor Roizman said he was being charged under legislation that forbids the "discreditation" of the Russian Armed Forces. If found guilty, he faces up to five years in prison.


ETA- yes, America and the West have issues. No, Russia is not representing Christianity in any way. I just read the first paragraph to my wife. My Russian wife. And she's laughing at how gullible Americans are.

Tell that to Canadian truckers who had the fortunes seized/banks accounts locked (to this day).

Yeah. Free speech is alive and well, yo.

Bravo Sierra.

The west isn’t full on totalitarian but it is moving that war faster than I expected.
Link Posted: 8/25/2022 6:49:51 PM EDT
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The Catholic and Orthodox churches are in full communion.
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Soviet = Communist = Government is God.

Marx was an anthiest.

The Russian Empire (Pre-1917) always saw itself as the defender of the Orthodox faith. Go read up on the schism that devided the Church and the Eastern and Western Roman Empire.

The Soviets/Communists failed to squash the Orthodox Church with their ~80 year reign of terror.

Go to an Orthodox service then an American Methodist Service. Then tell me "we're all Christians". One is a religious service the other a feel good jam band with door prizes and fundraising.

At the core you can see cultural and religionus beliefs and how they blend.

"Modern Christian", you're absolved of all sin as long as you live a happy loving life. Be kind and you'll go to heaven!

Islam - you must reject the satanists temptations  and convert the infidels to find salvation.

Orthodox - you must suffer like Jesus - fast, sacrifice and face many hardships, to find salvation.

The Catholic and Orthodox churches are in full communion.

They are both run by fuckwits that likely don’t believe in god at this point.
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